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Strong [Cm]London Grammar

Intro Cm Bb F F

ExCmcuse me for a while... while I’m Bbwide-eyed and I’m so damn caught
In the Fmiddle
I exCmcused you for a while... while I’m Bbwide-eyed and I’m so damn caught
In the Fmiddle
And a Cmli-i-i-ion... a Bbli-i-i-ion... roars
Would Fyou not listen
If a Cmchi-i-i-ild... a Bbchi-i-i-ild cries
Would Fyou not forgive them

Yeah I Ebmight seem so strong... yeah I Bbmight speak so long
I’ve never Fbeen so wrong
Yeah I Ebmight seem so strong... yeah I Bbmight speak so long
I’ve never Fbeen so wrong

ExCmcuse me for a while... turn a Bbblind eye with a stare caught right
In the Fmiddle
Have you Cmwondered for a while... I have a Bbfeeling deep down you’re caught
In the Fmiddle
If a Cmli-i-i-ion... and a Bbli-i-i-ion... roars
And would Fyou not listen
If a Cmchi-i-i-ild... a Bbchi-i-i-ild cries
Would Fyou not give them

Yeah I Ebmight seem so strong... yeah I Bbmight speak so long
I’ve never Fbeen so wrong
Yeah I Ebmight seem so strong... yeah I Bbmight speak so long
I’ve never Fbeen so wrong

ExCmcuse me for a while... while I’m Bbwide-eyed and I’m so damn caught
In the Fmiddle
Have you Cmwondered for a while... I have a Bbfeeling deep down I’m caught
In the Fmiddle

Yeah I Ebmight seem so strong... yeah I Bbmight speak so long
I’ve never Fbeen so wrong
Yeah I Ebmight seem so strong... yeah I Bbmight speak so long
I’ve never Fbeen so wrong

CmOo-ooh... Bboo-ooh... Fooooh F CmOo-ooh... Bboo-ooh... Fooooh F

1 1 1 Cm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 1 1 Eb