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Give a little love [C]Bay City Rollers

It's a Cteenage Amdream to be DmsevenGteen
And to Efind you're Amall wrapped up in Glove in FloveG
And I Cfound that Amyou made a Dmdream come Gtrue
Now I Edo beAmlieve in what they GsayFG
GYou've got to

CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know what to Gdo
CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know, Gwhat to FdoC

And when I Cwalk with Amyou there is Dmjust we Gtwo
And the Eworld goes Amby but I just don't GcareFG
*Spoken* And I Cknow one Amday that I'll Dmfind the Gway
To be Esafe and Amsound within your GheartFG
*Singing* G So until I do I'm gonna

CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know what to Gdo
CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know, Gwhat to FdoC

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 E 1 2 F 1 1 1 D