Make you feel my love [G]
Bob Dylan / Adele
Intro: [G] [A7] [C] [G]
[G] When the rain is blowin’ [D]in your face
[F] And the whole world is [C]on your case
[Cm] I could offer you a [G]warm embrace
[A7] To make you [C]feel my [G]love
[G] When the evening shadows and the [D]stars appear
[F] And there is no one there to [C]dry your tears
[Cm] I could hold you for a [G]million years
[A7] To make you [C]feel my [G]love
[C] I know you haven’t made your [G]mind up yet
[G7] But I would [C]never do you [G]wrong [G7]
[C] I’ve known it from the moment [G]that we met
[A7] No doubt in my mind where [D]you belong [D7]
[G] I’d go hungry, I’d go [D]black and blue
[F] And I’d go crawlin’ down the [C]avenue
[Cm] No, there’s nothin’ that I [G]wouldn’t do
[A7] To make you [C]feel my [G]love
Instrumental verse:
[G][D][F][C] [Cm][G] [A7][C-G]
[C] The storms are raging on the [G]rollin’ sea
[G7] And on the [C]highway of re[G]grets [G7]
[C] The winds of change are blowin’ [G]wild and free
[A7]You ain’t seen nothin’ like me [D]yet [D7]
[G]I could make you happy, make your [D]dreams come true
[F] Nothing that I [C]wouldn’t do
[Cm] Go to the ends of the [G]earth for you
[A7] To make you [C] feel my love [G]
[A7] To make you [C] feel my love [G]
Make you feel my love [G]Bob Dylan / Adele
G When the rain is blowin’ Din your face F And the whole world is Con your case Cm I could offer you a Gwarm embrace A7 To make you Cfeel my Glove
G When the evening shadows and the Dstars appear F And there is no one there to Cdry your tears Cm I could hold you for a Gmillion years A7 To make you Cfeel my Glove
C I know you haven’t made your Gmind up yet G7 But I would Cnever do you Gwrong G7 C I’ve known it from the moment Gthat we met A7 No doubt in my mind where Dyou belong D7
G I’d go hungry, I’d go Dblack and blue F And I’d go crawlin’ down the Cavenue Cm No, there’s nothin’ that I Gwouldn’t do A7 To make you Cfeel my Glove
Instrumental verse GDFCCmGA7C-G
C The storms are raging on the Grollin’ sea G7 And on the Chighway of reGgrets G7 C The winds of change are blowin’ Gwild and free A7You ain’t seen nothin’ like me Dyet D7
GI could make you happy, make your Ddreams come true F Nothing that I Cwouldn’t do Cm Go to the ends of the Gearth for you A7 To make you C feel my love G A7 To make you C feel my love G