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Dirty Old Town* [C]Ewan McColl

G* AM* G* / C / C / Csus7 / C / C / Dm / Am

HUM I met my Clove... by the gas F works C croft
Dreamed a F dream... by the old caCnal
I F kissed my C girl... by the F factory Cwall
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown

NC I met my Clove... by the gas F works C croft
Dreamed a F dream... by the old caCnal
I F kissed my C girl... by the F factory Cwall
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown

Clouds are Cdri-i-ifting a-F-cross the C moon
Cats are Fpro-o-owling on their Cbeat
F Springs a Cgirl... from the F streets at Cnight
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown

I heard a Csiren... coming F from the C docks
Saw a Ftrain... set the night on Cfire
I F smelled the C spring... on the F smokey Cwind
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown

I'm gonna Cmake me... a F big sharp C axe
Shining Fsteel... tempered in a Cfire
I’ll F chop you Cdown... like an F old dead Ctree
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown

NC I met my Clove... by the gas F works C croft
Dreamed a F dream... by the old caCnal
I F kissed my C girl... by the F factory Cwall
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Amtown
Dirty old Dmtown... dirty old Am*town

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am × × × × NC