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Country House [G]Blur

Intro - same as first four lines of verse
G D Am Am C Bm B7 B7

GCity dweller, successDful fella
AmThought to himself, oops, I’ve got a lot of money
CCaught in a Bmrat race terminal-lyB7
I'm a proGfessional cynic but my Dheart’s not in it
I'm Ampaying the price of living life at the limit
CCaught up in the Bmcenturies anxietyB7

Yes, it Dpreys on him, he’s D7getting thin so simple

Now he Glives in a house, a very big house in the Dcountry
Watching Cafternoon repeats And the food he eats in the Gcountry
He takes all Gmanner of pills And piles up analyst bills in the Dcountry
Oh, it’s like an Canimal farm Lots of rural charm in the Gcountry pause

He’s got Gmorning glory, and Dlife’s a different story
AmEverything’s going Jackanory
CIn touch with his Bmown mortalityB7
He’s Greading Balzac and Dknocking back Prozac
It’s a Amhelping hand that makes you feel wonderfully
CBland, oh, it’s the centuBmries remedyB7
For the Dfaint at heart, a D7new start so simple

He Glives in a house, a very big house in the Dcountry
He’s got a Cfog in his chest
So he needs a lot of rest in the Gcountry
He doesn’t Gdrink, smoke, laugh
He takes herbal baths in the Dcountry
Yes you’ll Ccome to no harm... on the animal farm in the Gcountry
DIn the country... in the country... in the country!

instrumental - same as verse
G D Am Am C Bm B7 x2

slower – single strums
GBlow... blow me Dout I am so Csad I don’t know Gwhy
GBlow... blow me Dout I am so Csad I don’t know Gwhy

Ohhh he Glives in a house, a very big house in the Dcountry
Watching Cafternoon repeats And the food he eats in the Gcountry
He takes all Gmanner of pills And piles up analyst bills in the Dcountry
Oh, it’s like an Canimal farm Lots of rural charm in the Gcountry

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 B7 1 2 D7