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Song For Ireland  by  Mary Black [C]

CWalking all the Gday
Near Ftall Ctowers where Ffalcons Gbuild their Cnests
Silver-winged they Gfly
They Dmknow the Amcall of  Ffreedom Gin their Cbreasts
FSaw Black Head Gagainst Gthe sky
With Ctwisted Amrocks they Crun down Fto the Gsea

FLiving Gon your Cwestern Amshore, saw summer Csunsets, Fasked for Gmore
I Fstood by Gyour AtClantic GSea, - and Dmsang a Amsong for FI-Gre-Cland

CTalking all the Gday
With Ftrue Cfriends who Ftry toG make youC stay
Telling jokes and Gnews
SDminging Amsongs toF pass theG night Caway
FWatched the Galway GsalmGon run
Like Csilver Amdancing, CdartingF in theG sun

FLiving Gon your CwesternAm shore, saw summerC sunsets,F asked forG more
I Fstood by Gyour AtClantic GSea, - and Dmsang a Amsong for FI-Gre-Cland

CDrinking all the Gday
In Fold Cpubs where fFiddlers Glove to Cplay
Someone touched the Gbow
He Dmplayed a Amreel which Fseemed so Ggrand and Cgay
FStood on Dingle GBeach andG cast
In Cwild Amfoam we Cfound AtFlantic Gbass

FLiving Gon your CwesternAm shore, saw summerC sunsets,F asked forG more
I Fstood by Gyour AtClantic GSea, - and Dmsang a Amsong for FI-Gre-Cland

CDreaming in the Gnight
I Fsaw a Cland where Fno one Ghad to Cfight
Waking in your Gdawn
I Dmsaw you Amcrying Fin the mGorning lCight
FLying where the Gfalcons Gfly
They Ctwist and Amturn all Cin your Fair-blueG sky

FLiving Gon your CwesternAm shore, saw summerC sunsets,F asked forG more
I Fstood by Gyour AtClantic GSea, - and DmI sang a Amsong for FI-Gre-Cland

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am