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Raglan Road [C]LUKE KELLY


On CRaglan Road on an autumn Fday
I Csaw her Ffirst and Cknew
That Fher dark hair would Cweave a snare,
that I might Amone day G rue
I Fsaw the danger Cand I passed,
along the en-Am-chanted Gway,
and I Csaid, Let grief, be a fallen Fleaf
at the Cdawning Fof the Cday'

On CGrafton Street in NovemFber,
we tripped Clightly aFlong the Cledge
Of a Fdeep ravine, where Ccan be seen,
the true worth of Ampassion's Gpledge
The FQueen of Hearts, still Cmaking tarts,
and I not Ammaking Ghay
Oh, I Cloved too much and by such,
by Fsuch, is Chappiness Fthrown aCway

I Cgave her gifts of the Fmind,
I Cgave her the Fsecret Csigns
That's Fknown to the artists Cwho have known,
the true gods of Amsound and Gstone
And the Fword and tint, with-C-out stint,
I gave her Ampoems to Gsay
With her Cown name there, and her own dark Fhair,
like Cclouds over Ffields of CMay

On a Cquiet street, where old ghosts Fmeet,
I Csee her Fwalking Cnow
AFway from me so Churriedly,
my reason Ammust al-G-low
That FI had loved, not Cas I should,
a creature Ammade of Gclay
When the Cangel woos the clay,
he'd F lose, his Cwings at the Fdawn of Cday

3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G