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Female of the Species [D]Space

intro D Gm D D x2

A Dthousand thunderingGm thrills await me
DFacing insurmountableGm odds gratefully
TheD female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6
DShock shock horror horror!Gm Shock shock horror!
DI'll shout myself hoarse for yourGm supernatural force
DThe female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6

Oh sheEb deals inC witchcraft
And oneEb kiss andC I'm zapped
OhBb how can heaven hold a place forDm7 me
When aBb girl like you has cast her spell onDm7 me x2

DFrankenstein and Dracula haveGm nothing on you
DJekyll and Hyde to the back of theGm queue
DThe female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6
DOh she wants to conquer the worldGm completely
DBut first she'll conquer meGm discreetly
DThe female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6

OhEb she deals inC witchcraft
AndEb one kiss andC I'm zapped
OhBb how can heaven hold a place forDm7 me
When aBb girl like you has cast her spell onDm7 me x3

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 1 D6 1 1 1 Eb 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 4 Dm7