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Don’t Think Twice [F]Bob Dylan

Intro F

F It ain’t no use to C sit and wonder Dm why, babe
Bb It don’t matter, anyFhow. C
F And it ain’t no use to C sit and wonder Dm why, babe
G7 If you don’t know by C now. C7
F When your rooster crows at the F7 break of dawn
Bb Look out your window and G7 I’ll be gone
F You’re the C reason I’m Dm trav’lin’ Bb on
F Don’t think C twice, it’s all F right. C

F It ain’t no use in C turnin’ on your Dm light, babe
Bb A light I never F knowed C
F An’ it ain’t no use in C turnin’ on your Dm light, babe
G7 I’m on the dark side of the C road C7
F But I wish there was somethin’ you would F7 do or say
Bb To try and make me change my G7 mind and stay
F We never C did too much Dm talkin’ anyBb way
F So don’t think C twice, its all F right. C

F So it ain’t no use in C callin’ out my Dm name, gal
Bb Like you never did beFfore C
F It ain’t no use in C callin’ out my Dm name, gal
G7 I can’t hear you anyC more C7
F I’m a-thinkin’ and a-wond’rin’ walking F7 down the road
Bb I once loved a woman, a G7 child I’m told
F I gave her my C heart but she Dm wanted my Bb soul
F But don’t think C twice, it’s all F right D

key change

G So long D honey Em babe
C Where I’m bound, I can’t D tell
G But goodbye is D too good a Em word, gal
A7 So I’ll just say fare thee D well D7
G I ain’t sayin’ you treated G7 me unkind
C You could have done better but A7 I don’t mind
G You just D kinda wasted Em my precious C time
G Don’t think D twice, it’s all G right
G Don’t think D twice, it’s all G right D
G Don’t think D twice, it’s all C right G

1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 3 4 F7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 A7 1 2 D7