Will You Still Bite me Tomorrow?
Shirelles / BUJ Songwriters
Verse 1:
[C] Tonight you’re [Am] mine com[F]pletely [G]
[C] You give your [Am] blood so sweet[G]ly
To[Em]night the light is [Am] ok to be outside
[F] But will you [G] bite me to[C]morrow?
Verse 2:
[C] Is this a [Am] lasting [F] treasure [G]?
[C] Or just a [Am] moment’s plea[G]sure?
Can [Em] I believe the [Am] magic of your sighs?
[F] Will you still [G] bite me to[C]morrow?
[F] Tonight with words un[Em]spoken
[F] You said that I’m the only [C] one
[F] But will my heart be [Em] broken
When the [F] night meets the [D7] morning [F] sun? [G]
Verse 3:
[C] I’d like to [Am] know that [F] your blood [G]
[C] Is a bite I [Am] can be [G] sure of
So [Em] tell me now and [Am] I won’t ask again
[F] Will you still [G] bite me to[C]morrow? [C7]
[F] Will you still [G] bite me to[C]morrow? [C7]
[F] Will you still [G] bite me to[C]morrow?
Will You Still Bite me Tomorrow? [C]Shirelles / BUJ Songwriters
Intro CCCC
Verse 1 C Tonight you’re Am mine comFpletely G C You give your Am blood so sweetGly ToEmnight the light is Am ok to be outside F But will you G bite me toCmorrow?
Verse 2 C Is this a Am lasting F treasure G? C Or just a Am moment’s pleaGsure? Can Em I believe the Am magic of your sighs? F Will you still G bite me toCmorrow?
Bridge F Tonight with words unEmspoken F You said that I’m the only C one F But will my heart be Em broken When the F night meets the D7 morning F sun? G
Verse 3 C I’d like to Am know that F your blood G C Is a bite I Am can be G sure of So Em tell me now and Am I won’t ask again F Will you still G bite me toCmorrow? C7 F Will you still G bite me toCmorrow? C7 Slowing F Will you still G bite me toCmorrow?