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Landslide [D]Fleetwood Mac/Dixie Chicks

Intro D A Bm A x2

D I took my Alove and I took it Bmdown A
D I climbed a Amountain and I turned aBmround A
And I Dsaw... my reAflection... in the Bmsnow... covered A hills
Till the Dlandslide Abrought me Bmdown... Aoh

DMirror in the Asky... what is Bmlove? A
Can the Dchild within my Aheart... rise aBmbove?
A Can I Dsail through the Achanging... Bmocean Atides?
Can I Dhandle the Aseasons Bmof my A li-i-i-ife?

Oh Doh... I don’t Aknow... I don’t Bmknow
A D A Bm A

Well DI've been aAfraid of Bmchanging... 'cause I
GBuilt my Dlife around Emyou A
But Dtime makes you Abolder even... Bmchildren get older
GI'm getting Dolder Bmtoo

D A Bm A x4

Well DI've been aAfraid of Bmchanging... 'cause I
GBuilt my Dlife around Emyou A
But Dtime makes you Abolder even... Bmchildren get older
GI'm getting Dolder Bmtoo

*single strums:
D So take my Alove... and take it Bmdown A
D And if you climb a Amountain and you turn aBmround A
*normal strumming

D And if you see my reAflection in a Bmsnow... covered A hill
The Dlandslide Abrought me Bmdown A/C# oh oh

*single strums
The Dlandslide Abrought me Bmdown

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 C#