The Sally Gardens (Maggie)
Down [D] by the [A] Salley [G] Gar–[D]dens
My [G] love and [A] I did [D] meet [D]
She [D] passed the [A] Sally [G] Gar–[D] dens
With [G] little [A] snow-white [D] feet [D]
She [G] bid me [G] take love [A] ea–[D]sy
As the [G] leaves grow [A] on the [D] tree [D]
But [D] I was [A] young and [G] fool–[D]ish
With [G] her did [A] not a–[D]gree [D]
In a [D] field down [A] by the [G] ri–[D]ver
My [G] love and [A] I did [D] stand [D]
And [D] on my [A] leaning [G] shoul–[D]der
She [G] laid her [A] snow-white [D] hand [D]
She [G] bid me [G] take life [A] ea–[D]sy
As the [G] grass grows [A] on the [D] weirs [D]
But [D] I was [A] young and [G] foo–[D]lish
And [G] now am [A] full of [D] tears
Down D by the A Salley G Gar–Ddens
My G love and A I did D meet D
She D passed the A Sally G Gar–D dens
With G little A snow-white D feet D
She G bid me G take love A ea–Dsy
As the G leaves grow A on the D tree D
But D I was A young and G fool–Dish
With G her did A not a–Dgree D
In a D field down A by the G ri–Dver
My G love and A I did D stand D
And D on my A leaning G shoul–Dder
She G laid her A snow-white D hand D
She G bid me G take life A ea–Dsy
As the G grass grows A on the D weirs D
But D I was A young and G foo–Dlish
And G now am A full of D tears