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For Ever and Ever Amen [D]Randy Travis

DYou may think that GI'm talking Dfoolish
You've Gheard that I'm wild & I'm Dfree
You Gmay wonder how I can Dpromise you now
This lEove that I'm feeling for youA always will be
DYou're not this Gtime that I'm kDilling
I'm Gno longer one of those gDuys
As sGure as I live this lDove that I give
Is gEonna be yours till the Aday that I die  --  Oh baby

DI'm gonna lGove you Dforever, Gforever & ever Damen
As Glong as old men sit & tDalk about the weather
As Elong as old women sit & Atalk about old men
If you wDonder how lGong I'll be fDaithfull
I'll be hGappy to tell you Dagain
GI'm gonna lAove you forDever & eGver, fEorever & Aever DAmen

They say that time takes it's tGoll on a bDody
Makes the yGoung girls brown hair turn gDrey
But hGoney, I don't care, I'm not in Dlove with your hair
And if it Eall fell out well I'd lAove you anyway
They say that tDime can play trGicks on a meGmory
And peGople forget things that they kDnew
But it's Geasy to Asee it's haDppening to me
I've alEready forgotten every wAoman but you
Oh babyD

Just lGisten to Ahow this song Dends
GI'm gonna Alove you forDever & eGver fEorever A& ever
BmForever & Gever EForever & Aever AmDen

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 E 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm