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A Woman's Heart [C]Mary Black

C G Am F

C My heart is G low, my Am  heart is so F low
As C only a G woman's heart canAm beF
As C only a G woman's, asAm only a F woman's
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw

CThe tears that Gdrip
From Am my bewildered F eyes
CTaste of G bitter sweet ro-AmmanceF
CYou're still in my Ghopes
AmYou're still on my Fmind, ohC
And even thGough I manage Amon my ownF

C My heart is G low, my Am  heart is so F low
As C only a G woman's heart canAm beF
As C only a G woman's, asAm only a F woman's
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw

CWhen restless Geyes
Re-Amveal my troubled Fsoul
CAnd memories Gflood my weary AmheartF
CI mourn for my Gdreams
AmI mourn for my Fwasted loveC
And while I Gknow that I'll sur-Amvive aloneF

C My heart is G low, my Am  heart is so F low
As C only a G woman's heart canAm beF
As C only a G woman's, asAm only a F woman's
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F