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The Ballad of Freda And Barry [F]Victoria Wood

FFreda and Barry sat one night

DmThe sky was clear, the stars were bright

Gm7The wind was C7soft, Amthe moon was Dup

Gm7Freda drained her Ccocoa C7cup.

FShe licked her lips she felt sublime!

DmShe switched off Gardener's Question Time

Gm7Barry C7Cringed Amin fear and Ddread
Gm7As Freda Grabbed his Ctie and C7said

FLet's do it,let's do it, Cdo it while the mood C7is right!
C7I'm feeling, appealing,
I've F really got an F7appetite.
BbI'm on fire with desire
FI could handle half the tenors in a D7male voice choir.
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

But he said
FI can't do it, I can't do it,
I Cdon't believe in too much C7sex
C7This fashion For passion
FTurns us into nervous F7wrecks.
BbNo derision, My decision
FI'd rather watch the Spinners on the D7television.
G7I can't do it, CI can't do it Ftonight.C7

So she said
FLet's do it,let's do it, Cdo it til our hearts go C7 boom
C7Go native be creative
FLiving in the living  F7 room
BbThis folly, this jolly
FBend me over backwards on the D7hostess trolley
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

But he said
FI can't do it, I can't do it,
Me C‘eavy breathing days ave C7gone
C7I’m older, I feel colder
FIts t’other things that turn me F7 on
BbI’m imploring, I’m boring
FLet me read this catalogue on  D7 vinyl flooring
G7I can't do it, CI can't do it Ftonight.C7

So she said
FLet's do it,let's do it, C have a crazy night of  C7 love
C7 I’ll strip bare, I’ll just wear
FStilettos and an oven  F7 glove
BbDont starve a girl of a palava
F Dangle from the wardrobe in your D7 balaclava
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

FI can't do it, I can't do it,
I Cknow I’d only get it  C7wrong
C7Dont angle for me to dangle
Fme arms ave never been that F7 strong
BbStop pouting, stop shouting
FYou know I pulled a muscle when I did that D7grouting
G7I can't do it, CI can't do it Ftonight.C7

FLet's do it,let's do it, C share a night of wild C7 romance
C7 Frenetic, poetic
FThis could be your last big  F7 chance
BbTo quote Milton, to eat Stilton
F To roll in gay abandon on the tufted D7 Wilton
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

FI can't do it, I can't do it,
I’ve Cgot other little jobs on  C7hand
C7Dont grouse, around the house
FI’ve got a busy evening F7 planned
BbStop nagging, I’m flagging
FYou know as well as I do that the pipes want  D7lagging
G7I can't do it, CI can't do it Ftonight.C7

FLet's do it,let's do it, C while I’m really in the  C7 mood
C7 Three cheers, it’s years
FSince I caught you even semi  F7 nude
Bbbe drastic, gymnastic
F Wear your baggy Y-fronts with the loose D7 elastic
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

FI can't do it, I can't do it,
I Cmust refuse to get C7undressed
C7 I feel silly, it’s too chilly
FTo go without me thermal F7 vest
BbDont choose me, don’t use me
FMe mother sent a note to say you must D7 excuse me
G7I can't do it, CI can't do it Ftonight.C7

FLet's do it,let's do it, C I feel i absolutely  C7must
C7I wont exempt you, want to tempt you
F I want to drive you mad with  F7lust
Bbno cautions, just contortions
FSmear an avocado on my D7lower portions
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

FI can't do it, I can't do it,
It’s Creally not my cup of C7tea
C7 I feel har- rassed, embarassed
FI wish you hadn’t picked on F7 me
BbNo dramas, in my Pyjamas
FThe only girl I’m mad about is D7 Judith chalmers
G7I can't do it, CI can't do it Ftonight.C7

FLet's do it,let's do it, C I really want to run C7 amok
C7 Lets wiggle, lets jiggle
F lets really make the rafters F7 rock
Bbbe mighty, be flighty
F Come and melt the buttons on my flameproof D7 nightie
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!C7

FLet's do it,let's do it, C I really want to rant and C7 rave
C7 Lets go, cos I know
F just how I want you to F7 behave
Bbnot bleakly, not meekly
F Beat me on the bottom with my woman’sD7 weekly
G7Let's do it, Clet's do it Ftonight!D7

G7Let's do it, C7let's do it Ftonight!D7
G7Let's do it, C7let's do it Ftonight


1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 2 Gm7 1 C7 2 Am 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 4 F7 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 C6