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Just Blew In From the Windy City [C]Doris Day(Webster & Fain)

Verse 1
C Just blew G in from the C windy G7 city
The Am windy city is Dm mighty pretty
But they G7 ain't got what E7 we Am got, no sirG7ee!

Verse 2
C They got G shacks up to C seven G7 stories
Am Never see any Dm mornin’ glories
But a G7 step from our E7 doorAmway
G7 We got 'em for C free!

Chorus 1
A They got bars, E7 op’ry stars
A They’ve got horses pullin’ E7 trolley cars
G Private lawns, Am public D7 parks
G For the F sake of Em ciDmvic virtue
C They've got Dm fountains Dm7 there that Bdim squirt you!

Verse 3
C Just blew G in from the C windy G7 city
The Am windy city is Dm mighty pretty
But they G7 ain't got what E7 we Am got, C7 I'm tellin' ya, F boys
We’ve Dm got more life in C Deadwood A7 City
Than in D7 all of G7 IlliCnois!

Verse 4
C Should-a G seen me a-C winder G7 shoppin'
Am Winder shoppin' with Dm eyes a-poppin'
At the G7 sights that you E7 see Am there, yes sirG7ee
C Press a G bell and a C moment G7 later
Am Up you go in an Dm elevator
Just as G7 fast as a E7 poleAmcat a-G7climbin' a C tree

Chorus 2
I A heard claim E7 hundreds came A to a thing they call a E7 baseball game
G Cigar stores, Am revolving D7 doors
G They got F new inEmventions Dm coming, C 'stead of Dm outdoor
Dm7 Indoor Bdim plumbing

Verse 5
C Just blew G in from the C windy G7 city
The Am windy city is Dm mighty pretty
But they G7 ain't got what E7 we Am got, I'm C7 tellin' ya, F boys
I Dm ain't a-swappin' C half of A7 Deadwood
For the D7 whole of G7 IlliCnois!

C - Double Strum

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 2 D7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 4 Dm7 Bdim 1 C7 1 A7