Dm Em F
F Em Dm C
C Dm Em Dm
Repeat X2
C Sometimes Dmin Emour Flives,
F We Emall Dmhave Cpain, we Dmall Emhave sor-Dmrow.
C But, if Dmwe Emare Fwise,
F We Emknow Dmthat Cthere's, Dma -Emlways to-Gmor-Crow.
C Lean on me, when Dmyou're Emnot Fstrong,
And FI'll Embe Dmyour Cfriend; I'll Dmhelp Emyou carry Dmon.
C For it Dmwon't Embe Flong, 'till FI'm Emgon-Dmna Cneed,
Some-Dmbody Emto Glean Con.
C Please, swal-Dmlow Emyour Fpride,
F If EmI Dmhave Cthings, you Dmneed Emto bor-Dmrow.
C For, no Dmone Emcan Ffill, Fthose Emof Dmyour Cneeds,
That Dmyou Emdon't Glet Cshow.
C -no further chords-
So, just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody, to lean on.
I just might have a problem, that you'd understand
We all need somebody, to Glean Con.
C Lean on me, when Dmyou're Emnot Fstrong,
And FI'll Embe Dmyour Cfriend; I'll Dmhelp Emyou carry Dmon.
C For it Dmwon't Embe Flong, 'till FI'm Emgon-Dmna Cneed,
Some-Dmbody Emto Glean Con.
C -no further chords-
So, just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody, to lean on.
I just might have a problem, that you'd understand;
We all need somebody, to Glean Con.
C If, there Dmis Ema Fload, Fyou Emhave Dmto Cbear,
That Dmyou Emcan't car-Dmry.
C I'm right Dmup Emthe Froad; FI'll Emshare Dmyour Cload,
If Dmyou Emjust Gcall Cme.
Dm C -Dm-
-Call me-, if you need a friend,
Dm -Call Cme-, call me,
Dm C -Dm-
-Call me-, if you need a friend,
Dm -Call Cme-, call me.
Dm -Call Cme-, call me,
Dm -Call Cme-, call me,