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Come On Eileen [C]Dexys Midnight Runners

Verse 1
C Poor old Johnny Em Ray
F They said upon the radio, of a C million hearts in G mono
C Our mothers Em cried
F Sang along, who'd blame them C doo doo doo G doooo
C You're grown you're grown up, Em so grown so grown up
F Now I must say more than ever C doo doo doo G dooo
C Toora-loora- Em toora-loo-rye- F aaaaay
And we C sing just like our G fathers

1st Intrumental  G G

D Come on Eileen oh, I F#m swear well he means
At this Em moment.... you mean G every- A thing
D You in that dress, myyy F#m thoughts I confess
Verge on Em dirty... ah come G on A Eileeeen

2nd Instrumental A7 A7

C These people round Em here
F Sunken smoke-dried faces, so re- C signed to what their G fate is
C Not us no never, Em not us no never
F We are far too young and clever C Doo Doo Doo G Dooo remember
C Toora-loora- Em toora-loo-rye- F aaaay
I'll C hum this tune for- G ever

1st Instrumental G G

D Come on Eileen oh, I F#m swear what he means
Ah come Em on let's.... take off G every- A thing
D Pretty red dress, Eiiii- F#m leen tell him yes
Ah come Em on let's.... ah come G on Ei- A leen, D* pleeease

Bass drum thump!!

*getting gradually faster
D Come on.... Eileen too-loo rye- F#m aayy
Come on...... Eileen too-loo rye- G aayy
Toora... toora-ta-loora
D Ohhh Eiii- A leen

Said, D come on Eileen....Eileen  too-loo rye-F#m ayy
Come on.... Eileen  too-loo rye- G aayy
D Things round here have A changed
Faster I said D Toooo - raaa - loooo - raaa F#m toooo - raaa - loooo-rye- G aaaaayy

Strum fast D///// A/////

Chorus - Normal strum
D Come on Eileen oh, I F#m swear what he means
At this Em moment......you mean G every- A thing
D You in that dress.... myyyyy F#m thoughts I confess
Verge on Em dirty......ah come G on A Eileeeen


3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 A 1 A7