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Sunday Morning Coming Down * [C]Kris Krisofferson

Verse 1
Well I Cwoke up Sunday morning
with no Fway to hold my head, that didn't Churt
and the beer I had for breakfast
wasn't Ambad so I had one more for desGsert
Then I Cfumble through my closet for
my Fclothes and found my cleanest dirty CshirtCBAm
and I Fshaved my face and combed my hair
and Dmstumbled down the stairs to meet the Gday

I'd Csmoked my brain the night before
on Fcigarettes and songs that I've been Cpickin'
but I lit my first and watched a small kid
Amcussin' at a can that he was Gkicking
Then I Ccrossed the empty street and caught
the FSunday smell of someone fryin' CchickenCBAm
and it Ftook me back to Dmsomethin' that
I'd Flost somehow Gsomewhere along the Cway

On the Sunday mornin' Fsidewalks
wishing Lord that I was Cstoned
'cause there is something in a GSunday
that makes a body feel aClone

And there's nothin' short of Fdyin'
half as lonesome as the Csound
on the sleepin' city Gsidewalks
Sunday mornin' comin' Cdown

In the Cpark I saw a daddy with
a Flaughing little girl who he was Cswingin'
and I stopped beside a Sunday school
and Amlistened to the song that they were Gsingin'
Then I Cheaded back for home and
somewhere Ffar away a lonely bell was Cringin'CBAm
and it Fechoed thru the Dmcanyon like
the Fdisappearing Gdreams of yesterCday.

On the Sunday mornin' Fsidewalks
wishing Lord that I was Cstoned
'cause there is something in a GSunday
that makes a body feel aClone

And there's nothin' short of Fdyin'
half as lonesome as the Csound
on the sleepin' city Gsidewalks
Sunday mornin' comin' Cdown

Doo doo doo doo doo Fdoo doo..
Doo doo doo doo doo doo Cdoo..
Doo doo doo doo doo Gdoo doo..
Doo doo doo doo doo doo Cdoo...

3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 Dm