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GALLIPOLI * [C]The Furys

C Dm
C Bb Dm

I re-C-member the day, it stands Dmclear in my mind
We stood Gdown at Dunlaoire to Fwave you Cgoodbye
CYour ma was quietly weeping, there was a Dmtear in my eye
As theyG sent you to G7Gallipoli to Cdie

You looked so Cyoung as you stood there, a Dmglint in your eye
And you Gsang rebel songs as the Fstreamers flew Chigh
CYour ma turned away and DmI heard a sigh
God you're Gsailing to G7Gallipoli toC die

CYou were all that we had your Dmmammy and me
When you Gmarched head erect you were Fproud as could Cbe
And it Ckilled your poor Bbma and it slow-A-ly killed Dmme
When you were blown to kingGdom come on Fthe shores of GallipColi

We only Cgot the one letter and we Dmknew right away
It said Gdeepest regrets your son was Fbold and he was Cbrave
You were Conly eighteen yet your Dmmammy and I
Let you Ggo to G7Gallipoli to Cdie.

CYou were all that we had your Dmmammy and me
When you Gmarched head erect you were Fproud as could Cbe
And it Ckilled your poor Bbma and it slow-A-ly killed Dmme
When you were blown to kingGdom come on Fthe shores of GallipColi

You fought Cfor the wrong country, you died Dmfor the wrong cause
And your Gma often said, that it was FIreland's great Closs
All those Cfine young men who marched to foreign Dmshores to fight the wars
When the Ggreatest war of G7all was at Chome.

Chorus x2
CYou were all that we had your Dmmammy and me
When you Gmarched head erect you were Fproud as could Cbe
And it Ckilled your poor Bbma and it slow-A-ly killed Dmme
When you were blown to kingGdom come on Fthe shores of GallipColi

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G7 1 2 A