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Sympathy For the Devil [G]The Rolling Stones

G F C Gsus4

Verse 1
G* Please allow me to intro-F* duce myself
I'm a C* man of wealth and G* taste Gsus4 G
G* I've been around for a F* long, long year
Stolen C* many a man's soul and G* faith Gsus4 G
GI was around when FJesus Christ had His Cmoment of doubt and Gpain Gsus4
G Made damn sure that FPilate Washed his Chands and sealed his Gfate Gsus4G

Chorus 1
DPleased to meet you, Dsus4 D hope you guess my Gname Gsus4
G But what's Dpuzzling you, Dsus4 D is the nature of my Ggame Gsus4 G

Verse 2
GI stuck around St. FPetersburg When I Csaw it was time for a Gchange
I killed the Tzar and his Fministers Anas-Ctasia screamed in Gvain
I rode a tank, held a Fgen'ral's rank When the Cblitzkrieg raged and the Gbodies stank

Chorus 2
DPleased to meet you, hope you Cguess my Gname
Ah what's Dpuzzling you, is the nature of my Ggame

Verse 3
GI watched with glee while your Fkings and queens
Fought for Cten decades for the Ggods they made
I shouted out "Who killed the FKennedys?" When Cafter all it was Gyou and me
GLet me please intro Fduce myself I am a Cman of wealth and Gtaste
And I lay traps for Ftroubadours Who get Ckilled before they reach Bom-Gbay

Chorus 2
DPleased to meet you, hope you Cguess my Gname
Ah what's Dpuzzling you, is the nature of my Ggame


Chorus 3
DPleased to meet you, hope you Cguess my Gname
But what's Dconfusing you, is the nature of my Ggame

Verse 4
GJust as every cop is a Fcriminal And Call the sinners Gsaints
As heads is tails, just call me FLucifer 'Cause I'm in Cneed of some re-Gstraint
GSo if you meet me, have some Fcourtesy Have some Csympathy and some Gtaste
Use all your well-learned Fpolitesse Or I'll Clay your soul to Gwaste

Chorus 3
DPleased to meet you, hope you Cguess my Gname
But what's Dconfusing you, is the nature of my Ggame


1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 1 1 D 1 2 Dsus4