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Br-ukulele Jam March 2025

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1999 [C]Prince

Intro w Optional Riff

Verse 1
C I was dreamin' when I wrote this, ForBbgive me if it goes astray C Riff
C But when I woke up this mornin', Could've Bb sworn it was judgment day C Riff
C The sky was all purple, There were Bb people runnin' everywhere C Riff
C Tryin' to run from the destruction, You Bb know I didn't even care C Riff

Say say Two F thousand-zero-zero party Am over
Oops out of time C Riff
So toFnight I'm gonna party like Am it's 1999 C Riff

Verse 2
C I was dreaming' when I wrote this, So Bb sue me if I go too fast C Riff
C Life is just a party, and Bb parties weren't meant to last C Riff
C War is all around us, my Bb mind says prepare to fight C Riff
C So if I gotta die I'm gonna Bb listen to my body tonight C Riff

Say say Two F thousand-zero-zero party Am over
Oops out of time C Riff
So toFnight I'm gonna party like Am it's 1999 C Riff

Verse 3
C If you didn't come to party, Don't Bb bother knockin' on my door C Riff
C I got a lion in my pocket, And Bb baby he's ready to roar C Riff
C Everybody's got a bomb, We could Bb all die any day Ooow C Riff
C But before I'll let that happen, I'll Bb dance my life away C Riff

Say say Two F thousand-zero-zero party Am over
Oops out of time C Riff
So toFnight I'm gonna party like Am it's 1999 C Riff

Two F thousand-zero-zero party Am over
Oops out of time C Riff
So toFnight I'm gonna party like Am it's 1999 C Riff

1999 C Riff
1999 C Riff
1999 C Riff

Optional Riff
C Csus4 C5 Csus4 C

3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 2 Am 1 3 Csus4 3 4 C5

5 Years Time [C]Noah & the Whale

Intro - Whistling

Verse 1
Oh, well, in C five years F time we could be G walking round a F zoo
With the C sun shining F down over G me and F you
And there’ll be C love in the F bodies of the G elephants F too
I’ll put my C hands over F your eyes, but G you'll peep F through

Chorus 1
And there’ll be C sun, sun, F sun G all over our F bodies.
And C sun, sun, F sun, G all down our F necks
And there'll be C sun, sun, F sun, G all over our F faces
And C sun, sun, F sun, G so, what the F heck

Verse 2
Cause I’ll be C laughing at F all your G silly little F jokes
And we’ll C be laughing about F how we G use to F smoke
All those C stupid little F cigarettes and G drink stupid F wine
Cause it’s C what we F needed to G have a good F time

Chorus 2
But it was C fun, fun, F fun, G when we were F drinking.
It was C fun, fun, F fun, G when we were F drunk
And it was C fun, fun, F fun, G when we were F laughing
It was C fun, fun, F fun, G Oh, it was F fun.

Bridge - Whistling CFGF x2

Verse 3
Oh, well, I C look at you and F say it’s the happiest that G I’ve ever F been
And I’ll say C I no longer F feel I have to G be James F Dean
And she'll say C “Yeah, and I F feel all G pretty happy F too,
And I’m C always pretty F happy when I’m just G kicking back with F you”

Chorus 3
And it'll be C love, love, F love, G all through our F bodies.
And C love, love, F love, G all through our F minds
And it be C love, love, F love, G all over her F face
And C love, love, F love, G all over F mine.

Verse 4
Although C maybe all these F moments are G just in my F head
I’ll be C thinking 'bout F them as I'm G lying in F bed
And C all that we beFlieve they might not G even come F true
But in my C mind I’m F having a pretty good G time with F you

Chorus 4
In C five years F time, G I might not F know you
In C five years F time, G we might not F speak at all
In C five years F time, G we might not F get along
In C five years F time, G you might just F prove me C wrong

Bridge - Whistling CFGF x2

Outro - Whistling continues
Oh, there’ll be C love, love, F love, G wherever F you go x8
C - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy) [G]Simon & Garfunkel

G D A D x2

G Slow D down, you A move too D fast,
G You got to D make the A morning D last
G Just kickin' D down the A cobble D stones,
G Lookin' forD fun and A feelin' D groovy.
G Ba da da D da da, da da, A feelin' D groovy...

G D A D x2

G Hello D lamppost, A whatcha D knowin'?
G I've come to D watch your A flowers D growing.
G Ain't cha D got no A rhymes for D me?
G Dootin' D do-do-do, A feeling D groovy.
G Ba da da D da da, da da, A feelin' D groovy...

G D A D x2

G Got no deeds to D do, no A promises to D keep.
G I'm dappled and D drowsy and A ready to D sleep.
G Let the morning time D drop all its A petals on D me.
G Life, I D love you. A All is D groovy.
G Ba da da D da da, da da, A feelin' D groovy...

Ba da da, da da da da, da da, da x4

G Ba da da D da da da da A da da D da
G Ba da da D da da da da A da da D da
G Ba da da D da da da da A da da D da
G Ba da da D da da da da A da da D daaaaaaaa

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 A

9 to 5 [D]Dolly Parton


Verse 1
D Tumble out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen
G Pour myself a cup of ambition
And D yawn and stretch and try to come to A7 life
D Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumping
G Out on the street the traffic starts jumping
With D folks like me on the A job from 9 to D 5 D*

NC Working G 9 to 5, what a way to make a living
Barely D getting by, it’s all taking and no giving
They just G use your mind and they never give you credit
It’s E7 enough to drive you A crazy if you let it

G 9 to 5, for service and devotion
You would D think that I would deserve a fair promotion
Want to G move ahead but the boss won’t seem to let me
I E7 swear sometimes, that man is A out to get me

Bass Riff

Verse 2
They D let you dream just to watch them shatter
You’re G just a step on the boss man’s ladder
But D you’ve got dreams he’ll never take a- A7 way
D You’re in the same boat with a lot of your friends
G Waiting for the day your ship’ll come in
The D tides gonna turn and it’s A all gonna roll your D  way D*

NC Working G 9 to 5, what a way to make a living
Barely D getting by, it’s all taking and no giving
They just G use your mind and you never get the credit
It’s E7 enough to drive you A crazy if you let it

G 9 to 5, yeah they’ve got you where they want you
There’s a D better life, and you dream about it don’t you
It’s a G rich man’s game, no matter what they call it
And you E7 spend your life putting A money in his wallet

G 9 to 5, what a way to make a living
Barely D getting by, it’s all taking and no giving
They just G use your mind and then they never give you credit
It’s E7 enough to drive you A crazy if you let it

Bass Riff
D D D* - Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 A7 1 2 A × × × × NC 1 2 3 E7

99 Red Balloons [C]Nena & Brians cousin (Kevin McAlea)

Intro Single strums
C You and I in a Dm little toy shop
Buy a F bag of balloons with the G money we've got
C Set them free at the Dm break of dawn
'Til F one by one, G they were gone
C Back at base, bugs Dm in the software
F Flash the message, G something's out there
C Floating in the Dm summer sky
F Ninety-nine G red balloons go C by

Instrumental Strumming + Riff 1

C Ninety-nine Dm red balloons F Floating in the G summer sky
C Panic bells, it's Dm red alert There's F something here from G somewhere else
The C war machine Dm springs to life F Opens up one G eager eye
C Focusing it Dm on the sky Where F Ninety-nine G red balloons go C by

Instrumental + Riff 2
C Dm F G
C Dm F G

Verse 2
C Ninety-nine de-Dm-cision street F Ninety-nine min-G-isters meet
C To worry, worry, Dm super-scurry F Call the troops out G in a hurry
C This is what we've Dm waited for F This is it boys, G this is war
The C president is Dm on the line As F Ninety-nine G red balloons go C by

Instrumental Riff 1

Verse 3
C Ninety-nine knights Dm of the air Riding F super high-tech G jet fighters
C Everyone's a Dm super hero F Everyone's a G Captain Kirk
With C orders to i-Dm-dentify, to F clarify and G classify
C Scrambling in the Dm summer sky As F ninety-nine Gred balloons go C by

Instrumental w/ Riff
C Dm F G
C Dm As F ninety-nine Gred balloons go C by....
C Dm F G
C Dm F G Pause

Outro Single strums
C Ninety-nine dreams Dm I have had
F Every one a G red balloon
C Now it's all over and I'm Dm standing pretty
F In this dust that G was a city
C If I could find a Dm souvenir
F Just to prove the G world was here
C And here is a Dm red balloon
I F think of you and let it G go..

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

A Bunch Of Thyme [C]Forster and Allen

FCome all ye C7maidens young and Ffair
All you that are Amblooming Gmin your C7prime
FAlways be-F7-ware and Bbkeep your garden C7fair
Let Fno man C7steal away your Fthyme

For Fthyme it C7is a precious Fthing
And thyme bringsAm all things Gmto my C7mind
FThyme with all its F7labour's,Bb along with all its C7joys
FThyme, brings all C7things to my Fmind

FOnce she C7had a bunch of Fthyme
And thought it Amnever Gmwould de-C7-cay
Then Fcame a lusty F7sailor, who Bbchanced to pass that C7way
He Fstole her C7bunch of thyme a-F-way

The Fsailor C7gave to her a Frose
A Frose that Amnever Gmwould de-C7-cay
He Fgave it to F7her to Bbkeep her re-C7-minded
Of Fwhen he C7stole her thyme a-F-way

So, FCome all ye C7maidens young and Ffair
All you that are Amblooming Gmin your C7prime
FAlways be-F7-ware and Bbkeep your garden C7fair
Let Fno man C7steal away your Fthyme

For Fthyme it C7is a precious Fthing
And thyme brings Amall things Gmto my C7mind
FThyme with all its F7labour's,Bb along with all its C7joys
FThyme, brings all C7things to my Fmind

Yes,FThyme, brings all C7things to my Fmind

1 2 F 1 C7 2 Am 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 4 F7 1 2 3 Bb

A Hard Days Night [D]The Beatles


It's been a D hard G day's D night and I've been C working like a D dog
It's been a D hard G day's D night I should be C sleeping like a D log
But when I G get home to you
I find the A thing that you do
Will make me D feel G all D right

Verse 1
You know I D work G all D day to get you C money to buy you D things
And it's D worth it just to G hear you D say you're gonna C give me every D thing
So why on G earth should I moan,
‘Cause when I A get you alone
You know I D feel G O D K

D When I'm F#m home Bm everything seems to be F#m right
F#m When I'm D home Bm feeling you holding me G tight, A tight yeah



So why on G earth should I moan, cause when I A get you alone
You know I D feel G O D K

D When I'm F#m home Bm everything seems to be F#m right
F#m When I'm D home Bm feeling you holding me G tight, A tight yeah

It's been a D hard G day's D night and I've been C working like a D dog
It's been a D hard G day's D night I should be C sleeping like a D log
But when I G get home to you
I find the A thing that you do
Will make me D feel G all D right

You know I D feel G all D right
You know I D feel G all D right

A* D*

1 2 3 4 D7sus4 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 Bm

A Kind Of Hush [C]The Carpenters

C G7 C G7

Verse 1
There's a C kind of hush E7 all over the Am world toC7night
All over the F world you can hear the G7 sounds
Of lovers in C love you G know what I mean

Just the C two of us E7 and nobody Am else in C7 sight
There's nobody F else and I'm feeling G7 good
Just holding you C tight C7

So F listen very Dm carefully
F Get closer now and Dm you will see what I C mean
It isn't a C7 dream
The F only sound that Dm you will hear
Is F when I whisper Dm in your ear I love G you
For ever and ever G7

Verse 2
There's a C kind of hush E7 all over the Am world toC7night
All over the F world you can hear the G7 sounds of lovers in C love

C La la la la la E7 laaaa la la Am la la la la la la C7 laaaaaa
La la la la F laaa la la la la G7 laaaa la la la C laaaa C7

So F listen very Dm carefully
F Get closer now and Dm you will see what I C mean
It isn't a C7 dream
The F only sound that Dm you will hear
Is F when I whisper Dm in your ear I love G you
For ever and ever G7

Verse 3
There's a C kind of hush E7 all over the Am world toC7night
All over the F world people just like G7 us
Are falling in C love G7 are falling in C love G7 hush
They’re falling in C love G7 hush they’re falling in C love C*

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm

A Little Respect [C]Erasure

CCsus4  CCsus4  CCsus4  C*

Verse 1
I try to dis-Ccover
A little something to G make me sweeter, Oh baby ref-E7rain
From breaking my F heart F*

I’m so in C love with you I’ll be for-Gever blue
That you give me no F reason... why you’re making me Am work so hard
G* That you give me no G* that you give me no G* that you give me no
G* that you give me no
C Sou-ou-oul
I hear you Am calling
Oh baby F please...
Give a little res-Empect F to-G-oo C me Csus4 C*

Verse 2
And if I should C falter
Would you open your G arms out to me? We can make love not E7 war
And live at peace with out F hearts  F*

I’m so in C love with you
I’ll be for-Gever blue
What religion or F reason... could drive a man to for-Amsake his lover
G* Don’t you tell me no G* don’t you tell me no G* don’t you tell me no
G* don’t you tell me no
C Sou-ou-oul
I hear you Am calling
Oh baby F please...
give a little res-Empect F to-G-oo C me Csus4 C*

Bb Bb G G*

I’m so in C love with you I’ll be for-Gever blue
That you give me no F reason... why you’re making me Am work so hard
G* That you give me no G* that you give me no G* that you give me no
G* that you give me no
C Sou-ou-oul
I hear you Am calling
Oh baby F please... give a little res-Empect F to-G-oo C soul
I hear you Am calling
Oh baby F please... give a little res-Empect F to-G-oo C me-e-e

CCsus4  CCsus4  CCsus4  C*

3 C 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Bb

A Little Time [D]Beautiful South

D I need a little time To think it over
I need a little space Just on my own
I need a little time To find my freedom
I need a little...

DFunny how quick the milk turns sour G Isn't it, A isn't it
D Your face has been looking like that for hours G Hasn't it, A hasn't it
Single strum
G*Promises, promises A* turn to dust
D* Wedding bells just Em* turn to rust
G* Trust into A* mistrust

D I need a little room To find myself
I need a little space To work it out
I need a little room All alone
I need a little...

D You need a little room for your big head G Don't you, A don't you
D You need a little space for a thousand beds G Won't you, A won't you
Single strum
G* Lips that promise - A* fear the worst
D*Tongue so sharp - the Em* bubble burst
G* Just into A* unjust

D I've had a little time To find the truth
Now I've had a little room To check what's wrong
I've had a little time And I still love you
I've had a little...

D You had a little time and you had a little fun GDidn't you, A didn't you
D Well you had yours, do you think I had none G Do you, A do you
Single strum
G* The freedom that you A* wanted bad Is D* yours for good
I Em* hope you're glad
G* Sad into A* unsad

DI had a little time To think it over
Had a little room To work it out
I found a little courage To call it off

I've had a little time x4

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em

A Message to You Rudy [A]The Specials

Intro Riff - Kazoos
A A D E7
A A D E7

Verse 1
A Stop your messing around aaaDaaaaE7aaa
A Better think of your future aaaDaaaaE7aaa
A Time to straighten right out D aaa - aaa
Making E7 problems in A town aaaDaaaaE7aaa

Rudy A a D message to E7 you RuAdy
A D message to E7 you

Instrumental Riff - Kazoos
A A D E7
A A D E7
Kazoo Solo
A A D E7
A A D E7
+Riff Kazoos
A A D E7
A A D E7

Verse 2
A Stop your fooling around aaaDaaaaE7aaa
A Time to straighten right out aaaDaaaaE7aaa
A Better think of your future D aaa - aaa
Else you'll wind E7 up in jail A aaaDaaaaE7aaa

Rudy A a D message to E7 you RuAdy
A D message to E7 you

Instrumental Riff - Kazoos
A A D E7
A A D E7

Verse 3
A Stop your messing around aaaDaaaaE7aaa
A Better think of your future aaaDaaaaE7aaa
A Time to straighten right out D aaa - aaa
Creating E7 problems in A town aaaDaaaaE7aaa

Rudy A a D message to E7 you Rudy A
A D message to E7 you Rudy A
A D message to E7 you-oo-oo

Outro Riff -Kazoos
A A D E7
A A D E7


1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

A Pair of Brown Eyes [G]The Pogues

OneG summer evening drunk to hell I Am sat there nearly C lifeless,
An G old man in the corner sang where the C water lilies Am grow,
And G on the juke box Johnny sangAm about a thing called C love,
And it's G how are you Am kid, C what’s your G name,
And C how would you bloody Am know.

In G blood and death 'neath the screaming sky,
I Am lay down on the C ground,
And the G arms and legs of other men,
Were C scattered all aAmround,
Some G cursed some prayed some C prayed then G cursed,
Then C prayed and bled some Am more,

And the G only thing that Am I could C see,
Was a G pair of brown Am eyes that were C looking at G me,
But when we got Am back labelled C parts one to G three,
G There was no Am pair of brown eyes C waiting for G me.
G And a rovin' a Am rovin' a C rovin' I'll G go,
For a C pair of brown Am eyes

And G a rovin, a Am rovin a C rovin I'll G go
And G a rovin, a Am rovin a C rovin I'll G go
And G a rovin, a Am rovin a C rovin I'll G go
for a C pair of brown Am eyes,
For a C pair of D brown G eyes

Instrumental C C Am C CC D G

I G looked at him he looked at me,all I Am could do was C hate him,
While G Ray and Philomena sang of C my elusive Am dreams,
I G saw the streams the rolling hills, Am where his brown eyes were C waiting,
And I G thoughtAm about aC pair of brown G eyes that C waited once forAm me.

So G drunk to hell I left the place sometimes Am crawling sometimesC walking,
A G hungry sound came across the breeze so IC gave the walls a Am talking.
And I G heard the sound of long ago, Am from the old C canal,
And theG birds wereAm whistlingC in theG trees,
WhereC the wind was gentlyAm laughing.


Instrumental C C Am C


G Am C G x2
C C Am C x2

1 2 3 G 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 D

A Rainy Night In Soho [C]The Pogues


Verse 1
C I've been loving you a Flong time
G  C Down all the years, down all the Fdays
G  C And I've cried for all your Ftroubles
G  C Smiled at your funny little waysFG

Verse 2
C We watched our friends grow up toFgether
G  C And we saw them as they Ffell
G  C Some of them fell into FHeaven
G  C Some of them fell into FHellG

Verse 3
C I took shelter from a Fshower
G  C And I stepped into your armsF
G  C On a rainy night in FSoho
G  C The wind was whistling all its FcharmsG

Verse 4
C I sang you all myF sorrows
G  C You told me all your Fjoys
G  C Whatever happened to that Fold song?
G  C To all those little girls and FboysG

Verse 5
C Now this song is nearly Fover
G  C We may never find out what it Fmeans
G  C But there's a light I hold beFfore me
G  C And you're the measure of my Fdreams, the Gmeasure of my Cdreams


Verse 6
C Sometimes I'd wake up in the Fmorning
G  C The ginger lady by my Fbed
G  C Covered in a cloak of Fsilence
G  C I hear you talking in my FheadG

Verse 7
C I'm not singing for the Ffuture
G  C I'm not dreaming of the pastF
G  C I'm not talking of the Ffirst times
G  C I never think about the FlastG

Verse 8
C Now this song is nearly Fover
G  C We may never find out what it Fmeans
G  C Still there's a light I hold beFfore me

G  C You're the measure of my Fdreams, the Gmeasure of my CdreamsFGCFGCFGCFGCFGCFG

Fade Out

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

A Teenager in Love [C]Dion and the Belmonts

C Am F G7

Verse 1
C Each time we Am have a quarrel, F it almost G7 breaks my heart
C Cause I am Am so afraid, F that we will G7 have to part
C Each night I Am ask, the F stars up aG7bove
C* Why must I be-ee a teenager in G7 love?

Verse 2
C One day I Am feel so happy, F next day I G7 feel so sad
C I guess I'll Am learn to take, F the good G7 with the bad
C Each night I Am ask, the F stars up aG7bove
C* Why must I be-ee a teenager in C7 love?

Pre Chorus
F I cried a G7 tear, F for nobody but G7 you
F I'll be a G7 lonely one if F you should say were G7 through

C Well if you want to Am make me cry, F that won't be so G7 hard to do
C And if you Am say goodbye, F I’ll still go on G7 loving you
C Each night I Am ask, the F stars up aG7bove
C* Why must I be-ee a teenager in C7 love?

Pre Chorus
F I cried a G7 tear, F for nobody but G7 you
F I'll be a G7 lonely one if F you should say were G7 through

C Well if you want to Am make me cry, F that won't be so G7 hard to do
C And if you Am say goodbye, F I’ll still go on G7 loving you
C Each night I Am ask, the F stars up aG7bove
C* Why must I be-ee a teenager in G7 love?

C Why must I Am be-ee a F teenager in G7 love
C Why must I Am be-ee a F teenager in G7 love
C Why must I Am be-ee a F teenager in G7 love
C - Single Strum

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 C7

A Thing Called Love [C]Johny Cash

C Bb F G7

Verse 1
Six foot C six he stood on the ground, he weighed two-hundred and thirty-five pounds
But I saw that Dm giant of a man brought G7 down to his knees by C love
He was the kind of C man that would gamble on luck, look you in the eye and never back up
But I saw him Dm crying like a little whipped G7 pup because of C love

You can't see it with your C eyes, hold it in your F hand
But like the Em wind that covers our Am land
Strong enough to F rule the heart of any Dm man, this thing called G7 love
It can lift you C up, never let you F down
Take your Em world and turn it all aA7round
Ever since C time nothing's ever been G found that's stronger than C love

Verse 2
Most men are like C me they struggle and doubt, they trouble their minds day in and day out
Too busy with Dm livin' to worry aG7bout a little word like C love
But when I see a C mother's tenderness as she holds her young close to her breast
Then I thank Dm God that the world's been G7 blessed with a thing called C love

You can't see it with your C eyes, hold it in your F hand
But like the Em wind that covers our Am land
Strong enough to F rule the heart of any Dm man, this thing called G7 love
It can lift you C up, never let you F down
Take your Em world and turn it all A7 around
Ever since C time nothing's ever been G found that's stronger than C love

Ever since C time nothing's ever been G found that’s stronger than C love...C*

3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 A7 1 2 3 G

A Thousand Years [C]Christina Perri


CHeartbeats fast
Colours and Ampromises
How to be Fbrave
How can I Glove when I,m Cafraid to fall
But watching you Amstand alone
All of my Fdoubt suddenlyG goes awayDm somehow
One step FClGoser


CI have died everyday waiting for you
AmDarling don,t be afraid I have loved you
For aF thousand years
I,ll love you for Ga thousand more.    PAUSE

CTime stands still
Beauty in aAmll she is
I will be Fbrave
I will not Glet anything takCe away
What,s standing in Amfront of me
Every Fbreath
Every Ghour has come toDm this
One stepF clGoser



C Am F G


DmOne Cstep clGoser
AmOne sFtep Gcloser



3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm

A Whiter Shade Of Pale [C]Procol Harum

Intro Kazoo
C Em Am C
F Am Dm F
G G7 Em7 G7
C F C G7

Verse 1
C We Em skipped the light fanAmdango C
F Turned Am cartwheels 'cross the Dm floor F
G I was G7 feeling kind of Em7 seasick G7
C But the Em crowd called out for Am more C

Verse 2
F The Am room was humming Dm harder F
G As the G7 ceiling flew aEm7way G7
C When Em we called out for aAmnother C drink F
The Am waiter brought a Dm tray G

And so it C waEms that Am later C
F As the Am miller told his Dm tale F
G That her G7 face at first just Em7 ghostly G7
Turned a C whiter F shade of C pale G7

Kazoo Solo
C Em Am C
F Am Dm F
G G7 Em7 G7
C F C G7

Verse 3
C She Em said there is no Am reason C
F And the Am truth is plain to Dm see F
G But I G7 wandered through my Em7 playing cards G7
C And Em would not let her Am be C

Verse 4
F One of Am sixteen vestal Dm virgins F
G Who were G7 leaving for the Em7 coast G7
C And alEmthough my eyes were Am open C
F They might Am just as well been Dm closed G

And so it C waEms that Am later C
F As the Am miller told his Dm tale F
G That her G7 face at first just Em7 ghostly G7
Turned a C whiter F shade of C pale G7

Kazoo Outro
C Em Am C
F Am Dm F
G G7 Em7 G7
C F C G7


3 C 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 2 3 Em7

A Woman's Heart [C]Mary Black

C G Am F

C My heart is G low, my Am  heart is so F low
As C only a G woman's heart canAm beF
As C only a G woman's, asAm only a F woman's
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw

CThe tears that Gdrip
From Am my bewildered F eyes
CTaste of G bitter sweet ro-AmmanceF
CYou're still in my Ghopes
AmYou're still on my Fmind, ohC
And even thGough I manage Amon my ownF

C My heart is G low, my Am  heart is so F low
As C only a G woman's heart canAm beF
As C only a G woman's, asAm only a F woman's
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw

CWhen restless Geyes
Re-Amveal my troubled Fsoul
CAnd memories Gflood my weary AmheartF
CI mourn for my Gdreams
AmI mourn for my Fwasted loveC
And while I Gknow that I'll sur-Amvive aloneF

C My heart is G low, my Am  heart is so F low
As C only a G woman's heart canAm beF
As C only a G woman's, asAm only a F woman's
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw
As C only a G woman's heart canF knoCw

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F

ABBA Medley [C]Abba

Intro  G
G You can dance, E7 you can jive, Am having the time of your D7 life
F See that girl, Dm watch that scene, Diggin' the C Dancing Queen  F  C  F

Verse 1 - Dancing Queen
C Friday night and the lights are low, F C Looking out for the place to Am go
G Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come to Am look for a king Am7 Am

Verse 2 - Dancing Queen
C Anybody could be that F guy, C Night is young and the music's Am high
G With a bit of rock music, everything is fine, You're in the Am mood for a dance
And when you Dm get the chance G, You are the C Dancing Queen F

Song Change - slowing strum to Super Trooper
C Super Csus4 Trouper C lights are gonna find me
Csus4 Shining C like the G sun
Dm Smiling, having G7 fun
Feeling like a number C one Csus4** C*

Song Change - I Have a Dream
.....I have a G7 dream, a song to C sing,
to help me G7 cope with any-Cthing.
If you see the G wonder of a fairy C tale,
you can take the G future, even if you C  fail.
I believe in G7 angels, something good in F everything I C see,
I believe in G7 angels, when I know the F time is right for C me,
I cross the G7 stream, G7* I have a C dream C

Song Change - Mama Mia
C I've been G cheated by C you since I G don't know F when F
C So I G made up my C mind, it must G come to an F end F
C Look at me now, Caug will I ever learn?
C I don't know how Caug but I suddenly F lose control
There's a fire with- G7 in my soul
F Just C one G look and I can hear a bell ring
F One C more G look and I forget everything, o_o_o_oh

C Mamma mia, here I go again
Bb My F my, how can I re-sist you?
C Mamma mia, does it show again?
Bb My F my, just how much I've missed you
C Yes, I've been G broken-hearted,  Am Blue since the Em day we parted
Bb Why, F why did I ever G7 let you go?
C Mamma mia, Am now I really know,
Bb My F my, I could never G7 let you go  C C*

Song Change - SLOWING - Thank You For The Music
SLOWING...So I say C thank you for the Dm music, the G7 songs I'm C singing
Am Thanks for all the D7 joy they're G7 bringing
C Who can live with-Dmout it, I E7 ask in Am7 all hones-Fty
What would life Fm be?

Without a C song or a C7 dance what are A we?
So I say Dm* thank you for the music
For G7* giving it to C me C7 A
So I thank Dm* ABBA for the music
SLOW For G7* giving it to me C G7 C G* C*

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 3 C Am7 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 G7 1 4 Caug 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Fm 1 C7 1 2 A

Abracadabra [Dm]Lady Gaga

DmAbracadabra, abracadabra Abracadabra, abracadabra

Verse 1
DmPay the toll to the angels Drawing circles in the clouds
Keep your mind on the distance When the devil turns around
DmHold me in your heartC  tonight
In the magGic of the darkF  moonlight
DmSave me from this empCty fightG
In the Fgame of life

Like a Dmpoem said by a Amlady in red
You hear the Glast few words of your lifeF
With a Dmhaunting dance, now you're Amboth in a trance
It's time Gto cast your spell on the Fnight

Dm"Abracadabra, amorAmoonana
AbraGcadabra, mortaFoohgaga
DmAbracadabra, abraAmoonana"
In her Gtongue she said, F"Death or love tonight"

DmAbracadabra,  abracadabra  Abracadabra,  abracadabra
Feel the beat under your feet, the floor's on fire Abracadabra, abracadabra

Verse 2
DmChoose the road on the west side As the dust flies, watch it burn
Don't waste time on a feeling, Use your passion, no return
DmHold me in your heartC  tonight
In the magGic of the darkF  moonlight
DmSave me from this empCty fightG
In the Fgame of life


Phantom of the Dmdance floor, Amcome to GmeF
Sing for me a Dmsinful AmmeloGdyF
Ah, ah, ah, ah, Dmah

Ah, Amah, ah, Gah,F
Ah, ah, ah, ah, Dmah
Ah, Amah, ah, GahF

Dm"Abracadabra, amorAmoonana
AbraGcadabra, mortaFoohgaga
DmAbracadabra, abraAmoonana"
In her Gtongue she said, F"Death or love tonight"

1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am

Abracadabra [Am]Steve Miller Band

Am Dm E7 Am
Am Dm E7 Am

Verse 1
Am I heat up, I Dm can’t cool down
E7 You got me spinning, Am round and round
Round and round and Dm round it goes
E7 Where it stops Am nobody knows
Am Every time you Dm call my name
E7 I heat up like a Am burning flame
Burnin flame Dm full of desire
E7 Kiss me baby, let the fire get higher

Am Abra-abra-caDmdabra
E7 I want to reach out and Am grab ya
E7 Abra-caAmdabra

Verse 2
Am You make me hot, you Dm make me sigh
E7 You make me laugh, Am you make me cry
Keep me burnin Dm for your love
E7 With the touch of a velvet glove


Verse 3
Am I feel the magic in Dm your caress
E7 I feel magic when I Am touch your dress
Silk and satin, Dm leather and lace
E7 Black magic Am with an angels face

Verse 4
Am I see magic Dm in your eyes
E7 I hear the magic Am in your sighs
Just when I think I’m gonna Dm get away
E7 I hear those words that you always say


Verse 5
Am Every time you Dm call my name
E7 I heat up like a Am burning flame
Burnin flame Dm full of desire
E7 Kiss me baby, let the fire get higher E7

Am - Single Strum

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7

Accidentally in Love [G]Counting Crows

Intro G

G So she said what’s the Cproblem baby
G What’s the problem I don't Cknow
Well maybe I’m in Emlove love
Think about it Aeverytime I think about it
CCan’t stop thinking ‘bout it
G How much longer will it Ctake to cure this
G Just to cure it cos I Ccan’t ignore it if it’s Emlove love
Makes me wanna Aturn around and face me but
I Ddon't know nothing bout Clove

GCome on Amcome on Cturn a little Dfaster
GCome on Amcome on Cthe world will follow Dafter
GCome on Amcome on Cos Ceverybody's Dafter Emlove A C pause

G So I said I'm a Csnowball running G Running down into the Cspring
That’s coming all this Emlove
Melting under Ablue skies belting out
CSunlight shimmering
GLove... well baby CI surrender to the
GStrawberry ice cream Cnever ever end
Of all this Emlove
Well I Adidn’t mean to do it but there’s
CNo escaping your love

Em These lines of lCightning
Mean we're Gnever alone
AmNever alone, Emno, no

GCome on Amcome on Cmove a little Dcloser
GCome on Amcome on CI want to hear you Dwhisper
GCome on Amcome on CSettle down inDside my Emlove D
GCome on Amcome on Cjump a little Dhigher
GCome on Amcome on Cif you feel a little Dlighter
GCome on Amcome on we were COnce upon a Dtime in Emlove A C pause

G I'm in love, I'm in Clove, I'm in love, I'm in Emlove, I'm in love, I'm in Dlove... accidentally
G I'm in love, I'm in Clove, I'm in love, I'm in Emlove, I'm in love, I'm in Dlove... accidentally
GCome on Amcome on Cspin a little Dtighter
GCome on Amcome on Cand the world's a little Dbrighter
GCome on Amcome on Just Cget yourself inDside her Emlove... D
I'm in love G – single strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 2 Am

Achy Breaky Heart [A]Billy Ray Cyrus

Intro w/ Riff Same as verse
E7 E7 E7 E7

Verse 1
A You can tell the world, You never was my girl
You can burn my clothes when I am E7 gone
Or you can tell your friends, Just what a fool I've been
And laugh and joke about me on the A phone

Verse 2
A You can tell my arms, Go back into the farm
You can tell my feet to hit the E7 floor
Or you can tell my lips, To tell my fingertips
They won't be reaching out for you no A more

But A don't tell my heart, My achy breaky heart
I just don't think it'd underE7stand
And if you tell my heart, My achy breaky heart
He might blow up and kill this A man

Instrumental w/ Riff Same as verse
E7 E7 E7 E7

Verse 3
A You can tell your maw, I moved to Arkansas
You can tell your dog that bit my E7 leg
Or tell your brother Cliff, Whose fist can tell my lip
He never really liked me anyAway

Verse 4
Go A tell your aunt Louise, Tell anything you please
Myself already knows I'm not oE7kay
Or you can tell my eye, Watch out for my mind
It might be walkin' out on me toAday


NC - Acapella
But don't tell my heart, My achy breaky heart
I just don't think it'd understand
And if you tell my heart, My achy breaky heart
He might blow up and kill this man


Instrumental w/ Riff Same as verse
E7 E7 E7 E7

1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 × × × × NC

Addicted to Love [G]Robert Palmer

Intro + Kazoo

Verse 1
G The lights are on, but you’re not home, your F mind is not your own
Your heart C sweats, your body shakes. Another G kiss is what it takes
G You can’t sleep, you can’t eat
There’s no F doubt – you’re in deep
Your throat is C tight, you can’t breathe. Another G kiss is all you need

Whoa oh oh Em You like to think that you’re C immune to this stuff - Oh G yeah
It’s Em closer to the truth to say you C* can’t get enough
You’re C* gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to love

Verse 2
G You see the signs, but you can't read. Runnin' F at a different speed
Your heart C beats in double time. Another G kiss and you'll be mine.
G A one track mind, you can't be saved. Oblivion F is all you crave
If there's C some left for you - You G don't mind if you do

Whoa Em You like to think that you’re C immune to the stuff - Oh G yeah
It’s Em closer to the truth to say you C* can’t get enough you know you're
C*  gonna have to face it you’re addicted to love

G Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
F Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
C Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
G Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
G* Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Instrumental + Kazoo

Verse 3
G Your lights are on, but you're not home. Your F will is not your own
Your heart C sweats, your teeth grind. Another G kiss and you'll be mine.

Whoa Em You like to think that you’re C immune to the stuff - Oh G yeah
It’s Em closer to the truth to say you C can’t get enough
C You’re gonna have to face it you’re addicted to love

G Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
F Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
C Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
G Might as well face it, you're addicted to love
G* Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Em

Africa [C]Toto

C Em x4

D I hear the F#m drums echoin’ to-Bm-night
Bm7 She hears only C whispers of some Em quiet conver-Bm-sation
C Em
D She's coming F#m in twelve thirty Bm flight
The Bm7 moonlight winds re-C-flect the stars that Em guide me toward sal-Bm-vation
C Em
D I stopped an F#m old man along the Bm way
Bm7 Hoping to find some C old forgotten Em words or ancient Bm
melo-C-dies Em
D He turned to F#m me as if to Bm say
Bm7hurry boy it's C waiting there for you Em Em

Am Gonna take a F lot to drag me a-C-way from G you
Am There's nothing that a F hundred men or C more could ever G do
Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca
Am Gonna take some F time to do the C things we never Em ha-G-a-Am-ad
C Em
C Em

D The wild dogs F#m cry out in the Bm night
As Bm7 they grow restless C longing for some
Em solitary Bm companyC Em
D I know that F#m I must do what's Bm right
Sure as Bm7 Kilimanjaro C rises like
O-Em-lympus above the BmSerengetiC Em
D I seek to F#m cure what's deep in-Bm-side
Bm7 Frightened of this C thing that I've becomeEm Em

Am Gonna take a F lot to drag me a-C-way from G you
Am There's nothing that a F hundred men or C more could ever G do
Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca
Am Gonna take some F time to do the C things we never Em ha-G-a-Am-ad
C Em
C Em

D F#m Bm Bm7
C Em Bm C Em
D F#m Bm Bm7hurry boy she’s C waiting there for you Em Em

Am Gonna take a F lot to drag me a-C-way from G you
Am There's nothing that a F hundred men or C more could ever G do
Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca
Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca I bless the rains

Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca ooooh the rains
Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca
Am I bless the F rains down in C Afri-G-ca
Am Gonna take some F time to do the C things we never Em ha-G-a-Am-ad

C Em x4

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 1 Bm7 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

After All [C]The Frank and Walters

C F C G////

Verse 1
C After F all I really G love you, G7
C After F all that we've been G through G7
Dm I know that we G fight
And our C love gets pushed to the F side
Dm Still it G ends all Cright

Verse 2
C After F all I really G need you, G7
C Don't know F how I'd live with-G out you, G7
Dm Days they go G by
And you're Calways there at myyy F side
Dm Girl I'm G glad you're C mine, C

There are C times I get distracted girl
By the F ways and workings of this world
But I Dm think of you as my life's shrine
And I'm G glad that I'm yours and you're C mine

Verse 3
C When I'm F far from home and G lonely G7
C And I F think about my G life G7
Dm I think about G you
All the C little things that you F do
Dm And I'm G glad you're C mine

There are C times I get distracted girl
By the F ways and workings of this world
But I Dm think of you as my life's shrine
And I'm G glad that I'm yours and you're mi--i-C-i--i-F-i--i-G-ine

ba ba C baaaaaa ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba F baaaaaa ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba Dm baaaaaa ba ba ba ba ba ba
and I'm G glad that after all you're
C mine  ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba F baaa ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba Dm baaaaaa ba ba ba ba ba ba
and I'm G glad that after all you're Ab miiiiii-Cne

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Ab

Ain't No Sunshine [Am]Bill Withers

Am Em G Am
Am Em G Am* Stop

Verse 1
Ain't no sunshine when she's gAmone Em G Am
Am It’s not warm when she's aAmway Em G Am
Ain't no sunshine when she's Em gone
And she’s always gone too Dm long
Anytime she goes aAmway Em G Am


Verse 2
Wonder this time where she’s gAmone Em G Am
Am Wonder if she's gone to sAmtay Em G Am
Ain't no sunshine when she's Em gone
And this house just ain't no Dm home
Anytime she goes aAmway Em G Am

Am* + Acapella I know I know I know I know I know I know
I know I know I know I know I know I know
I oughtta leave this girl alone
But there ain't no sunshine
When she's gAmone Em G Am

Verse 3
Ain't no sunshine when she's gAmone Em G Am
Am Only darkness everyAmday Em G Am
Ain't no sunshine when she’s Em gone
And this house just ain't no Dm home
Anytime she goes aAmway Em G Am

Anytime she goes aAmway Em G Am
Anytime she goes aAmway Em G Am
Anytime she goes aAmway Em G Am///////

2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm

All About That Bass [A]Meghan Trainor

AA  BmBm  E7E7  AA*

Because you know I'm A all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble
I'm Bm all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble
I'm E7 all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble
I'm A all about that bass, ‘bout that bass

Verse 1
A Yeah, it's pretty clear... I ain't no size two
Bm But I can shake it, shake it... like I'm supposed to do
E7 'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
And A* all the right junk in A* all the right places

A I see the magazine... workin' that Photoshop
Bm We know that shit ain't real... come on now, make it stop
E7 If you got beauty, beauty... just raise 'em up
'Cause every A* inch of you is perfect from the A* bottom to the top

Pre Chorus
Yeah, my A mama she told me "don't worry about your Bm size"
Shoo wop wop, sha-ooh wop wop
She says, E7 "Boys like a little more booty to hold at A night"
That booty-booty, uh, that booty-booty
You know I A won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie Bm  doll
Shoo wop wop, sha-ooh wop wop
So if E7 that’s what you're into, then go ahead and move a-A-long stop


Verse 2
I'm bringing Abooty back... go 'head and tell them skinny
Bm Bitches that... no, I'm just playing
I know you E7 think you're fat, but I'm here to tell you
Every A* inch of you is perfect from the A* bottom to the top

Pre Chorus
Yeah, my A mama she told me "don't worry about your Bm size"
Shoo wop wop, sha-ooh wop wop
She says, E7 "Boys like a little more booty to hold at A night"
That booty-booty, uh, that booty-booty
You know I A won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie Bm doll
Shoo wop wop, sha-ooh wop wop
So if E7 that’s what you're into, then go ahead and move a-A-long stop

Chorus x2
Because you know I'm A all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble
I'm Bm all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble
I'm E7 all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble
I'm A all about that bass, ‘bout that bass

1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 E7

All About You [C]Mc Fly

C Am F G

C It's all a-Ambout you, F it's al a-Gbout you baby.
C It's all a-Ambout you, F it's all a-Gbout you.

Verse 1
C Yesterday you E7 asked me something I Am thought you C knew
So I F told you with a G smile it's all about C you G7
C Then you whispered E7 in my ear and Am told me C to
Said you F made my life worth G while it's all about C you C7

Pre Chorus
And F I would answer Fm all your wishes if C you ask me Am to
But if F you deny me D7 one of your kisses G don't know what I’d do G7
So C hold me close and E7 say three words like you Am used to C do
Dancing F on the kitchen G tiles it's all about C you yeah

C E7 Am C
F G C C7

Pre Chorus
And F I would answer Fm all your wishes if C you ask me Am to
But if F you deny me D7 one of your kisses G don't know what I’d do G7
So C hold me close and E7 say three words like you Am used to C do
Dancing F on the kitchen G tiles yeah you F make my life worth G while
So I F told you with a G smile slow... it's all about C you

C It's all a-Ambout you, F it's all a-Gbout you baby.
C It's all a-Ambout you, F it's all a-Gbout you baby.

It's all about you, it's all about you baby.
It's all about you, it's all about you baby.

C It's all a-Ambout you, F it's all a-Gbout you baby.
C It's all a-Ambout you, F it's all a-Fmbout you pause

NC It's all about.....C youuuuuuu

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 D7 × × × × NC

All I Have to Do is Dream [C]Everly Brothers

C Am F G7
C Am F G7

C Drea-ea-ea-ea- Am eam F dream dream G7 dream
C Drea-ea-ea-ea- Am eam F dream dream G7 dream

Verse 1
When C I want Am you Dm in my G7 arms
When C I want Am you Dm and all your G7 charms
When C ever I Am want you F all I have to G7 do
Is C drea-ea-ea-ea- Am eam F dream dream G7 dream

Verse 2
When C I feel Am blue Dm in the G7 night
And C I need Am you Dm to hold me G7 tight
When C ever I Am want you F all I have to G7 do
Is C drea-ea-Fea-Ceam C7

F I can make you mine Em taste your lips of wine
Dm Anytime G7 night or C day C7
F Only trouble is Em gee whiz
I’m D7 dreaming my life G7 away

Verse 4
I C need you Am so Dm that I could G7 die
I C love you Am so Dm and that is G7 why
When C ever I Am want you F all I have to G7 do is
C Drea-ea-ea-ea- Am eam F dream dream G7 dream
C Drea-ea- F ea- C eam C7

F I can make you mine Em taste your lips of wine
Dm Anytime G7 night or C day C7 F Only trouble is Em gee whiz
I’m D7 dreaming my life G7 away

I C need you Am so Dm that I could G7 die
I C love you Am so Dm and that is G7 why
When C ever I Am want you F all I have to G7 do is
C Drea-ea-ea-ea-Am eam F dream dream G7 dream
C Drea-ea-ea-ea-Am eam F dream dream G7 dream
C Drea-ea-ea-ea-Am eam F dream dream G7 dream

C* Dream

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 C7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7

All I Have to Do is Dream [G]Everly Brothers

G Em C D7
G Em C D7

G Drea-ea-ea-ea- Em eam C dream dream D7 dream
G Drea-ea-ea-ea- Em eam C dream dream D7 dream

Verse 1
When G I want Em you [Am] in my D7 arms
When G I want Em you Am and all your D7 charms
When G ever I Em want you C all I have to D7 do
Is G drea-ea-ea-ea- Em eam C dream dream D7 dream

Verse 2
When G I feel Em blue Am in the D7 night
And G I need Em you Am to hold me D7 tight
When G ever I Em want you C all I have to D7 do
Is G drea-ea-Cea-Geam G7

C I can make you mine Bm taste your lips of wine
Am Anytime D7 night or G day G7
C Only trouble is Bm gee whiz
I’m A7 dreaming my life D7 away

Verse 4
I G need you Em so Am that I could D7 die
I G love you Em so Am and that is D7 why
When G ever I Em want you C all I have to D7 do is
G Drea-ea-ea-ea- Em eam C dream dream D7 dream
G Drea-ea- C ea- G eam G7

C I can make you mine Bm taste your lips of wine
Am Anytime D7 night or G day G7 C Only trouble is Bm gee whiz
I’m A7 dreaming my life D7 away

I G need you Em so Am that I could D7 die
I G love you Em so Am and that is D7 why
When G ever I Em want you C all I have to D7 do is
G Drea-ea-ea-ea-Em eam C dream dream D7 dream
G Drea-ea-ea-ea-Em eam C dream dream v dream
G Drea-ea-ea-ea-Em eam C dream dream D7 dream

G* Dream

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 D7 2 Am 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Bm 1 A7

All Night Long [C]Lionel Richie


Verse 1
G Well, my friends; the F time has come, Am To raise the roof and G have some fun.
G Throw away, the F work to be done; Am let the music G play on.
G Everybody sing, F everybody dance; Am Lose yourself in G wild romance.

Pre-Chorus 1
G We're going to party, Karamu, F Fiesta, forever, Am Come on and G sing along.
G We're going to party, Karamu, F Fiesta, forever, Am Come on and G sing my song.

G All Am night F long, all night, all night, all night.
F All Am night G long, all night, all night, all night.
G All Am night F long, all night, all night, all night.
F All Am night G long, all night, all night, all night.

G People dancing, all F in the streets, Am See the rhythm flow, G in their feet.
G Life is cool, F wild and sweet; Am let the music G play on.
G Feel it in your heart and F feel it in your soul;
Am Let the music G take control.

Pre-Chorus 2
G We're going to; party, Karamu, F Fiesta, forever; Am Come on and G sing my song...


Verse 2
G Once you get C started, you G can't sit F down F
G Come join the C fun, it's a G merry-go-Fround F
G Everyone's C dancing their G troubles a-Fway F
G Come join our C party, G see how we play.


Tom bo li de, say de moi ya, yeah, Jambo Jumbo. Way to parti', oh we goin', oh, jambali.
Tom bo li de, say de moi ya, yeah, Jambo Jumbo.
F Wo...ah... Am yes, we're G gonna have a party...


F Everyone you meet, all night, They're jamming in the street, all night,
All night G long, all night, yeah, I said... all night.
F Everyone you meet, all night,
They're jamming in the street, all night, All night G long, all night,
feel good, feel good.....

G All Am night F long, all night, all night, all night.
F All Am night G long, all night, all night, all night.
G All Am night F long, all night, all night, all night.
F All Am night G long, all night, all night, all night

Repeat until the end of time

1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am 3 C

All That She Wants [Am]Ace of Base

Am Am G Dm

Am She leads a Am lonely life G Dm
Am She leads a Am lonely life G Dm

Whistling Intrumental
Am Am G Dm
Am Am G Dm

Verse 1
When she Am woke up late in the morning light and the G day had just beDgu-u-un
She A opened up her eyes and thought... E7 oh what a morning
A It’s not a day for work-ah... it’s a D day for catching Dm tan
Just A lying on a E7 beach and having D fun
She’s E7* going to get you

Am All that she wants... is another G baby... she’s Dm gone tomorrow boy
Am All that she wants... is another Em baby Dm ye-ah
Am All that she wants... is another G baby... she’s Dm going tomorrow boy
Am All that she wants... is another Em baby Dm* ye-ah Stop

Whistling Intrumental
Am Am G Dm
Am Am G Dm

Verse 2
So - if - you
Am are in sight and the day is right, she’s a G hunter you’re the D fox
The A gentle voice that talks to you... E7 won’t talk forever
Am It’s the night for passion... but the D morning means goodDmbye
BeAware of what is E7 flashing in her D eyes
She’s E7* going to getcha

Chorus x2
Am All that she wants... is another G baby... she’s Dm gone tomorrow boy
Am All that she wants... is another Em baby Dm ye-ah
Am All that she wants... is another G baby... she’s Dm going tomorrow boy
Am All that she wants... is another Em baby Dm* ye-ah


2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Em

All The Lies That You Told Me [G]Frances Black

All the G7 lies that you C told me,
All the tears that F I cried
All the loving you G7gave me,
It was a C lie F G7
I could never i- C magine,
when I felt F so high
That there could be G7somebody new
Better than G7you in my C life F G7

When I woke up this Cmorning,
with tears in F my eyes
I never felt G7 more like saying goodCbye F G7
I could never iCmagine,
when I felt F so high
That there could be G7somebody new
Better than you in my Clife F C

GAm I just fooling myself?
CCould there be somebody else?
GCould there be somebody new,
FWaiting around the G7corner?
G7 Yes there is, waiting for you,
Waiting for someone like C you F G7

All the nights that you Ctold me,
All your loving F was mine
And I wanted to G7 listen,
to all of your C lies F G7
I could never i-Cmagine,
when I felt F so high
That there could be G7 somebody new
Better than you in my C life F C

GAm I just fooling myself?
CCould there be somebody else?
GCould there be somebody new,
FWaiting around the G7corner?
G7 Yes there is, waiting for you,
Waiting for someone like C you F G7

All the G7 nights that you C told me,
All your loving was F mine
Now there could be G7somebody new
Better than you in my Clife

1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

All These Things That I've Done [G]The Killers

Intro Slow Strums
G When there's nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more C son? One more G son?
If you Em can hold on, If you C can hold on, hold G on.

Instrumental Normal strumming

Verse 1
G I want to stand up, I want to let go. You know you know - no, you don't, you don't. C
I want to shine on in the hearts of G men. I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand.

Verse 2
G Another head aches, another heart breaks. I'm so much older than I can C take.
And my affection, well it comes and G goes. I need direction to perfection, no no no no

Chorus 1
G Help me out, yeah, You know you gotta help me out, yeah
Oh don't you put me on the C back burner,
You know you gotta help me G out, yeah.

Verse 3
G And when there's nowhere else to run. Is there room for one more son?
These C changes ain't changing me. The G cold-hearted boy I used to be.

Chorus 2
G Yeah, you know you gotta help me out, yeah
Oh don't you put me on the C back burner
You know you gotta help me G out, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself Em down, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself C down, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself G down.

G I got soul, but I'm not a soldier I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
C I got soul, but I'm not a soldier G I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
G I got soul, but I'm not a soldier I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
C I got soul, but I'm not a soldier G I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
Em I got soul, but I'm not a soldier C I got soul, but I'm not a soldier G

Chorus 3
G Yeah, you know you gotta help me out, yeah
Oh don't you put me on the C back burner
You know you gotta help me G out, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself G down, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself G down, yeah
Oh don't you put me on the C back burner,
You're gonna bring yourself G down, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself Em down

Over and Am in, last call for C sin.
While everyone's lost, the battle is D* won
With all these things that I've G done. G
With all these things that I've Em done. Em
If you C can hold on, if you D can hold on
G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 2 Am

All You Need is Love [G]Beatles

G Love D love Em love, G love D love Em love
Am Love G love D love
D Am7 Bm D

Verse 1
G There’s nothing you can D do that can’t be Em done
G Nothing you can D sing that can’t be Em sung
Am Nothing you can G say but you can D learn how to play the game
It’s D easy Am7 Bm D

Verse 2
G There’s nothing you can D make that can’t be Em made
G Nothing you can D save that can’t be Em saved
Am Nothing you can G do but you can D learn how to be you in time
It’s D easy Am7 Bm D

G All you A need is love D
G All you A need is love D
G All you B7 need is love Em love Em
C Love is D all you need G

Verse 3
G There’s nothing you can D know that isn’t Em known
G Nothing you can D see that isn’t Em shown
Am There’s nowhere you can G be that isn’t D where you’re meant to be
It’s D easy Am7 Bm D

Chorus x2
G All you A need is love D
G All you A need is love D
G All you B7 need is love Em love Em
C Love is D all you need G

Outro repeat til cha-cha-cha
G Love is all you need
G love is all you need
G Love is all you need
G love is all you need
G Love is all you need
G love is all you need

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 2 Am Am7 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 A 1 2 3 B7 3 C

All out of love [C]Air Supply


Verse 1
I'm F lying alone with my C head on the phone,
F thinking of you 'til it C hurts
I F know you hurt too, but what Em else can we do,
Tor-Am-mented and torn F apart. G
I F wish I could carry your C smile in my heart,
For F times when my life seems so C low.
It would F make me believe what to-Emmorrow could bring,
When todAmay doesn't really F know, Doesn't G really know.

I'm C all out of love, I'm G so lost with you,
I Am know you were right, beFlieving for G so long.
I'm C all out of love, what G am I without you,
I Am can't be too late to F say that I G was so C wrong.

Verse 2
I F want you to come back and C carry me home,
AwFay from these long, lonely C nights.
I'm F reaching for you. Are you Em feeling it too?
Does the Am feeling seem oh, so F right? G
And F what would you say if I C called on you now,
And F said that I can't hold C on?
There's F no easy way, it gets Em harder each day,
Please Am love me or I'll be F gone. I'll be G gone.


Am Oooo.... Em What are you thinking F of F/ Em/ Dm
What are you thinking Am of
Em What are you Thinking F of F/ Em/ Dm
What are you Thinking F of G////////// stop

I'm C all out of love, I'm G so lost with you,
I Am know you were right, beFlieving for G so long.
I'm C all out of love, what G am I without you,
I Am can't be too late to F say that I G was so C wrong.

Cha cha cha

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm

Alone [Am]Heart

Am F G
Am F G E7

AmI hear the F ticking of the G clock,
I'm lying here the Amroom's pitch Fdark G E7
AmI wonder F where you are G tonight,
no answer on your Am telephoneF G E7
And the F night goes by so C very slow Dm C
Oh I F hope that it won't C end though Dm G
C Alone

Dm Till Bb now, I F always got C by on my Dm own
I Bb never really F cared until I C met you Dm
And Bb now it F chills me to the C bone
F How do I Bb get you C alone
F How do I Bb get you C alone

Am You don't know F how long I have G wanted
to touch your lips and Amhold you tight F G E7
Am You don't know F how long I have G waited,
and I was gonna Am tell you tonight F G E7
But the F secret is C still my own Dm C
and my F love for you is C still unknown Dm G
C Alone

Dm Bb F C Dm

Bb Aaaaa FWhooou-C Whaooo Dm

Dm Till Bb now, I F always got C by on my Dm own
I Bb never really F cared until I C met you Dm
And Bb now it F chills me to the C bone
F How do I Bb get you C alone
F How do I Bb get you C alone

Dm Bb F C x3
F Bb C

F How do I Bb get you Calone
F How do I Bb get you Calone
AlFooo Bb oooConee
AlFooo Bb oooConee

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life [Am]Life of Brian

[Verse 1 Freely
Some Am things in life are D bad
They can G really make you Em mad
Am Other things just D make you swear and G curse
When you've Am chewing on life's D gristle
Don't G grumble give a Em whistle
And Am this'll help things turn out for the D7 best

Chorus 1 Strumming
And G always Em look on the Am bright D7 side of G life Em Am D7
G Always Em look on the Am light D7 side of G life Em Am D7

Verse 2
If Am life seems jolly D rotten
There's G something you've Em forgotten
And Am that's to laugh and D smile and dance and G sing
When you're Am feeling in the D dumps
G Don't be silly Em chumps
Just Am purse your lips and whistle - that's the D7 thing

Chorus 1

Verse 3
For Am life is quite ab-Dsurd... and G death's the final Em word
You must Am always face the D curtain... with a G bow
For-Amget about your D sin... give the G audience a Em grin
En-Amjoy it... it's your last chance any-D7how

Chorus 2
So G always Em look on the Am bright D7 side of G death Em Am D7 G
Just be-Emfore you Am draw your D7 terminal G breath Em Am D7

Verse 4
Am Life's a piece of D shit... G when you look at Em it
Am Life's a laugh and D death's a joke it's G true
You'll Am see it's all a D show
Keep 'em G laughing as you Em go
Just re-Ammember that the last laugh is on D7 you

Chorus 1

Outro Slowing
And G always Em look on the Am bright D7 side of G life

2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7

Always On My Mind [C]Elvis Presley

Intro C

C Maybe I didn't G7 treat you
Am Quite as good as I F should have
C Maybe I didn't G7 love you
Am Quite as often as I D7 could have
F Little things I should have C said and done
F I just C never took the Dm time G7
You were always on my C mind Dm
You were G7 always on my C mind. G7

C Maybe I didn't G7 hold you
Am All those lonely, lonely F times
C And I guess I never G7 told you
Am I'm so happy that you're D7 mine
F If I make you feel C second best
F Girl I'm C sorry I was Dm blind G7
You were always on my C mind Dm
You were G7 always on my C mind. G7

CTell Amme...
F Tell me that your C sweet love hasn't Dm died
C Give Am me . . .
F One more chance to C keep you satisDmfied G7
I'll keep you satisCfied C7

F Little things I should have C said and done
F I just C never took the Dm time G7
But you were always on my C mind Dm
You were G7 always on my C mind. G7
You were always on my C mind Dm
You were G7 always on my C* mind.

3 C 1 2 3 G7 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Dm 1 C7

Always On My Mind [G]Elvis Presley


Verse 1
G Maybe I didn't D treat you
Em Quite as G good as I C should have C* D*
G Maybe I didn't D love you
Em Quite as G often as I A could have
C Little things I should have G said and done
C I just G never took the Am time ...

D You were always on my G mind You were always on my C mind
You were D always on my G mind.

Verse 2
G Maybe I didn't D hold you
Em All those G lonely, lonely C times C* D*
G And I guess I never D told you
Em I'm so D happy that you're A mine
C If I make you feel G second best
C Girl I'm G sorry I was Am blind ...

D You were always on my G mind You were always on my C mind
You were D always on my G mind.

G Tell Emme...
C Tell me that your G sweet love hasn't Am died D
G Give Em me ...
Give me C one more chance to G keep you satis-Amfied D satis-Gfied


C Little things I should have G said and done
C I just G never took the Am time

D You were always on my G mind You were always on my C mind
You were D always on my G mind.
D You were always on my G mind You were always on my C mind
You were D always on my G mind.
D You were always on my G mind You were always on my C mind
You were D always on my G mind.

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 A 2 Am

Amarillo [A]Tony Christie

A Sha la la la D la la la la boom boom
A sha la la la E7 la la la la E7 boom boom
D Shalala la A la la la la E7 and Marie who A waits for me.

Verse 1
A When the day is D dawning A on a Texas E7 Sunday morning
A How I long to D be there
With A Marie who's E7 waiting for me there
F Every lonely C city F where I hang my C hat
F Ain't as half as C pretty as E7 where my baby's at

A Is this the way to D Amarillo
A Every night I've been E7 huggin' my pillow
A Dreaming dreams of D Amarillo
A And sweet MaE7rie who A waits for me
A Show me the way to D Amarillo
A I've been weepin' E7 like a willow
A Crying over D Amarillo
A And sweet MaE7rie who A waits for me

A Sha la la la D la la la la A sha la la la E7 la la la la
D Sha la la la A la la la la E7 and Marie who A waits for me

Verse 2
A There's a church-bell D ringing
A Hear the song of E7 joy that it's singing
A For the sweet MaDria A and the guy who's E7 coming to see her
F Just beyond the C highway F there's an open C plain
F And it keeps me C going E7 through the wind and rain

A Is this the way to D Amarillo
A Every night I've been E7 huggin' my pillow
A Dreaming dreams of D Amarillo
A And sweet MaE7rie who A waits for me
A Show me the way to D Amarillo
A I've been weepin' E7 like a willow
A Crying over D Amarillo
A And sweet MaE7rie who A waits for me

A Sha la la la D la la la la A sha la la la E7 la la la la E7
D Sha la la la A la la la la E7 and Marie who A waits for me
A Sha la la la D la la la la A sha la la la E7 la la la la E7
D Sha la la la A la la la la E7 and Marie who A waits for me

A Cha cha cha

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 3 C

Amazing [Am]Aerosmith

I kept the Am right ones out, and let the G wrong ones in
Had an C7 angel of mercy, to see me through all my F sin
There were Fm times in my life, when I was C goin' insane
Am Tryin' to walk through the F pain
When I Am lost my grip, and I G hit the floor
Yeah I C7 thought I could leave, but couldn't get out the F door
I was Fm so sick and tired, of C livin' a lie
I was Am wishin' that I, would F die

It's C amazing Em, with the F blink of an eye you Em finally see the G light G7
It's C amazing Em, when the F moment arrives that you Em know you'll be alGright G7
It's F amazing Em, and I'm D7 sayin' a prayer for the G desperate hearts toCnight

That Am one last shot's a permanent vaD7cation
And F how high can you fly with broken C wings?
Am Life's a journey, not a destiD7nation
And I F just can't tell, just what tomorrow G brings

You have to Am learn to crawl, before you G learn to walk
But I C7 just couldn't listen to all that righteous F talk
Well I was Fm out on the street, just C tryin' to survive
Am Scratchin' to stay, F alive

It's C amazing Em, with the F blink of an eye you Em finally see the G light G7
It's C amazing Em, when the F moment arrives that you Em know you'll be alGright G7
It's F amazing Em, and I'm D7 sayin' a prayer for the G desperate hearts toCnight

That Am one last shot's a permanent vaD7cation
And F how high can you fly with broken C wings?
Am Life's a journey, not a destiD7nation
And I F just can't tell, just what tomorrow G brings

It's C amazing Em, with the F blink of an eye you Em finally see the G light G7
It's C amazing Em, when the F moment arrives that you Em know you'll be alGright G7
It's F amazing Em, and I'm D7 sayin' a prayer for the G desperate hearts toCnight

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Fm 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G7 1 2 D7

An bhfaca tú mo Shéamuisín? [C]

An Cbhfaca tú mo AmShéamuisín
Mo Cstóirín óg, mo bhuGachaillín?
An Cbhfaca tú mo AmShéamuisín
Is Cé 'gabháil Gsíos an Cbóthar?
Níl Cbróg ar bith ar a Amdhá choisín
Ar a Cdhá choisín, ar a Gdhá choisín
Níl Cbróg ar bith ar a Amdhá choisín
Níl Ccaipín Gair ná Cclóca

Ag Cdul ar scoil tá AmShéamuisín
Mo Cstóirín óg, mo bhuGachaillín?
Ag Cdul ar scoil tá AmShéamuisín
'S a Cleabharín Gbuí 'na Cphóca
CAr a dhroim tá Ammáilín beag
Cmáilín beag, tá Gmáilín beag
CAr a dhroim tá Ammáilín beag
'S a Clóinsín Gann is Cdócha

Do Crugadh é i AmMóin a Lín
Ag Cbun an chnoic i Gnead éinín
Do Crugadh é i AmMóin a Lín
In Caice Gle Bun CDóite
Ó Cgrá mo chroí mo AmShéamuisín
Mo Cstóirín óg, mo Gbhuachaillín
Ó Cgrá mo chroí mo AmShéamuisín
Ar Cmaidin Gis tráthCnóna

An Cbhfaca tú mo AmShéamuisín
Mo Cstóirín óg, mo bhuGachaillín?
An Cbhfaca tú mo AmShéamuisín
Is Cé 'gabháil Gsíos an Cbóthar?
Níl Cbróg ar bith ar a Amdhá choisín
Ar a Cdhá choisín, ar a Gdhá choisín
Níl Cbróg ar bith ar a Amdhá choisín
Níl Ccaipín Gair ná Cclóca

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 G

And She Was [E]Talking Heads

E A E - E A E

Verse 1
E And she was A lying in the E grass
E And she could A hear the highway E breathing
E She could A see a nearby E factory
E She's making A sure she is not E dreaming
Bb See the F lights of the C neighbour's F house
Bb Now she's C starting to F rise
Bb Take a F minute to C concenFtrate and she Bb Opens G up her C eyes

E The world was A moving she was D right there A with it
And she E was A D A
E The world was A moving she was D floating aAbove it
And she E was A D A
And she E was A E - E A E

Verse 2
E And she was A drifting through the E backyard
E And she was A taking off her E dress
E And she was A moving very E slowly E Rising A up above the E earth
Bb Moving F into the C uniFverse and she’s Bb Drifting C this way and F that
Bb Not F touching the C ground at F all and she’s Bb Up aGbove the C yard


Bm And she was glad about it ... no doubt about it
G She isn't sure about what she's done
Bm No time to think about what to tell them
G No time to think about what she's done And she E was A E - E A E

Verse 3
E And she was A looking at herEself
E And things were A looking like a E movie
E She had a A pleasant eleEvation
E She's moving A out in all diErections
Bb Hey F Hey C Hey Hey F Hey Bb Hey C Hey F Hey
Bb Hey F Hey C Hey Hey F Hey Bb Hey G Hey C Hey

E The world was A moving she was D right there A with it
And she E was A D A
E The world was A moving she was D floating aAbove it
And she E was A D A

E Joining the A world of D missing A persons And she E was A D A
E Missing eAnough to D feel alAright And she E was A D A
And she E was A D A x3
And she E was

1 2 E 1 2 A 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm

Andante Andante [F]Abba

Take it Feasy C with me,F pleaseC
Touch me Fgently like a Csummer eveFning breeze
Take your Bb time, make it Fslow
Andante, An-Bbdante
Just Clet the feeling FgrowC7

Make your Ffingers Csoft and F lightC
Let your Fbody be the Cvelvet of the Fnight
Touch my Bbsoul, you knowF how
Andante, AnBbdante
Go Cslowly with Fme now

F9I'm your BbmusicF
I'm Bbyour song
Play me Ebtime and time aFgain and make me Bbstrong
Make me Ebsing, make me Bbsound
Andante, AnEbdante
Tread Flightly on my Bb ground
Andante, AnEbdante
Oh Fplease don't let me Bbdown

Bb F  Eb Bb  Eb  Bb F

CThere's a FshimmerC in your FeyesC
Like the Ffeeling of a Cthousand butterFflies
Please don't Bbtalk, go on,F play
Andante, AnBbdante
And Clet me float aFway


Bb F  Eb Bb  Eb  Bb F
Bb F  Eb Bb  Eb  Bb F

1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 C7 1 2 3 4 F9 1 1 1 Eb

Angel From Montgomery [D]John Prine

D I am an old G woman D named after my G mother.
D My old man is a-Gnother A child that's grown D old.
If dreams were G thunder D and lightning was de-Gsire
D this old house would've G burnt down a A long time a-Dgo.

D Make me an C angel that G flies from Mont-Dgomery.
Make me a C poster of G an old rode-Do.
Just give me C one thing that G I can hold D on to.
To believe in this G living is just a A hard way to D go.

D When I was a young G girl D I had me G a cowboy,
D wasn't much to G look at, A just a free rambl-in' D man.
But that was a G long time, and D no matter how G I try,
D the years just flow G by like a A broken down D dam.

D Make me an C angel that G flies from Mont-Dgomery.
Make me a C poster of G an old rode-Do.
Just give me C one thing that G I can hold D on to.
To believe in this G living is just a A hard way to D go.

D There's flies G in the D kitchen, I can G hear all their buzzin'
D but I ain't done G nothin' since I A woke up to-Dday.
But how the hell G can a person go to D work in the G morning
D come home in the G evenin' and have nothin' A to say? D

D Make me an C angel that G flies from Mont-Dgomery.
Make me a C poster of G an old rode-Do.
Just give me C one thing that G I can hold D on to.
To believe in this G living is just a A hard way to D go.
To believe in this G living is just a A hard way to D go.

Added by Rodger, Bangor Ukes Oct 24

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 3 C

Angel of the morning [G]Juice Newton

GThere'll be no Cstrings to bind your Dhands
Not if my Clove can't bind your GheartC. D C
GAnd there's no Cneed to take a Dstand
for it was C I who chose to G start. C. D
C* G*
AmI see no Cneed to take me Dhome,
AmI'm old eCnough to face the Ddawn.

GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CbaDby.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Am*then slowly turn aCway from Gme.

GMaybe the Csun's light will be Ddim
and it won't Cmatter anyGhowC. D C
GIf morning's Cecho says we’ve Dsinned,
Well, it was Cwhat I wanted Gnow. C. D
C* G*
AmAnd if we're the Cvictims of the Dnight,
AmI won't be Cblinded by the Dlight.

GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CbaDby.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Am*then slowly turn aCway
AmI won't beg you to C stay with Gme

G/// C///
G/// C///

CBa a a Dby
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CdarDlin.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CbaDby.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, Cda-D-arG lin C. D
C* D* G*

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 Am

Angels [F]Robbie Williams


Verse 1
I sit and F wait... does an angel... contemplBbate my fate C
And do they F know... the places where we go... when we’re grey and
Bb old C
C Cos I have been Gm told... that salBbvation... lets their
Dm wings unfold Bb
So when I’m Eb lyin’ in my bed... thoughts Bb runnin’ through my head
And I F feel that love is dead...
Eb* I’m loving Bb* angels inFstead

And through it C all... she offers me proDmtection
A lot of love and affBbection... whether I’m right or F wrong
And down the waterCfall... wherever it may Dm take me
I know that life won’t Bb break me... when I come to call F
She won’t forGmsake me...
Eb* I’m loving Bb* angels inFstead

Verse 2
F When I’m feeling weak... and my pain walks down a one-Bbway street C
I look aFbove... and I know I’ll always be Bb blessed with love C
And Eb as the feeling grows... she breathes Bb flesh to my bones
And F when love is dead...
Eb* I’m loving Bb* angels inFstead


Cm Bb F F Cm Gm F F
Cm Bb F F Cm Gm F F

And through it C all... she offers me proDmtection
A lot of love and affBbection... whether I’m right or F wrong
And down the waterCfall... wherever it may Dm take me
I know that life won’t Bb break me... when I come to call F
She won’t forGmsake me...
Eb* I’m loving Bb* angels inF*stead

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 Eb 1 1 1 Cm

Annie's Song [C]John Denver

You C fill up my F senGses Am,
Like a F night in the C forest Em Am
Like a C mountain in F springGtime Dm,
Like a F walk in the G rain G7
Like a G storm in the F desGert Am,
Like a F sleepy blue C ocean Em Am
You C fill up my F senGses Dm,
Come G7 fill me aCgain C F C

C Come let me F love G you Am,
Let me F give my life C to you Em
Am Let me C drown in your F laughGter
Dm Let me F die in your G arms G7
Let me G lay down beFside G you
Am Let me alFways be C with you Em Am
C Come let me F love G you Dm
Come G7 love me aCgain C F C

C F G Am
F C Em Am
C F G Dm
F G G G7 G F G

Am Let me F give my life C to you Em Am
C Come let me F love G you Dm
Come G7 love me aCgain C F C

You C fill up my F senGses Am,
Like a F night in the C forest Em
Am Like a C mountain in F springGtime Dm
Like a F walk in the G rain G7
Like a G storm in the F desGert Am,
Like a F sleepy blue C ocean Em
Am You C fill up my F senGses Dm
Come G7 fill me aCgain


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7

Another One Bites The Dust [Em]Queen

Intro - bass/drum only
NC NC x2
w/ ukes
Em Am x2

Verse 1
Em Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down Am low
Em Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, Machine guns ready to Am go

C Are you ready, Are you G ready for this
C Are you hanging on the G edge of your seat
C Out of the doorway the G bullets rip, Am to the sound of the B7 beat

Em Another one bites the Am dust, Em Another one bites the Am dust
Em And another one gone, Em and another one gone, Another one bites the Am dust
F#m Hey, I'm gonna get you too, Another one bites the B7 dust

Em Am x2

Verse 2
Em How do you think I'm going to get along, Without you, when you're Am gone
Em You took me for everything that I had, And kicked me out on my Am own

C Are you happy, are you G satisfied, C How long can you stand G the heat
C Out of the doorway the G bullets rip, Am to the sound of the B7 beat


Acapella w/ clapping
NC Another one bites the dust, Another one bites the dust Ow!
NC Another one bites the dust, Another one bites the dust

Instrumental w/ Ukes
Em Am x2

Verse 3
Em There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man, And bring him to the Am ground
Em You can beat him, You can cheat him, You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's Am down

C But I'm ready, yes I'm reGady for you, C I'm standing on my own two G feet
C Out of the doorway the buGllets rip, A Repeating to the sound of the B beat, oh yeah

Em Another one bites the Am dust, Em Another one bites the Am dust
Em And another one gone, Em and another one gone, Another one bites the Am dust
F#m Hey, I'm gonna get you too, Another one bites the B7 dust

Outro  same as verse and pre-chorus
Em Am x2
C G C G C G Am B7
Em - Single Strum

× × × × NC 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 A 1 2 3 B

Any Dream Will Do [G]Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat


Verse 1
I closed my G eyes, D drew back the G curtain
C To see for G certain D what I thought I G knew
D Far far aGway, D someone was G weeping C
But the world was G sleeping D
Any dream will G do D

Verse 2
I wore my G coat, D with golden G lining C
Bright colours G shining, D wonderful and G new
D And in the G east, D the dawn was G breaking
C And the world was G waking D
Any dream will G do G7

C A crash of drums, a flash of light, My golden coat flew out of sight
The G colours faded Em into darkness, A7 I was left aDlone

Verse 3
May I reGturn D to the beGginning C
The light is G dimming, D and the dream is G too D
The world and G I, D we are still G waiting C
Still hesiGtating D
Any dream will G do D

Verse 4
I wore my G coat, D with golden G lining C
Bright colours G shining, D wonderful and G new D
And in the G east, D the dawn was G breaking C
And the world was G waking D
Any dream will G do G7

C A crash of drums, a flash of light, My golden coat flew out of sight
The G colours faded Em into darkness, A7 I was left aDlone

Verse 5
May I reGturn D to the beGginning C
The light is G dimming, D and the dream is G too D
The world and G I, D we are still G waiting C
Still hesiGtating D

Any dream will G do D
Any dream will G do D
Any dream will G do....


1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Em 1 A7

Baby Can I Hold You [D]Tracy Chapman

D Dsus2 D A7sus4 A7 x2

Verse 1
D Sorry
Is all A7 that you can't Em say
A7 Years gone by and D still
Words A7 don't come easiEmly
Like G sorry like A sorry

Verse 2
D Forgive me
A7 Is all that you can't Em say
A7 Years gone by and D still
A7 Words don't come easiEmly
Like G forgive me A forgive me

But you can say D baby
Em Baby can G I hold you D tonight?
Em Maybe if G I told you Bm the right words
Oooh at the A right time
You'd be D mine

G A7

Verse 3
D I love you
A7 Is all that you can't Em say
A7 Years gone by and D still
A7 Words don't come easiEmly
Like G I love you A I love you

But you can say D baby
Em Baby can G I hold you D tonight?
Em Maybe if G I told you Bm the right words
Oooh at the A right time
You'd be D mine

Em Baby can G I hold you D tonight?
Em Maybe if G I told you Bm the right words
Oooh at the A right time
You'd be D mine G A
You'd be D mine G A
You'd be D mine

1 1 1 D 2 3 Dsus2 3 A7sus4 1 A7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Back To Black [Dm]Amy Winehouse

Dm  Gm  Bb  A A7

Verse 1
Dm He left no time to re-Gmgret,
Kept his dick Bb wet, with his same old safe A bet. A7
Dm Me... and my head Gm high,
And my tears Bb dry; get on without A my guy. A7

Verse 2
Dm You went back to what you Gm knew,
So far Bb removed, from all that we went A through.
And Dm I... tread a troubled Gm track,
My odds are Bb stacked; I'll go back A to black.

Dm We only said goodbye with Gm words; I died a hundred times.
Bb You go back to her and I A go back to.NC..Pause I go bacDmk to us.

Verse 3
Dm I love you Gm much,
It's not e-Bbnough; you love blow and I A love puff. A7
And Dm life is like a Gm pipe,
And I'm a tiny Bb penny rolling up the walls A inside. A7


Dm We only said goodbye with Gm words; I died a hundred times.
Bb You go back to her and I A go back to...
Dm We only said goodbye with Gm words; I died a hundred times.
Bb You go back to her and A I go back to...


Bridge 1
Dm Black... Bb black,
F Black... A black.
Dm Black... Bb black,
F Black... A I go back to... I go back to...

Dm We only said goodbye with Gm words; I died a hundred times.
Bb You go back to her and I A go back to...
Dm We only said goodbye with Gm words; I died a hundred times.
Bb You go back to her and A I go back to Dm black.

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 A 1 A7 × × × × NC 1 2 F

Back for Good [C]Take That

Verse 1
C I guess Dm now it's F time G for me to give C up
Dm I feel it's F time G
Got a C picture of you beDm side me
Got your F lipstick mark still G on your coffee cup C Dm
Oh F yeah G

Got a C fist of pure eDmmotion
Got a F head of shattered G dreams
Gotta Am leave it, gotta Am7 leave it all beFhind now G

C Whatever I said Dm whatever I did I didn't F mean it
I just G want you back for C good
Want you back, Dm want you back, F want you back for G good
WhenCever I'm wrong just Dm tell me the song and I'll F sing it
You'll be G right and underCstood
Want you back, Dm want you back, F want you back for G good

Verse 2
C UnaDmware but underFlined G I figured out the C story
No Dm no, it wasn't F good, no G no
But in the C corner of my Dm mind F
G I celebrated C glory Dm
But that F was not to G be

In the C twist of separDmation you exFcelled at being G free
Can't you Am find... a little Am7 room inside for F me G


F And we'll be toCgether
F This time is forCever
F We'll be fighting and forCever we will be
So comAmplete in our Am7 love
We will F never be uncovered aGgain F-G

C Whatever I said Dm whatever I did I didn't F mean it
I just G want you back for C good
Want you back, Dm want you back, F want you back for G good
WhenCever I'm wrong just Dm tell me the song and I'll F sing it
You'll be G right and underCstood
Want you back, Dm want you back, F want you back for G good

Outro Single strums
C* I guess Dm* now it’s F* time that G* you came back... for C* good

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am Am7

Bad Moon Rising [C]Creedence Clearwater Revival

C G-F C C x2

Verse 1
C I see the G bad F moon C rising
C I see G trouble F on the C way
C I see G earth F quakes and C lightning
C I see G bad F times C today

F Don't go around tonight,
Well it's C bound to take your life
G There's a F bad moon on the C rise


Verse 2
C I hear G hurriFcanes C blowing
C I know the G end is F coming C soon
C I fear G rivers F overCflowing
C I hear the G voice of F rage and C ruin

F Don't go around tonight,
Well it's C bound to take your life
G There's a F bad moon on the C rise


Verse 3
C Hope you G got your F things C together
C Hope you are G quite F prepared to C die
C Looks like G we're in for F nasty C weather
C One eye is G taken F for an C eye

F Don't go around tonight,
Well it's C bound to take your life
G There's a F bad moon on the C rise

F Don't go around tonight,
Well it's C bound to take your life
G There's a F bad moon on the C rise

C G-F C*

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Bad Romance [Am]Lady GaGa

Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am

Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.
Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.

Verse 1
Am I want your ugly, I want your disease G
Am I want your everything as C long as it's G free,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G

Am I want your drama, the touch of your hand G
Am I want your leather-studded C kiss in the G sand,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G

F I want your love and I G want your revenge
You and Am me could write a bad romance C Oh-oh-oh--oh!
F I want your love and all your G lover's revenge
You and E7 me could write a bad romance Am

Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am

Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.

Verse 2
Am I want your horror, I want your design G
Am ‘Cause you're a criminal as C long as you're G mine,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G

Am I want your psycho, your vertigo shtick G
Am Want you in my rear window C baby you're G sick,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G

F I want your love and I G want your revenge
You and Am me could write a bad romance C Oh-oh-oh--oh!
F I want your love and all your G lover's revenge
You and E7 me could write a bad romance Am

Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am

Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.
Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 E7

Bad Romance Psycho Killer Mash Up [Am] - [F]

Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am
Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.
Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.

Verse 1
Am I want your ugly, I want your disease G
Am I want your everything as C long as it's G free,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G

F I want your love and I G want your revenge
You and Am me could write a bad romance C Oh-oh-oh--oh!
F I want your love and all your G lover's revenge
You and E7 me could write a bad romance Am

Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am

Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.

Psycho Killer
Verse 1
Am  I can't seem to face up to the factsG
Am  I'm tense and nervous and I can't relaxG
Am  I can't sleep cause my bed's on fireG
Am  Don't touch me I'm a real live wiGre

F  Psycho killer,G qu'est-ce que c'est
Am  Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa, better
F  Run runG run run run aCway
Oh___F___  Gayayayay    Am      |Am    G|Am      |Am    G |

Verse 2
Am  You start a conversation, you can't even finish itG
Am  You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anythiGng
Am  When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealedG
Am  Say something once, why say it again?G

F  Psycho killer,G qu'est-ce que c'est
Am  Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa, better
F  Run runG run run run aCway, oh-oh-oh
F  Psycho killer,G qu'est-ce que c'est
Am  Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa, better
F  Run runG run run run aCway
Oh___F___  Gayayayay

Bad Romance
Pre-chorus & Chorus to Finish

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 E7

Bare Necessities [G]Terry Gilkyson

Straight in

Look for the... G bare necessities
The Csimple bare neC7cessities
ForGget about your E7 worries and your A7 strife D7
I mean the... G bare neG7cessities
Old C Mother Nature's C7 recipes
That G brings the E7 bare neA7cessD7ities of Glife

Verse 1
Wherever I D7 wander... wherever I G roam
I couldn't be D7 fonder... of my big G home G7
The bees are C buzzin' in the Cm tree
To make some G honey just for A7 me
When A7 you look under the rocks and plants
And D7* take a glance... at the fancy ants, then G maybe
Try a E7 few
The bare neA7cessities of D7 life will come to G you
They’ll D7 come to you G G*


Verse 2
Now when you pick a D7 paw-paw, Or a prickly G pear
And you prick a D7 raw paw, Next time G beware G7
Don't pick the C prickly pear by the C7 paw
When you pick a G pear, Try to use the G7 claw
But A7 you don't need to use the claw
When D you pick a pear of the D7 big paw-paw G
Have I given you a E7 clue ?
The bare neA7cessities of D7 life will come to G you
They’ll D7 come to you G*

Look for the... G bare necessities
The C simple bare neC7cessities
ForGget about your E7 worries and your A7 strife D7
I mean the... G bare neG7cessities
Old C Mother Nature's C7 recipes
That G brings the E7 bare neA7cessD7ities of G life

The bare neA7cessities of D7 life will come to G you
They’ll D7 come to you G
They’ll D7 come to you G
They’ll D7 come to you G

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 C7 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Cm 1 1 1 D

Be My Baby [G]The Ronettes


Verse 1
G The night we Em met I knew I Am needed you D7 so
G And if I Em had the chance I'd Am never let you D7 go
Bm So won't you say you love me E7 I'll make you so proud of me
A We'll make them turn their heads D every place we D7 go

So won't you G please Be my be my ...
Be my little Em baby My one and only ...
Say you'll be my C darlin' Be my be my ...
Be my baby D now D7 Whoa oh oh ohh

Verse 2
G I’ll make you Em happy baby Am just wait and D7 see
G For every Em kiss you give me, Am I’ll give you D7 three
Bm Oh since the day I saw you E7 I have been waiting for you
A You know I will adore you D till eterniD7ty

Chorus x2
So won't you G please Be my be my ...
Be my little Em baby My one and only ...
Say you'll be my C darlin' Be my be my ...
Be my baby D now D7 Whoa oh oh ohh


1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 3 C

Beat it [Em]Michael Jackson

Intro + Kazoo
Em D    Em D    Em D    Em D

Verse 1
Em They told him don't you ever D come around here,
don't Em wanna see your face, you better D disappear.
The C fire's in their eyes and their D words are really clear,
so Em beat it, just D beat it.

Em You better run, you better D do what you can,
Em don't wanna see no blood, D don't be a macho man.
You C wanna be tough, better D do what you can,
so Em beat it, but you D wanna be bad.

Just Em beat it, D beat it,
Em no one wants to be D defeated.
Em Showin' how funky and D strong is your fight,
Em it doesn't matter D who's wrong or right,
just Em beat it,  just D beat it,
just Em beat it,  just D beat it, oooo!

Verse 2
Em They're out to get you, better D leave while you can,
don't Em wanna be a boy, you wanna D be a man.
You C wanna stay alive, better D do what you can,
so Em beat it, just D beat it. Ooo!

Em You have to show them that you're D really not scared,
you're Em playin' with your life, this ain't no D truth or dare
They'll C kick you, then they beat you, then they'll D tell you it's fair.
Just Em beat it, but you D wanna be bad.

Just Em beat it, D beat it,
Em no one wants to be D defeated.
Em Showin' how funky and D strong is your fight,
Em it doesn't matter D who's wrong or right,
just Em beat it,  just D beat it,
just Em beat it,  just D beat it, oooo!

Outro + Kazoo
Em D    Em D    Em D    Em D

Just Em* beat it

1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 3 C

Beautiful Day [A]U2

Intro A Bm D G D A A Bm D G D A

The heart is a A bloom Bm D G Shoots D up through the stony A ground
There's no A room Bm D G No D space to rent in this A town
You're out of A luck Bm D G And the D reason that you had to A care
The traffic is A stuck Bm D G And you're not D mo-ving any A where
You thought you'd A found a Bm friend D G To take you D out of this A place
Someone A you Bm could D lend a G hand In re- D turn for A grace

It's a beautiful A day Bm D G D Sky falls, you A feel like
It's a beautiful A day Bm D G Don't D let it get a-Away

You're on the A road Bm D G But you've D got no destin-Aation
You're in the A mud Bm D G In the D maze of her imagin-Aation
You love this A town Bm D G D Even if that A doesn't ring true
You've A been Bm all D o- G ver And it's D been all over A you

It's a beautiful A day Bm D G Don't D let it get a-Away

It's a beautiful A day Bm D G D Sky falls, you A feel like
It's a beautiful A day Bm D G D A

F#m Touch me G D Take me to that A other place
F#m Teach me G I D know I'm not a A hopeless case
A Bm D G D A

Em See the world in green and blue D See China right in front of you
Em See the canyons G broken by cloud D See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
Em See the Bedouin G fires at night D See the oil fields at first light and
Em See the bird with a G leaf in her mouth D after the flood all the A colours came out

It was a beautiful A day Bm D G D Don’t let it get a-Away
Beautiful A day Bm D G D A

F#m Touch me G D Take me to that A other place
F#m Teach me G I D know I'm not a A hopeless case

What you A don't have Bm you D don't G need it now
What you D don't know you can A feel it somehow
What you A don't have Bm you D don't G need it now
Don’t D need it now A

Was a beautiful A day Bm D G D A
Bm* D* G* D* A*

1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 3 Em

Beautiful Sunday [G]Daniel Boone


Verse 1
G Sunday morning, up with the lark
I think I'll take a walk in the park
C Hey, hey, D hey, it's a beautiful G day
G I've got someone waiting for me
When I see her, I know that she'll say
C Hey, hey, D hey, it's a beautiful G day

G Hi, hi, hi, beautiful C Sunday
This is D my, my, my, beautiful G day
When you G say, say, say, say that you A love me
Oh-oh, C my, my, D my it's a beautiful G day

Verse 2
G Birds are singing, you by my side
Let's take a car and go for a ride
C Hey, hey, D hey, it's a beautiful G day
G We'll drive on and follow the sun
Making Sunday, go on and on
C Hey, hey, D hey, it's a beautiful G day

Chorus x2
G Hi, hi, hi, beautiful C Sunday
This is D my, my, my, beautiful G day
When you G say, say, say, say that you A love me
Oh-oh, C my, my, D my it's a beautiful G day G

Oh-oh, C my, my, D my it's a beautiful G day G
Oh-oh, C my, my, D my it's a beautiful G day
D* G*

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 A

Beauty School Dropout [G]Frankie Avalon

Verse 1 Single Strum
Your C story's sad to Am tell, a Dm teenage ne'er-do-Gwell
Most Em mixed up non-Amdelinquent on the Dm block G
Your Em future's so unAclear now, What's Dm left of your caGreer now
Can't C even get a traAmde-in on your F smock G

Instrumental Strumming
CAmDmG x2

Chorus 1
Beauty school C drop-out,Am no gradDmuation day for G you
Beauty school C drop-out, Am missed your midDmterms and flunked G shampoo
Well at C least you could have Am taken time to Dm wash and clean your G clothes up
After Em spending all that Am dough to have the Dm doctor fix your G nose up

Verse 2
Baby get C moving Am why keep your Dm feeble hopes G alive
C WhAmat Dm are G you proving? You've got the dream, but not the drive
If you C go for your C+ diploma, you could F join the steno Fm pool
Turn in your C teasin' comb and G go back to high C school Am Dm G

Chorus 2
Beauty school C drop-out, Am
hangin' Dm around the corner G store
Beauty school C drop-out, Am
it's about F time you knew the G score
Well they C couldn't teach you Am anything,
you Dm think you're such G a looker
But no Em customer would Am go to you,
unDmless she was a G* hooker!

Verse 3
Baby don't C sweat it, Am
you're not cut Dm out to hold a G job
Better forCget it, Am
who wants their F hair done by a G slob
Now your C bangs are curled, your C+ lashes twirled,
But F still the world is Fm cruel
Wipe off that C angel Am face and Dm go back G to high C school G

Baby don't C blow it, Am
don't put my Dm good advice to G shame
Baby you C know it, Am
Even Dear F Abby'd say the G same
Now I've C called the shot, get C+ off the pot, I F really gotta Fm fly
Gotta be C goin' to that Dm malt shop ....G in the C sky Am C Am

Beauty school C drop-out, Am
go back to C high school Am

Beauty school C drop-out, Am
go back to C high school Am

Beauty school C drop-out, Am
go back to C high school

1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 2 F 1 4 C+ 1 2 3 Fm

Believe [G]Cher

G D Am C
G D Am C

Verse 1
G No matter how hard I try, Bm you keep pushing me aside
and I C can't break through, there's no G talking to you. D
It's so G sad that you're leavin', it takes Bm time to believe it.
C But after all is said and done, D you're gonna be the lonely one, oh...

G Do you beDlieve in life after Am love? C
I can G feel something inDside me say
I Am really don't think you're Em strong enough now.
G Do you beDlieve in life after Am love? C
I can G feel something inDside me say
I Am really don't think you're Em strong enough now.

Verse 2
G What am I supposed to do? Bm Sit around and wait for you,
well I C can't do that, and there's G no turnin' back. D
I need G time to move on, I need Bm love to feel strong,
C 'cos I've had time to think it through, D 'n maybe I'm too good for you, oh...


Em Well I know that I'll get D through this.......Em 'cos I know that I am D strong.
And I don't C need you anymore, I don't D need you anymore. D
I don't C need you anymore, no I don't D need you anymore.

Single Strum
G Do you beDlieve in life after Am love? C
I can G feel something inDside me say
I Am really don't think you're Em strong enough now.
Normal Strum
G Do you beDlieve in life after Am love? C
I can G feel something inDside me say
I Am really don't think you're Em strong enough now.

G Do you beDlieve in life after Am love? C
I can G feel something inDside me say
I Am really don't think you're Em strong enough now.
G Do you beDlieve in life after Am love? C
I can G feel something inDside me say
I Am really don't think you're Em strong enough now.

G ////////////

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em

Believe [F]Cher


F | C | Gm | Bb || Am | Gm | Dm |
F | C | Gm | Bb || Am | Gm | Dm |

Verse 1
FNo matter how Fmaj7hard I tryAm, you keep pushing me aside
and I Bbcan't break through, there's no Ctalking to you.
It's so Fsad that you're Fmaj7leavin', it takes Amtime to believe it.
BbBut after all is said and doneC, you're gonna be the lonely one, oh...

FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.
FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.

Verse 2
FWhat am I supFmaj7posed to doAm? Sit around and wait for you,
well I cBban't do that, and there's Cno turnin' back.
I need Ftime to Fmaj7move on, I need Amlove to feel strong,
Bb'cos I've had time to think it throughC, 'n maybe I'm too good for you, oh...

FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.
FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.

DmWell I know that I'll get thCrough thisDm, 'cos I know that I am sCtrong.
And I don't Bbneed you anymore, I don't Cneed you anymore.
I don't Bbneed you anymoreGm, no I don't Cneed you anymore.

FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inAmside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.
FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.

FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.
FDo you beClieve in life after lovGme?Bb
I can Ffeel something inCside me say
I Gmreally don't think you're Dmstrong enough now.

1 2 F 1 2 3 4 Fmaj7 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Dm

Belter [G]Gerry Cinnamon

Verse 1
Am She is a belter - G Different from the rest
F Diamonds on her finger - And she Am always looks her best
G She  Gsus4 is    G a Am gangster - With a G hundred mile stare
When F she walks - Her Am feet don't touch the flair
G She Gsus4 is    G a Am belter G Gsus4 G Am

Verse 2
G She Gsus4 plays G wi'Am lightning - I'm a G hundred miles high Gsus4 G
F Dishing out the thunder - Like a Am God inside the sky
G She Gsus4 is    G a Am dancer - And she G dances in my dreams Gsus4 G
ReFminds me that the world - is not as Am evil as it seems
G SheGsus4 is    G a Am belter G Gsus4 G Am

No happy F endings - Unless C fairytales come true
But G she looks like a princess - Gsus4 And  G there's Am not much else to do
I think I F love her - She gets C underneath my skin
But G I've been stung a few times - Gsus4 So    G I Am don't let no one in
No even F belters C G Am
She is a F belteeCeeeeeeGeeeeeeAmer

Verse 3
How can she Am reach me - When I'm G high above the shelf
F Lost inside a smoke ring - While I Am ponder tae myself
G Is  Gsus4 she  G the Am answer - To the G question in my mind
Is F happiness an option – Or has Am love just turned me blind
G Is  Gsus4 she  G a Am belter G Gsus4 G Am

No happy F endings - Unless C fairytales come true
But G she looks like a princess - Gsus4 And  G there's Am not much else to do
I think I F love her - She gets C underneath my skin
But G I've been stung a few times - Gsus4 So    G I Am don't let no one in
No even F belters C G Am
She is a F belteeCeeeeeeGeeeeeeAmer

1 2 3 G 1 3 4 Gsus4 2 Am 1 2 F 3 C

Betty [C]Taylor Swift

C Cmaj7 Am G F G

C Betty, Cmaj7 I won't make Am assumptions About G why you switched your F homeroom, but I think it's 'cause of G me
C Betty, Cmaj7 one time, I was Am riding on my G skateboard
When I F passed your house It's like I couldn't G breathe

C You heard the Cmaj7 rumors from Am Inez You can't G believe a word she F says
Most times, but this time, it was G true
The Am* worst thing G* that I C* ever F*did Was C* what I G* did to F you G

But if I just C showed up at your Cmaj7 party
Would you Am have me? Would you G want me?
Would you F tell me to go Am fuck myself Or G lead me to the garden?
In the C garden, would you Cmaj7 trust me
If I Am told you it was G just a summer F thing?
I'm only Am seventeen, I G don't know anything
But I know I C miss Cmaj7 you Am G F G

C Betty, Cmaj7 I know where it Am all went wrong
Your G favorite song was F playing
From the far side of the G gym
C I was Cmaj7 nowhere to be Am found
I hate the G crowds, you know that
F Plus, I saw you dance with Ghim

Pre-Chorus & Chorus

Am I was walking home on G broken cobblestones Just thinking Fof you when she pulled up like
A G figment of my worst intentions Am She said, "James, get in, let's G drive"
Those days turned into F nights
Slept next to her, but G I dreamt of you all summer C long Cmaj7
Am G F G Am G F Fm

C Betty, Cmaj7 I'm here on your Amdoorstep
And I G planned it out for F weeks now But it's finally sinkin' G in
C Betty, Cmaj7 right now is the Am last time
I can G dream about what F happens when You see my face G again

The Am* only G* thing I C*wanna F* do Is C* make it G*up to F you G
So I C showed up at your Cmaj7party Am G F Am G
Yeah, I C showed up at your Cmaj7party Am G F Am G

Keychange Yeah, I D showed up at your F#m party
Will you Gmaj7 have me? Will you A love me?
Will you G kiss me on the D porch
In front of Em all your stupid A friends?
If you D kiss me, will it F#m be just like I Gmaj7 dreamed it?
Will it A patch your broken G wings?
I'm only Dseventeen, I Em don't know Aanything
But I know I D miss you AG

Standing in your D cardigan AG Kissin' in my D car again AG
Stopped at a streetlight You know I D miss you AG

3 C 2 Cmaj7 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Fm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 Gmaj7 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em

Big Yellow Taxi [D]Joni Mitchell


Verse 1
They G paved paradise... put up a parking D lot
With a G pink hotel... a A boutique... and a D swinging hot spot

D Don't it always F#m seem to go
That you G don't know what you've got till it's D gone
They G paved paradise... A put up a parking D lot
D Shoo ba-ba ba-ba... shoo ba-ba ba-ba

Verse 2
They G took all the trees... put 'em in a tree muDseum
And then they G charged the people... a A dollar and a half just to D see 'em


Verse 3
G Hey farmer, farmer... put away your D.D. D T. now
Give me G spots on my apples... but A leave me the birds and the D bees, please

D Don't it always F#m seem to go
That you G don't know what you've got till it's D gone
They G paved paradise... A put up a parking D lot
D Shoo ba-ba ba-ba... shoo ba-ba ba-ba

Verse 4
G Late last night... I heard the screen door D slam
And a G big yellow taxi... A took away my old D man


I said

D Don't it always F#m seem to go
That you G don't know what you've got till it's D gone
They G paved paradise... A put up a parking D lot
D Shoo ba-ba ba-ba... shoo ba-ba ba-ba

They G paved paradise... A put up a parking D lot
D Shoo ba-ba ba-ba... shoo ba-ba ba-ba
They G paved paradise and A put up a parking D lot

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m

Billie Jean [Am]Michael Jackson

Am Am Am Am

Verse 1
Am She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don`t mind but what do you mean, I am the Dm one
Who will dance on the floor in the Am round
She said I am the Dm one
Who will dance on the floor in the Am round?
She told me Am her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene.
Then ev`ry Am head turned with eyes that dreamed
Of being the Dm one,
Who will dance on the floor in the Am round

F People always told me, be Am careful what you do.
And don`t F go around breaking young girls' Am hearts
And F mother always told me, be Am careful who you love,
And be F careful what you do, `cause the E7 lie becomes the truth, hey
Am Billie Jean is not my lover,
She's just a girl who claims that I am the Dm one
But the kid is not my Am son
She says I am the Dm one,
But the kid is not my Am son

Verse 2
Am For forty days and forty nights, law was on her side
But who can stand when she`s in demand, her schemes and Dm plans
'Cause we danced on the floor in the Am round.
So take my strong Dm advice, Just remember to always think Am twice
She told Am my baby we danced till three, and she looked at me,
Then Am showed a photo. My baby cried.
His eyes were like Dm mine.
Can we dance on the floor in the Am round?


She says I am the Dm one,
But the kid is not my Am son
Am Billie Jean is not my lover,
She's just a girl who claims that I am the Dm one
But the kid is not my Am son
She says I am the Dm one,
But the kid is not my Am son

She says I am the Am one,
She says he is my Am son
She says I am the Am one,
Am Billie Jean is not my lover....

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7

Black Hills of Dakota [C]Doris Day


Verse 1
C Take me back to the Black Hills, the Black Hills F of G Dakota
To the G beautiful Indian country that I C love G C
C Lost my heart in the Black Hills, the Black Hills F of G Dakota
Where the G pines are so high that they kiss the sky C above F C

Verse 2
And C7 when I F get that lonesome Fm feeling
And I'm C miles aE7way from Am home
D I hear the voice of the mystic mountains G calling Dm me back G home G7

Verse 3
C Take me back to the Black Hills, the Black Hills F of G Dakota
To the G beautiful Indian country that I C love F C
And C7 when I F get that lonesome Fm feeling
And I'm C miles aE7way from Am home
D I hear the voice of the mystic mountains G calling Dm me back G home G7

Verse 4
C Take me back to the Black Hills, the Black Hills F of G Dakota
To the G beautiful Indian country that I C love F C

To the G beautiful Indian country that I C love F C

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Dm

Black Velvet [Dm]Alannah Myles

Verse 1
Dm Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell;
Dm Jimmy Rodgers on the Victola up high.
Dm Mama's dancin', baby on her shoulders,
Dm The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky.
A The boy could sing, knew how to G move, everything;
F Always wanting more, C he'd leave you longing for.

Gm Black velvet in that C little boy's smile.
Gm Black velvet in with that Eb slow Bb southern style.
Gm A new religion that'll C bring you to your knees,
Bb Black A velvet, if you Dm please.

Verse 2
Dm Up in Memphis the music's like a heat wave,
Dm White lightning, bound to drive you wild.
Dm Mama's baby's in the heart of every school girl,
Dm Love me tender, leaves 'em cryin' in the aisles.
A The way he moved it was a G sin so sweet and true,
F Always wanting more, C he'd leave you longing for.


Gm Every word of every A song that he sang was for Dm you.
Gm In a flash he was Eb gone, it happened so Bb soon.
A What could you Dm dooooooooooo-?

Gm Black velvet in that C little boy's smile.
Gm Black velvet in with that Eb slow Bb southern style.
Gm A new religion that'll C bring you to your knees,
Bb Black A velvet, if you Dm please.

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 Bb

Black is the Colour [Am]Christy Moore

Am Black is the F colour, G of my true love's Am hair,
Her lips are F like G some roses Am fair,
She has the sweetest F smile G, and the gentlest Am hands,
And I love the F ground G where on she Am stands,

Verse 1
I love my F love, G and well she Am knows,
I love the F ground G whereon she Am goes,
I wish the F day G it soon would Am come,
When she and F I G could be as Am one

Verse 2
I go to the F Clyde G and moan and Am weep,
For satisFfied G I ne’er can Am be,
I write her a F letter, G just a few short Am lines,
And I suffer F death G a thousand Am times

Am Black is the F colour, G of my true love's Am hair,
Her lips are F like G some roses Am fair,
She has the sweetest F smile G, and the gentlest Am hands,
And I love the F ground G where on she Am stands

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Blame it on the Boogie [Em]The Jacksons

Em Em

Verse 1
My Em baby’s always dancin’... and it G wouldn’t be a bad thing
But Em I don’t get no lovin’... and C that’s no G lie
We Em spent the night in Frisco... at G every kind of disco
C From that night I kissed our love goodDbye

Chorus x2
Don’t blame it on the G sunshine
Don’t blame it on the Eb moonlight
Don’t blame it on the F good times
Blame it on the G boogie

Verse 2
That Em nasty boogie bugs me... but G somehow it has drugged me
Em spellbound rhythm gets me C on my G feet
I’ve Em changed my life completely, I’ve G seen the lightning leave me
And my C baby just can’t take her eyes off D me

Chorus x2
Don’t blame it on the G sunshine
Don’t blame it on the Eb moonlight
Don’t blame it on the F good times
Blame it on the G boogie

G I just can’t... Em I just can’t... C I just can’t contDrol my feet x4

G* Sunshine... Eb* moonlight... F* good times... G* boogie...
G* Sunshine... Eb* moonlight... F* good times... G* boogie...

Chorus  x1
Don’t blame it on the G sunshine
Don’t blame it on the Eb moonlight
Don’t blame it on the F good times
Blame it on the G boogie

Verse 3
This Em magic music grooves me... that G dirty rhythm fools me
The Em devil’s gotten to me C through this G dance
I’m Em full of funky fever... a G fire burns inside me
C Boogie’s got me in a super D trance

Chorus x2
Don’t blame it on the G sunshine
Don’t blame it on the Eb moonlight
Don’t blame it on the F good times
Blame it on the G boogie

Bridge Acappella-ish
G* Sunshine... Eb* moonlight... F* good times... G* boogie...
G* Sunshine... Eb* moonlight... F* good times... G* boogie...
G* Sunshine... Eb* moonlight... F* good times... G* boogie...
G* Sunshine... Eb* moonlight... F* good times... G* boogie...

1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 F

Blanket on the Ground [G]Billie Jo Spears


Verse 1
G Come and look out through the window
That big old moon is shinin' A down
Tell me know don't it reDmind you
Of the blanket on the G ground?
Remember back when love first G found us,
We'd go slippin' out of A town
And we'd love beneath the D moonlight
On that blanket on the G ground

G I'll take the G7 blanket from the C bedroom
And we'll go walkin' once aGgain,
To that spot down by the D river
Where our sweet love first beGgan G7
G7 Just because we are C married,
Don't mean we can't still go G round
So let's walk beneath the D moonlight
And lay the blanket on the G ground.

Key Change A

Verse 2
A Oh! Remember how exAcited
We used to get when love was B7 young,
That old moon was our best E7 buddy,
We couldn't wait for night to A come.
Now you know you still exAcite me
I know you love me like I B7 am,
Just once more I wish you'd E7 love me
On the blanket on the A ground

Chorus x2
A I'll take the A7 blanket from the D bedroom
And we'll go walkin' once a A gain
To that spot down by the E7 river,
Where our sweet love first beAgan. A7
A7 Just because we are D married,
Don't mean we can't slip A around,
So let's walk beneath the E7 moonlight
And lay the E7 blanket on the A ground.

A D A*

1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 E7 1 A7

Blinding Lights [Dm]The Weeknd

Dm Am C G

Verse 1
I've been tryna Dm call
I've been on my Am own for long enough
Maybe you can C show me how to love
May-G-be, I'm going through Dm withdrawals
You don't even Am have to do too much
You can turn me C on with just a touch, Ba-G-by

I look around and
Dm Sin City's cold and empty
Am No-one's around to judge me
C I can't see clearly when you're G* go-o-one

I said Dm ooooooooh
I'm Am blinded by the lights
No, C I can't sleep until I feel your G touch
I said Dm ooooooooh
I'm Am drowning in the night
Oh, C when I'm like this, you're the one I G trust

Dm Am C G

Verse 2
I'm running out of Dm time
'Cause I can see the Am sun light up the sky
So I hit the C road in overdrive
Ba-G-by, Ohhhh

Dm The city's cold and empty oh
Am No-one's around to judge me oh
C I can't see clearly when you're G* go-o-one


I'm just walking Dm by to let you know by to let you know
I can never Am say it on the phone say it on the phone
Will C never let you go this G time

I said Dm oooh
I'm Am blinded by the lights
No, C I can't sleep until I feel your G touch hey! hey! hey! hey!

Instrumental Melody
Dm Am C G hey! hey! hey! hey!
Dm Am C G

I said Dm* oooh
I'm Am* blinded by the lights
No, C* I can't sleep until I feel your G* touch

1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G

Blowin’ In The Wind [C]Bob Dylan


Verse 1
C How many F roads must a C man walk Am down
BeCfore you F call him a G man?
Yes’n C how many F seas must a C white dove Am sail
BeCfore she F sleeps in the G sand?
Yes’n C how many F times must the C cannon balls Am fly
BeCfore they're F forever G banned?

The F answer my G friend is C blowing in the Am wind
The F answer is G blowing in the C wind

Verse 2
Yes’n C how many F years can a C mountain eAmxist
BeCfore it is F washed to the G sea?
Yes’n C how many F years can some C people eAmxist
BeCfore they're allFowed to be G free?
Yes’n C how many F times can a C man turn his Am head
PreCtending he F just doesn't G see?


Verse 3
C How many F times must a C man look Am up
BeCfore he F can see the G sky?
Yes’n C how many F ears must C one man Am have
BeCfore he can F hear people G cry?
Yes’n C how many F deaths will it C take till he Am knows
That C too many F people have G died?

Chorus x2
The F answer my G friend is C blowing in the Am wind
The F answer is G blowing in the C wind ....


3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G

Blue Suede Shoes [A]Elvis Presley

Well it's A* one for the money... A* two for the show
A* Three to get ready now A go A CAT A go
But D don't you... step on my blue suede A shoes
Well you can E7 do anything but lay off of my blue suede A shoes

Verse 2
You can A knock me down... A step on my face
A Slander my name all A over the place
A Do anything that you A wanna do but
A Uh A uh A honey A lay A7 off of them shoes
And D don't you... step on my blue suede A shoes
You can E7 do anything but lay off of my blue suede A shoes
let's go cat!

A A D A E7 A

Verse 3
Well you can A burn my house... A steal my car
A Drink my liquor from an A old fruit jar
Do anything that you A wanna do but
A Uh A uh A honey A lay A7 off of them shoes
And D don't you... step on my blue suede A shoes
You can E7 do anything but lay off of my blue suede A shoes
rock it!

A A D A E7 A

Well it's A* one for the money... A* two for the show
A* Three to get ready now A go A GO A go
But D don't you... step on my blue suede A shoes
Well you can E7 do anything but lay off of my blue suede A shoes

Well it's A blue, blue... blue suede shoes,
A Blue, blue... blue suede shoes yeah
D Blue, blue... blue suede shoes baby
A Blue, blue... blue suede shoes
Well you can E7 do anything but lay off of my blue suede A shoes


1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 A7

Born To Be Wild [E]Steppenwolf

Intro + Bass

Verse 1
E Get your motor running... head out on the highway
Lookin’ for adventure... in whatever comes our way

G Yeah A darlin’ gonna E7 make it happen
G Take the A world in a E7 love embrace
G Fire A all of the E7 guns at once and
G ExAplode into E7 space

Verse 2
E I like smoke and lightning... heavy metal thunder
Wrestlin’ with the wind... and the feeling that I’m under

G Yeah A darlin’ gonna E7 make it happen
G Take the A world in a E7 love embrace
G Fire A all of the E7 guns at once and
G ExAplode into E7 space

Like a E7 true nature’s child
We were G born, born to be wild
We could A climb so high
G I never wanna E die...

E7* Born to be D* wild E7 D
E7* Born to be D* wild E7 D

Verse 3
E Get your motor running... head out on the highway
Lookin’ for adventure... in whatever comes our way

G Yeah A darlin’ gonna E7 make it happen
G Take the A world in a E7 love embrace
G Fire A all of the E7 guns at once and
G ExAplode into E7 space

Like a E7 true nature’s child
We were G born, born to be wild
We could A climb so high
G I never wanna E die...

E7* Born to be D* wild E7 D
E7* Born to be D* wild E7 D


1 2 E 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em

Born to Run [D]Bruce Springsteen

D D G A7sus4A x2

In the D day we sweat it out on the streets of a G runaway American A dream
At D night we ride through mansions of glory in G suicide A machines
GSprung from cages on D highway 9, chrome Em wheeled,
fuel injected and D steppin' out over the line D7 Oh!
G Baby this town rips the Dbones from our back It's a Em death trap, it's a D suicide rap
We gotta D get out while we're Bm young
`cause Gtramps like us, A baby we were born to run
D D G A7sus4A x2

Wendy D let me in. I wanna be your friend. I want to G guard your dreams and A visions.
Just D wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims and G strap your hands across my A engines.
G Together we could D break this trap We'll Em run till we drop, D baby we'll never go back.
D7 Oh!
Will you G walk with me out on the D wire?
`Cause Em baby I'm just a scared and D lonely rider but I D gotta find out how it Bm feels
I want to G know if love is wild babe, I A want to know if love is real
D D G A7sus4 A x2

D D G A7sus4A
Bm- - Bm....A DAm7

C Beyond the C Palace heavy C powered Cdrones scream Fdown the boule-F-vard
FThe Fgirls G comb their hair Gin rear G view mirrors G And the boys Bbtry to look
Bbso hard Bb
The C amusement C park rises bold C and stark C Kids are F huddled on the beach
F in the mist F
I wanna G die with you G Wendy on the street G tonight G in an Bb everlasting
Bbkiss Bb Huh!

CC CC.....1!-2!-3!-4!

The D highway's jammed with broken heroes on a G last chance power drive A
Well every-D-body's out on the run tonight but there's G no place left to hide A
GTogether Wendy we can D live with the sadness I'll Emlove you with all the
D madness in my soul D7 Oh!
G Someday girl, I D don't know when, we're gonna Em Get to that place where we
D really want to D Go and we'll walk in the Bm sun
But till then G tramps like us A baby we were born to D run
Bm Ah honey G tramps like us A baby we were born to D run
Bm Come on Wendy Gtramps like us A baby we were born to run

D D G A ad lib - Woah oh a woahs D D G A

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 A7sus4 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7 1 1 1 Bm Am7 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb

Born to be Wild [C]Steppenwolf


C Get your motor runnin' C Head out on the highway
C Lookin' for adventure
C And whatever comes our way

Bb Yeah F darlin' gonna C make it happen
Bb Take the F world in a C love embrace
Bb Fire all F of your C guns at once and
Bb Explode into F space C

C I like smoke and lightning
C Heavy metal thunder
C Racin' with the wind
C And the feelin' that I'm under


Like a C true nature's child
We were Bb born, born to be wild
We can F climb so high
I Bb never want to C die
C Born to be Bb wi F iild C Bb F
C Born to be Bb wi F iild C Bb F

C Get your motor runnin' C Head out on the highway
C Lookin' for adventure
C And whatever comes our way

Repeat Chorus

Repeat Bridge

3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F

Breakfast At Tiffany's [C]Deep Blue Something


Verse 1
You sayC...
That Fwe've got Gnothing in Ccommon
No Fcommon Gground to Cstart from
And Fwe're fallGing aCpart F-G

Verse 2
You'll sayC
The Fworld has Gcome beCtween us
Our Flives have Gcome beCtween us
But FI know Gyou just don't Ccare F-G

And CI said... what about...
GBreakfast at FTiffany's... she Csaid I... think I...
ReGmember the Ffilm and as CI recall... I think...
We Gboth kind of Fliked it... and CI said... well that's...
GOne thing we've Fgot


Verse 3
I Csee you
You're the Fonly Gone who Cknew me
And Fnow your Geyes see Cthrough me
F... I guess GI was Cwrong F-G

Verse 4
So Cwhat now
It's Fplain to Gsee we’re Cover
And I Fhate when Gthings are Cover
And Fso much is Gleft unCdone F-G


Verse 5 Single Strum
CYou say
That Fwe've got Gnothing in Ccommon
No Fcommon Gground to Cstart from
And Fwe're fallGing aCpart F-G

Verse 6
You'll sayC
The Fworld has Gcome beCtween us
Our Flives have Gcome beCtween us
But still FI know Gyou just don't Ccare F-G

Chorus x2
And CI said... what about...
GBreakfast at FTiffany's... she Csaid I... think I...
ReGmember the Ffilm and as CI recall... I think...
We Gboth kind of Fliked it... and CI said... well that's...
GOne thing we've Fgot

Outro C F-G C F-G C*

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Brimful of Asha [A]Cornershop

AA E D x2

Verse 1
There's A dancing E behind D movie scenes
Behind the A movie scenes - E Sadi D Rani
A She's the one that keeps the E dream D alive,
From the A morning, past the D evening,
Till the A end of the light

A Brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive
Well, A it's a brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive
A Brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive
Well, A it's a brimful of Asha on the E fortyD-five

AA E D x2

Verse 2
And A singing E illuminate the D main streets and the
A cinema aisles E D
A We don't care about no E government D warning
about that A promotion of the D simple life and the A dams they are building


A Everybody needs a D bosom for a pillow, A everybody needs a D bosom
A Everybody needs a D bosom for a pillow, A everybody needs a D bosom
A Everybody needs a D bosom for a pillow, A everybody needs a D bosom
Mine's on the A forty-five

AA E D x2

A Brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive
Well, A it's a brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive
A Brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive
Well, A it's a brimful of Asha on the E forty-Dfive

AA E D x2

A Single Strum

1 2 A 1 2 E 1 1 1 D

Brown Eyed Girl [G]Van Morrison

Intro + Kazoo
G C G D x2

Verse 1
G Hey, where did C we go? G Days when the D rains came
G Down in the C hollow G playin' a D new game
G Laughing and a-Crunning, hey hey
G Skipping and a-Djumping
G In the misty C morning fog with
G Our Dhearts a-thumping and C you
D My brown-eyed G girl Em
C You, my D brown-eyed girl G D7

Verse 2
G Whatever C happened G to Tuesday and D so slow
G Going down the C old mine with a... G transistor D radio
G Standing in the C sunlight laughing
G Hiding behind a D rainbow's wall
G Slipping and a-C sliding
G All along the D waterfall with C you
D My brown-eyed G girl Em
C You, my D brown-eyed girl G D7

D Do you remember when... we used to G sing
Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la la te D da
La te G da D

Verse 3
G So hard to C find my way... G now that I'm all D on my own
G I saw you just the C other day... G my... how D you have grown
G Cast my memory C back there, Lord
G Sometimes I'm D overcome thinking 'bout
G Making love in the C green grass
G Behind the D stadium with you C
D My brown-eyed G girl Em
C You, my D brown-eyed girl G D7

D Do you remember when... we used to G sing
Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da La te G da . . . .

D* G*

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7

Brown Eyed Girl/Do You Love Me/La Bamba [G]Various

G C G D x2

Verse 1
G Hey, where did C we go? G Days when the D rains came
G Down in the C hollow G playin' a D new game
G Laughing and a-Crunning, hey hey
G Skipping and a-Djumping
G In the misty C morning fog with
G Our D hearts a-thumping and C you
D My brown-eyed G girl Em
C You, my D brown-eyed girl G D7

Verse 2
G Whatever C happened G to Tuesday and D so slow
G Going down the C old mine with a… G transistor D radio
G Standing in the C sunlight laughing
G Hiding behind a D rainbow's wall G Slipping and a-Csliding Hey hey
G All along the D waterfall with you C D My brown-eyed G girl Em
C You're, my D brown-eyed girl G
D Do you remember when…when...when...when

Chorus 1
When you G loved me? I can C really D move
Do you G love me? I’m C in the D groove
Now do you G love me? C Do you D love me
C Now that I Cm can D dance dance dance dance
D7* Watch me now

Verse 3
Oh G work, work, Ah C work it all D baby
G Work, work. well you’re C drivin’ me D crazy
G Work, work With just a C little bit of D soul now
G Work  D///

Verse 4
I can G mash potato I can C mash poDtato
And I can G do the twist I can C do the D twist
Now G tell me baby C Tell me D baby
Do you G like it like this? C Like it like D this
D Tell me...tell me...tell me...tell me D7

Chorus 2
G BamCba, D bamba x4
D* Yo no soy marinGero C D
Yo no soy marinGero, soy C capiDtán
Soy capiGtán, soy C capiDtán
G BamCba, D bamba x3

Chorus 3
We used to G sing
Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
G Sha la-la C la la la la G la la la-la te D da
La te G da G


1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7 1 1 1 Cm

Brown Girl in the Ring [C]Boney M


Verse 1
C Brown girl in the ring
Tra la la la la
There's a G brown girl in the ring
G7 Tra la la la la la
C Brown girl in the ring
Tra la la la la
She looks like a G sugar in a C plum
Plum plum!

Verse 2
C Show me your motion
Tra la la la la
Come on G show me your motion
G7 Tra la la la la la
C Show me your motion
Tra la la la la
She looks like a G sugar in a C plum
Plum plum!

Verse 3
C All had water G run dry
G Got nowhere to wash my C clothes
C All had water G run dry
G Got nowhere to wash my C clothes
I reCmember one SaturGday night
We had G fried fish and Johnny C cakes
I reCmember one SaturGday night
We had G fried fish and Johnny C cakes.......deng ga deng.

Repeat all again x1

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Budapest [F]George Ezra


Verse 1
F My house in Budapest, my, my hidden treasure chest,
Golden grand piano, my beautiful Castillo
To Bb you, you, I’d leave it F all

Verse 2
F My acres of a land, I have achieved
It may be hard for you, to stop and believe
But for Bb you, you I’d leave it F all,
oh for Bb you, you, I’d leave it F all

C Give me one more reason why Bb I should never make a F change
And C baby if you hold me then Bb all of this will go F away

Verse 3
F My many artefacts, the list goes on
If you just say the words I, I’ll up and run
Oh, to Bb you, you, I’d leave it F all,
oh, for Bb you, you, I’d leave it F all

C Give me one more reason why Bb I should never make a F change
And C baby if you hold me then Bb all of this will go F away
C Give me one more reason why Bb I should never make a F change
And C baby if you hold me then Bb all of this will go F away

Instrumental F F Bb F

Verse 4
F My friends and family, they don’t understand
They fear they’d lose so much, if you take my hand
But for Bb you, you I’d lose it F all, oh for Bb you, you, I’d lose it F all

C Give me one more reason why Bb I should never make a F change
And C baby if you hold me then Bb all of this will go F away
C Give me one more reason why Bb I should never make a F change
And C baby if you hold me then Bb all of this will go F away

Verse 5
F My house in Budapest, my, my hidden treasure chest,
Golden grand piano, my beautiful Castillo
To Bb you, you, I’d leave it F all,
oh for Bb you, you, I’d leave it F all.


1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C

Budapest [G]George Ezra


G  My house in Budapest, my, my hidden treasure chest
G  Golden grand piano, my beautiful castillo
CYou, you, I'd leave it Gall

Verse 2
G  My acres of a land, I have achieved
G  It may be hard for you to stop and believe
But for Cyou, you, I'd leave it Gall
Oh, for Cyou, you, I'd leave it Gall

DGive me one good reason why CI should never make a Gchange
DBaby, if you hold me, then Call of this will go Gaway

Verse 3
G  My many artefacts, the list goes on
G  If you just say the words I, I'll up and run
Oh, to Cyou, you, I'd leave it Gall
Oh, for Cyou, you, I'd leave it Gall

DGive me one good reason why CI should never make aG change
DBaby, if you hold me, then Call of this will go Gaway
DGive me one good reason why CI should never make a Gchange
DBaby, if you hold me, then Call of this will go Gaway


Verse 4
G  My friends and family, they don't understand
G  They fear they'd lose so much if you take my hand
But for Cyou, you, I'd lose it Gall
Oh, for Cyou, you, I'd lose it Gall

DGive me one good reason why CI should never make a Gchange
DBaby, if you hold me, then Call of this will go Gaway
DGive me one good reason why CI should never make a Gchange
DBaby, if you hold me, then Call of this will go Gaway

Verse 5  single strums
G  My house in Budapest my, my hidden treasure chest
G  Golden grand piano, my beautiful castillo
CYou, you, I'd leave itG all
Oh, for Cyou, you, I'd leave it Gall

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Buddy Holly Medley [C]Buddy Holly

Intro C C

Verse 1
C There you go and baby, here am I
Well you G left me here so I could G7 sit and cry
Oh, C golly gee what have you done to me
Well I Dm guess it doesn't G matter any C more.

Verse 2
C Do you remember baby, last September
How you G held me tight each and G7 every night
Well, C oops-a daisy how you drove me crazy
But I Dm guess it doesn't G matter any C more.

chorus 1
Am There's no use in me a-C cryin'
I've Am done everything and now I'm C sick of trying
I've D thrown away my nights
Wasted all my days over G you. Dm Em G

Verse 3
C Now you go your way and I'll go mine
G Now and forever 'till the G7 end of time . . . I’ll find
C Somebody new and baby we'll say we're through
And Dm you won't G matter any C more.

Verse 4
C* All my love C* all my kissing , C you don't know what  C7 you've been a missing
Oh F boy when you're with me oh C boy
The world will see that G you were G7 meant for C me

Verse 5
C* All my life C* I've been a-waiting, C tonight there'll be no C7 hesitating
Oh F boy

Chorus 2
when you're with me oh C boy
The world will see that G you were G7 meant for C me

G7 Stars appear and shadows falling
C I can hear my heart calling
F A little bit of loving makes everything right
G* I'm gonna see my baby tonight

Verse 6
C All my love all my kissing,C you don't know what C7 you've been a missing
Oh F boy

Chorus 2
when you're with me oh C boy
The world will see that G you were G7 meant for C me C

That G you were G7 meant for C me C
That G you were G7 meant for C me G* C*

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 1 C7 1 2 F

Build Me Up Buttercup [C]The Foundations

NC Why do you C build me up E7 buttercup baby
Just to F let me down and Dm mess me around
And then C worst of all you E7 never call, baby
When you F say you will but Dm I love you still
I need C you more than C7 anyone darling
You F know that I have from the Fm start
So C build me up G Buttercup don't break my F heart C

Verse 1
I'll be C over at G ten you told me Bb time and F again
But you're C late... I'm waiting F round and then
I C run to the G door, I can't Bb take any F more
It's not C you... you let me F down again

F Hey hey Dm hey
Baby, baby, try to find
G Hey,hey, Em hey
A little time, and A7 I'll make you happy
Dm I'll be home, I'll be beD7side the phone waiting for G you...
G You-oo-ooh... ooh-oo-ooh....ooh-oo-ooh


Verse 2
To C you I'm a G toy, but I Bb could be the F boy
You C adore... if you'd just F let me know
AlCthough you're unGtrue I'm atBbtracted to F you
All the C more... why do you F treat me so?

F Hey hey Dm hey
Baby, baby, try to find
G Hey,hey, Em hey
A little time, and A7 I'll make you happy
Dm I'll be home, I'll be beD7side the phone waiting for G you...
G You-oo-ooh... ooh-oo-ooh

NC Why do you C build me up E7 buttercup baby
Just to F let me down and Dm mess me around
And then C worst of all you E7 never call, baby
When you F say you will but Dm I love you still
I need C you more than C7 anyone darling
You F know that I have from the Fm start
So C build me up G Buttercup don't break my F heart C

I need C you more than C7 anyone, darling
You F know that I have from the Fm start
So C build me up, G Buttercup, don't break my F heart Em Dm C

× × × × NC 3 C 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 C7 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Em 1 A7 1 2 D7

C'est la vie [G]B*witched

Uh G oh C G D x2

Verse 1
I say G hey boy C sitting in your tree G Mummy always wants you to D come for tea
G Don't be shy, C straighten up your tie
Get G down from your tree house D sitting in the sky
G I wanna know C just what to do G Is it very big, is there D room for two
G I got a house with C windows and doors
I'll G show you mine if you D show me yours

Em Gotta let me in, A hey hey hey
C Let the fun begin G F# G he-Em-ey
Em I'm the wolf today, A hey hey hey
I'll C huff, I'll C7 puff, I’ll C7 huff C7 huff C7 huff C7 huff C7 huff

Chorus 1
Say you G will, say you C won't Say you'll Em do what I D don't
Say you're G true, say to C me Em C'est la D vie
Say you G will, say you C won't Say you'll Em do what I D don't
Say you're G true, say to C me Em C'est la D vie

Verse 2
Do you G play with the girls, C play with the boys?
Do you G ever get lonely D playing with your toys?
G We can talk, C we can sing G I'll be the queen and D you'll be the king
G Hey boy, C in your tree Throw G down your ladder, make D room for me
G I got a house with C windows and doors
I'll G show you mine if you D show me yours

Em Gotta let me in, A hey hey hey
C Let the fun begin G F# G he-Em-ey
Em I'm the wolf today, A hey hey hey
I'll C huff, I'll C7 puff, I’ll C7 huff C7 huff C7 huff C7 huff C7 huff

Chorus 2
Say you're G true, say to C me Em C'est la D vie
Say you G will, say you C won't Say you'll Em do what I D don't
Say you're G true, say to C me Em C'est la D vie

Instrumental - Key Change
A D A E7 x4 while shouting random Hey hey’s and Na na na, oh

Chorus 1
Say you A will, say you D won't Say you'll F#m do what I E7 don't
Say you're A true, say to D me F#m C'est la E7 vie
Say you A will, say you D won't Say you'll F#m do what I E7 don't
Say you're A true, say to D me F#m C'est la E7 vie

A D A E7 Repeat til the end
Na na na,hey Na na na,oh
C'est la vie

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 3 2 F# 1 C7 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 F#m

Caledonia [C]Dougie Maclean / Dolores Keane

Verse 1
C I don't know if G you can see,
The Am changes that have come F over me.
These C last few days I've G been afraid,
That Am I might drift F away.
So I've been C telling old stories, G singing songs,
That Am make me think about F where I come from.
C And that's the reason G why I seem
So Am far away F today.

C Let me tell you that I G love you,
That I Am think about you all the F time.
Caledonia you're C calling me,
Now I'm G going C home.
But C if I should become a G stranger,
Know that Am it would make me more than F sad,
Caledonia's been G everything I've ever C had.

Verse 2
Now C I have moved and I’ve G kept on moving,
Am Proved the points that I F needed proving,
C Lost the friends that G needed losing,
Am Found others on the F way.
C I've  have tried G and kept on trying
Am Stolen dreams, yes there's F no denying,
C I've travelled hard, with G conscience flying,
Am Somewhere in the F wind.


Verse 3
Now I'm C sitting here be G fore the fire,
AmThe  empty room, the F forest choir,
The C flames that could not get G any higher,
They've Am withered now they’re F gone.
But I'm C steady thinking my G way is clear,
And Am I know what I will F do tomorrow,
When C hands are shaken, and the G kisses flow,
Then Am I will dis F appear.


C Let me tell you that I G love you,
That I Am think about you all the F time.
Caledonia you're C calling me,
Now I'm G going C home.
But C if I should become a G stranger,
Know that Am it would make me more than F sad,
F* Caledonia's been G* everything I've ever C* had.

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F

California Dreaming * [Am]The Mamas and the Papas

Intro Am

All the leaves are Am brown        all the Gleaves are F brown
And the G sky is E7sus4 gray    (and the sky is E7 grey]
I've been for a C walk                  I've been E7 for a Am walk
On a F winter's E7sus4 day      on a winter's E7 day
I’d be safe and Am warm            I’d be G safe and F warm
If I G was in L.E7sus4A.          if I was in L.E7A.

California Am dreamin'            Cali Gfornia F dreamin'
On G such a winter's E7sus4 day E7

Stopped into a Am church G F
I passed aGlong the E7sus4 way E7
Well I F got down on my C knees          got down E7 on my Am knees
And I preFtend to E7sus4 pray              I pretend to E7 pray
You know the preacher likes the Am cold  preacher G likes the F cold
He knows I'm G gonna E7sus4 stay      knows I'm gonna E7 stay
California Am dreamin'                            CaliGfornia F dreamin'
On G such a winter's E7sus4 day E7

AmBah...da-da-da-da-dah, Bah da F da da DahCBah E7Dah AmDahF DahE7sus4ah E7

All the leaves are Am brown        all G leaves are F brown
And the G sky is E7sus4 gray    and the sky is E7 grey
I've been for a C walk                  I've been E7 for a Am walk
On a F winter's E7sus4 day        on a winter's E7 day
If I didn't tell Am her                      If I G didn't tellF her
I G could  leave toE7sus4day.    I could leave toE7day

California Am dreamin'                  CaliGfornia F dreamin'
On G such a winter's Am day      CaliGfornia F dreamin'
On G such a winter's Am day      CaliGfornia F dreamin'
On G such a winter's Fmaj7 dayyyyyyy Am

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 4 E7sus4 1 2 3 E7 3 C 1 2 3 4 Fmaj7

Call Me [Dm]Blondie

DmDmDmGF    DmDmDmFC

Verse 1
Dm Colour me your colour, baby Bb Colour me your car
Dm Colour me your colour, darling Bb I know who you are

Gm Come up off your colAour chart Gm I know where you're A coming from A

Call me Dm Call me on the line F Call me Gm call me any Bb anytime
Call me Dm Call me my love F you can Gm call me any day Bb or night
Call Dm me

DmDmDmGF      DmDmDmFC

Verse 2
Dm Cover me with kisses, baby Bb Cover me with love
Dm Roll me in designer sheets Bb I'll never get enough

Gm Emotions come I don't A know why Gm Cover up love's A alibi


DmDmDmGF      DmDmDmFC

Em Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo, he speaks the langBmuages of love
Em Ooh-oo-oo-oo-oo amore, chiBmamami chiamami.
F Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo, appelle-moi mon C cherie,
Anytime Dm anyplace anywhere anyway Bb
Anytime Gm anyplace anywhere any day, anyway A

Call me Dm Call me on the line F Call me Gm call me any Bb anytime
Call me Dm Call me my love F you can Gm call me any day Bb or night
Call Dm me


1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 Bm

Can't Buy Me Love [Em]The Beatles

No Intro-Straight in

Can't buy me Em lo-Am-ove, Em lo-Am-ove,
Can't buy me Dm lo-G-ove C

Verse 1
I'll C buy you a diamond ring my friend
If it makes you feel alright C7
I'll F get you anything my friend, If it C makes you feel alright
Cause G I don't care too F* much for money,
F Money can't buy me C love C

Verse 2
I'll C give you all I've got to give, If you say you want me too C7
I F may not have a lot to give, But what I C got I'll give to you
'Cause G I don't care too F* much for money,
Money can't buy me C love

Can't buy me Em lo-Am-ove, Em lo-Am-ove,
Can't buy me Dm lo-G-ove C

Verse 3
C Say you don't need no diamond ring
And I'll be satisfied C7
F Tell me that you want the kind of things
That C money just can't buy
G I don't care too F much for money,
Money can't buy me C love

Chorus x2
Can't buy me Em lo-Am-ove, Em lo-Am-ove,
Can't buy me Dm lo-G-o-Cove

1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 C7 1 2 F

Can't Get You Out of My Head [Dm]Kylie Minogue

Dm Dm AmAm Dm Dm AmAm

Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la

Dm I just can’t get you out of my head boy your Am lovin’ is all I think about
Dm I just can’t get you out of my head boy it’s Am more than I dare to think about

Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la

Dm I just can’t get you out of my head Boy your Am lovin’ is all I think about
Dm I just can’t get you out of my head boy it’s Am more than I dare to think about

Bb Every A night, E7 every A day
Gm7 Just to be there in your Asus4 arms A Won’t you Dm stay?Am
Won’t you Dm lay?
AmStay forBbever and ever and Asus4 ever and A ever

Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la

Dm I just can’t get you out of my head boy your Am lovin’ is all I think about
Dm I just can’t get you out of my head boy it’s Am more than I dare to think about

Bb There’s a A dark E7 secret in A me
Gm7 Don’t leave me locked in your Asus4 heart
A Set me Dm free Am
Feel the Dm need in me
AmStay forBbever and ever and Asus4 ever and A ever

Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm La la la Dm la la la la la Am La la la Am la la la la la
Dm I just can’t get you out of my head Am La la la la la la la la

1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 1 2 Gm7 2 3 Asus4

Can't Get You out of My Head [Dm]Kylie Minogue

DmDm  AmAm  DmDm  AmAm

Chorus 1
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala

Verse 1
I just Dm can't get you out of my head
Boy your Am loving is all I think about
I just Dm can't get you out of my head
Boy it's Am more than I dare to think about

Chorus 2
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lala lala lalalala

Verse 2
I just Dm can't get you out of my head
Boy your Am loving is all I think about
I just Dm can't get you out of my head
Boy it's Am more than I dare to think about

Bb Every A night E7 every A day
Gm Just to be there in your A7 arms
Won't you Dm sta-a-Am-ay
Won't you Dm la-a-Am-ay
Stay forBbever and ever and A7 ever and ever...

Chorus 1
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala

Verse 3
I just Dm can't get you out of my head
Boy your Am loving is all I think about
I just Dm can't get you out of my head
Boy it's Am more than I dare to think about

Bb There's a A dark E7 secret in A me
Gm Don't leave me locked in your A7 heart
Set me Dm fre-e-Am-ee
feel the Dm ne-e-ed in Am me
Stay forBbever and ever and A7 ever and ever...

Chorus 1
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala
Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala

Dm Lalala lala lalala Am Lalala lala lalala
I just Dm can't get you out of my head......Am
I just Dm can't get you out of my head......Am


1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Gm 1 A7

Can't Help Falling in Love [C]Elvis Presley


Verse 1
C Wise Em men Am say only F fools C rush G in
But F I G7 can't Am help F falling in C love G with C you

Verse 2
C Shall Em I Am stay, would it F be C a G sin?
If F I G7 can't Am help F falling in C love G with C you

Em Like a river B7 flows Em surely to the B7 sea
Em Darling so it B7 goes
Em Some things A7 are meant to Dm be G

Verse 3
C Take Em my Am hand, take my F whole C life G too
For F I G7 can't Am help F falling in C love G with C you

Em Like a river B7 flows Em surely to the B7 sea
Em Darling so it B7 goes
Em Some things A7 are meant to Dm be G

Verse 4
C Take Em my Am hand, take my F whole C life G too
For F I G7 can't Am help F falling in C love G with C you

For F I G7 can't Am help F falling in C love G with C you

3 C 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 B7 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm

Can't Take My Eyes Off You [G]Frankie Valli

Intro G

Verse 1
You're just too G good to be true
Can't take my Gmaj7 eyes off of you
You'd be like G7 heaven to touch
I wanna C hold you so much
At long last Cm love has arrived
And I thank G God I'm alive
You're just too A good to be true Cm
Can't take my G eyes off of you

Verse 2
Pardon the G way that I stare
There's nothing Gmaj7 else to compare
The sight of G7 you leaves me weak
There are no C words left to speak
But if you Cm feel like I feel
Please let me G know that it's real
You're just too A good to be true Cm
Can't take my G eyes off of you

Am Daa da... daa da... daa D da-da-da G Daa da... daa da... daa Em da-da-da
Am Daa da... daa da... daa D da-da-da G Da da... da da... E7 daaaaaa stop

I love you Am baby... if it's D quite all right
I need you G baby... to warm the Em lonely night
I love you Am baby... D trust in me when I G say E7
Oh pretty Am baby... don't bring me D down I pray
Oh pretty G baby... now that I Em found you stay
And let me Am love you baby... let me D7 love you

Verse 3
You're just too G good to be true
Can't take my Gmaj7 eyes off of you
You'd be like G7 heaven to touch
I wanna C hold you so much
At long last Cm love has arrived
And I thank G God I'm alive
You're just too A good to be true Cm
Can't take my G eyes off of you

Am Daa da... daa da... daa D da-da-da G Daa da... daa da... daa Em da-da-da
Am Daa da... daa da... daa D da-da-da G Da da... da da... E7 daaaaaa stop

I love you Am baby... if it's D quite all right
I need you G baby... to warm the Em lonely night
I love you Am baby... D trust in me when I G say E7
Oh pretty Am baby... don't bring me D down I pray
Oh pretty G baby... now that I Em found you stay
And let me Am love you baby... let me D7 love youuuuuuuu G///

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Gmaj7 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 1 1 Cm 1 2 A 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 E7 1 2 D7

Careless Whisper [Am]George Michael

Intro + Kazoo Solo
Am F Dm Em
Am F Dm Em

Verse 1
Am I feel so unFsure as I Dm take your hand and lead you to Em the dance floor
Am As the music dies, F something in your eyes, Dm calls to mind a silver screen
And Em all it's sad goodbyes

Am I'm never gonna dance again, F Guilty feet have got no rhythm,
Dm Though it's easy to pretend, I Em know you're not a fool
AmShould have known better than to cheat a friend
And Fwaste the chance that I've been given
Dm So I'm never gonna dance again
The Emway I danced with you-oo-ooo

Am  F  Dm  Em

Verse 2
Am Time can never F mend, the Dm careless whispers Em of a good friend
Am To the heart and mind, F ignorance is kind
Dm There’s no comfort in the truth, Em pain is all you'll find


Instrumental + Kazoo Solo
Am  F  Dm  Em
Am  F  Dm  Em

ToAmnight the music seems so loud
I F wish that we could lose this crowd
Dm Maybe it's better this way
We'd Em hurt each other with the things we'd wanna say
We Am could have been so good together
We F could have lived this dance forever
But Dm now who's gonna dance with Em me?

Please stay!!


Instrumental + Kazoo Melody
Am F Dm Em

Am Now that you're F gone Now that you're Dm gone Em
Am Now that you're F gone Was what I did so wrong, so Dm wrong
That you had to Em leave me alone

Kazoo Outro
Am  F  Dm Em
Am  F  Dm Em

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em

Castle on the Hill [C]Ed Sheeran


Verse 1
C  When I was six years F old I broke my leg Am G
C  And I was running  F from my brother and Am his friends G
C  And tasted the    F sweet perfume of the Am mountain grass as G I rolled down
C  I was younger  F then, Am take me back to G when I

F  Found my G heart and broke it C here
Made friends and F lost them through the years
F  And I've not G seen the roaring C fields in so long, F I know I've grown
F  But I can't G wait to go home

Chorus 1
CI'm on my  F way, Am driving at G ninety
Down C those country F lanes Am singing to G Tiny Dancer
And C I miss the F way you make Am me feel G and it's real
When C we watched the F sunset Am over the G castle on the C hill

Verse 2
C  Fifteen years F old and smoking Am hand-rolled cigarettes G
C  Running from the law F through the backfields and Am getting drunk with my G friends
C  Had my first F kiss on a Friday Am night, I don't G reckon I did it
C  Right, I was younger F then, Am take me back to G when we found

F Weekend G jobs and when we got C paid
We'd buy cheap F spirits and drink them F straight
Me and my G friends have not thrown C up in so long, F oh how we've grown
F But I can't G wait to go home

Chorus 2
C I'm on my  F way, Am driving at G ninety
Down C those country F lanes Am singing to G Tiny Dancer
And C I miss the F way you make Am me feel G and it's real
C We watched the F sunset Am over the G castle on the hill
C                            F            Am Over the G castle on the hill
C                            F            Am Over the G castle on the hill

Am  F  C  G

Am  One friend F left to sell clothes and, C one works down by the G coast
Am  One had two F kids but lives alone, C one's brother G overdosed
Am  One's F already on his second wife, C one's just barely getting G by but
Am  These people F raised me and I-I-I, can't C wait to go G home

And C I'm on my  F way, Am I still G remember
These C old country F lanes when Am we did notG know the answers
And C I miss the F way you make Am me feel G  and it's real
C We watched the F sunset Am over the G castle on the hill
C                            F              Am Over the G castle on the hill
C                            F              Am Over the G castle on the hill

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Cecilia [C]Simon and Garfunkel


C Cecilia, you're F breaking my C heart
You're F shaking my C confidence G daily
Oh, F Cecil-C-ia, I'm F down on my C knees
I'm F begging you C please to come G home

C Cecilia, you're F breaking my C heart
You're F shaking my C confidence G daily
Oh, F Cecil-C-ia, I'm F down on my C knees
I'm F begging you C please to come G home
Come on C home

Verse 1
Making C love in the F after- G noon with C Cecilia
F Up in G7 my bed-C-room making love
I got up to F wash my G face
When I C come back to F bed
Someone's G7 taken my C place

C Cecilia, you're F breaking my C heart
You're F shaking my C confidence G daily
Oh, F Cecil-C-ia, I'm F down on my C knees
I'm F begging you C please to come G home
Come on C home

Bo bo F bo bo C bo - bo bo F bo bo C bo bo G7 bo bo

C Cecilia, you're F breaking my C heart
You're F shaking my C confidence G daily
Oh, F Cecil-C-ia, I'm F down on my C knees
I'm F begging you C please to come G home

Verse 2
Jubi-F-la-C-tion, she F loves me C again,
I F fall on the C floor and I’m G laughing,
Jubi-F-la-C-tion, she F loves me C again,
I F fall on the C floor and I’m G laughing

Bridge same melody as the first two lines of song
Whoo F ooo C ooo F ooo C ooo F ooo C oooo G ooo
Whoo F ooo C ooo F ooo C ooo F ooo C oooo G ooo

Come on C///////// home.

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Champagne Supernova [A]Oasis

Intro A A

Verse 1
A How many special people change? how many lives are living strange?
A Where were you while we were getting high?
A Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannon ball
A Where were you while we were getting high?

Chorus 1
A Someday you will find me caught beneath the G landslide
In a D champagne supernova in the A sky
A Someday you will find me caught beneath the G landslide
D In a champagne supernova a champagne supernova in the A sky

Verse 2
A Wake up the dawn and ask her why, a dreamer dreams she never dies
A Wipe that tear away now from your eye
A Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannon ball
A Where were you while we were getting high?

Chorus 2
A Someday you will find me caught beneath the G landslide
In a D champagne supernova in the A sky
A Someday you will find me caught beneath the G landslide
D In a champagne supernova a champagne supernova

Cos G people believe that they're D gonna get away for the A summer A
but G you and I we live and die, the D world's still spinning round
we don't know E7 why, why, why, why, why

Instrumental A G D E7

Verse 3
A How many special people change? how many lives are living strange?
A Where were you while we were getting high?
A Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannon ball
A Where were you while we were getting high?

Chorus 2
A Someday you will find me caught beneath the G landslide
In a D champagne supernova in the A sky
A Someday you will find me caught beneath the G landslide
D In a champagne supernova a champagne supernova

Cos G people believe that they're D gonna get away for the A summer A
but G you and I we live and die, the D world's still spinning round
we don't know E7 why, why, why, why, why

Instrumental A G D E7

Verse 4
A How many special people change? how many lives are living strange?
A Where were you while we were getting E7 high?
We were getting A high, we were getting E7 high
We were getting A high, we were getting E7 high
Slower                A
We were getting hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Chapel of Love [G]The Dixie Cups

G Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married
Am Goin' to the D7 chapel and we're Am gonna get D7 married
G Gee I really love you and we're gonna get married
Am Goin' to the D Chapel of G Love

Verse 1
G Spring D7 Is G here, the sky D7 is G blue
Am Birds all D7 sing as Am if they D7 knew
G Today's D7 the G day we'll say I E7 do
And we'll Am never be D7 lonely anyGmore
D7 Because we're ...


Verse 2
G Bells D7 will G ring, the sun D7 will G shine
Am I'll be D7 his and Am he'll be D7 mine
G We'll love D7 unGtil the end of E7 time
And we'll Am never be D7 lonely anyGmore
D7 Because we're

G Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married
Am Goin' to the D7 chapel and we're Am gonna get D7 married
G Gee I really love you and we're gonna get married
Am Goin' to the D Chapel of G Love

Am Goin' to the D Chapel of G Love

1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Chasing Cars [A]Snow Patrol


A ... We'll Ado it all E E
Everything D DOn our own A A
A AWe don't need E E
Anything D Or Danyone A A

If I lay Ahere A If I just E lay here E
Would you lie D with me and Djust forget the world? A A

A ... I Adon't quite know E E
How to sayD DHow I feel A A
A AThose three words E
Are Esaid too muchD D but not enoughA A

If I lay Ahere A If I just E lay here E
Would you lie D with me and Djust forget the world? A A
Forget what we're Atold A Before we get Etoo old E
Show me a Dgarden that's Dbursting into life A A

A ALet's waste time E EChasing cars
D A-D-round our heads A A
A ... I Aneed your grace E To Eremind me
D To Dfind my own A*

If I lay Ahere A If I just E lay here E
Would you lie D with me and Djust forget the world? A A
Forget what we're Atold A Before we get Etoo old E
Show me a Dgarden that's Dbursting into life A A

All that I Aam AAll that I Eever was E
Is here in your Dperfect eyes, Dthey're all I can see A A
I don't know Awhere A Confused about E how as well E
Just know that these Dthings will never ch-D-ange for us at allA A

If I lay Ahere A If I just E lay here E
Would you lie D with me and Djust forget the world? A A

1 2 A 1 2 E 1 1 1 D

Cheap Thrills [Em]Sia

Em C G D
Em C G D

Verse 1
Come Em on come on, turn the C radio on
It's G Friday night and I D won't be long
Gotta Em do my hair, I put my C make up on
It's G Friday night and I D won't be long

Till I Em hit the dance floor C Hit the dance floor! G I got all I D need
No I Em ain't got cash! I C ain't got cash! But I G got you D baby...

Baby I Em don't need C dollar bills to have G fun tonight
I love cheap D thrills...
Baby I Em don't need C dollar bills to have G fun tonight
I love cheap D thrills...
But Em I don't need no C money G D
As Em long as I can C feel the G beat D
Em I don't need no C money G D
As Em long as I keep C dancing G D

Verse 2
Come Em on, come on, turn the C radio on
It's G Saturday and I D won't be long
Gotta Em paint my nails, put my C high heels on
It's G Saturday and I D won't be long

Till I Em hit the dance floor C Hit the dance floor! G I got all I D need
No I Em ain't got cash! I C ain't got cash! But I G got you D baby...


Em C G D I love cheap thrills
Em C G D I love cheap thrills

Verse 3
But Em I don't need no C money G D
As Em long as I can C feel the G beat D
Em I don't need no C money G D
As Em long as I keep C dancing G D

Baby I Em don't need C dollar bills to have G fun tonight
I love cheap D thrills...
Baby I Em don't need C dollar bills to have G fun tonight
I love cheap D thrills...
But Em I don't need no C money G D
As Em long as I can C feel the G beat D
Em I don't need no C money G D
As Em long as I keep C dancing G D

Outro Getting quieter
Em Naaa Na Na C Naa Naa G Naaa-D-aa I love cheap thrills x4

1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D

Cheesy Pop Mash Up [C]

Verse 1 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
C I come home in the morning light
My Am mother says "When you gonna live your life right?"
F Oh mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones
And Am girls, they G wanna have F fun
Oh Am girls just G wanna have C fun CCG
C The phone rings in the middle of the night
My Am father yells "What you gonna do with your life?"
F Oh, daddy dear, you know you're still number one
But Am girls, they G wanna have F fun
Oh Am girls just G wanna have

Chorus - MMMBop
C Mmmbop, ba duba dop F du bop, ba duba dop C du bop
Ba duba dop G doo
C Mmmbop, ba duba dop F du bop, ba duba dop C du bop
Ba duba dop G doo

Verse 2 - C'est la Vie
Do you C play with the girls, F play with the boys?
Do you C ever get lonely G playing with your toys?
C We can talk, F we can sing C I'll be the queen and G you'll be the king
C Hey boy, F in your tree Throw C down your ladder, make G room for me
C I got a house with F windows and doors
I'll C show you mine if you G show me yours

Am Gotta let me in, D hey hey hey
F Let the fun begin C hey-Am-ey
Am I'm the wolf today, D hey hey hey
I'll F huff, I'll puff, I’ll huff  huff  huff  huff huff

Chorus - MMMBop
C Mmmbop, ba duba dop F du bop, ba duba dop C du bop
Ba duba dop G doo
C Mmmbop, ba duba dop F du bop, ba duba dop C du bop
Ba duba dop G doo

Verse 3 - Never Gonna Give You Up
Never gonna F give you G up, Never gonna Em let you Am down
Never gonna F run aG round and deEm sert C you
Never gonna F make you G cry, Never gonna Em say good Am bye
Never gonna F tell a G lie and Em hurt C you

Verse 4 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
C Some boys take a beautiful girl And Am hide her away from the rest of the world
F I wanna be the one to walk in the sun
Oh Am girls they G wanna have F fun Oh Am girls just G wanna have

Chorus - MMMBop
C Mmmbop, ba duba dop F du bop, ba duba dop C du bop
Ba duba dop G doo
C Mmmbop, ba duba dop F du bop, ba duba dop C du bop
Ba duba dop G doo

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em

Come On Eileen [C]Dexys Midnight Runners

Verse 1
C Poor old Johnny Em Ray
F They said upon the radio, of a C million hearts in G mono
C Our mothers Em cried
F Sang along, who'd blame them C doo doo doo G doooo
C You're grown you're grown up, Em so grown so grown up
F Now I must say more than ever C doo doo doo G dooo
C Toora-loora- Em toora-loo-rye- F aaaaay
And we C sing just like our G fathers

1st Intrumental  G G

D Come on Eileen oh, I F#m swear well he means
At this Em moment.... you mean G every- A thing
D You in that dress, myyy F#m thoughts I confess
Verge on Em dirty... ah come G on A Eileeeen

2nd Instrumental A7 A7

C These people round Em here
F Sunken smoke-dried faces, so re- C signed to what their G fate is
C Not us no never, Em not us no never
F We are far too young and clever C Doo Doo Doo G Dooo remember
C Toora-loora- Em toora-loo-rye- F aaaay
I'll C hum this tune for- G ever

1st Instrumental G G

D Come on Eileen oh, I F#m swear what he means
Ah come Em on let's.... take off G every- A thing
D Pretty red dress, Eiiii- F#m leen tell him yes
Ah come Em on let's.... ah come G on Ei- A leen, D* pleeease

Bass drum thump!!

*getting gradually faster
D Come on.... Eileen too-loo rye- F#m aayy
Come on...... Eileen too-loo rye- G aayy
Toora... toora-ta-loora
D Ohhh Eiii- A leen

Said, D come on Eileen....Eileen  too-loo rye-F#m ayy
Come on.... Eileen  too-loo rye- G aayy
D Things round here have A changed
Faster I said D Toooo - raaa - loooo - raaa F#m toooo - raaa - loooo-rye- G aaaaayy

Strum fast D///// A/////

Chorus - Normal strum
D Come on Eileen oh, I F#m swear what he means
At this Em moment......you mean G every- A thing
D You in that dress.... myyyyy F#m thoughts I confess
Verge on Em dirty......ah come G on A Eileeeen


3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 A 1 A7

Come as you are [Em]Nirvana

Em D Em D

Em Come as you D are, as you Em were,
As I D want you to Em be
As a D friend, as a Em friend, as an D old ene Emmy.
Take your D time, hurry Em up
The choice is D yours, don't be Em late.
Take a D rest, as a Em friend, as an D old

MemorEmiiiiii-Ga x4

EmCome doused in Dmud, soaked in Embleach
As I Dwant you to Em be
As a Dtrend, as a Emfriend, as an D old

MemorEmiiiiii-Ga x4

A And I C swear that I A don't have a C gun
No I A don't have a C gun
No I A don't have a C gun

Em D Em D
Em D Em D

MemorEmiiiiii-Ga x4

Chorus x5
A And I C swear that I A don't have a C gun
No I A don't have a C gun
No I A don't have a C gun

1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 3 C

Common People [C]Pulp


Verse 1
C She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at St. Martins College
That’s where G I... caught her eye G
C She told me that her dad was loaded
I said "In that case I’ll have a rum and cola"
She said G "Fine"... and then in thirty seconds time, she said

Chorus 1
F "I want to live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do C
I want to sleep with common people, I want to sleep with... common people like you" G
What else could I do... I said "Oh... I’ll see what I can do" C

Verse 2
C I took her to a supermarket
I don’t know why but I had to start it some-Gwhere... so it started... there
C I said "Pretend you’ve got no money"
She just laughed and said "Oh, you’re so funny"
I said G "Yeah... well I can’t see anyone else smiling in here" are you sure...

Chorus 2
F You want to live like common people
You want to see whatever common people see C
You want to sleep with common people
You want to sleep with... common people like me G
But she didn’t... understand... she just smiled and held my C hand

Bridge Stronger Strum
Rent a flat above a shop... cut you hair and get a job
Smoke some G fags and play some pool... pretend you never went to school
But still you’ll C never get it right... ‘cos when you’re laid in bed at night
Watching G roaches climb the wall... if you called your dad he could stop it all yeah

Chorus 3
F You’ll never live like common people
You’ll never do whatever common people do C
You’ll never fail like common people You’ll never watch your life slide out of view G
And dance, and drink, and screw, because there’s nothing else to C do

Instrumental & La La la's
G-G-G G-G-G G-G-G G-G-G G G G G G/////////

Chorus 4
F Sing along with the common people, Sing along and it might just get you through C
Laugh along with the common people
Laugh along even though they are laughing at you G
And the stupid things that you do Because you think that poor is cool C

C I wanna live with... common people like you x6

C Oooh la-la-la-la,    oooh la-la-la-la,    oooh la-la-la-lala-lala,      oh C yeah!

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Copacabana [Em]Barry Manilow

Em  D#m  Dm  D#m  Em        Dm - D#m - Em

Verse 1
Her name was Dm Lola,    G she was a C showgirl,
with yellow F#m feathers in her B7 hair, and a Em dress cut down to there.
She would Dm meringue,  G    and do the C cha-cha,
and while she F#m tried to be a B7 star, Tony Em always tended bar.
Across the B7 crowded Em floor they worked from B7 eight till Em four,
they were Am young and they had B7 each other.
Who could Em ask for  G more ?

At the Dm Copa,    G    Copacabana, C
the Dm hottest spot G north of C Havana Here!.
At the Dm Copa,    G  CopacaEmbanAa.
Dm Music and G passion were Em always in A fashion at the Dm Copa.

B7                  Em  D#m  Dm  D#m  Em        Dm - D#m - Em
They fell in love.

Verse 2
His name was  Dm Rico    G  he wore a C diamond,
he was F#m escorted to his B7 chair, he saw Em Lola dancing there.
And when she Dm finished,  G  he called her C over,
but Rico F#m went a bit too B7 far, Tony Em sailed across the bar.
And then the B7 punches Em flew, and chairs were B7 smashed in Em two,
there was Am blood and a single B7 gunshot,
but just Em who shot G who?

At the Dm Copa,    G    Copacabana, C
the Dm hottest spot G north of C Havana Here!.
At the Dm Copa,    G  CopacaEmbanAa.
Dm Music and G passion were Em always in A fashion at the Dm Copa.

B7                    Em  D#m  Dm  D#m  Em        Dm! - D#m! - Em!
She lost her love

Verse 3
Her name is Dm Lola,    G  she was a C showgirl,
but that was F#m thirty years B7 ago, when they Em used to have a show.
Now it's a Dm disco,  G    but not for C Lola,
still in the F#m dress she used to B7 wear, faded Em feathers in her hair.
She sits there so B7 refinEmed, and drinks herB7self half-Emblind.
She lost her Am youth and she lost her B7 Tony
and she's Em lost her G mind


B7 Don’t fall in Em love.      Dm Don’t fall in love.  Em  Dm
Em Copa    Dm Copaca Em bana.        Dm Copaca Em bana    Dm Copaca Em bana
Dm - D#m - Em

1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 D#m 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 3 B7 2 Am 1 2 A

Country House [G]Blur

Intro - same as first four lines of verse
G D Am Am C Bm B7 B7

GCity dweller, successDful fella
AmThought to himself, oops, I’ve got a lot of money
CCaught in a Bmrat race terminal-lyB7
I'm a proGfessional cynic but my Dheart’s not in it
I'm Ampaying the price of living life at the limit
CCaught up in the Bmcenturies anxietyB7

Yes, it Dpreys on him, he’s D7getting thin so simple

Now he Glives in a house, a very big house in the Dcountry
Watching Cafternoon repeats And the food he eats in the Gcountry
He takes all Gmanner of pills And piles up analyst bills in the Dcountry
Oh, it’s like an Canimal farm Lots of rural charm in the Gcountry pause

He’s got Gmorning glory, and Dlife’s a different story
AmEverything’s going Jackanory
CIn touch with his Bmown mortalityB7
He’s Greading Balzac and Dknocking back Prozac
It’s a Amhelping hand that makes you feel wonderfully
CBland, oh, it’s the centuBmries remedyB7
For the Dfaint at heart, a D7new start so simple

He Glives in a house, a very big house in the Dcountry
He’s got a Cfog in his chest
So he needs a lot of rest in the Gcountry
He doesn’t Gdrink, smoke, laugh
He takes herbal baths in the Dcountry
Yes you’ll Ccome to no harm... on the animal farm in the Gcountry
DIn the country... in the country... in the country!

instrumental - same as verse
G D Am Am C Bm B7 x2

slower – single strums
GBlow... blow me Dout I am so Csad I don’t know Gwhy
GBlow... blow me Dout I am so Csad I don’t know Gwhy

Ohhh he Glives in a house, a very big house in the Dcountry
Watching Cafternoon repeats And the food he eats in the Gcountry
He takes all Gmanner of pills And piles up analyst bills in the Dcountry
Oh, it’s like an Canimal farm Lots of rural charm in the Gcountry

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 B7 1 2 D7

Cover me in Sunshine [D]Pink

D  I've been dreaming of friendly faces
G I got so much time to Dkill
D  Just imagine people laughing
GI know some day we Dwill
And Geven if it's far away
AGet me through another day

NCCover me in Em sunshineG
Shower me with Dgood timesA
Tell me that the Emworld’s been spinning Gsince the beginning
And Deverything will be al-Aright
Cover me in EmsunshineG

NC  From a distance
D  all these mountains
Gare just some tiny D hills
D  Wildflowers
D  they keep living
Gwhile they’re just standing D still
GI've been missing yesterday
But Awhat if there's a better place

NCCover me in Em sunshineG
Shower me with Dgood timesA
Tell me that the Emworld’s been spinning Gsince the beginning
And Deverything will be al-Aright
NCCover me in Em sunshineG
Shower me with Dgood timesA
Tell me that the Emworld’s been spinning Gsince the beginning
And Deverything will be al-Aright
Cover me in EmsunshineG

La-la-Em la- Gaah, aahDA

Cover me in EmsunshineG
Shower me with Dgood timesA
Tell me that the Emworld’s been spinning Gsince the beginning
And Deverything will be al-Aright
Cover me in EmsunshineG

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A × × × × NC 1 2 3 Em

Coward Of The County [A]Kenny Rogers

Intro A A

Verse 1
A Everyone considered him the D coward of the A county
He'd never stood one single time to prove the county E7 wrong.
His A mama named him Tommy, but D folks just called him A yellow,
Something always told me they were E7 reading Tommy A wrong.

Verse 2
A He was only ten years old when his D daddy died in A prison;
I took care of Tommy, 'cause he was my brother's E7 son.
I A still recall the final words my D brother said to A Tommy,
"Son my life is over, but E7 yours has just A begun".

A "Promise me, son, not to D do the things I've A done
D Walk away from A trouble if you E7 can.
A It won't mean you're weak if you D turn the other A cheek
A I hope you're old D enough to underE7stand,
E7 Son, you don't have to fight to be a A man."

Verse 3
A There's someone for everyone, and D Tommy's love was A Becky.
A In her arms he didn't have to prove he was a E7 man.
A One day while he was working, the D Gatlin boys came A calling
They took turns at Becky, E7 n' there was three of A them.

Verse 4
A Tommy opened up the door, and saw D Becky crying. A
The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could E7 stand.
A He reached above the fireplace, and took D down his daddy's A picture.
As the tears fell on his daddy's face, he E7 heard these words A again


Verse 5
A The Gatlin boys just laughed at him when he D walked into the A barroom;
One of them got up and met him half way cross the E7 floor.
A When Tommy turned around they said, "Hey D look! old yeller's A leaving,"
But you could've heard a pin drop when Tommy E7 stopped and locked the A door.

Verse 6
A Twenty years of crawling were D bottled up A inside him.
He wasn't holding nothing back - he let 'em have it E7 all.
A When Tommy left the bar room, not a D Gatlin boy was A standing.
A He said, "This one's for Becky, as he E7 watched the last one A fall. And I heard him say,

A "I promised you, Dad, not to D do the things you've A done
D I walk away from A trouble when I E7 can
Now A please don't think I'm weak, I didn't D turn the other A cheek,
A And papa, I sure D hope you underE7stand
SomeE7times you gotta fight when you're a A man".

A Everyone considered him the D* coward of the A* county.

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Cowboy Take Me Away [F]Dixie Chicks

F Am C F Am C F Am C G x2

Verse 1
I said I wanna Am touch G the earCth
I wanna Am break it G in my C hands
I wanna Am grow someGthing C wild F and unGruly
I wanna Am sleep on the G hard C ground
In the Am comfort of G your C arms
On a Am pillow G of blue C bonnets F
In a G blanket made of stars
Oh it F sounds C good to G me, I said..

Cowboy C take F me aGway
Fly this girl as Am high as you can
InFto the wild G blue
Set me C free F oh I G pray
Closer to Am heaven above and
F Closer to G you
Closer to you F Am C

F Am C F Am C F G

Verse 2
I wanna Am walk and G not run C
I wanna Am skip and G not fall C
I wanna Am look at G the horiCzon
F And not G see a building standing tall
I wanna Am be the G only one C
For Am miles G and miles C
Am Except for G maybe C you
F And your G simple smile
Oh it F sounds C good to G me
Yes it F sounds so C good to G me

I said I wanna Am touch G the earth C
I wanna Am break it G in my C hands
I wanna Am grow someG thing C wild F and unGruly
Oh it F sounds so C good to G me


Verse 3
Cowboy C take F me aGway
Fly this girl as Am high as you can
F Into the wild G blue
Set me C free F oh I G pray
Closer to Am heaven above and
F Closer to G you
Closer to you C F G
Closer to you C F G
Cowboy C take F me aGway
Closer to Am you F G

C F G Am F G x3
C F G Am F G G G

1 2 F 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G

Crazy (Gnarls Barkley) [Dm]Gnarls Barkley

Intro Dm

Verse 1
Dm I remember when... I remember when, when I lost my F mind
There was something so pleasant about that phase
Bb ...even your emotions had an echo
In so much Asus4 space A

Verse 2
Dm And when you're out there... without care
Yeah, I was out of F touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough Bb
I just knew too Asus4 much A

Chorus 1
Does that make me Dm crazy?? Does that make me F crazy??
Does that make me Bb crazy?? PossibAsus4ly A

D And I hope that you are ha-aving the time of your Bb li-ife
But think F twice... that's my only adAsus4vice A

Verse 3
Dm Come on now.... who-do you,  who do you think you F are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soBbul
You really think you're in conAsus4trol? A

Chorus 2
Well, I think you're Dm crazy!!! I think you're F crazy!!!
I think you're Bb crazy!!! Just like Asus4 me-Ae-e

D My heroes had the heart... to lose their lives on a Bb limb
And all I reFmember... is thinking... I want to be like Asus4 them A

Verse 4
Dm Since I was little.. I was little, it looked like F fun
And it's no coincidence I've co Bb me
I can die when I'm Asus4 done A

Chorus 3
Maybe I'm Dm crazy?? Maybe you're F crazy??
Maybe we're Bb crazy?? Probably Asus4 A

D Ooooooooh  Bb Oooooh
F Ooooooooh Asus4  Ooooh A Ooooh

Dm - single strum

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 2 3 Asus4 1 2 A 1 1 1 D

Crazy (Patsy Cline) [C]Willie Nelson /Patsy Cline

I'm C Crazy, A7 crazy for feeling so Dm lonely Dm7 Dm6
I'm G crazy, G7crazy for feeling so C blue GdimDm7 G7
C I knew you'd A7 love me as long as you Dm wanted Dm7 Dm6
And then G someday you'd G7 leave me for somebody C new F C C7

F Worry, F why do I let myself C worry? C7
D Wond'rin D7 what in the world did I G do? Dm7 G7

C Crazy, for A7 thinking that my love could Dm hold you Dm7 Dm6
I'm F crazy for Em7 trying and Dm7 crazy for Gdim crying
And I'm Dm7 crazy for G7 loving you C

Instrumental verse
C A7 Dm
F Em7 Dm7 Gdim
Dm7 G7 C C7

F Worry, why do I let myself C worry? C7
D Wond'rin D7 what in the world did i G do? Dm7 G7

C Crazy, for A7 thinking that my love could Dm hold you Dm7 Dm6
I'm F7 crazy for Em7 trying and Dm7 crazy for Gdim crying
And I'm Dm7 crazy for G7 loving you C F C

I'm F crazy for Em7 trying and Dm7 crazy for Gdim crying
And I'm Dm7 crazy for G7 loving you C F C F C

3 C 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 4 Dm6 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 3 Gdim 1 2 F 1 C7 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 2 3 Em7 1 2 3 4 F7

Crazy Little Thing Called Love [D]Queen

D Dsus4 D D Dsus4 D
D Dsus4 D D Dsus4 D

D This thing called love I G just can't C handle G it
This D thing called love I G must get C round to G it
I ain't D ready Bb crazy little C thing called D love.

Verse 1
This D thing this thing called love called love
It G cries like a baby in a C cradle all G night
It D swings oo oo it jives oo oo
It G shakes all over like a C jelly G fish
I kinda D like it Bb crazy little C thing called D love

NC There goes my G baby
She C knows how to rock n' G roll
She drives me Bb crazy
She gives me E7* hot and cold fever
Then she A7* leaves me in a cool cool sweat

Bass Solo Riff

E7//// A*

Verse 2
I gotta be D cool relax, get G hip
Get C on my G tracks
Take a D back seat hitch-hike
And G take a long ride on my C motor G bike
Until I'm D ready Bb crazy little C thing called D love

Instrumental/ Solo
Bb Bb  D - G D
Bb Bb  E7  A7*

Bass Solo Riff

E7//// A*

Verse 3 Acapella + Clap
I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
Get on my tracks
Take a back seat, hitch-hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready.....crazy little thing called love

Drum Solo + Bassline back in

D This thing called love I G just can't C handle G it
This D thing called love I G must get C round to G it
I ain't D ready Bb crazy little C thing called D love

Bb Crazy little C thing called D love x4

1 1 1 D 1 2 Dsus4 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Bb × × × × NC 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 1 2 A

Crazy World [C]Aslan

C How can I protect you in this craaaDmaazy world
It's F alright, Yeah, it's alCright

Verse 1
C I have fallen down so Dm many times.
Dm7 Don't know why, don't know where, don't care less it's all the C same.
C I have travelled through so Dm many towns,
Dm7 Don't know why, don't know where, don't care less it's all the C same.


Verse 2
C Can you hear the sound of Dm nothing, nothing.
Dm7 Nothing's right, nothing's wrong,
Don't care less it's all the C same.
C Love is blind, Love is real,
Don't you know that love is what you Dm feel.
It's alDmright, Yeah, it's alCright.


F When the talkin's C over, F all the crowd have C gone.
C Nothing left I can do,
G Am I ever gonna get F through to you, it's alright C

C How can I protect you in this craaaaDmzy world
It's alFright, Yeah, it's alCright

Verse 3
C How can I protect you, when all the crowd is gone.
Dm Now your party's over, all this world is wrong.
It's alFright, oohoo, it's alCright

C How can I protect you in this craaaDmazy world
It's alFright, it's alCright


3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 G

Crocodile Rock [C]Elton John

Intro C C Am Am F F G7 G7

C I remember when rock was young
me and Am Suzie had so much fun
Holding F hands and skimming stones
Had an G7 old gold Chevy and a place of my own
But the bigCgest kick I ever got
was doing a Am thing called the Crocodile Rock
While the F other kids were Rocking Round the Clock
We were G7 hopping and G7 bopping to the G7 Crocodile G7 Rock well

Am Croc rocking is something shocking when your D7 feet just can't keep still
G7 I never knew me a better time and I C guess I never will
A7 Oh lawdy mama those Friday nights
When D7 Suzie wore her dresses tight and
The G7 Croc Rocking was ou.............t of F si.............ght

C Laaa la la la la la la Am Laaa la la la la la la
F Laaa la la la la la la G7 Laaa

But the C years went by and the rock just died
Suzie Am went and left us for some foreign guy
Long F nights crying by the record machine
Dreaming G7 of my Chevy and my old blue jeans
But they'll C never kill the thrills we've got
Burning up Am to the Crocodile Rock
Learning F fast as the weeks went past
We really G7 thought the G7 Crocodile G7 Rock would G7 last, well


C Laaa la la la la la

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 D7 1 A7

Crocodile Rock [G]Elton John

Intro w/kazoo
G G Em Em C C D D
G G Em Em C C D D

Verse 1
I remGember when rock was young
Me and Bm Susie had so much fun
Holding C hands and skimmin' stones
Had an D old gold Chevy and a place of my own
But the G biggest kick I ever got
Was doin' a Bm thing called the Crocodile Rock
While the C other kids were rockin' 'round the clock
We were D hoppin’ and boppin’ to the Crocodile Rock, well

Em Croc Rockin' is something shockin'
When your A7 feet just can't keep still
I D7 never had me a better time and I G guess I never will
Oh E7 Lawdy mamma those Friday nights
When A7* Susie wore her dresses tight and
The D7 Crocodile Rockin' was out of C sight...

Instrumental w/kazoo
G G Em Em C C D D
G G Em Em C C D D

Verse 2
But the G years went by and rock just died
Bm Susie went and left me for some foreign guy
C Long nights cryin' by the record machine
D Dreamin' of my Chevy and my old blue jeans
But they'll G never kill the thrills we've got
Burnin' Bm up to the Crocodile Rock
Learning C fast till the weeks went past
We really D thought the Crocodile Rock would last, well

Em Croc Rockin' is something shockin'
When your A7 feet just can't keep still
I D7 never had me a better time and I G guess I never will
Oh E7 Lawdy mamma those Friday nights
When A7* Susie wore her  dresses tight and
The D7 Crocodile Rockin' was out of C sight...

Outro Instrumental w/kazoo
G G Em Em C C D D
G G Em Em C C D D
Even Louder
G G Em Em C C D D
G G Em Em C C D D

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 A7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 E7

Crystal Chandeliers [C]Charley Pride

All the Ccrystal chandeliers light up the G7 paintings on your wall
The marble statuettes are standing Cstately, in the hall,
But will the timely crowd, that has you laughing loud help you Fdry your tears
When the Cnew wears off of your G7crystal chandeCliers

CI never did fit in too well with G7 folks you knew
And it's plain to see that the likes of me don't C fit with you
So you traded me for the gaiety of the Fwell to do
And you C turned a way from the G7 love I offered C you


CI see your picture in the news most G7every day
You're the chosen girl of the social world, So the Cstories say
But a paper smile only lasts a while Then it Ffades away
And the Clove we knew will come G7home to you some Cday


3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F

Da Doo Ron Ron [C]The Crystals


Verse 1
I C met him on a Monday and my F heart stood still
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, C da doo ron ro
SomeCbody told me that his F name was Bill
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron

Chorus 1
C Yes my F heart stood still, C yes his G7 name was Bill
C And when he F walked me home,
Da G7doo ron ron ron, C da doo ron ron C

Verse 2
I C knew what he was doing when he F caught my eye
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron
He C looked so quiet but F my oh my
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron

Chorus 2
C Yeah he F caught my eye, C yes, oh G7 my, oh my
C And when he F walked me home,
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron C

Verse 3
He C picked me up at seven and he F looked so fine
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron
Some C day soon I’m gonna F make him mine
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron

Chorus 3
C Yeah he F looked so fine, C yes, I'll G7 make him mine
C And when he F walked me home,
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron ron
Da G7 doo ron ron ron, da C doo ron C* ron

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7

Daddy Cool [Dm]Boney M

Intro w/Bass Riff
Dm C Am Dm
Dm C Am Dm

Dm She's crazy like a C fool, Am what about it, Daddy Dm Cool?
I'm crazy like a C fool, Am what about it, Daddy Dm Cool?
Dm Daddy, Daddy C Cool, Am Daddy, Daddy Dm Cool.
Dm Daddy, Daddy C Cool, Am Daddy, Daddy Dm Cool.

Dm C Am Dm
Dm C Am Dm

Dm She's crazy like a C fool, Am what about it, Daddy Dm Cool?
I'm crazy like a C fool, Am what about it, Daddy Dm Cool?
Dm Daddy, Daddy C Cool, Am Daddy, Daddy Dm Cool.
Dm Daddy, Daddy C Cool, Am Daddy, Daddy Dm Cool.

Dm C Am Dm
Dm C Am Dm

Dm She's crazy like a C fool, Am what about it, Daddy Dm Cool?
I'm crazy like a C fool, Am what about it, Daddy Dm Cool?
Dm Daddy, Daddy C Cool, Am Daddy, Daddy Dm Cool.
Dm Daddy, Daddy C Cool, Am Daddy, Daddy Dm Cool.

Dm Cha Cha Cha!

1 2 3 Dm 3 C 2 Am

Dance Monkey [Am]Tones and I

Am F G Em

They say Amoh my god I see the way you
Take your Ghand, my dear, and place them
both in minEme
You know you sAmtopped me dead when I was
passing byF
And now I bGeg to see you dance just one
more timEme

Oh I Amsee you, see you, see you every Ftime
And oh my GI, I, I, I like your Emstyle
You, you Ammake me, make me, make me wanna
And now I bGeg to see you dance just one
more time

So I say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're doGne I'll make you do it
all againEm

I said Amoh my god I see you walkingF by
Take my hGands, my dear, and look me in my
Just like a mAmonkey I've been dancing my
whole lifFe
And you just bGeg to see me dance just one
more timeEm

Oh I Amsee you, see you, see you everyF time
And oh my GI, I, I, I like your sEmtyle
You, you Ammake me, make me, make me wanna
And now I bGeg to see you dance just one
more time

So I say

AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're doGne I'll make you do it
all againEm

They say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh oFh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're dGone I'll make you do it
all againEm

AmOoh -all agFain, all Gagain-
Woah-Emoh, woah-oh, oh
AmOoh -all agFain, all Gagain-
Ah ah, ah ah, ay

They say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're dGone I'll make you do it
all againEm

They say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're dGone I'll make you do it
all agaiEmn
All again

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em

Dance Monkey [Em]Tones and I

Em C D Bm

They say Emoh my god I see the way you Cshine
Take your Dhand, my dear, and place them both in Bmmine
You know you Emstopped me dead when I was passing Cby
And now I D*beg to see you dance just one more Bm*time

Oh I Emsee you, see you, see you every Ctime
And oh my DI, I, I, I like your Bmstyle
You, you Emmake me, make me, make me wanna Ccry
And now I Dbeg to see you dance just one more NCtime

So I say, EmDance for me , Dance for me, Dance for me, oh Coh oh
I've never Dseen anybody do the things you do be-Bm-fore
They say, EmMove for me, Move for me, Move for me, ay Cay ay
And when you're Ddone I'll make you do it all a-Bm-gain

I said Emoh my god I see you walking Cby
Take my Dhands, my dear, and look me in my Bmeyes
Just like a Emmonkey I've been dancing my wholeC life
And now I D*beg to see you dance just one more Bm*time

Oh I Emsee you, see you, see you every Ctime
And oh my DI, I, I, I like your Bmstyle
You, you Emmake me, make me, make me wanna Ccry
And now I Dbeg to see you dance just one more NCtime

So I say, EmDance for me , Dance for me, Dance for me, oh Coh oh
I've never Dseen anybody do the things you do be-Bm-fore
They say, EmMove for me, Move for me, Move for me, ay Cay ay
And when you're Ddone I'll make you do it all a-Bm-gain

They say, EmDance for me , Dance for me, Dance for me, oh Coh oh
I've never Dseen anybody do the things you do be-Bm-fore
They say, EmMove for me, Move for me, Move for me, ay Cay ay
And when you're Ddone I'll make you do it all a-Bm-gain

Em Ooh all a-C-gain, all a-D-gain Woah-Bm-oh, woah-oh, oh
Em Ooh all a-C-gain, all a-D-gain NC Ah ah, ah ah, ay

They say, EmDance for me , Dance for me, Dance for me, oh Coh oh
I've never Dseen anybody do the things you do be-Bm-fore
They say, EmMove for me, Move for me, Move for me, ay Cay ay
And when you're Ddone I'll make you do it all a-Bm-gain

They say, EmDance for me , Dance for me, Dance for me, oh Coh oh
I've never Dseen anybody do the things you do be-Bm-fore
They say, EmMove for me, Move for me, Move for me, ay Cay ay
And when you're Ddone I'll make you do it all a-Bm-gain


1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm × × × × NC

Dance The Night Away [F]The Mavericks

F  C7  F  C7

Verse 1

F Here comes my C7 happiness F againC7
FRight back to C7where it should have F beenC7
F'cause now she's C7gone and I am F freeC7
FAnd she can't C7do a thing toF meC7

FJust wanna C7dance the night FawayC7
FWith senorC7itas who can FswayC7
FRight now toC7morrow's lookin' FbrightC7
FJust like the C7sunny mornin' FlightC7

F And if you should C7 see her
F Please let her C7  know that I'm F well C7
As you can F tell C7
And F if she should C7tell you
That F she wants me C7 back
Tell her F no C7
I gotta F go C7

FI just wanna C7dance the night FawayC7
Fith senoriC7tas who can  FswayC7
FRight now toC7morrow's lookin' F brightC7
FJust like the C7sunny mornin' F lightC7

Repeat Chorus as many times as you like ending with cha cha cha on F

1 2 F 1 C7

Dancing In The Dark [G]Bruce Springsteen

Intro w/ kazoo riff
G Em G Em
G Em G Em

Verse 1
G I get up in the Em evening, G and I Em ain’t got nothing to say
G I come home in the Em morning, G I go to bed Em feeling the same way
C I ain't nothing but Am tired, C man I'm just Am tired and bored with myself
G Hey there Embaby, G I could Em use just a little help

D You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a C spark
C This gun's for Am hire, C even if we're just Am dancing in the dark

Instrumental w/ kazoo riff
G Em G Em

Verse 2
G Messages keep getting Em clearer, G radio's on and I'm Em moving 'round the place
G I check my look in the Em mirror, G wanna change my Em clothes, my hair, my face
C Man I ain't getting Am nowhere, C I'm just Am living in a dump like this
G There's something happening Em somewhere, G baby I Em just know that there is

D You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a C spark
C This gun's for Am hire, C even if we're just Am dancing in the dark

Instrumental w/ kazoo riff
G Em G Em
G Em G Em

Em You sit around getting Golder, C there's a joke here some D where and it's on me
Em I'll shake this world off my G shoulders, C come on baby the D laugh's on me

Verse 3
G Stay on the streets of Em this town, G and they'll be Em carving you up all right
G They say you gotta stay Em hungry, G hey baby, I'm Em just about starving tonight
C I'm dying for some Am action, C I'm sick of sitting Am round here trying to write this book
G I need a love re- Em action, G come on Em baby give me just one look

Chorus 2
D You can't start a fire, sitting round crying over a broken C heart
C This gun's for Am hire, C even if we're just Am dancing in the dark
D You can't start a fire, worrying about your little world falling apart C
C This gun's for Am hire, C even if we're just Am dancing in the dark

Outro w/ kazoo riff
G Em G Em
G Em G Em


1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C 2 Am 1 1 1 D

Dancing Queen [C]ABBA

G You can dance, E7 you can jive Am
having the time of your D7 life
F See that girl, Dm watch that G7 scene
Diggin' the C Dancing Queen F


Verse 1
C Friday night and the lights are low F
C Looking out for the place to Am go
G Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come to Am look for a king.

Verse 2
C Anybody could be that F guy
C Night is young and the music's Am high
G With a bit of rock music, everything is fine,
You're in the Am mood for a dance

And when you Dm get the chance G You are the
C Dancing Queen, F young and sweet, only C seventeen F
C Dancing queen, F feel the beat from the C tambourine, oh Am yeah
G You can dance, E7 you can jive
Am having the time of your D7 life
F See that girl, Dm watch that G7 scene
Diggin' the C Dancing Queen F


Verse 3
C You're a teaser, you turn 'em on F
C Leave them burning and then you're Am gone
G Looking out for another, anyone will do,
You're in the Am mood for a dance

And when you Dm get the chance G You are the
C Dancing Queen, F young and sweet, only C seventeen F
C Dancing queen, F feel the beat from the C tambourine, oh Am yeah
G You can dance, E7 you can jive
Am having the time of your D7 life
F See that girl, Dm watch that G7 scene
Diggin' the C Dancing Queen F

Diggin' the C Dancing Queen F
Diggin' the C Dancing Queen F
Diggin' the C Dancing Queen F

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7

Dancing on my own [C]Robyn

C Somebody G said you got a new F friend
C Does she G love you better than I F can?
C Big black G sky over my F town
C I know where you’re G at, I bet she's F around

Am Yea I G know it’s stupid F
I just gotta G see it for myself

C I'm in the G corner, watching you F kiss her, ohhhh
C I'm right over G here, why can't you F see me, ohhh
Am I'm giving it G my all, but I'm not the F girl you’re taking home, ooohh
C I keep G dancing on my F own

C I'm just gonna G dance all night F
C I'm all messed G up, I'm so outta line F

Am Stilettos and G broken bottles F
I'm spinnin' a-Ground in circles


Interlude Am C F x2

Am So far C away but still so F near the lights go G on, the music dies
Am But you don't C see me standing F here I just G came to say goodbye


NC I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, ohhhh..
Am I'm giving it G my all, but I'm not the F girl your taking home, ooohh..
C I keep G dancing on my F own


3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am × × × × NC

Daydream Believer [G]The Monkees


Verse 1
Oh I could G hide ‘neath the Am wings
Of the Bm bluebird as she C sings
The G six o’ clock aEm7larm would never A7 ring D7
But it G rings and I Am rise
Wipe the Bm sleep out of my C eyes
My G shaving Em7 razor’s Am cold D and it G stings

C Cheer up D sleepy Bm Jean
C Oh what D can it Em mean C to a
G Daydream beCliever and a
G HomeEmcoming A7 queen D7

Verse 2
G You once thought of Am me
As a Bm white knight on his C steed
G Now you know how Em7 happy I can A7 be D7
Whoa and our G good times start and Am end
Without Bm dollar one to C spend
But G how much Em7 baby Am do we D really G need

C Cheer up D sleepy Bm Jean
C Oh what D can it Em mean C to a
G Daydream beCliever and a
G HomeEmcoming A7 queen D7

CCheer up D sleepy Bm Jean
C Oh what D can it Em mean C to a
G Daydream beCliever and a
G HomeEmcoming A7 queen D7


1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 1 1 Bm 3 C 2 3 Em7 1 A7 1 2 D7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em

Deadwood Stage [D]Doris Day


Oh the D Deadwood Stage is a-rollin' on over the plains,
With the curtains flappin' and the driver slappin' the A reins.
Beautiful A7 sky, a D wonderful day.
A Whip crack-away, A whip crack-away, A whip crack a Dway!

Oh the D Deadwood Stage is a-headin' on over the hills,
Where the Injun arrows are thicker than porcupine A quills.
Dangerous A7 land, no D time to delay.
So, A whip crack away, A whip crack away, A whip crack aDway!

We're headin' G straight for town, D loaded down,
A with a fancy D cargo,
A Care of Wells and G Fargo, IlliAnois A7 boy!

Oh the DDeadwood Stage is a-comin' on over the crest,
Like a homing pigeon that's a-hankerin' after its A nest.
Twenty three A7 miles we've D covered today.
So, A whip crack away, A whip crack away, A whip crack aDway!

The wheels go G turnin' round, D homeward bound,
A Can't you hear 'em D humming,
A Happy times are G coming for to A stay A7 hey!

We'll be D home tonight by the light of the silvery moon,
And our hearts are thumpin' like a mandolin plunking a A tune.
When I get A7 home, I'm D fixing to stay.
So, A whip crack-away, A whip crack-away, A whip crack aDway.

Instrumental & Kazoos to tune of verse
A* A* A* D

The wheels go G turnin' round, D homeward bound,
A Can't you hear 'em D humming,
A Happy times are G coming for to A stay A7 hey

Oh my D throats as dry as a desert thistle in May
In the Golden Garter, gonna wet my whistle A today
A7 Last at the bar's, a D three-legged crow
A Set 'em up Joe, A Set 'em up Joe, A Set 'em up DJoe

A Set 'em up Joe, A Set 'em up Joe, A Set 'em up DJooooooooe .....

A* Yeee D* Haaaa!

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 A7 1 2 3 G

Delilah [Am]Tom Jones


Verse 1
Am I saw the light on the night that I passed by her E7 window
Am I saw the flickering shadows of love on her E7 blind
A She A7 was my Dm woman
Am As she deceived me I E7 watched, and went out of my Am mind G7

Chorus 1
C My, my, my, De-G-lilah
G Why, why, G7 why, De-C-lilah
C I could C7 see that F girl was no good for Dm me
C But I was lost like a G* slave that no one could C free E7

Verse 2
Am At break of day when that man drove away I was E7 waiting
Am I crossed the street to her house and she opened the E7 door
A She A7 stood there Dm laughing
Am I felt the knife in my E7* hand,
And she laughed no Am more G7

Chorus 2
C My, my, my, De-G-lilah
G Why, why, G7 why, De-C-lilah
C So be-C7-fore they F come to break down the Dm door
C Forgive me, Delilah, I G just couldn't take any C more E7

Verse 2 w/ instrumental break
A She A7 stood there Dm laughing Ha ha ha ha ha
Am I felt the knife in my E7* hand,
and she laughed no Am more G7

C My, my, my, De-G-lilah
G Why, why, G7 why, De-C-lilah
C So be-C7-fore they F come to break down the Dm door
C Forgive me, Delilah, I G just couldn't take any C more
Am Forgive me, Delilah, I E7 just couldn't take any Am //////  more
Dm ////// Am //////


2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 C7 1 2 F

Desperado [G]Eagles

Verse 1
DespeGrado G7 why don't you C come to your Cm senses
You've been G out ridin' Em7 fences for A7 so long D7 now
You're a G hard one G7 I know that C you've got your reasons Cm
These G things that are pleaEm7sin' you
Can Am hurt you D7 some G how B7

Verse 2
Don't you Em draw the queen of Bm diamonds boy
She'll C beat you D7 if she's G able
The Em queen of hearts is C always your best G bet D
Now it Em seems to me that Bm some fine things
Have been C laid upD7on your G table
But Em you only want the A7 ones that you can't Am7 get D7

Verse 3
DespeGrado G7 you ain’t C getting no Cm younger
Your G pain and your Em7 hunger, they're A7 driving you D7 home
And G freedom G7 well that's just C some people Cm talking
Your G prison is walkEm7ing through
This Am world all D7 aGlone B7

Verse 4
Don't your Em feet get cold in the Bm winter time
The C sky won't D7 snow and the G sun won't shine
It's Em hard to tell the C night time from the G day D
You're Em losing all your Bm highs and lows
C Ain’t it funny how the G feeling goes a-Am7way D7

Verse 5
DespeGrado G7 why don't you C come to your Cm senses
Come G down from your Em7 fences A7 open the gate D7
It may be G rainin' G7 but there's a C rainbow above you Cm
You better G let somebody Em love you
C Let somebody Cm love you

You better G let someB7body Em love you
BeAm fore it's D7 too G late
G7 C Cm G

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 1 1 Cm 2 3 Em7 1 A7 1 2 D7 2 Am 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D Am7

Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend [A]Marilyn Monroe


Verse 1
A A kiss on the hand, may be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best E7 friend
A kiss may be grand, but it won't pay the rental
On your humble B7 flat
Or help D you at the E7 automat
A7 Men grow cold
Bm As girls grow old
And we all A lose our A7 charms in the E7 end
But A square-cut or pear-shaped
These A7 rocks don't loose Bm their shape
Bm Diamonds are a E7 girl's best A friend


Verse 2
A There may come a time
When a lass needs a lawyer
But diamonds are a girl's best E7 friend
There may come a time
When a hard-boiled employer
Thinks you're B7 awful nice
But D get that ice or E7 else no dice
A7 He's your guy
When Bm stocks are high
But beAware when they A7 start to descE7end
A It's then that those louses
A7 Go back to their Bm spouses
Bm Diamonds are a E7 girl's best A friend


Verse 3
A I've heard of affairs
That are strictly platonic
But diamonds are a girl's best E7 friend
And I think affairs
That you must keep liaisonic
B7 Are better bets
If D little pets get E7 big baguettes
A7 Time rolls on
And Bm youth is gone
And you A can't straighten A7 up when you E7 bend
A But stiff back
A7 Or stiff knees
A7 You stand straight at Bm Tiffany's
Bm Diamonds are a E7 girl's best A friend

Bm Diamonds are a E7 girl's best A friend
Bm Diamonds are a E7 girl's best A friiiiiiiiiiiiend
E7* A*

1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 B7 1 1 1 D 1 A7 1 1 1 Bm

Dirty Old Town [C]The Pogues

C C C*

Verse 1
NC I met my C love... by the gas works wall
Dreamed a F dream... by the old caCnal
I kissed my Am girl... by the factory C wall
Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town

Verse 2
Clouds are C dri-i-iftin' across the moon
Cats are F pro-o-owling on their C beat
Springs a Am girl... from the streets at C night
Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town

Verse 3
I heard a C siren... coming from the docks
Saw a F train... set the night on C fire
I smelled the Am spring... on the smoky C wind
Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town

Instrumental Verse
Am Am C C
Dm G7 Am Am

Verse 4
I'm gonna C make me... a big sharp axe
Shining F steel... tempered in a C fire
I’ll chop you Am down... like an old dead C tree
Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town

Verse 5
I met my C love... by the gas works wall
Dreamed a F dream... by the old caCnal
I kissed my Am girl... by the factory C wall
Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town

Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town
Dirty old Dm town... G7 dirty old Am town......... Am / / /

3 C × × × × NC 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7

Disco 2000 [F]Pulp

Single strums
FFsus4 FFFF Fsus4F x2
BbBbsus4 BbBbBbBb Bbsus4Bb x2

Well we were Fborn within an hour of each other
Our mothers Fsaid we could be sister and brother
Your name is BbDeborah... Deborah... it never Bbsuited you
And they Fsaid that when we grew up, We'd get Fmarried, and never split up,
Oh we never Bbdid it... although I often Bbthought of it.

Oh Deborah, do you Cmrecall... your house was very Cmsmall
With woodchip on the Cmwall... and when I came round to Cmcall
You didn't notice me at Fall And I said

BbLet's all meet up in the year 2000
DmWon't it be strange when we're all fully Gmgro-o-own
Be there 2 o'clock by the Cmfountain down the Fsus4roa-oa-oadF
BbI never knew that you'd get married,
DmI would be living down here on my Gmown.
On that damp and lonely CmThursday years Fsus4ag-o-oF

You were the Ffirst girl in school to get breasts
Martin Fsaid that you were the best
Oh the boys all Bbloved you, but I was a mess
I had to Bbwatch 'em try to get you undressed
We were Ffriends that was as far as it went
I used to Fwalk you home sometimes but it meant
Oh it meant nothing Bbto you... ‘cause you were so Bbpopular

Oh Deborah, do you Cmrecall... your house was very Cmsmall
With woodchip on the Cmwall... and when I came round to Cmcall
You didn't notice me at Fall And I said

BbLet's all meet up in the year 2000
DmWon't it be strange when we're all fully Gmgro-o-own
Be there 2 o'clock by the Cmfountain down the Fsus4roa-oa-oadF
BbI never knew that you'd get married,
DmI would be living down here on my Gmown.
On that damp and lonely CmThursday years Fsus4ag-o-oF

BbOh what are you doing Sunday baby, DmWould you like to come and meet me maybe,
GmYou can even bring your baby, CmOooooooooh Fsus4oo ooo Fooo.
BbWhat are you doing Sunday baby,
DmWould you like to come and meet me maybe,
GmYou can even bring your baby,
CmOooooooooh Fsus4oo oo Fooo Fsus4ooo Foo oo Bboooooooh!

1 2 F 1 1 3 Fsus4 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 3 4 Bbsus4 1 1 1 Cm 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm

Do You Love An Apple? [G]Bothy Band

Do Gyou love an C apple? Do Gyou love a Cpear?
Do Gyou love a C laddie with Gcurly brown Dhair?

Ah but G still I love him, I Ccan't deny him
G I will go C with him wher-Dever he G goes C G D

BeGfore I got C married I Gwore a black Cshawl
But Gsince I got Cmarried I Gwear bugger Dall

He Gstood at the C corner, a Gfag in his Cmouth
Two Ghands in his Cpockets, he Gwhistled me Dout

He Gworks at the C pier for Gnine bob a Cweek
Come GSaturday Cnight, he comes Grolling home Ddrunk

BeGfore I got C married I'd Gsport and I'd Cplay
But Gnow, the Ccradle, it Ggets in me Dway

My Gback is a-C breaking, my Gfingers are Csore,
GGutting the Cherrin' he Gbrings to the Dshore.

The Gstorm is a-C raging, his Gboat isn't Cin,
Why Gdoesn't one Ctell me what's Ghappened to Dhim.

If Ghe's gone to C heaven, he'll Gcome to no C harm.
If Ghe's gone to Chell, then he'll Gkeep himself Dwarm

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Doe Ray Mi [C]Julie Andrews


Verse 1
C Doe, a deer, a female deer G7 Ray, a drop of golden sun
C Me, a name I call myself G7 Far, a long, long way to run
C Sew, a needle pulling F thread
D7 La, a note to follow G7 Sew
E7 Tea, a drink with jam and Am bread
That will F bring us G back to C Do oh-oh-oh

Verse 2
C DOE!, a deer, a female deer G7 RAY!, a drop of golden sun
C ME!, a name I call myself G7 FAR!, a long, long way to run
C SEW!, a needle pulling F thread
D7 LA!, a note to follow G7 Sew
E7 TEA!, a drink with jam and Am bread
That will F bring us G back to C Do oh-oh-oh

C So Do F La Fa C Mi Do G Re
C So Do F La Ti C Do G Re C Do
C When you F know the C notes to G sing
C You can F sing most C an-G-y-Cthing

Verse 3
C Doe, a deer, a female deer G7 Ray, a drop of golden sun
C Me, a name I call myself G7 Far, a long, long way to run
C Sew, a needle pulling F thread D7 La, a note to follow G7 Sew
E7 Tea, a drink with jam and Am bread
That will F bring us G back to

Bridge Acapella
NC When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most any-Cthing

Outro  Loudly
C DOE!, a deer, a female deer G7 RAY!, a drop of golden sun
C ME!, a name I call myself G7 FAR!, a long, long way to run
C SEW!, a needle pulling F thread
D7 LA!, a note to follow G7 Sew
E7 TEA!, a drink with jam and Am bread
That will F bring us G back to C Dooooooooe
G* C*

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F 1 2 D7 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 3 G × × × × NC

Don't Cha [Dm]Pussycat Dolls


Verse 1
I know you Dm like me I know you like me
I know you do I know you do
That's why wheAmnever I come around she's all over you
And I know you Dm want it I know you want it
It's easy to see it's easy to see
And in the Am back of your mind I know you should be on with me

Dm Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Am Don't cha............ Don't cha
Dm Don't you wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Don't you wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Am Don't cha haah aah........Don't cha

Verse 2
Fight the Dm feeling fight the feeling
Leave it alone leave it alone
Cause if it ain't Am love it just ain't enough to leave a happy home oh, oh
Let's keep it Dm friendly let's keep it friendly
You have to play fair you have to play fair yeah
See I don't Am care but I know she ain't going wanna share.... Hmmmm


Verse 3
See I know she Dm loves you I know she loves you
I understand I understand
I'd probably Am be just as crazy about you if you were my own man
Maybe next Dm lifetime maybe next lifetime
Possibly possibly
Until Am then oh friend you're secret is safe with me

Dm Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Am Don't cha............ Don't cha
Dm Don't you wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Don't you wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Am Don't cha haah aah........Don't cha

Dm* Don't you wish your girlfriend was
Dm* hot, Dm* hot, Dm* hot, Dm* hot, Dm* hot

1 2 3 Dm 2 Am

Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue [F]Crystal Gayle

F Dm Gm C7
F Dm Gm C7

Verse 1
F Don't know Dm when Gm I've been so C7 blue
F Don't know Dm what's come Em over A7 you
Dm You've found F some-one G7 new
And Bb don't it make my Am7 brown eyes Bb blue C7

Verse 2
F I'll be Dm fine Gm when you're C7 gone
F I'll just Dm cry Em all night A7 long
Dm Say it F isn't G7 true
And Bb don't it make my C brown eyes F blue

Dm Tell me no Am7 secrets, Bb tell me some F lies
Dm Give me no Am7 reasons, give me Bb alib-F-ies
Dm Tell me you Am7 love me and Bb don't let me F cry
Gm Say any Am thing but Bb don't say good C bye

Verse 3
F I didn't Dm mean Gm to treat you C7 bad
F Didn't Dm know just Em what I A7 had
Dm But honey F now I G7 do
And Bb don't it make my Am7 brown eyes,
Bb Don't it make my Am7 brown eyes,
Bb Don't it make my C brown eyes F blue Dm Gm C7

Bb Don't it make my Am7 brown eyes,
Bb Don't it make my Am7 brown eyes,
Bb Don't it make my C brown eyes F blue.
Dm Gm C7 F*

1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 1 C7 1 2 3 Em 1 A7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Bb Am7 3 C 2 Am

Don't Leave Me This Way [F]The Communards

Intro - single strums
Am Mmmm mm Am mm mm mm mm F mm-mm F
Mm mm C mm G mm Am mm Dm mm-mm G mm-mm
Am Aaaaa aa Am aa aa aa aa F aa-aa F
Aa aa C aa G aa Am aa Dm aa-aa G aa-aa

Verse 1
Am Don't D leave me this G wa-G7ay
I can't sur-Cvive I can't G stay Am alive
Dm Without your love, G no baby
Am Don't D leave me this G wa-G7ay
No, I can't C exist, I will G surely Am miss
Your Dm tender kiss, G so don't leave me this A way

Chorus 1
A Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, baby
My G heart is full of D love and A desire for you
So G come on down and D do what you A gotta do
You G started this D fire down A in my soul
Now G can't you see, it's D burning A out of control
So G come on down and D satisfy the A need in me
'Cause G only your good D lovin' can E7 set me freeeee

Verse 2
Am Don't, D leave me this G wa-G7ay
You don't under-Cstand, understand how I'm G at your Am command
So Dm baby please, G don't you leave me this A way

Chorus 2
A Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, baby
My G heart is full of D love and A desire for you
So G come on down and D do what you A gotta do
You G started this D fire down A in my soul
Now G can't you see, it's D burning A out of control
So G come on down and D satisfy the A need in me
'Cause G only your good D lovin' can

A set me free G Set me D free
A set me free G Set me D free
A set me free G Set me D free
A set me free G Set me D free
set me A* free

1 2 F 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7

Don't Look Back In Anger [C]Oasis


Verse 1
C Slip inside the G eye of your Am mind
Don't you E7 know you might F find
G A better place to play C Am G
C You said that G you'd never Am been
But all the E7 things that you've F seen
G Slowly fade away C Am G

F So I start a  revol-Fmution from my C bed
‘Cause you F said the brains I Fm had went to my C head
F Step outside the Fm summertime’s in C bloom
G Stand up beside the fireplace E7 take that look from off your face
’Cause Am you ain’t ever G gonna burn my F heart ou-G-ut G G
Count 1-2-3-4

C So G Sally can Am wait, she E7 knows it’s too F late
As we’re G walking on C by Am-G
Her C soul G slides Am away E7
Don’t look F back in anger, G I heard you say C Am G

Verse 2
C Take me to the G place where you Am go
Where E7 nobody F knows
G if it’s night or day C Am G
C Please don’t put your G life in the Am hands
Of a E7 rock and roll F band
G who’ll throw it all away C Am G

F Gonna start a revo-Fmlution from my C bed
‘Cause you F said the brains I Fm had went to my C head
F Step outside the Fm summertime’s in C bloom
G Stand up beside the fireplace... E7 take that look from off your face
‘Cause Am you ain’t ever G gonna burn my F heart ou-G-ut G G
Count 1-2-3-4

C So G Sally can Am wait, she E7 knows it’s too F late
As we’re G walking on C by Am G
Her C soul G slides Am away E7
Don’t look F back in anger, G I heard you say C Am G

C So G Sally can Am wait, she E7 knows it’s too F late
As she's G walking on C by Am G
My C soul G slides a- Am* – single strum way
But don’t look F* back in anger
Don’t look Fm* back in anger
I heard you say C G Am E7 F G
At least not to-C \\\\ daaaaay


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Fm

Don't Marry Her, Have Me [C]Beautiful South


Verse 1
C Think of you with G pipe and slippers, F Think of her in G bed
F Laying there just C watching telly,D7 Think of me inGstead;
I'll C never grow so G old and flabby, F That could never G be
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.

Verse 2
Your C love light shines like G cardboard, Your F work shoes they are G glistening
She's a F Phd in 'I C told you so', You've a D7 knighthood in 'I'm not G listening';
She’ll C always be beGside you, F Bring you cups of G tea
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.

And the C Sunday sun shines down on San FranFcisco C Bay
And you F realize you can't make it anyCway
You have to wash the car
Take the F kiddies to the C park
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.

Verse 3
Those C lovely Sunday G mornings, With F breakfast brought in G bed
Those F blackbirds look like C knitting needles,D7 Trying to peck your G head;
Those C birds will peck your G soul out, And F throw away the G key
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.

Verse 4
The C kitchen's always G tidy, The F bathroom's always G clean
She's a diFploma in 'just C hiding things', You've a D7 first in 'low esGteem';
Your C socks might smell of G angels, Your F life might smell of G Brie
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.

And the C Sunday sun shines down on San FranFcisco C Bay
And you F realize you can't make it anyCway
You have to wash the car
Take the F kiddies to the C park
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.

And the C* Sunday sun shines down on San FranF*cisco C* Bay
And you F* realize you can't make it F* any C*way
You C* have to wash the car
Take the F* kiddies to the C* park
F* Don't marry G* her, have C* me.

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 D7

Don't Stop Believin' [D]Journey

D A Bm G
D A F#m G

Verse 1
D Just a A small town girl Bm living in a G lonely world
D She took the A midnight train going F#m anywhere G
D Just a A city boy Bm born and raised in G south Detroit
D He took the A midnight train going F#m anywhere G

D A singer in a A smoky room
Bm A smell of wine and G cheap perfume
D For a smile they can A share the night, it goes F#m on and on and G on and on

G Strangers... waiting... D up and down the boulevard
Their G shadows... searching in the D night
G Streetlight... people... D living just to find emotion
G Hiding... somewhere in the A night

Verse 2
D Working hard to A get my fill...
Bm everybody G wants a thrill
D Paying anything to A roll the dice just F#m one more time G
D Some will win... A some will lose...
Bm Some were born to G sing the blues
D Oh, the movie A never ends... it goes F#m on and on and
G on and on

G Strangers... waiting... D up and down the boulevard
Their G shadows... searching in the D night
G Streetlight... people... D living just to find emotion
G Hiding... somewhere in the A night

D Don’t stop... beAlieving Bm hold on to the G feeling
D Streetlight A people F#m G
D Don’t stop... beAlieving Bm hold on to the G feeling
D Streetlight A people F#m G

D Don't Stop Bel-D*iev D* ing

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 F#m

Don't Stop Moving [Gm]S Club 7

Intro + Scratching
Gm* Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat x2
+ Bass Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat x2

Verse 1
Gm DJ got the party started, there’s no end in sight
Gm Everybody’s moving to the rhythm that’s inside
It’s a Cm crazy world, but tonight’s the right situGmation. Don’t be left behind
Gm I can feel the music going through me everywhere.
Gm Ain’t no destination baby, we don’t even care.
There’s a Cm place to be, if you need the right eduGmcation. Let it take you there

And just Eb go with the D magic baby, Gm7 I can see it there in your C eyes
Let it Eb flow... D stop the waiting.
D Right there on the dance floor is where you’ve got to let it go
Gm Don’t stop moving. Bb Can you feel the music?
C DJ’s got us going aDround, 'round.
Gm Don’t stop grooving. Bb Find your own way to it. C Listen to music
D Taking you to places that you’ve never been before baby now

Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat
Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat

Verse 2
Gm You can touch the moment, all those feelings in the air
Gm Don’t know where we’re going baby, we don’t even care.
Ain’t no Cm mystery, just use your imagiGmnation. Let it take you there


Post chorus
Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat
Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat

Cm Forget about your D fears tonight.
Gm Listen to your heart and just C touch the sky
Eb No need to D reason why.
D Just listen to the sound, let it make you come alive.

Gm Don’t stop moving. Bb Can you feel the music?
C DJ’s got us going aDround, 'round.
Gm Don’t stop grooving. Bb Find your own way to it. C Listen to music
D yeah, yeah, yeah

Gm Don’t stop moving. Bb Can you feel the music?
C DJ’s got us going aDround, 'round.
Gm Don’t stop grooving. Bb Find your own way to it. C Listen to music
D Taking you to places that you’ve never been before baby now

Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat.
Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat.
Gm Don’t stop moving to the funky funky beat.
Gm* Don’t stop moving to the S Club beat.

1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 Cm 1 1 1 Eb 1 1 1 D 1 1 2 Gm7 3 C 1 2 3 Bb

Don't You Want Me [Am]Human League

Intro w/ kazoo or melodica riff
Am Am F Am
Am Am F Am

Verse 1
You were F working as a waitress in a Gsus4 cocktail G bar
F When C I met G you
I F picked you out I shook you up and Gsus4 turned you aGround
F Turned you into C someone G new
Now F five years later on you've got the Gsus4 world at your G feet
SucFcess has been so C easy for G you
But F don't forget it's me who put you Gsus4 where you are G now
And F I can put you C back down G too

Am Don't, don't you Em want me?
You F know I can't believe it,
when I Dm hear that you won't Gsus4 see G me
Am Don't, don't you Em want me?
You F know I don't believe you,
when you Dm say that you don't Gsus4 need G me
It's A much too late to find, You B7 think you've changed your mind
You'd C better change it back or we will E7 both be sorry

F Don't you want me G baby? F Don't you want me G ohhhhh
F Don't you want me G baby? F Don't you want me G ohhhhh

Verse 2
I was F working as a waitress in a Gsus4 cocktail G bar
F That C much is G true
But F even then I knew I'd find a Gsus4 much better G place
F Either with or C without G you
The F five years we have had have been Gsus4 such good G times
F I C still love G you
But F now I think it's time I lived my Gsus4 life on my G own
I F guess it's just what C I must G do

Am Don't, don't you Em want me?
You F know I can't believe it,
when I Dm hear that you won't Gsus4 see G me
Am Don't, don't you Em want me?
You F know I don't believe you,
when you Dm say that you don't Gsus4 need G me
It's A much too late to find, You B7 think you've changed your mind
You'd C better change it back or we will E7 both be sorry

F Don't you want me G baby? F Don't you want me G ohhhhh
F Don't you want me G baby? F Don't you want me G ohhhhh
F Don't you want me G baby? F Don't you want me G ohhhhh
F Don't you want me G baby? F Don't you want me G ohhhhh

Outro w/ kazoo or melodica riff
Am Am F Am
Am Am F Am*

2 Am 1 2 F 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 E7

Don’t Think Twice [C]Bob Dylan

Intro C

C It ain’t no use to G sit and wonder Am why, babe
F It don’t matter, anyChow. G
C And it ain’t no use to G sit and wonder Am why, babe
D7 If you don’t know by G now. G7
C When your rooster crows at the C7 break of dawn
F Look out your window and D7 I’ll be gone
C You’re the G reason I’m Am trav’lin’ F on
C Don’t think G twice, it’s all C right. G

C It ain’t no use in Gturnin’ on your Am light, babe
F A light I never C knowed G
C An’ it ain’t no use in Gturnin’ on your Am light, babe
D7 I’m on the dark side of the G road G7
C But I wish there was somethin’ you would C7 do or say
F To try and make me change my D7 mind and stay
C We never G did too much Am talkin’ anyFway
C So don’t think G twice, its all C right. G

C So it ain’t no use in G callin’ out my Am name, gal
F Like you never did beCfore G
C It ain’t no use in G callin’ out my Am name, gal
D7 I can’t hear you anyGmore G7
C I’m a-thinkin’ and a-wond’rin’ walking C7 down the road
F I once loved a woman, a D7 child I’m told
C I gave her my G heart but she Am wanted my F soul
C But don’t think G twice, it’s all C right A

key change

D So long A honey Bm babe
G Where I’m bound, I can’t A tell
D But goodbye is A too good a Bm word, gal
E7 So I’ll just say fare thee A well A7
D I ain’t sayin’ you treated D7 me unkind
G You could have done better but E7 I don’t mind
D You just A kinda wasted Bm my precious G time
D Don’t think A twice, it’s all D right
D Don’t think A twice, it’s all D right A
D Don’t think A twice, it’s all G right D

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 E7 1 A7

Don’t Think Twice [F]Bob Dylan

Intro F

F It ain’t no use to C sit and wonder Dm why, babe
Bb It don’t matter, anyFhow. C
F And it ain’t no use to C sit and wonder Dm why, babe
G7 If you don’t know by C now. C7
F When your rooster crows at the F7 break of dawn
Bb Look out your window and G7 I’ll be gone
F You’re the C reason I’m Dm trav’lin’ Bb on
F Don’t think C twice, it’s all F right. C

F It ain’t no use in C turnin’ on your Dm light, babe
Bb A light I never F knowed C
F An’ it ain’t no use in C turnin’ on your Dm light, babe
G7 I’m on the dark side of the C road C7
F But I wish there was somethin’ you would F7 do or say
Bb To try and make me change my G7 mind and stay
F We never C did too much Dm talkin’ anyBb way
F So don’t think C twice, its all F right. C

F So it ain’t no use in C callin’ out my Dm name, gal
Bb Like you never did beFfore C
F It ain’t no use in C callin’ out my Dm name, gal
G7 I can’t hear you anyC more C7
F I’m a-thinkin’ and a-wond’rin’ walking F7 down the road
Bb I once loved a woman, a G7 child I’m told
F I gave her my C heart but she Dm wanted my Bb soul
F But don’t think C twice, it’s all F right D

key change

G So long D honey Em babe
C Where I’m bound, I can’t D tell
G But goodbye is D too good a Em word, gal
A7 So I’ll just say fare thee D well D7
G I ain’t sayin’ you treated G7 me unkind
C You could have done better but A7 I don’t mind
G You just D kinda wasted Em my precious C time
G Don’t think D twice, it’s all G right
G Don’t think D twice, it’s all G right D
G Don’t think D twice, it’s all C right G

1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 3 4 F7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 A7 1 2 D7

Down By The Sally Gardens [C]

It was C down by the G Sally F Gar–Cdens
My F love and G I did C meet G
She C passed the G Sally F Gar–Cdens
On F little G snow-white C feet C

She Am bid me F take love G ea–Csy
As the F leaves grow G on the C tree G
But C I being G young and F fool–Cish
With F her did G not a–Cgree G

In a C field down G by the F ri–Cver
My F love and G I did C stand G
And C on my G leaning F shoul–Cder
She F laid her G snow-white C hand C

She Am bid me F take life G ea–Csy
As the F grass grows G on the C weirs G
But C I was G young and F foo–Clish
And F now am G full of C ↓ tears

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am

Downtown [C]Petula Clarke

C F G7
C F G7

Verse 1
C When you’re alone and life is F making you G7 lonely
You can C always go F down-G7 town
C When you’ve got worries all the F noise and the G7 hurry
Seems to C help I know F down-G7town

Just C listen to the music of the Am traffic in the city
C Linger on the sidewalk where the Am neon signs are pretty
G How can you lose? F The lights are much brighter there.
You can for-D7get all your troubles, forget all your cares, and go

C Down-Emtown, F Things'll be G7 great when you're
C Down-Emtown, F No finer G7 place for sure
C Down-Emtown, F Everything's G7 waiting for
C You Down-G7town
C Down-G7town

Verse 2
C Don’t hang around and let your F problems sur-G7round you
There are C movie shows F down-G7town
C Maybe you know some little F places to G7 go to
Where they C never close F down-G7town

Just C listen to the rhythm of a Am gentle bossa nova
C You’ll be dancing with him too be-Amfore the night is over
G Happy again. F The lights are much brighter there.
You can for-D7get all your troubles, forget all your cares, and go

C Down-Emtown, F Where all the G7 lights are bright
C Down-Emtown, F Waiting for G7 you tonight
C Down-Emtown, F You're going G7 be alright
C Down-G7town

C Down-G7town
C Down-G7town
C Down-G7town

Cha Cha Cha

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Em

Dreaming Of You [Am]The Coral

Am F Am F
Am F Am F

Verse 1
Am What's up with my heart when it F skips a beat skips a beat
Am Can't feel no pavement right F under my feet under my feet

C Up in my lonely room G wah oooo
When I'm dreaming of F you wah oooo
Oh what can I do Am wah oooo
I still need you, but F wah oooo
I don't want you now Am
F* E7*

Am F Am F

Verse 2
Am ... When I'm down, and my F hands are tied hands are tied
Am I cannot reach a pen for F me to draw the line draw the line
Am ... From this pain, I just F can't disguise can't disguise
Am Its gonna hurt, but I'll F have to say goodbye say goodbye

C Up in my lonely room G wah oooo
When I'm dreaming of F you wah oooo
Oh what can I do Am wah oooo
I still need you, but F wah oooo
I don't want you now Am
F* E7* F* E7*
F* E7* F* E7*

Am Ohhh F Ohhh Am Oh F Oh

C Up in my lonely room G wah oooo
When I'm dreaming of F you wah oooo
Oh what can I do Am wah oooo
I still need you, but F wah oooo
I don't want you now Am
F* E7*

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7

Dreams [E]Cranberries

E7 can be used instead of E

E A B7 E x2

Verse 1
E ... Oh my A life is changing every-B7day...Every possible E way
E ... And oh, my  A dreams, it's never quite as it B7 seems,
Never quite as it E seems
E I know I felt like this be-Afore, But now I'm feeling it even B7 more
Because it came from E you
E Then I open up and A see, The person falling here is B7 me
A different way to E be


Verse 2
E ... I want A more, Impossible to B7 ignore, Impossible to E ignore
E ... They'll come A true, Impossible not to B7 do, Impossible not to E do
E Now I tell you open-Aly, You have my heart so don't hurt B7 me
You're what I couldn't E find
E A totally amazing A mind, So understanding and so B7 kind,
You're everything to E me

Outro Softly
E ... Oh my A life is changing every-B7day, Every possible E way
E ... Though my A dreams, it's never quite as it B7 seems,
cause you're a dream to E me Dream to me

E Laaaa A laaaa B7 etc E  x2

NC Laaaa laaaa etc  x2

1 2 3 E7 1 2 E 1 2 A 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 G 3 C × × × × NC

Dreams [F]Fleetwood Mac

F G x4

Verse 1
F Now here you G go again, you say F you want your freeGdom
F well, who am G I to keep you F down G
F It's only right G that you should F play the way you G feel it,
but F listen carefully G to the F sound of your G loneliness,
like a F heartbeat drives you G mad,
in the F stillness of G remembering what you F had
G and what you F lost, G and what you F had
G and what you F lost. G

Oh, Am thunder only G happens when it's F raining G
Am players only G love you when they're F playing G
Say, Am women they will G come and they will F go, G
Am when the rain washGes you clean, You'll F know, G


Verse 2
F Now here I G go again, I F see the crystal G visions,
F I keep my G visions to my F self.G
F It's only me G who wants to F wrap around your G dreams, and
F have you any G dreams you'd like to F sell, dreams of G loneliness,
like a F heartbeat drives you G mad,
in the F stillness of G remembering what you F had
G and what you F lost, G and what you F had
G and what you F lost. G

Chorus x2
Oh, Am thunder only G happens when it's F raining G
Am players only G love you when they're F playingG
Say, Am women they will G come and they will F go,G
Am when the rain washGes you clean, you'll F know, G

You'll F know, G
You WILL F know, G
Whoa-o-oa, you'll F* know.

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am

Edelweiss [G]The Sound Of Music

G D7 G G

Verse 1
G Edel-D7weiss, G edel-Cweiss,
G ev’ry Em7 morning you Am greet D7 me.
G Small and D7 white, G clean and C bright,
G you look D7 happy to G meet G7 me.

Chorus 1
D7 Blossom of snow, may you G bloom and grow
C bloom and A grow for-Dev-D7er.
G Edel-Dmweiss, C edel-Cmweiss,
G bless my D7 homeland for-Gev-er.

G D7 G G

Verse 2
G Edel-D7weiss, G edel-Cweiss,
G ev’ry Em7 morning you Am greet D7 me.
G Small and D7 white, G clean and C bright,
G you look D7 happy to G meet G7 me.

Chorus 2
D7 Blossom of snow, may you G bloom and grow
C bloom and A grow for-Dev-D7er.
G Edel-Dmweiss, C edel-Cmweiss, ... Pause
G bless my D7 homeland for-GCmG ever.

1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 3 C 2 3 Em7 2 Am 1 2 3 G7 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 Cm

Edge Of Glory [A]Lady Gaga

A E D  D
A E F#m D

Verse - single strum
AThere ain't no reason you and Eme should be alone
ToDnight, yeah baby, toDnight, yeah baby
AI got a reason that Eyou should take me home toDnight D
AI need a man that thinks it's Eright when it's so wrong
ToDnight, yeah baby, toDnight, yeah baby
ARight on the limits where we Eknow we both belong toDnight D

It's time to Afeel the rushE, to brush the F#mdangerousD
I'm gonna Arun right to, to the Bmedge with you
where we can Dboth fall over in Elove

I'm on the Aedge of Eglory
And I'm F#mhanging on a moment of Dtruth
Out on the Aedge of Eglory
And I'm F#mhanging on a moment with Dyou
I'm on the Aedge, the edge, the Eedge, the edge
the F#medge, the edge, the Dedge
I'm on the Aedge of Eglory
And I'm F#mhanging on a moment with D*you
I'm on the edge with youA E F#m D

Verse - single strum
AAnother shot before we Ekiss the other side
ToDnight, yeah baby, toDnight, yeah baby
AI'm on the edge of something Efinal we call life toDnight alright,D alright
APut on your shades 'cause I'll be Edancing in the flames
ToDnight, yeah baby, toDnight, yeah baby
Aoh It isn't hell 'cause everyEbody knows my name toDnight alright,D alright

It's hard to Afeel the rushE, to brush the F#mdangerousD
I'm gonna Arun right to, to the Bmedge with you
where we can Dboth fall over in Elove

I'm on the Aedge of Eglory
And I'm F#mhanging on a moment of Dtruth
Out on the Aedge of Eglory
And I'm F#mhanging on a moment with Dyou
I'm on the Aedge, the edge, the Eedge, the edge
the F#medge, the edge, the Dedge
I'm on the Aedge of Eglory
And I'm F#mhanging on a moment with D*you
I'm on the edge with youA E F#m D A*

1 2 A 1 2 E 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 Bm

Eight Days A Week [C]The Beatles

C D7 F C

Verse 1
C Ooh I need your D7 love babe F guess you know it's C true
C Hope you need my D7 love babe F just like I need C you
Am Hold me F love me Am hold me D7 love me
C Ain't got nothing but D7 love babe F eight days a C week

Verse 2
C Love you every D7 day girl F always on my C mind
C One thing I can D7 say girl F love you all the C time
Am Hold me F love me Am hold me D7 love me
C Ain't got nothing but D7 love babe F eight days a C week

G Eight days a week I Am* lo..o..o..o...oove you Am
D7 Eight days a week is F not enough to G7 show I care

Verse 3
C Ooh I need your D7 love babe F guess you know it's C true
C Hope you need my D7 love babe F just like I need C you
Am Hold me F love me Am hold me D7 love me
C Ain't got nothing but D7 love babe F eight days a C week

G Eight days a week I Am* lo..o..o..o...oove you Am
D7 Eight days a week is F not enough to G7 show I care

Verse 4
C Love you every D7 day girl F always on my C mind
C One thing I can D7 say girl F love you all the C time
Am Hold me F love me Am hold me D7 love me
C Ain't got nothing but D7 love babe F eight days a C week

F Eight days a C week
F Eight days a C week

C D7 F C*

3 C 1 2 D7 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Emmylou [F]First Aid Kit

F Am Dm Bb

Verse 1
Oh the F bitter Am winds are Dm coming Bb in
And I'm F already Am missing the Dm summer Bb
F Stockholm's Am cold but Dm I've been Bb told
I was F born to Am endure this kind of Dm weather Bb
When it's F you I Am find like a Dm ghost in my Bb mind
I am F defeated and I Am gladly wear the C crown C

F I'll be your Emmylou and Bb I'll be your June
If Dm you'll be my Gram and my C Johnny too
No, I'm F not asking Bb much of you
Just Dm sing little C darling, sing with F me F

Verse 2
F Now so much I Am know that Dm things just don't Bb grow
If you F don't Am bless them with your Dm patience Bb
And I've F been there beAmfore I Dm held up the Bb door
For F every Am stranger with a Dm promise Bb

Verse 3
But F I'm holding Am back, that's the Dm strength that I Bb lack
Every F morning keeps reAmturning at my Dm window Bb
And it F brings me to Am you and I Dm won't just pass Bb through
But F I'm not Am asking for a C storm C

F I'll be your Emmylou and Bb I'll be your June
If Dm you'll be my Gram and my C Johnny too
No, I'm F not asking Bb much of you
Just Dm sing little C darling, sing with F me F

Dm And ye-e-Ames I mi-i-Bbight have li-ied to F you
Dm You wouldn't Am benefi-i-Bbit from knowing the F truth
Dm I wa-a-as Am frightened bu-u-Bbut I he-e-eld F fast
Dm I nee-ee-Ameed you no-o-ow Bb at long la-a-Fast F

Chorus Quieter
F I'll be your Emmylou and Bb I'll be your June
If Dm you'll be my Gram and my C Johnny too
No, I'm F not asking Bb much of you
Just Dm sing little C darling, sing with F me F

Chorus Normal
F I'll be your Emmylou and Bb I'll be your June
If Dm you'll be my Gram and my C Johnny too
No, I'm F not asking Bb much of you
Just Dm sing little C darling, sing with F me F

Just Dm sing little C darling, sing with F me

1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 3 C

Eternal Flame [G]Bangles


Verse 1
G Close your Em eyes, C give me your D hand, darling
G Do you Em feel my heart C beating
D Do you underEmstand
Do you B7 feel the Em same
A Am I only D dreamBming
C Is this burning an eternal G flame

Verse 2
G I beEmlieve C it's meant to D be, darling
G I watch you Em when you are C sleeping
D You belong with Em me
Do you B7 feel the Em same
A Am I only DdreamBming
C Or is this burning an eternal D flame

D Say my Dm name G sun shines through the D rain
A whole F life so G lonely
And then you C come and G ease the Am pain
D I don't Bm want to lose this F feelCing Dsus4

Em B7 Em A D Bm C D


Verse 3 same as Verse 1
G Close your Em eyes, C give me your D hand, darling
G Do you Em feel my heart C beating
D Do you underEmstand
Do you B7 feel the Em same
A Am I only D dreamBming
C Is this burning an eternal G flame

G G G G Double strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B7 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 Dsus4

Ever Fallen in Love [Dm]Buzzcocks


Verse 1
You Dm spurn my natural emotions C
You Dm make me feel I'm dirt... and I'm F hurt F
And Dm if I start a commotion C
I Dm run the risk of losing you and that's F worse F

Ever Dm fallen in love with someCone, ever fallen in Dm love
In love with someCone, ever fallen in love Eb,
In love with someBbone
You shouldn't have fallen in C love with? C

Verse 2
I Dm can't see much of a future C
UnDmless we find out what's to blame... what a F shame F
And we Dm won't be together much longer C
UnDmless we realise that we are the F same F


Verse 3
You Dm spurn my natural emotions C
You Dm make me feel I'm dirt... and I'm F hurt F
And Dm if I start a commotion C
I'll Dm only end up losing you and that's F worse F

Chorus, repeat twice
Ever Dm fallen in love with someCone, ever fallen in Dm love
In love with someCone, ever fallen in love Eb,
In love with someBbone
You shouldn't have fallen in C love with? C

Fallen in Bb love with
Ever G# fallen in love with someCone, You shouldn't have fallen in F///// love with?

1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 F 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G#

Every Breath You Take [G]The Police


Verse 1
Every breath you G take, Every move you Em make
Every bond you C break... every step you D take
I'll be watching you Em
Every single G day, And every word you Em say
Every game you C play... every night you D stay
I'll be watching you G

G Oh can't you C see, You belong to G me
How my poor heart A7 aches, With every step you D take
And every move you G make, And every vow you Em break
Every smile you C fake... every claim you D stake
I'll be watching you G

Eb Since you've gone, I've been lost without a F trace
I dream at night, I can only see your Eb face
I look around but it's you I can't reFplace
I feel so cold and I long for your emEbbrace
I keep crying, baby, baby... G please


G Oh can't you C see, You belong to G me
How my poor heart A7 aches, With every step you D take
And every move you G make, And every vow you Em break
Every smile you C fake... every claim you D stake
I'll be watching you Em

Every move you C make... every step you D take
I'll be watching you G

I'll be watching you G
every breath you take, every move you make, Em every bond you break C
I'll be watching you G
every single day, every word you say, Em every game you play C
I'll be watching you G
every move you make, every vow you break, Em every smile you fake C
I'll be watching you G
every single day, every word you say, Em every game you play C

I'll be watching you G

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 A7 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 F

Ex’s and Oh’s [Dm]Elle King

Dm Well, I had me a boy, turned him into a man
I showed him all the things that he didn't understand
WhA7oa, and then I let him Dmgo

Dm Now, there's one in California who's been cursing my name
'Cause I found me a better lover in the UK
Hey, A7hey, until I made my getaDmway

Pre-Chorus NC
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
'Cause I'm the best baby that they never gotta keep
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
NC*They always wanna come, but they never wanna leave

F Ex's and the C oh, oh, oh's they Dm haunt me
Like A gho- o - osts they F want me to make 'em C a - a - all
They G won't let Bb go

Ex's and Dm oh's

Dm I had a summer lover down in New Orleans
Kept him warm in the winter, left him frozen in the spring
My, A7my, how the seasons go Dmby

Dm I get high, and I love to get low
So the hearts keep breaking, and the heads just roll
You A7know that's how the story Dmgoes

Pre-Chorus NC
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
'Cause I'm the best baby that they never gotta keep
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
NC*They always wanna come, but they never wanna leave

Chorus x2
Ex's and Dm oh's

Interlude Dm A7 Dm

Pre-Chorus NC
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
Coming over mountains and a-sailing over seas
One, two, three, they gonna run back to me
NC*They always wanna come, but they never wanna leave

Chorus x2
Ex's and Dm oh's

1 2 3 Dm 1 A7 × × × × NC 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb

Eye of the Tiger [Am]Survivor

Intro + constant Cajon
Am Am-G-Am Am-G-Am Am-G-F F/// x2

Verse 1
Am Risin’ up F back on the street
G Did my time, took my Am chances
Am Went the distance now I’m F back on my feet
Just a G man and his will to sur-Amvive

Verse 2
Am So many times, it F happens too fast
G You trade your passion for Am glory
Am Don’t lose your grip on the F dreams of the past
You must G fight just to keep them aAmlive

It’s the Dm eye of the tiger it’s the C thrill of the G fight
Risin’ Dm up to the challenge of our C ri-Gval
And the Dm last lone survivor stalks his C prey in the G night
And he’s Dm watching us C all with the F eye... F*
Of the Am tiger Am-G-Am Am-G-Am Am-G-F F///
Am Am-G-Am Am-G-Am Am-G-F F///

Verse 3
Am Face to face F out in the heat
G Hanging tough, staying Am hungry
Am They stack the odds still we F take to the street
For the G kill with the skill to surAmvive


Verse 4
Am Risin’ up F straight to the top
G Had the guts, got the Am glory
Am Went the distance now I’m F not gonna stop
Just a G man and his will to surAmvive

It’s the Dm eye of the tiger it’s the C thrill of the G fight
Risin’ Dm up to the challenge of our C ri-Gval
And the Dm last lone survivor stalks his C prey in the G night
And he’s Dm watching us C all with the F eye... F*
Of the Am tiger Am-G-Am Am-G-Am Am-G-F F///
Am Am-G-Am Am-G-Am Am-G-F F///


2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 3 C

Fame [Em]Irene Cara

Intro w/ Kazoo
Em Em C B  x2

Verse 1
Em Baby, B look at me
G and tell me Am what you see
D You ain't seen the best of me yet
Am Give me time and I'll C make you D forget the Em rest
Em I got B more in me
G And you can Am set it free
D I can catch the moon in my hands
Am Don't you know who I B am, remember my Em name

Em Fame!………Am I'm gonna live foDrever
B I'm gonna learn how to Em fly, high!
Am I feel it coming D together, B people will see me Em and cry

Em Fame! Am I'm gonna make it to D heaven
B Light up the sky like a Em flame, fame!
Am I'm gonna live D forever, B baby remember my Em name

Em Remember..remember..remember..remember
Em Remember..remember..remember..remember

Instrumental w/ Kazoo
Em Em C B  x2

Verse 2
Em Baby, B hold me tight  G Cause you can Am make it right
D You can shoot me straight to the top
Am Give me love and C take all I've D got to Em give
Em Baby B I'll be tough  G Too much is Am not enough
D I will grab your heart till it breaks, A Ooh, I got what it B takes


Em Remember..remember..remember..remember
Em Remember..remember..remember..remember


1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 A

Fat Bottomed Girls [D]Queen

Intro - Acappela
Aaaaaare you gonna take me home tonight?
Aaaaah down beside that red firelight
Aaaaare you gonna let it all hang out?
Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go D round

Verse 1 - Strumming
I was D just a skinny lad, never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my A nursery
Left D alone with big fat Fanny ... she was G such a naughty nanny
Heap big D woman, you made a A bad boy out of D me D*

Verse 2
I've been D singing with my band, across the water across the land
I seen ev'ry blue eyed floozy on the A way
But their D beauty and their style ... went kind of G smooth after a while
Take me D to them dirty A ladies every D time D*

D Ohhhhh won't you Ctake me home G tonight?
D Ohhhhh down C beside your red fire-A-light
D Ohhhhh and you G give it all you got
Fat bottomed D girls, you make the A rockin' world go D round G yeah
G Fat bottomed D girls, you make the A rockin' world go D round D*

G D A G*

Verse 3
Now I got D mortgages and homes, I got stiffness in the bones
Ain't no beauty queens in this locali-A-ty I tell ya!
Oh but D I still get my pleasure ... still G got my greatest treasure
Heap big D woman you gone and A made a big man of D me D*

D Oh won't you C take me home G tonight? Please!
D Oh down C beside that red fire-A-light
D Oh you gotta G let it all hang out
Fat bottomed D girls You make the A rockin' world go D round G yeah!
Fat bottomed D girls You make the A rockin' world go D round

D / /

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 3 C

Feels Like I'm In Love [A]Kelly Marie


Verse 1
A My head is in a spin my feet don't touch the ground
A Because you're near to me my head goes round and round
D My knees are shaking baby, my heart it beats like A drum
boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom
It E7 feels like it D feels like I'm in A love...

Verse 2
A Ain't been this way before but I know I'm turned on
A This time it's something baby I can't turn off
D My knees are shaking baby, my heart it beats like a A drum
boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom
It E7 feels like it D feels like I'm in A love...
My E7 knees shake, my D heart beats like a A drum.
boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom

E7 Ahhhhh D Ahhhhh A Ahhhhhh
E7 Ahhhhh D Ahhhhh A Ahhhhhh
It E7 feels like it D feels like I'm in A love...
My E7 knees shake, my D heart beats like a A drum.
boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom

Instrumental break w/ kazoo
A  D Ooh baby!
A  D Ooh baby!
A  D Ooh baby!
E7 Ohhhh....Ohhhhhhhhhhh

Verse 3
A My head is in a spin my feet don't touch the ground
A Because you're near to me my head goes round and round
D My knees are shaking baby my heart it beats like A drum
boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom
It E7 feels like it D feels like I'm in A love...
My E7 knees shake my D heart beats like a A drum.
boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom

E7 Ahhhhh D Ahhhhh A Ahhhhhh
E7 Ahhhhh D Ahhhhh A Ahhhhhh
It E7 feels like it D feels like I'm in A love...
It E7 feels like it D feels like I'm in A love...

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Female of the Species [D]Space

intro D Gm D D x2

A Dthousand thunderingGm thrills await me
DFacing insurmountableGm odds gratefully
TheD female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6
DShock shock horror horror!Gm Shock shock horror!
DI'll shout myself hoarse for yourGm supernatural force
DThe female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6

Oh sheEb deals inC witchcraft
And oneEb kiss andC I'm zapped
OhBb how can heaven hold a place forDm7 me
When aBb girl like you has cast her spell onDm7 me x2

DFrankenstein and Dracula haveGm nothing on you
DJekyll and Hyde to the back of theGm queue
DThe female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6
DOh she wants to conquer the worldGm completely
DBut first she'll conquer meGm discreetly
DThe female of theGm species is more deadlier than theD maleD6

OhEb she deals inC witchcraft
AndEb one kiss andC I'm zapped
OhBb how can heaven hold a place forDm7 me
When aBb girl like you has cast her spell onDm7 me x3

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 1 D6 1 1 1 Eb 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 4 Dm7

Fever [Am]Peggy lee

Intro + Bass
Am Am E7 Am

Verse 1
Am Never know how much I love you, Dm never know how much I Am care
Am When you put your arms around me, I get a E7 fever that's so hard to Am bear
You give me fever... Am
Am when you kiss me, Dm fever when you hold me Am tight
Am Fever! In the morning, E7 fever all through the Am night

Verse 2
Am Sun lights up the daytime, Dm moon lights up the Am night
Am I light up when you call my name, and you E7 know I'm gonna treat you Am right
You give me fever... Am
Am when you kiss me, Dm fever when you hold me Am tight
Am Fever! In the morning, E7 fever all through the Am night

Am Everybody's got the fever, that is something you all know
Am Fever isn't such a new thing, E7 fever started long Am ago

Instrumental + Bass
Am Am E7 Am

Verse 3
Am Romeo loved Juliet, Dm Juliet she felt the Am same
Am When he put his arms around her, he said, E7 "Julie, Baby, you're my Am flame”
"Thou giveth fever... Am
Am when we kisseth, Dm fever with thy flaming Am youth
Am “Fever! I'm afire, E7 fever, yeah, I burn, for Am sooth.”

Verse 4
Am Captain Smith and Pocahontas Dm had a very mad Am affair
Am When her daddy tried to kill him, she said, E7 “Daddy, oh, don't you Am dare!”
"He gives me fever... Am
Am with his kisses, Dm fever when he holds me Am tight
Am Fever! I'm his misses, so E7 Daddy, Won't you treat him Am right?”

Verse 5
Am Now you've listened to my story, Dm here's the point that I have Am made
Am Chicks were born to give you fever, be it E7 Fahrenheit or Centi Am grade
They give you fever... Am
Amwhen you kiss them, Dm fever if you live and Am learn
Am Fever! 'till you sizzle, E7 what a lovely way to Am burn

E7 what a lovely way to Am burn
E7 what a lovely way to Am burn
E7* what a lovely way to Am* burn

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Dm

Final Countdown [Em]Europe

Intro w/ Kazoo
Em*  C*  Am*  D*
Em*  C*  Am*  D*
Em D  G C  B7 B7

Em Em

Verse 1
Em We’re leaving together... but still it’s Am farewell
Em And maybe we’ll come back... Em to D Earth, who can G tell?
C I guess there is D no one to blame
G We’re Dleaving Em ground D leaving C ground
C Will things ever Bm be the same again?
D*D*  D*D*  D*

NC It’s the final Emcountdown C Am D
The final Em countdown C Am D
Em D  G C  B7 B7

Em Em

Verse 2
Em We’re heading for Venus... and still we stand Am tall
Em Cause maybe they’ve seen us... Em and D welcome us G all?
C With so many D light years to go
G And D things to be Em found D to be C found
C I’m sure we will Bm all miss her so
D*D*  D*D*  D*

NC It’s the final Em countdown C Am D
The final Em countdown C Am D
It’s the final Em countdown C Am D
The final Em countdown C Am D
Em D  G C  B7 B7


1 2 3 Em 3 C 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 B7 1 1 1 Bm × × × × NC

Firework [G]Katy Perry

G Am Em C

Verse 1
G Do you ever feel Am like a plastic bag,
Em drifting through the wind C wanting to start again?
G Do you ever feel, Am feel so paper thin Em like a house of cards
C one blow from caving in?
G Do you ever feel Am already buried deep?
Em 6 feet under screams C but no one seems to hear a thing
G Do you know that there's Am still a chance for you
Em 'Cause there's a spark in you C

You just gotta G ignite, the Am light, and Em let it C shine
Just G own the Am night like the Em 4th of Ju-Cly

'Cause baby you're a G fire-Amwork
Come on, show 'em Em what you're C worth
Make 'em go G "Oh, oh, oh" Am
As you shoot across the Em sky-y-Cy
Baby, you're a G fire-Amwork
Come on, let your Em colors C burst
Make 'em go G "Oh, oh, oh" Am
You're gonna leave 'em falling Em down-own-Cown

Verse 2
G You don't have to feel Am like a waste of space
Em You're original, C cannot be replaced
G If you only knew Am what the future holds
Em After a hurricane, C comes a rainbow
G Maybe your reason why Am all the doors are closed
Em So you could open one that C leads you to the perfect road
G Like a lightning bolt, Am your heart will blow
Em And when it's time, you'll know C



Em Boom, boom, boom, even brighter than the C moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of G you, you, you
And now it's time to let it D through-ough-ough

'Cause baby you're a G fire-Amwork
Come on, show 'em Em what you're C worth
Make 'em go G "Oh, oh, oh" Am
As you shoot across the Em sky-y-Cy
Baby, you're a G fire-Amwork
Come on, let your Em colors C burst
Make 'em go G "Oh, oh, oh" Am
You're gonna leave 'em falling Em down-own-Cown

G Boom, boom, boom Am Even brighter than the Em moon, moon, moon C
G Boom, boom, boom Am Even brighter than the Em moon, moon, moon C
G -Single Strum

1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D

First Cut Is The Deepest [C]Rod stewart

C Csus4* C* Csus4* G
C Csus4* C* Csus4* G

Verse 1
G I would have C given you G all of my F heart G
But there’s C someone who has G torn it F apart G
And she’s C taken just G all that I F have
But G if you want I'll C try and love G again F
G Baby I'll C try to love G again but I F know G

C The first G cut is the F deepest G baby I C know,
The first G cut is the F deepest G
When it C comes to being G lucky she's F cursed G
When it C comes to loving G me she’s F worse G

C Csus4* C* Csus4* G
C Csus4* C* Csus4* G

Verse 2
Yes I C want you G by my F side G
Just to C help me dry the G tears that I F cry G
And I'm C sure going to G give you a F try
Cos G if you want I'll C try to love G again F
G Baby I'll C try to love G again but I F know G

C The first G cut is the F deepest G baby I C know,
The first G cut is the F deepest G
When it C comes to being G lucky she's F cursed G
When it C comes to loving G me she’s F worse G

C Csus4* C* Csus4* G
C Csus4* C* Csus4* G


3 C 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Fisherman's Blues [C]Waterboys

G F Am C
G F Am C

I Gwish I was a fisherman, F tumbling on the seas
Am Far away from dry land, and it's C bitter memories
G Casting out my sweet line, with F abandonment and love
Am No ceiling bearing down on me, save the C starry sky above

With light in my Ghead, with you in my Farms, oh oh Amoh oh oh Coh
GOh oh Foh oh Amoh C

I Gwish I was the brake man, on a Fhurtling fevered train
Crashing Amheadlong into the heartland, like a C cannon in the rain
With the Gbeating of the sleepers, and the F burning of the coal
Am Counting towns flashing by me, in a Cnight that's full of soul

With light in my Ghead, with you in my Farms, oh oh Amoh oh oh Coh
GOh ohF oh oh Amoh C

Oh I Gknow I will be loosened, from Fbonds that hold me fast
And the Amchains all hung around me, C will fall away at last
And on that G fine and fateful day, I will F take thee in my arms
I will Amride the night train, and I will C be the fisherman

With light in my Ghead, you in my Farms, oh oh Amoh oh oh Coh.
GOh oh Foh oh Amoh C

With light in my Ghead, with you in my Farms, oh ohAm oh oh oh Coh.
With light in my Ghead, with you in my Farms, oh ohAm oh oh oh Coh.
With light in my Ghead, with you in my Farms, oh ohAm oh oh oh Coh.

1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am 3 C

Flowers [Am]Miley Cyrus

Cmaj7 We were Am good, we were Dm gold
Kinda G dream that can't be Csold
We were Am right, til we Dm weren't
Built a G home and watched it C burn
Mmm, Am I didn't wanna leave you, I Dm didnt wanna lie
E7 Started to cry, but then remembered I

Am I can buy myself Dm flowers
G Write my name in the C sand
Am Talk to myself for Dm hours
G Say things you don't under C stand
Am I can take myself Dm dancing
G And I can hold my own C hand
Yeah, I can F love me better E7 than you can

Am Can love me better, I Dm can love me better, baby
G Can love you better, I C can love me better, baby

Paint my Am nails cherry Dm red
Match the G roses that you C left
Am No remorse, no Dm regret
I G forgive every word you C said
Ooh, Am I didnt wanna leave you baby,
I Dm didn't wanna fight
E7 Started to cry E7 but then remembered I

Am I can buy myself Dm flowers
G Write my name in the C sand
Am Talk to myself for Dm hours
G Say things you don't under C stand
Am I can take myself Dm dancing
G And I can hold my own C hand
Yeah, I can F love me better E7 than you can

Am Can love me better, I Dm can love me better, baby
G Can love you better, I C can love me better, baby

I Am didn't wanna leave you, I Dm didn't wanna fight
E7 Started to cry, but remembered I

Am I can buy myself Dm flowers
G Write my name in the C sand
Am Talk to myself for Dm hours
G Say things you don't under C stand
Am I can take myself Dm dancing
G And I can hold my own C hand
Yeah, I can F love me better E7 than you can
Yeah, I can F love me better E7 than you can

Am Can love me better, I Dm can love me better, baby
G Can love you better, I C can love me better, baby
Am Can love me better, I Dm can love me better, baby
G Can love you better, I *C

2 Cmaj7 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F

Flowers [Am]Miley Cyrus

Verse 1 Single strum
We were Am good, we were Dm gold, Kind of G dream that can't be C sold
We were Am right 'til we Dm weren't, Built a G home and watched it C burn

Pre-Chorus normal strum
Mmm, Am I didn't wanna leave you, Dm I didn't wanna lie
E7 Started to cry but then remembered I

Am I can buy myself Dm flowers
G Write my name in the C sand Cmaj7
Am Talk to myself for Dm hours
G Say things you don't under-Cstand Cmaj7
Am I can take myself Dm dancing
G And I can hold my own C hand
Yeah, I can F* love me better E7* than... you Am can,

Can love me better, Dm I can love me better, baby
G Can love me better, C I can love me better

Verse 2 softer strumming
Paint my Am nails, cherry Dm red, Match the G roses that you C left
No Am remorse, no Dm regret, I G forget every word you C said

Pre-Chorus normal strum
Ooh, Am I didn't wanna leave you, baby, Dm I didn't wanna fight
E7 Started to cry but then remembered I


Am Can love me better, Dm I can love me better, baby
G Can love me better, C I can love me better, baby
Am Can love me better, Dm I can love me better, baby
G Can love me better, C I

Am I didn't wanna leave you, baby, Dm I didn't wanna fight
E7 Started to cry but then remembered I

Am I can buy myself Dm flowers Uh-uh
G Write my name in the C sand Cmaj7
Am Talk to myself for Dm hours Yeah-eah
G Say things you don't under-Cstand Cmaj7
Am I can take myself Dm dancing Yeah-eah
G And I can hold my own C hand
Yeah, I can F love me better E7 than
Yeah, I can F love me better E7* than... you Am can,

Can love me better, Dm I can love me better, baby
G Can love me better, C I can love me better, baby Baby yeah
Am Can love me better, Dm I can love me better, baby
G Can love me better, C I can love me better baby
Am - Single Strum

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 E7 2 Cmaj7 1 2 F

Follow Your Arrow [F]Kacey Musgraves


If you Fsave yourself for marriage, You're a bore
If you don't Dmsave yourself for marriage, You're a whore-able person
If you Bbwon't have a drink, Then you're a prude
But they'll Gmcall you a drunk, As soon as Cyou down the first one

If Fyou can't lose the weight, Then you're just fat
But Dmif you lose too much, Then you're on crack
You're Bbdamned if you do, And you're damned if you don't
So you Gmmight as well just do
WhatCever you wantC*, NCSo

FMake lots of noise, And Dmkiss lots of boys
Or Fkiss lots of girls, If that's Bbsomething you're Cinto
When the Fstraight and narrow, Gets a Dmlittle too straight
Roll up a Bbjoint, or don't, Just Ffollow your arrow
WhereCever it Fpoints, yeah, DmFollow your Farrow
WhereCever, it Fpoints

If Fyou don't go to church, You'll go to hell
If you're the Dmfirst one, On the front row, You're self-righteous son of a
BbCan't win for losing, You just disappoint 'em
Just 'Gmcause you can't beat 'em
Don't Cmean you should join 'em

FMake lots of noise, And Dmkiss lots of boys
Or Fkiss lots of girls, If that's Bbsomething you're Cinto
When the Fstraight and narrow, Gets a Dmlittle too straight
Roll up a Bbjoint, or don't, Just Ffollow your arrow
WhereCever it Fpoints, yeah, DmFollow your Farrow
WhereCever, it Fpoints

FSay what you feel, Love who love
'Cause you Dmjust get, so many trips around the sun
Yeah, you Bbonly, Only live Fonce

FMake lots of noise, And Dmkiss lots of boys
Or Fkiss lots of girls, If that's Bbsomething you're Cinto
When the Fstraight and narrow, Gets a Dmlittle too straight
Roll up aBb joint... or don't, Just Ffollow your arrow
WhereCever it Fpoints, yeah, DmFollow your Farrow
WhereCever it Fpoints

1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Gm 3 C × × × × NC

Folsom Prison Blues [G]Johnny Cash


Verse 1
I G hear the train a comin’... it's rolling round the bend
And I ain't seen the sunshine since... G7 I don't know when
I'm C stuck in Folsom prison... and time keeps draggin’ G on
But that D7 train keeps a rollin’... on down to San AnGton

Verse 2
When G I was just a baby... my mama told me son son
Always be a good boy... don't G7 ever play with guns
But I C shot a man in Reno... just to watch him G die
When I D7 hear that whistle blowin’... I hang my head and G cry

Verse 3
I G bet there's rich folks eating in a fancy dining car
They're probably drinkin’ coffee... and G7 smoking big cigars
Well I C know I had it coming... I know I can't be G free
But those D7 people keep a-movin’... and that's what tortures G me

Verse 4
Well if they'd G free me from this prison, if that railroad train was mine
I bet I'd move it on a little G7 farther down the line
C Far from Folsom prison... that's where I want to G stay
And I'd D7 let that lonesome whistle... blow my blues aGway

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 D7

For Ever and Ever Amen [D]Randy Travis

DYou may think that GI'm talking Dfoolish
You've Gheard that I'm wild & I'm Dfree
You Gmay wonder how I can Dpromise you now
This lEove that I'm feeling for youA always will be
DYou're not this Gtime that I'm kDilling
I'm Gno longer one of those gDuys
As sGure as I live this lDove that I give
Is gEonna be yours till the Aday that I die  --  Oh baby

DI'm gonna lGove you Dforever, Gforever & ever Damen
As Glong as old men sit & tDalk about the weather
As Elong as old women sit & Atalk about old men
If you wDonder how lGong I'll be fDaithfull
I'll be hGappy to tell you Dagain
GI'm gonna lAove you forDever & eGver, fEorever & Aever DAmen

They say that time takes it's tGoll on a bDody
Makes the yGoung girls brown hair turn gDrey
But hGoney, I don't care, I'm not in Dlove with your hair
And if it Eall fell out well I'd lAove you anyway
They say that tDime can play trGicks on a meGmory
And peGople forget things that they kDnew
But it's Geasy to Asee it's haDppening to me
I've alEready forgotten every wAoman but you
Oh babyD

Just lGisten to Ahow this song Dends
GI'm gonna Alove you forDever & eGver fEorever A& ever
BmForever & Gever EForever & Aever AmDen

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 E 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Friday I'm In Love [D]The Cure


Verse 1
D I don't care if G Monday’s blue
D Tuesday’s grey and A Wednesday too
Bm Thursday I don't G care about you, it's D Friday I’m in A love
D Monday you can G fall apart
D Tuesday Wednesday A break my heart
Bm Thursday doesn't G even start It's D Friday I’m in A love

G Saturday A* ... wait and Bm Sunday always G comes too late
but D Friday never A hesitate
D I don't care if G Monday’s black, D Tuesday Wednesday A heart attack
Bm Thursday never G looking back, It's D Friday I’m in A love

Verse 2
D Monday you can G hold your head
D Tuesday Wednesday A stay in bed
on Bm Thursday watch the G walls instead
It's D Friday I’m in A love
G Saturday A* ... wait and Bm Sunday always
G comes too late but D Friday never A hesitate

Bm Dressed up to the G eyes, it's a wonderful D surprise
to see your A shoes and your spirits Bm rise
Throwing out your G frown, and just smiling at the D sound
and as sleek as a A shriek, spinning round and Bm round
Always take a big G bite, it's such a gorgeous D sight
to see you A eat in the middle of the Bm night
You can never get G enough, enough of this D stuff,
It’s Friday, A I’m in love

Verse 3
D I don't care if G Monday’s blue, D Tuesday’s grey and A Wednesday too
Bm Thursday I don't G care about you, it's D Friday I’m in A love
D Monday you can G fall apart, D Tuesday Wednesday A break my heart
Bm Thursday doesn't G even start it's D Friday I’m in A love

Outro same chords as verse
Bm G D A
D - Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Friends in Low Places [A]Garth Brooks

A Bbdim7 Bm7 E

*single strums
Blame it A all on my roots I Bbdim7 showed up in boots
and Bm ruined your black tie affair
The E last one to know, the E7 last one to show
I was the A last one you thought you'd see there
And I A saw the surprise and the Bbdim7 fear in his eyes
when Bm I took his glass of champagne

*regular strumming
E I toasted you, said honey we may be through
but E7 you'll never hear me complain

'Cause A I got friends in low places
where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases
My Bm blues away and I'll E be okay
Now A I'm not big on social graces,
think I'll slip on down to the ‘Oasis’
Cause Bm I've got friends E in low places A

Well I A guess I was wrong I Bbdim7 just don't belong
but Bm then, I've been there before
EveryE thing's alright I'll E7 just say goodnight
And I'll A show myself to the door
Hey I didn't mean to Bbdim7 cause a big scene
just Bm give me an hour and then
E I'll be as high as that E7 ivory tower that you’re livin’ in

'Cause A I got friends in low places
where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases
My Bm blues away and I'll E be okay
Now A I'm not big on social graces,
think I'll slip on down to the ‘Oasis’
Cause Bm I've got friends E in low places A

1 2 A 2 3 Bbdim7 1 1 1 1 Bm7 1 2 E 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 E7

From Me To You [C]The Beatles

Da da C da da da dum dum Am da
Da da C da da da dum dum Am da

Verse 1
If there’s C anything that you Am want,
If there’s C anything I can G7 do,
Just F call on me and I’ll Am send it along
with C love from G7 me to C you

Verse 2
If there’s C anything that you Am want,
Like a C heart that’s oh, so G7 true,
Just F call on me and I’ll Am send it along
with C love from G7 me to C you

I got Gm arms that long to C7hold you
and F keep you by my side.
I got D7 lips that long to kiss you
And G keep you satisG+fied

Verse 3
If there’s C anything that you Amwant,
If there’s C anything I can G7do,
Just F call on me and I’ll Am send it along
with C love from G7 me to C you

Verse 4
Da da C da da da dum dum Am da from me
Da da C da da da dum dum G da to you
Just F call on me and I’ll Am send it along
with C love from G7 me to C you

I got Gm arms that long to C7 hold you and F keep you by my side.
I got D7 lips that long to kiss you
And G keep you satisfied G+

Verse 5
If there’s C anything that you Am want,
If there’s C anything I can G7 do,
Just F call on me and I’ll Am send it along
with C love from G7 me to C you

To you Am To you Am7 To you C Am

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Gm 1 C7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G+ Am7

Galway Girl [☘️] [C]Steve Earle

Intro C C

C Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk
On a day-I-ay-I-Fay
C I met a little girl and we stopped to talk
on a C grand-soft Fday-I-C-ay
And I F ask you, C friend, what's a F fella to C do
'Cause her Am hair was black and her F eyes were C blue
And I F knew right C then, I'd be F takin' a C whirl
'Round the Am Salthill Prom with a F Galway C girl


C We were halfway there when the rain came down
On a day-I-ay-I-Fay
And she Casked me up to her flat downtown
on a C grand-soft F day-I-C-ay
And I F ask you, C friend, what's a F fella to C do
'Cause her Am hair was G black and her F eyes were C blue
So I F took her C hand, and I F give her a C twirl
And I Am lost my G heart to a F Galway C girl

F    C G  FCFAm  G C

C When I woke up I was all alone... On a day-I-ay-I-Fay
With a C broken heart and a F ticket C home,
on a grand-soft F day-I C-ay
And I F ask you C now, tell me F what would you C do
If her Am hair was black and her F eyes were C blue
I've F travelled a-C-round I've been all F over this C world ...
Boys I ain't Am seen nothin' like a F Galway C girl


3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G

Get Me to the Church on Time [G]My Fair Lady


Verse 1
G I'm getting married in the morning
G Ding dong the bells are gonna chime
D Pull out the stopper let's have a whopper
But get me to the D7 church on G time

Verse 2
G I gotta be there in the morning
G Spruced up and looking in my prime
D Girls come and kiss me show how you'll miss me
But get me to the D7 church on G time

G If I am C dancing roll up the G floor
G If I am A whistling, push me out the D door. D7

Verse 3
G I'm getting married in the morning
G Ding dong the bells are gonna chime
D Kick up a rumpus but don't lose the compass
D7 And get me to the church on time G

Verse 4
G Coz' I'm getting married in the mornin'
G Ding dong the bells are gonna chime
D Some bloke who's able lift up the table
D7 And get me to the church on G time

G If I am C flyin' then shoot me G down
G If I am A wooin' get her out of D town. D7

Verse 5
For G I'm getting married in the morning
G Ding dong the bells are gonna chime
D Feather and tar me.... call out the army
D7 But get me to the church on G time

D7 Get me to the church on G time
D7 For Gawd's sake get me to the C church D on G time. G G G
D* G*

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 3 C 1 2 A

Get this party started [Am]Pink

Intro + Bass + Scratching
Am* Am*

Am I'm coming up so you better get this party started
Am I'm coming up so you better get this party started

Verse 1
Am Get this party started on a Saturday night
Am Ev'rybody's waiting for me to arrive
Am Sending out the message to all of my friends
Am We'll be looking flashy in my Mercedes Benz
Am I got lots of style, check my gold diamond rings
Am I can go for miles if you know what I mean.


Verse 2
Am Pumping up the volume, breaking down to the beat
Am Cruising through the west side we'll be checking the scene
Am Boulevard is freaking as I'm coming up fast
Am I'll be burning rubber, you'll be kissing my ass
Am Pull up to the bumper, get out of the car
Am License plate says Stunner number 1 Superstar

Am I'm coming up so you better get this party started
Am I'm coming up so you better get this party started

Verse 3
Am Making my connection as I enter the room
Am Everybody's chilling as I set up the groove
Am Pumping up the volume with this brand new beat
Am Everybody's dancing and they're dancing for me
Am I'm your operator, you can call anytime
Am I'll be your connection to the party line

Acapella + Scratching
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
I'm coming up so you better get this party started



2 Am

Girls & Boys [Am]Blur

Am D G F x2

Verse 1
Am Streets like a jungle, so D call the police
G Following the herd down to F Greece on holiday
Am Love in the '90s is D paranoid
G On sunny beaches, take your F chances looking for

Am Girls who want boys who like boys to be girls
D Who do boys like they're girls who do girls like they're boys
G Always should be someone you really F love

Verse 2
Am Avoiding all work 'cause D there's none available
G Like battery thinkers, count your F thoughts on one, two, three, four, five fingers
Am Nothing is wasted, D only reproduced
G You get nasty blisters, du bist F sehr schön, but we haven't been introduced

Am Girls who want boys who like boys to be girls
D Who do boys like they're girls who do girls like they're boys
G Always should be someone you really F love

Am Girls who want boys who like boys to be girls
D Who do boys like they're girls who do girls like they're boys
G Always should be someone you really F love

Am Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
D Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, oh G F
F Looking for

Chorus Acapella & Scratch
Girls who want boys who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really  love

Am Girls who want boys who like boys to be girls
D Who do boys like they're girls who do girls like they're boys
G Always should be someone you really F love


2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [G]

G      |G    D|Em    |Em    D| x2

GI come home in the morning light
My Emmother says 'when you gonna live your life right?'
COh mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones,
And Emgirls, they Dwant to have Cfun,
Oh Emgirls just Dwant to have Gfun

G      |G    D|Em    |Em    D|

GThe phone rings in the middle of the night
My Emfather yells 'what you gonna do with your life?'
COh daddy dear, you know you're still number one,
But Emgirls, they Dwant to have Cfun,
Oh Emgirls just Dwant to have Gfun

GThat's all they really want.....
Emsome fun...
GWhen the working day is done
Oh Emgirls they wDant to have Cfun
Oh Emgirls just wDant to have fGun

G      |G    D|Em    |Em    D| x2

GSome boys take a beautiful girl
And Emhide her away from the rest of the world
CI want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh gEmirls, they wDant to have fuCsus2n,
Oh Emgirls just Dwant to have Gfun

GThat's all they really want.....
Emsome fun...
GWhen the working day is done
Oh Emgirls they Dwant to have Cfun
Oh Emgirls just Dwant to have Gfun

GThey just wanna, they Emjust waCnnaD...
GThey just wanna, they Emjust waCnnaD...
GGirls, Cgirls just Dwant to have Gfun

G      |G    D|Em    |Em    D| x2

G 1 struuuuum to finish

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 3 4 Csus2

Give a little love [C]Bay City Rollers

It's a Cteenage Amdream to be DmsevenGteen
And to Efind you're Amall wrapped up in Glove in FloveG
And I Cfound that Amyou made a Dmdream come Gtrue
Now I Edo beAmlieve in what they GsayFG
GYou've got to

CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know what to Gdo
CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know, Gwhat to FdoC

And when I Cwalk with Amyou there is Dmjust we Gtwo
And the Eworld goes Amby but I just don't GcareFG
*Spoken* And I Cknow one Amday that I'll Dmfind the Gway
To be Esafe and Amsound within your GheartFG
*Singing* G So until I do I'm gonna

CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know what to Gdo
CGive a little love Gtake a little love
AmBe prepared to forDsake a little love
And when the Csun comes Gshining AmthroughG
DmWe'll know, Gwhat to FdoC

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 E 1 2 F 1 1 1 D

Gold [Am]Spandau Ballet

Verse 1 - Single Strum
Am Thank you for coming home... I’m Em sorry that the chairs are F all gone
I Em left them here, I could F have sworn
Am These are my salad days... Em slowly being eaten F away
It’s Em just another play for toFday
Oh but I’m G proud of you, but I’m Em proud of you
There’s F nothing left to make me feel C small
F Luck has left me standing so C taaa...Cmaj7 aaa C7 aaa Fll
F* G*

Chorus Normal Strum
Am Gold! Gold
F Always be-Glieve in your Am soul
F You’ve got the G power to F know
You’re inde-Gstructible... Em Always believe F in
Because F* you G* are Am gold Gold!
F Glad that G you’re bound to re-Amturn
There’s F something G I could have F learned
You’re inde-Gstructible
Em Always believe in F    F*G*


Verse 2
Am After the rush has gone, I Em hope you find a little F more time
ReEmmember we were partners F in crime
Am It’s only two years ago... the Em man with the suit and F the pace
You Em know that he was there on the F case
Now he’s in G love with you, he’s in Em love with you
Your F love is like a high C prison wall
But F you could leave me standing so C taa Cmaj7 aa C7 aa Fll
F* G*



Your F love is like a C high prison wall
But F you could leave me standing so C taa Cmaj7 aa C7 aa Fll
F* G*

Am Gold! Gold
F Always be-Glieve in your Am soul
F You’ve got the G power to F know
You’re inde-Gstructible... Em Always believe F in
Because F* you G* are Am Gold! Gold
F Glad that G you’re bound to re-Amturn
There’s F something G I could have F learned
You’re inde-Gstructible
Em Always believe in F    F*G*


2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Cmaj7 1 C7

Good Luck Babe [D]Chappell Roan

G A D Bm

Verse 1
    It's Gfine, it'sA cool
You canD say that we are nothing, but youBm know the truth
And guessG I'm theA fool
With her Darms out like an angel through theBm car sunroof

Em  I don't wanna call it off
Em  But you don't wanna call it love
Em  You only wanna be the one that
Em*I call baby

GYou can kiss a hundred Aboys in bars
DShoot another shot, try to Bmstop the feeling
GYou can say it's just theA way you are
DMake a new excuse, anotherBm stupid reason
Good Gluck, babe Well, good Aluck, babe
You'd Dhave to stop the world just toBm stop the feeling
GoodG luck, babe, good Aluck, babe
You'dD have to stop the world just toBm stop the feeling

Verse 2
I'm Gcliche, who Acares?
It's a Dsexually explicit kind of Bmlove affair
And I Gcry, it's not Afair
I just Dneed a little lovin', I just Bmneed a little air

Em  Think I'm gonna call it off
Em  Even if you call it love
Em I just wanna love someone who
Em* calls me baby



When you Emwake up next to him in the middle of the night
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
And when you think about me, all of those years ago
You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
You know I hate to say it, I told you so, You know I hate to say, but I told you so


You'd haveD to stop the world just to Bmstop the feeling  x3 last time 1 strum per chord

1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) [G]Green Day


Verse 1
G Another turning point... a C fork stuck in the D road
G Time grabs you by the wrist... diCrects you where to D go
Em So make the D best of this C test and don’t ask G why
Em It’s not a D question but a C lesson learned in G time

It’s Em something unpreGdictable... but Em in the end it’s G right
I Em hope you had the D time of your G life G C D


Verse 2
G So take the photographs and C still frames in your D mind
G Hang it on a shelf... in C good health and good D time
Em Tattoos and D memories and C dead skin on G trial
Em For what it’s D worth it was C worth all the G while

It’s Em something unpreGdictable... but Em in the end it’s G right
I Em hope you had the D time of your G life G C D


It’s Em something unpreGdictable... but Em in the end it’s G right
I Em hope you had the D time of your G life G C D

It’s Em something unpreGdictable... but Em in the end it’s G right
I Em hope you had the D time of your G life G C D

G – single strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em

Good Tradition [A]Tanita Tikaram

A D A E7
A D A E7

There's a A good tradition of D love and hate
A staying by the E7 fireside
There's a A good tradition of D love and hate
A staying by the E7 fireside

Verse 1
And though the A rain may fall your D father's calling you
A You still feel E7 safe inside
And though your A ma's too proud your D brother's ignoring you
A You still feel E7 safe inside

Oh, D was this solo?
A Was this yesterday?
E7 Was this true for you? A
A 'Cause D all the rest have A taken time
This E7 didn't do a lot for A you

A  D  A  E7  x2

Verse 2
And the A corners laced with D memories
A Tell you how it E7 used to be
Your A mother smiles, the D children play,
and all the A bad things happen E7 miles away
And A strong feelings never botDher you
A You hold your head up while the E7 rest of us try to

Oh D call the stations
A Call the people
E7 We all want to know A
A 'Cause D all the rest have A taken time
E7 You don't want to A know

Instrumental Outro
A  D  A  E7  x2


1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Grace [F]

As we Fgather in the chapel here in Bbold Kilmainham Cjail
I Bbthink about the last Ffew weeks, oh Gmwill they say we Cfailed
From our Fschool days they have told us we must Bbyearn for liberCty
Yet Bball I want in Fthis dark place is to Chave you here with Fme.

Oh CGrace, just hold me in your arms and Bblet this moment Flinger
They Bbtake me out at Fdawn and I will Cdie
With all my love I place this wedding Bbring upon your fFinger
There Bbwon't be time to Fshare our love so Cwe must say goodFbye.

Now I Fknow it's hard for you my love to Bbever underCstand
The Bblove I bear for Fthese brave men, my Gmlove for this brave Cland
But when FPadraic called me to his side down Bbin the G.P.CO.
I Bbhad to leave my Fown sick bed, to Chim I had to Fgo.

Oh CGrace, just hold me in your arms and Bblet this moment Flinger
They Bbtake me out at Fdawn and I will Cdie
With all my love I place this wedding Bbring upon your fFinger
There Bbwon't be time to Fshare our love so Cwe must say goodFbye.

Now Fas the dawn is breaking my Bbheart is breaking Ctoo
As IBb walk out on Fthis May morn my Gmthoughts will be of Cyou
And I'll Fwrite some words upon the wall so Bbeveryone will Cknow
I Bbloved so much that FI could see his Cblood upon the Frose

Oh CGrace, just hold me in your arms and Bblet this moment Flinger
They Bbtake me out at Fdawn and I will Cdie
With all my love I place this wedding Bbring upon your fFinger
There Bbwon't be time to Fshare our love so Cwe must say goodFbye.

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 2 3 Gm

Greased Lightnin' [C]John Travolta

Intro- Single Strum
Why this car is automatic C*
It's systematic F*
It's hydromatic G*
Why it's grease lightning Grease lightning

Verse 1
C We'll get some overhead lifters and four barrel quads  oh yeah
Keep talking whoa keep talking
F Fuel injection cutoff and chrome plated rods oh yeah
C I'll get the money.... I'll kill to get the money
G With a four speed on the floor they'll be F waiting at the door
G You know that ain't no shit we'll be F getting lots of it
C In Grease Lightning

Go go G go go go go go go go go go

C Go grease lightning you're burning up the quarter mile
C Greased Lightnin' Go Greased Lightnin'
F Go grease lightning you're coasting through the heat lap trial
C Greased Lightnin' Go Greased Lightnin'
You are supGreme the chicks'll F scream for grease lightCning

Go, go, G go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

Verse 2
C Purple french tail lights and thirty inch fins oh yeah
C ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
F A Palomino dashboard and duel muffler twins oh yeah
F ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
With new G pistons, plugs, and shocks I can F get off my rocks
You G know that I ain't bragging she's a real F pushy wagon
Grease C lightning
Go go G go go go go go go go go go


Go, go, G go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

Fast Clap & scratch + Bass
NC x4

Build up + Kazoo
G.... G..... G...... G7

C Go grease lightning you're burning up the quarter mile
C Greased Lightnin' Go Greased Lightnin'
F Go grease lightning you're coasting through the heat lap trial
C Greased Lightnin' Go Greased Lightnin'
You are supGreme the chicks'll F scream for grease lighCtning

C Lightning - lightning -  lightning - lightning
F Lightning - lightning -  lightning - lightning
C/////// Wow Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G × × × × NC 1 2 3 G7

Groovejet [Am]Spiller/Sophie Ellis- Bextor

Am  x4

Verse 1
Am Holding you closer, it's time that I told you, everything's going to be fine
Am Know that you're leaving, and try to believe it, take me one step at a time

If this ain't Dm love  why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Dm Why does it feel so Am good? Am Am
If this ain't Dm love  why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Dm Why does it feel so Am good? Am Am

Verse 2
Am Think of tomorrow, we beg steal or borrow, to make all we can in the sun
Am While we are movin, the music is soothing, troubles we all have begun

If this ain't Dm love  why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Dm Why does it feel so Am good? Am Am
If this ain't Dm love  why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Dm Why does it feel so Am good? Am Am

F Will you remember me boy? F
C Remember Em me
Loving Am youuuu?

Am Am Am Am

Verse 3
Am Just for this lifetime, you can be my pastime, here are the rules of our play
Am In it together, till I know you better, darling....darling now what do you say?

Chorus 2
If this ain't Dm love
(why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now? Am Am

Why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Why does it  feel so Am good? Am

Am Am Am Am

If this ain't Dm love  why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Dm Why does it feel so Am good? Am Am
If this ain't Dm love  why does it feel now? why does it feel now? why does it feel now?
Dm Why does it feel so Am good? Am Am

Dm = 1-2-3......4
Dm = 1-2-3......4

Am - Single Strum

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Em

Hallelujah*- Leonard Cohen [C]

C Am C Am
Well I've C heard there was a Am secret chord,
That C David played and it Am pleased the Lord,
But F you don't really G care for music, C do you? G
Well it C goes like this, the F fouth, the G fifth,
The Am minor fall and the F major lift,
The G baffled king com- E7 posing halle- Am lujah,

Halle- F lujah, halle- Am lujah,  halle- F lujah, halle C lu--- ---G jah C
Am C Am

Well your C faith was strong but you Am needed proof,
You C saw her bathing Am on the roof,
Her F beauty and the G moonlight over- C threw ya, G
She C tied you to her F kitchen G chair,
She Am broke your throne and she F cut your hair,
And G from your lips she E7 drew the halle- Am  lujah,

Halle- F lujah, halle- Am lujah,  halle- F lujah, halle C lu--- ---G jah  C
Am C Am

Maybe there is a Am God above,
But C all I ever Am learned from love,
Was F how to shoot at G someone who out- C drew ya. G
It's C not a cry you can F hear at G night,
It'sAm  not somebody who's F seen the light,
It's a G cold and it's a E7 broken halle- Am lujah,

Halle- F lujah, halle- Am lujah,  halle- F lujah, halle C lu--- ---G jah C
Am C Am

I C did my best, it Am wasn’t much,
I C couldn’t feel so I Am tried to touch,
I’ve F told the truth, I G didn’t come to C fool ya. G
And C even though it F all went G wrong,
I’ll Am stand before the F Lord of Song,
With G nothing on my E7 tongue but halle- Am lujah,

Halle- F lujah, halle- Am lujah,  halle- F lujah, halle C lu--- ---G jah C
Am C Am

There C was a time when you Am let me know,
What's C really going Am on below,
But F now you G never show it to me C do ya. G
Well re-Cmember when I moved F in with G you,
And the Am holy dove was F moving too,
And G every breath we E7 drew was halle- Am lujah

Halle- F lujah, halle- Am lujah,  halle- F lujah, halle C lu--- ---G
Halle- F lujah, halle- Am lujah,  halle- F lujah, halle C lu--- ---G
C lu--- ---G C lu--- ---Gjah C
Am C Am C*

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7

Happy [F]Pharrell Williams

Intro F7 / / / /
F7 It might seem crazy what I'm about to say Fm Bb C Bb
F7 Sunshine she's here, you can take a break Fm Bb C Bb
I'm a F7 hot air balloon that could go to space Fm Bb C Bb
With the F7 air, like I don't care baby by the way Fm Bb C Bb

Because I'm Db happy
Clap along Cm if you feel like a Cm7 room without a F7 roof
Because I'm Db happy
Clap along Cm if you feel like Cm7 happiness is the F7 truth
Because I'm Db happy
Clap along Cm if you know what Cm7 happiness is to F7 you
Because I'm Db happy
Clap along Cm if you feel like Cm7 that's what you wanna F7 do

F7 Here come bad news talking this and that Fm Bb C Bb
F7 Give me all you got, don’t hold it back Fm Bb C Bb
F7 Well I should probably warn you I'll be just fine Fm Bb C Bb
F7 No offense to you don’t waste your time Fm Bb here's C why Bb

Bridge - X Strum
Happy, bring me down, can't nothing
Happy, bring me down, Love is too high
Happy, bring me down, can't nothing
Happy, bring me down I said, let me tell you now
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, can't nothing
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, Love is too high
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, can't nothing
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, I said

Chorus x2

Bridge - x Strum
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, can't noth'ng
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, Love is too high
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, can't noth'ng
Happy, happy, happy, happy, bring me down, I said

Chorus x2

1 2 3 4 F7 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 1 1 Db 1 1 1 Cm 1 1 1 1 Cm7

Happy Birthday [G]

Happy G Birthday to D7 you,
Happy D7 Birthday to G you,
Happy G7 Birthday, dear C name
Happy G Birthday D7 to G you

1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 3 C

Happy Days [F]TV Theme Tune

Verse 1 Single Strum
F Sunday, Monday, Dm happy days,
Gm Tuesday, Wednesday. C happy days,
A Thursday, Friday, Dm happy days
The Bb weekend C comes, my Bbcycle C hums,
C Ready to Bb race B to C you.

Chorus Strumming
F These days are Dm ours, Bb happy and C free those happy days
F These days are Dm ours, Bb share them with C me oh baby

Verse 2 Single Strum
F Goodbye grey sky F7 hello blue.
There's Bb nothing can hold me when I hold Bb you.
G Feels so right, it G7 can't be wrong.
C Rockin' and rollin' all week long.

Insturmental + Kazoo Strumming
F Dm Bb C
F Dm Bb C

Bb Satur-Cday, Bb what a C day,
C Grooving all Bb week B with C you.

[Insturmental + Kazoo Strumming
F Dm Bb C
F Dm Bb C

Verse 3 Single Strum
F Sunday, Monday, Dm happy days,
Gm Tuesday, Wednesday. C happy days,
A Thursday, Friday, Dm happy days
Bb Satur-Cday, Bb what a C day,
C Grooving all Bb week B with C you.

Chorus Strumming
F These days are Dm ours, Bb share them with C me oh happy days
F These days are Dm ours, Bb happy and C free oh baby

F These happy Dm days are yours and Bb mine,
These happy C days are yours and Bb mine, my happy F* days

1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 4 F7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Hard Times [C]Mary Black (Stephen Foster)

Let us C pause in life's pleasures and G count its many Am tears
F while we C all sup G sorrow with the C poor
There's a song that will linger for-Gever in our Am ears
F Oh, C hard times G come again no C more

Chorus harmony
T'is the C song, the sigh of the F weaCry
Hard times, F hard C times D come again no G more
Many C days you have lingered a-Ground my cabin Am door
F Oh, C hard times Gcome again no C more

While we C seek mirth and beauty and G music light and Am gay
F there are C frail forms Gfainting at the C door
Though their voices are silent, their G pleading looks will Am say
F Oh, C hard times Gcome again no C more

Chorus harmony
T'is the C song, the sigh of the F weaCry
C Hard times, F hard C times D come again no G more
Many C days you have lingered a-Ground my cabin Am door
F Oh, C hard times Gcome again no C more

There's a C pale weeping maiden who G toils her life Am away
F with a C worn heart whose Gbetter days are C o'er
Though her voice would be merry, t'is G sighing all the Am day
F Oh, C hard times Gcome again no C more

Chorus harmony
T'is the C song, the sigh of the F weaCry
Hard times, F hard C times D come again no G more
Many C days you have lingered a-Ground my cabin Am door
F Oh, C hard times Gcome again no C more

T'is the song, the sigh of the weary
Hard times, hard times come again no more
Many days you have lingered around my cabin door
Oh, hard times come again no more

F Oh, C hard times slow/single strums C* come a-G7*gain no C* more

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7

Harper Valley PTA [G]Jeannie C Reilly

G7 G7 G7 G7

Versre 1
G7 I want to tell you all a story 'bout a Harper Valley widowed wife
Who had a C7 teenage daughter who attended Harper Valley Junior High
Well her G7 daughter came home one afternoon and didn't even stop to play
She said C7 Mom I got a note here from the D7 Harper Valley P.T.G7A.

Verse 2
The G7 note said Misses Johnson, you're wearing your dresses way too high
It's reC7ported you've been drinking and a runnin' round with men and going wild
And we G7 don't believe you ought to be a bringing up your little girl this way
And it was C7 signed by the secretary, D7 Harper Valley P.T G7.A.

Verse 3
Well, it G7 happened that the P.T.A. was gonna meet that very afternoon
And they were C7 sure surprised when Misses Johnson wore her miniskirt into the room
And as she G7 walked up to the blackboard I still recall the words she had to say
She said, I'd C7 like to address this meeting D7 of the Harper Valley P.T G7.A.

Key change A7

Verse 4
Well there's A7 Bobby Taylor, sitting there and seven times he's asked me for a date
And Misses D7Taylor sure seems to use a lot of ice whenever he's away
And Mister A7 Baker can you tell us why your secretary had to leave this town
And shouldn't D7 Widow Jones be told to keep her E7 window shades all pulled completely
A7 down?

Verse 5
Well A7 Mister Harper couldn't be here 'cause he stayed too long at Kelly's Bar again
And if you D7 smell Shirley Tompson's breath you'll find she's had a little nip of gin
Then you A7 have the nerve to tell me you think that as a mother I'm not fit
Well this is D7 just a little Peyton Place and E7 you're all Harper Valley A7 hypocrites.

No, I A7 wouldn't put you on because it really did , it happened just this way
The day my D7 momma socked it to the E7 Harper Valley P.T.A7A.
The day my D7 momma socked it to the E7 Harper Valley P.T.A7A.

Cha cha cha

1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 D7 1 A7 1 2 3 E7

Harvest Moon [D]Neil Young

D D6 Dmaj7 x4

Verse 1
Em7 Come a little bit closer
Hear what I have to D say D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7
Em7 Just like children sleepin'
We could dream this night aDway D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7

Verse 2
G But there's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancin' in the D light D D6 Dmaj7    D D6 Dmaj7
G We know where the music's playin'
Let's go out and feel the D night D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7

A7sus4 Because I'm still in love with A7 you
I want to see you dance aA7sus4gain
Because I'm still in love with A7 you......on this harvest D moon
D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7

Verse 3
Em7 When we were strangers
I watched you from aD far D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7
Em7 When we were lovers
I loved you with all my D heart D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7

Verse 4
G But now it's gettin' late
And the moon is climbin' D high D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7
G I want to celebrate
See it shinin' in your D eye D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7

A7sus4 Because I'm still in love with A7 you
I want to see you dance aA7sus4gain
Because I'm still in love with A7 you......on this harvest D moon
D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7      D D6 Dmaj7


1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 D6 1 1 1 1 3 Dmaj7 2 3 Em7 1 2 3 G 3 A7sus4 1 A7

Havana [Am]Camila Cabello

Am F E7 Am F E7

Am Havana, ooh na-Fna ayy
E7 Half of my heart is in Am Havana, ooh-na-Fna ayy, ayy
E7 He took me back to East Am Atlanta, na-naF-na
E7 All of my heart is in Am Havana ayy
F There's somethin' 'bout his Am manners uh huh
E7 Havana, ooh na-na Amuh

Verse 1
Am He didn't walk up with that F "how you doin'?" uh
E7 When he came in the room
Am He said thereâs a lot of girls F I can do with uh
E7 But I can't without you
Am I'm doin' forever F in a minute hey
E7 That summer night in June
Am And papa says he got F malo in him uh
E7 He got me feelin' like

Am Oooh-FooohE7-ooh, I knew it when I Am met him
F I loved him when I E7 left him
Got me feelin' like
Am Oooh-FooohE7-ooh, and then I had to Am tell him
F I had to go, oh Am na-na-na-na-na

Am Havana, ooh na-Fna ayy
E7 Half of my heart is in Am Havana, ooh-na-Fna ayy, ayy
E7 He took me back to East Am Atlanta, na-naF-na
E7 All of my heart is in Am Havana ayy
F There's somethin' 'bout his Am manners uh huh
E7 Havana, ooh na-na Amuh

Intrumental Verse
Am F E7 Am F E7
Am F E7 Am F E7

Am Havana, ooh na-Fna ayy
E7 Half of my heart is in Am Havana, ooh-na-Fna ayy, ayy
E7 He took me back to East Am Atlanta, na-naF-na
E7 All of my heart is in Am Havana ayy
F There's somethin' 'bout his Am manners uh huh
E7 Havana, ooh na-na Amuh

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7

Have You Ever Seen The Rain [C]Creedence Clearwater Revival


Am F C G C C

CSomeone told me long ago
CThere's a calm before the storm, I Gknow
It's been coming Cfor some time

CWhen it's over, so they say
CIt'll rain a sunny day, I Gknow
Shining down like Cwater

FI wanna Gknow
Have you Cever Cmaj7seen the AmrainAm7
FI wanna Gknow
Have you Cever Cmaj7seen the AmrainAm7
FComing Gdown on a sunny Cday


CYesterday and days before
CSun is cold and rain is hard, I Gknow
Been that way for Call my time
C'Til forever on it goes
CThrough the circle fast and slow, I Gknow
It can't stop, I Cwonder

FI wanna Gknow
Have you Cever Cmaj7seen the AmrainAm7
FI wanna Gknow
Have you Cever Cmaj7seen the AmrainAm7
FComing doGwn on a sunny Cday

FI wanna knGow
Have you Cever Cmaj7seen the AmrainAm7
FI wanna Gknow
Have you Cever Cmaj7seen the AmrainAm7
FComing Gdown on a sunny CdayC

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Cmaj7 Am7

Hello [Am]Lionel Richie

Am  G  F  G x2

Verse 1
I've Am been alone with G you inside my F mind G
And Am in my dreams I've G kissed your lips a F thousand times G
I Am sometimes see you G pass outside my F door G
Am Hello! G Is it F me you're looking Afor?
I can Dm see it in your G eyes, I can C see it in your F smile
You're Bb all I've ever E7 wanted and my Am arms are G open C wide
Because you Dm know just what to G say and you C know just what to F do
And I Bb want to tell you E7 so much... pause
I love Am you G F G
Am G F G

Verse 2
I Am long to see the G sunlight in your F hair G
And Am tell you time and G time again how F much I care G
SomeAmtimes I feel my G heart will overFflow G
Am Hello! G I've just F got to let you A know
Because I Dm wonder where you G are and I C wonder what you F do
Are you Bb somewhere feeling E7 lonely, or is Am someone G loving C you?
Tell me Dm how to win your G heart for I C haven't got a F clue
But Bb let me start by E7 saying... pause
I love Am you G F G

Am Hello! G Is it F me you're looking A for?
Because I Dm wonder where you G are and I C wonder what you F do
Are you Bb somewhere feeling E7 lonely, or is Am someone G loving C you?
Tell me Dm how to win your G heart for I C haven't got a F clue
But Bb let me start by E7 saying... pause
I love Am you G F G
Am G F G* F* A*

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 A 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 E7

Help [Am]Beatles

Am* Help!
I need somebody
F* Help!
Not just anybody
D7* Help!
You know I need someone

G Help.....

Verse 1
G When I was younger so much Bm younger than today
Em I never needed anybody's C help in F any G way
G But now these days are gone I'm Bm not so self assured
Em Now I find I've changed my mind
I've C opened F up the G doors

Am Help me if you can I'm feeling down
G And I F do appreciate you being 'round Em
D7 Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you G* please G* please help G me

Verse 2
G And now my life has changed in Bm oh so many ways
Em My independence seemed to C vanish F in the G haze
G But every now and then I Bm feel so insecure
Em I know that I just need you like I've C never F done beGfore


Verse 2
Single Strum
G When I was younger so much Bm younger than today
Em I never needed anybody's C help in F any G way
Normal Strum
G But now those days are gone I'm Bm not so self assured
Em Now I find I've changed my mind
I've C opened F up the G door

Am Help me if you can I'm feeling down
G And I F do appreciate you being 'round Em
D7 Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you G* please G* please help G me

Help C me
Help G* me ooooooo

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em 3 C

Helpless [D]Neil Young


D There is a A town in north G Ontario,
D with dreams, A comfort, and G memories to spare,
D and in my A mind I still G need a place to go,
D all my A changes were G there.

D blue, blue A windows G behind the stars,
D yellow A moon on the G rise,
D big birds A flying G across the sky,
throwing D shadows A on our G eyes. Leave us

D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less,
D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less,
D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less


D Blue, blue A windows G behind the stars,
D yellow A moon on the G rise,
D big birds A flying G across the sky,
throwing D shadows A on our G eyes. Leave us

D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less,
D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less,
D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less


D Baby A can you hear me G now?
D the chains are A locked and G tied across the door,
D baby, A sing with me G somehow.

D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less,
D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less,
D Helpless, A helpless, help- G less

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 G

Hey Jude [F]Beatles

Hey F Jude don't make it C bad
Take a C7 sad song and C7 make it F better
ReBbmember to let her into your F heart
Then you can C7 start to make it F better

Hey F Jude don’t be aCfraid
You were C7 made to go C7 out and F get her
The Bb minute you let her under your F skin
Then you beC7gin to make it F better F7

And any time you feel the Bb pain hey F Jude Gm refrain
Don't carry the C world upon your F shoulder
F7 For well you know that it's a Bb fool who Fplays it Gm cool
By making his C7 world a little F colder

Da da da F7 da da C Da Csus4 da da da C7

Hey F Jude don't let me C down
You have C7 found her now C7 go and F get her
ReBbmember to let her into your F heart
Then you can C7 start to make it F better F7

So let it out and let it Bb in hey F Jude Gm begin
You're waiting for C someone to perFform with F7
And don't you know that it's just Bb you hey FJude you'll Gm do
The movement you C7 need is on your Fshoulder

Da da da F7 da da C Da da da da C7

Hey F Jude don't make it C bad
Take a C7 sad song and C7 make it F better
ReBbmember to let her under your F skin
Then you can beC7gin to make it F better

F Na na na Eb na na na na Bb na na na na hey F Jude repeat and fade

1 2 F 3 C 1 C7 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 4 F7 1 2 3 Gm 1 3 Csus4 1 1 1 Eb

Hey Soul Sister [C]Train

Stumming = d du udu


2 Bars Muted  /  2 Bars
        * / *    /    C / C

Hey-Gay, hey-ay-ay-Amay, hey-ay-ay-Fay

Your C lipstick stain G on the front lobe Of my Am left side brain F
I knew I wouldn't for-Cget you
And so I went and G let you blow my Am mind F/G

Your C sweet moonbeam G the smell of you In every Am single dream I F dream
I knew when we col-Clided, you're the one I have de-Gcided
Who's one of my Am kind F/G/

F Hey soul sister G ain't that mister C↓ mister G↓ on the
F radio stereo The G way you move ain’t C↓ fair you G↓ know
F Hey soul sister G I don't want to C↓ Miss a G↓ single
F thing you do G/G

Hey-Gay, hey-ay-ay-Amay, hey-ay-ayFay

C Just in time G I'm so glad You have a Am one track mind like F me
You gave my love di-Crection A game show love con-Gnection,
we can't de-Amny F/G

I'm C so obsessed G my heart is bound to beat Right Am out my untrimmed F chest
I believe in C you, like a virgin you're Ma-Gdonna
And I'm always gonna Am wanna blow your F mind G


CThe way you can cut a rug
G Watching you's the only drug I Am need
You're so gangster I'm so thug
You're the F only one I'm dreaming of you C see
I can be myself now final-Gly
In fact there's nothing I can't Am be
I want the world to see you F be Gwith me


F Hey soul sister G I don't want to
C Miss a G single F thing you do G/G

To-Cnight, hey-Gay, hey-ay-ay-Amay, hey-ay-ay-Fay G
To-Cnight, hey-Gay, hey-ay-ay Amay, hey-ay-ay-Fay G

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F

Hit Me Baby One More Time [Am]Britney Spears

Am7 Am Oh baby, baby Am
Am7 Am Oh baby, baby Am

Verse 1
Am7 Am Oh baby, baby, how E7 was I supposed to C know
That Dm something wasn't E7 right here?
Am Oh baby, baby, I E7 shouldn't have let you C go
And Dm now you're out of E7 sight, yeah
Am Show me, how you want it E7 to be
Tell me, C baby cos I need to Dm know now E7* Oh because

Chorus 1
Am My loneliness is E7 killing me, and I
C I must confess, I Dm still believe, E7 still believe
Am When I'm not with you, I E7 lose my mind
Give me a C si-i-i-ign
Dm* Hit me, baby, E7* one more time

Verse 2
Am Oh baby, baby, the E7 reason I breathe is C you
Dm Boy you got me E7 blinded
Am Oh pretty baby, there’s E7 nothing that I wouldn’t C do
That’s Dm not the way I E7 planned it
Am Show me, how you want it E7 to be
Tell me, C baby, cos I need to Dm know now E7* oh because

Chorus 1

Am7 Am Oh baby, baby Am
Am7 Am Oh baby, baby Am

Bridge softly
Am* Oh baby, baby, how E7* was I supposed to C*know Dm* E7*
F* Oh pretty baby, I G* shouldn't have let you F* go G*

Chorus 2
I must conAmfess... that my loneliE7ness... is killing me C now
Don’t you Dm know I E7 still beFlieve
F That you will be G here, And give me a F si-i-i-ign
Dm* Hit me, baby, E7* one more time

Am My loneliness is E7 killing me, and I
C I must confess, I Dm still believe, E7 still believe
Am When I'm not with you, I E7 lose my mind
Give me a C si-i-i-ign
Dm* Hit me, baby, E7* one more time


Am7 2 Am 1 2 3 E7 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Hit the road [Am]Ray Charles

Am G F E7

Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more no G more no F more no E7 more
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more G F What you E7 say?
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more no G more no F more no E7 more
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more G F E7

Verse 1
Whoa! Am woman oh G woman don't F treat me so E7 mean
You're the Am meanest G woman that I've F ever E7 seen
I Am guess if G you said F so... E7
I'll Am have to pack my G things and F go That's E7 right!

Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more no G more no F more no E7 more
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more G F What you E7 say?
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more no G more no F more no E7 more
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more G F E7

Verse 2
Now Am baby listen G baby don't F treat me this E7 way
For Am I'll be G back on my F feet some E7 day
Don't Am care if you G do cause it's F underE7stood,
You ain't Am got no G money you F just ain't no E7 good
Well I Am guess if G you say F so E7

Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back
no Am more no G more no F more no E7 more
Hit the Am road G Jack and F don't you come E7 back no Am more G
F Don't you come E7 back no Am more G
F Don't you come E7 back no Am more G
F Don't you come E7 back no Am G F E7

Am G F E7

Am* – single strum

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7

Ho Hey [C]The Lumineers

C Ho ... F
C Hey ... F
C Ho ... F
C Hey ... F

Verse 1
C Ho I've been trying to do it right F
C Hey I've been living a lonely life F
C Ho I've been sleeping here instead F
C Hey I've been sleeping in my bed F
Am Ho Sleepin' G in my bed
C Hey F

Verse 2
C Ho So show me family F
C Hey All the blood that I will bleed F
C Ho I don't know where I belong F
C Hey I don't know where I went wrong F
Am Ho But I can G write a song
C Hey, two, three

Chorus 1
I belong with Am you, you belong with G me, You're my sweetCheart
I belong with Am you, you belong with G me, You're my sweet

C Ho ... F
C Hey ... F
C Ho ... F
C Hey ... F

Verse 3
C Ho I don't think you're right for him F
C Hey Think of what it might've been F
C Ho Took a bus to Chinatown F
C Hey I'd be standing on Canal F
Am Ho ...and G Bowery
C Hey
Am Ho She'd be standing G next to me
C Hey, two, three

Chorus 2
I belong with Am you, you belong with G me, You're my sweetCheart x2

And F love... we G need it C now
Let's F hope...  for G some Gsus4
Cuz F oh... we're G bleeding C out

Chorus 3
I belong with Am you, you belong with G me, You're my sweetCheart  x3
I belong with Am you, you belong with G me, You're my sweet

C Ho ... F
C Hey ... F
C Ho ... F
C* Heeeeey!

3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 3 4 Gsus4

Holding Out For A Hero [Am]Bonnie Tyler

Am Oooooooo Am7 Oooooooo
F Oo oo oo oo E7 Aaah-E7-aaaAAAHHH!

Verse 1
Am Where have all the good men gone and G where are all the gods?
F Where's the street-wise Hercules to E7 fight the rising odds?
Am Isn't there a white knight Em upon a fiery steed?
Dm Late at night I toss and turn and I E7 dream of what I E7 need.

I need a Am hero, Iʼm holding out for a Em hero 'til the end of the night,
Heʼs F gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast,
And he's C gotta be fresh from the G fight.
I need a Am hero, Iʼm holding out for a Em hero 'til the morning light,
Heʼs F gotta be sure, and it's Dm gotta be soon,
And heʼs C gotta be larger than G life...
Larger than Am life

Am Oo oo oo oo Am7 Oo oo oo oo
F Oo oo oo oo E7 Aaah-E7-aaaAAAHHHH!

Verse 2
Am Somewhere after midnight in my G wildest fantasy,
F Somewhere just beyond my reach there's someone E7 reaching back for me.
Am Racing on the thunder and Em rising with the heat
Dm It's gonna take a superman to E7 sweep me off my E7 feet,
E7 yeah!

I need a Am hero, Iʼm holding out for a Em hero 'til the end of the night,
Heʼs F gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast,
And he's C gotta be fresh from the G fight.
I need a Am hero, Iʼm holding out for a Em hero 'til the morning light,
Heʼs F gotta be sure, and it's Dm gotta be soon,
And heʼs C gotta be larger than G life...

Larger than Am life

Am Oo oo oo oo Am7 Oo oo oo oo
F Oo oo oo oo E7 Aaah-E7-aaaAAAHHH!


2 Am Am7 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm 3 C

Hopelessly Devoted To You [Dm]Olivia Newton-John

Dm A    Dm A    Dm Dm A

Verse 1
Guess A mine is not the C#m first D heart broken
My Bm eyes are not the E7 first to A cry
I'm A not the first to Edim know, there's Em7 just no gettin' Edim over you Bm

C#m Cm Bm C#m

Verse 2
I A know I'm just a C#m fool who's D willing
To Bm sit around and E7 wait for A you
But, A baby, can't you Edim see there's Em7 nothin' else for me Edim to do Bm
I'm C#m hopelessly Bm de - voted Dm to you A

But now there's nowhere Gm to hide since you pushed my love aside C7
I'm F out of my F7 head, hopelessly devoted to you Gm
Hopelessly devoted Edim to you... Dm ooooooooooooo G7
Gm Hopelessly Edim devoted to Dm you A

Verse 3
My A head is sayin', C#m "Fool, forget D him"
My Bm heart is sayin', E7 "Don't let A go"
A Hold on to the Edim end, that's Em7 what I Edim intend to Bm do
I'm C#m hopelessly Bm de - voted Dm to you A

But now there's nowhere Gm to hide since you pushed my love aside C7
I'm F out of my F7 head, hopelessly devoted to you Gm
Hopelessly devoted Edim to you... Dm ooooooooooooo G7
Gm Hopelessly Edim devoted to Dm you A

Gm Hopelessly Edim devoted to Bbm you
F ooooooooo

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 C#m 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 Edim 2 3 Em7 1 1 1 Cm 1 C7 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F 1 2 3 4 F7 1 1 1 Bbm

Hot Stuff (Em) [Em]Donna Summer

Kazoo Intro - Em – D – Em  x2

Em  Sittin' here eatin' my heart out waitin'..D waitin' for some lover toEm call.
EmDialed about a thousand numbers lately.. Dalmost rang the phone off the wallEm

EmLookin' for some Amhot stuff,Bm baby, thisEm evenin'.
I need some Amhot stuff, Bmbaby, toEmnight.
I want some Amhot stuff, Bmbaby, this Emevenin'.
AmGotta have some hot stuff..B7gotta have some
lovin' tonight.Em

Kazoo Instrumental  Em -  D – Em  x2

EmLookin' for a lover who needs another.. don'tD want another night on my own.Em
EmWant to share my love with a warm blooded lover..D want to bring a wild man back homeEm


EmHot, hot, hot, hot stu...ff....D.hot, hot, Emhot.
EmHot, hot, hot, hot stu...ff.....Dhot, hot, Emhot.

EmSittin' here eatin' my heart out, no reason.. won't Dspend another night on my ownEm

Em I dialed about a hundred numbers, baby….I’m Dbound to find somebody homeEm



1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 2 Am 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 B7

Hot n Cold [G]Katy Perry

Intro G

GYou... change your Dmind... like a Amgirl... changes Cclothes
Yeah Gyou... PMDS... like a Ambitch... I would Cknow
And Gyou... over Dthink... always Amspeak... crypticCly
I should Gknow... that Dyou're no good for AmmeC

Cause you're Ghot then you're cold
You're Dyes then you're no
You're Amin then you're out You're Cup then you're down
You're Gwrong when it's right It's Dblack and it's white
We Amfight, we break up
We Ckiss, we make up
G You you don't really want to Dstay... no
Am But you but you don't really want to Cgo-oh
You're Ghot then you're cold You're Dyes then you're no
You're Amin then you're out You're Cup then you're down

GWe... used to Dbe... just like Amtwins... so in Csync
The Gsame... energDy... now's a Amdead... batterCy
Used to Glaugh... bout nothDing, now you're Amplain borCing
I should Gknow... that Dyou're not gonna AmchangeC


Em C G D Em C G D

Em Someone... Ccall the doctor... Ggot a case of a Dlove bi-polar
Em Stuck on a... Croller coaster and Gcan't get off this Dride
GYou... change your Dmind... like a Amgirl... changes Cclothes

Chorus then G – single strum

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 Em

Hotel California [Am]Eagles

Am E7 G D
F C Dm E7

Verse 1
Am On a dark desert highway... E7 cool wind in my hair
G Warm smell of colitas... D rising up through the air
F Up ahead in the distance... C I saw a shimmering light
Dm My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
E7 I had to stop for the night

Verse 2
Am There she stood in the doorway... E7 I heard the mission bell
G And I was thinking to myself... this could be D heaven or this could be hell
F Then she lit up a candle... C and she showed me the way
Dm There were voices down the corridor... E7 I thought I heard them say

F Welcome to the Hotel CalifCornia
Such a E7 lovely place... such a lovely place... such a Am lovely face
There's F plenty of room at the Hotel CalifCornia
AnyDmtime of year... anytime of year... you can E7 find it here

Verse 3
Am Her mind is Tiffany twisted... E7 she got the Mercedes Benz
G She got a lot of pretty pretty boys... D she calls friends
F How they danced in the court yard... C sweet summer sweat
Dm Some dance to remember... E7 some dance to forget

Verse 4
Am So I called up the captain... E7 please bring me my wine he said
G We haven't had that spirit here since... D 1969
F And still those voice are calling from C far away
Dm Wake you up in the middle of the night... E7 just to hear them say

F Welcome to the Hotel CalifCornia
Such a E7 lovely place... such a lovely place... such a Am lovely face
They’re F livin’ it up at the Hotel CalifCornia
What a Dm nice surprise... what a nice surprise... bring your E7 alibis...

Verse 5 - Single strum & Scratching
Am* Mirrors on the ceiling... E7* pink champagne on ice and she said
G* We are all just prisoners here... D* of our own device
F* And in the master's chambers... they C* gathered for the feast
Dm* They stab it with their steely knives... but they E7 just can't kill the beast

Verse 6
Am Last thing I remember... I was E7 running for the door
G I had find the passage back to the D place I was before
F "Relax" said the night man... we are C programmed to receive
Dm You can check out anytime you like but... E7 you can never leave...

Outro - w/ Kazoo
Am E7 G D
F C Dm E7

Am E7 G D
F C Dm E7 Am*

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm

Hotel California [Am]Eagles

Am E7 G D
F C Dm E7

Verse 1
Am On a dark desert highway... E7 cool wind in my hair
G Warm smell of colitas... D rising up through the air
F Up ahead in the distance... C I saw a shimmering light
Dm My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
E7 I had to stop for the night

Verse 2
Am There she stood in the doorway... E7 I heard the mission bell
G And I was thinking to myself... this could be D heaven or this could be hell
F Then she lit up a candle... C and she showed me the way
Dm There were voices down the corridor... E7 I thought I heard them say

F Welcome to the Hotel CalifCornia
Such a E7 lovely place... such a lovely place... such a Am lovely face
There's F plenty of room at the Hotel CalifCornia
AnyDmtime of year... anytime of year... you can E7 find it here

Verse 3
Am Her mind is Tiffany twisted... E7 she got the Mercedes Benz
G She got a lot of pretty pretty boys... D she calls friends
F How they danced in the court yard... C sweet summer sweat
Dm Some dance to remember... E7 some dance to forget

Verse 4
Am So I called up the captain... E7 please bring me my wine he said
G We haven't had that spirit here since... D 1969
F And still those voice are calling from C far away
Dm Wake you up in the middle of the night... E7 just to hear them say

F Welcome to the Hotel CalifCornia
Such a E7 lovely place... such a lovely place... such a Am lovely face
They’re F livin’ it up at the Hotel CalifCornia
What a Dm nice surprise... what a nice surprise... bring your E7 alibis...

Verse 5 - Single strum & Scratching
Am* Mirrors on the ceiling... E7* pink champagne on ice and she said
G* We are all just prisoners here... D* of our own device
F* And in the master's chambers... they C* gathered for the feast
Dm* They stab it with their steely knives... but they E7 just can't kill the beast

Verse 6
Am Last thing I remember... I was E7 running for the door
G I had find the passage back to the D place I was before
F "Relax" said the night man... we are C programmed to receive
Dm You can check out anytime you like but... E7 you can never leave...

Am E7 G D
F C Dm E7 Am*

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm

House of the Rising Sun [Am]The Animals

Am C D F Am E7 Am E7

Verse 1
There Am is a C house in D New Orleans F
They Am call the C Rising E7 Sun
And it’s Am been the C ruin of D many a poor boy F
And Am God I E7 know I’m Am one

C D F Am E7 Am E7

Verse 2
My Am mother C was a D tailor F
She Am sewed my C new blue E7 jeans
My Am father C was a D gambling F man
Am Down in E7 New OrAmleans E7

Verse 3
Oh Am mother C tell your D children F
Not to Am do what C I have E7 done
Am Spend your C lives in D sin and miseFry
In the Am house of the E7 Rising Am Sun E7

Verse 4
Well I got Am one foot C on the D platform F
And the Am other C foot on the E7 train
I’m Am going C back to D New Orleans F
To Am wear that E7 ball and Am chain

C D F Am E7 Am E7

Verse 5
There Am is a C house in D New Orleans F
They Am call the C Rising E7 Sun
And it’s Am been the C ruin of D many a poor F boy
And Am God I E7 know I’m Am one

Outro Instrumental
C D F Am E7 Am
Dm Dm Dm Dm Am*

2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Dm

How Do I Live [D]LeAnn Rimes

D A G F#m

Verse 1
How do E I, get through a B night without you
If I had to A live without you
What kind of B life would that be
Oh and E I, I need you and my B arms need you to hold
Your my A world my heart my soul

If B you ever C#m leave
F#m Baby you would take away everything, B good in my C#m life

A And tell me D now
How do I A live withGout you, F#m I want A to D know
How do I A breathe withGout you if F#m you ever D go
How do E I ever, F#m ever surGvive
How do I, A How do I, Oh how do I D liiiiivAe

Verse 2
B Without E you, there'd be no B sun in my sky
There would be no F#m love in my life
There'd be no B world left for me
And E I, baby I don't B know what I would do
I'd be A lost if I lost you

If B you ever C#m leave
F#m Baby you would take away everything, B real in my C#m life


G Please tell me baby
Bm F#m B How do I go on

If B you ever C#m leave
F#m Baby you would take away everything, I B need you with C#m me
F#m Baby don't you know that you're everything, B good in my C#m life

A And tell me D now
How do I A live withGout you, F#m I want A to D know
How do I A breathe withGout you if F#m you ever D go
How do E I ev - er, F#mev - er sur - Gvive
How do I, A How do I, Oh how do I D liiiiivAe G F#m

How do I D live withAout you G F#m
How do I D live withAout you baGby F#m
D How do A I liiiiGiive F#m
How do I D liiiivAe G F#m D

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 E 1 2 3 B 1 1 C#m 1 1 1 Bm

How Will I Know [C]Whitney Houston


Verse 1
There's a C boy I G know
He's the one I Am dream of F
Looks inCto my Am eyes
Takes me to the C clouds above F

Verse 2
Ooh, I C lose conGtrol
Can't seem to Am get enough F
When I C wake from G dreaming
Tell me is it Am really love F

C Oooo
How will I G know?
Don't trust your Am feelings
How will I F know?
C How will I G know?
Love can be deceiAmving
How will I F know?
C How will I know if G he really loves me
Am I say a prayer with F every heart beat
C I fall in love whenGever we meet
Am I'm asking you 'cause you F know about these things
C How will I know if G he's thinking of me
Am I try to phone but I'm F too shy Can't speak
C Falling in love is G all bitter sweet
Am This love is strong why do F I feel weak

Verse 3
C Oh, wake me, I'm G shaking
Wish I had you Am near me now, uh-Fhuh
Said there's C no misGtaking
What I feel is Am really love F


How will I C know?
How will I G know?
How will I Am know? F


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am

Human [C]The Killers

C  C  C  C

Verse 1
I C did my best to Em notice when the F call came down the C line.
Up to the G platform of surAmrender I was F brought, but I was G kind.
And C sometimes I get Em nervous when I F see an open Am door.
Close your F eyes, clear your F heart...
G  G Cut the C cord

Are we Em human, F or are we C dancer?
G My sign is Am vital, F my hands are G cold.
And I'm C on my Em knees looking for the Am answer... Am
Are we Dm human, F or are we C dancer? C

Instrumental w/ kazoo same as first two line of verse
C  Em  F  C
G  Am  F  G

Verse 2
Pay my res-Cpects to grace and Em virtue, send my con-Fdolences to C good.
Give my re-Ggards to soul and Am romance, they always F did the best they G could.
And C so long to de-Emvotion, you taught me F everything I Am know.
Wave good-Fbye, wish me F well...
G  G You got to let me C go


Will your F system be al-Gright, when you E7 dream of home to-Amnight?
There F is no message F we're receiving, G let me know is your G heart still beating?

Pre-chorus Gentle Strums
C Are we Em human, Am or are we dancer?
F My sign is G vital, Em my hands are F cold.
And I'm C on my Em knees, looking for the Am answer...
Am  Am  Am  Stop You got to let me C know

Are we Em human, F or are we C dancer?
G My sign is Am vital, F my hands are G cold.
And I'm C on my Em knees looking for the Am answer... Am
Are we Dm human, F or are we C dancer? C

Instrumental w/ kazoo melody - first three lines of verse
C  Em  F  C
G  Am  F  G
C  Em  F  C

Are we Dm human, F or are we Am dancer? G
Are we Dm human, F or are we C dancer?
C  C  C  C

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7

Human [Am]rag and bone man

Am Maybe I'm foolish, G maybe I'm Am blind
Am Thinking I can see through this and G see what's be-Amhind
Am Got no way to prove it so G maybe I'm Am blind
But I'm only F human after all, I'm only Dm human after all
Don't put your blame on Am me
Don't put your G blame on Am me
Am Take a look in the mirror and G what do you Am see
Am Do you see it clearer or G are you de-Amceived in G what you Am believe G
Cos I'm only F human after all, you're only Dm human after all
Don't put the blame on Am me
Don't put your G blame on Am me
Am Some people got the real G problems
Am Some people out of luck  G
Am Some people think I can solve them G
Am Lord heavens above G
I'm only F human after all, I'm only Dm human after all
Don't put the blame on Am me
Don't put the G blame on Am me
Am Don't ask my opinion Am lie
Am Then beg for forgiveness
for G making you Am cry, for G making you Am cry G
Cos I'm only F human after all, I'm only Dm human after all
Don't put your blame on Am me, don't put the G blame on Am me
Am Some people got the real G problems
Am Some people out of luck  G
Am Some people think I can solve them G
Am Lord heavens above
I'm only F human after all, I'm only Dm human after all
Don't put the blame on Am me, don't put the G blame on Am me G
I'm only F human I make mistakes, I'm only human Dm that's all it takes
Don't put the blame on Am me, don't put your G blame on Am me
C I'm no Dm prophet or Am messiah
C Should go Dm looking somewhere E7 higher
I'm only F human after all, I'm only Dm human after all
Don't put the blame on Am me, don't put the G blame on Am me G
I'm only F human I do what I can
I'm just a Dm man, I do what I can
Don't put the blame on Am me, don't put your blame on Am me

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 3 E7

Human [C]the Killers

C C [C C

I Cdid my best to Emnotice when the Fcall came down the Cline.
Up to the Gplatform of sur-Amrender I was Fbrought, but I was Gkind.
And Csometimes I get Emnervous when I Fsee an open Amdoor.
Close your Feyes, clear your Fheart.GG
Cut the Cchord

CAre we Emhuman, F or are we Cdancer?
G My sign is Amvital, F my hands are Gcold.
And I'm Con my Emknees looking for theAm answer.
Are we Dmhuman,F  or are we Cdancer?

C Em F C
G Am F G

Pay my resCpects to grace and Emvirtue, send my con-Fdolences to Cgood.
Give my reGgards to soul and Amromance, they always Fdid the best they Gcould.
And Cso long to deEmvotion, you taught me Feverything I Amknow.
Wave goodFbye, wish me Fwell.GG

You got to let me Cgo - are we Emhuman, F or are we Cdancer?
G My sign is Amvital, F my hands are Gcold.
And I'm Con my Emknees, looking for the Amanswer.
Are we Dmhuman, F or are we Cdancer?Em

Will your Fsystem be al-Gright, when you Edream of home to-Amnight?
There Fis no message we're receiving, Glet me know is your heart still beating?

You got to let me Cgo - are we Emhuman, F or are we Cdancer?
G My sign is Amvital, F my hands are Gcold.
And I'm Con my Emknees, looking for the Amanswer.

You got to let me Cknow - are we EmhumanF,  or are weC dancer?
G  My sign is Amvital, F my hands are Gcold.
And I'm Con my Emknees, looking for the Amanswer.
Are we Dmhuman?FF
Or are we Cdancer?

Em F C
G Am F G
C Em F Am

Are we Fhuman,  or are we Amdancer?G
Are we Dmhuman, F or are we Cdancer?

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 E

Hungry Eyes [F]Eric Carmen

Intro F Bb C F Bb C F Bb C F Bb C F

F I've been meaning to tell you F Em7 Am
Am I've got this feelin' that Em won't subAmside F Em7 Am
Am I look at you and I Em fantaDmsise
Am You’re mine toGnight
Now I've Dm got you F in my G7 sights

Bb With C these F hungry Bb eyes C
F One look at you and I Bb can't disCguise
I've got F hungry Bb eyes C
F I feel the magic beBbtween you and C I

Am I want to hold you so Em hear me out F Em7 Am
Am I want to show you what Em love's all aDmbout
Am Darlin' toGnight
Now I've Dm got you F in my G7 sights

Bb I’ve C got F hungry Bb eyes C
F Now I've got you Bb in my C sights
With the F hungry Bb eyes C
F Now did I take you Bb by surCprise Dm Am7
Dm Am7 I need you to Dmsee this Bb love was C meant to F be

Instrumental F Bb C x4

Bb I’ve C got F hungry Bb eyes C
F One look at you and I Bb can't disCguise
I've got F hungry Bb eyes C
F I feel the magic beBbtween you and C I

Bb I’ve C got F hungry Bb eyes C
F Now I've got you Bb in my C sights
With the F hungry Bb eyes C
F Now did I take you Bb by surCprise

Bb I’ve C got F hungry Bb eyes C
F Now I've got you Bb in my C sights
F Hungry Bb eyes C

repeat to fade

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 2 3 Em7 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 Am7

Hungry Heart [C]Bruce Springsteen

C Am Dm G7 x2

Verse 1
C Got a wife and kids in Am Baltimore jack
I went Dm out for a ride and I G7 never went back
C Like a river that don’t Am know where its flowing
Dm I took a wrong turn and I G7 just kept going

C Everybody s got a Am hungry heart
Dm Everybody s got a G7 hungry heart
C Lay down your money and you Am play your part
Dm Everybody s got a G7 hungry C heart

C Am Dm G7

Verse 2
C I met her in a Am Kingstown bar
Dm We fell in love I knew it G7 had to end
C We took what we had and we Am ripped it apart
Dm Now here I am down in G7 Kingstown again

C Everybody s got a Am hungry heart
Dm Everybody s got a G7 hungry heart
C Lay down your money and you Am play your part
Dm Everybody s got a G7 hungry C heart

Verse 3
C Everybody needs a Am place to rest
Dm Everybody wants to G7 have a home
C Don t make no difference what Am nobody says
Dm Ain’t nobody like to G7 be alone

C Everybody s got a Am hungry heart
Dm Everybody s got a G7 hungry heart
C Lay down your money and you Am play your part
Dm Everybody s got a G7 hungry C heart


3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7

Hungry like the wolf [E]Duran Duran

Intro Melody
E7 E7

Verse 1
E7 Dark in the city night is a wire
Steam in the subway, earth is a fire
Do do D do do do do do do do do do do do do E7 do do
E7 Woman you want me, give me a sign
And catch me breathing even closer behind
Do do D do do do do do do do do do do do do E7 do do

Chorus 1
C In touch with the G ground, I'm on the F hunt I'm after F72 you
I smell like a C sound I'm lost in a G crowd
And I'm F hungry like the D wolf
Straddle the C line, in discord and G rhyme
I'm on the F hunt I'm after F72 you
Mouth is a-Clive with juices like G wine
And I'm F hungry like the D wolf D D

Intro Melody
E7 E7

Verse 2
E7 Stalked in the forest, too close to hide
I'll be upon you by the moonlight side
Do do D do do do do do do do do do do do do E7 do do
E7 High blood drumming on your skin it's so tight
You feel my heat I'm just a moment behind
Do do D do do do do do do do do do do do do E7 do do

Chorus 1

Chorus 2 x2
Burning the C ground, I break from the G crowd
I’m on the on the F hunt I'm after F72 you
I smell like a C sound, I'm lost and I'm G found
And I'm F hungry like the D wolf
Strut on the C line it's discord and G rhyme
I'm on the F hunt I'm after F72 you
Mouth is a-Clive with juices like G wine
And I'm F hungry like the D wolf

E7 Dark in the city night is a wire
Steam in the subway, earth is a fire

Do do D do do do do do do do do do do do do E7 do do

1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 F72

I Can See Clearly Now [D]Johnny Nash


Verse 1
D I can see G clearly now the D rain has gone
I can see G all obstacles A in my way
D Gone are the G dark clouds that D had me blind
It’s going to be a C bright, G bright sunshiney D day
It’s going to be a C bright, G bright sunshiney D day

Verse 2
D I think I can G make it now the D pain has gone
All of the G bad feelings have A disappeared
D Here is the G rainbow I’ve been D praying for
It’s gonna be a C bright G bright sunshiney D day

F Look all around there’s nothing but C blue skies
F Look straight ahead, nothing but
A blue skyyyyy
Amaj7 G Amaj7 G
C Bm A A*

Verse 3
D I can see G clearly now the D rain has gone
I can see G all obstacles A in my way
D Gone are the G dark clouds that D had me blind
It’s going to be a C bright, G bright sunshiney D day
It’s going to be a C bright, G bright sunshiney D day

Outro - Slowing
It’s going to be a C bright, G bright sunshiney D day

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 Amaj7 1 1 1 Bm

I Don't Want To Talk About It [Dm]Rod Stewart

Intro Dm G C

C I can Dm tell by your eyes
That you've G probably been crying for C ever
And the Dm stars in the sky
Don't mean G nothing, to you they're a C mirror C7

F I don't wanna G talk about it
C How you Em broke my Am heart G
F If I stay here just a G little bit longer
F If I stay here won't you G listen
To my Dm heart G
Oh my C heart

If I Dm stand all alone
Will the G shadows hide the colours of my C heart
Blue for the tears
Black for the nights fears
The Dm stars in the sky
Don't mean G nothing, to you they're a C mirror C7

F I don't wanna G talk about it
C How you Em broke my Am heart G
F If I stay here just a G little bit longer
F If I stay here won't you G single strum listen
To my Dmheart G
Oh my Cheart
My Dmheart G
Oh my Cheart

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 2 Am

I Don’t Like Mondays [C]Boomtown Rats

C Em F G*G* F*F*

Verse 1
The C silicon chip inEmside her head gets F switched to overG7load
And C nobody's gonna go to Em school today
She's gonna F make them stay at G7 home
And F Daddy doesn't underG7stand it
He always C said she was good as F gold
And he can see* no reason, cos there are* no reasons
What reason* do you need to be G7 shown? Oh oh oh oh

Tell me C why I don't like Em Mondays?
Tell me F why I don't like G7 Mondays?
Tell me C why I don't like Em Mondays?
I wanna F shoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-G7*oot
The whole day C down Em F
G*G*  F*F*

Verse 2
The C Telex machine is Em kept so clean as it F types to a waiting G7 world
And Mother C feels so shocked, Father's Em world is rocked
And their F thoughts turn to their G7 own little girl
F Sweet sixteen ain't that G7 peachy keen,
no, it C ain't so neat to adFmit defeat
They can see* no reasons, cos there are* no reasons
What reasons* do.. you.. G need? Oh oh oh whoa whoa

Tell me C why I don't like Em Mondays?
Tell me F why I don't like G7 MonFdays?
Tell me C why I don't like Em Mondays?
I wanna F shoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-G7////*oot
The whole day Em down, down, down, shoot it all C down C
Em F  G*G*  F*F*

Bridge softer strum
All the C playing's stopped in the Em playground now
She F wants to play with her G* toys-G*-a-G*-while
And C school's out early and Em soon we'll be learning
And the F lesson today is G* how-G*-to-G*-die Pause

Verse 3 slower
And then the F bullhorn crackles, and the G7 captain tackles
With the C problems and the how's and F why's
And he can see* no reasons cos there are* no reasons
What reason* do you need to G7 die, die? Oh oh oh

Tell me C why I don't like Em Mondays?
Tell me F why I don't like G7 Mondays?
Tell me C why I don't like Em Mondays?
I wanna F shoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-G7///*oot
The... whole... day... C down Em F G*G*  F*F*


3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

I Fall to Pieces [C]Patsy Cline


Verse 1
C I Am7 fall to G pieces G F#
F Each time I G7 see you C again G
C I Am7 fall to G pieces G F#
F How can I G7 be just your C friend?

Verse 2
You C want me to C7 act like we F never kissed
You want me G7 to forget, pretend we C never met
Well, I F tried and I’ve G7 tried, but I C haven’t yet
You walk F by and G7 I fall to C pieces

Verse 3
C I Am7 fall to G pieces G F#
F Each time someG7one speaks your C name G
C I Am7 fall to G pieces G F#
F Time only G7 adds to the C flame

Verse 4
You C tell me to C7 find someone F else to love
Someone who’ll G love me too, the way you C used to do
But each F time I go G7 out with C someone new
You walk F by and G7 I fall to C pieces

You walk F by and G7 I fall to C pieces

G* C*

3 C Am7 1 2 3 G 1 3 2 F# 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 C7

I Feel Fine [D]Beatles

D7D7  C7C7  G7G7G7G7

Verse 1
G7 Baby’s good to me you know, She’s happy as can be you know she
D7 Said so, I’m in love with C7 her and I feel G7 fine

Verse 2
G7 Baby says she’s mine you know she tells me all the time you know she
D7 Said so, I’m in love with C7 her and I feel G7 fine

G I’m so Bm glad that C she’s my little D girl
G She’s so Bm glad she’s Am telling all the D world, that her

Verse 3
G7 Baby buys her things you know, he buys her diamond rings you know she
D7 Said so, She’s in love with C7 me and I feel G7 fine

Instrumental G7 G7    D7 C7 G7 G7

Verse 4
G7 Baby says she’s mine you know she tells me all the time you know she
D7 Said so, I’m in love with C7 her and I feel G7 fine

G I’m so Bm glad that C she’s my little D girl
G She’s so Bm glad she’s Am telling all the D world, that her

Verse 5
G7 Baby buys her things you know, he buys her diamond rings you know she
D7 Said so, She’s in love with C7 me and I feel G7 fine

D7 Shes in love with C7 me and i feel G7 fine

D* G*

1 2 D7 1 C7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 Am

I Feel Good [D]James brown


Verse 1
I feel D good do-do do-do do-do do,
I knew that I would now  do-do do-do do-do do,
I feel G7 good do-do do-do do-do do,
I knew that I D would now do-do do-do do-do do,
so good A7* A7*, so good G7* G7*,
I gotta you D*  pause + Bass

Verse 2
I feel D nice do-do do-do do-do do,
like a sugar and spice do-do do-do do-do do,
I feel G7 nice do-do do-do do-do do,
like sugar and D spice do-do do-do do-do do,
so nice A7* A7*, so nice G7* G7*,
I gotta you D*  pause + Bass

Bass Riff

Chorus 1
When I G7 hold you in my arms, I D know that I can do no wrong
And when I G7 hold you in my arms, my A7* Scratch  love won't do you no harm

Verse 3
And I feel D nice do-do do-do do-do do,
like a sugar and spice do-do do-do do-do do,
I feel G7 nice do-do do-do do-do do,
like sugar and D spice do-do do-do do-do do,
so nice A7* A7*, so nice G7* G7*,
I gotta you D* pause + Bass

Bass Riff

Chorus 2
When I G7 hold you in my arms, I D know that I can do no wrong
And when I G7 hold you in my arms, my A7* Scratch love can't do me no harm

Verse 4
And I feel D nice do-do do-do do-do do,
like a sugar and spice do-do do-do do-do do,
I feel G7 nice do-do do-do do-do do,
like sugar and D spice do-do do-do do-do do,
so nice A7* A7*, so nice G7* G7*,
I gotta you D*  pause + Bass

I feel D good do-do do-do do-do do,
I knew that I would now  do-do do-do do-do do,
I feel G7 good do-do do-do do-do do,
I knew that I D would do-do do-do do-do do,
so good A7* A7*, so good G7* G7*, that I gotta you D*  pause + Bass
so good A7* A7*, so good G7* G7*, that I gotta you D*  pause + Bass
so good A7* A7*, so good G7* G7*, that I gotta you*  Bass outro  D /////

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7 1 A7

I Have a Dream [C]ABBA

C C*

Verse 1
I have a G7 dream, a song to C sing,
to help me G7 cope with anyCthing.
If you see the G wonder of a fairy C tale,
you can take the G future, even if you C fail C Pause

I believe in G7 angels, something good in F everything I C see,
I believe in G7 angels, when I know the F time is right for C me
I cross the G7 stream G7*
I have a C dream C*

Verse 2
I have a G7 dream, a fantaCsy,
to help me G7 through realiCty.
And my destiGnation makes it worth the C while,
pushing through the G darkness still another C mile C Pause


Verse 3
I have a G7 dream, a song to C sing,
to help me G7 cope with anyCthing.
If you see the G wonder of a fairy C tale,
you can take the G future, even if you C fail C Pause

I believe in G7 angels, something good in F everything I C see,
I believe in G7 angels, when I know the F time is right for C me
I cross the G7 stream G7*
I have a C dream C*

I cross the G7 stream G7*
I have a C dream C

G* C*

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

I Knew You Were Trouble [G]Taylor Swift

GOnce upon a time... a few mistakes ago
DI was in your sights... you got me alone
You Emfou-ound me... you fou-ound me... you Cfou-ound me-e-e-e
I Gguess you didn't care... and I guess I liked that
And Dwhen I fell hard... you took a step back
WithEmou-out me... without-out me... withCou-out me-e-e-e

G And he's lo-o-ong Dgone... when he's ne-e-ext to Emme
And I rea-eaClize... the blame is on Cme

Chorus *single strums
'Cause Em* I knew you were C* trouble when you walked i-D*-in
So G* shame on D* me noEm*ow
*back to normal
Flew me to Cplaces I'd never beDen
'Til Gyou put Dme down, oh
EmI knew you were Ctrouble when you walked i-D-in
So Gshame on Dme noEmow
Flew me to Cplaces I'd never beDen
Now I'm Glying on the Dcold hard Emground
Oh, C oh, D trouble, Gtrouble, Dtrouble
Em Oh, C oh, D trouble, Gtrouble, Dtrouble

GNo apologies... he'll never see you cry
PreDtends he doesn't know... that he's the reason why
You're Emdrow-owning... you're drow-owning... you're Cdrowni-i-i-ing
Now I Gheard you moved... on from whispers on the street
A Dnew notch in your belt... is all I'll ever be
And Emno-ow I see... no-ow I see... Cno-ow I see-ee-ee-ee

G He was long Dgone when he met Emme
And I reaClize the joke is on Cme, yeah

*single strums:
And the C*saddest fear... comes Em*creeping in
That you C*never loved me... or her... or D*anyone... or anything... yeah

EmI knew you were Ctrouble when you walked i-D-in
Trouble, Gtrouble, Dtrouble
EmI knew you were Ctrouble when you walked i-D-in
Trouble, Gtrouble, NCtrouble

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C × × × × NC

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden [D]Martina McBride


I beg your Em pardon A I never promised you a D rose garden
Along with the Em sunshine A there's gotta be a little D rain sometimes
When you G take you gotta give so live and let live or let Em go oh oh oh oh
I beg your A pardon I never promised you a D rose garden

Verse 1
I could D promise you things like big diamond rings
But you D don't find roses growing on stalks of Em clover
So you better think it A over
Well if D sweet talkin you could make it come true
I would D give you the world right now on a silver Em platter
But what would it A matter

So Em smile for a while and A let's be jolly
C Love shouldn't be so B melancholy
Em Come along and share the good times while we G can. A

I beg your Em pardon A I never promised you a D rose garden
Along with the Em sunshine A there's gotta be a little D rain sometimes C B Em G
I beg your A pardon I never promised you a D rose garden

Verse 2
I could D sing you a tune and promise you the moon
But if D that's what it takes to hold you, I'd just as soon Em let you go
But there's one thing I A want you to know
You better D look before you leap, still waters run deep
And there D won't always be someone there to Em pull you out
And you know what I'm A talking about

So Em smile for a while and A let's be jolly
C Love shouldn't be so B melancholy
Em Come along and share the good times while we G can. A

I beg your Em pardon A I never promised you a D rose garden
Along with the Em sunshine A there's gotta be a little D rain sometimes
I beg your Em pardon A I never promised you a D rose garden
Along with the Em sunshine A there's gotta be a little D rain sometimes Em A


1 1 1 D 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 B

I Only Want To Be With You [C]Dusty Springfield

Intro Dm G7 C

I C don't know what it is that makes me Am love you so
I C only know I never want to Am let you go
Cause F you started G7 something Dm can't you G7 see
That C ever since we met you've had a Am hold on me
It F happens to be G7 true I Dm only wanna G7 be with C you F G7

It C doesn't matter where you go or Am what you do
I C want to spend each moment of the Am day with you
F Look what has G7 happened with Dm just one G7 kiss
I C never knew that I could be in Am love like this
It's F crazy but it's G7 true I Dm only wanna G7 be with C you

Ab You stopped and smiled at me and C asked me if I F cared to C dance G7
I fell into your open arms D7 I didn't stand a G7chance now listen honey

C I just wanna be beside you Am everywhere
As C long as we’re together honey Am I don’t care
Cause F you started G7 something Dm can't you G7 see
That C ever since we met you've had a Am hold on me
It F happens to be G7 true I Dm only wanna G7 be with C you

Instrumental verse
C Am C Am F G7 Dm G7
C Am F G7 Dm G7 C

Ab You stopped and smiled at me and C asked me if I F cared to C dance
G7 I fell into your open arms D7 I didn't stand a G7chance now listen honey

C I just wanna be beside you Am everywhere
As C long as we’re together honey Am I don’t care
Cause F you started G7 something Dm can't you G7 see
That C ever since we met you've had a Am hold on me
It F happens to be G7 true I Dm only wanna G7 be with C you

F No matter no matter what you G do I F only wanna G7 be with C you
F No matter, no matter what you G do I F only wanna G be with C you

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 Ab 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G

I Predict a Riot [Am]Kaiser Chiefs

Am Am Am Am

Verse 1
Am Aaaaah – Am Watching the people get C lairy
It’s D not very pretty I Am tell thee
Am Walking through town is quite C scary
And D not very sensible Am either
A Am friend of a friend he got C beaten
He D looked the wrong way at a Am policeman
Would Am never have happened to C Smeaton And D old Leodensian

Am La-ah-E7ah G la la la-la-la-la D la... la la
Am La-ah-E7ah G la la la-la-la-la D laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

F I predict a riot... Bb I predict a F riot
F I predict a riot... Bb I predict a F riot

Verse 2
Am I tried to get in my C taxi
A D man in a tracksuit atAmtacked me
He Am said that he saw it beCfore me
D Wants to get things a bit Am gory
Am Girls run around with no C clothes on
To D borrow a pound for a Am condom
If it Am wasn’t for chip fat they’d be C frozen
They’re D not very sensible

Am La-ah-E7ah G la la la-la-la-la D la... la la
Am La-ah-E7ah G la la la-la-la-la D la

D Oooooooh!
D Ooooooooooh!
F I predict a riot... Bb I predict a F riot
F I predict a riot... Bb I predict a F riot

And if there’s B7 anybody left in A here, That G doesn’t want to be out F there F

Verse 3
Am Aaaaah – Am Watching the people get C lairy
It’s D not very pretty I Am tell thee Am Walking through town is quite C scary
And D not very sensible Am

Am La-ah-E7ah G la la la-la-la-la D la... la la
Am La-ah-E7ah G la la la-la-la-la D la

D Oooooooh!
D Oooooooh!
D Oooooooh!
D Oooooooh!
F I predict a riot... Bb I predict a F riot
F I predict a riot... Bb I predict a F riot F Cha-cha-cha!

2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 B7 1 2 A

I Saw Her Standing There [C]Beatles

Intro 1 - 2 - 3 – 4 then
C Am/C

C Well, she was just 17, You F know what I mean,
And the C way she looked was way beyond G7 compare.
So C how could I C7 dance with F another Dm ooh
When I C saw her G7 standin' C there.

Well she looked at me, and FI, I could see
That Cbefore too long I'd fall in love with G7 her.
C She wouldn't C7 dance with F another Dm ooh
When I C saw her G7 standing C there.

Well, my C7 heart went boom,When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in G7 mine F

Ooh, we C danced through the night, And we F held each other tight,
And C before too long I fell in love with G7 her.
Now, C I'll never C7 dance with F another Dm ooh
Since I C saw her G7 standing C there

Well, my C7 heart went "boom," When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in G7 mine F

Ooh, we C danced through the night, And we F held each other tight,
And C before too long I fell in love with G7 her.
Now, C I'll never C7 dance with F another Dm ooh
Since I C saw her G7 standing C there

Outro a bit more slowly

No, C I'll never C7 dance with F another Dm ooh
Since I C saw her G7 standing there C

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 3 Dm

I Think We’re Alone Now [C]Tiffany

C G F C x2

Verse 1
C Children be-Em-have
Am That’s what they F say when we’re together
C And watch how you Em play
Am They don’t under-F-stand and so we're...

Em Running just as fast as we C can
Em Holdin’ onto one another’s C hands,
Bb Tryin’ to get away into the night and then you
G Put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground
And then you C say...
C I think we’re aGlone now
There Am doesn’t seem to be anyFone around
C I think we’re aGlone now
The Am beating of our hearts is the F only sound

Verse 2
C Look at the Em way
Am We gotta F hide what we’re doin’
C Cause what would they Em say Am
If they ever F knew and so we're...


Instrumental verse chords
C Em Am F C Em Am F

Em Running just as fast as we C can
Em Holdin’ onto one another’s C hands,
Bb Tryin’ to get away into the night and then you
G Put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground
And then you C say...
I think we’re aGlone now
There Am doesn’t seem to be anyFone around
C I think we’re aGlone now
The Am beating of our hearts is the F only sound

C I think we’re aGlone now
There Am doesn’t seem to be anyFone around
C I think we’re aGlone now
The Am beating of our hearts is the F only sound

Back to Strumming
C I think we’re aGlone now
There Am doesn’t seem to be anyFone around
C I think we’re aGlone now
The Am beating of our hearts is the F only sound

C - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb

I Useta Love Her [D]Saw Doctors

Verse 1
I D have fallen for another she can make her own way G home
And even if she asked me now I'd let her go a D lone
I useta see her up the chapel as she went to Sunday G mass
When she'd go up to receive I'd kneel down there and watch her D pass Stop
The glory of her A ass

I D useta love her, I useta love her G once
A long long time ago
I D useta love her, I used love her G once
A long long time ago
It's C gone, F all my loving is G gone
It's C gone, F all my loving is G gone

Verse 2
Do you re-Dmember her collecting for concern on Christmas G eve
She was on a 48 hour fast just water and black D tea
I walked right up and made an ostentatious contri-Gbution
And I winked at her to tell her I'd seduce her in the D future Stop
When she's feelin A looser


Verse 3
So D now you know the truth of it she's no longer my ob-Gsession
And the thoughts and dreams I had of her would take 6 months in D confession
See I met this young one Thursday night and she's into free ex-Gpression
And her mission is to rid the world of this sinful re-Dpression Stop
And then we had a A session

I D useta love her, I useta love her G once
A long long time ago
I D useta love her, I used love her G once
A long long time ago
It's C gone, F all my loving is G gone
It's C gone, F all my loving is G gone

Outro - slower
I have D fallen for her mother she can make her own way G home

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 3 C 1 2 F

I Wanna Be Like You [Am]R. M. Sherman and R. B. Sherman

Am Am Am Am

Verse 1
Now Am I'm the king of the swingers Oh, the jungle VIE7P
I've reached the top and had to stop And that's what botherin' Am me
I wanna be a man, mancub, And stroll right into E7 town
And be just like the other men
I'm tired of monkeyin’ aAmround!

Chorus 1
G7 Oh, C oo-bee-doo          oop-de-wee
I wanna be like A7 you          hup-de-hooby-do-bah
I wanna D7 walk like you
G7 Talk like you C too        weep-be-deeby-de-boo
G7 You'll see it's C true      shooby-de-do
An ape like A7 me                scooby-dooby-do-be
Can D7 learn to be G7 human C too

Verse 2
Now Am don't try to kid me mancub I made a deal with E7 you
What I desire is man's red fire
To make my dream come Am true Give me the secret, mancub
Clue me what to E7 do
Give me the power of man's red flower So I can be like Am you

Chorus 2
G7 Oh, C oo-bee-doo          oop-de-wee
I wanna be like A7 you          hup-de-hooby-do-bah
I wanna D7 walk like you
G7 Talk like you C too        weep-be-deeby-de-boo
G7 You'll see it's C true      shooby-de-do
Someone like A7 me            scooby-dooby-do-be

Can D7 learn to be G7 like someone like C me take me home, daddy
Can D7 learn to be G7 like someone like C you one more time
Can D7 learn to be G7 like someone like C me-eee

G* C*

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 A7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G

I Wanna Dance With Somebody [D]Whitney Houston


Verse 1
D Clock strikes upon the hour
And the Em sun begins to fade
D Still enough time to figure out
How to Em chase my blues away
C I've done alright D up to now
It's the G light of day that C shows me how
And C when the Em night D falls, loneliness C calls D

G Oh, wanna dance with somebody ....I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Em Yeah wanna dance with somebody
C With someAmbody who D loves me G
G Oh, wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Em Yeah wanna dance with somebody
C With someAmbody who D loves me G

Verse 2
D I've been in love and lost my senses
Em Spinning through the town
D Sooner or later the fever ends
Em And I wind up feeling down
C I need a man who'll D take a chance
On a G love that burns hot C enough to last
So C when the Em night D falls
My lonely heart C calls D


Em Somebody Whoooo, somebody whoooo
D Somebody who loves me, yeah
Em Somebody whoooo, somebody whoooo
D To hold me in his arms oh
C I need a man who'll D take a chance
On a G love that burns hot C enough to last
So C when the Em night D falls, my lonely heart C calls D

G Oh, wanna dance with somebody ...I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Em Yeah wanna dance with somebody
C With someAmbody who D loves me G

G Oh, wanna dance with somebody ...I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Em Yeah wanna dance with somebody
C With someAmbody who D loves me


1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am

I Want To Know What Love Is [Em]Foreigner

Em I gotta take a D little G time
A little C time to think things Em over
Em I better read beDtween the G lines
In case I C need it when I'm Em older D Em

Em Now this mountain D I must G climb
Feels like a C world upon my Em shoulders
Em Through the clouds D I see love G shine
It keeps me C warm as life grows Em colder

Em In G my Am life there's been D heartache and Am pain
I don't know if I can D face it aAmgain
Can't stop now, I've D traveled so Am far
To C change this G lonely Amlife

G I wanna know what Em love D is
Am I want you to Em show D me
G I wanna feel what Em love D is
Am I know you can Em show D me D7 Em

Em I'm gonna take a D little G time
A little C time to look aEmround me
Em I've got nowhere D left to G hide
It looks like C love has finally Em found me

Em In G my Am life there's been D heartache and Am pain
I don't know if I can D face it aAmgain
Can't stop now, I've D traveled so Am far
To C change this G lonely Amlife

G I wanna know what Em love D is
Am I want you to Em show D me
G I wanna feel what Em love D is
Am I know you can Em show D me D7 Em

G I wanna know what Em love D is
Am I want you to Em show D me
G I wanna feel what Em love D is
Am I know you can Em show D me D7 Em

1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 D7

I Want to Break Free [C]Queen

C C C C* pause

Verse 1
I want to break C free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so... self-satisfied I don't F need you
I've got to break C free
God G knows... F God knows I want to break C free

Verse 2
N/C I've fallen in C love
I've fallen in love for the first time And this time I know it's for F real
I've fallen in C love, yeah
God G knows... F God knows I've fallen in C love

It's G strange, but it's F true
G I can't get over the way you F love me like you do
But I Am have to be sure
When I Dsus4 walk out that D door
F Oh how I G want to be Am free baby
F Oh how I G want to be Am free
F Oh how I G want to bre-C-eak free

Instrumental – same timing as verse
G F C C* pause

Verse 3
But life still goes C on
I can't get used to living without... living without
Living without you... by my F side
I don't want to live aClo-o-o-one
God G knows
F Got to make it on C my own

Verse 4
So baby can't you G see
F I've got to bre-C-eak free
I've got to break free
I want to bre-e-eak free yeah
I want... I want... I want... I want to break free
C cha-cha-cha

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 Dsus4 1 1 1 D

I Will Survive [Am]Gloria Gaynor

The whole song uses the same chord progression below
Am      Dm7  G  Cmaj7
Fmaj7 Bm7  E  E7

Intro - single strums
At Am first I was afraid I was Dm7 petrified
Kept thinkin' G I could never live without you Cmaj7 by my side
But then I Fmaj7 spent so many nights, thinkin'
Bm7 How you did me wrong... and I grew E strong... and I learned
E7 how to get along

Verse 1
And so you're Am back... from outer Dm7 space
I just walked G in to find you here with that sad Cmaj7 look upon your face
I should have Fmaj7 changed that stupid lock, I should have Bm7 made you leave your key
If I'd've E known for just one second you'd be E7 back to bother me

Verse 2
Go on now Am go... walk out the Dm7 door
Just turn aGround now... 'cause you're not Cmaj7 welcome anymore
Fmaj7 Weren't you the one who tried to Bm7 hurt me with goodbye
Did I E crumble... Did you think I'd E7 lay down and die?

Oh no, not Am I... I will surDm7vive
Oh as G long as I know how to love I Cmaj7 know I'll stay alive
I've got Fmaj7 all my life to live... I've got Bm7 all my love to give
And I'll surEvive... I will surE7vive... Hey Am hey Dm G Cmaj7
Fmaj7 Bm7 E E7

Verse 3
It took Am all the strength I had... not to Dm7 fall apart
Kept trying' G hard to mend the pieces of my Cmaj7 broken heart
And I spent Fmaj7 oh so many nights just feeling Bm7 sorry for myself
I used to E cry... but now I E7 hold my head up high

Verse 4
And you see Am me... somebody Dm7 new
I'm not that G chained up little person still in Cmaj7 love with you
And so you Fmaj7 felt like droppin' in and just exBm7pect me to be free
Now I'm E savin' all my lovin' for someE7one who's lovin' me

Verse 5
Go on now Am go... walk out the Dm7 door
Just turn aGround now... 'cause you're not Cmaj7 welcome anymore
Fmaj7 Weren't you the one who tried to Bm7 hurt me with goodbye
Did I E crumble... did you think I'd E7 lay down and die?

Oh no, not Am I... I will surDm7vive
Oh as G long as I know how to love I Cmaj7 know I'll stay alive
I've got Fmaj7 all my life to live... I've got Bm7 all my love to give
And I'll surEvive... I will surE7vive... Hey Am hey Dm G Cmaj7
Fmaj7 Bm7 E E7

then end on Am – single strum

2 Am 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 G 2 Cmaj7 1 2 3 4 Fmaj7 1 1 1 1 Bm7 1 2 E 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Dm

I do I do [G]ABBA

Intro + Kazoo
G7 G7 C G7

Verse 1
LoCve G me or leaCve me, make your chA7oice but believe Dm me, I love G you
I G7 do, I do, I do, I do, C I do G7
C I caGn't concCeal it, don't you A7 see, can't you Dm feel it? Don't you G too?
I G7 do, I do, I do, I do, C I do

Oh, Gm I've been C7 dreaming through my F lonely Dm past
D Now I just maD7de it, I Dm found you at G7 last

Verse 2
So come C on, G now let's C try it, I love A7 you, can't deDmny it 'Cos it's G true
I G7 do, I do, I do, I do, C I do G7

Intro + Kazoo
G7 G7 C G7

Instrumental Verse + Kazoo
C G C A7 Dm G G7 C G7

Oh, Gm no hard C7 feelings between F you and Dm me
D If we can't maD7ke it, but Dm just wait and G7 see

Verse 3
So C come on, G now let's C try it, I love A7 you, can't deDmny it 'Cos it's trGue
I G7 do, I do, I do, I do, C I do. G7

Outro + Kazoo
G7 G7 C C

G* C*

1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 1 C7 1 2 F 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7

I don’t want to miss a thing [D]Aerosmith

I could D stay awake A just to hear you Bm breathing,
Watch you G smile while you are D sleeping,
While you are Em far away and A dreaming,
I could D spend my life A in this sweet sur-Bm render,
I could G stay lost in this D moment forEm ever,
Every moment F#m spent with G you is a moment
I Asus4 treasure A

D I don't wanna A close my eyes Em
I don't wanna fall asleep,
Cause I G miss you baby,
And I A don't wanna miss a thingD
Cause even when I A dream of you Em
The sweetest dream will never do,
I still G miss you baby
And I A don't wanna miss a thingD

A Em

Lying D close to you A feeling your heart Bm beating,
And I G wondering what you are D dreaming,
Wondering Em if it's me you are A seeing,
Then I D kiss your eyes and A thank God we're Bm together,
I just want to F#m stay with G you in this moment
for Asus4 ever, A forever and ever


And I don't wanna C miss one smile,
I don't wanna G miss one kiss,
I just want to Bb be with you right here with you,
Right here F just like this,
I just want to C hold you close,
I feel your heart so G close to mine
And just Dm stay here in this moment,
For all the Asus4 rest of time,
A yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeeeaaah

Chorus x2

D I don't wanna A close my eyes, Em
I don't wanna fall asleep, Gyeah
And I don’t wanna Amiss a thingD

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 F#m 2 3 Asus4 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm

I made you look [C]Meghan Trainor

I could have my C Gucci on
I could have my  wear my E7 Louis Am Vuitton
But even with F nothin' on
G Bet I made you C look I made you look

C I'll make you double take soon as I walk away
Call up your chiropractor just in case your neck breaks
F Ooh, tell me G what you, what you what you gon' C do, ooh
C 'Cause I'm 'bout to make a sceen, double up the sunscreen
C I'm about to turn the heat up, gonna make your glasses steam
F Ooh, tell me G what you what you what you gon' C do, ooh

When I do my Am walk, walk oh
I can guarantee your jaw will C drop, drop oh
'Cause they dont make a lot of what I D got, got ah, ah
Ladies if you feel me, this your G bop, F bop bop-bop-bop

I could have my C Gucci on Gucci on
I could have wear my E7Louis Am Vuitton
But even with F nothin' on
G Bet I made you I made you C look I made you look
C Yeah, I look good in my Versace dress take it off
But I'm hotter when my E7 morning hair's a Am mess
'Cause even with my F hoodie on
G Bet I made you C look I made you look

C And once you get a taste woo, you'll never be the same
C This aint that ordinary, it's that 14 karat cake
F Ooh, tell me G what you what you , what you gon' C do ooh
what you gon'do, ooh, ooh

When I do myAm walk, walk oh
I can guarantee your jaw will C drop, drop oh I guarantee your jaw will drop, drop
'Cause they dont make a lot of what I D got, got ah, ah
Ladies if you feel me, this your G bop, bop F bop-bop-bop

Oh, I could have my C Gucci on Gucci on
I could have wear my E7 Louis Am Vuitton
But even with F nothin' on
G Bet I made you I made you C look I made you look
C Yeah, I look good in my Versace dress take it off, baby
But I'm hotter when my E7 morning hair's a Am mess
'Cause even with my F hoodie on
G Bet I made you C look said, I made you look

3 C 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D

I'll Tell Me Ma [C]Traditional

C G7 C//

I'll C tell me ma when F  I get C home
The G7 boys won't leave the C girls alone
They pull my hair and F stole my C comb
But G7 that's alright til C I go home
C She is handsome, F she is pretty
C She is the Belle of G7 Belfast city
C She is court n' F one F two F three
C Please won't you G7 tell me C who is she

C Albert Mooney F says he C loves her
G7 All the boys are C fightin' for her
They knock on her door and F ring on her C bell sayin'
G7 "Oh my true love C are you well?"
C Out she comes as F white as snow
C Rings on her fingers, G7 bells on her toes
C Old Jenny Murphy F says she'll die
If she C doesn't get the G7 fella with the C rovin' eye

I'll C tell me ma when F  I get C home
The G7 boys won't leave the C girls alone
They pull my hair and F stole my C comb
But G7 that's alright til C I go home
C She is handsome, F she is pretty
C She is the Belle of G7 Belfast city
C She is court n' F one F two F three
C Please won't you G7 tell me C who is she

Let the C wind and the rain and the F hail blow C high
And the G7 snow come shovellin' C from the sky
C She's as sweet as F apple C pie
And G7 she'll get her own lad C by and by
C When she gets a F lad of her own
She C won't tell her ma when G7 she gets home
C Let them all come F as they will
Cos it's C AlbertG7  Mooney C she loves still

I'll C tell me ma when F  I get C home
The G7 boys won't leave the C girls alone
They pull my hair and F stole my C comb
But G7 that's alright til C I go home
C She is handsome, F she is pretty
C She is the Belle of G7 Belfast city
C She is court n' F one F two F three
C Please won't you G7 tell me C// who is she.

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F

I'm In The Mood for Dancing [C]The Nolan Sisters

Intro G Bm C Am D x2

Verse 1
G I'm in the mood for Bm dancing romCancing ooh I'm Am giving it D all tonight
G I'm in the mood for Bm chancing I feel like C dancing
Ooh so Am come on and D hold me tight
C Dancing dancing I'm in the mood babe D so let the music play
Ooh I'm C dancing dancing I'm in the groove babe
D So get on up and let your body sway

Verse 2 key change
Bb I'm in the mood for Dm dancing romEbancing you know I Cm shan't ever F stop tonight
Bb I'm in the mood for Dm chancing I feel like Eb dancing ooh from my Cm head to my F toes
Dm Take me agEbain and Dm heaven who Cm knows
Just Eb where it will F end

So Bb dance yeah let's Dm dance come on and Eb dance Cm F
Bb Dance yeah let's Dm dance come on and Eb dance Cm F

Verse 3 original key
G I'm in the mood for Bm dancing romCancing ooh I'm Am giving it D all tonight
G I'm in the mood for Bm chancing I feel like C dancing so Am come on and D hold me tight
C Dancing dancing just feel the beat babe D that's all you gotta do
I can't stop C dancing dancing so move your feet babe
'Cos D honey when I get up close to you

Verse 4 key change
Bb I'm in the mood for Dm dancing romEbancing you know I Cm shan't ever F stop tonight
Bb I'm in the mood Dm I'm in the mood I'm in the Eb mood
To Bb dance yeah let's Dm dance come on let's Eb dance Cm I'm in the F mood so baby Bb dance

Yeah Dm dance come on and Eb dance let's dance Cm I'm in the F mood so baby Bb dance
Yeah let's Dm dance come on and Eb dance Cm I'm in the F mood to take a Bb chance
Yeah let's Dm dance come on and Eb dance Cm I'm in the F mood so baby Bb daaaaance

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 3 C 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 Eb 1 1 1 Cm 1 2 F

I'm On My Way [G]The Proclaimers


Verse 1
G I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
Aha aha aha aha
D I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
Aha aha aha aha
G I'm on my way to Cwhat I want from this world
G And years from now you'll Cmake it to the next world
G And everything that Cyou receive up yonder
G Is what you gave to Dme the day I wandered

Verse 2
G I took a right, I took a right turning yesterday
Aha aha aha aha, yeah
DI took a right, I took a right turning yesterday
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
G I took the road that Cbrought me to your home town
G I took the bus to Cstreets that I could walk down
G I walked the streets to Cfind the one I'd looked for
G I climbed the stair that Dled me to your front door

C And now that DI don't want for GanythingG
CI'd have Al JolsDon sing I'm Gsitting on top of the Dworld

Verse 3
G I'll do my best, I'll do my best to do the best I can
Aha aha aha aha, yeah
DI'll do my best, I'll do my best to do the best I can
Haah haah haah ha
G To keep my feet from Cjumping from the ground, dear
G To keep my heart from Cjumping through my mouth, dear
G To keep the past, the Cpast and not the present
G To try and learn when Dyou teach me a lesson

C And now that DI don't want for GanythingG
CI'd have Al JolsDon sing I'm Gsitting on top of the Dworld

Verse 4
G I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
Aha aha aha aha, yeah
DI'm on my way from misery to happiness today
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
G I'm on my way to Cwhat I want from this world
G And years from now you'll Cmake it to the next world
G And everything that Cyou receive up yonder
G Is what you gave to Cme the day I wandered
G I'm on my way to Cwhat I want from this world
G And years from now you'll Cmake it to the next world
G And everything that Cyou receive up yonder
G Is what you gave to Dme the day I wandered

G I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I'm on my way

Fade Out
G I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I'm on my way

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C

I'm Yours [C]Jason Mraz (Island Strum DD, UU, DU)

C  G  Am  F

CWell you done done me, and you bet I felt it
I Gtried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I Amfell right through the cracks
And now I'm Ftrying to get back
Before the Ccool done run out I'll be givin' it my bestest
And Gnothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I Amreckon it's again my turn
To Fwin some or learn some

But CI won't hesi-G-tate No more, noAm more
It can--not Fwait I'm yours

C  G Am  F

CWell open up your mind and see like Gme Open up your plans and damn you're Amfree
Look into your heart and you'll find FLove, love, love, love
CListen to the music of the moment people dance and Gsing
We're just one big fam-Am-ily, it's Your godforsaken right to be
FLoved, loved, loved, loved LovedD

But CI won't hesi-G-tate No more, noAm more
It can--not Fwait I'm yours

C  G Am  F

Verse 3
CI've been spending way too long Checking my tongue in the mirror
GAnd bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My Ambreath fogged up the glass
And so I Fdrew a new face and I laughed
CI guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
GTo rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
AmIt's what we aim to do
Our Fname is our virtue

But CI won't hesi-G-tate No more, noAm more
It can--not Fwait I'm yours

C  G Am  F  C

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 1 1 D

I'm a Believer [G]The Monkeys

G7**C** Then Riff

G I thought love was D only true in G fairy tales
G Meant for someone D else but not for G me. G7
C Love was out to G get me  Do,do,do,do
C That's the way it G seemed Do,do,do,do
C Disappointment G haunted all my D dreams.

NC Then I saw her G face, C G  now I'm a G believer! C G
Not a G trace C G of doubt in my G mind. C G
I'm in G* love,  C* oooh
I'm a be G liever! I couldn't F leave her if I Dtried D*.

G I thought love was D more or less a G given thing,
G Seems the more I D gave the less I G got G7
C What's the use in G trying? Do,do,do,do
C All you get is G pain Do,do,do,do
C When I needed G sunshine I got D rain.

NC Then I saw her G face, C G  now I'm a G believer! C G
Not a G trace C G  of doubt in my G mind. C G
I'm in G* love,  C* oooh
I'm a be G liever! I couldn't F leave her if I Dtried D*.

GDGG riff plays during this section

C Love was out to G get me, Do,do,do,do
C That's the way it G seemed Do,do,do,do
C Disappointment G haunted all my D dreams.

NC Then I saw her G face, C G  now I'm a G believer! C G
Not a G trace C G  of doubt in my G mind. C G
I'm in G* love,  C* oooh
I'm a be G liever! I couldn't F leave her if I D tried.

Sing higher
Then I saw her G face, C G  now I'm a G believer! C G
Not a G trace C G  of doubt in my G mind. C G
I'm a G believer!
CI'm a belGieverCG
fade out
Said CIm a beGliever - Echo - CIm a belGiever-
Said CIm a beGliever - Echo -C Im a beGliever-

riff comes in here then all finish on.. G*

1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D × × × × NC 1 2 F

I'm on the Top of the World [C]The Carpenters

Intro C

Verse 1
C Such a feelin's G7 comin' over C me
There is Em wonder in most every G7 thing I C see C7
Not a F cloud in the G7 sky
Got the Em sun in my A eyes
And I... Dm won't be surprised if it's a G7 dream

Verse 2
C Everything I G7 want the world to C be
Is now Em coming true especial G7 ly for C me C7
And the F reason is G7 clear
It's be Em cause you are A here
You're the Dm nearest thing to heaven that I've G7 seen

I'm on the... C top of the C7 world lookin'... F down on creation
And the C only expla G7 nation I can C find C7
Is the F love that I've G7 found ever C since you've been a F round
Your love's C put me at the G7 top of the C world

Verse 3
C Something in the G7 wind has learned my C name
And it's Em tellin' me that things are G7 not the C same C7
In the F leaves on the G7 trees and the Em touch of the A breeze
There's a Dm pleasin' sense of happiness for G7 me

Verse 4
C There is only G7 one wish on my C mind
When this Em day is through I hope that G7 I will C find C7
That to F morrow will G7 be just the Em same for you and A me
All I Dm need will be mine if you are G7 here

I'm on the... C top of the C7 world lookin'... F down on creation
And the C only expla G7 nation I can C find C7
Is the F love that I've G7 found ever C since you've been a F round
Your love's C put me at the G7 top of the C world
Your love's C put me at the G7 top of the

C na na-na na na, na na-na na-na, na na-na na-na na! G C

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Em 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 A 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G

If Tomorrow Never Comes [C]Garth Brooks

Verse 1
C Sometimes late at Dm night G I lie awake and watch her F sleep-Cing F C
She's G lost in peaceful F dreams
So I turn G out the light and F lay there in the C dark
And a thought crosses my Dm mind  G
if I never wake in the F mor-Cning  F C
G Would she ever F doubt
The G way I feel a-Fbout her in my C heart  F C

If tomorrow never F comes, will she know how much I C loved F her C
Did I try in every G way
to F show her every-Gday, that F she's my only C one  F C
If my time on earth were F through
She must face this world Am without me
Is the love I gave her in the F past, gonna be enough to G last
if to-Fmorrow never C comes G F C

Verse 2
Cause I've lost love ones in my Dm life G
who never knew how much I F loved C them  F C
Now I G live with the reFgret
that my true G feelings for them F never were C revealed  F C
So I made a promise to my-Dmself
G To say each day how much she F means to C me  F C
and G avoid that circum-Fstance where there's no G second chance
to F tell her how I C feel G F C

If tomorrow never F comes, will she know how much I C loved F her C
Did I try in every G way
to F show her every-Gday, that F she's my only C one  F C
If my time on earth were F through
She must face this world Am without me
Is the love I gave her in the F past, gonna be enough to G last
if to-Fmorrow never C comes G F C

So tell that someone that Dm you love
just what you're thinking G of
if tomorrow never C comes- G F C

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am

Iko Iko [F]


Verse 1
F My grandma and your grandma Were sittin' by the C fire
My grandma told your grandma I'm gonna set your flag on F fire

Talkin' 'bout F Hey now hey now hey now hey now
Iko iko unCday whoa-oh-oh Jockamo feeno ai nané Jockamo fee naFné

Verse 2
F Look at my king all dressed in red Iko iko unCday
I betcha five dollars he'll kill you dead Jockamo fee naFné

Talkin' 'bout F Hey now hey now hey now hey now
Iko iko unCday whoa-oh-oh Jockamo feeno ai nané Jockamo fee naFné

Verse 3
F My flag boy to your flag boy, Were sittin' by the C fire
My flag boy told your flag boy I'm gonna set your tail on F fire

Talkin' 'bout F Hey now hey now hey now hey now
Iko iko unCday whoa-oh-oh Jockamo feeno ai nané Jockamo fee naFné

Verse 4
F See that guy all dressed in green? Iko iko unCday
He's not a man, he's a lovin' machine Jockamo fee naFné

Talkin' 'bout F Hey now hey now hey now hey now
Iko iko unCday whoa-oh-oh Jockamo feeno ai nané Jockamo fee naFné
Talkin' 'bout F Hey now hey now hey now hey now
Iko iko unCday whoa-oh-oh Jockamo feeno ai nané Jockamo fee naFné

1 2 F 3 C

In Spite of Ourselves [C]John Prine & Iris DeMent

CShe don't like her eggs all runny, CShe thinks crossin' her legs is funny
FShe looks down her nose at money, CGets it on like the Easter Bunny,
GShe's my baby, I'm her honey, Gnever gonna let her go.C

CHe ain't got laid in a month of Sundays,
Ccaught him once he was sniffing my undies
FHe ain't too sharp but he gets things done, Cdrinks his beer like it's oxygen
GHe's my baby, and I'm his honey, Gnever gonna let him Cgo

CIn spite of ourFselves, we'll end up sittin' on a Crainbow
Against all Godds, honey we're the big door Cprize,
we’re gonna Fspite our noses right off of our Cfaces,
There won't be Cnothing but big old Ghearts dancing in our Ceyes.

CShe thinks all my jokes are corny, CConvict movies make her horny,
FShe likes ketchup on her scrambled eggs, Cswears like a sailor when she shaves her legs.
Gtakes a lickin', and keeps on tickin', never gonna let her goC

CHe's got more balls than a big brass monkey,
CHe's a whacked out weirdo and a lovebug junkie
FSly as a fox, crazy as a loon, Cpayday comes and he's a-howling at the moon,
GHe's my baby, I don't mean maybe, never gonna let him Cgo

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Into the Groove [C]Madonna

Am G F

Am Get inGto the grFoove, boy, yoGu've got to prAmove your loGve to mFe, G yeah!
Am Get up G on your feet, F yeah, step G to the beat, Am boy, what G will it be. F G

Verse 1
Am Music can be such a F reveGlation,
Am dancing around you feel the F sweet senGsation.
Am  We might be lovers, if the F rhythm's G right,
Am I hope this feeling never F ends toGnight.

Am Only when I'm dancing can I feel F this free. G
Am At night I lock the doors, where no F one else can G see,
I'm Am tired of dancing here all F by myGself.
Am Tonight I wanna dance with F someone G else.


Verse 2
Gonna get to Am know you in a F special G way.
this doesn't hapAmpen to me F every G day.
Am Don't try to hide it, love wears F no disgGuise,
Am I see the fire burning in F your eyGes.

Am Only when I'm dancing can I feFel this frGee.
Am At night I lock the doors, where no F one else can G see,
I'm Am tired of dancing here all F by myGself.
Am Tonight I wanna dance with someFone else. G

Am Get inGto the grFoove, boy, yoGu've got to prAmove your loGve to F me, G yeah!
Am Get up G on your feet, F yeah, step G to the beat, Am boy, what G will it be. F G

G Live out your F fantasy here with G me
Just let the F music set you G free
Touch my F body, and move in G time
Now I F know youre mine
Youve got to

Chorus x2


2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Ireland's Call [G]Phil Coulter

GCome the day and Ccome the Ghour
Come the power and the CglorDy
We have Gcome to Canswer
Our G Country's caCll
From the Gfour Cproud Dprovinces of GIreland

GIreland, CIreland
GTogether stanCding Dtall
GShoulder to Cshoulder
GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

Verse 2
GFrom the mighty CGlens of GAntrim
From the rugged hills of CGalDway
From the Gwalls of CLimerick
To G DubliCn Bay
From the Gfour Cproud Dprovinces of GIreland

GIreland, CIreland
GTogether stanCding Dtall
GShoulder to Cshoulder
GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

Verse 2
GHearts of steel and Cheads unGbowing
Vowing never to be CbrokDen
We will fGight, until Cwe
Can G fight noC more
From the Gfour Cproud Dprovinces of GIreland

GIreland, CIreland
GTogether stanCding Dtall
GShoulder to Cshoulder
GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Ireland's Call [G]Phil Coulter


Verse 1
G Come the day and C come the G hour
Come the power and the C glor-Gy
We have G come to C answer
Our Em Country's C call
From the G four C proud D provinces of G Ire-land

G Ireland, C Ireland
G Together Em standing D tall
G Shoulder to C shoulder
We'll G answer D Ireland's G call


Verse 2
G From the mighty C Glens of G Antrim
From the rugged hills of C Gal-Gway
From the G walls of C Limerick
And Em Dublin C Bay
From the G four C proud D provinces of G Ire-land

G Ireland, C Ireland
G Together Em standing D tall
G Shoulder to C shoulder
We'll G answer D Ireland's G call


Verse 3
G Hearts of steel and C heads un-Gbowing
Vowing never to be C bro-Gken
We will G fight, un-Ctil we
Can Em fight no C more
From the G four C proud D provinces of G Ire-land

G Ireland, C Ireland
G Together Em standing D tall
G Shoulder to C shoulder
We'll G answer D Ireland's G call

G G Key Change A A

A Ireland, D Ireland
A Together standing E7 tall
A Shoulder to D shoulder
We'll A answer E7 Ireland's A call

We'll A answer E7 Ireland's A/////////// call

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7

Iris [D]The Goo Goo Dolls

And I’d Dgive up forAsus4ever to Gtouch you
‘Cause I Bm7 know that you Asus4feel me someGhow
You’re the Dclosest to Asus4Heaven that GI’ll ever be
And I Bm7don’t want to Asus4go home right Gnow

‘Cause Dall I can Asus4taste is this Gmoment
And Bm7all I can Asus4breathe is your Glife
And Dsooner or Asus4later it’s Gover
I just Bm7don’t want to Asus4miss you toGnight

And I Bm7don’t want the Asus4world to Gsee me
‘Cause I Bm7don’t think that Asus4they’d underGstand
When Bm7everything’s Asus4meant to be Gbroken
I just Bm7want you to Asus4know who I Gam

Bm7 D G x2

And you Dcan’t fight the Asus4tears that ain’t Gcomin’
Or the Bm7moment of Asus4truth in your Glies
When Deverything Asus4feels like the Gmovies
Yeah, you Bm7bleed just to Asus4know you’re aGlive

And I Bm7don’t want the Asus4world to Gsee me
‘Cause I Bm7don’t think that Asus4they’d underGstand
When Bm7everything’s Asus4meant to be Gbroken
I just Bm7want you to Asus4know who I Gam

Bm7 D G x2

And I Bm7don’t want the Asus4world to Gsee me
‘Cause I Bm7don’t think that Asus4they’d underGstand
When Bm7everything’s Asus4meant to be Gbroken
I just Bm7want you to Asus4know who I Gam

1 1 1 D 2 3 Asus4 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 1 Bm7

Islands in the Stream [C]Kenny Rodgers and Dolly Parton

C F-C x2

Verse 1
C Baby when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth C7 comb
I was F soft inside
There was somethin' going C on F-C
C You do something to me that I can't explain
Hold me closer and I feel no C7 pain
Every F beat of my heart
We got somethin' goin C on C

Tender love is F blind
It requires a dedication
Fm All this love we feel needs no conversation
We C ride it together, ah-ah
Makin' love with each other, ah-ah

Islands C in the stream
That is F what we are
No one Dm in between
How can we be wrong?
Sail a-Cway with me to a-Fnother world
And we re-Cly on each other, ah-ah
From one Dm lover to another, ah-Cah

Verse 2
C I can't live without you if the love is gone
Everything is nothin' if you C7 got no one
And you just F walk in the night
Slowly losing sight of the C real thing F-C
But C that wont happen to us and we got no doubt
Too deep in love and we C7 got no way out
And the F message is clear
This could be the year for the C real thing C

No more will you F cry
Baby I will hurt you never
Fm We start and end as one
In love forever
We C ride it together, ah-ah
Makin' love with each other, ah-ah

Islands C in the stream
That is F what we are
No one Dm in between
How can we be wrong?
Sail a-Cway with me to a-Fnother world
And we re-Cly on each other, ah-ah
From one Dm lover to another, ah-Cah

F Ab C F-C  x3
F Ab C

3 C 1 2 F 1 C7 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Ab

It Must Be Love [Am]Madness

Am Am9 Am Am9

Verse 1
Am I never Am9 thought I’d miss you
Am Half as Am9 much... as I G do Gsus4 G Gsus4
Am And I never Am9 thought I’d feel this Am way
The way I Am9 feel... about G you Gsus4 G Gsus4

Em As soon as I A7 wake up... every Dm night, every E7 day
Am I know that it’s Am7 you I need
To Am7 take the blues away D

G It must be Bm love...love... C love C-D
G It must be Bm love...love... C love C-D
C* Nothing more D* Nothing less C* Love is the best

Am Am9 Am Am9

Verse 2
Am How can it Am9 be that we can
Am Say so Am9 much without G words Gsus4 G Gsus4
Am Bless you and Am9 bless me
Am Bless the Am9 bees... and the G birds Gsus4 G Gsus4

Em I’ve got to be A7 near you... every Dm night, every E7 day
Am I couldn’t be Am7 happy
Am7 Any other way D

G It must be Bm love...love... C love C-D
G It must be Bm love...love... C love C-D
C* Nothing more D* Nothing less C* Love is the best

Am Am9 Am Am9
G Gsus4 G Gsus4
Am Am9 Am Am9
G Gsus4 G Gsus4

Em As soon as I A7 wake up... every Dm night, every E7 day
Am I know that it’s Am7 you I need
To Am7 take the blues away D

G It must be Bm love...love... C love C-D
G It must be Bm love...love... C love C-D
C* Nothing more D* Nothing less C* Love is the best

2 Am 2 4 Am9 1 2 3 G 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 3 Em 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 Am7 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 3 C

It Must Have Been Love [C]Roxette

C Must have been love C C
But it's F over now F F

Verse 1
Lay a C whisper on my pillow
leave the F winter on the G ground
I wake up C lonely, this air of F silence
in the Dm bedroom and all G around
Touch me Am now, I close my C eyes and dream F away G

Chorus 1
It must have been C love, but it's over F now
It must have been Dm good, but I Am lost it some G how
It must have been C love but it's over F now
From the moment we Dm touched till the Am time had run G out

Verse 2
Make C believing, we're together
that I'm F sheltered by your G heart
But in and C outside I've turned to F water
like a Dm teardrop in your G palm
And it’s a Am hard, winter's C day, I dream F away G

Chorus 2
It must have been C love, but it's over F now
It was all that I Dm wanted, now I'm Am living with-Gout
It must have been C love but it's over Gm now
It's where the C water flows
It's where the Bb wind blows

Dm C Bb Dm
F C Bb Dm

Key Change

Chorus 3
It must have been F love, but it's over Bb now Must have been love
It must have been Gm good, but I Dm lost it some C how
It must have been F love but it's over Bb now Must have been love
from the moment we Gm touched till the Dm time had run C out

It must have been F love, but it's over Bb now Must have been love
It was all that I Gm wanted, now I'm Dm living C without
It must have been F love but it's over Cm now
It's where the F water flows F
it's where the Eb wind blows Eb

Oh ohhhhhhhhhh F

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 1 Cm 1 1 1 Eb

It's Raining Men [Dm]The Weather Girls

Dm Dm

Verse 1
Dm Humidity's rising Hmmm! Rising!  Dm Barometer's getting low How low, girl?
According to our sources What sources now?  The A street's the place to go We better hurry up!
Dm 'Cause tonight for the first time first time Gm Just about half past ten
Asus4 For the first time in A history It's Asus4 gonna start raining A men Start raining men A*

It's raining Bb men HalleClujah, It's raining Asus4 men A-Dmmen
I'm gonna Bb go out I'm gonna Gm let myself get Asus4 absolutely A soaking wet A*
It's raining men Bb HalleClujah, It's raining  Asus4 men  every Dm specimen
Bb Tall, blonde, Gm dark and lean Asus4 Rough and tough and A strong and mean A

Bb God bless Mother C Nature A She's a single Dm woman too
Bb She took over C heaven A And she did what she Dm had to do
Bb She fought every C angel, A she rearranged the Dm sky
So that Gm each and every Bb woman
Could A find the perfect A guy A*

It's raining men Dm Yeah!

Verse 2
Dm Humidity is rising Dm Barometer's getting low
Dm According to our sources A The street's the place to go
Dm 'Cause tonight for the first time first time Gm Just about half past ten
Asus4 For the first time in A history Asus4 It's gonna start raining A men Start raining men A*

It's raining Bb men HalleClujah It's raining A men  A-Dmmen
It's raining Bb men HalleClujah It's raining A men  A-Dmmen
It's raining Bb men HalleClujah It's raining A men  A-Dmmen
It's raining Bb men HalleClujah It's raining A men  A-Dmmen
Dm Humidity's rising ... Dm

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 2 3 Gm 2 3 Asus4 1 2 3 Bb 3 C

Its The End Of The World As We Know It [G]REM

Verse 1
G That's great, it starts with an Cmaj7 earthquake,
birds and snakes, an G aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is Cmaj7 not afraid.
G Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
Cmaj7 world serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs.
G Feed it up a knock, speed, grunt no, strength no.
Cmaj7 Ladder structure clatter with fear of height, down height.
Bb Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
in a Am government for hire and a combat site.

Verse 2
G Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies breathing Cmaj7 down your neck.
G Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop.
Look at that Cmaj7 low plane!  Fine then.
G Uh oh, overflow, population, common group, but Cmaj7 it'll do.
Save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its G own needs, listen to your heart bleed.
Tell me with the Cmaj7 rapture and the reverent in the right - right.
You Bb vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, Am feeling pretty psyched.

It's the G end of the D world as Am we know it
It's the G end of the D world as Am we know it
It's the G end of the D world as Am we know it and I feel fine C

Verse 3
G Six o'clock - TV hour.  Don't get caught in foreign tower.
Slash Cmaj7 and burn, return, listen to yourself churn.
G Lock him in uniform and book burning, blood letting.
Every Cmaj7 motive escalate.  Automotive incinerate.
G Light a candle, light a motive.  Step down, step down.
Watch a Cmaj7 heel crush, crush.
Uh oh, this means G no fear - cavalier.  Renegade and steer clear!
Cmaj7  A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies.
Bb Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I Am decline.

It's the G end of the D world as Am we know it
It's the G end of the D world as Am we know it
It's the G end of the D world as Am we know it and I feel fine C

Verse 4
G The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide.
Mount Cmaj7 St. Edelite. Stop Leonard Bernstein.
G Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Cmaj7  Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom!
You Bb symbiotic, patriotic, slam, but neck, Am right?  Right.


G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 2 Cmaj7 1 2 3 Bb 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 D

I’ll Be Your Baby [G]Bob Dylan

Intro G

Close your Geyes... close the door
You don't have to Aworry any A7more
CI'll... be Dyour... baby toGnight D7

Shut the Glight, shut the shade
You don't Ahave to... be aA7fraid
CI'll... be Dyour... baby toGnight G7

Well, that Cmockingbird's gonna sail away
GWe're gonna forget it
That Abig, fat moon is gonna shine like a spoon
But D7we're gonna let it, you won't regret it

Kick your Gshoes off, do not fear
Bring that Abottle over A7here
CI'll...beDyour baby to-Gnight D7

Close your Geyes, close the door
You don't have to Aworry any A7more
CI'll... be Dyour... baby toGnight D7

Shut the Glight, shut the shade
You don't Ahave to... be aA7fraid
CI'll... be Dyour... baby toGnight G7

Well, that Cmockingbird's gonna sail away
GWe're gonna forget it
That Abig, fat moon is gonna shine like a spoon
But D7we're gonna let it, you won't regret it

Kick your Gshoes off, do not fear
Bring that Abottle over A7here
CI'll... beDyour baby to-Gnight G7

CI'll... be D7your baby to-Gnight G7
CI'll... be D7your baby to-Gnight G - cha-cha-cha

1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 A7 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7

I’ll Be Your Baby [G]Bob Dylan


Verse 1
G Close your G eyes… close the door
You don't have to A worry any A7 more
C I'll... be D your… baby toGnight D7

Verse 2
Shut the G light, shut the shade
You don't A have to… be aA7fraid
C I'll… be D your… baby toGnight G7

Well, that C mockingbird's gonna sail away
G We're gonna forget it
That A big, fat moon is gonna shine like a spoon
But D7* we're gonna let it, D7* you won't regret it

Verse 3
Kick your G shoes off, do not fear
Bring that A bottle over A7 here
C I'll... be D your baby to-Gnight D7

Verse 4
Close your G eyes, close the door
You don't have to A worry any A7 more
C I'll... be D your… baby toGnight D7

Verse 5
Shut the G light, shut the shade
You don't A have to… be aA7fraid
C I'll… be D your… baby toGnight G7

Well, that C mockingbird's gonna sail away
G We're gonna forget it
That A big, fat moon is gonna shine like a spoon
But D7* we're gonna let it, D7* you won't regret it

Verse 6
Kick your G shoes off, do not fear
Bring that A bottle over A7 here
C I'll... be D your baby to-Gnight G7

C I'll... be D7 your baby to-Gnight G7
C I'll... be D7 your baby to-Gnight G

1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 A7 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7

I’ll Fly Away [C]Alison Krauss


Verse 1
C Some bright morning, when this life is over
F I'll fly a C way
To that home on God's celestial shore
G7 I'll fly a C way

C I'll fly away, oh, C7 glory
F I'll fly a C way in the morning
When I die, hallelujah, by and by G I'll fly a C way

Verse 2
C When the shadows of this life have gone
F I'll fly a C way
Like a bird from these prison bars I’ll fly
G I'll fly a C way

C I'll fly away, oh, C7 glory
F I'll fly a C way in the morning
When I die, hallelujah, by and by G I'll fly a C way

Verse 3
C Oh how glad and happy when we meet
F I'll fly a C way
No more cold iron shackles on my feet
G I'll fly a C way

C I'll fly away, oh, C7 glory
F I'll fly a C way in the morning
When I die, hallelujah, by and by G I'll fly a C way

Verse 4
C Just a few more weary days and then
F I'll fly a C way
To a land where joys will never end
G I'll fly a C way


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 3 G

I’ll Fly Away [G]Alison Krauss

Intro – Verse instrumental

GSome bright morning when this life is over
CI’ll fly aGway
GTo that home on God’s celestial shore
GI’ll-D-ll fly aGway

GI’ll-ll fly away oh glory
CI’ll-ll fly aGway, in the morning
GWhen I die hallelujah, by and by
GI’ll-D-ll fly aGway

GWhen the shadows of this life have gone
CI’ll fly aGway
GLike a bird from these prison walls I’ll fly
GI’ll-D-ll fly aGway


GOh how glad and happy when we meet
CI’ll fly aGway
GNo more cold iron shackles on my feet
GI’ll-D-ll fly aGway


GJust a few more weary days and then
CI’ll fly aGway
GTo a land where joys will never end
GI’ll-D-ll fly aGway


1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Johnny B Goode [A]Chuck Berry


Verse 1
Deep A down in Louisiana close to New Orleans
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens
There D stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
Where A lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode
Who E7 never ever learned to read or write so well,
But he could A play the UKULELE like a ringin’ a bell.

A Go go.....go Johnny go go go
Go Johnny go go go D
D Go Johnny go go A go
A Go Johnny go go E7 go..... Johnny B. A Goode...

Verse 2
He used to A put his UKULELE in a gunny sack and
Sit beneath a tree by the railroad track.
An D engineers could see him sitting in the shade
A strummin’ to the rhythm that the drivers made
E7 People passing by... they would stop and say
Oh A my but that little country boy can play.

A Go go.....go Johnny go go go
Go Johnny go go go D
D Go Johnny go go A go
A Go Johnny go go E7 go..... Johnny B. A Goode...

Verse 3
His A mother told him “someday you will be a man”
And you will be the leader of a Big Uke Jam
D Many, many people come from miles around to
A hear your UKULELE till the sun go down
E7 Maybe someday your name will be in lights
Sayin’ A ‘ Johnny B. Goode tonight’.

A Go go go go.....go Johnny go go go
Go Johnny go go go D
D Go Johnny go go A go
A Go Johnny go go E7 go..... Johnny B. A Goode...

Repeat Chorus

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Jolene [Am]Dolly Parton

Am Am Am Am

JoAmlene... JoClene... JoGlene... JoAmlene
I'm G begging of you please don't take my Am man
JoAmlene... JoClene... JoGlene... JoAmlene
G Please don't take him just because you Am can

Verse 1
Your Am beauty is beyCond compare with G flaming locks of Am auburn hair
With G ivory skin and eyes of emerald Am green
Your Am smile is like a C breath of spring... your G voice is soft like Am summer rain
And G I cannot compete with you JoAmlene

Verse 2
He Am talks about you C in his sleep...
and there's G nothing I can Am do to keep
From G crying when he calls your name JoAmlene
Now Am I can easily C understand how G you could easily
Am take my man
But you G don't know what he means to me JoAmlene

JoAmlene... JoClene... JoGlene... JoAmlene
I'm G begging of you please don't take my Am man
JoAmlene... JoClene... JoGlene... JoAmlene
G Please don't take him just because you Am can

Verse 3
Am You can have your C choice of men but G I could never
Am love again
G He's the only one for me JoAmlene
I Am had to have this C talk with you... my G happiness deAmpends on you
And whatGever you decide to do JoAmlene

JoAmlene... JoClene... JoGlene... JoAmlene
I'm G begging of you please don't take my Am man
JoAmlene... JoClene... JoGlene... JoAmlene
G Please don't take him just because you Am can

G Please don't take him just because you Am ca-a-a-a-an
Am - Double Strum

2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G

Jump [G]The Pointer Sisters


Verse 1
G Your eyes, F tell me how you G want me, I can F feel it in your G heart beat
I F know you like G what you see G G
G Hold me, I'll F give you all that G you need, F wrap your love arGound me
G You're so excited, I can feel you getting hotter oh baby

C I'll take you down, I'll take you F down where no one's ever gone before
Dm And if you want G more, if you want E7 more more more

A Jump!...for my love, jump in!...and feel my touch
Jump! If you want to taste my kisses in the night then jump, jump for my love
A Jump! I know my heart can make you happy jump in you know these arms can fill you up
A Jump, if you want to taste my kisses in the night then jump for my love


Verse 2
G You told me, I'm the F only woman G for you, noFbody does you G like I do
G Then make a move before I try to go much further, oh baby

C You are the one, you are the F one and heaven waits here at my door
Dm And if you want G more if you want E7 more, more, more then

A Jump!...for my love, jump in!...and feel my touch
Jump! If you want to taste my kisses in the night then jump, jump for my love
A Jump! I know my heart can make you happy jump in you know these arms can fill you up
A Jump, if you want to taste my kisses in the night then jump for my love

A When you are C next to me, oh F I come alive F
E7 Your love burns A inside A
F Feels so right
E7 Come to me if you want me A tonight

A Jump!...for my love, jump in!...and feel my touch
Jump! If you want to taste my kisses in the night then jump, jump for my love
A Jump!...for my love, jump in!...and feel my touch
Jump! If you want to taste my kisses in the night then jump, jump for my love
A Jump, jump for my love
A Jump, jump for my love


1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A

Jump [C]Van Halen

Keyboard Riff
NC x2


Verse 1
I get C up, and nothing gets me down. F G
You got it C tough, I've seen the toughest around. F G
And I C know, baby, just how you feel. F G
You've got to C roll with the punches to get to what's real F G

Verse 2
Oh, can't you Am see me standing here,
I've got my back against the record F machine
I ain't the worst that you've Dm seen.
Oh, can't you see what I G mean? G

Might as well C jump. Jump!
Might as well jump. F G
Go ahead, C jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump. F G

Verse 3
Aaa-ohh, hey C you! Who said that?
Baby, how you been? F G
You say you don't C know, you won't know
Until we begin. F G

Verse 4
Oh, can't Am you see me standing here,
I've got my back against the record F machine
I ain't the worst that you've Dm seen.
Oh, can't you see what I G mean? G

Might as well C jump. Jump!
Might as well jump. F G
Go ahead, C jump. Jump!
Go ahead, jump. F G

Keyboard Riff w/ bass
NC x2

Drum solo

Riff + C F G Jump!
Riff + C F G Jump!
Riff + C F G Jump!
Riff + C F G Jump!

C - Single Strum

× × × × NC 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm

Just A Little Bit [Dm]Liberty X

Dm Dm

Verse 1
Dm Sexy, everything about you so sexy
You don't even know what you Cm got
You really hit my Dm spot Oh yeah, yeah
And you're so innocent
Please don't take this wrong cos it's a compliment
I just wanna get with your Cm flow
You've gotta learn to let go Dm

*Oh baby, won't you

Dm Work it a little oh yeah, Get hot just a little, Meet in the middle
Let go, just a little bit Cm more
Gimme just a little bit Dm more Just a little, just a little

Verse 2
Dm Let me, I'll do anything if you just let me
Find a way to make you Cm explore
I know you wanna break down those Dm walls
Yeah yeah...and its so challenging
Getting close to you, what I'm imagining
I just wanna see you get Cm down
You gotta let it all Dm out

*Oh baby, won't you just

Chorus x2
Dm Work it a little oh yeah, Get hot just a little, Meet in the middle
Let go, just a little bit Cm more
Gimme just a little bit Dm more Just a little, just a little

Middle 8
Eb Its so exciting, the way your inviDmting me yeah
Eb Can't get enough, won't you satisfy Dm my needs

Chorus - Acapella
Work it a little, yeah
Hot just a little, Meet me in the middle
Let go, just a little bit more
Gimme just a little bit more Just a little bit more, just a little

Dm Work it a little, yeah, Hot just a little, Meet me in the middle
Let go, just a little bit Cm more
Gimme just a little bit Dm///////// more.

1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 Cm 1 1 1 Eb

Just Blew In From the Windy City [C]Doris Day(Webster & Fain)

Verse 1
C Just blew G in from the C windy G7 city
The Am windy city is Dm mighty pretty
But they G7 ain't got what E7 we Am got, no sirG7ee!

Verse 2
C They got G shacks up to C seven G7 stories
Am Never see any Dm mornin’ glories
But a G7 step from our E7 doorAmway
G7 We got 'em for C free!

Chorus 1
A They got bars, E7 op’ry stars
A They’ve got horses pullin’ E7 trolley cars
G Private lawns, Am public D7 parks
G For the F sake of Em ciDmvic virtue
C They've got Dm fountains Dm7 there that Bdim squirt you!

Verse 3
C Just blew G in from the C windy G7 city
The Am windy city is Dm mighty pretty
But they G7 ain't got what E7 we Am got, C7 I'm tellin' ya, F boys
We’ve Dm got more life in C Deadwood A7 City
Than in D7 all of G7 IlliCnois!

Verse 4
C Should-a G seen me a-C winder G7 shoppin'
Am Winder shoppin' with Dm eyes a-poppin'
At the G7 sights that you E7 see Am there, yes sirG7ee
C Press a G bell and a C moment G7 later
Am Up you go in an Dm elevator
Just as G7 fast as a E7 poleAmcat a-G7climbin' a C tree

Chorus 2
I A heard claim E7 hundreds came A to a thing they call a E7 baseball game
G Cigar stores, Am revolving D7 doors
G They got F new inEmventions Dm coming, C 'stead of Dm outdoor
Dm7 Indoor Bdim plumbing

Verse 5
C Just blew G in from the C windy G7 city
The Am windy city is Dm mighty pretty
But they G7 ain't got what E7 we Am got, I'm C7 tellin' ya, F boys
I Dm ain't a-swappin' C half of A7 Deadwood
For the D7 whole of G7 IlliCnois!

C - Double Strum

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 2 D7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 4 Dm7 Bdim 1 C7 1 A7

Killing Me Softly [Em]Roberta Flack

Chorus Single Strums
Em Strumming my pain with his Am fingers
D Singing my life with his G words
Em Killing me softly with A his song
Killing me D softly with C his song
Telling my G whole life with C his words
Killing me F softly... with his E7 song

Verse 1
Am I heard he D sang a good song
G I heard he C had a style
Am And so I D came to see him and Em listen for a while
Am And there he D was this young boy
G A stranger B7 to my eyes


Verse 2
Am I felt all D flushed with fever
G Embarrassed C by the crowd
Am I felt he D found my letters and Em read each one out loud
Am I prayed that D he would finish
G But he just B7 kept right on

Em Strumming my pain with his Am fingers
D Singing my life with his G words
Em Killing me softly with A his song
Killing me D softly with C his song
Telling my G whole life with C his words
Killing me F softly... with his E7 song

Verse 3
Am He sang as D if he knew me
G In all my C dark despair
Am And then he D looked right through me as Em if I wasn’t there
Am And he just D kept on singing
G Singing B7 clear and strong...


1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 B7

King of the Road [A]Roger Miller

A Trailers for Dsale or rent E7Rooms to let Afifty cents
No phone, no Dpool, no pets
E7 Ain't got no cigarettes, ah but

A Two hours of Dpushing broom buys an
E7 Eight by twelve Afour bit room,
I'm a Man of Dmeans by no means
E7 King of the Aroad

A Third boxcar Dmidnight train E7 Destination ABangor, Maine
Old worn out Dsuit and shoes
I E7don't pay no union dues, I smoke
A Old stogies DI have found
E7 Short, but not Atoo big around, I'm a
A Man of Dmeans by no means
E7 King of the Aroad

I know Aevery engineer on Devery train
E7All of their children Aall of their names And every handout in Devery town
E7Every lock that ain't locked when no one's around, I sing

A Trailers for Dsale or rent E7 Rooms to let Afifty cents
No phone, no Dpool, no pets E7 Ain't got no cigarettes, ah but

A Two hours of Dpushing broom buys an E7 Eight by twelve Afour bit room,
I'm a A Man of Dmeans by no means
E7 – E7-stop King of the road

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Kiss [E]Prince

E7 Riff Ha!

Verse 1
A A A A* Stop
You don't have to be A beautiful, to turn me on
I just need your A body baby, from dusk till dawn
You don't need ex-D-perience, to turn me out,
You just leave it all A up to me,
I'm gonna show you what it's all about

You don't have to be E7 rich, to be my girl
You don't have to be D cool, to rule my world
Ain't no particular E7 sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your D extra time and your
E7 Riff Kiss

Verse 2
A A A A* Stop
You got to not talk A dirty, baby, if you want to impress me
You can't be to A flirty, mama. I know how to undress me Yeah
I want to be your D fantasy, maybe you could be mine
You just leave it all A up to me, we could have a good time


Verse 3
A A A A* Stop
Women not A girls rule my world, I said they rule my world
Act your A age, mama not your shoe size, maybe we could do the twirl
You don't have to watch D Dynasty, to have an attitude
You just leave it all A up to me, my love will be your food Yeah

You don't have to be E7 rich, to be my girl
You don't have to be D cool, to rule my world
Ain't no particular E7 sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your D extra time and your
E7 Riff Kiss

A A A A* Stop
Cha cha cha!

1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 1 1 D

Kiss Me [D]Sixpence none the richer

D F#m D7 F#m x2

Verse 1
D Kiss me... F#m out of the bearded barley
D7 Nightly... F#m beside the green, green
D Grass… swing, swing... F#m swing the spinning step
D7 You wear those shoes and I will G wear that dress, oh…

Em Kiss A me
D Beneath the Bm milky twilight
Em Lead A me
D Out on the D7 moonlit Em floor
Lift your A open hand
D Strike up the F#m band and make the Bm fireflies dance
D7 Silver moon G sparkling
So kiss D me F#m D7 F#m

Verse 2
D Kiss me F#m down by the broken tree house
D7 Swing me F#m upon its hanging
D Tire… bring, bring… F#m bring your flowered hat
D7 We'll take the trail marked on your G father's map, oh...


Instrumental same style as chorus
Em A D Bm
Em A D D7

Em Kiss A me
D Beneath the Bm milky twilight
Em Lead A me
D Out on the D7 moonlit Em floor
Lift your A open hand
D Strike up the F#m band and make the Bm fireflies dance
D7 Silver moon G sparkling
So kiss D me F#m D7 F#m

So kiss Dme F#m D7F#m
So kiss Dme F#m D7F#m
D - Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Knock three times [D]Tony Orlando & Dawn

D G A A7

Verse 1
D Hey girl what ya doin down there
Dancing alone every night while I live right a A bove you
I can hear your music playing
I can feel your body swaying
One floor below me you dont even know me
I D love you

Oh my darling
G Knock three times on the ceiling if you D want me
A Twice on the pipe if the answer is D no
Oh my sweetness G bump bump bump
Means you’ll meet me in the D hallway
A Twice on the pipe means you aint gonna D show

Verse 2
D If you look out your window tonight
Pull in the string with the note that is attached to my A heart
Read how many times i saw you
How in my silence i adored you
Only in my dreams did that wall between us come D apart


G Knock three times on the ceiling if you D want me
A Twice on the pipe if the answer is D no
Oh my sweetness G bump bump bump
Means you’ll meet me in the D hallway
A Twice on the pipe means you aint gonna D show

D* Cha Cha Cha!

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 A7

La Bamba [C]Ritchie Valens

C  F  G7   C  F  G7 C  F  G7   C  F  G7

Verse 1
NC Para bailaCr la BaFmbaG7
Para bailar la C Bamba se FneceG7sita
Una poca de CgraciaFG7
Una poca de Cgracia pa' Fmi, pa' G7ti
Ay arriba y arCribaFG7
Y arriba y arCriba por Fti serG7é
PoCr ti seFré, poG7r ti seré

Verse 2
Yo no soy mariCneroFG7
Yo no soy mariCnero, soy FcapitG7án
Soy capiCtán, soy FcapitG7án

CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bam

Verse 3
PaCra bailFar G7la  Bamba
Para bailar la CBamba se FneceGsita
Una poca de CgraciaFG7
Una poca de Cgracia pa' Fmi, pa' G7ti
Ay arriba y arCribaFG7
Y arriba y arCriba por Fti serG7é
Por ti serCé, por Fti serG7é

CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba
CBamFba, G7bamba

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 × × × × NC 1 2 3 G

La Isla Bonita [Am]Madonna

Am G Am G
AmLast night I Gdreamt of San AmPedro
FJust Am like I'd Cnever gone, I Gknew the song
A Amyoung girl with Geyes like the Amdesert
FIt Am all seems like Cyesterday, not Gfar away

AmTropical the Emisland breeze
DmAll of nature Cwild and free. Gthis is where I Dmlong to be
EmLa isla bonAmita
AmAnd when the Emsamba played
DmThe sun would Cset so high
Ring Gthrough my ears and Dmsting my eyes
Your EmSpanish lullaAmby

Am I fell in Glove with San AmPedro
FWarm Am wind carried Con the sea, he Gcalled to me
AmTe G dijo te Amamo
F I Am prayed that the Cdays would last, they Gwent so fast


Dm I want to Bbbe where the Csun warms the Dmsky
DmWhen it's time for Bbsiesta you can Cwatch them go by
DmBeautiful Bbfaces, no Ccares in this Dmworld
Where a Dmgirl loves a Bbboy, and a Cboy E7 loves a Am girl.

AmLast night I Gdreamt of San AmPedro
FJust Am like I'd Cnever gone, I Gknew the song
A Amyoung girl with Geyes like the Amdesert
FIt Am all seems like Cyesterday, not Gfar away


2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 E7

La Vida Loca [Am]Ricky Martin

Verse 1
Am She's into superstitions, black cats and voodoo dolls
I feel a premonition that girl's gonna make me fall
Am She's into new sensations, new kicks in the candlelight
She's got a new addiction for every day and night

She'll Dm make you take your clothes off and go Em dancing in the rain
She'll F make you live her crazy life but she'll G take away your pain,
like a E7 bullet to your brain

Am Upside inside out, she's G livin la vida Am loca
She'll Am push and pull you down livin la vida Am loca
Her Am lips are devil red and her skin's the color of Am mocha
Am She will wear you out G livin la vida Am loca
She's G livin la vida Am loca, G livin la vida Am loca-a-a-a-a

Am Woke up in New York city in a funky cheap motel
She took my heart and she took my money, she must have slipped me a sleeping pill
She Dm never drinks the water, makes you Em order French champagne
F Once you've had a taste of her you'll G never be the same,
yeah she'll E7 make you go insane

Chorus x2

She's G livin la vida Am loca, G livin la vida Am loca

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7

Lakes of Pontchartrain [G]Trad / Paul Brady

It was G on one D fine March C morn-G ing, when I Em bid New D Orleans aGdieu
And I took D the road to C Jackson Em town, my G fortunes to C renew
I G cursed all D foreign C money Em, no Gcredit could I C gain,
Which G filled my D heart with C longing Emfor The C lakes of D Pontchar-Gtrain

I G stepped on D board a C railroad G car be-Em neath the D morning G sun.
I rode the D rails ‘til C even-Em ing and G lay me down a-C gain.
All G strangers D there, no C friends to Em me, ‘til a G dark girl towards me C came.
And I G fell in D love with a C Creole Em girl on the C lakes of D Pontchar-G train.

I G said "my D pretty C Creole G girl, My Em money D here's no G good,
If it weren't for the D alli-C ga-Em tors, I’d G sleep out in the C wood.”
“You’re G welcome D here, kind C stran-Em ger, our G house is very C plain,
But G we never D turn a C stranger Em out on the C lakes of D Pontchar-G train.

She G took me D to her C mammy’s G house, and Em treated D me right G well.
Her hair D upon her C shoulders, in G jet black ringlets C fell.
To G try to D paint her C beau-Em ty, I'm G sure ‘twould be in C vain
So G handsome D was my C Creole Em girl on the C lakes of D Pontchar-G train.

I G asked her D if she’d C marry G me,
She Em said that it D ne’er could G be,
for she had D got a C lov-Em er,
and G he was off at C sea
she G said that D she would C wait for Em him
and G true she would reC main
Til G he’d re-Dturn to his C Creole Em girl
by the C lakes of D Pontchar-G train.

So G fare thee D well my C Creole G girl
I’ll Em never D see you G more
But I wont forD get your C kind-Em ness
in the G cottage by the C shore
and G at each D social C gather-Em ing
a G flowing glass I'll C drain,
and G drink the D health to my C Creole Em girl
on the C lakes of D Pontchar-G train.

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 Em

Landslide [D]Fleetwood Mac/Dixie Chicks

Intro D A Bm A x2

D I took my Alove and I took it Bmdown A
D I climbed a Amountain and I turned aBmround A
And I Dsaw... my reAflection... in the Bmsnow... covered A hills
Till the Dlandslide Abrought me Bmdown... Aoh

DMirror in the Asky... what is Bmlove? A
Can the Dchild within my Aheart... rise aBmbove?
A Can I Dsail through the Achanging... Bmocean Atides?
Can I Dhandle the Aseasons Bmof my A li-i-i-ife?

Oh Doh... I don’t Aknow... I don’t Bmknow
A D A Bm A

Well DI've been aAfraid of Bmchanging... 'cause I
GBuilt my Dlife around Emyou A
But Dtime makes you Abolder even... Bmchildren get older
GI'm getting Dolder Bmtoo

D A Bm A x4

Well DI've been aAfraid of Bmchanging... 'cause I
GBuilt my Dlife around Emyou A
But Dtime makes you Abolder even... Bmchildren get older
GI'm getting Dolder Bmtoo

*single strums:
D So take my Alove... and take it Bmdown A
D And if you climb a Amountain and you turn aBmround A
*normal strumming

D And if you see my reAflection in a Bmsnow... covered A hill
The Dlandslide Abrought me Bmdown A/C# oh oh

*single strums
The Dlandslide Abrought me Bmdown

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 C#

Lay all your love on me [Dm]Abba

Intro x2
Dm// A// Dm//// Bb//// A////
Dm// F// Bb// C// F//// F////

Dm Dm Dm Dm

Verse 1
Dm I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every woman I see is a po-Ctential threat
Dm And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my C only vice

Pre-Chorus 1
But Dm now it isn't true
Now A everything is new
And Dm all I've learned has A overturned
I Dm beg of you-Gooo Stop

Chorus 1
Dm Don't A go Dm wasting your e- Bb mo- A tion
Dm Lay F all your Bb love C on F me F

Dm Dm

Verse 2
Dm It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile and baby C I was stuck
Dm I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so C easily

Pre-Chorus 2
I Dm feel a kind of fear
When I A don't have you near
Un-Dmsatisfied, I A skip my pride
I Dm beg you de-Geeeear Stop

Chorus 2
Dm Don't A go Dm wasting your e- Bb mo- A tion
Dm Lay F all your Bb love C on F me F
Dm Don't A go Dm wasting your de-Bb  vo-A  tion
Dm Lay F all your Bb love C on F me F

Dm Dm Dm Dm

Dm I've had a few little love affairs
They didn't last very long and they've been C pretty scarce
Dm I used to think I was sensible
It makes the truth even more incompre-Chensible

Pre-Chorus 3
'Cause Dm everything is new
And A everything is you
And Dm all I've learned has A overturned
What Dm can I doo-Goooooo G

Chorus 2 x2
Dm Don't A go Dm wasting your e- Bb mo- A tion
Dm Lay F all your Bb love C on F me F
Dm Don't A go Dm wasting your de-Bb  vo-A  tion
Dm Lay F all your Bb love C on F me F


1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G

Le Freak [Am]Chic

One Two


Aaahh  Am* freak  out!  Le D*  freak, c'est  C* Chic
Aaahh  Am* freak  out!  Le D*  freak, c'est  C* Chic

Verse 1
Am Have you heard a-Dbout the new dance C craze?
Am Listen to us, I'm D sure you'll be a-Cmazed
Am Big fun to be D had by every-Cone
Am It's up to you, it D surely can be C done
Am Young and old are D doing it, I'm C told
Am Just one try, and D you too will be C sold
Am It's called Le Freak! They're D doing it night and C day
Am Allow us, we'll Ds how you the way

Acapella Chorus w/clap
Aaahh  Am* freak  out!  Le D*  freak, c'est  C* Chic.  Am* freak  out! D* C*

Verse 2
Am All that pressure  D  got you down C
Am Has your head D spinning all a-Cround
Am Feel the rhythm,  D chant the rChyme
Am Come on along and D have a real good C time
Am Like the days of D stopping at the Sa-Cvoy
Am Now we're free, D oh what a C joy
Am Just come on down, D to fif-ty C four
Am Find a spot out D on the floor

Acapella Chorus w/clap
Aaahh  Am* freak  out!  Le D*  freak, c'est  C* Chic.  Am* freak  out! D* C*

Bridge - Bass Solo
Am Now freak!  AmAm  DD x4

I said Am freak! AmAm  DD x2

Am Now freak!  AmAm  DD x2

Verse 3
Am All that pressure D got you down C
Am Has your head D spinning all a-Cround
Am Feel the rhythm, D chant the C rhyme
Am Come on along and D have a real good C time
Am Like the days of D stopping at the Sa-Cvoy
Am Now we free, D oh what a C joy
Am Just come on down, D to fif-ty C four
Am Find a spot out D on the floor

Acapella Chorus w/clap
Aaahh  Am* freak  out!  Le D*  freak, c'est  C* Chic.  Am* freak  out! D* C*

Aaahh  Am* freak  out!  Le D*  freak, c'est  C* Chic.  Am* freak  out! D* C*

Am* Freak out!

2 Am 1 1 1 D 3 C

Lean On Me [C]Bill Withers

    Dm  Em  F
    F  Em  Dm  C
    C  Dm  Em  Dm

Repeat X2

G    C

C Sometimes Dmin Emour Flives,
F We Emall Dmhave Cpain, we Dmall Emhave sor-Dmrow.
C But, if Dmwe Emare Fwise,
F We Emknow Dmthat Cthere's, Dma -Emlways to-Gmor-Crow.

C Lean on me, when Dmyou're Emnot Fstrong,
And FI'll Embe Dmyour Cfriend; I'll Dmhelp Emyou carry Dmon.
C For it Dmwon't Embe Flong, 'till FI'm Emgon-Dmna Cneed,
Some-Dmbody Emto Glean Con.

C Please, swal-Dmlow Emyour Fpride,
F If EmDmhave Cthings, you Dmneed Emto bor-Dmrow.
C For, no Dmone Emcan Ffill, Fthose Emof Dmyour Cneeds,
That Dmyou Emdon't Glet Cshow.

        C -no further chords-
So, just call on me brother, when you need a hand

We all need somebody, to lean on.

I just might have a problem, that you'd understand
We all need somebody, to Glean Con.

C Lean on me, when Dmyou're Emnot Fstrong,
And FI'll Embe Dmyour Cfriend; I'll Dmhelp Emyou carry Dmon.
C For it Dmwon't Embe Flong, 'till FI'm Emgon-Dmna Cneed,
Some-Dmbody Emto Glean Con.

        C -no further chords-
So, just call on me brother, when you need a hand

We all need somebody, to lean on.

I just might have a problem, that you'd understand;
We all need somebody, to Glean Con.

C If, there Dmis EmFload, Fyou Emhave Dmto Cbear,
That Dmyou Emcan't car-Dmry.
C I'm right Dmup Emthe Froad; FI'll Emshare Dmyour Cload,
If Dmyou Emjust Gcall Cme.

Dm    C                  -Dm-
-Call me-, if you need a friend,
Dm -Call Cme-, call me,
Dm    C                  -Dm-
-Call me-, if you need a friend,
Dm -Call Cme-, call me.
Dm -Call Cme-, call me,
Dm -Call Cme-, call me,

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Leaving on a Jet Plane [C]Peter Paul and Mary


Verse 1
All my C bags are packed I'm F ready to go
I'm C standing here outFside your door
I C hate to wake you Dm up to say goodG7bye
But the C dawn is breakin' it's F early morn
The C taxi's waitin' he's F blowin' his horn
AlCready I'm so Dm lonesome I could G7 cry

So C kiss me and F smile for me
C Tell me that you'll F wait for me
C Hold me like you'll Dm never let me G7 go
I'm C leavin' F on a jet plane
C Don't know when F I'll be back again
C Oh Dm babe I hate to G7 go

Verse 2
There's so C many times I've F let you down
C So many times I've F played around
C I tell you now Dm they don't mean a G7 thing
Ev'ry C place I go I'll F think of you
Ev'ry C song I sing I'll F sing for you
When C I come back I'll Dm wear your wedding G7 ring


Verse 3
C Now the time has F come to leave you
C One more time F let me kiss you
Then C close your eyes, Dm I'll be on my G7 way
C Dream about the F days to come
When C I won't have to F leave alone
C About the times Dm I won't have to G7 say

So C kiss me and F smile for me
C Tell me that you'll F wait for me
C Hold me like you'll Dm never let me G7 go
I'm C leavin' F on a jet plane
C Don't know when F I'll be back again
C Oh Dm babe I hate to G7 go

NC I hate to C//////// go

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 × × × × NC

Let Your Love Flow [G]Bellamy Brothers

G There's a reason for the sunshine sky
There's a reason why I'm feeling so high
Must be the D7 season when those love lights shine all around G us
So let that G feeling grab you deep inside
And send you reeling where your love can't hide
And then go D7 stealing through the moonlit night with your G lover

Just let your C love flow like a mountain stream
And let your G love grow with the smallest of dreams
And let your D7 love show and you'll know what I mean it's the G season
Let your C love fly like a bird on the wing
And let your G love find you to all living things
And let your D7 love shine and you'll know what I mean that's the G reason

GThere's a reason for the warm sweet nights
And there's a reason for the candle lights
Must be the D7 season when those love lights shine all around G us
So let that wonder take you into space
And lay you under its loving embrace
Just feel theD7 thunder as it warms your face you can't G hold back

Chorus x2

1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 3 C

Let it Go [Em]Frozen

Intro Em C D Asus4-Am Em C D Asus4-Am

The Emsnow glows white on the Cmountain tonight
Not a Dfootprint... to be Asus4- seen -Am
A Emkingdom of isoClation... and it Dlooks like... I'm the queen Asus4-Am
Em The wind is Chowling like this Dswirling storm insiAsus4ideAm
Em Couldn't keep it Din... Heaven knows I Asus4 tried A

D Don't let them in, don't let them seeC
Be the good girl you always have to be
D Conceal, don't feel... don't let them Cknow Well, now they know *stop

Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... can't Emhold it back anyCmore
Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... turn aEmway and slam the Cdoor
GI don't ca-D-re... what they're Emgoing to sa-C-ay
Let the Bmstorm rage Bbon.
The C – single strum cold never bothered me anyway.

G D Em It's funny how some Cdistance
Makes Deverything seem Amsmall
And the Emfears that once conDtrolled me... can't Asus4get to me at Aall
D It's time to see what I can Cdo
to test the limits and break Dthrough
No right, no wrong, no rules for me-C-ee
I'm free *stop

Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... I am Emone with the wind and Csky
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo... you'll Emnever see me Ccry
GHere I Dstand... and Emhere I'll Cstay
Let the Bmstorm rage Bbon C

C My power flurries through the air into the ground
C My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
D And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
Em I'm never Cgoing back... the Dpast is in the Ampast C *stop

Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... and I'll Emrise like the break of Cdawn.
Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... that Emperfect girl is Cgone
GHere I Dstand... in the Emlight of Cday Cm

Let the Bmstorm rage Bbo-o-on Bb
The C – single strum cold never bothered me anyway

1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 3 Asus4 2 Am 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 1 Cm

Let's Hear It For The Boy [C]Deniece Williams

Intro C Am F G x4

My C baby, he Am don't talk F sweet..
he G ain't got much to C sa...y.Am F G
But he C loves me, loves me, Am loves me,
I F know that he G loves me C anyway..Am F G
And C maybe he Am don't dress F fine,
but G I don't really C mi...nd..Am F G
Cause Bb every time he pulls me near, C I just wanna D cheer...

Let's D hear it for the Bm boy.C .
Let's A give the boy a D ha -Bm.C A.nd.
Let's D hear it for my Bm baby.C .
you know you A gotta understa.D Bm.C A nd.
Em Maybe he's no Romeo, but A he's my loving one-man show.
Em Whooa, A whooa, A7 whooa-oh..Let's hear it for the D boy. CAm F G

My C baby may Am not be F rich..he's G watching every C di..me. .Am F G
But he C loves me, loves me, Am loves me.
We F always have a G real good C time. .Am F G
And C maybe he Am sings off-F key, but G that's all right by C me –ee .Am F G
Cause Bb what he does, he does so well, C makes me want to Dyell.


Cause Bb every time he pulls me near, C I just wanna D cheer...


3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 1 A7

Light My Fire [Am]The Doors

Intro G D F Bb G A

You Am know that it would be un F#m true
You Am know that I would be a F#m liar
Am If I was to say to F#m you
Am Girl, we couldn't get much F#m higher

G Come on baby, A light my C fire D
G Come on baby, A light my C fire D
G Try to set the F#m night on E7 fire

The Am time to hesitate is F#m through
No Am time to wallow in the F#m mire
Am Try now we can only F#m lose
Am And our love become a funeral F#m pyre


Repeat Verse 2 and Chorus

Am You know that it would be un F#m true
Am You know that I would be a F#m liar
Am If I was to say to F#m you
Am Girl, we couldn't get much F#m higher


G Come on baby, A light my D fire
G Come on baby, A light my D fire
F Try to set the C night on D fire
F Try to set the F night on D fire

Outro G D F Bb G A

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 A 2 Am 1 2 3 F#m 3 C 1 2 3 E7

Like a Prayer [Am]Madonna

Intro slow single strums
Am* Life is a G* mysteAm*ry everyone must G* stand aAm*lone
I hear you G* call my C* name  and it G* feels like... Am* home.

C When you call my G name, it’s like a little F prayer
I’m down on my C knees, I wanna G take you C there
In the midnight G hour, I can feel your F power
Just like a C prayer, you know I’ll Em take you F there

Verse 1
F I hear your C voice... G it’s like an Am angel sighing
F I have no C choice, I hear your G voice... feels like flying
F I close my C eyes... G oh God I Am think I’m falling
F Out of the C sky, I close my G eyes... Heaven help me


Verse 2
F Like a C child... G you whisper Am softly to me
F You’re in conCtrol just like a G child... now I’m dancing
F It’s like a C dream... G no end and Am no beginning
F You’re here with C me, it’s like a G dream... let the choir sing

C When you call my G name, it’s like a little F prayer
I’m down on my C knees, I wanna G take you C there
In the midnight G hour, I can feel your F power
Just like a C prayer, you know I’ll Em take you there Am

Am Life is a G mysteAmry everyone must G stand Am alone
I hear you G call my C name and it G feels like
Am home, Just like a prayer G your voice can take me there
Am Just like a muse to me G you are a mystery
Am Just like a dream G you are not what you
C Seem... just like a prayer... no G choice your voice can take me C there

C Just like a prayer I’ll G take you there F It's like a dream to Em me
C Just like a prayer I’ll G take you there F It's like a dream to Em me
C Just like a prayer I’ll G take you there F It's like a dream to Em me
C Just like a prayer I’ll G take you there F It's like a dream to Em me

Outro x2
Am Just like a prayer G your voice can take me there
Am Just like a muse to me G you are a mystery
Am Just like a dream G you are not what you
C Seem... just like a prayer... no G choice your voice can take me Am there

G Your voice can take me Am there
G Take me Am there
G Am Cha-Cha-Cha

2 Am 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em

Linger [D]The Cranberries


Verse 1
If D you, if you could return, don't let it A burn, don't let it fade.
I'm sure I'm not being C rude, but it's just your attitude,
It's tearing me a G part, it's ruining everything.
And I D swore, I swore I would be true, and honey, so did A you.
So why were you holding her C hand? Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the G time? Was it just a game to you?

But I'm in so D deep.
You know I'm such a A fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your C finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it G linger?
Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it D linger?

Oh, I A thought the world of you.
I thought C nothing could go wrong,
But I was G wrong. I was wrong.

Verse 2
If D you, if you could get by, trying not to A lie,
Things wouldn't be so con C fused and I wouldn't feel so used,
But you always really G knew, I just wanna be with you.



Chorus x2
And I'm in so D deep.
You know I'm such a A fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your C finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it G linger?
Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it D linger?

Outro - Instrumental Verse
D A C G D - Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 3 C 1 2 3 G

Lips Are Movin’ [G]Meghan Trainor

* If your lips are moving, * If your lips are moving
* If your lips are moving, then you're * lyin, lyin, lyin, baby
* If your lips are moving, * If your lips are moving
* If your lips are moving, then you're * lyin, lyin, lyin, baby

G* Boy, look at me in my face
Am* Tell me that you’re not just about this bass
C* You really think I could be replaced
G* Nah, I come from outer space
G* And I'm a classy girl, I'mma hold it up
Am* You're full of something but it ain't love
C* And what we got, straight overdue
G* Go find somebody new

You can G buy me diamond earrings and deny Am ny ny, ny C ny ny ny G deny
But I G smell her on your collar so good Am bye bye bye, C bye bye bye G *

I know you G lie Cause your lips are Ammoving C Tell me do you think I'm G dumb?
I might be G young, but I ain't Am stupid C Talking around in circles G with your tongue
I gave you G bass, you gave me Am sweet talk C Saying how I'm your number G one
But I know you G lie Cause your lips are Am moving
C Baby don't you know I'm G done

G If your lips are moving, Am If your lips are moving
C If your lips are moving, then you re G lyin, lyin, lyin, baby
G If your lips are moving, Am If your lips are moving
C If your lips are moving, then you re G lyin, lyin, lyin, baby

G* Hey baby don't you Am bring them tears
Cause C it's too late, too late G baby
G You only love me Am when you're here
You're C so two faced, two faced G babe

You can G buy me diamond earrings and deny Am ny ny, ny C ny ny ny G deny
But I G smell her on your collar so goodbye Am bye bye, C bye bye bye G *


G If your lips are moving, Am If your lips are moving
C If your lips are moving, then you re G lyin, lyin, lyin, baby
G If your lips are moving, Am If your lips are moving
C If your lips are moving, then you re G lyin, lyin, lyin, baby


1 2 3 G 2 Am 3 C

Lipstick On your Collar [F]Connie Francis

F  Yeah yeah yeah, Dm x4  F Yeah yeah yeah, Dm x4

Verse 1
F When you left me Dm all alone Gm at the record C7 hop
F Told me you were Dm  going out Gm for a soda C7 pop
F You were gone for F7 quite a while, Bb half an hour or more
G7 You came back and man oh man, this is what I C7  saw

F Lipstick on your collar Bb told a tale on you
F Lipstick on your collar Bb said you’d been untrue
F Bet your bottom A7 dollar Dm  you and I are Am through
Bb Cause lipstick on your F collar C7 told a tale on F you. Yeah!

F  Yeah yeah yeah, Dm x4  F Yeah yeah yeah, Dm x4

Verse 2
F You said it Dm belonged to me, Gm made me stop and C7 think
F Then I noticed Dm yours was red and Gm mine was baby C7 pink
F Who walked in but F7  Mary Jane, Bb Lipstick all a-mess
G7 Were your smooching my best friend, guess the answer’s C7 yes

F Lipstick on your collar Bb told a tale on you
F Lipstick on your collar Bb said you’d been untrue
F Bet your bottom A7 dollar Dm  you and I are Am through
Bb Cause lipstick on your F collar C7 told a tale on F you. Boy!

C7 Told a tale on F you, Man!
Slow to half time
C7 Told a tale on F you. Yeah!

1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 1 C7 1 2 3 4 F7 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G7 1 A7 2 Am

Little Old Wine Drinker Me [C]Dean Martin


Verse 1
I'm C praying for F rain in CaliCfornia
So the grapes will grow and they can make more G wine G7
And I'm C sitting in a F honky in ChicCago
With a broken heart and a G7 woman on my C mind F C

I ask the G man behind the bar for the C jukebox
And the music takes me back to TennesGsee G7
When they C ask who's the F fool in the C corner F crying
I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me G7

Verse 2
I C got here last F week from down in NashCville
'Cos my baby left for Florida on a G train G7
I said C I'd get a F job and just forget C her
But in Chicago a broken G7 heart is just the C same F C

I ask the G man behind the bar for the C jukebox
And the music takes me back to TennesGsee G7
When they C ask who's the F fool in the C corner F crying
I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me G7

Instrumental verse chords
C F C    C C C    G G7
C F C    C C C    G7 C F C

I ask the G man behind the bar for the C jukebox
And the music takes me back to TennesGsee G7
When they C ask who's the F fool in the C corner F crying
I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me C

I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Livin’ La Vida Loca [Dm]Ricky Martin

Dm Dm Dm Dm

Verse 1
Dm She's into superstitions
Dm Black cats and voodoo dolls
Dm I feel a premonition
Dm That girl's gonna make me fall

Dm Dm

Verse 2
Dm She's into new sensations
Dm New kicks in the candlelight
Dm She's got a new addiction
Dm For every day and night

She'll Gm make you take your clothes off and go Am dancing in the rain
She'll Bb make you live her crazy life but she'll C take away your pain
Like a A7 bullet to your brain oh come on

Dm Upside inside out she's C livin' la vida Dm loca
Dm She'll push and pull you down C livin' la vida Dm loca
Dm Her lips are devil red and her C skin's the colour Dm mocha
Dm She will wear you out C livin' la vida Dm loca come on
She's C livin' la vida Dm loca come on
She's C livin' la vida Dm loca

Dm Dm Alright! Dm Dm

Verse 3
Dm* I woke up in New York City
Dm In a funky cheap hotel
Dm She took my heart and she took my money
Dm She must have slipped me a sleeping pill

She Gm never drinks the water makes you Am order French champagne
Bb Once you've had a taste of her you'll C never be the same
Yeah she'll A7 make you go insane alright!

Dm Upside inside out she's C livin' la vida Dm loca
Dm She'll push and pull you down C livin' la vida Dm loca
Dm Her lips are devil red and her C skin's the colour Dm mocha
Dm She will wear you out C livin' la vida Dm loca come on
She's C livin' la vida Dm loca
C livin' la vida Dm loca

Dm Dm Cha Cha Cha!

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 A7

Livin’ On A Prayer [Em]Bon Jovi


Verse 1
Em Tommy used to work on the docks Em Union's been on strike,
he's down on his luck It's C tough... D so Em tough
Em Gina works the diner all day Em Working for her man... she brings home her pay
For C love... D hmmm... for Em love

She says we've got to C hold D on... to what we've Em got
It C doesn't make a D difference if we make it or Em not
We C got each D other... and that's a Em lot
For C love... we'll D* give D* it D* a D* shot! pause

Em Whoa C ah... we're D half way there
G Woah C oh... D livin' on a prayer
EmTake my C hand... we'll D make it I swear
G Whoah C oh... D livin' on a prayer Em

Verse 2
Em Tommy's got his four-string in hock
Em Now he's holding in... what he used to make it talk
So C tough... D mmm... it's Em tough
Em Gina dreams of running away
Em When she cries in the night... Tommy whispers
"Baby it's C okay... D someEmday"

She says we've got to C hold D on... to what we've Em got
It C doesn't make a D difference if we make it or Em not
We C got each D other... and that's a Em lot
For C love... we'll D* give D* it D* a D* shot! pause

Em Whoa C ah... we're D half way there
G Woah C oh... D livin' on a prayer
Em Take my C hand... we'll D make it I swear
G Whoah C oh... D livin' on a prayer.... C* livin' C* on a C* prayer

Instrumental Chorus same strumming rhythm as chorus
Em-C D G-C D
Em-C D G-C Em

we gotta C hold D on ready or Em not
You C live for the fight when it's D* all D* that D* you've D* got

Chorus x2 acapella first time round
Em Whoa C ah... we're D half way there
G Woah C oh... D livin' on a prayer
Em Take my C hand... we'll D make it I swear
G Whoah C oh... D livin' on a prayer....

C* livin' C* on a C prayer

1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G

Lonely Goatherd [C]Sound of Music


Verse 1
C High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
G7 layhee odel layhee odel lay hee C hoo!
C Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd
G7 Layhee odel lay hee odel C ooo

Verse 2
C Folks in a town that was quite remote heard
G7 layhee odel layhee odel lay hee C hoo!
C Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard
G7 Layhee odel lay hee odel C ooo

G7 Oh hey C ukulele lady G7 ukulele lady C lay hee hoo
G7 Oh hey C ukulele lady D7 ukulele lay hee G7 hoo* woah!!

Verse 3
C A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard
G7 Layhee odel layhee odel lay hee C hoo!
C Men on a road with a load to tote heard
G7 Layhee odel layhee odel C ooo

Verse 4
C Men in the midst of a table d'hote heard
G7 Layhee odel layhee odel lay hee C hoo!
C Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard
G7 Layhee odel layhee odel C ooo

Refrain Instrumental
G7 C G7 C G7 C D7 G7* Woah!

Verse 5
C One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
G7 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee C hoo!
C She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
G7 Lay ee odl lay ee odel C ooo

Verse 6
C Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard
G7 Layhee odel layhee odel lay hee hoo!
C What a duet for a girl and goatherd
G7 Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Chorus x2
G7 Odel layhee odel layhee
C Odel lay hee hee odl lay hee hee
G7 Odel lay hee odl lay ee
C Odel lay hee hee odl lay hee hee

Verse 7
C Happy are they, lady oh lady leeoo
G7 Aww lady aww lady aww C hee hoo
C Soon the duet would become a trio
G7 Lady odel lady odel C oh

Chorus x2

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 D7

Long as You Love me [F]Backstreet Boys

F  C  Am    As Glong as you love me
F  C  Am    G

Verse 1
Although Amloneliness has always been a Ffriend of mine
I'm Gleavin' my life in your Chands    G/B
AmPeople say I'm crazy and that FI am blind
GRisking it all in a Cglance      G/B
And Amhow you got me blind is still a Fmystery
I Gcan't get you out of my Chead    G/B
AmDon't care what is written in your Fhistory
As loGng as you're Chere with me

I don't care Fwho you are, CWhere you're from, AmWhat you did
As Glong as you love me
FWho you are, CWhere you're from, Don't care Amwhat you did
As Glong as you love me

Verse 2
AmEvery little thing that you have sFaid and done
GFeels like it's deep within Cme        G/B
AmDoesn't really matter if you're Fon the run
It Gseems like we're meant to Cbe          G/B

I don't care Fwho you are, CWhere you're from, AmWhat you did
As Glong as you love me
FWho you are, CWhere you're from, Don't care Amwhat you did
As Glong as you love me

F C Am G
F  C  Am    Am    E

Am  I've tried to hide it so that Cno one knows
But I Fguess it shows
When you Flook inGto my Ameyes
What you did and where you're Ccomin from
I don't F#m7care, as Fmaj7long as you Glove me, baFby C  Am    G

I don't care Fwho you are, CWhere you're from, AmWhat you did
As Glong as you love me
FWho you are, CWhere you're from, Don't care Amwhat you did
As Glong as you love me

I don't care Fwho you are, CWhere you're from, AmWhat you did
As Glong as you love me
FWho you are, CWhere you're from, Don't care Amwhat you did
As Glong as you love me
FWho you are, CWhere you're from, Don't care Amwhat you did
As Glong as you love me

FWho you Care
as Amlong as you Glove me
Fwhat you Cdid
as Amlong as you Glove me

1 2 F 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 B 1 2 E 1 1 1 1 3 4 F#m7 1 2 3 4 Fmaj7

Look at me I'm Sandra Dee [A]Grease


A Look at A7 me I'm D Sandra Dee
B7 Lousy with virginE7ity
A Won't go to A7 bed 'til I'm D legally Dm wed
A I can't I'm D Sandra E7 Dee

A Watch it A7 Hey I'm D Doris Day
B7 I was not brought E7 up that way
A Won't come A7 across even D Rock Hudson Dm lost
His A heart to E7 Doris A Day

I don't D drink no or Dm swear no
A I don't rat my A hair
I get D ill from Dm one cigarette A cough cough cough
Keep your D filthy Dm paws
Off my A silky Gb drawers
B7 Would you pull that crap with E7 Annette? E7

Chorus 2
A As for A7 you Troy D Donahue
B7 I know what you E7 wanna do
A You got your A7 crust I'm no D object of Dm lust
I'm A just plain E7 Sandra A Dee

A Elvis A7 Elvis D let me be
B7 Keep that pelvis E7 far from me
A Just keep your A7 cool now your D starting to Dm drool
Slow down
A Hey Fongool I'm E7 Sandra A Dee

Outro Whistled
A E7    A E7    A E7

1 2 A 1 A7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Dm 1 3 2 Gb

Love Machine [G]Girls Aloud

Intro + Kazoo
G  G  G  Bb  C

Verse 1
G Ladies you're damn right, you can't read a man's mind, we're living in two tribes
And Bb heading for C war
G Nobody's perfect, we all gotta work it, but fellas, we're worth it
So Bb don't break the C law

Your G call's late, big mistake, Gotta hang about in limbo long as I take
Next time, read my mind and Bb I'll be good to C you
We're G gift-wrapped kitty cats, Only turning into tigers when we gotta fight back, Let's go, Eskimo
Out Bb into the C blue

Pre-Chorus - Single Strum
Bb Come take my hand, underCstand that you can
You're my Bb man and I need you toCnight
Bb Come make my dreams, honey C hard as it seems
Loving Bb me is as easy as C pie..... I, I , I

G I'm just a love machine, feeding my fantasy
Give me a kiss or three Bb C
And I'm fine
G I need a squeeze a day, instead of this negligee
What will the neighbours say Bb C
This time

Verse 2 - Acapella + Bass
G I've been going crazy while you sleep,searching for a language
That the Bb two of us can C speak so
G Mr. prehistoric, make your wheel, and I'll breathe underwater
'Cos I Bb like the way it C feels

Your G call's late, big mistake, Gotta hang about in limbo long as I take
Next time, read my mind and Bb I'll be good to C you
We're G gift-wrapped kitty cats , Only turning into tigers when we gotta fight back, Let's go, Eskimo
Out Bb into the C blue

Pre-Chorus - Single Strum
Bb Come take my hand, underCstand that you can
You're my Bb man and I need you toCnight
Bb Come make my dreams, honey C hard as it seems
Loving Bb me is as easy as C pie..... I, I , I


G Oh, it's very new... Can anybody tell me what to Bb do? C
G Oh, this feeling's very strange... Can anybody tell me what's you're Bb game? C
G Oh! A little education, Oh! To give you motivation Oh! We'll turn the situation... Bb round C
G Oh! 'Cos I don't wanna change ya, Oh! Making you a stranger
Oh! I'll only re-arrange ya... Bb C for now
G* Oh!

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 3 C

Love Me Do [G]Beatles

G C with kazoo riff x4

Verse 1
G Love, love me C  do
You G know I love C you
I’ll G always be C true
So pleeeCeeease stop
Love me G7 do C
Woah G love me do C

Verse 2
G Love, love me C do
You G know I love C you
I’ll G always be C true
So pleeeCeeease stop
Love me G7 do C
Woah G love me do C

D Someone to love,
C someFbody G new
D Someone to love,
C someFone like G you

Verse 3
G Love, love me C do
You G know I love C you
I’ll G always be C true
So pleeeCeeease stop
Love me G7 do C
Woah G love me do C

Instrumental same as bridge

Verse 4
G Love, love me C do
You G know I love C you
I’ll G always be C true
So pleeeCeeease stop
Love me G7 do C
Woah G love me do C

Yeah G love me do, C
Woah G love me do  C
Woah G love me do  C
Woah G love me do


1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 D 1 2 F

Love Really Hurts [F]Billy Ocean


F You run around town like a fool and you think that it's C groovy.
You're given it to Gm some other guy, who gives you the eye.
You Dm don't give nothin to C me.
F You painted a smile, And you dress all the while to C excite me.
But don't you know you're Gm turning me on, I know that it's wrong.
But Dm I can't stop this C pain inside me.

F Baby, love really hurts without C you.
Love really hurts without Gm you.
And it's Bb breaking my heart,
But Dm what can I C do.
F Baby Love really hurts without C you.
Love really hurts through and Gm through.
And it's Bb breaking my heart,
But Dm what can I C do without F you.

F You walk like a dream and you make like you're Queen of the C action.
You're using ev'ry Gm trick in the book, the way that you look.
You're Dm really something to C see.
F You cheat and you lie, To impress any guy that you C fancy.
But don't you know I'm Gm out of my mind, So give me a sign.
And Dm help to ease the C pain inside me.

F Baby, love really hurts without C you.
Love really hurts without Gm you.
And it's Bb breaking my heart,
But Dm what can I C do.
F Baby Love really hurts without C you.
Love really hurts through and Gm through.
And it's Bb breaking my heart,
But Dm what can I C do without F you F

Key change to G

G Baby, love really hurts without D you.
Love really hurts without Am you.
And it's C breaking my heart,
But Em what can I D do.
G Baby Love really hurts without D you.
Love really hurts through and Am through.
And it's C breaking my heart,
But Em what can I D do without G you


1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 2 Am 1 2 3 Em

Love Shack [B]B52s

B7 A B7 A

If you see B7 a faded sign at the A side of the road that says
B7 15 miles to the A Loooooove B7 Shack A
  Love Shack yeB7ah A

I'm B7 headin' down the at-A-lanta highB7way, A
Lookin' for the B7 love A getaway B7 Headed for the A love getaway

I B7 got me a car, it's  Aas big as a whale & we're B7headin' on down to the ALove Shack
I B7 got me a Chrysler, it A seats about 20. So B7 hurry up and bring your A Ukulele

The B7 love shack is a D little old place where E we can G get together
B7 A Love Shack, ba-B7-by ... A Love Shack, baby
B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack ... B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack

B7 Sign says woo A "Stay away, fools". 'Cause B7 love rules at the A Love Shack

Well, A*B7* it's set way back A*B7* in the middle of a field.
A*B7* Just a funky old shack A*B7* and I gotta get back A

B7 Glitter on the mattAress. B7 Glitter on the highAway.
B7 Glitter on the front A porch. B7 Glitter on the hallAway

The B7 love shack is a D little old place where E we can G get together
B7 A Love Shack, ba-B7-by ... A Love Shack, baby
B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack ... B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack

B7 Huggin' and a kissin', A Dancin' and a lovin'.
B7 Wearin' next to nothin', A 'Cause it's hot as an oven
The B7 whole shack shimmies, when A everybody's movin'
B7 around and around and around and aAround

B7 Everybody's movin', A everybody's groovin', baby.
B7 Folks linin' up outAside just to get down.
B7 Everybody's movin', Aeverybody's groovin', baby.
B7 Funky little shack, A funky little shack

B7 Hop in my Chrysler, it's as A big as a whale and it's B7about to set A sail
B7 I got me a car, it A seats about 20. So B7 come on and bring your A Ukulele

The B7 love shack is a D little old place where E we can G get together
B7 A Love Shack, ba-B7-by ... A Love Shack, baby
B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack ... B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack

Bass break
B7 A x4

Quiet then build up, muted strumming
B7 Bang, bang, bang, A on the door, baby B7*B7* A Knock a little louder, baby
B7 Bang, bang, bang, A on the door, baby B7*B7* A I can't hear you
B7 Bang, bang, bang, A on the door, baby B7*B7* A Knock a little louder, baby
B7 Bang, bang, bang, A on the door, baby B7*B7* A I can't hear you

B7 Bang, baaaang A on the door, baby B7 Bang, baaaang A on the door
B7 Bang, baaaang A on the door baby B7 Bang, baaaang A on the door
Your what?!?B7* Tin roof, rusted
B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack, B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack
B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack, B7 Love Shack, baby, A Love Shack
B7* Bang B7* Baaaang

1 2 3 B7 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 E 1 2 3 G

Love Story [C]Taylor Swift

Intro C  G  Am  F

C We were both young when I first saw you
I F close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing Am there on a balcony in F summer air
C See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
F See you make your way through the crowd
And say, "HeAmllo" Little did G I know

That F you were Romeo, you were G throwing pebbles
And my Am daddy said, "Stay away from C Juliet"
And I was F crying on the staircase
G Begging you please don't Am go, F and G I said

Chorus 1
C Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
G I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
Am You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
F It's a love story G baby just say "yes" C

So C I sneak out to the garden to see you
F We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your Am eyes, Escape this town for a G little while

'Cause F you were Romeo, I was a G scarlet letter
And my Am daddy said stay away from C Juliet
But you were F everything to me I was
G Begging you please don't Am go, F and G I said

Chorus 2
C Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
G I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
Am You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
F It's a love story G baby just say yes
C Romeo, save me, they try to tell me how to feel
G This love is difficult, but it's real,
Am Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
F It's a love story G baby just say yes, oh

Bridge - Single Strums
I got tired of Am waiting, F wondering if C you were ever coming aG round
My faith in you was Am fading F
When I C met you on the outskirts of G town and I said

Chorus 3
C Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
G I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is Am this in my head, I don't know what to think
He F knelt to the ground and G pulled out a ring and said
D Marry me, Juliet you'll never have to be alone
A I love you, and that's all I really know
I Bm talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
G It's a love story A baby just say D yes

Uh-oh A  Uh-oh  G

D* We were both young when I first saw you!

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Love in the First Degree [C]Bananarama

C G Am G F C F G

CLast night I was Emdreaming I was Flocked in a prison Gcell
When I Cwoke up I was Gscreaming Fcalling out your E7name
F And the judge and the G jury  They all Cput the blame on Amme
F They wouldn't go for my Gstory E7 They wouldn't hear my plea

COnly you can Gset me Am freeG
Cos I'm FguiltyC
F Guilty as a Ggirl can be
CCome on baby Gcan't you Amsee GI stand Faccu-Cused
of Flove in the Gfirst deCgreeGAmG
FGuilty C  Of Flove in the Gfirst degree

CSomeday I Embelieve it you will Fcome to my resGcue
UnCchain my heart you're Gkeeping and Flet me start aE7new, ooh
F The hours pass so Gslowly since they've Cthrown away the Amkey
F Can't you see that I'm Glonely E7 won't you help me please

COnly you can Gset me Am freeG
Cos I'm FguiltyC
F Guilty as a Ggirl can be
CCome on baby Gcan't you Amsee GI stand Faccu-Cused
of Flove in the Gfirst deCgreeGAmG
FGuilty C  Of Flove in the Gfirst degree

C Guilty of love, FGuilty of love in
C Guilty of love, Guilty of love in
FGuilty, Of Glove in the first deFgree

F And the judge and the G jury  They all Cput the blame on Amme
F They wouldn't go for my Gstory E7 They wouldn't hear my plea

COnly you can Gset me Am freeG
Cos I'm FguiltyC
F Guilty as a Ggirl can be
CCome on baby Gcan't you Amsee GI stand Faccu-Cused
of Flove in the Gfirst deCgree
Only you can Gset me Am freeG
Cos I'm FguiltyC
F Guilty as a Ggirl can be
CCome on baby Gcan't you Amsee GI stand Faccu-Cused
of Flove in the Gfirst deCgree

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 E7

Love in the First Degree [G]Bananarama


Verse 1
G Last night I was Bm dreaming I was C locked in a prison D cell
When I G woke up I was D screaming C calling out your B7 name
C And the judge and the D jury  They all G put the blame on Em me
C They wouldn't go for my D story B7 They wouldn't hear my plea

G Only you can D set me Em free
Cos I'm C guilty
C Guilty as a D girl can be
G Come on baby D can't you Em see I stand C accu-used
of C love in the D first deGgree D Em D
C Guilty G Of C love in the D first de

Verse 2
G Someday I beBmlieve it you will C come to my resDcue
UnGchain my heart you're D keeping and C let me start aB7new, ooh
C The hours pass so D slowly since they've G thrown away the Em key
C Can't you see that I'm D lonely B7 won't you help me please


G Guilty of love, C Guilty of love in
G Guilty of love, Guilty of love in
C Guilty, Of D love in the first deCgree (straight into...

Verse 3
C And the judge and the D jury  They all G put the blame on Em me
C They wouldn't go for my D story B7 They wouldn't hear my plea

G Only you can D set me Em free D
Cos I'm C guilty G
C Guilty as a D girl can be
G Come on baby D can't you Em see D I stand C accu-Gused
of C love in the D first deGgree Only
you can D set me Em free D
Cos I'm C guilty G
C Guilty as a D girl can be
G Come on baby D can't you Em see D I stand C accu-Gused
of C love in the D first deGgree


1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 Em

Love is All Around [C]Wet Wet Wet

C Dm F G7
C Dm F G7

Verse 1
C I feel it in my Dm fingers,
I F feel it G7 in my C toes DmFG7
C Love is all a Dm round me
F and so G7 the feeling C grows DmFG7
C It's written on the Dm wind,
it's F every G7 where I C go DmFG7
C So if you really Dm love me
F come on and G7 let it C show DmFG7

F You know I love you I Dm always will
F My mind's made up by the C way that I feel
F There's no beginning there'll Dm be no end
'Cause on my love you G can depend

Verse 2
C I see your face beDmfore me
F as I lay G7 on my C bed DmFG7
C I kind a get to Dm thinking of
F all the G7 things you C said DmFG7
C You gave your promise Dm to me
F and I gave G7 mine to C you DmFG7
C I need someone be Dm side me
F in every G7 thing I C do DmFG7

F You know I love you I Dm always will
F My mind's made up by the C way that I feel
F There's no beginning there'll Dm be no end
'Cause on my love you G7 can depend

C Dm F G7
C Dm F G7


3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 G

Love me like you [C]Little Mix

G Sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la,
Am Sha-la-la-la C

Verse 1
G He might got the biggest ca-a-ar,
Don't mean Am he can drive me wild,
Or C he can go for miles
G Say he got a lotta ca-a-ash,
Darlin' Am he can't buy my love,
It's C you I'm dreaming o-Dof.

B7 They tried to romance me but
You got got that Em nasty, and that's what I want
So A baby, baby, come and save me
Don't D need those other lovers when I've got my number one

G Last night, I laid in bed so Am blue
'Cause I realised the C truth, they can't D love me like G you
G I tried to find somebody Am new
Baby they ain't got a C clue, they can't D love me like G you

Verse 2
G Used to get it when I wa-a-ant
You were Am pouring out your love,
I can C never get enouDgh
G Now I'm dealing with these bo-o-oys
When I Am really need a man,
Who can C do it like I D can

B7 They tried to romance me but
You got got that Em nasty, and that's what I want
So A baby, baby, come and save me
Don't D need those other lovers when I've got my number one


G Sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la
Am Sha-la-la-la, C they can't D love me like G you
G Sha-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la
Am Sha-la-la-la, C they can't D love me like G you

Bridge - Acapella
G L-O-V-E Love the way you give it to me
G When-you're-with-me, Boy I want it everyday
G L-O-V-E Love the way you give it to me
G When-you're-with-me, Boy I want it everyday

G Last night, I laid in bed so Am blue
'Cause I realised the C truth, they can't D love me like G you
G I tried to find somebody Am new
Baby they ain't got a C* clue, they can't D* love me like G* you

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A

Lovefool [Am]The Cardigans

Am Am

Verse 1
Am Dear, I fear we’re Dm facing a problem
G7 You love me no Cmaj7 longer, I know
And Am maybe there is Dm nothing
That I can G7 do to make you Cmaj7 do
Am Mama tells me Dm I shouldn’t bother
G7 Said I ought to Cmaj7 stick to another Am man
A man that Dm surely deserves me
G7 But I think you do! C

A Love me D love me
Bm Say that you E love me
A Fool me D fool me
Bm Go on and E fool me
A Love me D love me
PretBmend that you E love me
A Lead me D lead me
Just Bm say that you E need me

Chorus first line spoken
F#m So I Bm cry E And I A beg for D you E to
A Love me D love me
Bm Say that you E love me
A Lead me D lead me
Just Bm say that you E need me
Am I can’t Dm care ’bout E anything but Am you ...

Verse 2
Am Lately I have Dm desperately pondered,
G7 Spent my nights Cmaj7 awake and I wonder
Am What I could have Dm done in another G7 way
To make you Cmaj7 stay
Am Reason will not Dm lead to solution
G7 I will end up Cmaj7 lost in confusion
Am I don’t care if Dm you really care
As G7 long as you don’t go C

A Love me D love me
Bm Say that you E love me
A Fool me D fool me
Bm Go on and E fool me
A Love me D love me
PretBmend that you E love me
A Lead me D lead me
Just Bm say that you E need me


Am* I can’t Dm* care ’bout E* anything but Am//////// you ...

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 2 Cmaj7 3 C 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 E 1 2 3 F#m

Lover's Cross [A]Jim Croce

A F#m Bm E7

AGuess that F#m it was Bm bound to E7 happen
A Was just a F#m matter of Bm time E7
But now I've A come to F#m my de-Bmcision E7
And it's A one of the painful kind F#m
'Cos now it D seems that you E wanted a F#m martyr
Just a D regular A guy wouldn't Bm do E7
And baby, A I can't F#m hang u-Bmpon no lover's E7 cross for A you E7

Yeah I A really F#m got to Bm hand it E7 to you
'Cos A girl, you F#m really Bm tried E7
But for A every F#m time that Bm we spent E7 laughing
There were A two times that I F#m cried
And you were D tryin' to E make me a F#m martyr
And that's the D one thing I A just couldn't Bm do E7
'Cos baby, A I can't F#m hang u-Bmpon no lover's E7 cross for A you A7

'Cos D tables are E meant for F#m turn-C#min'
And D people are A bound to Bm change E7
And D bridges are E meant for F#m burn-C#min'
When the D people and A mem'ries they Bm join aren't the E7 same Bm7 E7

Still, I A hope that F#m you can Bm find a-E7nother
Who can A take what F#m I could Bm not E7
A He'll have to F#m be a Bm super E7 guy
Or A maybe a super god F#m
'Cos I D never was E much of a F#m martyr before
And I D ain't bout to A start nothin' Bm new E7
And baby, A I can't F#m hang u-Bmpon no lover's E7 cross for A you A7

'Cos D tables are E meant for F#m turn-C#min'
And D people are A bound to Bm change E7
And D bridges are E meant for F#m burn-C#min'
When the D people and A mem'ries they Bm join aren't the E7 same Bm7 E7

Still, I A hope that F#m you can Bm find a-E7nother
Who can A take what F#m I could Bm not E7
A He'll have to F#m be a Bm super E7 guy
Or A maybe a super god F#m
'Cos I D never was E much of a F#m martyr before
And I D ain't bout to A start nothin' Bm new E7
And baby, A I can't F#m hang u-Bmpon no lover's E7 cross for A you A7

C#m F#m E D E7 DE7A

1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 1 2 E 1 A7 1 1 C#m 1 1 1 1 Bm7

Loving You [Cm]Minnie Ripperton

Cmaj7 Bm7 Am7 Gmaj7 x2

Verse 1
Cmaj7 Lovin' Bm7 you is Am7 easy 'cause you're Gmaj7 beautiful
Cmaj7 Making love with you Bm7 is Am7 all I wanna Gmaj7 do
Cmaj7 Loving you Bm7 is Am7 more than just a Gmaj7 dream come true
Cmaj7 And everything that I Bm7 do is Am7 out of loving Gmaj7 you

Cmaj7 La la la la la Bm7 la la la la la Am7 la la la la la Gmaj7 la la la la ah ah
Cmaj7 do dun do dun Bm7 do do .........Am7 ..aaahhhh Gmaj7* aah

Am7 No one else can Bm7 make me feel the Am7 colours that you Gmaj7 bring
Am7 Stay with me while Bm7 we grow old
And Am7 we will Bm7 live each C day in D springtime

Verse 2
'Cause Cmaj7 lovin' Bm7 you has Am7 made my life so Gmaj7 beautiful
Cmaj7 And every day of my Bm7 life is Am7 filled with lovin' Gmaj7 you
Cmaj7 Lovin' Bm7 you I Am7 see your soul come Gmaj7 shinin' through
Cmaj7 And every time that we Gmaj7 ooh I'm Am7 more in love with Gmaj7 you


Am7 No one else can Bm7 make me feel the Am7 colours that you Gmaj7 bring
Am7 Stay with me while Bm7 we grow old
And Am7 we will Bm7 live each C day in D springtime

Verse 3
'Cause Cmaj7 lovin' Bm7 you is Am7 easy 'cause you're Gmaj7 beautiful
Cmaj7 And every day of my Bm7 life is Am7 filled with lovin' Gmaj7 you
Cmaj7 Lovin' Bm7 you I Am7 see your soul come Gmaj7 shinin' through
Cmaj7 And every time that we Gmaj7 ooh I'm Am7 more in love with Gmaj7 you

Cmaj7 La la la la la Bm7 la la la la la Am7 la la la la la Gmaj7 la la la la ah ah
Cmaj7 do dun do dun Bm7 do do .........Am7 ..aaahhhh Gmaj7* aah

2 Cmaj7 1 1 1 1 Bm7 Am7 1 1 1 Gmaj7 3 C 1 1 1 D

Luka [G]Suzanne Vega

Intro  G G G G

Verse 1
G My name is D Luka C
I live on the D second floor G
I live up D stairs from you C
Yes I think you've D seen me before. Em

Chorus 1
If you hear D something late at Em night
Some kind of D trouble, some kind of Cfight
Just don't ask me D what it was C
Just don't ask D me what it was C
Just don't ask D me what it was

Verse 2
G I think D it's because I'm clumsy C
I try not to D talk too loud G
Maybe it's beDcause I'm crazy C
I try not to D act too proud Em

Chorus 2
They only D hit you until you Em cry
And after D that you don't ask C why
You just don't D argue anymore C
You just don't D argue anymore C
You just don't D argue anymore


Verse 3
G Yes I Dthink I'm OK C
I walked into the D door again G
If you D ask that's what I'll say C
And it's not your D business anyway Em

Chorus 3
I guess I'd D like to be alone Em
With nothing D broken, nothing thrown C
Just don't D ask me how I am C
Just don't D ask me how I am C
Just don't D*D* ask me how I am

Verse 4 - Gently
G My name D is Luka C
I live on the D second floor G
I live upDstairs from you C
Yes I think you've D seen me before Em

Chorus 1

Chorus 2

Em D C D G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D

Made You Look [A]Meghan Trainor

I could have my A Gucci on
I could wear my Db Louis VuitF#mton
But even with D nothin' on
E7 I made you A look I made you look

Verse 1
A I'll make you double take
A Soon as I walk away
A Call up your chiropractor
A Just in case your neck break
D Ooh, tell me whatE7cha, whatcha, what you gon' A do, ooh?
A 'Cause I'm 'bout to make a scene
A Double up that sunscreen
A I'm 'bout to turn the heat up
A Gonna make your glasses steam
D Ooh, tell me whatE7cha, whatcha, what you gon' A do, ooh?

When I do my F#m walk, walk
I can guarantee your jaw will A drop, drop
'Cause they don't make a lot of what I B7 got, got
Ladies if you feel me, this your E7 bop, bop Bop bop, bop

I could have my A Gucci on Gucci on
I could wear my Db Louis VuitF#mton
But even with D nothin' on
E7 I made you A look I made you look
Yeah, I look good in my A Versace dress Take it off
But I'm hotter when my Db morning hair's a F#m mess
But even with my D hoodie on
E7 I made you A look, mhmm I made you look

Verse 2
A And once you get a taste
A You'll never be the same
A This ain't that ordinary
A It's that fourteen karat cake
D Ooh, tell me whatE7cha, whatcha, what you gon' A do, ooh?

When I do my F#m walk, walk
I can guarantee your jaw will A drop, drop
'Cause they don't make a lot of what I B7 got, got
Ladies if you feel me, this your E7 bop, bop Bop bop, bop

I could have my A Gucci on Gucci on
I could wear my Db Louis VuitF#mton
But even with D nothin' on
E7 I made you A look Said, I made you look
Yeah, I look good in my A Versace dress Take it off, baby
But I'm hotter when my Db morning hair's a F#m mess
But even with my D hoodie on
E7 I made you A look Said, I made you look

Cha cha cha!

1 2 A 1 1 1 Db 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 B7

Make Me Smile [G]Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel

G G G G stop

Verse 1
NC You’ve done it F all... you’ve C broken every coGde
F And pulled the C rebel... to the G floor babababababababa
You’ve spoilt the F game... no C matter what you say G
F For only C metal... what a G bo-o-o-o-re
F ooo Blue eyes... C lala blue eyes
F ooo How can you tell C lala so many G lies?

Dm Come up and F see me... make me C smile G
Dm I’ll do what you want F ... running C wild G* stop

Verse 2
NC There’s nothing F left... all C gone and... run a-G-way
F Maybe you’ll C tarry... for a G while? babababababababa
It’s just a F test... a C game for us to G play
F Win or C lose it’s hard to G smile
F ooo Resist... C lala resist
F ooo It’s from yourCself... lala you have to G hide


Verse 3
NC There ain’t no F more... you’ve C taken every G thing
F From my be-C-lief in... Mother G Earth babababababababa
Can you ig-F-nore... my C faith in every G thing?
F Cos I know what C faith is and, what it’s... G worth
F ooo Away a-C-way lala
F ooo And don’t say C lala maybe you’ll... G try

Dm Come up and F see me... make me C smile G
Dm I’ll do what you wantF ... running C wild G* stop

F Ooh C ooh la-la-la
F Ooh C ooh la-la-la G Ooooaaaaah

Dm Come up and F see me... make me C smile G
Dm I’ll do what you wantF ... running C wild G* stop

1 2 3 G × × × × NC 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm

Make You Feel My Love [C]Bob Dylan / Adele

Intro C

Verse 1
C When the rain is blowing G in your face
Bb And the whole world is F on your case
Fm I could offer you a C warm embrace
D7 To make you G7 feel my C love

Verse 2
C When evening shadows and the G stars appear
Bb And there is no one there to F dry your tears
Fm I could hold you for a C million years
D7 To make you G7 feel my C love

Bridge 1
F I know you haven't made your C mind up yet
Caug But I would never do you C wrong
F I've known it from the moment C that we met
D7 No doubt in my mind where you beG7long

Verse 3
C I'd go hungry, I'd go G black and blue
Bb I'd go crawling down the F avenue
Fm No, there's nothing that I C wouldn't do
D7 To make you G7 feel my C love

Bridge 2
F The storms are raging on the C rollin' sea
Caug And on the highway of reCgret
F The winds of change are blowing C wild and free
D7 You ain't seen nothing like me G7 yet

Verse 4
C I could make you happy, make your G dreams come true
Bb There is nothing that I F wouldn't do
Fm Go to the ends of the C earth for you
D7 To make you G7 feel my C love

D7 To make you G7 feel my C* love

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 4 Caug

Mamma Mia [C]ABBA

C C+ C C+

w/ Kazoo
C C+ C C+

Verse 1
C I've been G cheated by C you since G I don't know F when
C So I G made up my C mind, it must G come to an F end
C Look at me now, C+ will I ever learn?
C I don't know how C+ but I suddenly F lose control
There's a fire with-G7-in my soul

F*Just C*one G look and I can hear a bell ring
F* OneC*more G look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh

Drum & Bass Stop
C Mamma mia, here I go again....Bb* My F my, how Dm can I G resist you?
C Mamma mia, does it show again? ....Bb* My F my, just Dm how much I've G missed you
C Yes, I've been G broken-hearted, Am Blue since the Em day we parted
Bb Why, F why did I Dm ever G7 let you go?

C Mamma mia, Am now I really know... Bb My F my, I could never G7 let you go

C C+ C C+

Verse 2
C I've been G angry and C sad about G things that you F do
C I can't G count all the C times that I've G told you we're F through
C And when you go, C+ when you slam the door
C I think you know C+ that you won't be a-F-way too long
You know that I'm G7 not that strong

F* Just C* one G look and I can hear a bell ring
F* One C* more G look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh

Drum & Bass Stop
C Mamma mia, here I go again...Bb* My F my, how Dm can I G resist you?
C Mamma mia, does it show again?...Bb* My F my, just Dm how much I've G missed you
C Yes, I've been G broken-hearted, Am Blue since the Em day we parted
Bb Why, F why did I ever G7 let you go?

C Mamma mia, Am even if I say... Bb* Bye F bye, leave me now or G never
C Mamma mia, Am it's a game we play... Bb* Bye F bye doesn't mean for-G-ever
C Mamma mia, Am now I really know, Bb* My F my, I could never Glet you go

C C+ C C+


3 C 1 4 C+ 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 1 2 3 Em

Man I Feel Like a Woman [A]Shania Twain

A F#m A Riff
Let's Go Girls!

Verse 1
A I'm going out tonight, I'm feelin' alright,
gonna let it all hang D out A
A Wanna make some noise, really raise my voice,
Yeah, I wanna scream and D shout A

A F#m A Riff

Verse 2
A No inhibitions, make no conditions,
get a little outta D line A
A Ain't gonna act, politically correct,
I only wanna have a good D time A

G Best thing about being a woman,
A Is the prerogative to have a little fun and

E Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy - forget I'm a lady, Men's shirts - short skirts
Oh, oh, C#m oh, really go wild - yea, A doin' it in E style
E Oh, oh, oh, get in the action - feel the attraction, color my hair - do what I dare
Oh, oh, C#m oh, I wanna be free - yea to A feel the way I F#m feel,
F#m* Man! I feel like a woman!

A F#m A Riff
A F#m A Riff

Verse 3
The A girls need a break - tonight we're gonna take,
The chance to get out on C the D town
We don't need romance - we only wanna dance,
we're gonna let our hair C hang D down

G Best thing about being a woman,
A Is the prerogative to have a little fun and


G  D  A  A  G  D  A  A

G Best thing about being a woman,
A Is the prerogative to have a little fun and

E Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy - forget I'm a lady, Men's shirts - short skirts
Oh, oh, C#m oh, really go wild - yea, A doin' it in E style
E Oh, oh, oh, get in the action - feel the attraction, color my hair - do what I dare
Oh, oh, C#m oh, I wanna be free - yea to A feel the way I F#m feel,
F#m* Man! I feel like a woman!

1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 E 1 1 C#m 3 C

Manic Monday [D]The Bangles

D G A7
D G A7

Verse 1
D Six o'clock already I was G just in the A7 middle of a D dream G A7
I was D kissin' Valentino by a G crystal blue A7 Italian D stream G A7
But I D can't be late 'Cause then I G guess I just A7 won't get D paid G A7
D These are the G days when you A7 wish your bed was already D made

It's A7* just another manic D Monday ooh G oh
I wish it were D Sunday ooh G oh
'Cause that's my D fun day ooh G oh
My I don't have to D run day ooh G
It's just another manic D Monday

Verse 2
D Have to catch an early train G got to be to A7 work by D nine G A7
And D if I had an aeroplane I G still couldn't A7 make it on D time G A7
'Cause it D takes me so long just to G figure out what A7 I'm gonna D wear G A7
D Blame it on the train but the G boss is alA7ready D there

It's A7* just another manic D Monday ooh G oh
I wish it were D Sunday ooh G oh
'Cause that's my D fun day ooh G oh
My I don't have to D run day ooh G
It's just another manic D Monday

Bm All of my nights why did my lover have to pick last E7 night to get down?
Last night, last night
DoesGn't it matter that I A7 have to feed the both of us employBmment's down
He G tells me in his bedroom E7 voice
"C'mon A7* honey* let's go make some noise"

Do Do Do Doooo
G* Time goes so fast,A7* when your having fun...

It's A7* just another manic D Monday ooh G oh
I wish it were D Sunday ooh G oh
'Cause that's my D fun day ooh G oh
My I don't have to D run day ooh G
It's just another manic D Monday

G Just another A7 manic Monday D
G Just another A7 manic Monday D

D  Cha Cha Cha!

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 A7 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 E7

Marry You [C]Bruno Mars

C Dm F C

C It’s a beautiful night
We’re looking for something Dm dumb to do
Hey F baby I think I wanna marry you C
C Is it the look in your eyes or is it this Dm dancing juice
Who F cares baby I think I wanna marry you C

Verse 1
C Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can Dm go
No one will F know oh come C on girl
C Who cares if we’re trashed got a pocket full of cash
We can Dm blow shots of patFron and it’s C on girl

C Don’t say no no no no no just say
Dm Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we’ll F go go go go go if you’re C ready like I’m ready


Verse 2
C I’ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like Dm oooh
So wotcha wanna F do let’s just C run girl
If we wake up and you wanna break up that’s Dm cool
No I won’t blame F you it was C fun girl

C Don’t say no no no no no just say
Dm Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we’ll F go go go go go if you’re C ready like I’m ready

C It’s a beautiful night
We’re looking for something Dm dumb to do
Hey F baby I think I wanna marry you C
C Is it the look in your eyes or is it this Dm dancing juice
Who F cares baby I think I wanna marry you C

C Just say I dooo-ooo-woo-Dmhoo tell me right F now baby
Tell me right C now baby baby just say I dooo-ooo-woo-Dmhoo
Tell me right F now baby tell me right C now baby baby oh

C It’s a beautiful night
We’re looking for something Dm dumb to do
Hey F baby I think I wanna marry you C
C Is it the look in your eyes or is it this Dm dancing juice
Who F cares baby I think I wanna marry you C

C* It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something Dm* dumb to do
Hey baby F* I think I want to marry you C

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F

Material Girl [G]Madonna

Intro: w/Kazoo
F G    F G    F G    F G

Verse 1
G Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me, F I think they're OEmkay
G If they don't give me proper credit, Am I just walk G away
G They can beg and they can plead but F they can't see the Em light, that's right
G Cause the boy with the cold hard cash is Am always Mister G Right

‘Coz we are C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material G girl
You know that we are C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material G girl

Verse 2
G Some boys romance, some boys slow dance F that's all right with Em me
G If they can't raise my interest then I Am have to let them G be
G Some boys try and some boys lie but F I don't let them Em play no way
G Only boys who save their pennies Am Make my rainy G day

‘Coz we are C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material G girl
You know that we are C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material

Instrumental: w/Kazoo
F G    F G    F G    F G

Acapella: w/scratching
Living in a material world material
Living in a material world
Living in a material world material
Living in a material world

G Boys may come and boys may go and F that's all right you Em see
G Experience has made me rich and Am now they're after G me

‘Coz everybody's C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material G girl
You know that we are C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material G girl
C Li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material G girl
You know that we are C li-D-ving in a material G world and C I am a D material

Instrumental: w/Kazoo
F G    F G*

Acapella: w/scratching
A material....a material....a material....a material world

G Living in a material world material
F Living in a mateEmrial world
G Living in a material world material
F Living in a mateEmrial world
G - Single Strum

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 D

Me and Bobby McGee [A]Kris Kristofferson

Verse 1
A Busted flat in Baton Rouge, headin’ for the trains
feelin’ nearly faded as my E7 jeans
Bobby thumbed a diesel down, just before it rained
Took us all the way to New Or A leans
I took my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana
And was blowin’ sad while Bobby sung the D blues,
With them windshield wipers slapping time,
and A Bobby clapping hands with mine
We E7 sang every song that driver A knew

D Freedom’s just another word for A nothing left to lose
E7 Nothin’ ain’t worth nothin’, but it’s A free
D Feeling good was easy, Lord, when A Bobby sang the blues
E7 Feeling good was good enough for me,
good enough for me and bobby Mc A Gee.

Verse 2
From the A coal mines of Kentucky to the California sun
Bobby shared the secrets of my E7 soul
Standin’ right beside me, Lord, through everything I’d done
Every night she kept me from the A cold
Then somewhere near Selinas Lord, I let her slip away
Lookin’ for the home I hope she’ll D find
But I’d trade all my tomorrows for a A single yesterday
E7 holdin’ Bobby’s body next to A mine

D Freedom’s just another word for A nothing left to lose
E7 Nothin’ left is all she left for A me
D Feeling good was easy, Lord, when A Bobby sang the blues
E7 Buddy that was good enough for me,
good enough for me and bobby Mc A Gee.

A La-de-da-de-da-de-da-da      La-de-da-de-da      La-de-da-da  me and Bobby Mc E7 Gee
E7 La-de-da-de-da-de-da-da      La-de-da-de-da      La-de-da-da  me and Bobby Mc A Gee
A La-de-da-de-da-de-da-da      La-de-da-de-da      La-de-da-da  me and Bobby Mc E7 Gee
E7 La-de-da-de-da-de-da-da      La-de-da-de-da      La-de-da-da  me and Bobby Mc A Gee
A - Double Strum

1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D

Mean [Am]Taylor Swift

AmYou, with your G words like knives and F swords and weapons that you use against me
AmYou, have G knocked me off my F feet again, got me feelin' like a nothin'
AmYou, with your G voice like nails on a Fchalk board callin' me out when I'm wounded
Am You, G pickin' on the weaker Fman
G Well you can take me down C with just one F single Gblow
F single strum But you don't know, what you don't know...

CSomeday G I'll be F livin' in a big ol' city and Call you're Gever gonna be is Fmean
CSomeday G I'll be F big enough so you can't hit me and C all you're Gever gonna be is Fmean N/C
Why you gotta be so C mean?

Am You, with your G swithching sides and your F wild fire lies and your humiliation
Am You, have G pointed out my F flaws again N/C As if I don't already see them
Am I walk with G my head down tryin' to F block you out 'cause I never impress you
Am I just G wanna feel F okay again
G I bet you got pushed around C Somebody F made you G cold
But the cycle ends right now 'cause F You can't lead me down that road
And N/C you don't know what you don't know

G F G And I can see you years from now in a bar
C Talkin' over a F football G game
With that same big loud opinion
But C nobody's F listen G ing
Washed up and ranting about the C same old G bitter F things
G Drunk and grumblin' all about how C I G can't F sing
But N/C all you are is C mean G Am
F All you are is C mean...and a G liar...and Am pathetic
And F alone in life and C mean, and G mean, and Am mean, and F mean

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C

Memories are Made of This [G]Dean Martin

Bass Riff
G sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
G you can't beat D7 the memories you gave to me

Verse 1
G Take one D7 fresh and tender G kiss
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
G Add one D7 stolen night of G bliss
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
C One girl, G one boy, D7 some grief, G some joy
G Memor-D7-ies are made of G this
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me

Verse 2
G Don't for– D7 get a small moon– G beam
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
G Fold it D7 lightly with a G dream
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
C Your lips G and mine, D7 Two sips G of wine
G Memor-D7-ies are made of G this
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me

C Then add the wedding bells
G One house where lovers Em7 dwell
D7 Three little kids D7 for the G flavour G7
C Stir carefully C through the days
G See how the flavour Em7 stays
A7 These are the A7 dreams you will D7 savD7*our

Verse 3
G With some D7 blessings from G above
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
G Serve it D7 generously with G love
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
C One man, G one wife, D7 one love, G through life
G Memor-D7-ies are made of G this
sweet sweet D7 the memories you gave to me
G Memor-D7-ies are made of G* this

Bass Riff

1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 3 C 2 3 Em7 1 2 3 G7 1 A7

Mercy [G]Duffy

Intro Bass Riff
NC x4

G Yeah Yeah Yeah x4

Verse 1
G I love you ... but I gotta stay true
my morals got me on my knees I'm begging please stop playing games
G I don't know what this D is cos you got me C good
just like you knew you G would
G I don't know what you D do but you do it C well
I’m under you G spell

You got me begging you for G mercy, why won't you release me
You got me begging you for C mercy, why won't you releaGse me
I said D releeeeease C meee G

Verse 2
G Now you think that I will be something on the side
but you got to understand that I need a man who can take my hand yes I do!
I don't know what this D is but you got me C good
just like you knew you G would
I don't know what you D do but you do it C well, I’m under your G spell

You got me begging you for G mercy, why won't you release me
You got me begging you for C mercy, why won't you releaGse me
I said D releeeeease C meee G

Acapella w/ Scratch
I'm begging you for mercy
yes why wont you release me
I'm begging you for mercy
You got me begging
You got me begging
You got me begging stop

G I’m begging you for mercy, why wont you release me
I'm begging you for C mercy why wont you release me
you got me begging you for D merCcy G

You got me begging you for G mercy, why won't you release me
You got me begging you for C mercy, why won't you releaGse me
I said D releeeeease C meee G

G - Single Strum Cha cha cha!

× × × × NC 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C

Mickey [B]Toni Basil

Acapella w/Scratching
Oh Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind,...Hey Mickey, hey Mickey
Oh Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind,...Hey Mickey, hey Mickey
B* & ScratchOh Mickey, you're so fine
A*You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey B*Mickey, A*hey Mickey
B*Oh Mickey, you're so fine
A*You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey B*Mickey arpeggiate

E – A – E – B  – A  – B  E – A – E – B  – A arpeggiate - B arpeggiate

B  Hey MickeyA
BYou've been around all night and Athat's a little long
BYou think you've got the right but I Athink you've got it wrong
BWhy can't you say goodnight? So Ayou can take me home, Mickey
B  arpeggiate

BCause when you say you will, it Aalways means you won't
BYou're givin' me the chills, baby, Aplease baby don't
BEvery night you still Aleave me all alone, Mickey
B arpeggiate

E|Oh Mickey,A what a pity,E you don't undeBrstand
You Atake me by the heart when you Btake me by the hand
EOh Mickey, Ayou're so pretty, Ecan't you underBstand
A arpeggiate It's guys like you, Mickey
B arpeggiate Ooh what you do Mickey, do Mickey; don't break my heart, Mickey

B Hey Mickey  A
B Now when you take me by the... who's...A ever gonna know
BEvery time you move I let a Alittle more show
BThere's something you can use, so A don't say no, Mickey
B arpeggiate

BSo come on and give it to meA anyway you can
BAnyway you want to do it, I'll Atake it like a man
BOh please baby, please don't Aleave me in the jam Mickey
B arpeggiate


Acapella w/Scratching
Oh Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind,...Hey Mickey, hey Mickey
Oh Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind,...Hey Mickey, hey Mickey
B* & ScratchOh Mickey, you're so fine
A*You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey B*Mickey, A*hey Mickey
B*Oh Mickey, you're so fine
A*You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey B*Mickey arpeggiate



1 2 3 B 1 2 A 1 2 E

Money Money Money [Am]Abba

Am B7 Dm E7 Am

Verse 1
I Am work all night, I work all day, to E7 pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it Am sad
And Am still there never seems to be a E7 single penny left for me
That's too Am bad
Am In my dreams I have a plan F If I got me a wealthy man
I Dm wouldn't have to work at all, I'd B7 fool around and have a ball E7*

Pause then Kazoo

Am Money, money, money B7 Must be funny
E7 In the rich man's Am world
Am Money, money, money B7 Always sunny
E7 In the rich man's Am world
ah-Dm-ha ah-E7-ha
Am All the things I could Dm do
F If E7 I Am had a little money
Dm It's a E7 rich man's Am world

Am B7 Dm E7 Am

Verse 2
A Am man like that is hard to find, but E7 I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it Am sad,
And Am if he happens to be free, I E7 bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too Am bad
Am So I must leave, I'll have to go F To Las Vegas or Monaco
And Dm win a fortune in a game, my B7 life will never be the same E7*


Chorus x2
Am Money, money, money B7 Must be funny
E7 In the rich man's Am world
Am Money, money, money B7 Always sunny
E7 In the rich man's Am world
ah-Dm-ha ah-E7-ha
Am All the things I could Dm do
F If E7 I Am had a little money
Dm It's a E7 rich man's Am world

Am B7 Dm E7 Am

2 Am 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F

Moon River [G]Andy Williams

Verse 1
G Moon Em7 River, C wider than a G mile
I’m C crossing you in G style some Am day B7
Oh Em7 dream G7 maker, you C heart Cm breaker
Where Em7 ever you’re Em6 goin’, I’m Am7 goin’ your D7 way

Verse 2
G Two Em7 drifters, C off to see the G world
There’s C such a lot of G world to Am see B7
We’re afEm7ter the Cm same rainbow’s G end
C Waitin’ ‘round the G bend
My C huckleberry G friend
Em7 Moon Am River D7 and G me

Verse 3
no lyrics on next two lines, just hum among with the chords
G Em7 C G
C G Am B7
Oh Em7 dream G7 maker, you C heart Cm breaker
Where Em7 ever you’re Em6 goin’, I’m Am7 goin’ your D7 way

Verse 4
G Two Em7 drifters, C off to see the G world
There’s C such a lot of G world to Am see B7
We’re afEm7ter the Cm same rainbow’s G end
C Waitin’ ‘round the G bend
My C huckleberry G friend
Em7 Moon Am River... D7 and G meeeeeCmeeeeeeGCm

G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 2 3 Em7 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Cm 1 2 Em6 Am7 1 2 D7

More Than Words [G]Extreme

Intro same chords as verse
G C Am7 C D G x2

Verse 1
G Saying I C love you is
Am7 not the words I C want to D hear from G you
It's not that I C want you
Am7 not to say but C if you D only Em knew
How Am7 easy
D It would be to G show me D how you Em feel
More than Am7 words is D7 all you have to G7 do
To make it C real
Then you Cm wouldn't have to G say
That you Em7 love me 'cos
Am7* I'd  alD7*ready G know

G What.... would.... you D do if my Em heart was Bm torn in C two
More than words to show you Am feel that your D7 love for me is G real
What would you D say if I Em took those Bm words C away?
Then you couldn't make things Am7 new
Just by D7* saying I love G you G

C Da de da da da Am7 daada daa daa C daaa D more than G words
C Da de da da da Am7* daaaaaaa.......D7* oooooooooo

Tap tap

Verse 2
G Now that I've C tried to
Am7 Talk to you and C make you D underGstand
All that you C have to do is
Am7 Close your eyes and C just reach D out your Em hands
And Am7 touch me
D Hold me close don't G ever D let me Em go
More than Am7 words is D7 all I ever G7 needed you to C show
Then you Cm wouldn't have to G say
That you Em7 love me 'cos
Am7* I'd  alD7*ready G know

G What.... would.... you D do if my Em heart was Bm torn in C two
More than words to show you Am feel that your D7 love for me is G real
What would you D say if I Em took those Bm words C away?
Then you couldn't make things Am7 new
Just by D7* saying I love G////// you-ooooooo

G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C Am7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Cm 2 3 Em7 1 1 1 Bm 2 Am

Moves Like Jagger [Am]Maroon 5

Intro - with kazoo or whistling
Am Am Dm Dm

Verse 1
Just shoot for the Am stars, If it feels right,
Then aim for my heart, If you feel like
Can take me aDmway, and make it okay, I swear I'll behave kazoo/whistle

You want to Am control, so we waited,
I put on a show ,now I make it
You say I'm a Dm kid, my ego is big, I don't give a shit Dm stop

And it goes like Am this

Am Take me by the tongue and I'll know you
Kiss me til you're drunk and I'll show you
You want the Dm moves like Jagger
I got the moves like Jagger
I got the mooooooves...like Jagger

Am I don't even try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you
With them Dm moves like Jagger
I got them moves like Jagger
I got them mooooooves...like

Verse 2 - Acapella
Baby it's Am hard
And it feel like you're broken in scar, nothing feels right
But when you're with Dm me, I make you believe, that I've got the key kazoo/whistle

So get in the Am car, we can ride it,
wherever you want, get inside it
And you want to Dm steer, but I'm shifting gears, I'll take it from here Dm stop

And it goes like Am this


Verse 3 - Acapella + Scratch
You want to know, how to make me smile
Take control, own me just for the night

Cajon geting louder
But if I share my secret
You gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this

Verse 4
Am So watch and learn, I won't show you twice
Head to toe, baby roll me right
Dm But if I share my secret, you gonna have to keep it, nobody else can see this Dm stop

And it goes like Am this


Am - Single Strum kazoo/whistle

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm

Movin’ On Up [C]Primal Scream

CI was blind, now I can see
You made a believer, out of me
I was Gblind, now I can Fsee
You made a Cbeliever, out of me

I’m movin’ on Gup now
Gettin’ out of the Fdarkness
My life shines Gon
My life shines Fon
My life shines Con

CI was lost, now I’m found
I believe in me, I got no bounds
I was Glost, now I’m Ffound
I believe in Cyou, I got no bounds

I’m movin’ on Gup now
Gettin’ out of the Fdarkness
My life shines Gon
My life shines Fon
My life shines Con G7

I’m Cgetting’ outta darkness
My Bblife shines on
I’m G7getting’ outta darkness
My Flife shines on

I’m Cgetting’ outta darkness
My Bblife shines on
I’m G7getting’ outta darkness
My Flife Gshines Con

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Bb

Mr Blue Sky [F]ELO


Verse 1
F Sun is shining in the sky, there aint a Em cloud A in Dm sight,
its stopped G raining everyEmbodys in a A play,
and dont you Bb know, its a beautiful new F day,  he he hey, C

Verse 2
F Running down the avenue, see how the Em sun A shines Dm brightly,
in the G city on the Em streets where once was A pity Mr Bb Blue
Sky is living here toFday  he he hey, C

Dm Mr Blue F Sky please tell us Bb why,
you had to F hide away for Gm so long F so long,  so where did Eb we go wrong, Bb
Dm Mr Blue F Sky please tell us Bb why,
you had to F hide away for Gm so long F so long, so  where did Eb we go wrong, Bb

Instrumental same chords as verse
F F F    Em A Dm    G Em A    Bb Bb F C

Verse 3
F Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the Em humAan Dm race,
a  celeGbration, Mr Em Blue Skys up there A waiting  and Bb today,
Is the day we've waited F for, aah aah ahh, C

Dm Mr Blue F Sky please tell us Bb why,
you had to F hide away for Gm so long F so long,  so where did Eb we go wrong, Bb
Dm Hey there F Mr Blue, Bb were so pleased to F be with you,
Gm look around see F what you do,  Eb everybody Bb smiles at you,
Dm Hey there F Mr Blue, Bb were so pleased to F be with you,
Gm look around see F what you do,  Eb everybody Bb smiles at you,

Verse 4
F Mr Blue you did it right, but soon comes Em Mister A Night, Dm
creeping G over now his Em hand is on your A shoulder never Bb mind,
I'll Bb remember you this F way, hey hey C hey

Dm Mr Blue F Sky please tell us Bb why,
you had to F hide away for Gm so long F so long,  so where did Eb we go wrong, Bb
Dm Hey there F Mr Blue, Bb were so pleased to F be with you,
Gm look around see F what you do,  Eb everybody Bb smiles at you,

Bb F - Single Strum

1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 Eb

Mr Brightside [C]The Killers

Intro CCmaj7AmF x2

Verse 1
C Coming out of my Cmaj7 cage and I've been doing just Am fine
Gotta gotta be F down because I want it all
C It started out with a Cmaj7 kiss how did it end up like Am this?
It was only a F kiss it was only a kiss

Verse 2
C Now I'm falling a-Cmaj7sleep and she's calling a Am cab
While he's having a F smoke and she's taking a drag
C Now they're going to Cmaj7 bed and my stomach is Am sick
And it's all in my F head

But she's touching his Am chest nowm He takes off her G dress now,
Let me F go ...
Am And I just can't look, it's G killing me
And F taking control

C Jealousy F turning shapes in Am to the sea G
Swimming through sick C lullabies F Choking on your Am alibi G
But it's just the C price I pay F Destiny is Am calling me G
Open up my C eager eye-F-s Am I'm Mr. G Brightside

Instrumental C F Am G x2

Verse 3
C Coming out of my Cmaj7 cage and I've been doing just Am fine
Gotta gotta be F down because I want it all
C It started out with a Cmaj7 kiss how did it end up like Am* this?
It was only a F* kiss it was only a kiss

Verse 4
C Now I'm falling a-Cmaj7sleep and she's calling a Am cab
While he's having a F smoke and she's taking a drag
C Now they're going to Cmaj7 bed and my stomach is Am sick
And it's all in my F head

But she's touching his Am chest now, He takes off her G dress now,
Let me F go ...
Am And I just can't look, it's G killing me
And F taking control

C Jealousy F turning shapes in Am to the sea G
Swimming through sick C lullabies F Choking on your Am alibi G
But it's just the C price I pay F Destiny is Am calling me G
Open up my C eager eye-F-s Am I'm Mr. G Brightside

Instrumental C F Am G x2

I C never... F Am G
I C never... F Am G
I C never... F Am G
I C never... F Am G//// C*

3 C 2 Cmaj7 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Mr Tambourine Man [C]


F Hey Mr G7 Tambourine Man C play a song for F me
I'm not C sleepy and there Dm ain’t no place I'm G going to G7
F Hey Mr G7 Tambourine Man C play a song for F me
In the C jingle jangle F morning I'll come G7 followin' C you C

Verse 1
Though I F know that evenin's D7 empire C has returned into F sand
C Vanished from my F hand
Left me C blindly here to Dm stand but still not G sleeping G7
My F weariness aG7mazes me I'm C branded on my F feet
I C have no one to F meet
And the C ancient empty Dm street's too dead for G dreaming G7


Verse 2
F Take me for a G7 trip upon your C magic swirlin' F ship
All my C senses have been F stripped and my C hands can't feel to F grip
And my C toes too numb to F step
Wait C only for my Dm boot heels to be G wanderin' G7
I'm F ready to go G7 anywhere I'm C ready for to F fade
InCto my own paFrade cast your C dancing spell my F way
I promise to go G under it G7

F Hey Mr G7 Tambourine Man C play a song for F me
I'm not C sleepy and there Dm ain’t no place I'm G going to G7
F Hey Mr G7 Tambourine Man C play a song for F me
In the C jingle jangle F morning I'll come G7 followin' C you C

Verse 3
Though you F might hear laughin' G7 spinnin’
Swingin' C madly across the F sun
It's not C aimed at anyFone it's just esCcapin' on the F run
And but C for the sky there Dm are no fences G facin' G7
And F if you hear vague G7 traces of C skippin' reels of F rhyme
To your C tambourine in F time it's just a C ragged clown beFhind
I wouldn't C pay it any F mind it's just a C shadow
You're Dm seein' that he's G chasing G7

F Hey Mr G7 Tambourine Man C play a song for F me
I'm not C sleepy and there Dm ain’t no place I'm G going to G7
F Hey Mr G7 Tambourine Man C play a song for F me
In the C jingle jangle F morning I'll come G7 followin' C you C

C - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 D7

Mrs Robinson [E]Simon & Garfunkel

E7 E7 E7 E7
same rhythm as verse
E7 Di di-di-di di-di di-di di di di-di-di
A Doo doo-doo-doo doo doo doo-doo-doo
D Di-di-di-di G di-di-di-di C di di di di Am di E D

And here's to G you, Mrs Em Robinson
G Jesus loves you Em more than you will C know... oh-oh D oh
God bless you G please Mrs Em Robinson
G Heaven holds a Em place for those who C pray... hey hey
Am hey... hey hey E7 hey

Verse 1
We'd E7 like to know a little bit about you for our files
A7 We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
D Look around you G all you see are C sympathetic Am eyes
E7 Stroll around the grounds unDtil you feel at home


Verse 2
E7 Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
A7 Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
D It's a little G secret just the C Robinsons' aAmffair
E7 Most of all you've got to D hide it from the kids

Coo-coo-ca-Gchoo, Mrs Em Robinson
G Jesus loves you Em more than you will C know... oh-oh D oh
God bless you G please Mrs Em Robinson
G Heaven holds a Em place for those who C pray... hey hey
Am hey... hey hey E7 hey

Verse 3
E7 Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
A7 Going to the candidates debate
D Laugh about it G shout about it C when you've got to Am choose
E7 Every way you look at it you D lose

Verse 4
Where have you G gone Joe DiEmMaggio
A G nation turns its Em lonely eyes to C you... ooh-ooh D ooh
What's that you Gsay, Mrs EmRobinson?
G Joltin's Joe has Em left and gone aCway
Hey hey Am hey... hey hey E7 hey

E7 E7 E7 E7

1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 E 1 2 3 Em 1 A7

My Life Would Suck Without You [G]Kelly Clarkson

Intro same chords as start of verse
G G C G Bm Em C D

Verse 1
G Guess this means you're sorry
You're C standing at my G door
Bm Guess this means you Em take back
C All you said beDfore
G Like how much you wanted
C Anyone but G me
Bm Said you'd never Em come back
But C here you are aDgain

Cause we beGlong toEmgether C now, D yeah
Forever uGnited Em here someBmhow, D yeah
You got a G piece of Em me
Am And honestCly
My G life my life would Em suck would suck C without D you

Verse 2
G Maybe I was stupid for C telling you goodGbye
Bm Maybe I was Em wrong for C tryin' to pick a D fight
G I know that I've got issues
But you're C pretty messed up G too
Bm Anyway, I Em found out I'm C nothing without D you

Cause we beGlong toEmgether C now, D yeah
Forever uGnited Em here someBmhow, D yeah
You got a G piece of Em me
Am And honestCly
My G life my life would Em suck would suck C without D you

G Being with you is C so dysfunctioGnal
I Bm really shouldn't Em miss you, but C I can't let you D go

Instrumental same as intro
G C G Bm Em C D

Chorus x 2
Because we Gbelong EmtogetheCr  nowD,  yeah
Forever uGnited Em here someBmhow, D yeah
You got a G piece of Em me
Am And honestCly
My G life my life would Em suck would suck C without D you

G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 2 Am

My Lovely Horse [G]The Divine Comedy

G G stop

Verse 1
My lovely, lovely, lovely C horse
My lovely G horse My lovely horse
Am Running through the F field
C Where are you going with your G fetlocks blowing in the Am wind? F

Verse 2
C I want to shower you with G sugar lumps
Am And ride you over F fences
C Polish your hooves every G single day
Am And bring you D to the horse G dentist stop

Verse 3
My lovely, lovely, lovely C horse My lovely G horse My lovely horse
Am You're a pony no F more
C Running around with a G man on your back
Like a Am train in the night, F yeah, like a train in the C night...

1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 1 1 D

My heart will go on [Am]Celine Dion

Intro - Single Strums with Kazoo
Am G F G x2

Verse 1
C Every night in G my dreams
I F see you, I C feel G you,
C That is how I G know you go F on G
C Far across the G distance
And F spaces beCtween G us
C You have come to G show you go F on G

Am Near, G far, wherFever you G are
I Am believe that the G heart does go F on G
Am Once G more you F open the G door
And you're Am here in my G heart
And my F heart will go G on and C on

Verse 2
C Love can touch us G one time
And F last for a C lifeGtime
C And never let G go till we're F gone G
C Love was when I G loved you
One F true time I C hold G to
C In my life we'll G always go F on G

Am Near, G far, wherFever you G are
I Am believe that the G heart does go F on G
Am Once G more you F open the G door
And you're Am here in my G heart
And my F heart will go G on and C on

Am You're G here, there's F nothing I G fear,
And I Am know that my G heart will go F on G

Am We'll G stay forFever this G way
You are Am safe in my G heart
And my F heart will go G on and C on

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C

Mysterious Girl [C]Peter Andre

C Am F G x2

Verse 1
C  I stop and Am stare at you, F walking on the G shore.
C I try to conAmcentrate, my F mind wants to expGlore.
C Tropical Am scent of you F takes me up abGove.
C And girl when I Am look at you, F ohh i fall in G love

C ohh oh, No doubt you Am look so fine
ohh F oh, Girl I want to G make you mine
ohh C oh, I want to Am be with a  F woman just like G you.
ohh C oh, No doubt im the Am only man
ohh F oh, Who could love you G like I can
ohh C oh, I want to Am be with the woFman just like G you.

C Whoa ohh ohh Am ohh MysterFious G Girl I want to get C close to you. Am F G
C Whoa ohh ohh Am ohh MysterFious G Girl move your C body close to Am mine F G

Verse 2
C Watching the Am sun go down, the F tide is drifting G in
C We can get Am closer now, I F feel the warmth withGin
C Coz Im looking in Am your eyes, F feeling so al-Give
C And girl when you Am touch me, its F time to take it G through the night.

C Ohh  oh, Girl I wanna Am be with you
Ohh F oh, I wanna spend the G night with you
Ohh C oh, I need to Am be with the woFman that I G love
Ohh C oh, girl I wanna Am do to you
Ohh F oh, all the things you G want me to
Ohh C I need to be Am with the woFman that I G love

Chorus x2
C Whoa ohh ohh Am ohh MysterFious G Girl I want to get C close to you. Am F G
C Whoa ohh ohh Am ohh MysterFious G Girl move your C body close to Am mine F G


3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

N17 [G]The Saw Doctors

G du du du du du  C du du du du du x4

Verse 1
Well I G didn't see much C future
When I G left the Christian Brothers' C School
So I G waved it goodbye with a C wistful smile
And I G left the girls of C Tuam
And G sometimes when I'm remi-Cniscing
I see the G  prefabs and my old C friends
And i G know that they'll be C changed or gone
By the G time i get home C again

And I G wish I was on that C N Seven-D-teen
D Stone walls and the grasses green
Yes I G wish I was on that C N Seven-D-teen
D Stone walls and the grasses green
F Travelling with C just my thoughts and G dreams

G du du du du du  C du du du du du x4

Verse 2
Well the G auld fella left me to C Shannon
was the G last time I travelled that C road
And as we G turned left at ClareCgalway
I could G feel a lump in my C throat
As I G pictured the thousands of C times
That I'd G travelled that well worn C track
And I G know that things will be C different
If I G ever decide to go C back


G du du du du du  C du du du du du x4

Verse 3
G Now as I tumble down C highways
Or G filthy overcrowded C trains
There's G no one to talk to in C transit
So I G sit there and daydream in C vain
And G behind all these muddled up C problems
Of G living on a foreign C soil
I can G still see the twists and C turns in the road
From the G square to the town of the C tribes

And I G wish I was on that C N Seven-D-teen
Stone walls and the grasses green
Yes I G wish I was on that C N Seven-D-teen
D Stone walls and the grasses green
F Travelling with C just my thoughts and G dreams

Outro Repeat until count out
G du du du du du  C du du du du du
G du du du du du  C du du du du du

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 F

Nancy Spain [G]

Of G all the stars that ever shone,not C one does twinkle G like your pale blueD eyes,
Like C golden corn at D harvest time your G hair,
G Sailing in my boat, the wind Cgently G blows and fills myD sail,
Your C sweet scented D breath is every Gwhere.

G Daylight peeping through the curtain C of the passing G night time is your D smile,
The C sun in the D sky is like your G laugh,
Come back to me my Nancy,and C linger for G just a little D while,
Since you C left these D shores I've known no peace or G joy.

No G matter where I wonder I’m still C haunted by your Dname,
The C portrait of your D beauty stays the G same,
Standing by the ocean wondering Cwhere you’ve gone, if G you'll return D again,
Where C is the ring I D gave to Nancy G Spain.

G On a day in spring time when C snow starts to G melt and streams do D flow,
C With the D birds I'll sing a G song,
In a while I'll wander, C down by Bluebell G grove where wild flowers D grow,
And I C hope that lovely D Nancy will reGturn.


1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Need You Now [G]Lady Antebellum

Verse 1
G Picture perfect memories scattered all around the Bm floor
G Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it any Bm more
And I G wonder if I ever cross your Bm mind
For me it G happens all the time

Chorus 1
It's a D quarter after one, I'm all alone and I F#m need you now
D Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control and I F#m need you now
And I G don't know how I can do without, I just need you Bm now

Verse 2
G Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the Bm door
G Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did Bm before
And I G wonder if I ever cross your Bm mind
For me it G happens all the time

Chorus 2
It's a D quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I F#m need you now
D Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control and I F#m need you now
And I G don't know how I can do without, I just need you Bm now A

Bridge slower
Yes I'd G rather hurt than feel nothing at Bm aaa – A ll

Chorus 3
It's a D quarter after one, I'm all alone and I F#m need you now
D Said I wouldn't call, but I’m a little drunk and I F#m need you now
And I G don't know how I can do without, I just need you Bm now A

F#m I just need you D now
F#m D
Oh F#m baby I need you D now
F#m D

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 A

Never Gonna Give You Up [F]Rick Astley

F G Em Am x4

Verse 1
F We're no strangers to G love, F You know the rules and Am so do G I.
F A full commitment's what I'm G thinking of, F You wouldn't get this from Am any other G guy
F I just wanna G tell you how I'm feeling, F Gotta make you G understand

Never gonna Am give you G up, Never gonna Em let you Am down
Never gonna F run aGround and desert C you
Never gonna Am make you G cry, Never gonna Em say good Am bye
Never gonna F tell a G lie and hurt C you

Verse 2
F We've known each other G for so long,
F Your heart's been aching, but Am You're too G shy to say it
F Inside, we both know what's been G going on,
F We know the game and we're Am gonna G play it
F And if you G ask me how I'm feeling,
F Don't tell me you're too Am blind to G see

Chorus x2

F Ooooooooh G give you up
F Ooooooooh G give you up

F Never gonna give, never gonna give, G Give you up
F Never gonna give, never gonna give, G Give you up

Verse 3 - Acapella
We've known each other for so long, Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it,
Inside, we both know what's been going on, We know the game and we're gonna play it
F I just wanna G tell you how I'm feeling, F Gotta make you Am underG stand

Chorus x2
Never gonna Am give you G up, Never gonna Em let you Am down
Never gonna F run aGround and desert C you
Never gonna Am make you G cry, Never gonna Em say good Am bye
Never gonna F tell a G lie and hurt C you


1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 3 C

New Rules [Am]Dua Lipa

AmTalkin' in my sleep at night, makin' myself crazy
FOut of my mind, out of my mindG
AmWrote it down and read it out, hopin' it would save me
FToo many times, too many timesG
AmMy love, he makes me feel like nobody Felse, nobody else
GBut my Amlove, he doesn't love me,
GSo I tell myFself, I tell myselfG

Am One- Don't pick up the phone
Am You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone
F Two - Don't let him in
FYou'll have to kick him out aGgain
Am Three - Don't be his friend
AmYou know you're gonna
AmWake up in his bed in the morFning
FAnd if you're under him, you ain't gettin' Gover Amhim

Am I got new rules, I count 'em
I got new rules, I Gcount F'em
FI gotta tell them to myAmself
AmI got new rules, I Gcount F'em
F I gotta tell them Gto myAmself

Am I keep pushin' forwards,
But he keeps pullin' me Gbackwards
FNowhere to turn, no way
FNowhere to turn, Gno
AmNow I'm standin' back from it,
AmI finally see the patGtern
FI never learn, I never learnG
AmBut my love, he doesn't love me,
GSo I tell Fmyself, I tell myself
FI do, I do,G I do



AmPractice makes perfect
I'm still tryna learn it by Fheart
FI got new rules, I count G'em
AmEat, sleep, and breathe it
Rehearse and repeat it, 'causeF I... I got new...



Am One- Don't pick up the phone
Am You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone
F Two - Don't let him in
FYou'll have to kick him out aGgain
Am Three - Don't be his friend
AmYou know you're gonna
AmWake up in his bed in the morFning
FAnd if you're under him, you ain't gettin' Gover Amhim

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Nine to Five [D]Dolly Parton

Intro D

DTumble out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen,
GPour myself a cup of ambition
And Dyawn and stretch and try to come to Alife
DJump in the shower and the blood starts pumping
GOut on the street the traffic starts jumping
With Dfolks like me on the Ajob from nine to Dfive

Working Gnine to five, what a way to make a living
Barely D getting by, it’s all taking and no giving
They just G use your mind and they never give you credit
It’s eEnough to drive you Acrazy if you let it

GNine to five, for service and devotion
You would D think that I would deserve a fair promotion
Want to G move ahead but the boss won’t seem to let me
I Eswear sometimes, that man is A out to get me

They Dlet you dream just to watch ‘em shatter,
You’re Gjust a step on the boss man’s ladder,
But Dyou’ve got dreams he’ll never take aAway
You’re Din the same boat with a lot of your friends
GWaiting for the day your ship’ll come in
The Dtides gonna turn and it’s Aall gonna roll your Dway

Working Gnine to five, what a way to make a living
Barely D getting by, it’s all taking and no giving
They just G use your mind and you never get the credit
It’s Eenough to drive you Acrazy if you let it

GNine to five, yeah they’ve got you where they want you
There’s a D better life, and you think about it don’t you?
It’s a G rich man’s game, no matter what they call it
And you Espend your life putting Amoney in his pocketD

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 E

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien [G]Edith Piaf

G D7 D7 G

G Non, rien de D7 rien
Non, je ne regrette G rien
Ni le C bien qu'on m'a C+ fait
Ni le Am mal; tout ça m'est bien éD7gal!

G Non, rien de D7 rien
Non, je ne regrette G rien
C'est paCyé, balaAmyé,
oubliD7é, stop Je me fous du pasGsé! stop

Verse 1
Avec mes souveGnirs
J'ai allumé le feu
Mes chagrins, mes D7 plaisirs
Je n'ai plus besoin G d'eux! stop

Verse 2
Balayées les aGmours
Avec leurs trémolos
Balayés pour D7 toujours stop
Je repars à zéGro

G Non, rien de D7 rien
Non, je ne regrette G rien
Ni le C bien qu'on m'a C+ fait
Ni le Am mal; tout ça m'est bien éD7gal!

G Non, rien de D7 rien
Non, je ne regrette G rien
Car ma C vie, car mes Am joies
AujourdD7 'hui, stop ça commence avec G toi

G Eb G

1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 3 C 1 4 C+ 2 Am 1 1 1 Eb

Norwegian Wood [D]Beatles

Uke1: D C D

A|0 2 0 - - - - - - - - - -
E|- - - 3 2 0 3 2 - - 3 - 2
C|- - - - - - - - 2 0 - 0 2
G|- - - - - - - - - - - - 2

D I once had a girl or should I say C she once G had D me
D She showed me her room
Isn't it good C NorweGgian D wood
She Dm asked me to stay
And she told me to sit anyGwhere
So Dm I looked around and I noticed
There wasn't a Em chair A7

D I sat on a rug biding my time C drinking G her D wine
D We talked until two
And then she said C it's time G for D bed

Repeat Intro

She Dm told me she worked in the morning
And started to G laugh
I Dm told her I didn't
And crawled off to sleep in the Em bath A7

D And when I awoke I was alone C this bird G had D flown
D So I lit a fire isn't it good C NorweGgian D wood

1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 A7

Nothing Compares To You [C]Sinead O’Connor / Prince

Intro C
C It's been seven hours and G fifteen days
Am Since you took your love away CG
C I go out every night and G sleep all day
Am Since you took your love away CG
C Since you been gone I can do what-Gever I want
Am I can see whomever I choose CG
C I can eat my dinner in a fancy G restaurant
But Am nothing, I said nothing can take a-E7way these blues

'Cause Bb nothing com-Fpares
Bb Nothing com-Fpares 2 U GG

C It's been so lonely with-Gout U here
Am Like a bird without a song C ah ah ah G ah ah
C Nothing can stop these lonely G tears from falling
Tell me Am baby, where did I go F wrong?
C I could put my arms around every G boy I see
Am But they only remind me of U C ah ah ah G ah ah
C I went to the doctor and guess what he G told me Guess what he told me
He said, Am “Girl U better try to have fun no matter E7 what U do"
But he's a fool

'Cause Bb nothing com-Fpares
Am Nothing com-Gpares 2 U G/G/

C It's been so lonely with-Gout U here
Am Like a bird without a song C ah ah ah G ah ah
C It's been so lonely with-Gout U here
Am Like a bird without a song C ah ah ah G ah ah

C All the flowers that U planted mama G in the back yard
Am All died when U went away C ah ah ah G ah ah
C I know that living with U baby was G sometimes hard
Am But I'm willing 2 give U another E7 try

Repeat chorus x3
Bb Nothing com-Fpares
Am Nothing com-Gpares 2 U G


3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F

Nothing Compares To You [F]Sinead O’Connor / Prince

Intro F
F It's been seven hours and C fifteen days
Dm Since you took your love away FC
F I go out every night and C sleep all day
Dm Since you took your love away FC
F Since you been gone I can do what-Cever I want
Dm I can see whomever I choose FC
F I can eat my dinner in a fancy C restaurant
But Dm nothing, I said nothing can take a-Away these blues

'Cause Eb nothing com-Bbpares
Dm Nothing compares 2 U CC

F It's been so lonely with-Cout U here
Dm Like a bird without a song F ah ah ah C ah ah
F Nothing can stop these lonely C tears from falling
Tell me Dm baby, where did I go Bb wrong?
F I could put my arms around every C boy I see
Dm But they only remind me of U F ah ah ah C ah ah
F I went to the doctor and guess what he C told me Guess what he told me
He said, Dm “Girl U better try to have fun no matter A what U do"
But he's a fool

'Cause Eb nothing com-Bbpares
Dm Nothing com-Cpares 2 U C/C/

F It's been so lonely with-Cout U here
Dm Like a bird without a song F ah ah ah C ah ah
F It's been so lonely with-Cout U here
Dm Like a bird without a song F ah ah ah C ah ah

F All the flowers that U planted mama C in the back yard
Dm All died when U went away F ah ah ah C ah ah
F I know that living with U baby was C sometimes hard
Dm But I'm willing 2 give U another A try

Repeat chorus x3
Eb Nothing com-Bbpares
Dm Nothing com-Cpares 2 U C

EbBb/DmC C EbBb/DmC/C

1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 Bb

Nothing Ever Happens [F]Del Amitri


Verse 1
F Post office clerks put up signs saying position Dm7 closed
And F secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their Dm7 coats
Bb Janitors padlock the F gates... for seCcurity guards to Bb patrol
And Bb bachelors phone up their F friends for a drink...
while the C married ones turn on a Bb chat show
And they'll F all be lonely toBbnight and lonely toFmorrow

Verse 2
F Gentlemen time please you know we can't serve any Dm7 more
Now the F traffic lights change to stop when there's nothing to Dm7 go
And by Bb five o' clock everything's F dead...
and C every third car is a Bb cab
And Bb ignorant people F sleep in their beds
like the C doped white mice in the Bb college lab

And F nothing ever Bb happens... F nothing happens at Bb all
The Dm needle returns to the Bb start of the song... and we C all sing along like beBbfore
And we'll F all be lonely toBbnight and lonely toFmorrow F

Verse 3
F Telephone exchanges click while there's nobody Dm7 there
The F Martians could land in the car park and no one could Dm7 care
The Bb closed-circuit cameras in F department stores shoot the C same movie every Bb day
And the Bb stars of these films neither F die nor get killed...
just to surCvive the constant action Bb replay

And F nothing ever Bb happens... F nothing happens at Bb all
The Dm needle returns to the Bb start of the song... and we C all sing along like beBbfore
And we'll F all be lonely toBbnight and lonely toFmorrow F

G Dm7 G Dm7

Verse 4
F Bill hoardings advertise products that nobody Dm7 needs
While F 'Angry from Manchester' writes to complain about Dm7 all the repeats on TV
And Bb computer terminals F report some gains on the C values of copper and Bb tin
While ABbmerican businessmen F snap up Van Goghs for the C price of a hospital Bb wing

And F nothing ever Bb happens... F nothing happens at Bb all
The Dm needle returns to the Bb start of the song and we C all sing along like beBbfore
And F nothing ever Bb happens... F nothing happens at Bb all
They'll Dm burn down the synagogues Bb at 6 o' clock and we'll C all go along like beBbfore
And we'll F all be lonely toBbnight and lonely toFmorrow
F - Single Strum

1 2 F 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G

Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now [G]Starship

Intro  G Em C D x2

Verse 1
G Looking in your eyes I Em see a paradise
This C world that I've found... is too D good to be true
G Standing here beside you... Em want so much to give you
This C love in my heart... that I'm D feeling for you

Verse 2
G Let 'em say we're crazy... Em I don't care about that
C Put your hand in my hand baby, D don't ever look ba-a-ack
G Let the world around us Em just fall apart
C Baby we can make it if we're D heart to heart

And we can G build this dream together... Em standing strong forever
C Nothing's gonna stop us D now
And if this G world runs out of lovers... Em we'll still have each other
C Nothing's gonna stop us... D nothing's gonna stop us... C now

Verse 3
G I'm so glad I found you... Em I'm not gonna lose you
WhatCever it takes I will D stay here with you
G Take it to the good times... Em see it through the bad times
WhatCever it takes is what D I'm gonna do

Verse 4
G Let 'em say we're crazy, Em what do they know
C Put your arms around me baby, D don't ever let go
G Let the world around us Em just fall apart
C Baby we can make it if we're D heart to heart

And we can G build this dream together... Em standing strong forever
C Nothing's gonna stop us D now
And if this G world runs out of lovers... Em we'll still have each other
C Nothing's gonna stop us... D nothing's gonna stop us...

G Ooh, Em all that I need is C you
D All that I ever G need
And Em all that I wanna C do
Is D hold you forever, forever and ever

Kazoo G Em C D x2

And we can G build this dream together... Em standing strong forever
C Nothing's gonna stop us D now
And if this G world runs out of lovers... Em we'll still have each other
C Nothing's gonna stop D nothing gonna to us
We'll G build this dream together... Em standing strong forever
C Nothing's gonna stop us D now
And if this G world runs out of lovers... Em we'll still have each other
C Nothing's gonna stop us..
Slowing D nothing's gonna stop us... C now...whow oh whow ohhh

G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D

O Mary Don’t You Weep [Am]Bruce Springsteen

Am Well if I could I E7 surely would
Stand on the rock where Am Moses stood
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drowned
E7 O Mary don't you Am weep

Am Well Mary wore three E7 links and chains
On every link was Am Jesus' name
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drowned
E7 O Mary don't you Am weep

Am Well one of these nightsE7bout 12 o'clock
This old world is Am gonna rock
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drowned
E7 O Mary don't you Am weep

Am O Mary don't you E7 weep, don't mourn
O Mary don't you Am weep, don't mourn
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drowned
E7 O Mary don't you Am weep

Am Well Moses stood on the E7 Red Sea shore
Smote' the water with a Am two by four
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drownded
E7 O Mary don't you Am weep

Am Well old Mr. Satan E7 he got mad
Missed that soul that he Am thought he had
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drowned
E7 O Mary don't you Am weep

Am Brothers and sisters E7 don't you cry
There'll be good times Am by and by
Dm Pharaoh's army got Am drowned
E7 O Mary don't Am weep


Am* God gave Noah the E7* rainbow sign
"No more water but fire Am* next time"
Dm* Pharaoh's army got Am* drownded
E7* O Mary don't you Am* weep


2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Dm

Ode To Billy Joe [D]Bobbie Gentry

Intro D7D7D7D7

It was theD7 Third of June another sleepy dusty delta day
I wasD7 out choppin cotton and my brother was balin' hay
And atG7 dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat
And MamaD7 hollered out the back door "y'all remember to wipe your feet”
And then sheG7 said "I got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge"
"TodayD7 Billy Joe MacAllister jumpedC7 off the TallahatchieD7 Bridge"

AndD7 Papa said to Mama as he passed around the black-eyed peas
"Well, BillyD7 Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please"
"There'sG7 five more acres in the lower forty I've got to plow"
And MamaD7 said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhow
Seems likeG7 nothin' ever comes to no good up on Choctaw Ridge
And nowD7 Billy Joe MacAllister jumpedC7 off the TallahatchieD7 Bridge

AndD7 brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billie Joe
Put aD7 frog down my back at the Carroll County picture show
And wasn'tG7 I talkin' to him after church last Sunday night?
"I'll have anD7-other piece of apple pie, you know it don't seem right"
"IG7 saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge"
"And now youD7 tell me Billie Joe's jumpedC7 off the TallahatchieD7 Bridge"

AndD7 Mama said to me "Child, what's happened to your appetite?
Well I've beenD7 cookin' all morning and you haven't touched a single bite
ThatG7 nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today
Said he'd beD7 pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way"
HeG7 said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge
And she andD7 Billy Joe was throwing somethin'C7 off the TallahatchieD7 Bridge”

AD7 year has come 'n' gone since we heard the news 'bout Billy Joe
AndD7 brother married Becky Thompson, they bought a store in Tupelo
There was aG7 virus going 'round, Papa caught it and he died last Spring
And nowD7 Mama doesn't seem to wanna do much of anything
AndG7 me, I spend a lot of time pickin' flowers up on Choctaw Ridge
And drop themD7 in to the muddy waterC7 off the TallahatchieD7 Bridge

1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 C7

Oh What a Beautiful Morning [G]Rodgers & Hammerstein

Verse 1
There's a G bright golden D7 haze on the G meadow
There's a G bright golden D7 haze on the G meadow
The G corn is as D7 high as an G elephant's C eye
An' it G looks like its climbin' clear D7 up to the sky

G Oh what a beautiful C morning,
G Oh what a beautiful D7 day
G I've got a wonderful C fee A7 ling,
G Everything's D7 going my G way

Verse 2
All theG cattle are D7 standing like G statues
All the G cattle are D7 standing like G statues
They G don't turn their D7 heads as they G see me ride C by
But a G little brown mav'rick is D7 winking her eye


Verse 3
All the G sounds of the D7 earth are like G music
All the G sounds of the D7 earth are like G music
The G breeze is so D7 busy it G don't miss a C tree
And an G ol' Weepin' Willer is D7 laughin' at me


G Oh what a D7 beautiful G day

1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 3 C 1 A7

Oh What a Night (December ’63) [G]The Four Seasons

G Oh, what aC nightAm.....F.late DeGcember back inC'sixtyAm-three.
F What aG very specialC time forAm me.F. I reGmember what aC night. Am F.
G7Oh, what a C night Am.....you Fknow, IGdidn't evenCknow herAmname,
butFI wasGnever gonnaCbe theAmsame...Fwhat aGlady, what aCnightAm.FG7

Oh, Dm I...I F got a funny feeling when she Am walked in the G room, and I,
As F I recall, it ended much tooGsoonG7.

G7Oh, what aCnightAm.....Fhypno..Gtizing, mesmerCizingAmme.
FShe wasGeverything ICdreamed she'dAmbe.
FSweet surrGender, what aCnight.AmFG7

Am Am Am D
Am Am Am D

D Ohh, I F felt a rush like a Em rolling bolt of thunder..
F spinnin' my head around and G taking my body G7 under..
G7 Oh, what a C night Am.FG7

C Am F G

Oh, Dm I...I F got a funny feeling when she Am walked in the G room, and Dm I,
As F I recall, it ended much too G soon G7.

G7Oh, what aCnight.Am....Fwhy'd it G take so long, to C see the Am light?
F Seemed so G wrong, but now it C seems so Am right.
F What a G lady, what a C night Am FG7.... Am

Am Am Am D
Am Am Am D

D Ohh, I F felt a rush like a Em rolling bolt of thunder..
Fspinnin' my head around andGtaking my bodyG7under..
G7Oh, what aCnight...

G7Oh, what aCnight. Do, do, do, do, do, etc

G7Oh, what aCnight. Do, do, do, do, do, etc

Repeat to fade

1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em

Oh when the Saints go marching in [C]Traditional

NC Oh, when the C saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching G7 in
Lord I C want to be C7 in that F number
When the C saints go G7 marching C in

NC And when the C sun refuse to shine
Oh, when the sun refuse to G7 shine
I C want to be C7 in that F number
When the C sun beG7gins to C shine

NC Oh, when the C saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching G7 in
I’m C going to C sing as C7 loud as F thunder
When the C saints go G7 marching C in

NC Oh, when the C stars fall from the sky
Oh, when the stars fall from the G7 sky
I C want to be C7 in that F number
When the C saints go G7 marching C in

NC Oh, when the C trumpet sounds its call
Oh, when the trumpet sounds its G7 call
I C want to be C7 in that F number
When the C saints go G7 marching C in

NC Oh, when the C saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching G7 in
Lord I C want to be C7 in that F number
When the C saints go G7 marching C in

× × × × NC 3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 F

On Top of the World [C]Imagine Dragons

Intro C F G Dm

Verse 1
C If you love somebody, F Better tell them while they’re here ’cause
G They may just run away from you Dm
C You’ll never know what went well, F Then again it just depends on
G How long of time is left for you Dm
C I’ve had the highest mountains, F I’ve had the deepest rivers
G You can have it all but not til you prove Dm it

C* Now take it in but don’t look down G*

‘Cause I’m on top of the world F, ‘ay
I’m on top of the world C, ‘ay
Waiting on this for a G while now
Paying my dues to the Dm dirt
I’ve been waiting to F smile, ‘ay
Been holding it in for a C while, ‘ay
Take it with me if I can G
Been dreaming of this since a Dm child
I’m on top of the C world. C

Verse 2
C I’ve tried to cut these corners, F Try to take the easy way out
G I kept on falling short of Dm something
C I coulda gave up then but, F Then again I couldn’t have ’cause
G I’ve travelled all this way for Dm something

C* Now take it in but don’t look G* down

‘Cause I’m on top of the world F, ‘ay
I’m on top of the world C, ‘ay
Waiting on this for a G while now
Paying my dues to the Dm dirt
I’ve been waiting to F smile, ‘ay
Been holding it in for a C while, ‘ay
Take it with me if I can G
Been dreaming of this since a Dm child
I’m on top of the C world.

‘Cause I’m on top of the world F, ‘ay
I’m on top of the world C, ‘ay
Waiting on this for a G while now
Paying my dues to the Dm dirt
I’ve been waiting to F smile, ‘ay
Been holding it in for a C while, ‘ay
Take it with me if I can G
Been dreaming of this since a Dm child

And I F know it’s hard when you’re falling down
CAnd it’s a long way up when you hit the ground
G Get up now, get up, get Dm up now.
Dm C - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm

One [Am]U2

Intro Am Dsus2 Fmaj7 G

Am Is it getting Dsus2 better, Fmaj7 or do you feel the G same
Am Will it make it Dsus2 easier on you now Fmaj7 you got someone to G blame
You say C one love, Am one life, Fmaj7 when it's one need C in the night
It's one love, Am we get to share it
Fmaj7 It leaves you baby C if you don't care for Am it

Dsus2 Fmaj7 G

Am Did I disaDsus2-ppoint you, Fmaj7 or leave a bad taste in your G mouth
Am You act like you never Dsus2 had love, Fmaj7 and you want me to go withG- out
Well it's C too late Am tonight, Fmaj7 to drag the past out C into the light
We're one but we're Am not the same,
We get to Fmaj7 carry each other, C carry each other

Am One Dsus2 Fmaj7 G

Am Have you come here for forDsus2-giveness,
Fmaj7 Have you come to raise the G dead
Am Have you come here to play Dsus2 Jesus
Fmaj7 To the lepers in your G head
Did I C ask too much, Am more than a lot,
Fmaj7 You gave me nothing now C it's all I got
We're one but we're Am not the same,
We Fmaj7 hurt each other then we’re C doing it again, you say

C Love is a temple, Am love the higher law
C Love is a temple, Am love the higher law
C You ask me to enter, G but then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on Fmaj7 to what you got when all you got is C hurt

One love, Am One blood, Fmaj7 One life you got to C do what you should
One life with each Am other, Fmaj7 sisters, C brothers
One life but we're Am not the same,
We get to Fmaj7 carry each other, C carry each other
One C Am One Fmaj7 C
One C Am Fmaj7 One C

2 Am 2 3 Dsus2 1 2 3 4 Fmaj7 1 2 3 G 3 C

One Day Like This [F]Elbow

F Drinking in the morning sunBb Blinking in the morning sun
C Shaking off a heavy one, Yeah,Bb heavy like a loaded gun
F What made me behave that way?Bb Using words I never say
I canC only think it must be love
OhBb anyway, it's looking like a beautifulFriff dayFriff

F Someone tell me how I feel, It'sBb silly wrong, but vivid right
Oh,C kiss me like a final meal, Yeah,Bb kiss me like we die tonight
F'Cause holy cow, I love your eyes, AndBb only now I see the light
Yeah,C lying with you half awake
Oh,Bb anyway, it's looking like a beautifulFriff dayFriff

FWhen my face is chamois creasedriff
BbIf you think I wink, I did riff
C Laugh politely at repeats riff
Yeah,Bb kiss me when my lips are thin riff

'CauseFholy cow, I love your eyes, AndBbonly now I see the light
Yeah,C lying with you half awake, stumbling over what to say
Well,Bb anyway, it's looking like a beautiful F riff day F riff

Outro 3 times
SoF throw those curtainsEb wide OneBb day like this a year would see meF right
SoF throw those curtainsEb wide OneBb day like this a year would see meF right
SoF throw those curtainsEb wide OneBb day like this a year would see meF right
SoF throw those curtainsEb wide OneBb day like this a year would see meF right

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 1 1 Eb

Oom-Pah-Pah [D]Lionel Bart

Intro D

Verse 1
D There’s a little ditty, they’re E7 singin’ in the city
EsApecially when they’ve been on the E7 gin or the A7 beer
D If you’ve got the patience, your E7 own imaginations should
A Tell you just exactly what D you want A7 to D hear

D Oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, E7 that’s how it goes
A Oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, D everyone A7 knows
D They all suppose what they E7 want to suppose
A When they hear A7 oom pah-Dpah

Verse 2
D Mister Percy Snodgrass would E7 often have the odd glass
But A never when he thought anyE7body could A7 see
D Secretly he’d buy it, and E7 drink it on the quiet
And A dream he was an Earl with a D girl on A7 each D knee


Verse 3
D Pretty little Sally, goes E7 walkin’ down the alley,
DisAplays her pretty ankles to E7 all of the A7 men
D They could see her garters, but E7 not for free and gratis
An A inch or two, and then she knows D when to A7 say D when

D Oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, E7 that’s how it goes
A Oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, D everyone A7 knows
D Whether it’s hidden or E7 whether it shows
A It’s the same A7 oom pah-Dpah

Verse 4
D She was from the country, but E7 now she’s up a gum-tree.
She A let a fella feed her, and E7 lead her A7 along
D What’s the good of cryin’, she's E7 made a bed to lie in
She’s A glad to bring a coin in, and D join in A7 this D song


D Oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, E7 that’s how it goes
A Oom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, D everyone A7 knows
D They all suppose what they E7 want to suppose
*slowing A When they hear A7 oom pah-Dpah!!

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 A7

Oops I did it again [Am]Britney Spears

Am Am

AmI think I E7did it a-Amgain
I made you be-Flieve we're more than just E7friends ... Oh, baby
AmIt might E7seem like a Amcrush
But it doesn't Fmean that I'm serio-E7us

'Cause to Dmlose all my E7senses
That is Fjust so typically G*me ... Oh, baby, baby

AmOops!... I E7did it a-Amgain
I Gplayed with your Cheart, got Glost in the Cgame
Oh, E7baby, baby
AmOops!... You E7think I'm in Amlove
That I'm Gsent from a-Cbove
I'm E*not that innocent

AmYou see my E7problem is Amthis
I'm dreaming a-Fway, Wishing that her-E7oes they truly exist
AmI cry E7watching the Amdays
Can't you see I'm a Ffool in so many E7ways

But to Dmlose all my E7senses
That is Fjust so typically G*me ... Baby, oh

Chorus x2
AmOops!... I E7did it a-Amgain
I Gplayed with your Cheart, got Glost in the Cgame
Oh, E7baby, baby
AmOops!... You E7think I'm in Amlove
That I'm Gsent from a-Cbove
I'm E*not that innocent

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 E

Paint It Black [Am]Rolling Stones

Am I see a red door and I E7 want it painted black,
Am No colours anymore, I E7 want them to turn black.
Am I G see the C girls walk G by dressed Am in their summer clothes,
I G have to C turn my G head un-D-til my darkness E7 goes.

Am I see a line of cars and E7 they are painted black,
Am With flowers and my love both E7 never to come back
Am I G see people C turn their G heads and Am quickly look away
Like a G new born C baby G it just D happens every E7 day.

Am I look inside myself and E7 see my heart is black.
Am I see my red door and it's E7 heading into black.
Am Maybe G then I'll C fade a-G-way and Am not have to face the facts
It's not G easy C facing G up when D your whole world is E7 black.

I wanna’ see it Am painted, painted; painted E7 black, oh baby.
I wanna’ see it Am painted, painted; painted E7 black, oh baby.

Am No more will my green sea go E7 turn a deeper blue,
Am I could not foresee this thing E7 happening to you,
Am If I G look C hard G enough in-Am-to the setting sun,
My G love will C laugh with G me D before the E7 morning comes

Am Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm E7 mm mm mm mm mm mm x4

I wanna’ see it Am painted, painted; painted E7 black, oh
Am Black as night, black as coal E7 I wanna’ see the sun blotted from the sky
Am Painted, painted, painted E7 black oh
Am Painted, painted, painted E7 black oh Am.

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Paradise [C]George Ezra

My C love my love My C lover, lover, lover
I'm inG paradise whenever I'm with youC
My mindC my mind
CMy m-m-m-m-mind well, it's aG paradise whenever I'm with youC
Ride onC ride on
CI will ride on down the road
I willG find you, I will hold you, I'll beC there
It's longC how long?
It's aC mighty long road but
I willG find you, I will hold you and I'll beC there

FI know you heard it from thoseG other boys
But thisC time it's real
It'sC something that I feel and
FI know you heard it from thoseG other boys
But thisC time it's real
It'sC something that I feel and

GIf it feels like paradiseF running through your bloody veins
YouC know it's love heading your way
GIf it feels like paradiseF running through your bloody veins
YouC know it's love heading your way

C Dm F x 2

My timeC my time
MyC t-t-t-t-time well,
it's aG never ending helter-skelter
GWe'll be out whatever theC weather
My heartC my heart
My Cboom-boom heart
It's a Gbeat and its a thumping
And CI'm alive



CParadise, roll on roll on
CMeet me there, roll on roll on
Fadd9Paradise, roll on roll on
Fadd9Meet me there, roll on roll on
CParadise, roll on roll on
CMeet me there, roll on roll on
AmParadise, roll on roll on
Fadd9Meet me there, roll on roll on
CParadise, roll on roll on
CMeet me there, roll on roll on

Chorus PLAY 2 times to finish

GIf it feels like paradiseF running through your bloody veins
YouC know it's love heading your way
GIf it feels like paradiseF running through your bloody veins
YouC know it's love heading your way

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 Fadd9 2 Am

Peaceful Easy Feeling [C]The Eagles


Verse 1
C I like the F way your sparkling C earrings F lay
C Against your F skin so brG7own
C And I want to F sleep with you in C the desert toFnight
C With a billion F stars all G7 around

I got a F peaceful easy C feeling
F And I know you won't let me G7 down
Cause I'm C allAmready F standing G7 on the C ground

Verse 2
C And I found F out a long C time F ago
C What a woman can F do to your G7 soul
C Ah, but F she can't take you C any F way
C You don't already F know how to G7 go

I got a F peaceful easy C feeling
F And I know you won't let me G7 down
I'm C alAmready F standing G7
Yes, I'm C allAmready F standing G7 on the C ground

Verse 3
I get the F feelin' that I C know F you
C As a F lover and a G7 friend
C But this F voice keeps whisperin' C in my other F ear
Saying C I may never F see you G7 again

'Cause I got a F peaceful easy C feeling
F And I know you won't let me G7 down
Cause I'm C alllllllllAm-ready F standin' G7
Yes I'm C allllllAm-ready F standin' G7
Yes I'm C allllllAm-ready Fstandin' G7
On the C ground


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 2 Am 1 2 3 G

Play that funky music [Em]Wild Cherry

Bass Intro x4


Verse 1
Em7 Once I was a boogie singer....playin' in a rock and roll band
Em7 I never had no problems....burning down them one night stands
Em7 And everything around me....got to stop to feelin' so low
Em7 And I decided quickly....yes I did to disco down and check out the show

Pre-Chorus Acapella/Scratching
Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Gm Play that funky music white boy.... play that funky music right
Gm Play that funky music Bb white boy
Em* Lay down a boogie and play that funky music till you Em7 die

Verse 2
Em7 I tried to understand this I thought that they were out of their minds
Em7 How could I be so foolish how could I to not see I was the one behind
Em7 So still I kept on fighting well loosing every step of the way
Em7 I said I must go back there I got to go back and check to see if things still the same

Pre-Chorus Acapella/Scratching
Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Gm Play that funky music white boy.... play that funky music right
Gm Play that funky music Bb white boy
Em* Lay down a boogie and play that funky music till you Em7 die

Verse 3
Em7 Now first it wasn't easy changin' rock and roll and minds
Em7 And things were getting shaky I thought I'd have to leave it behind
Em7 But now its so much better it's so much better I'm funking out in every way
Em7 But I'll never lose that feelin' no I won't of how I learned my lesson that day

Pre-Chorus Acapella/Scratching
Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted

Gm Play that funky music white boy.... play that funky music right
Gm Play that funky music Bb white boy
Em* Lay down a boogie and play that funky music till you Em7 die


2 3 Em7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Bb

Please Please Me [C]The Beatles

C C C C Harmonica

Verse 1
C Last night I said these words to F my C girl Eb F G
C I know you never even F try, C girl C F G F

F Come on Dm Come on Am Come on F Come on
Please C please me, whoa F yeah, like I G please C you F G

Verse 2
C You don’t need me to show the F way, C love Eb F G
C Why do I always have to F say C “love” C F G

F Come on Dm Come on Am Come on F Come on
C please me, whoa F yeah, like I G please C you

F I don’t wanna sound complainin’
G But you know there’s always rain in C my heart
C in Cmaj7 my C7 heart
F I do all the pleasin’ with you,
G it’s so hard to reason with C you,
whoah F yeah, why G do you make me C blue F G

Verse 3
C Last night I said these words to F my C girl Eb F G
C I know you never even F try, C girl C F G

F Come on Dm Come on Am Come on F Come on
Please C please me, whoa F yeah, like I G please C you

Me, whoa F yeah, like I G please C you
Me, whoa F yeah, like I G please C you C Em A G C

3 C 1 2 F 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 2 Cmaj7 1 C7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A


D I bring her coffee in the Gmorning
A She brings me inner peaceD
D I take her out to fancy Grestaurants
A She takes the sadness out of Dme
D I make her cards on her Gbirthday
A She makes me a better manD
D I take her water when she's Gthirsty
A She takes me as I amD

I Glove it when her mind Awanders
And she Dloves it when I stay at Ghome
I Gknow what she's Alost
And she Bmknows when I Dfeel aGloneA

From Dall my airs and Agraces
To the Bmlittle things I Gdo
DEverything is Apointless without GyouA
Of Dall the dreams I'm Achasing
There's Bmonly one I Gchoose
DEverything is Apointless without Gyou

D I light the fire when it's Gcold out
A And she lights up the roomD
D I hope that she'll love me forGever
A She hopes I'll be back soonD
D I take her out to the Gmovies
A She takes away my painD
D She is the start of Geverything
A And I'll be there 'til the Dend

I Glove when she laughs for no Areason
And her Dlove's the reason I'm Ghere
She Gknows when I'm Ahurt
And I Bmknow when she's Dfeeling Gscared, mmA

From Dall my airs and Agraces
To the Bmlittle things I Gdo
DEverything is Apointless without GyouA
Of Dall the dreams I'm Achasing
There's Bmonly one I Gchoose
DEverything is Apointless without GyouA

DI'll wait for you
GI'll wait for you
BmYou'll wait for me GtooA
DI'll wait for you
GI'll wait for you
BmYou'll wait for me Gtoo

From Dall my airs and Agraces
To the Bmlittle things I Gdo
DEverything is Apointless without GyouA
Of Dall the dreams I'm Achasing
There's Bmonly one I Gchoose
DEverything is Apointless without Gyou

GEverything is Apointless without Dyou

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Poison [Dm]Alice Cooper

Verse 1 *single strum
Dm Your cruel... Bb device... F your blood... C like ice
Gm One look... Eb could kill... Bb my pain D your thrill D

Gm I wanna Eb love you, but I Bb better not F touch don't Cm touch
I wanna Ab hold you, but my Eb sen-ses Bb tell me to Am stop
I wanna F kiss you, but I C want it too G much too Dm much
I wanna Bb taste you, but your F lips are C venomous
Dm Poison Bb F C
You're Dm poison Bb runnin F through my C veins
You're Dm poison Bb F C
Dm I don't Bb wanna F break these C chains Bb Bb

Verse 2 *single strum
Dm Your mouth Bb so hot F Your web C I'm caught
Gm Your skin Eb so wet Bb Black lace D on sweat D

Gm I hear you Eb callin and it's Bb needles and F pins and Cm pins
I wanna Ab hurt you just to Eb hear you Bb screaming my Am name
Don't wanna F touch you, but you're C under my G skin deep Dm in
I wanna Bb kiss you, but your F lips are C venomous
Dm poison Bb F C
You're Dm poison Bb runnin F through my C veins
You're Dm poison Bb F C
Dm I don't Bb wanna F break these C chains Bb Poison D

Versde 3 *single strum
Gm One look... Eb could kill... Bb my pain... D your thrill D

Gm I wanna Eb love you, but I Bb better not F touch don't Cm touch
I wanna Ab hold you, but my Eb senses Bb tell me to Am stop
I wanna F kiss you, but I C want it too G much too Dm much
I wanna Bb taste you, but your F lips are C venomous
Dm poison Bb F C
You're Dm poison Bb runnin F through my C veins
You're Dm poison Bb F C
Dm I don't Bb wanna F break these C chains.

Dm Runnin Bb deep inFside my C veins
Dm Burnin Bb deep inFside my C veins
Dm I don't Bb wanna F break these C chains

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 Eb 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Cm 1 2 3 Ab 2 Am 1 2 3 G

Poker Face/Bad Romance Mash Up [Am]Lady Gaga

Am F C G
Am Mum mum mum ma
Am F C G
Am Mum mum mum mah

Verse 1
Am I wanna hold em' like they F do in Texas plays Hey!
Am Fold em' let em' hit me raise it F baby stay with me I love it
Am Love Game intuition play the F cards with Spades to start
And Am after he's been hooked I'll play the F one that's on his heart

Am Oh, oh, oh, oh, F ohhhhh, ohh-oh-ohhh-oh-oh
Am I'll get him hot, show F him what I've got
Am Oh, oh, oh, oh, F ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
Am I'll get her hot, show F him what I've got

Chorus x2
Am Can't read my,
Can't read F my
No he can't read my C poker face
G She's got me like nobody

Am P-p-p-poker face, p-Fp-poker face
C P-p-p-poker face, p-Gp-poker face
Mum mum mum Am mah F
Mum mum mum Am mah F

Bad Romance
F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am
Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! G Want your bad romance.

Verse 2
Am I want your ugly, I want your disease G
Am I want your everything as C long as it's G free,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G
Am I want your drama, the touch of your hand G
Am I want your leather-studded C kiss in the G sand,
I want your Am love ... C Love-love-F-love,
I want your Am love C G

F I want your love and I G want your revenge
You and Am me could write a bad romance C Oh-oh-oh--oh!
F I want your love and all your G lover's revenge
You and E7 me could write a bad romance Am
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! Am Caught in a bad romance C
Oh-oh-oh-oh-F-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh G oh-oh-oh! E7 Caught in a bad romance Am

Mum mum mum mah
Am Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Am Roma-roma-mamaa!
Mum mum mum mah
Am Ga-ga-ooh-la-la-la! GWant your bad romance

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7

Proud Mary [F]Creedance Cleerwater Revival / Tina Turner

Intro Instrumental
F D F D F D C Bb G

Verse 1
G Left a good job in the city,
Workin' for the man ev'ry night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleepin'
Worryin' 'bout the way things might have been

D7 Big wheel keep on turnin'
Em Proud Mary keep on burnin'
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river

F D F D F D C Bb G

Verse 2
G Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis
Pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans
But I never saw the good side of the city
'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen

D7 Big wheel keep on turnin'
Em Proud Mary keep on burnin'
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river

F D F D F D C Bb G

Verse 3
G If you come down to the river
Bet you gonna find some people who live
You don't have to worry 'cause you have no money
People on the river are happy to give

D7 Big wheel keep on turnin'
Em Proud Mary keep on burnin'
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river
G Rollin' rollin' rollin' on the river

Outro Instrumental
F D F D F D C Bb G

1 2 F 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Em

Psycho Killer [A]Talking Heads

A7 A7 A7 pause-G
A7 A7 A7 pause-G

Verse 1
A7 I can’t seem to face up to the facts G
A7 I’m tense and nervous and I can’t relax G
A7 I can’t sleep cos my bed’s on fire G
A7 Don’t touch me I’m a real live wire G

F Psycho killer G qu’est-ce que c’est
Am Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa better
F Run run run G run run run aCway oh, oh-oh
FOh Psycho killer G qu’est-ce que c’est
Am Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa better
F Run run run G run run run aCway
Oh oh oh Foh Gay ay ay ay ay

A7 A7 A7 pause-G
A7 A7 A7 pause-G

Verse 2
A7 You start a conversation, you can’t even finish G
A7 You’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything G
A7 When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed G
A7 Say something once, why say it again G


Verse 3 - Key Change
Bm Ce que j’ai fait... ce soir C la
Bm Ce qu’elle a dit... ce soir C la
A Realisant mon espoir G je me lance, vers la gloire
A Okay G
A Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay G
A We are vain and we are blind G
A I hate people when they’re not polite G

F Psycho killer G qu’est-ce que c’est
Am Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa better
F Run run run G run run run aCway oh, oh-oh
FOh Psycho killer G qu’est-ce que c’est
Am Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa better
F Run run run G run run run aCway
Oh oh oh F oh G ay ay ay ay ay

A7 A7 A7 pause-G x3
A7 A7 A7 pause-G single strum A

1 A7 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 A

Pumped Up Kicks [Em]Foster and the People

Em G D A x2

Verse 1
Em Robert's got a quick hand G
He'll D look around the room he won't A tell you his plan
Em Got a rolled cigarette G
D Hangin' out his mouth, he's a A cowboy kid
Yeah, Em found a six-shooter gun G
In his D dads closet hidden with a A box of fun things
Em I don't even know what G
But he's D comin' for you, yeah he's A comin for you, hey

Chorus x2
Em All the other kids with the G pumped up kicks
You'd better D run, better run A outrun my gun
Em All the other kids with the G pumped up kicks
You'd better D run, better run A faster than my bullet

Verse 2
Em Daddy works a long day G
He'll be D coming home late, he's A coming home late
And he's Em bringing me a surprise G
Cos D dinner's in the kitchen and it's A packed in ice
I've Em waited for a long time G
The D sleight of my hand is now a A quick pull trigger
I Em reason with my cigarette G
And say your D hair's on fire you must have A lost your wits, yeah


Instrumental / Whistling
Em G D A x2

Chorus Acapella
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run faster than my bullet

Em All the other kids with the G pumped up kicks
You'd better D run, better run A outrun my gun
Em All the other kids with the G pumped up kicks
You'd better D run, better run A faster than my bullet

Em - single Strum

1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 A

Que Sera Sera [C]Doris Day

Intro C

When I was Cjust a little girl
I asked my mother ”What will I G7be?
DmWill I be Gpretty? DmWill I be Grich?
DmHere’s what she Gsaid to Cme... C7

“Que Fsera, sera. WhatDmever will Cbe will be
The future’s not G7ours to see... que sera Csera.”

GWhen I was Cjust a child in school,
I asked my teacher ”What should I G7try?
DmShould I paint Gpictures?
DmShould I singGsongs?
DmThis was her Gwise Creply... C7

“Que Fsera, sera. WhatDmever will Cbe will be
The future’s not G7ours to see... que sera Csera.”

GWhen I grew Cup and fell in love,
I asked my sweetheart, ”What lies aG7head?
DmWill we have Grainbows Dmday after Gday?”
DmHere’s what my Gsweetheart Csaid... C7

“Que Fsera, sera. WhatDmever will Cbe will be
The future’s not G7ours to see... que sera Csera.”

GNow I have Cchildren of my own,
They ask their mother ”What will IG7 be?
DmWill I be Ghandsome? DmWill I be Grich?”
DmI tell them GtenderCly... C7

“Que Fsera, sera. WhatDmever will Cbe will be
The future’s not G7ours to see... que sera Csera.”

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 C7 1 2 F

Radio Ga Ga [F]Queen

Intro F....Gm....Bb....Gm..BbF.BbF

I’d F sit alone and watch your light,
My Gm only friend through teenage nights
And Bb everything I had to know
I Gm heard it on my Bb radiFo, Bb radiFo
You F gave them all those old time stars
Through Gm wars of worlds - invaded by Mars

You Bb made 'em laugh - you made 'em cry
You Gm made us feel like Bb we could F fly Bb F
So F don't become some background noise
A Fdim backdrop for the girls and boys
Who Bb just don't know or just don't care
And Fdim just complain when you're not there

You F had your time, you had the power
You've C yet to have your finest hour - Bb RaFdio - Bb F
F All we hear is Bb radio F ga ga,
Bb radio F goo goo, Gm radio F ga ga
F All we hear is Bb radio F ga ga, Bb radio F blah blah
Eb Radio what's Bb new? C
Dm Radio, Csus4 someCone Gm still C loves F you.

We F watched the shows, we watched the stars
On Gm videos for hours and hours
We Bb hardly need to use our ears
How Gm music changes Bb through the F years - Bb F
Let's F hope you‟ll never leave, old friend
Like Fdim all good things, on you we depend
So Bb stick around „cause we might miss you
When Fdim we grow tired of all this vision

Chorus end with
Dm Radio, Csus4 someCone Gm still C loves
Bb yoooouu.. Gm lo..o..o..ves F yoooouu

1 2 F 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 4 Fdim 3 C 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 Dm 1 3 Csus4

Raise Your Glass [G]Pink


Verse 1
G Right, right, D turn off the lights C We gonna lose our minds tonight
Em What's the C deali-Do?
G I love when it's D all too much, C 5 AM turn the radio up
Em Where's the C rock & roll D

Verse 2
G Party D crasher, C panty snatcher,
Em Call me C up if D you a gangster
G Don't be D fancy, C just get dancy
NC Why so serious?

So raise your G glass if D you are C wrong in all the right ways
Em All my C under-Ddogs
We will never be, never be G anyDthing but C loud and nitty gritty
Em Dirty C little D freaks
Won't you come on & come on & G raise D your C glass
Just come on & come on & Em raise C your D glass

Verse 3
G Slam, slam, D oh hot damn, C What part of party don't you understand?
Em Wish you'd C just freak D out
G Can't stop D coming on hot, C I should be locked up right on the spot
Em It's so C on right D now it's so xxxxing on right now

Verse 4
G Party D crasher, C panty snatcher,
Em Call me C up if D you a gangster
G Don't be D fancy, C just get dancy
NC Why so serious?


NC Oh xxxx, my glass is empty. That sucks.

So if you're G too D school for C cool
And you're Em treated C like a D fool.
You can G choose to D let it C go,
NC We can always, we can always,    Party on our own.



Won't you come on & come on & G raise D your C glass
Just come on & come on & Em raise C your D glass
Won't you come on & come on & G raise D your C glass
Just come on & come on & Em raise C your D glass

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 Em × × × × NC

Reach [G]S Club 7

G G G D D7

Verse 1
G When the world, leaves you Gmaj7 feeling blue
You can G7 count on me, I will E7 be there for you
Am When it seems, all your Ammaj7 hopes and dreams
Are a million Am7 miles away, I will D reassure you

Gsus4 We've got to all stick together
G Good friends, there for each other
Gsus4 Never ever forget that I've D got you and you've got me, so..

G Reach for the D stars Em Climb every C mountain higher
G Reach for the D stars Em Follow your C hearts desire
G Reach for the D stars Em And when that F rainbow's shining C over you
D That's when your dreams will all come G true


Verse 2
G There's a place waiting Gmaj7 just for you
It’s a G7 special place where your E7 dreams all come true
Am Fly away, swim the Ammaj7 ocean blue
Drive that Am7 open road, leave the D past behind you

Gsus4 Don't stop gotta keep moving
G Your hopes, gotta keep building
Gsus4Never ever forget that I've D got you and you've got me, so .....


Middle 8
Gsus4 Don't believe in all that you've been G told
Gsus4 The sky's the limit you can G reach your goal
C No-one knows just what the Am future holds
There ain't G nothing you can't be
There's a whole E7 world at your feet

I said A* reach, Climb every mountain
A*Reach for the moon
A* Follow that rainbow E7 ...and your dreams will all come true

Chorus 2 - Key Change
A Reach for the E stars F#m Climb every D mountain higher
A Reach for the E stars F#m Follow your D hearts desire
A Reach for the E stars F#m And when that G rainbow's shining D over you
E7 That's when your dreams will all come A true


1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 1 1 1 Gmaj7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 Ammaj7 Am7 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 A 1 2 E 1 2 3 F#m

Rebel Rebel [D]David Bowie


D Got you mother E in a whirl
D she's not sure if E your a boy or a girl
D hey babe your E hairs alright
D hey babe lets E go out tonight
D you like me and you E like it all
D we like dancing and we E look devine
D ya love bands when they E play it hard
D You want more and you E want it fast

A They put you down
D They say im wrong
Bm Attack it then
E You put them on

D Rebel rebel
E put on your dress
D Rebel rebel
E your face is a mess
D Rebel rebel
E how could they know
D* Hot tramp I E* love you so


Repeat whole song again

A- Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 E 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

Red Light Spells Danger [Am]Billy Ocean

Am F C G
Am Red Light, Spells F danger, Can't C hold out, much G longer
'Cause Am red light means F warning,
Can't C hold out, I'm G burning No, no, no...

Verse 1
Am You took my heart and turned me on
F And now the danger sign is on
C I never thought the day would come
G When I would feel alone without you Am And now I'm like a child again,
F Calling out his mama's name, C You got me on a ball and chain,
G Doin' things that I don't want to.

F Can't stop running to ya,
G Feel the love coming through ya,
F Girl with you beside me,
G Hold on, heaven guide me...

C Red light till the red light Spells F danger oh a danger warning
Can't C hold out can't hold out much G longer no no baby
'Cause C red light feel the red light means F warning oh it's a danger warning,
Can't C hold out can’t hold out I'm G burning woah-oh oh oh

Intro Repeat
Am F C G
Am Red Light, Spells F danger, Can't C hold out, much G longer
'Cause Am red light means F warning,
Can't C hold out, I'm G burning No, no, no...

Verse 2
Am I had my fun and played around,
F without a love to tie me down,
C I always used to kiss and run,
G I never wanted love to catch me. Am I thought I had a heart of stone,
F But now I'm in the danger zone, C I can feel the heat is on,
G Soon the flames are gonna catch me.

F Can't stop running to ya,
G Feel the love coming through ya,
F Girl with you beside me,
G Hold on, heaven guide me...

C Red light feel the red light Spells F danger oh it's a danger warning
Can't C hold out can't hold out much G longer no no nooooo
'Cause C red light feel the red light means F warning oh it's a danger warning,
Can't C hold out cant hold out I'm G burning No no nooooo

C Red light it's a red light baby Spells F danger oh that's a danger warning
Can't C hold out can't hold out much G longer Nooo you gotta help me baby
'Cause C red light feel the red light means F warning oh it's a danger warning,
Can't C hold out cant hold out I'm G burning No no nooooo

C* - Single Strum

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G

Red Red Wine [C]UB40

Verse 1
Red red C wine, F G goes to my C head F G
Makes me C forget that I F G still love her so.F G7

Red red C wine, F G it’s up to C you F G
All I can C do I’ve done F G
mem’ries won’t go. F
MemoGries won’t C go. F G

I'd have sworn that with C time,
F Thoughts of you would leave my C head.
I was G wrong, now I C find,
Just one F thing makes me G* forget.

Red red C wine, F G stay close to C me F G
Don’t let me C be alone F G
it’s tearing apart. F G
My blue C heart F G

I'd have sworn that with C time,
F Thoughts of you’d leave my C head.
I was G wrong, now I C find,
Just one F thing makes me G* forget.

Red red C wine, F G stay close to C me F G
Don’t let me C be alone F G
it’s tearing apart. F G
My blue C heart F G


Red red C wine, F G stay close to C me F G
Don’t let me C be alone F G
it’s tearing apart. F G
My blue blue C heart F G

G - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Red Rose Café * [Am]The Fury's

Intro AmAmAmAm

Am They come from the farms and the factories too,
And they all soon forget who they E7 are
The cares of today are soon washed away
As they sit on a stool by the Am bar.
The girl with green eyes in the rolling stones shirt
Doesn't look like she works on the Dm land
The man at the end is a Am very good friend
Of a E7 man who sells cars A second hand

NC Down at the A red rose cafe in the harbour
There by the port just outside AmsterE7dam
Everyone D shares in the songs and the A laughter
Everyone E7 there is so happy to be A there

The Am salesmen relax with a few pints of beer,
And they try not to talk about E7 trade.
The poet won't write any verses tonight
He may sing a sweet serenAmade.
So pull up a chair and forget about life,
It's a good thing to do now and Dm then.
And if you like it here, I have an Am idea,
E7 Tomorrow lets all meet  A again.

NC Down at the A red rose cafe in the harbour
There by the port just outside AmsterE7dam
Everyone D shares in the songs and the A laughter
Everyone E7 there is so happy to be A there

NC Down at the A red rose cafe in the harbour
There by the port just outside AmsterE7dam
Everyone D shares in the songs and the A laughter
Everyone E7 there is so happy to be A there
Everyone E7 there is so happy to be A there


NC Down at the Bb red rose cafe in the harbour
There by the port just outside AmsterFdam
Everyone Eb shares in the songs and the Bb laughter
Everyone F there is so happy to be Bb there
Everyone F there is so happy to be Bb there

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A × × × × NC 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 1 1 Eb

Rehab [C]Amy Winehouse

C They tried to make me go to rehab I said no no no
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know
G7 I ain't got the time and if my F daddy thinks I'm fine
He’s C tried to make me go to F rehab I won't C go go go

Verse 1
Em I'd rather be at home with Am Ray
F I ain't got seventy Fm days
Cos there's Em nothing nothing you can Am teach me
F That I can't learn from Mr G# Hathaway
G7 I didn't get a lot in class but I F know it don't come in a shot glass


Verse 2
Em The man said why you think you Am here
F I said I got no Fm idea
I'm Em gonna I’m gonna lose my Am baby
F So I always keep a G# bottle near
G7 He said I just think you're depressed, F Kiss me yeah baby and the rest

Half Chorus
C They tried to make me go to rehab I said no no no
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

Verse 3
Em I don't ever want to drink Am again
F I just ooh I just Fm need a friend
Em I'm not gonna spend Am ten weeks
And have F everyone think I'm G# on the mend
G7 And it's not just my pride F it's just til these tears have dried

C They tried to make me go to rehab I said no no no
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know
G7 I ain't got the time and if my F daddy thinks I'm fine
He’s C tried to make me go to F rehab I won't C go go C* go

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 3 Fm 1 2 3 G#

Ride On [Am]Christy Moore

Intro - Instrumental Verse
Am F G Am x2

Verse 1
True Am you ride the finest horse, F  I've ever seen
G Standing sixteen one or two, with Am eyes wild and green
And Am you ride the horse so well, F hands light to the touch
G I could never go with you no matter how I Am wanted to

Am Ride on, F see you,
G I could never go with you no matter how I Am wanted to
Am Ride on, F see you,
G I could never go with you no matter how I Am wanted to

Verse 2
Am When you ride into the night, withFout a trace behind
G Run your claw along my gut, Am one last time
I Am turn to face an empty space, F where you used to lie
And G look for the spark to light the night through a Am teardrop in my eye.

Am Ride on, F see you,
G I could never go with you no matter how I Am wanted to
Am Ride on, F see you,
G I could never go with you no matter how I Am wanted to



G I could never go with you no matter how I Am wanted to

*G *Am

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Ring Ring [A]Abba

A  A

Verse 1
A I was sitting by the phone A
I was waiting all alDone D
Baby by myself I sit and wait and
wonder A about you A
A It's a dark and dreary night A
Seems like nothing's going D right
Won't you D tell me honey how can I go
on here A without you? A

Acapella + Clapping
Yes I'm E7* down and feeling blue
And I don't know what to do, oh-oh

A Ring, ring, why don't you give me a E7 call?
E7 Ring, ring, the happiest sound of them A all A
A Ring, ring, I stare at the phone on the E7 wall E7
And I Bm sit all alone impatiently
Bm Won't you please understand the need in me
Bm So-oh, E7 ring, ring, why don't you give me a A call? A
A So-oh, E7 ring, ring, why don't you give me a A call? A

Verse 2
A You were here and now you're gone A
Hey did I do something D wrong?
I just can't believe that I could be
so badly A mistaken A
A Was it me or was it you? A
Tell me, are we really D through? D
Won't you D hear me cry and you will
D know that my heart is A breaking A

Acapella + Clapping
Please forgive E7* and then forget
Or maybe darling better yet, oh-oh

A Ring, ring, why don't you give me a E7 call?
E7 Ring, ring, the happiest sound of them A all A
A Ring, ring, I stare at the phone on the E7 wall E7
And I Bm sit all alone impatiently
Bm Won't you please understand the need in me
Bm So-oh, E7 ring, ring, why don't you give me a A call? A
A So-oh, E7 ring, ring, why don't you give me a A call? A

A So-oh, E7 ring, ring, why don't you give me a A call? A
A So-oh, E7 ring, ring, why don't you give me a A call? A

Cha Cha Cha!

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 Bm

Ring of Fire [G]Johnny Cash

Intro Instrumental & Kazoo
G Da da-da da-da C dah dah G dah
G Da da-da da-da D dah dah G dah

G Da da-da da-da C dah dah G dah
G Da da-da da-da D dah dah G dah

Verse 1
G Love... is a C burning G thing
And it G makes... a D fiery G ring
G Bound by C wild deGsire
I fell into a D ring of G fire

D I fell in to a C burning ring of G fire
I went D down, down, down
And the C flames went G higher
And it G burns, burns, burns
The C ring of G fire
The D ring of G fire

Instrumental & Kazoo
G Da da-da da-da C dah dah G dah
G Da da-da da-da D dah dah G dah

G Da da-da da-da C dah dah G dah
G Da da-da da-da D dah dah G dah

D I fell in to a C burning ring of G fire
I went D down, down, down
And the C flames went G higher
And it G burns, burns, burns
The C ring of G fire
The D ring of G fire

Verse 2
The G taste... of C love is G sweet
When G hearts like D ours G meet
I G fell for you C like a G child
Oh but the D fire went G wild

Chorus x 2
D I fell in to a C burning ring of G fire
I went D down, down, down
And the C flames went G higher
And it G burns, burns, burns
The C ring of G fire
The D ring of G fire

And it G burns, burns, burns
The C ring of G fire
The D ring of G fire G C-G

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Riptide [Am]Vance Joy

Am G C C x2

Verse 1
Am I was scared of G dentists and the C dark
Am I was scared of G pretty girls and C starting conversations
Oh Am all my G friends are turning C green
You're the Am magicians aGssistant in their C dreams

Ah Am ooh G ooh C ooh
Ah Am ah ooh G ooh and they C* come unstuck

Am Lady G running down to the C riptide
Taken away to the Am darkside
G I wanna be your C left hand man
I Am love you G when you're singing that C song and
I got a lump in my Am throat 'cause
G You're gonna sing the C words wrong

Verse 2
Am There's this movie G that I think you'll C like
This Am guy decides to G quit his job
And C heads to New York City
This Am cowboy's G running from himCself
And Am she's been living G on the highest C shelf

Ah Am ooh G ooh C ooh
Ah Am ah ooh G ooh and they C* come unstuck

Am Lady G running down to the C riptide
Taken away to the Am darkside
G I wanna be your C left hand man
I Am love you G when you're singing that C song and
I got a lump in my Am throat 'cause
G You're gonna sing the C words wrong

I Am love you G when you're singing that C song and
I got a lump in my Am throat 'cause
G You're gonna sing the C words wrong

C Double Sturm

2 Am 1 2 3 G 3 C

River Deep Mountain High [A]Ike & Tina Turner

Intro A7*

Verse 1
When I was a little D girl I had a rag doll
Only doll I've ever A owned
Now I love you just the D way I loved that rag doll
But only now my love has A grown
And it gets E7 stronger in every A way
And it gets E7 deeper let me A say
And it gets E7 higher day by A day

And G do I love you my oh my
Yeah A river deep mountain high
G If I lost you would I cry
A Oh how I love you baby, baby baby baby A Stop

Verse 2
When you were a young boy
D did you have a puppy
That always followed you A around
Well I'm gonna be as D faithful as that puppy
No I'll never let you A down
Cause it goes E7 on and on like a river A flows
And it gets E7 bigger baby and heaven A knows
And it gets E7 sweeter baby as it A grows

And G do I love you my oh my
Yeah A river deep mountain high
G If I lost you would I cry
A Oh how I love you baby, baby baby baby A

A I love you baby like a flower loves the spring
A And I love you baby just like a robin loves to sing
D And I love you baby like a school boy loves his pie
A And I love you baby river deep mountain high

And G do I love you my oh my
Yeah A river deep mountain high
G If I lost you would I cry
A Oh how I love you baby baby baby baby A

1 A7 1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G

Roar [G]Katy Perry


G I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
Em So I sit quietly, agree politely
G I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
Em I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

G You held me down, but I got up HEY!
Already brushing off the dust
Em You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
G You held me down, but I got up HEY!
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
Em I see it all, I see it now Em* Pause

I got the eye of the G tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause Em I am a champion and you're gonna hear me G roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause Em I am a champion and you're gonna hear me G roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Em Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me G roar

G Now I'm floating like a butterfly
Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes
Em I went from zero, to my own hero

G You held me down, but I got up HEY!
Already brushing off the dust
Em You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
G You held me down, but I got up HEY!
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
Em I see it all, I see it now Em* Pause

I got the eye of the G tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause Em I am a champion and you're gonna hear me G roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause Em I am a champion and you're gonna hear me G roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Em Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me G roar

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Em Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me G roarrrrrr...

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em

Rock Around the Clock [A]Bill Haley

* is single Down only strum, *** is Up Down Down strum

Verse 1
A*** One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock
A*** Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock
A*** Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock
We're gonna rock E7* around the E7* clock E7 tonight.

Verse 2
Put your A glad rags on and join me, hon,
we'll have some fun when the A7 clock strikes one
We're gonna D7 rock around the clock tonight,
we're gonna A rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.
We're gonna E7 rock, gonna rock, aD7round the clock A tonight. E7

Verse 3
When the A clock strikes two, three and four,
if the band slows down we'll A7 yell for more
We're gonna D7 rock around the clock tonight,
we're gonna A rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.
We're gonna E7 rock, gonna rock, aD7 ound the clock A tonight. E7

Verse 4
When the A chimes ring five, six and seven,
we'll be right in A7 seventh heaven.
We're gonna D7 rock around the clock tonight,
we're gonna A rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.
We're gonna E7 rock, gonna rock, aD7round the clock A tonight. E7

Verse 5
When it's A eight, nine, ten, eleven too,
I'll be goin' strong and A7 so will you.
We're gonna D7 rock around the clock tonight,
we're gonna A rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.
We're gonna E7 rock, gonna rock, aD7round the clock A tonight. E7

Instrumental verse

Verse 6
When the A clock strikes twelve, we'll cool off then,
start a rockin' round the A7 clock again.
We're gonna D7 rock around the clock tonight,
we're gonna A rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight.
We're gonna E7 rock, gonna rock, aD7round the clock A tonight. Stop + Bass Outro

1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 1 2 D7

Rotterdam (Or Anywhere) [C]The Beautiful South

C Csus4    C Csus4    C Csus4    C Csus4

Verse 1
And the C women tug their Csus4 hair
Like they're C trying to prove Csus4 it won't fall out. C Csus4 C Csus4
And C all the men are Csus4 gargoyles
Dipped C long in Csus4 Irish C stout. Csus4 C Csus4

The G whole place is pickled
The people are pickles for Am sure
And G no-one knows if they've done more here
Than they C ever would do in a E7 jar.E7 Pause

This could be Am Rotterdam or C anywhere,
Am Liverpool or C Rome,
'Cause Am Rotterdam is C anywhere,
D anywhere G7 alone, G7 Pause
Anywhere al-Cone.. Csus4 C Csus4 C Csus4 C Csus4

Verse 2
And Ceveryone is Csus4 blond
And Ceveryone is beCsus4autiful. C Csus4 C Csus4
And when C blond and beautiful are Csus4 multiple
They C become so dull Csus4 and dutiful C  Csus4 C Csus4

And G when faced with dull and dutiful
They fire red warning Am flares
Battle-Gkhaki personality
With C red underE7wear. E7 Pause

This could be Am Rotterdam or C anywhere,
Am Liverpool or C Rome,
'Cause Am Rotterdam is C anywhere,
D anywhere G7 alone, G7 Pause
Anywhere al-Cone.. Csus4 C Csus4 C Csus4 C Csus4

The G whole place is pickled
The people are pickles for Am sure
And G no-one knows if they've done more here
Than they C ever would do in a E7 jar. E7 Pause

This could be Am Rotterdam or C anywhere,
Am Liverpool or C Rome,
'Cause Am Rotterdam is C anywhere,
D anywhere G7 alone, G7 Pause
Anywhere al-Cone.. Csus4 C Csus4 C Csus4 C Csus4


3 C 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7

Royals [D]Lorde

Verse 1 - Ukes lightly
I've never seen a D diamond in the flesh
D I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies
D And I'm not proud of my address in the torn up town
D No postcode envy

But every song's like D gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Blood stains, ballgowns, trashin' the hotel room
C We don't care - we're driving G Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like D cristal, Mayback, diamonds on your timepiece
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
C We don't care - we aren't G* caught up in your love affair

And we'll never be D royals royals - It don't run in our blood
That kind of C lux just ain't for us
We crave a G different kind of buzz
Let me be your D ruler ruler - you can call me Queen Bee
And baby I'll C rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule G*
Let me live that fantasy D

Verse 2 - Ukes lightly
D My friends and I we've cracked the code
D We count our dollars on the train to the party
D And every one who knows us knows that we're fine with this
D We didn't come from money

But every song's like D gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Blood stains, ballgowns, trashin' the hotel room
C We don't care - we're driving G Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like D cristal, Mayback, diamonds on your timepiece
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
C We don't care - we aren't G* caught up in your love affair

And we'll never be D royals royals - It don't run in our blood
That kind of C lux just ain't for us
We crave a G different kind of buzz
Let me be your D ruler ruler - you can call me Queen Bee
And baby I'll C rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule G*
Let me live that fantasy

1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 G

Ruby Tuesday. [Am]Rolling Stones

Am She would G never F say where G she came Cx2 from Csus4x4Cx2Csus4x4
Am YesterGday don't F matter if it's G7 gone G7sus4 G7
Am While the D7* sun is G bright
Or Am in the D7 darkest G night
No one C knows she comes and G goes Gsus4 G

C GoodGbye F Ruby Tuesday who could G hang a F name on you
C When you G7 change with Fm ev'ry new day
G Still I'm gonna F/ miss you C/ G/ Stop

Verse 2
Don't Am question G why she F needs to G be so Cx2 free Csus4x4 Cx2Csus4x4
She'll Am tell you G it's the F only way to G7 be G7sus4 G7
Am She just D7-alt can't be G chained
To a Am life where D7 nothing's G gained
And nothing's C lost at such a G cost Gsus4 G

C GoodGbye F Ruby Tuesday who could G hang a F name on you
C When you G7 change with Fm ev'ry new day
G Still I'm gonna F/ miss you C/ G/ Stop

Am There's no G time to F lose I G heard her C say Csus4 C
Am Catch your G dreams beFfore they slip aG7way G7sus4 G7
Am Dying D7* all the G time
Am Lose your D7 dreams and G you
Will lose your C mind ain't life unGkind Gsus4 G

C GoodGbye F Ruby Tuesday who could G hang a F name on you
C When you G7 change with Fm ev'ry new day
G Still I'm gonna F/ miss you C/ G/ Stop

C GoodGbye F Ruby Tuesday who could G hang a F name on you
C When you G7 change with Fm ev'ry new day
G Still I'm gonna F/ miss you C/ G/ Stop

Am G F G C⌁ ⌁

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 G7sus4 1 2 D7 3 C 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 3 Fm 1 3 Csus4

Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town [C]Kenny Rogers

C C C C *Stop

Verse 1
You've painted up your lips and rolled and curled your tinted G hair G
Dm C Ruby are you contemplating F going out someGwhere G
The Dm shadow on the wall tells me the G sun is going down G
Dm ...Oh C RuFby-Amy-Dmy Dm*
Don't take your love to C town

Verse 2
It Dm wasn't me that started that old C crazy Asian war C
But Dm I was proud to go and do my F patriotic G chore G
And Dm yes, it's true that I'm not the G man I used to be G
Dm ...Oh C RuFby-Amy-Dmy Dm*
I still need some compaCny

Verse 3
It's C hard to love a man whose legs are F bent and paraGlyzed G
Dm and the C wants and the needs of a woman of your age F Ruby, I reaGlize G
But it Dm won't be long I've heard them say unGtil I'm not around G
Dm ...Oh C RuFby-Amy-Dmy Dm*
Don't take your love to C town

Verse 4
C She's leaving now 'cause I just heard the Dm slammin' of the G door G
The C way I know I've heard it slam one F hundred times beGfore G
And if Dm I could move I'd get my gun and G put her in the ground G
Dm ...Oh C RuFby-Amy-Dmy Dm*
Don't take your love to C town

Oh C RuFby-Amy-Dmy Dm*
For God's sake turn aCround strum until count out

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 2 Am

Rudi/Tide is High [A]

Intro w/ Riff
A A D E7
A A D E7

Verse 1
A Stop your messing around aaa D aaaa E7 aaa
A Better think of your future aaa D aaaa E7 aaa
A Time to straighten right out D
Making E7 problems in A town aaa D aaaa E7 aaa

Rudi A
A D message to E7 you RuAdi
A D message to E7 you

Verse 2
The A tide is high but I'm D holding E7 on
A I'm gonna be your D number E7 one
A I'm not the kind of girl D who gives up E7 just like A that
Oh D no E7

Verse 3
A Stop your fooling around aaa D aaaa E7 aaa
A Time to straighten right out aaa D aaaa E7 aaa
A Better think of your future D
Else you'll wind E7 up in jail A aaa D aaaa E7 aaa

Verse 4
A Every girl wants you to D be her E7 man
But A I'll wait my dear 'til it's D my E7 turn
A I'm not the kind of girl D who gives up E7 just like A that
Oh D no E7

Instrumental w/ Riff
A A D E7
A A D E7

Rudi A The tide is high
But I'm holding on A D message to E7 you RuAdi
I'm gonna be your number one A D message to E7 you RuAdi

The tide is high A message to you, Rudi
But I'm holding on A message to you, Rudi
I'm gonna be your number one A message to you, Rudi

The A tide is high A message to you, Rudi
But I'm D holding E7 on A message to you, Rudi
A I'm gonna be your D number E7 one A message to you

Outro w/ Riff
A A D E7
A A D E7


1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Runaway [Am]Del Shannon

Am G F E7

Verse 1
Am As I walk along I G wonder
What went wrong with F our love... a love that was so E7 strong
Am And as I still walk on I G think of
The things we done togFether... while our hearts were E7 young

A I’m a-walkin’ in the rain... F#m tears are fallin’ an’ I feel the pain
A Wishin’ you were here by me... F#m to end this misery
An’ I A wonder... I wa-wa-wa-wa F#m wonder
A Why... why-why-why-why F#m why... she ran away
And I D wonder... where she will E7 stay
My little A runaway...
D run-run-run-run A runaway E7

Instrumental Verse
Am G F E7
Am G F E7

A I’m a-walkin’ in the rain... F#m tears are fallin’ an’ I feel the pain
A Wishin’ you were here by me... F#m to end this misery
An’ I A wonder... I wa-wa-wa-wa F#m wonder
A Why... why why why why F#m why... she ran away
And I D wonder... where she will E7 stay-ay
My little A runaway...
D run-run-run-run A runaway

D Run- run-run-run A runaway
D Run-run-run-run A runaway... A
A / A/ A*

2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 D

Runaway [D]The Corrs


Verse 1
D Say it's Em true, G there's nothing like D me and Em you G
D Not alEmone, G tell me you D feel it Em too G

And I would Bm runaway G
I would Em runaway, A yeah
I would Bm runaway G
I would Em runaway with A you G
Cause D I-I-EmG I have fallen in D loEmve G
With D you, no Em never hey, G hey
I'm never gonna Bm stop G falling in Em love A with D you


Verse 2
D Close the Em door, G lay down D upon the Em floor G
And by D candleEmlight, G make love to me D through the Em night G

And I would Bm runaway G
I would Em runaway, A yeah
I would Bm runaway G
I would Em runaway with A you G
Cause D I-I-EmG I have fallen in D loEmve G
With D you, no Em never hey, G hey
I'm never gonna Bm stop G falling in Em love A with D you


1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 A

Sandy [D]John Travolta

Intro single Strums at first
D* Stranded at the drive-in, F#m* branded a fool, Em* What will they say
A7* Monday at D school? F#m  Em  A7

Verse 1
D Sandy, F#m can't you see,That Em I'm in  miseA7ry?
We Em made our start. Now A7 we're apart There's D nothing left for me.

D Love has flown, D7 all alone I G sit and wonder Gm why-y-y
Oh D why, you left Em me, A7 Oh D Sandy *Stop

Oh Sandy!

Verse 2
G Maybe Bm someday When Am Highschool is D done
Am Somehow, D someway, our G two worlds will be one
In G7 heaven, forever, and C ever we will Cm be
oh G please, say you'll Am stay, D oh G Sandy

spoken with ukulele in background
G  Sandy my darlin' Bm
You hurt me Am real bad. D  You know
its true.
Am But baby, you goDtta believe me
when I say
G  I'm helpless without you

G7 Love has flown, all alone,  I C sit, I wonder Cm why-y-y
Oh G why, you left Am me, D
Oh G Sandy Bm
Am Sandy D
G Sandy  Bm Am
Cm Why-y-y
Gmaj7///// Oh Sandy

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 3 Em 1 A7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 Bm 2 Am 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 1 1 Cm 1 1 1 Gmaj7

Say You'll Be There [Am]Spice Girls

Am D Fm C
Am D Fm C Say you'll be there

Am I'm giving you D everything all that Fm joy can bring this I C swear G

Verse 1
Am Last time D that we had this conversation Fm I decided we should be C friends, G
Am but now we're D going round in circles, tell me Fm will this deja vu never C end? Oh

Verse 2
Am Now you tell me that you've D fallen in love, well I Fm never ever thought that would C be
Am This time you D gotta take it easy throwing Fm far too much emotions at C me

but any Bb fool can see they're F falling, I gotta Cm make you underGstand

Am I'm giving you D everything all that Fm joy can bring this I C swear G
Am And all that I D want from you is a Fm promise you will be C there Say you will be there

Am D Fm C  Won't you sing it with me

Verse 3
Am If you, put D two and two together you will Fm see what our friendship C is for G Oh
Am If you can't D work this equation then I Fm guess I'll have to show you the C door

There is no Bb need to say you F love me, It would be Cm better left unGsaid

Am I'm giving you D everything all that Fm joy can bring this I C swear G
Am And all that I D want from you is a Fm promise you will be C there Yeahhh, I want you!

Instrumental same chords as verse
Am D  Fm  C
Am D  Fm  C

Any Bb fool can see they're F falling, I gotta Cm make you underGstand

NC I'll give you everything on this I swear, Just promise you'll always be there

Outro repeat until count out
Am I'm giving you D everything all that Fm joy can bring this I C swear G
Am And all that I D want from you is a Fm promise you will be C there
Am I'm giving you D everything all that Fm joy can bring this I C swear G
Am And all that I D want from you is a Fm promise you will be C there

2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Fm 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 1 1 Cm × × × × NC

Scarborough Fair [Am]Paul Simon

Am C G Am Am Am Am

Am Are you C going to G Scarborough Am Fair
C Parsley, Am sage, roseDmary and Am thyme
Remember C me to one who lives G there
Am She once G was a true love of Am mine

Verse 1
Am Tell her to C make me a G cambric Am shirt
C Parsley, Am sage, roseDmary and Am thyme
Without any C seams or fine needle G work
Am Then she’ll G be a true love of Am mine

Verse 2
Am Tell her to C find me an G acre of Am land
C Parsley, Am sage, roseDmary and Am thyme
Between the salt C water and the sea G strands
Am Then she’ll G be a true love of Am mine

Verse 3
Am Tell her to C reap it with a G sickle of Am leather
C Parsley, Am sage, roseDmary and Am thyme
And gather it C all in a bunch of G heather
Am Then she’ll G be a true love of Am mine

Verse 4
Am When you’ve C done and G finished your Am work
C Parsley, Am sage, roseDmary and Am thyme
Then come into C me for your Cambric G shirt
Am And you shall G be a true love of Am mine

Am Are you C going to G Scarborough Am Fair
C Parsley, Am sage,  roseDmary and Am thyme
Remember C me to one who lives G there
Am She once G was a true love of Am mine

Am Am Am - Single Strum

2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D

Secret Love [G]Doris Day.

G Em G Em

Verse 1
G Once I Em had a secret G love, Em
That G lived with-Emin the heart of Am me. D
Am All too D soon my secret Am love, D
BeAmcame imDpatient to be G free.

Verse 2
G So I Em told the friendly G star, Em
The Gway that Em dreamers often Am do. D
Am Just how D wonderful you Am are, D
And Am why I'm D so in love with G you.

Em Now I A shout it from the D highest F#m hills,
Dm Even G told the golden C daffo..Cmdils.
At G last my heart's an open F door, E7
And Am my secret love's no D secret any-Gmore.

Verse 3
G So I Em told the friendly G star, Em
The G way that Em dreamers often Am do. D
Am Just how D wonderful you Am are, D
And Am why I'm D so in love with G you.

Em Now I A shout it from the D highest F#m hills,
Dm Even G told the golden C daffo..Cmdils.
At G last my heart's an open F door, E7
And Am my secret love's no D secret any-G - Tremolomore.

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 1 1 Cm 1 2 F

Senorita/Havana [Em]Shawn Mendes/Camila Cabello

Em G C    Bm D

Senorita Chorus 1
I love it when you Em call me señorita
I wish I could preGtend I didn't need ya
But every touch is C ooh-la-la-la, It's true, la-la-la
Bm Ooh, I should be runnin'
D Ooh, you keep me coming for ya

Senorita Verse 1
Em Land in Miami, the air was hot from summer G rains
Sweat drippin' off me before I even knew her C name, la-la-la
It felt like Bm ooh-la-la-la, D yeah no
Em Sapphire and moonlight, we danced for hours in the sand
G Tequila sunrise, her body fit right in my C hands  la-la-la
It felt like Bm ooh-la-la-la, D yeah

Senorita Chorus 2
I love it when you Em call me señorita
I wish I could preGtend I didn't need ya
But every touch is C ooh-la-la-la, It's true, la-la-la
Bm Ooh, I should be runnin'
D Ooh, you know I love it when you Em call me señorita
I wish it wasn't G so damn hard to leave ya
But every touch is C ooh-la-la-la
It's true, la-la-la
Bm Ooh, I should be runnin'
D Ooh, you keep me coming for ya

Havana Chorus 1
HaEmvana, ooh na-Cna B ayy
Half of my heart is in HaEmvana, ooh-na-Cna B ayy, ayy
He took me back to East AtEmlanta, na-na-Cna B
All of my heart is in HaEmvana ayy
There's C somethin' 'bout his B manners uh huh Havana, ooh na-na uh

Havana Verse 1
He Em didn't walk up with that C "how you doin'?" B uh When he came in the room
He Em said there's a lot of girls C I can do with B uh But I can't without you
I'm Em doin' forever C in a minBute hey That summer night in June
And Em papa says he got C malo in him B uh He got me feelin' like

Havana Pre-Chorus
Em Oooh-Coooh-Booh, I knew it when I Em met him
I C loved him when I B left him
Got me feelin' like
Em Oooh-Coooh-Booh, and then I had to Em tell him
I C had to go, B oh na-na-na-na-na

Havana Chorus 2
HavaEmna, ooh na-na C aByy, ayy
Half of my heart is in HaEmvana, ooh-na-Cna B ayy, ayy
He took me back to East AtEmlanta, na-na-Cna B uh huh
All of my heart is in HaEmvana ayy
My C heart is in HaBvana ayy

Havana, ooh na-Emna uh

1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B

Seven Nation Army [Em]The White Stripes

Intro - Bass only
Em C B7 x2

Drums & Ukes
Em C B7 x2

Verse 1
I'm gonna Em fight 'em off C B7
A seven nation Em army couldn't hold me back C B7
They're gonna Em rip it off C B7
Taking their Em time right behind my back C B7
And I'm Em talking to myself at C night, Because I B7 can't forget Em C B7
Em Back and forth through my C mind, Behind a B7 cigarette Em C B7
And a G message coming from my A eyes says leave it alone

Instrumental + Kazoos
Em C B7 x4
G/// A/// All Stop

Bass only
Em C B7 x2

Drums & Ukes
Em C B7 x2

Verse 2
Don't want to Em hear about it C B7
Every single Em one's got a story to tell C B7
Everyone Em knows about it C B7
From the Queen of Em England to the hounds of Hell C B7
And if I Em catch it coming back my C way, I'm gonna B7 serve it to you Em C B7
And Em that ain't what you want to C hear, But that's B7 what I'll do Em C B7
And a G feeling coming from my A bones says find a home

Instrumental + Kazoos
Em C B7 x4
G/// A/// All Stop

Bass only
Em C B7 x2

Drums & Ukes
Em C B7 x2

Verse 3
I'm going to Em Wichita C B7
Far from this Em opera, forever more C B7
I'm going to Em work the straw C B7
Make the sweat Em drip out of every pore C B7
And I'm Em bleeding and I'm bleeding and I'm C bleeding, Right B7 before the Lord Em
Em C B7
All the Em words are going to bleed from C me, And I will B7 think no more Em
Em C B7
And the G stains coming from my A blood tell me go back home

Outro Instrumental + Kazoos loudly
Em C B7 x4


1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 G 1 2 A

Shang-A-Lang [D]Bay City Rollers

D  Db  C6  Db  D///// x2

Verse 1
D We were rippin up....we were rockin up
roll it over and lay  it down
D We were shakin up ...we were breakin up
we were rockin to the D7 shang-a-lang sound of the music G

HEY HEY, rockin to the D music.
HEY HEY, rocking to the E7 music.
rocking every night and day

Well we D sang shang-a-lang as we G ran with the gang
doin doo D wop be dooby do ay A
we were all D in the news
with our blue G suede shoes
and our dancDin the A night D away.

well we sang D shang-a-lang as we G ran with the gang
doin doo D wop be dooby do eye. A
with the jukeDbox playing and G every body saying that
muDsic like A ours couldn't die

D Db C6 Db D/////

Verse 2
D We were grooving....we were movin
pussyfootin and booting it round.
D We were boppin it....we were hoppin it
we were jumping to the D7 shang-a-lang sound of the music. G



Drum Only
Shang A lang,
Shang A lang,
Shang A lang
Shang A lang, shang A lang, shang A lang

Well we D sang shang-a-lang as we G ran with the gang
doin doo D wop be dooby do ay A
we were all D in the news
with our blue G suede shoes
and our dancDin the A night D away.

well we sang D shang-a-lang as we G ran with the gang
doin doo D wop be dooby do eye. A
with the jukeDbox playing and G every body saying that
muDsic like A ours couldn't die

D  Db  C6  Db  D///// x2 Slowing 2nd time to finish

1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Db C6 1 2 3 G 1 2 D7 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 A7

Shape of You [Am]Ed Sheeran

Verse 1
The Am club isn't the best Dm place to find a lover
so the F bar is where I G go
Am Me and my friends at the Dm table doing shots
Drinking F faster and then we talk G slow
Come Am over and start up a converDmsation with just me
And F trust me I'll give it a G chance now
Took my Am hand, stop, prepare Dm "The man" on the jukebox
And F then we start to G dance, and now I'm singing like

Am Girl, you know I Dm want your love
F Your love was handmade G for somebody like Am me
Come on now, Dm follow my lead  F I may be crazy, G don't mind me, say
Am Boy, let's not Dm talk too much
F Grab on my waist and G put that body on Am me
Come on now, Dm follow my lead  F* Come-come on now, follow my lead

Am I'm in Dm love with the shape of F you
We push and G pull like a magnet Am do
Although my Dm heart is falling F too I'm in G love with your bo-Amdy
And last Dm night you were in my F room
And now my G bedsheets smell like Am you
Every day discoverDming something brand F new
Well I'm in G love with your boAmdy Oh aye Oh aye DmOh aye Oh aye F
I'm in G love with your boAmdy Oh aye Oh aye Dm Oh aye Oh aye F
I'm in G love with your boAmdy Oh aye Oh aye Dm Oh aye Oh aye F
I'm in G love with your boAmdy
Every day discoverDming something brand F new
I'm in G love with the shape of Am you

Verse 2
Am One week in we let the Dm story begin
We're going F out on our first G date
But you and Am me are thrifty so go Dm all you can eat
Fill up your F bag and I fill up a G* plate
We talk for Am hours and hours about the Dm sweet and the sour
And how your F family is doin' G okay
And leave and Am get in a taxi, we Dm kiss in the backseat
Tell the F driver make the radio G play, and I'm singing like



N/C Come on, be my baby, come on x4

Am Come on, be my Dm baby, come on
F Come on, be my G baby, come on
Am Come on, be my Dm baby, come on
F* Come on, be my baby, come on


2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C

She Loves You [C]The Beatles

She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah
She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah
She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah C yeah

Verse 1
You C think you've lost your Am love
Well I G saw her yesterday
It's C you she's thinking Am of
And she G told me what to say

She says she C loves you
And you know that can't be Am bad
Yes she F loves you
And you know you should be G glad

Verse 2
She C said you hurt her Am so
She G almost lost her mind
But C now she says she Am knows
You're G not the hurting kind


She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah
She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah
With a F love like that
You G know you should be C glad Am  C Am

Verse 3
You C know it's up to Am you
I G  think it's only fair
C Pride can hurt you Am too
ApoGlogize to her

She says she C loves you
And you know that can't be Am bad
Yes she F loves you
And you know you should be G glad Ooooooo

She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah
She loves you, C yeah, yeah, Am yeah
With a F love like that
You G know you should be C glad Am

With a F love like that
You G know you should be C glad Am
With a F love* like* that*
You G know* you should...... be C glad
Yeah, Am yeah, yeah
C Yeah, Am yeah, yeah, yeah

C Yeah, Am yeah, yeah, C yeah!

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Shes In Love With The Boy [C]Trisha Yearwood

Verse 1
C Katie's C sitting on the F old front G porch
C Watching the C chickens peck the F ground. G
C There ain't a C whole lot going F on toGnight
Am In this G one horse F town. F G
C Over C yonder, F coming up the G road
C In a C beat-up Chevy F truck G
C Her boyfriend C Tommy, he's F laying on the G horn
Am Splashing through the G mud and the F muck F G

C Her daddy C says, F "he ain't worth a G lick
C When it came to C brains, he got the F short end of the G stick"
C But Katy's C young and man she F just don't G care
Am She'd folGlow Tommy F anywhere G

She's in C love with the C boy F G x3
And Dm even if they F have to run G away G
She's gonna F marry that G boy someCday C F G

Verse 2
C Katie and C Tommy at the F drive-in G movie
C Parked in the C very last F row G
C They're too C busy holding F on to one G another
Am To even G care about the F show F G
C But later C on outside the F Tastee G Freeze,
C Tommy slips C something on her F hand G
C He says, "my C high school ring will F have to G do
Am Till I can G buy a wedding F band" F G


Verse 3
C Her daddy's C waiting up till F half past G twelve
C When they come C sneaking up the F walk G
C He says, "young C lady get on F up to your G room
Am While me and G junior have a F talk" F G
C But momma C breaks in and F says, "don't lose your G temper
C It wasn't C very long F ago G
C When you yourCself was just a F hay-seed G plowboy
Am Who didn't G have a row to F hoe" F G

Pre-Chorus 2
C My daddy C said, "you F wasn't worth a G lick
C When it came to C brains, you had the F short end of the G stick"
C but he was C wrong and honey F you are G too
Am Katie looks at G Tommy like F I still look at G you

Chorus 2
She's in C love with the C boy F G x3
What's Dm meant to be will F always find a G way G
She's in C love with the C boy F G x3

What's Dm meant to be will F always find a G way G
She's gonna F marry that G boy someCday. C F G
She's in C love with the C boy.. F .. G

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm

She’s So Lovely [C]Scouting for Girls

C F Dm G
C F Dm G

Verse 1
C I F love the Dm way she G fills her clothes C
She F looks just Dm like them G girls in C Vogue
I F love the Dm way she G plays it C cool
I F think that Dm she is G beautiful... C*

Chorus 1
C She's so lovely... F She's so lovely... Dm She's so lovely... G* She's so lovely
C She's so lovely... F She's so lovely... Dm She's so lovely... G*

She's C* pretty. A F* fitty. She's Dm got a boyfriend though and that's a G* pity
She's C flirty. Turned F thirty. Ain't Dm that the age a girl gets really G dirty?

F I don't know C I don't know Dm I don't know C how we'll make it through F this
I don't know C I don't know Dm I don't know C*

Verse 2
C I F love the Dm way she G bites her C lip
I F love the Dm way she G shakes them C hips
I F love the Dm way she G makes me C drool
I F think that Dm she is G beautiful... C*

Chorus 2
C She's so lovely... F She's so lovely... Dm She's so lovely... G* Well she's so lovely
C She's so lovely... F She's so lovely... Dm She's so lovely... G*

A C* stunner. I F* want her. Was Dm she this fit when she was ten years G* younger?
Come C see me. F Discreetly. She Dm says she's got a trick or two to G teach me

F I don't know C I don't know Dm I don't know C how we'll make it through F this x3
I don't know C I don't know Dm I don't know C*

C I think F that, Dm you are G lovely
C I think F that, Dm you are G lovely
C I think F that, Dm you are G lovely you arrrre
C I think F that, Dm you are G lovely you arrrre
C I think F that, Dm you are G beautiful C*

Chorus 1
C She's so lovely... F She's so lovely... Dm She's so lovely... G* She's so lovely
C She's so lovely... F She's so lovely... Dm She's so lovely... G*

F* I don't know C* I don't know Dm* I don't know C* how we'll make it through F* this x2
I don't know C I don't know Dm I don't know C how we'll make it through F this ohhh-ohhh-ohhh x3
I don't know C I don't know Dm I don't know C

F oh oh oh oh C oh oh oh oh Dm oh oh oh oh C oh oh oh oh
F oh oh oh oh C oh oh oh oh Dm oh oh oh oh C* ohh

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G

Shoop Shoop Song (It’s in his kiss) [G]Cher

G* Does he love G* me, F* I wanna know
F* G* How can I tell if G* he G* loves me so?

Verse 1
Is it Dm in his G eyes? Oh Dm no, you’ll be de-Gceived
Is it Dm in his G sighs? Oh Dm no, he’ll make beGlieve
If you C wanna Am know if F he loves you G so Shoop-Shoop...
It's in his C kiss, F that's where it G is oh yeah

Verse 2
Or is it Dm in his G face? Oh Dm no, that’s just his G charm
In his Dm warm emGbrace? Oh Dm no, that’s just his G arms
If you C wanna Am know if F he loves you G so Shoop-Shoop...
It's in his C kiss, F that's where it G is
Oh oh it’s in his C kiss F C

C Oh oh oh E7 Hug him and squeeze him tight
Am Find out what you want to know
D If it's love, if it really is
G* It's there in his kiss.

How ‘bout the Dm way he G acts? Oh Dm no, that’s not the G way
And Dm you’re not G listening to Dm all I G say
If you C wanna Am know if F he loves you G so Shoop-Shoop...
It's in his C kiss, F that's where it G is, oh oh oh
It's in his C kiss F G

Dm G Dm G
C /////
Dm G Dm G

NC Oh oh oh E7 Hug him and squeeze him tight
Am Find out what you want to know
D If it's love, if it really is
G It's there in his kiss.

How ‘bout the Dm way he G acts Oh Dm no, that’s not the G way
And Dm you’re not G listening to Dm all I G say
If you C wanna Am know if F he loves you G so Shoop-Shoop...
It's in his C kiss, F that's where it G is, oh oh oh
It's in his C kiss F that's where it G is
It's in his C kiss, F that's where it G is

Oooh It's in his C kiss F G
It's in his C kiss F G
It's in his C kiss F G
C - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D × × × × NC

Should I Stay or Should I Go [D]The Clash


Verse 1
Darling you got to let me know D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Should I stay or should I go? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
If you say that you are mine G-G-G-F-F-F-F-G
I'll be here till the end of time D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
So you got to let me know A-A-A-A-A7-A7-A7-A7
Should I stay or should I go? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D

Verse 2
It's always tease tease tease D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
You're happy when I'm on my knees D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
One day is fine, and next is black G-G-G-F-F-F-F-G
So if you want me off your back D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Well come on and let me know A-A-A-A-A7-A7-A7-A7
Should I Stay or should I go? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D

Should I stay or should I go now? fast D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Should I stay or should I go now? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
If I go there will be trouble G-G-G-F-F-F-F-G
And if I stay it will be double D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
So come on and let me know A-A-A-A-A7-A7-A7-A7 *stop, then normal speed
Should I stay or should I go D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D

Verse 3
This indecision's bugging me D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Esta indecision me molesta
If you don't want me, set me free D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Si no me quieres, librame
Exactly whom I'm supposed to be G-G-G-F-F-F-F-G
Digame quien tengo ser
Don't you know which clothes even fit me? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Sabes que ropas me queda?
Come on and let me know A-A-A-A-A7-A7-A7-A7
Me tienes que decir
Should I cool it or should I blow? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Me debo ir o quedarme?

Should I stay or should I go now? fast D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
Should I stay or should I go now? D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
If I go there will be trouble G-G-G-F-F-F-F-G
And if I stay it will be double D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D
So come on and let me know A-A-A-A-A7-A7-A7-A7 *stop, then normal speed
Should I stay or should I go D-D-D-G-G-G-G-D

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 A 1 A7

Singin' In The Rain [C]Gene Kelly

C Doo do-do doo  Do-do Am7 Doo do-do do-de-do-de
C Doo do-do doo  Do-do Am7 Doo do-do do-de-do-de

I'm C singing in the Am7 rain just C singin' in the Am7 rain
What a C glorious Am7 feeling, I'm Dm happy aG7gain
I'm Dm laughing at G7 clouds so Dm dark up aG7bove
The Dm sun's in my G7 heart and I'm C ready for Am7 love

Verse 1
Let the C stormy clouds Am7 chase EveryCone from the Am7 place
C Come on with the Am7 rain, I've a Dm smile on my G7 face
I Dm walk down the G7 lane with a Dm happy reG7frain
Just Dm singin', G7 singin' in the C rain Am7

I'm C singing in the Am7 rain just C singin' in the Am7 rain
What a C glorious Am7 feeling, I'm Dm happy aG7gain
I'm Dm laughing at G7 clouds so Dm dark up aG7bove
The Dm sun's in my G7 heart and I'm C ready for Am7 love

Verse 2
Let the C stormy clouds Am7 chase EveryCone from the Am7 place
C Come on with the Am7 rain, I've a Dm smile on my G7 face
I Dm walk down the G7 lane with a Dm happy reG7frain
Just Dm singin', G7 singin' in the C rain Am7
Just Dm singin' and G7 dancin' in the C rain Am7

Outro - Slowing
Just Dm singin' and G7 dancin' in the C rain

3 C Am7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7

Sit Down [D]James

D D G A x2

Verse 1
I D sing myself to sleep... a G song from the A darkest hour
D Secrets I can't keep... inGside of the A day
D Swing from high to deep... exGtremes... of A sweet and sour
D Hope that God exists... I G hope... I A pray
D Drawn by... the undertow my G life is out of conAtrol
D I believe this wave will bear my G weight so let it A flow

Oh sit D down.. oh sit down... oh sit down...
G Sit down next to A me
Sit D down, sit down, sit down, sit down, do-o-Gown in sympaAthy


Verse 2
Now D I'm relieved to hear... that you've G been to some A far out places
It's D hard to carry on... when you G feel all aAlone
D Now I've swung back down again... it's G worse than it was beAfore
If I D hadn't seen such riches I could G live with being A poor


Verse 3
D Those who feel the breath of sadness... G sit down next to A me
D Those who find they're touched by madness... G sit down next to A me
D Those who find themselves ridiculous... G sit down next to A me
In D love, in fear, in hate, in tears... in G love, in fear, in A hate, in tears
In D love, in fear, in hate, in tears... in G love, in fear, in A hate

D Down..... G Down A Down
D Down..... G Down A Down

Chorus x2
Oh sit D down.. oh sit down... oh sit down...
G Sit down next to A me
Sit D down, sit down, sit down, sit down, do-o-Gown in sympaAthy

D - Single Strum Down

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A

Sitting Down Here [D]Lene Marlin

acappella I'm sitting down here, but hey you can't see me see me, see me Count 4 beats

D    A    Em    G    A
D    A    Em    G    A

Verse 1
Your G words cut rather deeply, they're A just some other lies
I'm D hiding from a distance, I've A got to pay the price
De G-fending all against it, I A really don't know why
You're ob-Bm sessed with all my secrets, you A always make me cry
You G seem to wanna hurt me, no A matter what I do
I'm D telling just a couple, but some A how it gets to you
But I've G learned to get revenge
And I A swear you'll Bm experience that G someday

I'm D sitting down here, but A hey you can't see me
Em Kinda invisible you G don't sense A my stay
D Not really hiding, A not like a shadow
Just Em thought I would join you for one G day A
I'm D sitting down here, but A hey you can't see me G see me, see me

Verse 2
G I'm not trying to avoid you, just don't A wanna hear your voice
When you D call me up so often, I don't A really have a choice
You're G talking like you know me, and A wanna be my friend
But Bm that's really too late now, I won't A try it once again
You may G think that I'm a loser, that A I don't really care
May D think that it's forgotten, but A you should be aware
'Cause I've G learned to get revenge
And I A swear you'll Bm experience that G someday

I'm D sitting down here, but A hey you can't see me
Em Kinda invisible you G don't sense A my stay
D Not really hiding, A not like a shadow
Just Em thought I would join you for one G day A
I'm D sitting down here, but A hey you can't see me
Em Kinda invisible you G don't sense A my stay
D Not really hiding, A not like a shadow
Just Em thought I would join you for one G day A

D    A    Em    G    A    x2

You G seem to wanna hurt me, no A matter what I do
I'm D telling just a couple, but some A how it gets to you
But I've G learned to get revenge
And I A swear you'll Bm experience that G someday


D - Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm

Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay [G]Otis Redding


Verse 1
G Sittin’ in the morning B7 sun
I'll be C sittin’ when the evenin’ A comes
G Watching the ships roll B7 in
And I C watch 'em roll away aAgain

G Sitting on the dock of the E7 bay
Watching the G tide roll aE7way
I'm just G sittin’ on the dock of the A bay
Wastin’ G time E7

Verse 2
I G left my home in B7 Georgia
C Headed for the 'Frisco A bay
'Cause G I had nothin to B7 live for
And look like C nothing's gonna come my A way

So I'm just gonna...
G Sit on the dock of the E7 bay
Watching the G tide roll aE7way
I'm G sittin’ on the dock of the A bay
Wastin’ G time E7

G Look D like C nothing's gonna change
G E-e-D-verything C still remains the same
G I can't D do what C ten people G tell me to do
F So I guess I'll reDmain the same

Verse 3
G Sittin’ here resting my B7 bones
And this C loneliness won't leave me A alone
It's G two thousand miles I B7 roamed
Just to C make this dock my A home

Now, I'm just...
G Sittin’ on the dock of the E7 bay
Watching the G tide roll aE7way
G Sittin’ on the dock of the A bay
Wasting G time E7

Outro - Whistling
G G G E7 Repeat until count out

G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 B7 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 1 2 F

Skye Boat Song [G]

G Speed bonnie Em boat like a Am bird on the D wing
G Onward the C sailors G cry. D
G Carry the Em lad that's Am born to be Dking
G Over the C sea to G Skye

Verse 1
Em Loud the wind howls, Am loud the waves roar
Em Thunderclaps C rend the Em air
Em Baffled, our foes Am stand by the shore
Em Follow they C will not Em dare D

G Speed bonnie Em boat like a Am bird on the D wing
G Onward the C sailors G cry. D
G Carry the Em lad that's Am born to be Dking
G Over the C sea to G Skye

Verse 2
Em Though the waves heave, Am soft shall ye sleep
Em Ocean's a C royal Em bed
Em Rocked in the deep, Am Flora will keep
Em Watch by your C weary Em head D

G Speed bonnie Em boat like a Am bird on the D wing
G Onward the C sailors G cry. D
G Carry the Em lad that's Am born to be Dking
G Over the C sea to G Skye

Outro, getting slower
G Over the C sea to G Skye

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 1 1 D 3 C

Smells Like Teen Spirit [E]Nirvana


E LoadAsus2up onG guns andC bring yourE friends
It'sAsus2 fun toG lose andC to prEetend
She'sAsus2 overGbored andCself asEsured
Oh Asus2 no, I G know a C dirty E word

Hell-Asus2o, hellGo, hellCo, how E low?
Hell-Asus2o, hellGo, hellCo, how E low?
Hell-Asus2o, hellGo, hellCo, how E low?
HellAsus2o, hellGo, hellCo!

With the E lights out,Asus2 it's less G dangerous
C Here we E are now,Asus2 entertGain us
C I feel E stupid Asus2 and contGagious
C Here we E are now, Asus2 entertGain us
C A mul-Eatto, Asus2 an albGino
C A mosq-Euito, Asus2 my libGido
C YaEy! Asus2 G C E Asus2 G C

Instrumental EAsus2GC

E I'm Asus2 worse at G what C I do E best
And Asus2 for this G gift I Cfeel E blessed
OurAsus2 little G group has C always E been
And Asus2 always G will un-Ctil theE end

Pre-Chorus & Chorus

Instrumental EAsus2GC x6

E AndAsus2I forgGet just whCy I tEaste
Oh yAsus2eah, I gGuess it mCakes me smEile
I fAsus2ound it hGard, it's hCard to fEind
Oh wAsus2ell, whatGever, nCevermEind


With the lEights out,Asus2 it's less dGangerous
C Here weEare now,Asus2 entertGain us
C I feel stEupidAsus2 and contGagious
C Here weEare now,Asus2 entertGain us
    C A mulEatto,Asus2 an albGino
C A mosqEuito,Asus2 my libGido

C A den-Eial, Asus2 a denGial x4
C A denEial

1 2 E 1 1 1 1 3 4 Asus2 1 2 3 G 3 C

So Long Farewell [A]Sound Of Music


Verse 1
A There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall
And the A bells in the steeple too
And E7 up in the nursery, an absurd little bird
Is E7 popping up to say cuckAoo cuckoo, cuckoo
ReE7gretfully they tell us but firmly they compel us
To Bm say goodbye to A you


A So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night
A I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

E7 E7 A A

A So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, adieu
A Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

E7 E7 A A

A So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen
A I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne

E7 E7 A A

A So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
A I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye

E7 E7 A A

A I'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lie
A I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly

E7 E7 A A

Softly & Slower
A The sun has gone to bed and so must I
So D long, fareAwell, auf D wiedersehen A goodbye
GoodF#mbye, goodE7bye, goodAbye


Goodbye A

1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m

So What! [F]P!nk

Intro down up punchy strumming
DmNa na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na

Verse 1 down up punchy strumming
I Dmguess I just lost my husband, I don't know where he went,
So I'm gonna drink my money, I'm not gonna pay his rent nope,
I got a brand new attitude and I'm gonna wear it tonight,
I wanna get in trouble, I wanna start a fight,
Na na na na na na na  I wanna start a fight,
Na na na na na na na  I wanna start a fight.

Chorus down down ,down up down up
So, Fso what
I'm still a Amrock star,
I got my Dmrock moves,
And I don't A#need you,
And Fguess what,
I'm having Ammore fun,
And now that Dmwe're done,
I'm gonna A#show you tonight,F
I'm alright,Am
I'm just fine,Dm
And you're a A#tool,
So, Fso what,
I am a Amrock star,
I got my Dmrock moves,
And I don't A#want you tonight.Dm

Verse 2down up punchy strumming
The waiter just took my table, And gave it to Jessica Simps shit!,
I guess I'll go sit with drum boy, At least he'll know how to hit,
What if this song's on the radio, Then somebody's gonna die,
I'm gonna get in trouble, My ex will start a fight,
Na na na na na na na. he's gonna start a fight,
Na na na na na na na. We're all gonna get in a fight!


Bridge punchy down strums
F You weren't there, You never were, You want it all, But that's not fair,
I gave you life,  I gave my all,  You weren't there,  You let me fall.

Chorus x2

end on 1 strum of F*

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 A#

Someone Like You [G]Adele

Intro G D Em C

I G heard that you're D settled down
That you Em found a girl, And you're C married now
I G heard that your D dreams came true
Guess she Em gave you things I didn't C give to you

Old G friend why are you so D shy
It ain't Em like you to hold back Or C hide from life

I D hate to turn up out of the Em blue uninvited
But C I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it
I'd D hoped you'd see my face
And Em that you'd be reminded
That for C me, it isn't Cmaj7 over

G Never mind, I'll D find someone like Em you C
I wish G nothing but the D best for Em you C too
Don't G forget me I D beg, I re-Em-member you C said
Sometimes it G lasts in love, but D sometimes it hurts in-Em-stead C
Sometimes it G lasts in love, but D sometimes it hurts in-Em-stead, C yeah

G You'd know how D time flies
Only Em yesterday Was the C time of our lives
We were G born and raised In a D summer haze
Bound Em by the surprise Of our C glory days

I D hate to turn up out of the Em blue uninvited, but
C I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it
I'd D hoped you'd see my face And Em that you'd be reminded
That for C me, it isn't Cmaj7 over


D Nothing compares, no worries or cares
Em Regrets and mistakes, their memories make
C Who would have known how
Bitter-Am-sweet Bm this would C taste

Chorus x2

Sometimes it G lasts in love but D sometimes it hurts in-Em-stead C
Sometimes it G lasts in love but D sometimes it hurts in-Em-stead C

Outro G D Em C G single strum

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C 2 Cmaj7 2 Am 1 1 1 Bm

Stand By Your Man [G]Tammy Wynette

G C G D*

Verse 1
G Sometimes its hard to be a D woman,
Am Giving all your D7 love to just one G man.
C You'll have bad times, G and he'll have good times,
A doing things that A7 you don't underDstand. D7

Verse 2
G But if you love him you'll D forgive him,
Am Even though he's D7 hard to underGstand.
C And if you love him, G oh be C proud of him,
G cause after D7 all he's just a G man C G D

G Stand by your B7 man, C give him two arms to cling to,
G and something E7 warm to come to,
A when nights are D7* cold and lonely.
G Stand by your B7 man, C and tell the world you love him,
G keep giving D7 all the love you B7 can. E7
C Stand D by your G man. C G D

G Stand by your B7 man, and C tell the world you love him,
G keep giving D7 all the love you B7 can. E7
C Stand D by your G man. C G D
G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 2 A 1 A7 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 E7

Stand by Me [G]Ben E King

Same as first two lines of Verse
G G Em Em


Play on the C String

Verse 1
When the G night... has come Em and the land is dark
And the C moon... is the D only... light we’ll G see
No I won’t... be afraid, no I-I-I-I Em won’t... be afraid
Just as C long... as you D stand... stand by G me

So darling, darling sta-a-and... by me, o-oh Em stand... by me
Oh C stand... D stand by me G stand by me

Verse 2
If the G sky... that we look upon... Em should tumble and fall
Or the C mountain... should D crumble... to the G sea
I won’t cry... I won’t cry... No I-I-I Em won’t... shed a tear
Just as C long... as you D stand... stand by G me

And darling, darling, sta-a-and... by me, o-oh Em stand... by me
Oh C stand now... D stand by me... G stand by me

G Whenever you’re in trouble just
G Sta-a-and... by me, o-oh Em stand... by me
Oh C stand now... D stand by me... G stand by me

Slowing C D G*

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 D

Star of the County Down [Am]Traditional

Intro Am Am

Verse 1
In Am Banbridge Town in the C County G Down
One Am morning F last G July,
Down a Am boreen green came a C sweet G colleen
And she Am smiled as she G passed me Am by.
She C looked so sweet from her G two bare feet
To the Am sheen of her F nut brown G hair.
Such a Am coaxing elf, sure I C shook my G self
To make Am sure I was G really Am there.

From C Bantry Bay up to G Derry Quay and
From Am Galway to F Dublin G Town,
No Am maid I've seen like the C sweet colGleen
That I Am met in the G County Am Down.


Verse 2
As she Am onward sped, sure I C shook my G head,
And I Am gazed with a F feelin' G rare,
And I Am says, says I, to a C passer G-by,
"Who's the Am maid with the G nut brown Am hair?"
He C smiled at me and he G says, says he,
"That's the Am gem of old F Ireland's G crown.
That's Am Rosie McCann from the C banks of the G Bann,
She's the Am star of the G County Am Down."

From C Bantry Bay up to G Derry Quay and
From Am Galway to F Dublin G Town,
No Am maid I've seen like the C sweet colGleen
That I Am met in the G County Am Down


Verse 3
At the Am Harvest Fair she'll be C surely G there
So I'll Am dress in my F Sunday G clothes,
With my Am shoes shone bright and my C hat cocked G right
For a Am smile from my G nut brown Am rose.
No C pipe I'll smoke, no G horse I'll yoke
Till my Am plough is a F rust coloured G brown.
Till a Am smiling bride by my C own fire G side
Sits the Am star of the G County Am Down.

From C Bantry Bay up to G Derry Quay and
From Am Galway to F Dublin G Town,
No Am maid I've seen like the C sweet colGleen
That I Am met in the G County Am Down.

That I Am met in the G County Am Down
G* Am*

2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Starman [C]David Bowie

F F Cmaj7 Cmaj7 F Hey la la F Cmaj7 Hey la la Cmaj7

Verse 1
Dm Didn't know what time it was and the lights were low C
I leaned back on my radio G
Some cat was layin' down some G7rock 'n' roll 'lotta soul, he said C Eb F
Dm Then the loud sound did seem to fade C
Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase G
That weren't no D.J. that was G7 hazy cosmic jive E7 D

There's a C starman Am waiting in the sky
He'd Em like to come and meet us
But he G thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a C starman Am waiting in the sky
He's Em told us not to blow it
'Cause he G knows it's all worthwhile
He told me
F Let the children lose it
C Let the A7 children use it
Dm Let all the G7 children boogie


Verse 2
Dm I had to phone someone so I picked on you C
Hey, that's far out so you heard him too G
Switch on the TV we may G7 pick him up on Channel Two C Eb F
Dm Look out your window I can see his light C
If we can sparkle he may land tonight G
Don't tell your poppa or he'll G7 get us locked up in fright E7 D

Chorus x2
There's a C starman Am waiting in the sky
He'd Em like to come and meet us
But he G thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a C starman Am waiting in the sky
He's Em told us not to blow it
'Cause he G knows it's all worthwhile
He told me
F Let the children lose it
C Let the A7 children use it
Dm Let all the G7 children boogie

F Laaaa, la, la, la, la C la, la, la, G laaaa, la, la, la, C la, la, la, la
F Laaaa, la, la, la, la C la, la, la, G laaaa, la, la, la, C la, la, la, la
F Laaaa, la, la, la, la C la, la, la, G laaaa, la, la, la, C la, la, la, la
F Laaaa, la, la, la, la C la, la, la, G laaaa, la, la, la, C la, la, la, la

1 2 F 2 Cmaj7 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 A7

Status Quo Mash-Up [C]

Whatever You Want - Intro Riff Same as first two lines of verse
Csus4C    Csus4C    Csus4C    Csus4C    Csus4C

Whatever You Want - Verse 1
Csus4C Whatever you want, Csus4C whatever you like
Csus4C Whatever you say, Csus4C you pay your money Csus4C you take your choice
Whatever you G need, Gsus4G whatever you use
Csus4C Whatever you win, Csus4C whatever you lose

Rockin All Over The World - Intro Riff Rock & Roll Riff
C  C  C  C

Rockin All Over The World - Verse 2
C Ah here we are and here we are and here we go, F all aboard and we're hitting the road
Here we C go, G rockin' all over the C world C

Rockin All Over The World - Verse 3
C Ah giddy-up and giddy-up and get away, F we're going crazy and we're going today
Here we C go, G rockin' all over the C world

Rockin All Over The World - Chorus
C And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
I F li-li-li-like it, li-li-li-like here we C go, G rockin' all over the C world

Caroline - Intro Riff
CCsus4CCsus4C x4

Caroline - Verse 4
C If you want to turn me onto F anything you really want to
Turn me C onto your G love, sweet C  love
C If the night-time is the right time F anytime of yours is my time
We can C find time for G love,  sweet C love

Caroline - Chorus
C Come on sweet Caroline, you're my sweet Caroline
F You know I want to take you I've really got to make you
C Come on sweet Caroline, G take my hand F together we can rock-n-C roll G

Down Down - Verse 5
C Get down deeper and down…riff down down deeper and down riff
Down down deeper and down…riff get down deeper and down riff
F I want all... the world to see Eb
C To see you're laughing, and you're laughing at me
F I can take it... all from you
G Again  again  again  again  again  again  again and deeper and C down

Down Down - Chrous
C Down down deeper and down riff
C Down down deeper and down riff
C Down down deeper and down riff
C Get down deeper and down  riff

Rockin All Over The World - Instrumental Rock & Roll Riff

Rockin All Over The World - Chorus
C And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it I F li-li-li-like it,
li-li-li-like here we C go, G rockin' all over the world C CHA-CHA-CHA!

1 3 Csus4 3 C 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 1 1 Eb

Stay Stay Stay [C]Taylor Swift

C F Am G x2
C I'm pretty Fsure we almost Ambroke upG last night
C I threw my Fphone across the Amroom, at G you
C I was exFpecting some drAmamaticG turn away
But C yoo-oo-oo-ooFoo-oo-oo-ooAm oou G* stayed

C This morning FI said we should Amtalk Gabout it
CCause I read you should Fnever leave a Amfight uGnresolved
CThat's when you came Fin wearing a AmfootballG helmet
And said Cokay let's talkF Am And G I Gsaid...

CStay, stay, Fstay
AmI've been loving Gyou for quite some
CTime, time, Ftime
AmYou think that it'sG funny when I'm
CMad, mad, Fmad
But AmI think that it'sG best if we both Cstay F Am G

CBefore you I Fonly dated Amself indulgentG takers
Who Ctook all of their Fproblems out on Amme G
CBut you carry my Fgroceries and now I'm AmalwaysG laughing
I Clove you because Fyou have given Amme noG choice but to ...

Interlude C F Am G

You Am* took the time to memorise me
My F* fears, my hopes and dreams
I just like hanging C normal strummingout with you
All the Gti-iii-ime
Am* All those times that you didn't leave
It's F* been occuring to me
I'd like to hang C normal strumming out with you
For my whole G*li-ii-fe

CStayF, and AmI'll be lovingG you for quite some C time ..F.
AmNo one else is gonnaG love me when I get
CMad, mad, Fmad
So AmI think that it'sG best if we both
Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay, stay
CStay F stay, Am stay, G stay, stay, stay

Chorus x2
Last line of 2nd chorus – slow with single strums

3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G

Stick Season [A]Noah Kahan

Verse 1
A As you Apromised me that I was more than all the miles combined
You must've Ehad yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive
Because your voiceF#m  trailed off exactly as you passed my exit sign
DKept on drivin' straight and left our future to the right
Now I am Astuck between my anger and the blame that I can't face
And memoriesE are somethin' even smoking weed does not replace
And I am F#mterrified of weather 'cause I see you when it rains
DDoc told me to travel, but there's COVID on the planes

And IA love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks
And IE saw your mom, she forgot that I existed
And it'sF#m  half my fault, but I just like to play the victim
I'll drinkD alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas
And I'llA dream each night of some version of you
That IE might not have, but I did not lose
Now you'reF#m  tire tracks and one pair of shoes
And I'mD split in half, but that'llE have to do

Verse 2
A So I thougAht that if I piled something good on all my bad
That I could Ecancel out the darkness I inherited from Dad
No, I amF#m  no longer funny 'cause I miss the way you laugh
You Donce called me "forever", now you still can't call me back

And IA love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks
And IE saw your mom, she forgot that I existed
And it'sF#m  half my fault, but I just like to play the victim
I'll drinkD alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas
And I'llA dream each night of some version of you
That IE might not have, but I did not lose
Now you'reF#m  tire tracks and one pair of shoes
And I'mD split in half, but that'llE have to do

A Oh, that'll have to do
E My other half wasF#m  you
I hope this pain's just Dpassin' through
But I Edoubt it

And IA love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks
And IE saw your mom, she forgot that I existed
And it'sF#m  half my fault, but I just like to play the victim
I'll drinkD alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas
And I'llA dream each night of some version of you
That IE might not have, but I did not lose
Now you'reF#m  tire tracks and one pair of shoes
And I'mD split in half, but that'llE have to do
Have to doA

1 2 A 1 2 E 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 D

Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For [D]U2


Verse 1
I have D climbed highest mountain
I have run through the fields
Only to G be with you only to D be with you
I have D run I have crawled I have scaled these city walls
These city G walls only to D be with you

But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for
But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for

Verse 2
I have D kissed honey lips felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like G fire this burning deDsire
I have D spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the G night I was cold as a D stone

But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for
But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for


Verse 3
I beDlieve in the kingdom come
Then all the colours will bleed into one
Bleed into G one well yes I'm still D running
You broke the D bonds and you loosed the chains
Carried the cross of my shame of my G shame
You know I beDlieve it

But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for
But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for
But I A still haven't G found what I'm D looking for
But I A* still haven't G* found what I'm D/////// looking for

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A

Stop [A]Erasure


Verse 1
NC We'll be toAgether again, I've been waiting for a long time
We're gonna be, we're gonna be toDgether again
I've been connected to the A right line
We'll be toE7gether and nobody ain't D never
Gonna disconnect us, or ever separate us, Or say to us you've got to

A Stop! G Stand there where you are
BeDfore you go too far, before you make a fool out of A love
A Stop! Don't G jump before you look
Get D hung upon a hook, Before you make a fool out of A love

A A A A* Stop

Verse 2
NC We'll be toAgether again, I've been waiting for a long time
We're gonna be, we're gonna be toDgether again
I've been connected to the A right line
We'll be toE7gether and nobody ain't D never
Gonna disconnect us, or ever separate us, Or say to us you've got to


Instrumental + Kazoo
A A* Stop

NC We'll be toE7gether and nobody ain't D never
Gonna disconnect us, or ever separate us, Or say to us you've got to

Chorus x2
A Stop! G Stand there where you are
BeDfore you go too far, Before you make a fool out of A love
A Stop! Don't G jump before you look
Get D hung upon a hook, Before you make a fool out of A love

A* Stop!

1 2 A × × × × NC 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G

Stop [C]Spice Girls

C Bb Am G x2

Verse 1
C You just walk Bb in, I make you Am smile
It's cool but G you don't even know me
C You take an Bb inch, I run a Am mile
Can't win you're G always right behind me

Verse 2
C And we know that you could Bb go and find some other
Am Take or leave it or just G don't even bother
C Caught in a Bb craze it's just a Am phase
or will this G be around forever

Dm Don't you know, it's going too fast,
Dm racing so hard you know it won't last
Dm Don't you know, what Em can't you see
Slow it F down, read the signs so you G know just where you're going

C Stop right now, Bb thank you very much,
I Am need somebody with the G human touch
C Hey you, Bb always on the run,
gotta Am slow it down baby gotta have G some fun

C Do do do Bb do, do do do Am do, do do do, G always be together
C Ba da da Bb da, ba da da Am da, ba da da, G say that we're forever

Verse 3
C And we know that you could Bb go and find some other
Am Take or leave it cause we've G always got each other
C You know who you are and Bb yes you're gonna breakdown
Am You're crossed the line so you're G gonna have to turn around




Verse 4
Gotta C keep it down honey, lay your Bb back on the line,
Cause I don't Am care about the money don't be G wasting my time
You need C less speed, Bb get off my case
You gotta Am slow it down baby just get G out of my face

Chorus x 2  add additional harmony lines
C Stop right now, Bb thank you very much,
I Am need somebody with the G human touch
C Hey you, Bb always on the run,
gotta Am slow it down baby gotta have G some fun

C - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 3 Bb 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F

Stuck On You [C]Lionel Richie

C Em F G

Verse 1
C Stuck on Em you I've got this F feeling down deep in my G soul
That I just can't C lose, guess I'm Em on my F way G
C Needed a Em friend and the F way I feel now I guess I'll G be with you till the end C
C Guess I'm Em on my F way G mighty glad you staCyed Em F G

Verse 2
C I'm stuck on Em you been a F fool too long I guess
It's G time for me to come on C home, guess I'm Em on my F way G
C So hard to Em see that a F woman like you could wait arGound for a man like me C
Guess I'm Em on my F way G mighty glad you staCyed Em F G

F Oh I'm leaGving on that midCnight train tomoAmrrow
F And I G know just where I'm C going Am
F I've packed up my G troubles and I've C thrown them all awAmay Am
F Because this time little darlin' I'm coming home to G stay G7

Verse 3
I'm C stuck on you Em I've got this feelFing down deep in my soul G
That I just can't C lose, guess I'm Em on my F way G
C Needed a Em friend and the way F I feel now I guess I'll G be with you till the C end
Guess I'm Em on my F way I'm G mighty glad you staCyed Em F G

C - Single Strum

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 G7

Stuck in the Middle with You [D]Stealers Wheel

Intro D D D D

Verse 1
Well I D don't know why I came here tonight
I got the D feeling that something ain't right
I'm so G7 scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm D wondering how I'll get down the stairs
A Clowns to the left of me
C Jokers to the G right
Here I D am stuck in the middle with you

Verse 2
Yes I'm D stuck in the middle with you
And I'm D wondering what it is I should do
It's so G7 hard to keep this smile from my face
Losing control D yeah, I’m all over the place
A Clowns to the left of me
C Jokers to the G right
Here I D am stuck in the middle with you

Well you G7 started off with nothing and you're proud that you're a self-made man D
And your G7 friends they all come crawling, slap you on the back and say
D* plea-ea-ease Am7* plea-ea- ease


Verse 3
D Trying to make some sense of it all
But I can D see that it makes no sense at all
Is it G7 cool to go to sleep on the floor?
Cos I don't D think I can take any more
A Clowns to the left of me
C Jokers to the G right
Here I D am stuck in the middle with you

Well you G7 started off with nothing and you're proud that you're a self-made man D
And your G7 friends they all come crawling, slap you on the back and say
D* plea-ea-ease Am7* plea-ea- ease

Verse 4
Well I D don't know why I came here tonight
I got the D feeling that something ain't right
I'm so G7 scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm D wondering how I'll get down the stairs
A Clowns to the left of me
C Jokers to the G right
Here I D am stuck in the middle with you

Yes I’m... D stuck in the middle with you
D Stuck in the middle with you
Here I am D stuck in the middle with you
D* D*

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7 1 2 A 3 C 1 2 3 G Am7

Stuck with you [A]Huey Lewis and the News

Intro AAm7FDm7GCAm7FDm7G

C We've had some Am7 fun,F and yes weve had our Dm7 ups and G7 downs
C Been down that Am7 rocky road, bFut here we areDm7, stillG7around
CWe thought about Am7 someone elseF, but neither oneDm7took theG7 bait
CWe thought about Am7 breaking up,Fbut now we know itsDm7much tooG7 late
Am7We are bound byCall the rest
CLike the same phoneF number
GAll the same friends
A7And the same address

DYes, itsBm7true, yes its G true I am Em happy to be A stuck with you
DYes, itsBm7true, yes its G true I’m so Em happy to be A stuck with you
Dcause I can Bm7 see, I can G see that youre D9 happy to be Gstuck with me

CWeve had ourAm7doubtsF, weDm7never took themG7seriously
CAnd weve had ourAm7ins and outs,F but thats theDm7way itsG7supposed to be
CWe thought aboutAm7giving up,F but we could neverDm7stayG7away
CThought aboutAm7breaking upF, but now we know itsDm7much tooG7late
Am7And its no greatCmystery
CIf we change ourFminds
GEventually, its back to you andA7 me


Am7We are bound byCall the rest
CLike the same phoneF number
GAll the same friends
A7And the same address

DYes, itsBm7true, yes its trueG I am happy to beEmstuck withA you

DYes, itsBm7true, yes its trueG Im so happy to beEm stuck witAh you
Dcause I canBm7see, I can seeG that youre happy to beEmstuck withAme
Bm7yes its true IGm so happy to be stEmuck with yoAuDBm7
GI'm happy to be stuEmck with youA DBm7
GHappy to be sEmtuck withAyou.

1 2 A Am7 1 2 F 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 A7 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 Bm7 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 1 2 3 D9

Sugar Town [G]Nancy Sinatra

G Am C Bm x2

Verse 1
G I got some Am troubles but C they won't Bm last
G I'm gonna Am lay right down C here in the Bm grass
G And pretty Am soon all my C troubles will Bm pass
'Cause I'm in Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo, Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo
Am Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, D shoo-shoo G sugar town Am C Bm

Verse 2
G I never Am had a dog that C liked me Bm some
G Never Am had a friend or C wanted Bm one
G So, I just Am lay back and C laugh at the Bm sun
'Cause I'm in Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo, Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo
Am Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, D shoo-shoo G sugar town Am C Bm

G Am C Bm x4

Verse 3
G YesterAm-day it rained in C TennesBm-see
G I heard it Am also rained in C TallahasBm-see
G But not a Am drop fell on C little old Bm me
'Cause I was in Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo, Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo
Am Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, D shoo-shoo G sugar town Am C Bm

Verse 4
G If I Am had a million C dollars or Bm ten
G I'd Am give it to ya, C world, and Bm then
G You'd Am go away and C let me Bm spend
My life in Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo, Am shoo-shoo-Dshoo
Am Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, D shoo-shoo G sugar town Am C Bm

G Am C Bm G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 2 Am 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D

Summer Holiday [C]Cliff Richard

C Am Dm G7

Verse 1
C We’re all Am going on a Dm summer G7 holiday,
C no more Am working for a Dm week or G7 two,
C fun and Am laughter on our Dm summer G7 holiday,
Dm no more G7 worries for C me and Am you,
Dm for a G7 week or C two.

We’re Dm going where the G7 sun shines C brightly,
We’re Dm going where the G7 sea is C blue,
We’ve Em seen it in the movies, now D* let’s see if it’s G true. G7

Verse 2
C Every Am body has a Dm summer G7 holiday,
C Doing Am things they always Dm wanted G7 to,
C So we’re Am going on a Dm summer G7 holiday,
Dm To make our G7 dreams come C trAmue,
Dm for G7 me and C you.

We’re Dm going where the G7 sun shines C brightly,
We’re Dm going where the G7 sea is C blue,
We’ve Em seen it in the movies, now D* let’s see if it’s G true. G7

Verse 3
C Every Am body has a Dm summer G7 holiday,
C Doing Am things they always Dm wanted G7 to,
C So we’re Am going on a Dm summer G7 holiday,
Dm To make our G7 dreams come C trAmue,
Dm for G7 me and C you Am

Dm for G7 me and C you Am
Dm for G7 me and C you C - Double Strum

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G

Summer Nights [C]Grease

Intro C F G F x2

Verse 1
C Summer F lovin' G had me a F blast. C Summer F lovin', G happened so F fast
C I met a F girl G crazy for A me. D Met a G boy, D cute as can G be
C Summer F days G driftin'  aAway, to Dm uh-oh those G summer C nights
G oh-ela-ela-ela-Coooh!

Chorus 1
Tell me F more, tell me D more, did you G get very C far?
Tell me F more, tell me D more, like, does G he have a C car?

aCha, aFha, aGha, aFha

Verse 2
C She swam F by me, G she got a craFmp, C He ran F by me, G got my suit daFmp
C I saved her F life, G she nearly droAwned. D He showed G off, spDlashing arouGnd
C Summer F sun G something's A begun, whoa-oh-Dm-oh, oh those G summer C nights
G oh-ela-ela-ela-Coooh!

Chorus 2
Tell me F more, tell me D more, was it G love at first C sight?
Tell me F more, tell me D more, did she G put up a C fight?

with dah, tu-bee-dub, tu-bee-dub, tu-bee-du-bee-du-bee-dah
aCha, aFha, aGha, aFha
aCha, aFha, aGha, aFha

Verse 3
C Took her F bowlin' G in the ArFcade. C We went F strollin', G drank lemonFade
C We made F out G under the A dock. D We stayed G up D `til ten o'Gclock
C Summer F fling G don't mean a A thing, but Dm uh-oh those G summer C nights
G oh-ela-ela-ela-Coooh!

Chorus 3
Tell me F more, tell me D more, but you G don't gotta C brag
Tell me F more, tell me D more, cause he G sounds like a C drag

C shoo-ba-pa, F shoo-ba-pa, G shoo-ba-pa, F shoo-ba-pa
C shoo-ba-pa, F shoo-ba-pa, G shoo-ba-pa, A Yeah!

Verse 4
C He got F friendly, G holdin' my F hand. C Well she got F friendly, G down in the F sand
C He was F sweet, G just turned eighAteen. D Well she was G good, you D know what I G mean
C Summer F heat, G boy and girl A meet, but Dm uh-oh those G summer C nights
G oh-ela-ela-ela-Coooh!

Chorus 4
Tell me F more, tell me D more, how much G dough did he C spend?
Tell me F more, tell me D more, could she G get me a C friend? Pause

Outro - Single strums
C It turned F colder - G that's where it F ends
C So I F told her G we'd still be F friends
C Then we F made G our true love A vow
D Wonder G what D she's doing G now
C Summer F dreams G ripped at the A seams, bu-ut Dm oh,
those G summer ni-C///////-ights Tell me more, tell me more

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Dm

Summer in Dublin [Am]Bagatelle

Verse 1
Am Take me away from the city
Lead me to F where I'll be G on my own Am
Am I wanted to see you but now that I have
I just F want to be G left alone Am
I'll G always remember your C kind words
Dm And I'll still remember your E7 name
Am But I've seen you changing and F turning
And I know that G things won't be the same Am


I rememCber that sumGmer in Dublin Am
And the F Liffey, yes, it stank like C hell
And the Dm young people walking on Am Grafton Street
And Dm everyone looking so well G
I was C singing a G song I heard Am somewhere
Called F rock and roll never forgets C
Dm When my humming was smothered Am by the 46A
And the Dm scream of the low flying jets G
So I C jumped on a G bus to Dun Am Laoghaire
Stopping F off to pick up my guitarC
When a Dm drunk on the bus told me Am how to get rich
I was F glad we weren't G going too Am far

Verse 2
Am So I'm leaving on Wednesday morning
Trying to find a F place where G I can hear Am
Am The wind and the birds and the sea on the rocks
And the open F road is G always Am near
And if G sometimes I tire of the C quiet
Dm And I want to walk back up that E7 hill
I'll just Am get on the road and I'll stick F out my thumb
Cause G I know for sure you'll be there Am still


I rememCber that sumGmer in Dublin Am
And the F Liffey, yes, it stank like C hell
And the Dm young people walking on Am Grafton Street
And Dm everyone looking so well G
I was C singing a G song I heard Am somewhere
Called F rock and roll never forgets C
Dm When my humming was smothered Am by the 46A
And the Dm scream of the low flying jets G
So I C jumped on a G bus to Dun Am Laoghaire
Stopping F off to pick up my guitarC
When a Dm drunk on the bus told me Am how to get rich
I was F glad we weren't G going too Am far

Outro slowing down
I was F glad we weren't G going too Am far

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7

Sunday Girl [D]Blondie


Verse 1
D I know a G girl from a D lonely street
G Cold as A ice cream but D still as sweet
G Dry your A eyes Sunday D girl.

Verse 2
D I saw your G guy with a D different girl
G Looks like A he's in aDnother world
G Run and A hide Sunday D girl.

G Hurry up, hurry up and wait, I stay
A-Dwake all week and still I wait
I G got the blues, please come see
E7 What your loving A means to me.
E7 A

Verse 3
D She can't G catch up with the D working crowd
The G weekend A mood and she's D feeling proud
G Live in A dreams Sunday D girl.

Verse 4
D Baby, G I would like to go D out tonight
If I G go with A you my folks’ll D get uptight
G Stay at A home Sunday D girl D7


Verse 5
D I know a G girl from a D lonely street
G Cold as A ice cream but D still as sweet
G Dry your A eyes Sunday D girl

G Hurry up, hurry up and wait, I stay
A-Dwake all week and still I wait
I G got the blues, please come see
E7 What your loving A means to me.
E7 A

Verse 6
D I saw your G guy with a D different girl
G Looks like A he's in anDother world
G Run and A hide Sunday D girl

G Run and A hide Sunday D girl
G Run and A hide Sunday D girl. D D
A* D*

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 1 2 D7

Sunny Afternoon [Am]The Kinks

Intro Am Am E7 E7 Am Am E7 E7

The Am taxman’s taken G all my dough
And C left me in my G stately home
E7 Lazin’ on a sunny after Am noon
And I can’t G sail my yacht
He’s C taken every G thing I’ve got
E7 All I’ve got’s this sunny afterAmnoon A

A7 Save me, save me, save me from this D7 squeeze
I got a G7 big fat mama tryin’ to break C me E7
And I Am love to live so D7 pleasantly
Am Live this life of D7 luxury
C Lazin’ on a E7 sunny after Am noon D7
In the Am summertime, D7
In the Am summertime, D7

My Am girlfriend’s run off G with my car
And C gone back to her G ma and pa
E7 Tellin’ tales of drunkenness and Am cruelty
Now I’m G sittin’ here
C Sippin’ at my G ice-cold beer
E7 All I’ve got’s this sunny afterAmnoon A

A7 Help me, help me, help me sail aD7 way
Or give me G7 two good reasons why I oughta C stay E7
Cos I Am love to live so D7 pleasantly
Am Live this life of D7 luxury
C Lazin’ on a E7 sunny afterAmnoon [D7
In the Am summertime, D7
In the Am summertime, D7

A7 Save me, save me, save me from this D7 squeeze
I got a G7 big fat mama tryin’ to break C me E7
And I Am love to live so D7 pleasantly
Am Live this life of D7 luxury
C Lazin’ on a E7 sunny after Am noon D7
In the Am summer time, D7
In the Am summer time, D7
In the Am summer time D7
In the Am summer time ... D7...Am

2 Am 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 A 1 A7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7

Sunshine on Leith [C]The Proclaimers

Intro C C C C

Verse 1
C My heart was broken, my heart was broken,
Sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, C7 sorrow.
F My heart was broken, Dm my heart was broken,
You G saw it, you claimed it, you touched it; you saved it.

Verse 2
C My tears are drying, my tears are drying,
Thank you, thank you, thank you, C7 thank you.
F My tears are drying, Dm my tears are drying,
Your G beauty and kindness, made tears clear my blindness.

F While I'm G worth, my C room on this F earth,
I will G be with C you C7
F While the G chief puts C sunshine on F Leith,
I'll thank him for his work, G and your birth, and G7 my birth.

G7 Yeah, yeah, yeah

C  F  Dm  G  C  F  G  G

Verse 3
C My heart was broken, my heart was broken,
Sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, C7 sorrow.
F My heart was broken, Dm my heart was broken,
You G saw it, you claimed it, you touched it; you saved it.

F While I'm G worth, my C room on this F earth,
I will G be with C you C7
F While the G chief puts C sunshine on F Leith,
I'll thank him for his work, G and your birth, and G7 my birth.

G7 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

C  F  Dm  G  C  F  G  G

C - Single strum

3 C 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Super Trouper [C]Abba

C Super Csus4 Trouper C beams are gonna blind me
Csus4 But I C won't feel G blue Dm like I Asus4 always G do
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's C you
C Am Dm G7

Verse 1
C I was sick and tired of everyEmthing
When I Dm called you last night from G Glasgow
C All I do is eat and sleep and Em sing
Wishing Dm every show was the G last show

F So imagine I was C glad to hear you're coming
F Suddenly I feel all C right F and it's gonna be so C different
When I'm on the stage toGsus4night G

Tonight the C Super Csus4 Trouper C lights are gonna find me
Csus4 Shining C like the G sun
Dm Smiling Asus4 having G fun feeling like a number C one
Tonight the C Super Csus4 Trouper C beams are gonna blind me
Csus4 But I C won't feel G blue Dm like I Asus4 always G do
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's C you
C Am Dm G7

Verse 2
C Facing twenty thousand of your Em friends
How can Dm anyone be so G lonely
C Part of a success that never Em ends
Still I'm Dm thinking about you G only

F There are moments when I C think I'm going crazy
F But it's gonna be all C right F everything will be so C different
When I'm on the stage toGsus4night G


Verse 3
So I'll be F there when you aAmrrive
The sight of Dm you will prove to G me I'm still aClive
And when you take me in your F arms
And hold me Dm tight A
I Dm know it's gonna mean so much toGnight

Tonight the Super Trouper lights are gonna find me
Shining like the sun, smiling having fun feeling like a number one
Back to Strumming
Tonight the C Super Csus4 Trouper C beams are gonna blind me
Csus4 But I C won't feel G blue Dm like I Asus4 always G do
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's C you
C Am Dm G7

C - Single Strum

3 C 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 2 3 Asus4 2 Am 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 A

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [C]Mary Poppins

C SupercalifragilisticexpialiG7docious!
G7 Even though the sound of it is something quite aCtrocious.
C If you say it loud enough, you'll C7 always sound preFcocious,
F SupercaliCfragilisticexpiG7aliCdocious!

C Um diddle diddle diddle, G7 um diddle ay. x2

Verse 1
BeCcause I was afraid to speak, when I was just a G7 lad,
Me G7 father gave me nose a tweak and G7 told me I was C bad.
But C then one day I learned a word that C7 saved me aching F nose,
The D biggest word I ever heard, and D7 this is how it G7 goes


C Um diddle diddle diddle, G7 um diddle ay. x2

Verse 2
He C traveled all around the world and every where he G7 went,
He'd G7 use his word and all would say, "There G7 goes a clever C gent"
When C dukes and maharajas pass the C7 time of day with F me,
I D say me special word and then they D7 ask me out to G7 tea.

C SupercalifragilisticexpialiG7docious!
G7 Even though the sound of it is something quite aCtrocious.
C If you say it loud enough, you'll C7 always sound preFcocious,
F SupercaliCfragilisticexpiG7aliCdocious!

C Um diddle diddle diddle, G7 um diddle ay. x2

Verse 3
So C when the cat has got your tongue, there's no need for disG7may,
Just G7 summon up this word, and then you've got a lot to C say.
C But better use it carefully, or C7 it could change your F life,
One D night I said it to me girl, and D7 now me girl's my G7 wife!

C She's SupercalifragilisticexpialiG7docious!
C SupercalifragilisticC7expialidocious!F
F SupercaliCfragilisticexpiG7aliCdocious! Faster rand faster

F SupercaliCfragilisticexpiG7aliCdocious!

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 F 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7

Superstar [Dm]Jamelia


Verse 1
Dm People always talk about ey oh ey oh ey oh
All the things their all about ey oh ey oh ey oh
C Write it on a piece of paper,
Dm Got a feeling i'll see you later.

Pre Chorus
Dm There's something bout this,
Lets keep it moving,
And if its good lets just get something cooking.
Coz i really wanna C rock with you,
I'm feeling some connection to the Dm things you do.
you do, you do.

Dm I don't know what it is, that makes me feel like this,
I don't know who you are,
But you must be some kind of C superstar,
Coz you got all eyes on you no matter Dm where you are,
you just make me wanna play

Verse 2
Dm Baby take a look around ey oh ey oh ey oh
Everybody's getting down ey oh ey oh ey oh
C Deal with all the problems later,
Dm Bad boys on their best behaviour.

Pre Chorus
Dm There's something bout you,
Lets keep it moving,
And if it's good lets just get something cooking,
Coz i really wanna C rock with you,
I'm feeling some connection to the Dm things you do,
you do, you do.


Verse 3
Dm I like the way your movin' ey oh ey oh ey oh
I just get into the groove and then you just make me wanna play,
C If you just put pen to paper ey oh ey oh ey oh
Dm Got that feeling I'll see you later.

Make your Dm* move, can we get a little closer,
You.. rock it just like you're supposed to,
Hey... boy I ain't got nothing more to say,
Coz you just make me wanna Dm play,

Dm I don't know what it is, that makes me feel like this,
I don't know,
Gotta be, gotta be a supeCrstar,
Dm All eyes on you.

Chorus x2

1 2 3 Dm 3 C

Suspicious Minds [G]Elvis Presley

Intro Same chords as verse

Verse 1
G We're caught in a trap
C I can't walk out
D Because I C love you too much G baby
Why can't you see
C What you're doing to me
D When you don't beClieve a word I D say C Bm D7

C We can't go G on together Bm With suspicious C minds D
Em And we can't Bm build our dreams C On suspicious D mi-i-inds D7

Verse 2
G Should an old friend I know
C Stop by and say hello
D Would I still C see suspicion G in your eyes?
Here we go again
C Asking where I've been
DYou can't C see the tears I'm D crying C Bm D7

C We can't go G on together Bm With suspicious C minds D
Em And we can't Bm build our dreams C On suspicious D mi-i-inds D7

Bridge slow
Em Oh let our Bm love survive C
I’ll dry the D tears from your eyes
Em Let’s don’t let a Bm good thing die
Spoken C when honey You D know, I’ve never G lied to you. C Mm
faster again G yeah D7 yeah

Verse 3
G We're caught in a trap
C Can't walk out
D Because I C love you too much G baby
Why can't you see
C What you're doing to me
D When you don't beClieve a word I D say C Bm D7

Outro x3
G We're caught in a trap
C Can't walk out
D Because I C love you too much G baby

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Em

Sway [Am]Dean Martin

In Swing Style
Am Am Am Am*

Verse 1
N/C When the marimba rhythms Dm start to play
E7 Dance with me Am make me sway
Am Like a lazy ocean Dm hugs the shore
E7 Hold me close Am sway me more Stop

Verse 2
N/C Like a flower bending Dm in the breeze
E7 Bend with me Am sway with ease
Am When we dance you have a Dm way with me
E7 Stay with me Am sway with me Stop

Bridge - Change of rhythm
N/C Other dancers may G be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will C see only you
Only you have the E7 magic technique
When we sway I go F weak E7* Stop

Verse 3 - Back to normal rhythm
N/C I can hear the sound of Dm violins
E7 Long before Amit begins
Am Make me thrill as only Dm you know how
E7 Sway me smooth Am sway me now Am

Instrumental Same as Verse
Am Dm E7 Am
Am Dm E7 Am Stop

Bridge - Change of rhythm
N/C Other dancers may G be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will C see only you
Only you have the E7 magic technique
When we sway I go F weak E7* Stop

Verse 4 - Back to normal rhythm
N/C I can hear the sound of Dm violins
E7 Long before Am it begins
Am Make me thrill as only Dm you know how
E7 Sway me smooth Am sway me now

Outro - slower
Am Dm You know how
E7 Sway me smooth Am sway me now

Cha Cha Cha!

2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Sweet Caroline [Dm]Neil Diamond

Dm Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du
F Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du
Dm Du-du-du-du G7 duuu-duuu duuu-duuu

Verse 1
C Where it began... F I can't begin to knowin'
C But then I know it's growing G strong
C Was in the Spring... F and Spring became the Summer
C Who'd have believed you'd come aGlong?

C Hands C C6 touchin' hands C6
G7 Reachin' out G7 F touchin' me F touchin' G you G

C Sweet CaroFline. Good times never seemed so G good G... G F G
C I've been inFclined to believe they never G would
F but Em now Dm I...

Verse 2
C Look at the night... F and it don't seem so lonely
C We fill it up with only G two
C And when I hurt... F hurtin' runs off my shoulders
C How can I hurt when holding G you?

C Warm C C6 touchin' warm C6
G7 Reachin' out G7 F touchin' me F touchin' G you G

C Sweet CaroFline. Good times never seemed so G good G... G F G
C I've been inFclined to believe they never G would
F oh Em no Dm no

Instrumental build up
Dm Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du
F Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du
Dm Du-du-du-du G7 duuu-duuu duuu-duuu

C Sweet CaroFline. Good times never seemed so G good G
C I've been inFclined to believe they never G would
F oh Em no Dm no C //// no.

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 3 G C6 1 2 3 Em

Sweet Child o' Mine [C]Guns 'n' Roses

Intro Instrumental + Kazoo x2
C Do-do dooo do-do dooo
Bb Do-do dooo do-do dooo
F Do-doooooooo do-do-do do-do-do do-do-do
C Doooooooooooooooooo

Verse 1
C She's got a smile that it seems to me
ReBbminds me of childhood… memories
Where F everything was as fresh as the bright blue C sky sky...sky
C Now and then when I see her face
She Bb takes me away to that… special place
And if I F stared too long I’d probably break down and C cry

G Ooh Bb oh sweet child o’ C mine
G Oh oh-oh Bb oh sweet love of C mine

Instrumental + Kazoo
C Do-do dooo do-do dooo
Bb Do-do dooo do-do dooo
F Do-doooooooo do-do-do do-do-do do-do-do
C Doooooooooooooooooo

Verse 2
C She’s got eyes of the bluest skies
As Bb if they thought of rain
I F hate to look into… those eyes and C see an ounce of pain
C Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where Bb as a child I’d hide
And F pray for thunder and the rain to C quietly pass me by

G Ooh Bb oh sweet child o’ C mine
G Oh oh-oh Bb oh sweet love of C mine
G Oh oh-oh Bb oh sweet child of C mine ooh ooh ooh oh
G Ooooo Bb ooh sweet love of C mine

Dm F G  Bb-C    Dm F G  Bb-C

Dm Where do we go F Where do we go now G Where do we go now Bb-C
Dm Where do we go F Where do we go now G Where do we go now Bb-C
Dm Where do we goooooo F ooooooh
G Where do we go now Bb Now now now now now now Dm now

Dm Sweeeet F chiiild
Sweet chi-i-i-i-G-i-i-i-i-Bb-i-i-i-i-C-i-ild of Dm mine

3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm

Sweet Dreams [Em]Eurythmics

Em C B x2

Em Sweet dreams are C made of B this
Em Who am I to C disaBgree?
Em Travel the world and the C seven B seas
Em Everybody's C looking for B something

Verse 1
Em Some of them want to C use B you
Em Some of them want to get C used by B you
Em Some of them want to abCuse B you
Em Some of them want to C be aBbused


Em Hold your head up, movin' on
A Keep your head up, movin' on
Em Hold your head up, movin' on
A Keep your head up, movin' on
Em Hold your head up, movin' on
A Keep your head up, movin' on

Verse 2
Em Some of them want to C use B you
Em Some of them want to get C used by B you
Em Some of them want to aCbuse B you
Em Some of them want to C be aBbused

Em Sweet dreams are C made of B this
Em Who am I to C disaBgree?
Em Travel the world and the C seven B seas
Em Everybody's C looking for B something

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something


1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 B 1 2 A

Sweet Dreams / 7 Nation Army mash-up [Am]

Am F Em7 throughout

Sweet Dreams are made of these Who am I to disagree
I travelled the world and the seven seas Everybody’s looking for something
Some of them want to use you Some of them want to be used by you
Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused
I'm gonna fight 'em off
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talkin' to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind
Behind a cigarette
And the message comin' from my eyes says, "Leave it alone."

Don't wanna hear about it
Every single one's got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell
And if I catch it comin' back my way
I'm gonna serve it to you
And that ain't what you want to hear
But that's what I'll do
And the feeling coming from my bones says, "Find a home."

I'm going to Wichita
Far from this opera for evermore
I'm gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding
Right before the lord
All the words are gonna bleed from me
And I will think no more
And the stains comin' from my blood tell me, "Go back home."

I’m coming up so you better get this party started Repeated

Hit the road Jack, and don’t ya come back no more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road Jack, and don’t ya come back no more

2 Am 1 2 F 2 3 Em7

Tainted Love [Am]Soft Cell

Intro – 2 strums each
Am C F C x2

Verse 1
SomeAmtimes C I F feel... I’ve C got to
Am C Run aFway... I’ve C got to
Am C Get aFway... from the C pain you
Am Drive into the C heart of me

The Am love C we F share C seems to
Am Go C noFwhere C and I’ve
Am Lost C my F light C for I
Am Toss and turn, I can’t C sleep at night

A Once I ran to you I ran
C now I run from you
F This tainted love you’ve given...
I Dm gave you all a boy could give you
Dm Take my tears and that’s not nearly
Am All... C tainted F love, oh C oh-oh
Am C Tainted F love C

Verse 2
Am Now C I F know... I’ve C got to Am C Run aFway...
I’ve C got to Am C Get aFway... C you don’t
Am Really want any C more from me
To Am make C things F right you C need
SomeAmone... to C hold you F tight
C and you Am Think love C is to F pray C but I’m
Am Sorry, I don’t C pray that way


Verse 3
Don’t Am touch C me... F please I C cannot
Am Stand the C way you F tease C
I Am love you though you C hurt me F so C now I’m
Am Going to pack my C things and go

Am C Tainted F love... oh C oh-oh
Am C Tainted F love... oh C oh-oh
Am C Tainted F love... oh C oh-oh
Am C Tainted F love... oh C oh-oh

Am - Single Strum

2 Am 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 A 1 2 3 Dm

Take Me Home, Country Roads [A]John Denver

Intro A

A Almost heaven... F#m West Virginia
E Blue ridge mountains DShenandoah Ariver
A Life is old there F#molder than the trees
EYounger than the moun-tains... Dblowing like a breeze A

Country Aroads... take me E7home
To the F#mplace... I beDlong
West VirAginia... mountain maEma
Take me Dhome... country Aroads

A All my memories... F#m gathered round her
E Miner’s lady... Dstranger to blue Awater
A Dark and dusty... F#mpainted on the sky
EMisty taste of moonshine Dteardrops in my Aeye

Country Aroads... take me E7home
To the F#mplace... I beDlong
West VirAginia... mountain maEma
Take me Dhome... country Aroads

F#m I hear her E7voice in the Amornin’ hour she calls me
The Dradio reAminds me of my Ehome far away
And F#mdrivin’ down the Groad I get a feelDin’ that I
Ashould have been home Eyesterday... yesterE7day

Country Aroads... take me E7home
To the F#mplace... I beDlong
West VirAginia... mountain maEma
Take me Dhome... country Aroads
Take me E7home... down country Aroads
Take me E7home... down country Aroads A – single strum

1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 E 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G

Take Me Home, Country Roads* [C]John Denver

Verse 1
single strums first two lines
C* Almost heaven... Am* West Virginia
G* Blue ridge mountains F* Shenandoah C river
C Life is old there Am older than the trees
G Younger than the moun-tains... F blowing like a C breeze

Country C roads... take me G home
To the Am place... I beFlong
West VirCginia... mountain maGma
Take me Fhome... country C roads

Verse 2
C All my memories... Am gathered round her
G Miner’s lady... F stranger to blue C water
C Dark and dusty... Am painted on the sky
G Misty taste of moonshine F teardrops in my C eye

Country C roads... take me G home
To the Am place... I beFlong
West VirCginia... mountain maGma
Take me Fhome... country C roads

Am I hear her G voice in the C mornin’ hour she calls me
The F radio reCminds me of my G home far away
And Am drivin’ down the G road I get a feelFin’ that I
C should have been home G yesterday... yesterG7day

Country roads... take me home
To the place... I belong
West Virginia... mountain mama
Take me home... country roads

Country C roads... take me G home
To the Am place... I beF long
West VirCginia... mountain maGma
Take me F home... country C roads
Take me G home... down country C roads
Take me G home... down country C roads C//

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7

Take it Easy [G]The Eagles

Big Strum followed by Normal Strumming
Back to Normal Strumming

Verse 1
Well I'm a-Grunnin' down the road try'n to loosen my load
I've got seven women D on my C mind
G Four that wanna own me D two that wanna stone me
C One says she's a friend of G mine

Take it Em eaaasy
Take it C eaaa-Gsy
Don't let the Am sound of your own C wheels drive you Em crazy D
Lighten C up while you still G can
Don't even C try to underGstand
Just find a Am place to make your C stand and take it G easy

Verse 2
Well I'm a-Gstanding on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
Such a fine D sight to C see
It's a G girl my Lord in a D flat-bed Ford
Slowin' C down to take a look at G me

Chorus 2
Come on Em baaaaDby, don’t say C mayGbe
I gotta Am know if your sweet C love is gonna Em save me D
We may C lose and we may G win
Though we may C never be here aGgain
So open Am up I'm climbin' C in, so take it G easy

Verse 3
Well I'm a G runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load
Got a world of trouble D on my C mind
G Lookin' for a lover who D won't blow my cover She's C so hard to G find

Chorus 3
Take it Em eaaasy
Take it C eaaa-Gsy
Don't let the Am sound of your own C wheels drive you Em crazy D
Come on C baaaaGby, don’t say C mayGbe
I gotta Am know if your sweet C love is gonna G* save me

C Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
G Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
C Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
G Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
C Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh we got it G eaaaaCsy
We oughta take it G eaaaaaCsy

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 2 Am

Take on Me [Am]Aha

AmDa-da-da Dda da Gda da Cda da-da-da-da
AmDa-da-da Dda da Gda da Cda da-da-da-da
AmDa-da-da Dda da Gda da Cda da-da-da-da
AmDa-da-da Dmda da Gmda da Cda da-da-da-da

We're Amtalking awayD
GI don't know what... C I'm to say
I'll Amsay it anywayD
ToGday's another Cday to find you
Am Shying awayD
Em I'll be coming for your Clove, OK

GTake... Don... Emme... C take on me
GTake... Dme... Emon... C take on me
GI'll... Dbe... Emgone... C in a day or Gtwo D Em C

So Amneedless to sayD
I'm Godds and ends... C but I'm me
AmStumbling awayD
GSlowly learning that Clife is OK
Am Say after meD
Em It's no better to be Csafe than sorry

GTake... Don... Emme... C take on me
GTake... Dme... Emon... C take on me
GI'll... Dbe... Emgone... C in a day or Gtwo D Em C

Oh the Amthings that you sayD
GIs it life or... C just a play
My Amworries awayD
You're Gall the things I've Cgot to remember
You're Amshying awayD
Em I'll be coming for Cyou anyway

GTake... Don... Emme... C take on me
GTake... Dme... Emon... C take on me
GI'll... Dbe... Emgone... C in a day or Gtwo D Em C

GTake... Don... Emme... C take on me
GTake... Dme... Emon... C take on me
GI'll... Dbe... Emgone... C in a day or Gtwo D Em C G – single strum

2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Em

Teenage Dirtbag [F]Wheatus

F C F Bb x2

Verse 1
Her F name is NoCelle... F I have a Bb dream about her
F She rings my C bell... I got F gym class in Bb half an hour
F Oh how she C rocks... in F keds and tube Bb socks
But Dm she doesn’t Bb know who I C am
And Dm she doesn’t Bb give a C damn about me

Cos F I’m just a Bb teenage C dirtbag Dm baby Am
Yeah F I’m just a Bb teenage C dirtbag Dm baby Am
F Listen to Bb Iron C Maiden Dm baby, Am with
F me Bb Ooo-ooo C oooh
Riff Dm// Am// Bb// C//

Verse 2
Her F boyfriend’s a C dick... F he brings a Bb gun to school
And F he’d simply C kick... my F ass if he Bb knew the truth
He F lives on my C block... and F drives an IBbROC
But Dm he doesn’t Bb know who I C am
And Dm he doesn’t Bb give a C damn about me


F Bb Oh yeaaa-F-ah Bb dirtbaaaa-F-aaa-Bb-ag
No Dm she doesAmn’t know Bb what she’s C missing
F Bb Oh yeaaa-F-ah Bb dirtbaaaa-F-aaa-Bb-ag
No Dm she doesAmn’t know Bb what she’s C missing

F C F Bb x2

Verse 3
Man F I feel like C mould... it’s F prom night and Bb I am lonely
F Lo and beChold... F she’s walking Bb over to me
F This must be C fake... my F lip starts to Bb shake
Dm How does she Bb know who I C am?
And Dm why does she Bb give a C damn about me?

Chorus 2 - Quieter - getting louder
I’ve got two F tickets to Bb Iron C Maiden Dm baby Am
F Come with me Bb Friday C don’t say Dm maybe Am
F I’m just a Bb teenage C dirtbag Dm baby, Am like
F you Bb C
Riff Dm// Am// Bb// C//

F Bb Oh yeaaa-F-ah Bb dirtbaaaa-F-aaa-Bb-ag
No Dm she doesAmn’t know Bb what she’s C missing
F Bb Oh yeaaa-F-ah Bb dirtbaaaa-F-aaa-Bb-ag
No Dm she doesAmn’t know Bb what she’s C missing

F C F Bb x2
Riff Dm// Am// Bb// C//

1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am

Teenage Dream [Cm]Katy Perry

Cmaj7 You think I'm pretty D Without any makeup on
Cmaj7 You think I'm funny When D I tell the punchline wrong
Cmaj7 I know you get me So D I let my walls come Cmaj7 down, D down
Cmaj7 Before you met me Em I was alDright but things

Cmaj7 Were kinda heavy You Em brought me to D life
Now Cmaj7 every February Em You'll be my D ValenCmaj7tine
ValenEmtine D

Let's go Cmaj7 all the Em way D tonight
No regrets Cmaj7, just Em love D
We can Cmaj7 dance, until Em we D die
You and Cmaj7 I, will be Em young D forever
Cmaj7 You make me Em feel Like I'm D livin' a
Cmaj7 Teenage dream Em The way you Dturn me on
Cmaj7 I can't sleep Em Let's run aDway and don't Cmaj7 ever look back,
Don't Em ever look D back
Cmaj7 My heart stops Em When you D look at me
Cmaj7 Just one touch Em Now baby D I believe
Cmaj7 This is real Em So take a D chance and
Don't Cmaj7 ever look back, Don't Em ever look D back

Cmaj7 We drove to Cali Em And got drunk D on the beach
Cmaj7 Got a motel and Em Built a fort D out of sheets
Cmaj7 I finally found you Em My missing puDzzle Cmaj7 piece
I'm complete Em D


I'mma get your Cmaj7 heart racing In my Em skin-tight D jeans
Be your Cmaj7 teenage dream tonight Em D
Let you put your Cmaj7 hands on me In my Em skin-tight D jeans
Be your Cmaj7 teenage dream Em tonight D Cmaj7 Em D x2


2 Cmaj7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em

Teenage Kicks [C]Undertones

C Cmaj7 Am Cmaj7
C Cmaj7 Am Cmaj7

Verse 1
C A teenage dream's so hard to beat Cmaj7
Am Every time she walks down the street Cmaj7
C Another girl in the neighbourhood Cmaj7
Am Wish she was mine, she looks so good

F I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight
Get G teenage kicks all through the night C

Verse 2
C I'm gonna call her on the telephone Cmaj7
Am Have her over 'cos I'm all alone Cmaj7
C I need excitement, though i need it bad Cmaj7
Am And it's the best i've ever had

F I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight
Get G teenage kicks all through the night C

Instrumental + Kazoo
C Cmaj7 Am Cmaj7
C Cmaj7 Am Cmaj7

Verse 3
C A teenage dream's so hard to beat Cmaj7
Am Every time she walks down the street Cmaj7
C Another girl in the neighbourhood Cmaj7
Am Wish she was mine, she looks so good

F I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight
Get G teenage kicks all through the night C

Verse 4
C I'm gonna call her on the telephone Cmaj7
Am Have her over 'cos I'm all alone Cmaj7
C I need excitement, though i need it bad Cmaj7
Am And it's the best i've ever had

F I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight
Get G teenage kicks all through the night C

C F G C*

3 C 2 Cmaj7 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Texas Hold 'Em [D]Beyonce

This ainʼt D Texas Woo, Ainʼt no hold ʼem Hey
So lay your D cards down, down, down, D down
So park your G Lexus Woo, And throw your keys up Hey
Stick D around, ʼround, ʼround, ʼround, D ʼround Stick around

And Iʼll be A damned if I canʼt slow-dance with you
Come G pour some sugar on me, honey too
Itʼs a D real-life boogie and a real-life hoedown
D* Donʼt be an A, come take it to the floor now, woo, ha Woo

Verse 1
Thereʼs a toDrnado Thereʼs a tornado, In my city In my city
Hit the D basement Hit the basement, That thing ainʼt pretty That thing ainʼt pretty
Rugged G whiskey Rugged whiskey ʼCause we survivinʼ ʼCause we survivinʼ
Off red-cup D kisses, sweet redemption, passinʼ time, yeah

Bm Ooh, G one step to the right
We D headed to the dive bar we always thought was nice
Bm Ooh, G run me to the left
Then D spin me in the middle, boy, I canʼt read your mind


Post Chorus

Verse 2
Thereʼs a D heatwave Thereʼs a heatwave, Cominʼ at us Cominʼ at us
Too hot to D think straight Too hot to think straight, Too cold to panic Cold to panic
All of the G problems, Just feel dramatic Just feel dramatic
And now weʼre D runninʼ to the first bar that we find, yeah

Bm Ooh, G one step to the right
We D headed to the dive bar we  always thought was nice
Bm Ooh, G run me to the left
Then D spin me in the middle, boy,  I canʼt read your mind

This ainʼt D Texas Woo, Ainʼt no hold ʼem Hey
So lay your D cards down, down, down, D down
So park your G Lexus Woo, And throw your keys up Hey
Stick D around, ʼround, ʼround, ʼround, D ʼround (Stick around]

And Iʼll be A damned if I canʼt slow-dance with you
Come G pour some sugar on me, honey too
Itʼs a D real-life boogie and a real-life hoedown
D* Donʼt be an A, come take it to the floor now, woo, ha Woo

And Iʼll be A damned if I cannot dance with you
Come G pour some liquor on me, honey too
Itʼs a D real-life boogie and a real-life hoedown
D* Donʼt be an A, come take it to the floor now, ooh

D* Take it to the floor now!

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm

That Don't Impress Me Much [Am]Shania Twain

Am F C G x2

Verse 1
Am I've known a few F guys who thought they C were pretty G smart
But Am you've got being F right C down to an G art
Am You think you're a F genius - you drive C me up the G wall
You're a Am regular F original, C know-it-all G

D Oh-oo-Aoh, you G think you're special
D Oh-oo-Aoh, you think you're G something else Stop
...Okay, so you're a rocket scientist

That don't F impress me C much G Am
So you F got the C brain but have you G got the Am touch
F Don't get me C wrong, yeah I G think you're alAmright
But F that won't keep me C warm in the G middle of the night Stop
That don't impress me Am much F  C  G

Am  F  C  G

Verse 2
Am I never knew a F guy who carried a C mirror in his G pocket
And a Am comb up his F sleeve C just in G case
And all that Am extra hold F gel in your C hair oughtta G lock it
Am 'Cause Heaven forbid F it should C fall outta G place

D Oh-oo-Aoh, you G think you're special
D Oh-oo-Aoh, you think you're G something else Stop
...Okay, so you're Brad Pitt


Am  F  C  G

Verse 3
You're Am one of those F guys who likes to C shine his G machine
You make me Am take off my F shoes before you C let me get G in
Am I can't beFlieve you kiss your C car good G night
Am C'mon baby F tell me.. C you must be G jokin', right!

D Oh-oo-Aoh, you G think you're special
D Oh-oo-Aoh, you think you're G something else Stop
...Okay, so you've got a car


Am F C G x3
That don't impress me! Am - Single Strum

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 A

That's Amore [Dm]Dean Martin

Intro - Freely
Dm In Napoli where love is Gm king,
when boy meets Dm girl, here's what they A sing....

Verse 1
When the D moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie,
that's A amore.
A When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine,
that's D amore.
D Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling,
and you'll sing 'Vita A bella.'
A Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay,
like a gay TaranDtula.

Verse 2
D When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool,
that's A amore.
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet,
you're in Gb love. B7
When you Em walk in a dream but you G know you're not
dreaming, SigDnore.
Scuzza A me, but you see, back in old Napoli,
that's D amore.

Verse 3
D When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie,
that's A amore.
A When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine,
that's D amore.
D Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling,
and you'll sing 'Vita A bella.'
A Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay,
like a gay TaranDtula.

Verse 4
D When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool,
that's A amore.
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet,
you're in Gb love. B7

When you Em walk in a dream but you G know you're not dreaming, SignDore.

Normal rhythym
Scuzza A me, but you see, back in old Napoli, that's D amore.
That's G amore.
That's D amore.

A* D*

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B7 1 3 2 Gb 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G

That’s What Friends are For [C]Dionne Warwick

And C I never Em7 thought I'd feel this Dm way
And as Dm7 far as I'm conDcerned
I'm glad I E7 got the chance to Am say
That I F do believe, I G love you

And C if I should Em7 ever go aDmway
Well, then Dm7 close your eyes and D try
To G feel the E7 way we do toAmday
And then F if you can reGmember

C Keep smiling, Em7 keep shining
Am Knowing you can always count on Em7 me, for Am sure
F That's what friends are G for
C For good times Em7 and bad times
Bb I'll be on your Am side forever more
F That's what friends are G for

Dm7 Well, you came in loving D me
And now there's E7 so much more I Am see
And so F by the way
I G thank you

Oh and Am then Dm for the times when Dm7 we're apart
Well, then Dm7 close your eyes and D know
The G words are E7 coming from my Am heart
And then F if you can reGmember

Chorus x3

3 C 2 3 Em7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb

The Dance [D]Garth Brooks

Verse 1
Looking D back on the G memory of
The A dance we shared 'neath the Dstars above  A
For a D moment all the G world was right
How could A I have known that you'd Bm ever say good- A bye

And G now I'm glad I didn't A know
The way it all would F#m end, the way it all would G go--Ao
Our G lives are better left to A chance
I could have missed the F#m pain
But I'd have had to G miss A the D dance

Verse 2
Holding D you I held G everything
For a A moment wasn't D I the king A
But if I'd D only known how the G king would fall
Then A who's to say, you know, I Bm might have changed it A all

And G now I'm glad I didn't A know
The way it all would F#m end, the way it all would G go--Ao
Our G lives are better left to A chance
I could have missed the F#m pain
But I'd have had to G miss A the D dance

Yes my G life is better left to A chance
I could have missed the F#m pain
But I'd have had to G miss A the D dance

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 F#m

The Drugs Don't Work [C]The Verve

Intro Instrumental Verse
C Am Em F G C

Verse 1
All this C talk of getting old
It's getting me Am down my love
Like a cat in a Em bag, waiting to F drown
This G time I'm C comin' down

Verse 2
And I C hope you're thinking of me
As you lay down Am on your side
Now the drugs don't Em work
They just make you F worse
But I G know I'll see your C face again

Now the drugs don't Em work
They just make you F worse
But I G know I'll see your C face again

Verse 3
But I C know I'm on a losing streak
'Cause I passed down Am my old street
And if you wanna Em show, then just let me F know
And I'll G sing in your C ear again


'Cause baby, F ooh Em, if heaven Am calls, I'm coming, G too
Just like you F sai-Em-d, you leave my Am life, I'm better off G dead

Verse 4 verse 1 repeated
All this C talk of getting old
It's getting me Am down my love
Like a cat in a Em bag, waiting to F drown
This G time I'm C comin' down

Now the drugs don't Em work
They just make you F worse
But I G know I'll see your C face again

'Cause baby, F ooh Em, if heaven Am calls, I'm coming, G too
Just like you F sai-Em-d, you leave my Am life, I'm better off G dead
But if you wanna Em show, then just let me F know
And I'll G sing in your C ear again


Yeah, I G know I'll see your C face again
Yeah, I G know I'll see your C face again
Yeah, I G know I'll see your C face again
Yeah, I G know I'll see your C face again
C - Single Strum

3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

The Duck Song [C]Bryant Oden

C    C    F    G

CBam bam bam, baFdambadGam
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any Cgrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "No, we just Fsell lemonGade,
CBut it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's Fall home-Gmade!
CCan I get you a glass?"F
GThe duck said
"IC'll pass."FG

Then he waddled aCway - waddle waddleFG
'Til the Cvery next day,FG

CBam bam bam, baFdambadaGm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any Cgrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "No, like I Fsaid yesterGday
CWe just sell lemonade, Fokay?G
CWhy not give it a Ftry?"
GThe duck said
"CGood bye."FG

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle
F'Til the Gvery next Cday...FG

CBam bam bam, baGdambadaFm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any Cgrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "Look, Fthis is gGettin' old.
CI mean, lemonade's all we've Fever soldG.
CWhy not give it a Fgo?"
GThe duck said
"CHow about... - Fno."G

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle
F'Til the Gvery next Cday...FG

CBam bam bam, baGdambadaFm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any gCrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "That's it! If you don't Fstay awGay, duck,
CI'll glue you to a tree and leave you there Fall day Gstuck!
CSo don't get too cFlose!"
GThe duck said

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle
F'Til the Gvery next Cday...FG

CBam bam bam, baGdambadaFm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any gClue?"FG
C"What?" C"Got any glue?" "FNo, why would GI - oh..."
C"Then one more qFuestion for yGou:
CGot any grapes?"FGG
CBam bam bam, baFm bam Gbam
CAnd the man just stopped,
The he sFtarted to sGmile,
CHe started to laugh,
FHe laughed for a Gwhile.
CHe said
"Come on, duck,
Let's Fwalk to the sCtore.
CI'll buy you some grapes,
So you don't Fhave to ask anymGore."

CSo they walked to the store,
And the man Fbought some gGrapes.
CHe gave one to the dFuck,G
And the duck said
"Hmm, no tChanks.
FBut you Gknow what sounds Cgood?
CIt would Fmake my Gday
CDo you think this Fstore..G.
CDo you think this Fstore..G.
CDo you think this FstoreG
CHas any lemonade?"FG

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFGC

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

The Gambler [G]Kenny Rogers


Verse 1
On a G warm summer's evenin' on a C train bound for G nowhere,
I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to D sleep.
So G we took turns a starin' out the C window at the G darkness
'til C boredom over G took us, D and he began to G speak.

Verse 2
He said, G "Son, I've made a life out of C readin' people's G faces,
And knowin' what their cards were by the way they held their D eyes.
And if G you don't mind my sayin', I can C see you're out of G aces.
For a C taste of your G whiskey I'll D give you some G advice."

Verse 3
So I G handed him my bottle and he C drank down my last G swallow.
Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a D light.
And the G night got deathly quiet, and his C face lost all exGpression.
Said, "If you're C gonna play the G game, boy, ya gotta D learn to play it G right.

You got to G know when to hold 'em, C know when to G fold 'em,
C know when to G walk away and know when to D run.
You never G count Am your G money when you're C sittin' at the G table.
There'll be C time enough for G countin' D when the dealin's G done.

Verse 4
Ev'ry G gambler knows that the C secret to survGivin'
is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to D keep.
'Cause G ev'ry hand's a winner and C ev'ry hand's a G loser,
and the C best that you can G hope for is to D die in your G sleep."

Verse 5
And G when he'd finished speakin', he C turned back towards the G window,
...Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to D sleep.
And G somewhere in the darkness the C gambler, he broke G even.
But C in his final G words I found an D ace that I could G keep.

Chorus x3 second time is acapella
You got to G know when to hold 'em, C know when to G fold 'em,
C know when to G walk away and know when to D run.
You never G count Am your G money when you're C sittin' at the G table.
There'll be C time enough for G countin' D when the dealin's G done.

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 Am

The Gambler [C]Kenny Rogers


On a C warm summer's evenin' on a F train bound for C nowhere,
I Fmet up with the C gambler; we were both too tired to G7 sleep.
So C we took turns a starin' out the F window at the C darkness
'til F boredom over C took us, and G7 he began to C speak.

He said, C "Son, I've made a life out of F readin' people's C faces,
and F knowin' what their C cards were by the way they held their G7 eyes.
And if C you don't mind my sayin', I can F see you're out of C aces.
For a F taste of your C whiskey I'll G7 give you some C advice."

So I C handed him my bottle
and he F drank down my last C swallow.
Then he Fbummed a cigarette and Casked me for a G7 light.
And the C night got deathly quiet,
and his F face lost all exCpression.
Said, "If you're F gonna play the C game, boy,
ya gotta G7 learn to play it C right.

You got to C know when to hold 'em, F know when to C fold 'em,
F know when to C walk away and know when to G7 run.
You never C count your money when you're F sittin' at the C table.
There'll be F time enough for C countin' G7 when the dealin's C done.

C Ev'ry gambler knows that the F secret to survCivin'
is F knowin' what to Cthrow away and knowing what to G7 keep.
'Cause C ev'ry hand's a winner and F ev'ry hand's a C loser,
and the F best that you can C hope for is to G7 die in your C sleep."

And C when he'd finished speakin', he F turned back towards the C window,
F crushed out his C cigarette and faded off to G7 sleep.
And C somewhere in the darkness the F gambler, he broke C even.
But F in his final C words I found an G7 ace that I could C keep.

You got to C know when to hold 'em, F know when to C fold 'em,
F know when to C walk away and know when to G7 run.
You never C count your money when you're F sittin' at the C table.
There'll be F time enough for C countin' G7 when the dealin's C done.

You got to C know when to hold 'em, F know when to C fold 'em,
F know when to C walk away and know when to G7 run.
You never C count your money when you're F sittin' at the C table.
There'll be F time enough for C countin' G7 when the dealin's C done.

There'll be F time enough for C countin' G7 when the dealin's C done.

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7

The Green Fields Of France [D]The Furys

D Well how, do you do, young G Willy Mc-Em-Bride
Do you A mind, if I A7 sit here, down G by your grave-D-side
And D rest for a while, in the G warm, summer Em sun
I've been A7 walking, all day, and G I'm nearly D done
I D can see by your gravestone, you were G only nine-Em-teen
When you A7 joined, the great falling in G nineteen six-A7-teen
Well I D hope you died well, and I G hope you died Em clean
Or young A Willy Mc-A7Bride, was it G slow and ob-D-scene

Did they Abeat the drum slowly, did they G play the fifes D lowly
Did they A sound, the death march, as they G lowered you A down
Did the G band play the last post and D chorus
And did the G pipes, play the Em flowers, of the A7 for-D-est.

Did you D leave, a wife, or a G sweetheart be-Em-hind
In some A faithful A7 heart, is your G memory en-D-shrined
Although D you died back, in G nineteen six-Em-teen
In some A faithful A7 heart, are you for-G-ever nine-D-teen
Or D are you a stranger without, G even a Em name
En-Aclosed and for-A7ever, be-Ghind a glass A frame
In an D old photo-graph, torn G battered and Em stained
And A fading to A7 yellow, in a G brown leather D frame.

Did they Abeat the drum slowly, did they G play the fifes D lowly
Did they A sound, the death march, as they G lowered you A down
Did the G band play the last post and D chorus
And did the G pipes, play the Em flowers, of the A7 for-D-est.

D Well the sun it shines down on the G green fields of Em France
There's a A warm, summer A7 breeze, it makes the G red poppies D dance
And D look how the sun, shines from G under the Em clouds
There's no Agas, no barbed wire, there's no G gun firing D now.
D But here in this graveyard it's G still no mans Em land
The A countless white A7 crosses, stand G mute in the A7 sand
To D man's blind in-difference, to G his fellow Em man
To a A whole gene-A7ration, that was G butchered and D dammed

Did they Abeat the drum slowly, did they G play the fifes D lowly
Did they A sound, the death march, as they G lowered you A down
Did the G band play the last post and D chorus
And did the G pipes, play the Em flowers, of the A7 for-D-est.

Ah, young D Willie Mc- Bride, I can't G help wonder Em why?
Do A those that lie A7 here, know G why did they D die
And D did they be-lieve when they G answered the Em call
Did they A really be-A7-lieve, that this G war would end D wars
Ah well the D sorrow the suffering, the G glory the Em pain
And the A killing and dying, was G all done in A7 vain
For young D Willy, Mc-Bride it all G happened a-Em-gain.
And a-A-gain, and a-A7-gain, and a-G-gain, and a-D-gain.

Outro – Repeat the Chorus
Did they Abeat the drum slowly, did they G play the fifes D lowly
Did they A sound, the death march, as they G lowered you A down
Did the G band play the last post and D chorus
And did the G pipes, play the Em flowers, of the A7 for-D-est.

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 A7

The Last Time [G]The Rolling Stones

Intro G F C x4

Well I G told you once and F I told you C twice G F C
But ya G never listen to F my C advice G F C
You G don’t try very F hard to please C me G F C
With G what you know it F should be C easy G F C

Well C this could be the F last C time
C This could be the F last C time
F Maybe the last time
I don’t C know, oh no, G F C oh no G F C

Well, I’m G sorry girl but F I can’t C stay G F C
G Feeling like I F do to C day G F C
It’s G too much pain and F too much C sorrow G F C
G Guess I’l feel the F same to C morrow G F C

Well C this could be the F last C time
C This could be the F last C time
F Maybe the last time
I don’t C know, oh no, G F C oh no G F C

Well I G told you once and I F told you C twice G F C
G That someone will have F to pay the C price G F C
But G here s a chance to F change your C mind G F C
G cuz I’ll be gone a F long, long C time G F C

Well C this could be the F last C time
C This could be the F last C time
F Maybe the last time
I don’t C know, oh no, G F C oh no G F C G F C

1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C

The Lazy Song [G]Bruno Mars

ToGday I don't feel D like doing C anything
G I just wanna D lay in my C bed
Don't G feel like picking D up my phone so C leave a message at the tone
Cause toGday I swear I'm B7 not doing C anything

I'm gonna G kick my feet up and D stare at the fan
C Turn the TV on throw my hand in my pants
NoGbody's gonna D tell me I C can't
I'll be G lounging on the couch just D chillin’ in my snuggie
C Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
Cause G in my castle D I'm the freakin C man
Oh Am yes I said it Bm I said it I C said it cause I D can


Nothing at G all woo hoo D woo hoo C hoo
Nothing at G all woo hoo D wooh hoo C hoo
Tomorrow G I’ll wake up do some D P90X
With a C really nice girl have some really nice sex
And G she's gonna scream D out this is C great oh my god this is great
Yeah I G might mess around and get my D college degree
I C bet my old man will be so proud of me
I'm G sorry pops you’ll D just have to C wait
Oh Am yes I said it Bm I said it I C said it cause I D can


No I Am ain't gonna comb my Bm hair cause Em I ain't going anywhere
Am No no no no no Bm no no no no no Em no
I'll just Am strut in my birthday Bm suit
And let Em everything hang loose
Am Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Bm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Em yeah


Nothing at G all woo hoo D woo hoo C hoo
Nothing at G all woo hoo D woo hoo C hoo nothing at G all

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 B7 2 Am 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em

The Letter [Am]The Boxtops

Am Gimme a ticket for an F aeroplane C Ain't got time to take a D7 fast train
Am Lonely days are gone... F I'm a-goin’ home
My E7 baby just-a wrote me a Am letter

I Am don't care how much money I F gotta spend
C Got to get back to D7 baby again
Am Lonely days are gone... F I'm a-goin’ home
My E7 baby just-a wrote me a Am letter

Well, she C wrote me a G letter
Said she F couldn't C live withGout me no more
C Listen mister, G can't you see I F got to get C back To my G baby once-a more
E7 Any way, yeah!

Am Gimme a ticket for an F aeroplane C Ain't got time to take a D7 fast train
Am Lonely days are gone... F I'm a-goin’ home
My E7 baby just-a wrote me a Am letter

Well, she C wrote me a G letter
Said she F couldn't C live withGout me no more
C Listen mister, G can't you see I F got to get C back To my G baby once-a more
E7 Any way, yeah!

Am Gimme a ticket for an F aeroplane C Ain't got time to take a D7 fast train
Am Lonely days are gone... F I'm a-goin’ home
My E7 baby just-a wrote me a Am letter

My E7 baby just-a wrote me a Am letter
My E7 baby just-a wrote me a Am letter

Am Cha-Cha-Cha

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 D7 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G

The Lion Sleeps Tonight [C]Tight fit

Intro – no chords
We-de-de-de, de-de-de-de-de, we-um-um-a-way
We-de-de-de, de-de-de-de-de, we-um-um-a-way

A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-Fwimoweh, a-wimoweh
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-G7wimoweh, a-wimoweh
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-Fwimoweh, a-wimoweh
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-G7wimoweh, a-wimoweh

Verse 1
C In the jungle, the F mighty jungle
The C lion sleeps to G7 night
C In the jungle, the F quiet jungle
The C lion sleeps toG7night

Chorus add chucking strum if desired

the women sing
Wee-ooo-eee-ooo, we-um-um-a-way
Wee-ooo-eee-ooo, we-um-um-a-way
while the men sing
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-Fwimoweh, a-wimoweh
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-G7wimoweh, a-wimoweh
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-Fwimoweh, a-wimoweh
A C wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-G7 wimoweh, a-wimoweh

Verse 2
C Near the village, the F peaceful village
The C lion sleeps toG7night
C Near the village, the F peaceful village
The C lion sleeps toG7night


Verse 3 single strum or mute with island strum if desired
C Hush my darling, don’t F fear my darling
The C lion sleeps toG7night
C Hush my darling, don’t F fear my darling
The C lion sleeps toG7night

Chorus repeat until counted out

C-single strum

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7

The Loco-motion [F]

Little Eva

FEverybody's doin' a Dmbrand new dance now
F Come on baby... Dmdo the loco-motion
I Fknow you'll get to like it if you Dmgive it a chance now
F Come on baby... Dmdo the loco-motion
My Bblittle baby sister can Gmdo it with ease
It's Bbeasier than learning your Ga b c's
So Fcome on, come on
CDo the loco-motion with me

F You gotta swing your hips now Bb come on baby
Jump Fup... mmm jump back
Well I Cthink you got the knack, whoah-oh

FNow that you can do-o it... let's Dmmake a chain now
F Come on baby... Dmdo the loco-motion
A Fchug-a chug-a motion like a Dmrailway train now
F Come on baby... Dmdo the loco-motion
BbDo it nice and easy now Gmdon't lose control
A Bblittle bit of rhythm and a Glot of soul
So Fcome on, come on... Cdo the loco-motion with me

F Bb F C CHey yay yay yeah

FMove around the floor in a Dmloco-motion
F Come on baby... Dmdo the loco-motion
FDo it holding hands if you Dmget the notion
F Come on baby... Dmdo the loco-motion
There's Bbnever been a dance that's Gmso easy to do
It Bbeven makes you happy when you're Gfeeling blue
So Fcome on, come on... Cdo the loco-motion
FCome on come on... Cdo the loco-motion
FCome on come on... Cdo the loco- motion with Fme cha cha cha

1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 G 3 C

The Rainbow Connection [C]Kermit the Frog

Dm7 G7 E7 Am
Dm G7 C G7*

C Why are there Am so many… Dm songs about G7 rainbows
And C what's on the Am o-o-other F side? G7
C Rainbows are Am visions but Dm only illG7usions
And C rainbows have Am nothing to F hide G7
Am So we've been E7 told and some Am choose to beE7lieve it
But Em7 I know they're wrong, wait and G7 see
Dm7 Someday we'll G7 find it… the E7 rainbow conAmnection
The Dm lovers… the G7 dreamers… and C me G7

C Who said that Am every wish would Dm be heard and G7 answered
When C wished on the Am mo-o-orning F star? G7
C Somebody Am thought of that and Dm someone beG7 lieved it
C Look what it's Am done so F far G7
Am What's so E7 amazing that Am keeps us star E7 gazing
And G7 what do we think we might see?
Dm7 Someday we'll G7 find it the E7 rainbow conAmnection
The Dm lovers the G7 dreamers and C me

G7 All of us Am under its C spell
We F know that it's C probably G7 maGgic

C Have you been Am half asleep… and Dm have you heard G7 voices?
C I've heard them Am calling my F name G7
C Is this the Am sweet sound that Dm calls to young G7 sailors?
That C voice might be Am one and the F same G7
Am I've heard it E7 too many Am times to igE7nore it
It's Em7 something that I'm supposed to G7 be
Dm7 Someday we'll G7 find it the E7 rainbow conAmnection.
The Dm lovers, the G7 dreamers and C me

G7 Laaa  da da Am deee  da da C doo
La F daaa  da da daa de G7 da C dooo

1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 F 2 3 Em7 1 2 3 G

The Rose [C]Bette Midler

Some say C love it is a G7 river
That Fdrowns the G tender C reed
Some say C love it is a G7 razor
That F leads your G soul to C bleed
Some say Em7 love it is a Am hunger Am7
An F endless aching G7 need
I say C love it is a G7 flower
And F you, G7 its only C seed

It's the C heart afraid of G7 breaking
That F never G7 learns to C dance
It's the C dream afraid of G7 waking
That F never G7 takes a C chance
It's the Em7 one who won't be Am taken Am7
Who F cannot seem to G7 give
And the C soul afraid of G7 dying
That F never G7 learns to C live

When the C night has been too G7 lonely
And the F road has G7 been too C long
And you C think that love is G7 only
For the F lucky G7 and the C strong
Just reEm7member in the Am winter Am7
Far beFneath the bitter G7 snow
Lies the C seed that with the G7 sun's love
In the F spring G7 becomes the C rose

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 3 Em7 2 Am Am7

The Sign [Gm]Ace of Base

Gm Eb x4

GI, I gotta Em new life,
You would C hardly recog-D-nise me, I'm so G glad
How could a Em person C like me D care for you? G
Why do I Em bother when C you're not the D one for me?
G Ooh, Am Ooh, D Ooh Is enough enough?

G I saw the Em sign and it C opened up my D eyes, I saw the G sign
Life is Em demanding C without under-D-standing
G I saw the Em sign and it C opened up my D eyes, I saw the G sign
No ones gonna Em drag you up to get C into the light where Dyou belong
C But D where do you belong?

Gm Eb Gm Eb Gm Eb Gm Eb

G Under the Em pale moon
For so C many years I D wonder who you G are
How could a Em person C like you D bring me joy?
G Under the Em pale moon where C I see a D lot of stars
G Ooh, Am Ooh, D Ooh
Is enough enough?

G I saw the Em sign and it C opened up my D eyes, I saw the G sign
Life is Em demanding C without under-D-standing
G I saw the Em sign and it C opened up my D eyes, I saw the G sign
No ones gonna Em drag you up to get C into the light where Dyou belong
C But D where do you belong?

Gm Eb x4

G I saw the Em sign and it C opened up my mind
D And I am G happy now living with-Em-out you
I've C left you, D oh, oh, oh, oh
G I saw the Em sign and it C opened up my D eyes, I saw the sign G
No ones gonna Em drag you out to get C into the light where D you belong

G I saw the Em sign I C saw the sign D
G I saw the Em sign I C saw the sign D
G I saw the Em sign
And it C opened up my D eyes I saw the G sign

1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 Eb 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am

The Spark [E]Kabin Crew & Lisdoonvarna Crew

Intro x2
E7 F G F

Chorus x2
E7 Think you can stop what we do? I doubt it F G
We got the energy, we’ll F tell you all about it
E7 I searched for my spark, and I found it F G
Everybody in the F crowd start bouncing

Verse 1
E7 Making bangers, at a young age F G
My pen setting F fire to the page
E7 I will show you how to rock that stage F G
Listen to this in the car, you’ll be F getting road rage

Verse 2
E7 Listen up, cause what we do every day is decent F G
Kabin Crew non-stop, on F top of every playlist
E7 If we see a dream, you know we’re going to chase it F G
So get over any F fear you have, just face it

Verse 3
E7 That’s my passion and I couldn’t live without it F G
You can do it like we do it, don’t F doubt it
E7 Any obstacle we find a way around it F G
If you’re proud of who you are and F what you do, shout it

Chorus x2
E7 Think you can stop what we do? I doubt it F G
We got the energy, we’ll F tell you all about it
E7 I searched for my spark, and I found it F G
Everybody in the F crowd start bouncing

Verse 4
E7 Cruisin through my town people be like, who are they F G
Moving to my music, yeah F that get’s me through the day
E7 I create my own way, feeling super slay F G
Express my art, F that’s how I communicate

Verse 5
E7 In my imagination, never feeling out of place F G
Blast off like a F rocket, off to outer space
E7 Living large, reaching for the stars F G
Let them all know, us F kids are in charge

Verse 6
E7 Feeling awesome, any time I rap F G
Thoughts blossom F when I'm on the track
E7 Spittin bars, top class, full of energy, no cap F G
Cruinniú na nÓg F Rhyme Island on the map

Chorus x2
E7 Think you can stop what we do? I doubt it F G
We got the energy, we’ll F tell you all about it
E7 I searched for my spark, and I found it F G
Everybody in the F crowd start bouncing

E7 - Single Strum

1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

The Way You Make Me Feel [A]Michael Jackson

A G / A G / A G / A G /

Verse 1
A Hey pretty G baby with the A high heels G on
A You give me G fever like I’ve A never, G ever known
A You’re just a G product of A loveli-Gness
A I like the G groove of your A walk, your G talk, your dress

Verse 2
D I feel your C fever from D miles a-Cround
D I’ll pick you C up in my D car and we’ll E7 paint the town
A Just kiss me G baby and A tell me G twice
A That you’re the G one for A* me

The way you make me A feel          the way you G make me A feel
You really G turn me A on          you really G turn me A on
You knock me G off of my A feet  you knock me G off of my A feet
My lonely G days are A gone      my lonely G days are A gone G

Verse 3
A I like the G feelin’ you’re A givin’ G me
A Just hold me G baby and A I’m in G ecstasy
A Oh I’ll be G workin’ from A nine to G five
A To buy you G things to A keep you G by my side

Verse 4
D I never C felt so in D love be-Cfore
D Just promise C baby, you’ll D love me for-E7evermore
A I swear I’m G keepin’ you A satis-Gfied
A ‘Cause you’re the G one for A* me

The way you make me A feel          the way you G make me A feel
You really G turn me A on            you really G turn me A on
You knock me G off of my A feet  you knock me G off of my A feet
My lonely G days are A gone        my lonely G days are A gone


1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 E7

The Wheels on the Bus [C]

The C wheels on the bus go round and round
G Round and round,
G Round and round
TheC wheels on the bus go round and round
G All day C long

2. The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish

3. The driver on the bus goes "Move on back"

4. The people on the bus go up and down

5. The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep

6.  The baby on the bus goes wah wah wah

7.  The parents on the bus go sh sh sh

8.  The wheels on the bus go round and round

3 C 1 2 3 G

The boy does nothing [Dm]Alesha Dixon

I got a Dm* man with two left feet, And when Dm* he dances down to the beat
I really Dm* think that he should know, That his Dm* rhythms go go go

I got a A man with two left feet, And when Dm he dances down to the beat,
I really A think that he should know, That his Dm rhythms go go go

Does he Gm wash up? He never A wash up
Does he Dm clean up? No, he never Dm cleans up
Does he Gm brush up? He never A brushed up
Dm He does nothing The boy does nothing
Does he Gm wash up? He never A wash up
Does he Dm clean up? No, he never Dm cleans up
Does he Gm brush up? He never A brushed up
Dm He does nothing, The boy does nothing

Verse 1
A Hey boy, How you been? I got a Dm thousand lines , Where do I begin?
And I A been here, been there Traveling
I Dm saw you at the corner, My vibe kicked in And
A Two fields I clock you
Dm Wearing tight jeans, A real nice suit
He was A smiling like you Was just seventeen I Dm asked him for a dance , He said 'yes please'

Verse 2
A Take a sip of dancing juice Dm Everybody's onto you
A Through the left and to the right Dm Everybody hit the rhythm
It's on tonight
I'm gonna A feel the heat within my soul
I Dm need a man to take control
A Let the melody blow you all Dm away ay ay ay


Gm A Dm Dm Gm A Dm Dm

Dm Work it out now, Work it, Work it out now
Dm Do the mambo, Shake it all around now
Dm Everybody on the floor, Let me see you clap your hands A
I wanna see you Dm work
Dm I wanna see you move your body in C turn
I wanna see you shake your hips and Gm learn
I wanna see you work it, work it, work it A7 out now
I wanna see you Dm work
I wanna see you move your body in C turn
I wanna see you shake your hips and Gm learn
I wanna see you work it, work it, work it A7 out now


And if the A man can dance, he gets a Dm second chance
And if the A man can dance, he gets a Dm second chance
And if the A man can dance, he gets a Dm second chance
Dm - Single Strum

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 2 3 Gm 3 C 1 A7

These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ [A]Nancy Sinatra

[On C string
99 88 77 66 55 44 33 20 A

Verse 1
A You keep saying you've got something for me
A Something you call love but confess A7
D You've been messin' where you shouldn't have been a mess in'
And now A someone else is gettin' all your best

These C boots are made for A walking
And C that's just what they'll A do
C One of these days these A boots are gonna
Walk all over you

On C string 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 20 A

Verse 2
A You keep lying when you oughta be truthin'
And you keep losin' when you oughta not bet A7
D You keep samin' when you oughta be changing'
Now what's A right is right but you ain't been right yet


Verse 3
A You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin'
And you keep thinkin' that you'll never get burnt. A7 Ha!
D I just found me a brand new box of matches, yeah
And A what he knows you ain't had time to learn

These C boots are made for A walking
And C that's just what they'll A do
C One of these days these A boots are gonna
Walk all over you

On C string 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 20 A

A Are ya ready boots? Start walking!

continue ba-dabba-dapping until counted out

1 2 A 1 A7 1 1 1 D 3 C

This Little Light Of Mine [G]The Seekers

G This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
C This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it G shine.
This little light of mine, B I'm gonna let it Em shine.
EveryGday, everyEbday, everyEmday, everyAway,
Gonna G let my D little light G shine.

Verse 1
G Light that shines is the light of love,
C Hides the darkness from above,
G Shines on me and it shines on you,
A Shows you what the power of D love can do.
G Shine my light both bright and clear,
C Shine my light both far and near,
G In every dark corner Em that I find,
G let my D little light G shine.


Verse 2
G Monday gave me the gift of love,
C Tuesday peace came from above,
G Wednesday told me to have more faith,
A Thursday gave me a little more grace,
G Friday told me to watch and pray,
C Saturday told me just what to say,
G Sunday gave me the Em power divine
Gonna G let my D little light G shine.

Chorus x2
G This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
C This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it G shine.
This little light of mine, B I'm gonna let it Em shine.
EveryGday, everyEbday, everyEmday, everyAway,
Gonna G let my D little light G shine.

G Shine, Em shine, C shine, D shine, G shine.
G - Double Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 A 1 1 1 D

This Little Light Of Mine [F]Trad (Bangor Ukes Version)

FThis little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
BbThis little light of mine, I'm gonna let itF shine.
FThis little light of mine,A7 I'm gonna let it Dmshine,
Let itF shine, let itC7 shine, let itF shine.

FHide it under a bushel, NO!, I'm gonna let it shine.
BbHide it under a bushel, NO!, I'm gonna let itF shine.
FHide it under a bushel, NO!,A7 I'm gonna let itDm shine,
Let itF shine, let itC7 shine, let itF shine.


FWon't let anyone blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine.
BbWon't let anyone blow it out, I'm gonna let itF shine.
FWon't let anyone blow it out,A7 I'm gonna let itDm shine,
Let itF shine, let itC7 shine, let itF shine.


FShine it over the whole wide world, I’m gonna let it shine.
BbShine it over the whole wide world, I’m gonna let itF shine.
FShine it over the whole wide world,A7 I’m gonna let itDm shine.
Let it Fshine, let itC7 shine, let itF shine.

CHORUS x2 Key Change
GThis little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
CThis little light of mine,G I’m gonna let it shine.
GThis little light of mine, I’m gonna let itAm shine.
Let itG shine, let itD7 shine, let itG shine.

Let itG shine, let itD7 shine, let itG shine !

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 1 C7 1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 D7

This is me [Am]Keala Settle

Intro - Single Strums
Am G C x2

Verse 1
Am* I'm not a stranger G* to the C* dark,
Hide a-F* way, they Am* say, 'Cause we don't G* want your broken parts
I've Am* learned to be ashamed of G* allll C* my scars
Run a-F*way, they Am* say, No one will G* love you as you are

but F I won't let them break me G down to Am dust,
I know that there's a G place for C us, for we are glorio-Gus G*

When the C sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna Am send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am F brave, I am bruised, I am G who I'm meant to be, NC this is me
C Look out 'cause here I come, And I'm Am marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not F scared to be seen, I make G no apologies, NC this is me

C Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh, Am Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh F-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh G, oh! oh! NC

Verse 2
A-Amnother round of bullets G hits my C skin
Well, fire a-Fway, 'cause toAmday, I won't G let the shame sink in
We are Am bursting through the barrica-GdesC and reaching for the sun
We are F war-ri-Am-ors! Yeeaah G that's what we'll become

F I won't let them break me G down to Am dust,
I know that there's a G place for C us, for we are glorio-Gus G///*

When the C sharpest words wanna cut me down hey! hey! hey! G
I'm gonna Am send a flood, gonna drown them out hey! hey!
I am F brave, I am bruised, I am G who I'm meant to be, NC this is me
C Look out 'cause here I come, hey! hey! hey! G
And I'm Am marching on to the beat I drum hey! hey!
I'm not F scared to be seen, I make G no apologies, NC This is me

C Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh, Am Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-ohF-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh G, oh! oh! NC

When the C* sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna Am* send a flood, gonna drown them out
This is F* brave, This is proof, This is G* who I'm meant to be, NC this is me
Loud C Look out 'cause here I come, hey! hey! hey! G
And I'm Am marching on to the beat I drum hey! hey!
I'm not F scared to be seen, I make G no apologies, NC this is me

C Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh, Am Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-ohF-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh G, oh! oh! NC This is me C

2 Am 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 F × × × × NC

Those Were the Days my Friend [Dm]Mary Hopkins

Verse 1
Dm Once upon a time there was a tavern
D7 Where we used to raise a glass or Gm two
Gm Remember how we laughed away the Dm hours
And E7 dreamed of all the great things we would A7* do

Chorus 1
Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

A7 La la la Dm la la la la la la Gm la la la La la la A7 la, la la la la la Dm la

Verse 2
Dm Then the busy years went rushing by us
We D lost our starry notions on the Gm way
Gm If by chance I'd see you in the Dm tavern
We'd E7 smile at one another and we'd A7* say

Chorus 1

Verse 3
Dm Just tonight I stood before the tavern
D7 Nothing seemed the way it used to Gm be
Gm In the glass I saw a strange reDmflection
E7 Was that lonely woman really A7* me

Chorus 2
Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

A7 La la la Dm La la la la la la Gm la la la La la la C la, la C7 la la la la F la
La la la Gm la la la, la la la Dm la la la La la la A7 la, la la la la la Dm la

Verse 4
Dm Through the door there came familiar laughter
I D7 saw your face and heard you call my Gm name
Gm Oh my friend we're older but no Dm wiser
For E7 in our hearts the dreams are still the A7* same

Chorus 2
Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

Repeat the La-Las until count out
A7 La la la Dm La la la la la la Gm la la la La la la C la, la C7 la la la la F la
La la la Gm la la la, la la la Dm la la la La la la A7 la, la la la la la Dm la

Dm - Double Strum

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 3 C 1 C7 1 2 F 1 1 1 D

Those Were the Days my Friend (shorter) [Dm]Mary Hopkins

Dm Once upon a time there was a Dm7 tavern D
D7 Where we used to raise a glass or Gm two
Gm Remember how we laughed away the Dm hours
And E7 dreamed of all the great things we would A7* do

Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7 ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

Dm Then the busy years went rushing Dm7 by us We D lost our starry notions on the Gm way
Gm If by chance I'd see you in the Dm tavern We'd E7 smile at one another and we'd A7* say

Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7 ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

Dm Just tonight I stood before the Dm7 tavern
D7 Nothing seemed the way it used to Gm be
Gm In the glass I saw a strange reDmflection
E7 Was that lonely woman really A7* me

Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7 ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

Tune of chorus
A7 La la la Dm La la la la la la Gm la la la La la la C la, la C7 la la la la F la
La la la Gm la la la, la la la Dm la la la La la la A7 la, la la la la la Dm la

Dm Through the door there came familiar Dm7 laughter
I D7 saw your face and heard you call my Gm name
Gm Oh my friend we're older but no Dm wiser
For E7 in our hearts the dreams are still the A7* same

Those were the Dm days my friend we thought they'd Gm never end
We'd sing and C dance forC7 ever and a F day
We'd live the Gm life we choose we'd fight and Dm never lose
For we were A7 young and sure to have our Dm way

Tune of chorus
A7 La la la Dm La la la la la la Gm la la la La la la C la, la C7 la la la la F la
La la la Gm la la la, la la la Dm la la la La la la A7 la, la la la la la Dm la

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 3 C 1 C7 1 2 F

Three Little Birds [C]Bob Marley


Don’t C worry... about a thing
Cos F every little thing... gonna be alCright
Singin’ don’t C worry... about a thing
Cos F every little thing... gonna be alCright

Verse 1
Rise up this C mornin’ Smile with the G rising sun Three little F birds
Perch on my C doorstep
Singin’ C sweet songs
Of melodies G pure and true... sayin’
F This is my message to C you-oo-oo

Singin’ don’t C worry... about a thing
Cos F every little thing... gonna be alCright
Singin’ don’t C worry... about a thing
Cos F every little thing... gonna be alCright

Verse 2
Rise up this C mornin’ Smile with the G rising sun Three little F birds
Perch on my C doorstep
Singin’ C sweet songs
Of melodies G pure and true... sayin’
F This is my message to C you-oo-oo

Chorus x2
Singin’ don’t C worry... about a thing
Cos F every little thing... gonna be alCright
Singin’ don’t C worry... about a thing
Cos F every little thing... gonna be alCright

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Tide is High [G]Blondie

G C D G Am D x3

Chorus 1
The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
G I'm not the kind of girl C who gives up D just like G that
Oh C no D

Verse 1
It's G not the things you do that tease and C wound me D bad
G But it's the way you do the things you C do to D me
G I'm not the kind of girl C who gives up D just like G that
Oh C no D

Chorus 2
The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
C Number D one

Verse 2
G Every girl wants you to C be her D man
But G I'll wait my dear 'til it's C my D turn
G I'm not the kind of girl C who gives up D just like G that
Oh C no D

Chorus 2
The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
C Number D one

G C D G Am D
G C D G Am D

Verse 3 same as verse 2
G Every girl wants you to C be her D man
But G I'll wait my dear 'til it's C my D turn
G I'm not the kind of girl C who gives up D just like G that
Oh C no D

Chorus 2
The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
C Number D one

The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
The G tide is high but I'm C holding D on
G I'm gonna be your C number D one
G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 Am

Tie a Yellow Ribbon [C]

C Em Dm G

Verse 1
C I'm comin' home, I've done my Em time
Now I've Gm got to know what A is and A7 isn't Dm mine
If Fm you received my letter tellin' C you I'd soon be Am free
D7 Then you'll know just what to do Fm if you still want G7 me
Fm If you still want G7 me

C Tie a yellow ribbon round the Em old oak tree
It's been Gm three long years, do you A still want Dm me
If I don't see a Fm ribbon round the C old E7 oak Am tree
I'll C stay on the bus, forget about us
Am Put the blame on A me

If I Dm don't see a yellow ribbon D7 round the G7 old oak C tree
Am Dm G7

Verse 2
C Bus driver please look for Em me
Cause I Gm couldn't bear to A7 see what I might Dm see
I'm Fm really still in prison and my C love she holds the Am key
D7 A simple yellow ribbon's what I Fm need to set me G7 free
Fm I wrote and told her G7 please

C Tie a yellow ribbon round the Em old oak tree
It's been Gm three long years, do you A still A7 want Dm me
If I don't see a Fm ribbon round the C old E7 oak Am tree
I'll C stay on the bus, forget about us
Am Put the blame on A me

If I Dm don't see a yellow ribbon D7 round the G7 old oak C tree

Instrumental same as first two lines of chorus
C Em
Gm A A7 Dm

Outro - Slower
Now the Dm* whole damn bus is Fm* cheerin' and I C* can't believe I A7* see
A Dm hundred yellow ribbons 'round the D7 old G7 oak C tree
C - Double Strum

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 A 1 A7 1 2 3 Fm 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 E7

Time After Time [F]Cyndi Lauper

F G Em F x2

Verse 1
Csus4 Lyin' C in my Csus4 bed
I C hear the Csus4 clock C tick and Csus4 think of C you
Csus4 Caught C up in Csus4 cir-Ccles
Con-Csus4fu-Csion is Csus4 nothing C new
F Flash G back, Em warm F nights F Almost G left be-Emhind
F Suit G case of Em mem’Fries
Time G after

Verse 2
Csus4 Some C times, you Csus4 picture C me
I'm Csus4 walk C in' too Csus4 far a-Chead
Csus4 You're C calling Csus4 to C me
I Csus4 can't C hear, what Csus4 you've C said
Then F you G say, Em go F slow F I G fall be-Emhind
F The G second Em hand un-Fwinds

If you're G lost you can look, and you Am will find me F Time Csus4 after C time
If you G fall I will catch you I'll Am be waiting F Time Csus4 after C time
If you're G lost you can look, and you Am will find me F Time Csus4 after C time
If you G fall I will catch you I'll Am be waiting F Time Csus4 after C time

F G Em F x2

Verse 3
Csus4 Af-Cter my Csus4 picture C fades
And Csus4 dark-Cness has Csus4 turned to C grey
Csus4 Watch-Cin' through Csus4 win-Cdows
You're Csus4 wonderCing if Csus4 I'm o-Ckay
F Se-Gcrets Em sto-Flen From G deep in-Emside
F The G drum beats Em out of F time

If you're G lost you can look, and you Am will find me F Time Csus4 after C time
If you G fall I will catch you I'll Am be waiting F Time Csus4 after C time

F You G say, Em go F slow F I G fall be-Emhind
F The G second Em hand un-F winds

If you're G lost you can look, and you Am will find me F Time Csus4 after C time
If you G fall I will catch you I'll Am be waiting F Time Csus4 after C time
If you're G lost you can look, and you Am will find me F Time Csus4 after C time
If you G fall I will catch you I'll Am be waiting F Time Csus4 after C time

F Time Csus4 after C time x4

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 3 Csus4 3 C 2 Am

Time Warp [A]Rocky Horror Picture Show

Verse 1
A It's astounding time is B7 fleeting
G madness D takes its A toll
A But listen closely not for very much B7 longer
G I've got to D keep A control
A I remember doing the B7 Time Warp
G Drinking D those moments A when
The A blackness would hit me and the void would be B7 calling

F Let's C do the G time D warp A again
F Let's C do the G time D warp A again

It's just a jump to the left E7 and then a step to the A right
With your hands on your hips E7 you bring your knees in A tight
But it's the pelvic D thrust that really drives you A insane

F Let's C do the G time D warp A again
F Let's C do the G time D warp A again

Verse 2
It's so A dreamy oh fantasy B7 free me
So you can't G see me D no not at A all
A In another dimension with voyeuristic B7 intention
Well G secluded D I see A all
A With a bit of a mind flip you're into the B7 time slip
And G nothing D can ever be the A same
A You're spaced out on sensation like you're under B7 sedation

F Let's C do the G time D warp A again
F Let's C do the G time D warp A again

A Well I was walking down the street just a-having a think
When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink
D He shook me up he took me by surprise
He had a A pickup truck and the devil's eyes
He E7 stared at me and I D felt a change
A Time meant nothing never would again

F Let's C do the G time D warp A again
F Let's C do the G time D warp A again

It's just a jump to the left E7 and then a step to the A right
With your hands on your hips E7 you bring your knees in A tight
But it's the pelvic D thrust that really drives you A insane

F Let's C do the G time D warp A again
F Let's C do the G time D warp A again

Cha Cha Cha

1 2 A 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 E7

Titanium [C]David Guetta / Sia

Verse 1
C You shout it ou-Gut, but Am I can't hear a word you say
C I'm talking lo-Gud, not saying much Am
C I'm criti-Gcized, but Am all your bullets ricochet
C you shoot me G down, but I get up Am

F I'm bullet-proof, G nothing to lose, Em fire a-Amway, fire a-Fway
Rico-chet, G you take your aim, Em fire a-Amway, fire a-Fway
you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um
you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um

F G Em Am
F G Em Am

Verse 2
C Cut me do-Gown, but it's Am you who'll have further to fall
C Ghost to-Gown and haunted love Am
C Raise your G voice, Am sticks and stones may break my bones
C I'm talking G loud, not saying much Am

F I'm bullet-proof, G nothing to lose, Em fire a-Amway, fire a-Fway
Rico-chet, G you take your aim, Em fire a-Amway, fire a-Fway
you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um
you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um

Single Strums - Slower
G* Stone hard, Em* machine gun Am* Firing at the ones who run
F* Stone hard, G* as bulletproof Fast Again Am gla-a-a-a-a-a-a-ss

F you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um
F you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um
F you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um
F you shoot me down, G but I won't fall Em I am ti-Am ta G ni F um

F G Em I am ti Am ta G ni F* um

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em

Torn [F]Natalie Imbruglia

Intro F

F I thought I saw a man brought to life
Am He was warm... he came around like he was
BbDignified... he showed me what it was to cry
F Well you couldn't be that man I adored
Am You don't seem to know... don't seem to care
What your Bbheart is for... well I don't know him anymore

There's Dmnothin' where he used to lie... C the conversation has run dry
Am That's what's going on... C7 nothing's fine

I’m Ftorn... I'm all out of Cfaith
This is how I Dmfeel... I'm cold and I’m aBbshamed lying naked on the
FFloor... illusion never cha-Canged
Into something Dmreal... I'm wide awake and BbI can see the perfect sky is Ftorn

You're a little Clate I'm already Dmtorn Bb

F So I guess the fortune teller's right
Am I should have seen just what was there... and not some
BbHoly light... but you crawled beneath my veins and now
DmI don't care I have no luck.. C I don't miss it all that much
Am There's just so many things C7 that I can't touch


You're a little Clate I'm already Dmtorn... Bb..
Dmtorn Bb
Dm ooooh.... oooh Foooh, Coooh

*single strums
There's Dmnothing where he used to lie... C my inspiration has run dry
Am That's what is goin' on.. C7 nothin's right


I'm all out of Cfaith, this is how I Dmfeel
I'm cold and I'm aBbshamed bound and broken on the Ffloor
You're a little Clate... I'm already Dmtorn... Bb... Dmtorn... C

FCDmBb x3

1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 C7

Torn [F]Natalie Imbruglia

F F  Bb Bb  F F  Bb Bb

Verse 1
F I thought I saw a man brought to life Am
He was warm, he came around like he was Bb dignified
He showed me what it was to cry F
Well you couldn't be that man I adored Am
You don't seem to know
Don't seem to care, what your Bb heart is for
But I don't know him anymore

There's Dm nothing where he used to lie
C My conversation has run dry
Am That's what's going on
C Nothing's fine, I'm F torn

I'm all out of C faith, this is how I Dm feel
I'm cold and I am Bb shamed, lying naked on the F floor
Illusion never C changed, into something Dm real
I'm wide awake and Bb I can see, the perfect sky is F torn
You're a little C late, I'm already Dm torn Bb

Verse 2
F So I guess the fortune teller's right Am
I should have seen just what was there and not some Bb holy light
But you crawl beneath my veins and now
Dm I don't care, I have no luck
C I don't miss it all that much
Am There's just so many things
C That I can't touch, I'm F torn


Torn.Dm..  Bb          Dm Ooooh...  Hoo F ooooh... C Ooooh

Bridge Single Strum
There's Dm* nothing where he used to lie
C* My inspiration has run dry
Am That's what's going on C*
Nothing's fine, I'm F* torn

I'm all out of C faith, this is how I Dm feel
I'm cold and I am Bb shamed, lying naked on the F floor
Illusion never C changed, into something Dm real
I'm wide awake and Bb I can see, the perfect sky is F torn
I'm all out of C faith, this is how I Dm feel
I'm cold and I am Bb shamed, bound and broken on the F floor
You're a little C late, I'm already Dm torn Bb

Kazoo Outro
F  C  Dm  Bb  x3


1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 3 C

Total Eclipse of the Heart [Am]Bonnie Tyler

Verse 1
Am Turnaround... every now and then I get a G Little bit lonely and you're never coming round
Am Turnaround... every now and then I get a G Little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
C Turnaround... every now and then I get a
Bb Little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
C Turnaround... every now and then I get a
Bb Little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Eb Turnaround G# bright eyes... every now and then I fall apart
Eb Turnaround G# bright eyes... every now and then I fall apart

Verse 2
Am Turnaround... every now and then I get a G Little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Am Turnaround... every now and then I get a
G Little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
C Turnaround... every now and then I get a
Bb Little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
C Turnaround... every now and then I get a
Bb Little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Eb Turnaround G# bright eyes... every now and then I fall apart
Eb Turnaround G# bright eyes... every now and then I fall aGpart

And I Em need you now toCnight And I D need you more than G ever
And if you'll Em only hold me C tight We'll be D holding on forGever
And we'll Em only be making it C right Cause we'll D never be wrong

ToCgether we can take it to the D end of the line
Your Em love is like a shadow on me A all of the time
I G don't know what to do and I'm D always in the dark
We're Em living in a powder keg and A giving off sparks
I really need you toGnight
ForDever's gonna start toCnight
For D ever's gonna start tonight

G Once upon a time I was Em falling in love
But B now I'm only falling aCpart
There's Am nothing I can do... a D total eclipse of the G Heart Em C D

Lead Out
G Once upon a time there was Em light in my life
But B now there's only love in the C dark Am Nothing I can say
A D total eclipse of the G heart Em C
D Total eclipse of the G heart Em C
D Total eclipse of the G heart Em C

D Turnaround G bright eyes Em C D G-single strum

2 Am 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 G# 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 B

Toxic [Am]Britney Spears

Am Am Am Am

Verse 1
Am Baby, can't you see... I'm calling... a guy like you
Should wear a warning C... it's dangerous E7... I'm fallin’ Am

Verse 2
Am There's no escape... I can't wait... I need a hit
Baby, give me it C... you're dangerous E7... I'm lovin’ it Am

Am Too high... can't come down... Losing my head spinning
‘Round and ‘round... C E7 do you feel me now? Am

With a Am taste of your lips, I'm C on a ride
B You're toxic Bb I'm slipping under
With a Am taste of poison C paradise I'm addFicted to you
Don't you E7 know that you're toxic? Am C
And I B love what you do
Don't you Bb know that you're toxic? Am C F E7

Verse 3
Am It’s getting late... to give you up... I took a sip
From my devil's cup C... Slowly...E7 it’s taking over me Am

Am Too high... can’t come down... it’s in the air
And it’s all around C E7 Can you feel me now Am

With a Am taste of your lips, I'm C on a ride
B You're toxic Bb I'm slipping under
With a Am taste of poison C paradise I'm addFicted to you
Don't you E7 know that you're toxic? Am C
And I B love what you do
Don't you Bb know that you're toxic? Am C F E7

Am Intoxicate me now C With your lovin’ now
B I think I'm ready now Bb I think I'm ready now
Am Intoxicate me now C With your lovin’ now
F I think I'm ready now
E7 I think I'm ready now Am - Single Strum

2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F

Tragedy [Am]Bee Gees....(& Steps)

Intro + Kazoo
Am Am Dm Am
Em Em  F F-G
Chuck C C C C

Verse 1
C Here I lie in a lost and lonely part of town
Held in time in a world of tears I slowly drown
D Going home I just can't make it E7 all alone
I really should be D holding you holding you
F Loving you loving you. Count to 8

Am Tragedy when the Em feelings gone and you can't go on
It's Am tragedy when the Em morning cries and you don't know why
It's Dm hard to bear with G no one to love you
You're Am going nowhere F E7
Am Tragedy when you Em lose control and you got no soul
It's Am tragedy when the Em morning cries and you don't know why
It's Dm hard to bear with G no one beside you
You're Am going nowhere F E7

Instrumental + Kazoo
Am Am Dm Am
Em Em  F F-G
Chuck C C C C

Verse 2
C Night and day there's a burning down inside of me
Burning love with a yearning that won't let me be
D Down I go and I just can't take it E7 all alone
I really should be D holding you holding you
F Loving you loving you. F


Higher Instumental + Kazoo
Am Am Dm E7
Am Am Dm E7 F F - Single Strum let ring

Am Tragedy when the Em feelings gone and you can't go on
It's Am tragedy when the Em morning cries and you don't know why
It's Dm hard to bear with G no one to love you
You're Am going nowhere F E7
Am Tragedy when you Em lose control and you got no soul
It's Am tragedy when the Em morning cries and you don't know why
It's Dm hard to bear with G no one beside you
You're Am going nowhere F E7

Higher Instumental + Kazoo
Am Am Dm E7
Am Am Dm E7 F F - Single Strum let ring


2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Trasna na dTonnta [D]


D Trasna na dtonnta, dul G siar, dul D siar,
G Slán leis an D uaigneas ‘is G slán leis an A gcian;
D Geal é mo chroí, agus G geal í an D ghrian,
Geal a bheith ag A filleadh go  G hÉi- Drinn!

D Chonaic mo dhóthain de G thíortha i A gcéin,
D Ór agus airgead, G saibhreas an A tsaoil,
D Éiríonn an croí ‘nam le G breacadh gach A lae
‘S mé ag D druidim le A dúiche mo G mhuin- Dtir!


D Muintir an Iarthair is iad G cairde mo A chroí,
D Fáilte is féile beidh G romham ar gach A taobh.
Ar D fhágáil an tsaoil seo, is é G ghuím ar an A
Gur D leosan a A shínfear i G gcill D mé.


1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A

True Colours [Am]Cindy Lauper

Intro Am G C F x2

You with the Am sad G eyes, C don't be discouraged
Oh I F realize it's Am hard to take G courage
In a C world full of Dm people, C you can lose sight F of it all
And the Am darkness G inside you make you Dm feel so C small

But I'll see your F true C colors G shining through
I'll see your F true C colors, and F that's why I G love  you
So F don't be aCfraid to F let them Am show
Your F true C colors, F True C colors are G beautiful, like a Am rainbow G C F
Am G C F

Verse 2
Show me a Am smile G then, C don't be unhappy,
Can't remFember when I Am last saw you G laughing
If C this world makes you Dm crazy and you've C taken all you F can bear
You Am call me up, G because you F know I'll be C there

But I'll see your F true C colors G shining through
I'll see your F true C colors, and F that's why I G love  you
So F don't be aCfraid to F let them Am show
Your F true C colors, F True C colors are G beautiful, like a Am rainbow G C F
Am G C F

Verse 3
Am OooGo....C
F Can't remember when I Am last saw you G laughing
C If this world makes Dm you crazy and you've C taken all you F can bear
You Am call me up, G 'cause you  F know I'll be C there

And I'll see your F true C colors G shining through
I'll see your F true C colors and F that's why I G love  you
So F don't be C afraid to F let them Am show
Your F true C colors, F true C colors
F true C colors are G shining through
I'll see your F true C colors, and F that's why I G love  you
So F don't be C afraid to F let them C show
Your F true C colors, F true Am colors
Are G beautiful...
like a Am rainbow G C F
Am G C F

Am - Single Strum

2 Am 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm

Tubthumping [D]Chumbawumba

D We'll be G singing
D When we're G winning
D We'll be G singing A *stop

Chorus x2
I get knocked D down... but I get G up again
You’re D never going to keep me G down
I get knocked D down... but I get G up again
You’re A never going to keep me A down

Em G Pissing the Bm Night aAway Em G Pissing the Bm Night aAway

He drinks a D whisky drink... he drinks a G vodka drink
He drinks a D lager drink... he drinks a G cider drink
He sings the D songs that remind him of the G good times
He sings the A songs that remind him of the A better times

D Oh... G Danny D Boy... G Danny D Boy... G Danny A boy *stop

I get knocked D down... but I get G up again
You’re D never going to keep me G down
I get knocked D down... but I get G up again
You’re A never going to keep me A down

Em G Pissing the Bm Night aAway Em G Pissing the Bm Night aAway

He drinks a D whisky drink... he drinks a G vodka drink
He drinks a D lager drink... he drinks a G cider drink
He sings the D songs that remind him of the G good times
He sings the A songs that remind him of the A better times

D Don’t... G cry for D Me...G Next door D neighbour G A *stop

Chorus Repeat until count out
I get knocked D down... but I get G up again
You’re D never going to keep me G down
I get knocked D down... but I get G up again
You’re A never going to keep me A down

D - Single Strum

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 Bm

Turn Back Time [A]Cher

AA Asus4*AA X2

If I could A turn back time Asus4*A
If I could D find a way
I'd take Bm back those words that hurt you and you'd E7* stay Pause

Verse 1
E7 I don't know A why I did the D things I E7 did
E7 I don't know A why I said the D things I E7 said
E7 Pride's like a A knife, it can D cut deep E7 inside
E7 Words are like A weapons, they D wound someE7times

D* F#m* E7
I didn't really mean to D* hurt you F#m* E7
I didn't wanna see you D go
I know I made you cry, E7 but baby if I could

A Turn back time
If I could D find a way
I'd take Bm back those words that hurt you and you'd E7stay
If I could A reach the stars
I'd give 'em D all to you
Then you'd Bm love me, love me like you used to E7 do

Oh D..... if I could turn back....

Verse 2
E7 My world was A shattered, I was D torn aE7part
E7 Someone took a A knife and drove it D deep in my E7 heart
E7 When you walked A out that door I swore D I didn't E7 care
But I E7 lost everything darling, then and there

D* F#m* E7
Too strong to tell you I was D* sorry F#m* E7
Too proud to tell you I was D wrong
And I know that I was blind, E7 and darling if I could

Chorus Includes Key Change
A Turn back time
If I could D find a way
I'd take Bm back those words that hurt you
Key Change
If I could C reach the stars
I'd give 'em F all to you
Then you'd Dm love me, love me like you used to G do
G If I could turn back time
C Turn back time
F If I could find a way
Then Dm baby, baby, baby you'd G stay
If I could C reach the stars
I'd give'em F all to you
And you'd Dm love me love me like you use to G

Outro Slowing

If I could.... C turn.... back.... time C/////

1 2 A 2 3 Asus4 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star [C]

C Twinkle, twinkle, F little C star,
F How I C wonder G what you C are!
C Up F Above the C world so G high,
C Like a F diamond C in the G sky.
C Twinkle, twinkle, F little C star,
F How I C wonder G  what you C are!

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G

Twist and Shout [G]The Beatles


Well shake it up G baby now, C shake it up D baby
D Twist and G shout. C Twist and D shout
Come on, come on, come on, come on, G baby now, C come on D baby
Come on and work it on G out. C Work it on D out, ooh!

Verse 1
Well work it on G out, C work it on D out
You know D you look so goGod. C Look so D good
You know D you got me G goin' now, C Got me D goin'
Just like I knew you G would. Like I C knew you D would, ooh!

Verse 2
You know you twist it little G girl, C twist little D girl
You know you D twist so G fine. C Twist so D fine
Come on and D twist a little G closer now, C twist a little D closer
And let me know that you're G mine. C Know you're D mine, ooh!

Solo Chords
G C D    G C D    G C D    G C D

D Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhhh

Well shake it up G baby now, C shake it up D baby
D Twist and G shout. C Twist and D shout
Come on, come on, come on, come on, G baby now, C come on D baby
Come on and work it on G out. C Work it on D out, ooh!

Verse 3
You know you twist it little G girl,  C twist little D girl
You know you D twist so G fine.  C Twist so D fine
Come on and D twist a little G closer now, C twist a little D closer
And let me know that you're G mine. C Know you're D mine, ooh!

Verse 4
Well shake it shake it shake it G baby now. C shake it up D baby
Well shake it D shake it shake it G baby now. C shake it up D baby
Well shake it D shake it shake it G baby now. C shake it up D baby

D Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhhhh

Fret in D Shape =  2      3      4    5      6      7
                            D  D#  E  F  F#  G

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 D# 1 2 E 1 2 F 1 3 2 F#

Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad [G]Meatloaf

G Gmaj7 Em7 Am D7

Verse 1
G Baby we can talk all Gmaj7 night C but that ain't gettin us G nowhere
I've G told you Gmaj7 everything I Em7 possibly can
Am9 There's nothing left inDside of here
And G maybe you can cry all Gmaj7 night
But C that'll never change the G way that I feel
The snow is Gmaj7 really piling Em7 up outside
I Am9 wish you wouldn't make me D leave here

C I poured it on and I G poured it out Am G
C I tried to show you just how G much I care Am G
C I'm tired of words and I'm too G hoarse to Em7 shout
F But you've been cold to me so long I'm crying C icicles instead of D7 tears
And C all I can D7 do is C keep on D telling you

I G want you I Em7 need you
But there C ain't no D way I'm Bm ever gonna Em7 love you
Now Am don't be sad cause C two out of Cdim three ain't Em7 bad
Now Am don't be sad cause C two out of Cdim three ain't G bad

You'll C never find your gold on a G sandy beach Am G
You'll C never drill for oil on a G city street Am G
I know you're C looking for a ruby in a G mountain of rocks
But there F ain't no coupe de ville hiding at the bottom of a D crackerjack box

Bm I can't lie I can't tell you that I'm C something I'm not
No matter how I try I'll Bm never be able to give you something
C Something that I just haven't D7 got

Verse 2
Now there is G only one girl that I will Gmaj7 ever love
And that was C so many years aGgo
And G though I know I'll Gmaj7 never get her Em7 out of my heart
She never Am9 loved me back D ooh I know
Well I reGmember how she left me on a Gmaj7 stormy night
She C kissed me and got out of our G bed
And though I G pleaded and I Gmaj7 begged her not to Em7 walk out that door
She Am9 packed her bags and turned right aDway
And she C kept on D7 telling me she C kept on D7 telling me
She C kept on D telling me

I G want you I Em7 need you
But there C ain't no D7 way I'm Bm ever gonna Em7 love you
Now Am don't be sad cause C two out of Cdim three ain't Em7 bad
Now Am don't be sad cause C two out of Cdim three ain't G bad


1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Gmaj7 2 3 Em7 2 Am 1 2 D7 3 C 2 4 Am9 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 1 1 1 Bm × 2 1 3 Cdim

Two Princes [D]Spin Doctors

D Bm A G

Verse 1
D One, two... Bm princes kneel beAfore you...
That's G what I said now
D Princes... Bm princes who aAdore you
Just G go ahead now
D One has... Bm diamonds in his A pockets
G That's some bread now
D This one... said he Bm wants to buy you A rockets
Ain’t G in his head now

D HeeeyBmy... yea A yeah-ah G
Do do-be-D-doop... de-be-Bmbe be-be-be A dubba dubba dubba dubba
G dubba dubba dubba dubba

Verse 2
D This one... he’s Bm got a princely A racket
That's G what I said now
D Got some... big Bm seal upon his A jacket
Ain't G in his head now
You D marry him... your Bm father will conAdone you
G How ‘bout that now?
You D marry me... your Bm father will disAown you
He'll G eat his hat now

G Marry him... or marry me
D I'm the one that loves you baby can't you see
I ain't G got no future or a family tree, but
A – single strum I know what a prince and lover ought to be
A – single strum I know what a prince and lover ought to be

Said D if you... Bm want to call me A baby... just G go ahead, now
An’ D if you... Bm like to tell me A maybe... just G go ahead, now
An’ D if you... Bm wanna buy me A flowers... just G go ahead, now
An’ D if you’d... Bm like to talk for A hours... just G go ahead, now

Verse 3
D One, two.. Bm princes kneel beAfore you, That's G what I said now
D Princes... Bm princes who aAdore you Just G go ahead now
D One has... Bm diamonds in his A pockets G That's some bread now
D This one... said he Bmwants to buy you A rockets
Ain’t G in his head now

Pre-chorus & Chorus


1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 A 1 2 3 G

Unanswered Prayers [Em]Garth Brooks

Em D G A

Verse 1
D Just the other night at a G hometown football game
My D wife and I ran Bm into A my Em old high school A flame
And G as I introF#mduced them the Bm past came A back to G me
And I Em couldn't help but D think of the G way things used to A be
D She was the one that I'd G wanted for all times
And D each night A I'd spend Bm prayin' A that God Em would make her A mine
And G if he'd only F#m grant me this Bm wish I wisAhed back G then F#m
I'd Em never ask for D anything A again

Sometimes I thank D God for unaGnswered prayerAs
RememDber A when you're Bm talkin' A to the Em man upAstairs
That just D because he doesn't answer doesn't G mean he don't E care
Some of D God's greatest Bm gifts Em are unaAnswered D prayers F#m G A

Verse 2
D She wasn't quite the angel that I rememGbered in my dreams
And I could D tell that A time had Bm changed A me
In Em her eyes too it A seemed
We tried to G talk about the F#m old days
There wasn't Bm much we A could G recall F#m
I guess the Em Lord knows what he's D doin' after A all

And G as she walked away I F#m looked at my Bm wife
And then and Em there I thanked the D good Lord
For the G gifts in my A life

Sometimes I thank D God for unaGnswered prayerAs
ReDmember A when you're Bm talkin' A to the Em man upAstairs
That just D because he doesn't answer doesn't G mean he don't E care
Some of D God's greatest Bm gifts Em are unanswered A prayers

Some of D God's greatest Bm gifts are all too Em often unanswAered...
Some of D God's greatest Bm gifts Em are unanswered A prayers D F#m G A D

1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 E

Under The Boardwalk [G]The Drifters


Verse 1
Oh when the G sun beats down and melts the tar up on the D roof
And your D7 shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fire-Gproof G7
Under the C boardwalk ... down by the G sea
On a blanket with my baby D ...is where I'll G be

Under the Em boardwalk... out of the sun
Under the D boardwalk... we'll be having some fun
Under the Em boardwalk... people walking above
Under the D boardwalk... we'll be falling in love
Under the Em* board-Em*walk... Em* board-Em*walk

Verse 2
From the G park you hear the happy sound of a... carou-Dsel
You can D7 almost taste the hotdogs and french fries G they sell G7
Under the C boardwalk... down by the G sea
On a blanket with my baby D ...is where I'll G be

Under the Em boardwalk... out of the sun
Under the D boardwalk... we'll be having some fun
Under the Em boardwalk... people walking above
Under the D boardwalk... we'll be falling in love
Under the Em* board-Em*walk... Em* board-Em*walk

Instrumental Same as first 2 lines of verse
D7 D7 G G7

Under the C boardwalk ... down by the G sea
On a blanket with my ba-Dby is where I'll G be

Under the Em boardwalk... out of the sun
Under the D boardwalk... we'll be having some fun
Under the Em boardwalk... people walking above
Under the D boardwalk... we'll be falling in love
Under the Em* board-Em*walk... Em* board-Em*walk

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 2 3 Em

Uptown Girl [C]Billy Joel

Intro CAhhh..DmEm*FG7

CUptown girl Dmshe's been living in her Em*uptown world
F I bet she G7never had a Cbackstreet guy
Dm I bet her mama never Em*told her why
F I'm gonna G7try for an Cuptown girl
DmShe's been living in her Em*white bread world
FAs long as G7anyone with Chot blood can
DmAnd now she's looking for a Em*downtown man
FThat's what I G7am

AbAnd when she Fmknows what she Bbmwants from her Ebtime
AbAnd when she Fmwakes up and Bbmmakes up her Ebmind
FShe'll see I'm Dmnot so tough Gmjust because G7I'm in love

With an Cuptown girl
DmYou know I've seen her in her Em*uptown world
FShe's getting G7tired of her Chigh class toys
DmAnd all her presents from her Em*uptown boys
FShe's got a G7choice EbAhh..F D Gm F Eb F D Gm G7

CUptown girl Dmyou know I can't afford to Em*buy her pearls
FBut maybe G7someday when my Cship comes in
DmShe'll understand what kind of Em*guy I've been
FAnd then I'll G7win

AbAnd when she's Fmwalking she's Bbmlooking so Ebfine
AbAnd when she's Fmtalking she'll Bbmsay that she's Ebmine
FShe'll say I'm Dmnot so tough Gmjust because G7I'm in love

With an Cuptown girl
Dmshe's been living in her Em*white bread world
FAs long as G7anyone with Chot blood can
DmAnd now she's looking for a Em*downtown man
FThat's what IG7am EbAhh..FDGmF EbFDGmG7

CUptown girl Dmshe's my uptown Em*girl
You Fknow I'm in G7love with an Cuptown girl
DmMy uptown Em*girl you Fknow I'm in G7love
With an Cuptown girl Dmmy uptown Em*girl F G7 C

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Ab 1 2 3 Fm 1 1 1 Bbm 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 Gm 1 1 1 D

Valerie / Kung Fu Fighting [C]The Zutons / Carl Douglas


Verse 1
Well someCtimes... I go out... by myself... and I look across the Dm water
And I C think of all the things... what you're doing... and in my head I paint a Dm picture

'Cos F since I've come on home... well my Em body's been a mess
And I've F missed your ginger hair... and the Em way you like to dress
F Won't you come on over... C stop making a fool out of G me
Why won't you come on over ValeCrie? ValeDmrie ValeCrie ValeDmie

Verse 2
Did you C have to go to jail... put your house on up for sale... did you get a good Dm lawyer?
I hope you C didn't catch a tan... I hope you find the right man who'll fix it Dm for you
Are you C shopping anywhere... changed the colour of your hair... are you Dm busy?
And did you C have to pay the fine you were dodging all the time... are you still Dm dizzy?

'Cos F since I've come on home... well my Em body's been a mess
And I've F missed your ginger hair... and the Em way you like to dress
F Won't you come on over... C stop making a fool out of G me
Why won't you come on over ValeCrie? ValeDmrie ValeCrie ValeDmie

Kung Fu Fighting interlude
Oh oh-oh C ohhh... oh oh-oh Dm ohhh a few times

Everybody was C kung-fu fighting... those kids were Dm fast as lightning
In fact it was a C little bit frightening... but they fought with Dm expert timing

They were C funky Chinese men... from Dm funky Chinatown
They were C chopping them up... and they were Dm chopping them down
It's an C ancient Chinese art... and everyDmbody knew their part
From a C feint into a slip... and a G kicking from the hip

Everybody was C kung-fu fighting... those kids were Dm fast as lightning
In fact it was a C little bit frightening... but they fought with Dm expert timing

Oh oh-oh C ohhh... oh oh-oh Dm ohhh a few times

Verse 3 Acappella
Well someCtimes... I go out... by myself... and I look across the Dm water
And I C think of all the things... what you're doing... and in my head I paint a Dm picture

'Cos F since I've come on home... well my Em body's been a mess
And I've F missed your ginger hair... and the Em way you like to dress
F Won't you come on over C stop making a fool out of G me
Why won't you come on over ValeCrie? ValeDmrie ValeCrie ValeDmie

Outro Slowed Down
Dm* Why don't you come on over ValerC///////ieeeeee

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G

Venus [A]Bananarama

Asus4 Asus4 Dm G Dm G
Asus4 Asus4 Dm G Dm G
Dm G Dm G

Verse 1
A Dm goddess on a G mountaintop Dm G
Dm Burning like a G silver flame Dm G
The Dm summit of G beauty and love Dm
G And Dm Venus was her G name Dm Dm

She’s Gm got it, C Gm yeah C baby she’s Dm got it G Dm G
Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G
Well, Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G

Verse 2
Her Dm weapons were her G crystal eyes Dm G
Dm Making every G man a man Dm G
Dm Black as the dark G night Dm she was
G Got what Dm no-one else G had Dm Dm

She’s Gm got it, C Gm yeah C baby she’s Dm got it G Dm G
Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G
Well, Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G

Asus4 Asus4
Dm G Dm G
Dm G Dm G
Dm G Dm G
Dm G Dm Dm

She’s Gm got it, C Gm yeah C baby she’s Dm got it G Dm G
Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G
Well, Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G

Bridge *muted
A Dm goddess on a G mountaintop Dm G Dm Burning like a G silver flame Dm G
The Dm summit of G beauty and love Dm G
And Dm Venus was her G name Dm WAAAOOOHHH Dm

She’s Gm got it, C Gm yeah C baby she’s Dm got it G Dm G
Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G
Well, Bb I’m your Venus, A I’m your fire at Dm your desire G Dm G

Asus4 Asus4
Dm G Dm Yeah G baby she’s Dm got it G Dm
Yeah G baby she’s Dm got it G Dm
Yeah G baby she’s Dm got it G Dm
Yeah G baby she’s Dm* got it

2 3 Asus4 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Gm 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 A

Video Killed the Radio Star [C]Buggles

C Dm F G x2

Verse 1
C I heard you Dm on the wireless F back in Fifty G two
C Lying aDmwake intent on F tuning in on G you
C If I was Dm young it didn’t F stop you coming G through
C Oh a-Fohh Dm G

Verse 2
C They took the Dm credit for your F second symphoGny
C Rewritten Dm by machine on F new technoloGgy,
C And now I Dm understand the F problems you can G see
C Oh a-Fohh Dm I met your G children
C Oh a-Fohh Dm what did you G tell them?

C Video killed the F radio star
C Video killed the F radio star
C Pictures G came and Dm broke your Am heart
G Oh-oh-oh-a- Am oh

Verse 3
C And now we Dm meet in an aFbandoned studiGo
C We hear the Dm playback and it F seems so long aGgo
C And you reDmmember the F jingles used to G go
C Oh a-Fohh Dm You were the G first one
C Oh a-Fohh Dm You were the G last one


C In my G mind and Dm in my Am car
C We can’t reGwind we’ve Dm gone too Am far
G Oh-oh-oh-a-Amoh... G Oh-oh-oh-a-Amoh

C Video killed the F radio star
C Video killed the F radio star
C Pictures G came and Dm broke your Am heart
G Oh-oh-oh-a-Amoh

C In my G mind and Dm in my Am car
C We can’t reGwind we’ve Dm gone too Am far
C Pictures G came and Dm broke your Am heart
C Put the G blame on Dm VCAmR

Repeat x4
You C aaaaa-Faaare a radio Am sta-a-a-a-a-a-a-Gar

Repeat with Harmony until count out
      Video killed the radio star, video killed the radio star
You C aaaaa-Faaare a radio Am sta-a-a-a-a-a-a-Gar


3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am

Viva La Vida [F]Coldplay

F G C Am
F G C Am

Verse 1
I used to F rule the G world, Seas would C rise when I gave the Am word
Now in the morning I F sleep a-Glone, Sweep the C streets I used to Am own

Instrumental Riff
F G C Am
F G C Am

Verse 2
I used to F roll the G dice, Feel the C fear in my enemy's Am eyes
Listen as the F crowd would G sing, "Now the C old king is dead! Long Am live the king!"
One minute I F held the G key, Next the C walls were closed on Am me
And I discovered that my F castles G stand, Upon C pillars of salt and Am pillars of sand

I F hear Jerusalem G bells are ringing, C Roman Cavalry Am choirs are singing
F Be my mirror, my G sword, and shield, My C missionaries in a Am foreign field
FFor some reason I G can't explain, C Once you go there was Am never,
never an F honest G word, That was C when I ruled the Am world

Instrumental Riff
F G C Am
F G C Am

Verse 3
It was the wicked and F wild G wind, Blew down the C doors to let me Am in.
Shattered windows and the F sound of G drums,
People C couldn't believe what Am I'd become
Revolutio-F-naries G wait, For my C head on a silver Am plate
Just a puppet on a F lonely G string, Oh C who would ever want to be Am king?

I F hear Jerusalem G bells are ringing, C Roman Cavalry Am choirs are singing
F Be my mirror, my G sword, and shield, My C missionaries in a Am foreign field
F For some reason I G can't explain, I C know Saint Peter will Am call my name,
never an F honest G word, But that was C when I ruled the Am world

F Am F Am
F Am G G

o-o-o-oh o-Fohhh G ohh o-o-o-oh o-Cohhh Am ohh
o-o-o-oh o-Fohhh G ohh o-o-o-oh o-Cohhh Am ohh

Chorus w/ backing o-o-o-oh o-ohhh ohh
F Hear Jerusalem G bells are ringing, C Roman Cavalry Am choirs are singing
F Be my mirror, my G sword, and shield, My C missionaries in a Am foreign field
F For some reason I G can't explain, I C know Saint Peter will Am call my name,
Single Strums
never an F* honest G* word, But that was Em* when I ruled the Am* world

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Em

Wagon Wheel [G]

G D Em C G D C C

Verse 1
G Headed down south to the D land of the pines
And I'm Em thumbin' my way into C North Caroline
G Starin' up the road and D pray to God I see C headlights
I G made it down the coast in D seventeen hours
Em Pickin' me a bouquet of C dogwood flowers
And I'm a G hopin' for Raleigh I can D see my baby toCnight

So G rock me mama like a D wagon wheel
Em Rock me mama any C way you feel
G Hey D mama C rock me C
G Rock me mama like the D wind and the rain
Em Rock me mama like a C south-bound train
G Hey D mama C rock me

G D Em C G D C C

Verse 2
G Runnin' from the cold D up in New England
I was Em born to be a fiddler in an C old time string band
My G baby plays the guitar D I pick a banjo C now
Oh the G North country winters keep a D gettin' me down
And I lost my Em money playin' poker so I C had to leave town
But I G ain't a turnin' back to D livin' that old life C no more


G D Em C G D C C G

Verse 3 Single Strums
Walkin' to the south D* out of Roanoke
I caught a Em* trucker out of Philly had a C* nice long toke
But G* he's a headed west from the D* Cumberland Gap
To C* Johnson City Tennessee
And I G* gotta get a move on D* fit for the sun
I hear my Em* baby callin' my name
And I C* know that she's the only one
And G* if I die in Raleigh at D* least I will die normal strumming C free

So G rock me mama like a D wagon wheel
Em Rock me mama any C way you feel
G Hey D mama C rock me C
G Rock me mama like the D wind and the rain
Em Rock me mama like a C south-bound train
G Hey D mama C rock me

G - Single Strum

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C

Wake Me Up [Am]Avicii

Am F C G x2

Verse 1
Am Feeling my F way through the C darkness
Am Guided F by a beating C heart
Am I can't F tell where the C journey will end
Am But I F know where to C start
Am They tell me F I'm too young to underCstand
Am They say I'm F caught up in a C dream
Am Well life will F pass me by if I C don't open up my eyes
Am Well that's F fine by C me

Chorus x 2
So wake me Am up when F it's all C over G
When I'm Am wiser F and I'm C older
Am All this time I was F finding C myself G
And Am I didn't F know I was C lost

Am F C G x4

Verse 2
Am I tried F carrying the weight of C the world
Am But I F only have two C hands
Am I hope I get the F chance to C travel the world
Am And I don't F have any C plans
Am I wish that I could F stay forever this C young
Not aAmfraid to close my C eyes
Am Life's a F game made for C everyone
Am And F love is the C prize

Chorus x 2
So wake me Am up when F it's all C over G
When I'm Am wiser F and I'm C older
Am All this time I was F finding C myself G
And Am I didn't F know I was C lost

Am I didn't F know I was C lost
Am I didn't F know I was C lost
Am I didn't F know I was C lost
Am I didn't F know.....

Am F C G x4

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go [G]Wham!

G* Jitterbug tap or scratch on ukes Am G x4

Bass Note

Verse 1
G You put the boom-boom into my heart,
You send my Am soul sky-high when your G lovin starts
G Jitterbug into my brain, G
Goes a bang, Am bang, bang ‘til my G feet do the same
But Am something’s bugging you Bm something‘aint right,
My C best friend told me what you Bm did last night
Am Left me sleepin’ Bm in my bed
C I was dreamin’ but I D* should have been with you instead! D* D*

Wake me G up, before you go-go
Don’t leave me Am hanging on like a G yo-yo
G Wake me up, before you go-go
I don’t want to Am miss it when you hit that G high
G Wake me up, before you go-go
‘Cause I’m not Am plannin’ on going G solo
G Wake me up, before you go-go-ah
Bm Take me D dancing toGnight G7
I wanna hit that G high G7 yeah yeah yeah

Verse 2
G You take the grey skies out of my way,
You make the Am sun shine brighter than G Doris Day
G Turned a bright spark into a flame yeah yeah
My Am beats per minute never been the G same
Am Cause you’re my lady, Bm I’m your fool
It C makes me crazy when Bm you act so cruel
Am Come on baby, Bm let’s not fight
C We’ll go dancing, D* everything will be alright D* D*


Am Am G G
Am Am G G

G* Jitterbug tap or scratch on ukes Am G x4

Am Cuddle up baby, Bm move in tight,
C We’ll go dancin’ Bmtomorrow night
It’s Am cold out there, but it’s Bm warm in bed,
C They can dance, D* we’ll stay home instead D* D*


Ends On slowing
G* Take me Am* dancing toGniiiiiiiiiight G

Alternative Ending

1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 1 1 Bm 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7

Walk Like An Egyptian [A]Bangles

Intro w/ Kazoo

Verse 1
A All the old paintings on the tombs, A They do the sand dance don't you know
A If they move too quick oh whey oh, A They're falling down like a domino
A All the bazaar men by the Nile, A They got the mon-ey on a bet
A Gold crocodiles oh whey oh, A They snap their teeth on your cigarette

D Foreign types in the hooka pipes say D Ay oh whey oh oh,
D ay oh whey o-D-oooooh
A* Walk like an Egyptian A*

Instrumental w/ Kazoo

Verse 2
A The blonde waitresses take their trays, A They spin around and they cross the floor
A They've got the moves oh whey oh, A You drop your drink then they bring you more
A All the school kids so sick of books, A They like the punk and the metal band
A When the buzzer rings oh whey oh, A They're walking like an Egyptian

D All the kids in the marketplace say, D Ay oh whey oh oh,
D ay oh whey o-D-oooooh
A* Walk like an Egyptian A*

C C C C  A A A A
C C C C  A A A A

NC Slide your feet up the street bend your back, NC Shift your arm then you pull it back
NC Life's hard you know oh whey oh, NC So strike a pose on a Cadillac

Verse 4
A If you want to find all the cops, A They're hanging out in the donut shop
A They sing and dance oh whey oh, A Spin the clubs cruise down the block
A All the Japanese with their yen, A The party boys call the Kremlin
A And the Chinese know oh whey oh, A They walk the line like Egyptian

D All the cops in the doughnut shop say, D Ay oh whey oh oh,
D ay oh whey o-D-oooooh
A* Walk like an Egyptian A*
A* Walk like an Egyptian A*

Outro w/ Kazoo


1 2 A 1 1 1 D 3 C × × × × NC

Walk On The Wild Side [C]Lou Reed


Verse 1
C Holly came from Miami, F.L. F A.
C Hitch-hiked her way across the US F A
C Plucked her eyebrows Dm on the way
F Shaved her legs and then Dm he was a she
She says, C Hey babe, Take a walk on the F wild side
C Hey Honey, Take a walk on the F wild side


Verse 2
C Candy came from out on the F Island
C In the backroom she was everybody's F darlin'
C But she never Dm lost her head
F Even when she was Dm giving head
C She says, Hey babe, Take a walk on the F wild side
I Said, C Hey Candy, Take a walk on the F wild side

and the coloured girls go,
C doo de doo doo, doo de doo
F doo de doo doo, doo de doo
C doo de doo doo, doo de doo
F doo de doo doo, doo de doo C doo


Verse 3
C Little Joe never once gave it a F way
C Everybody had to pay and F pay
C A hustle here and a Dm hustle there
F New York City's Dm the place where they say,
C Hey babe, take a walk on the F wild side
I said, C Hey Joe, Take a walk on the F wild side


Verse 4
C Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the F streets
C Lookin' for soul food and a place to F eat
C Went to the Dm Apollo
F You should've seen em Dm go go go
They said, C Hey sugar, take a walk on the F wild side
I said, C Hey babe, Take a walk on the F wild side


Verse 5
C Jackie is just speeding a F way
C Thought she was James Dean for a F day
C Then I guess she Dm had to crash
F Valium would have Dm helped that bash
Said, C Hey babe, Take a walk on the F wild side
I said, C Hey Jackie, Take a walk on the F wild side

Final Bridge - Repeat the Doo Doos until count out

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm

Walk of Life [D]Dire Straits

Intro DDa da... da da da da Gda da...
Da da Ada da... da da da da da Gda da.. da Ada da da da da da

DHere comes Johnny singing oldies, goldies Be- bop-a-lua, Baby What I Say
Here comes Johnny singing I Gotta Woman
Down in the tunnels trying to make it D7pay

G He got the action... he got the motion... D oh yeah, the boy can play
G Dedication... devotion... Dturning all the night time into the day
He do the song about the sweet lovin' Awoman
He do the Dsong about the knife G
He do the Dwalk... A he do the walk of Glife
AYeah he do the walk of Dlife

Instrumental DGAG-A

D Here comes Johnny and he'll tell you the story
Hand me down my walkin' shoes
Here come Johnny with the power and the glory
Backbeat the talkin' D7 blues

G He got the action, he got the motion D Oh yeah, the boy can play
G Dedication devotion D turning all the night time into the day
He do the song about the sweet lovin' A woman
He do the Dsong about the knife G
He do the D walk, A ... he do the walk of G life,
A yeah he do the walk of D life

Instrumental DGAG-A DGAG-A D

D Here comes Johnny singing oldies, goldies
Be-bop-a-lua, Baby What I Say
Here comes Johnny singing I Gotta Woman
Down in the tunnels trying to make it D7pay

G He got the action... he got the motion... D oh yeah, the boy can play
G Dedication... devotion... Dturning all the night time into the day
And after all the violence and Adouble talk
There's just a Dsong in all the trouble and the Gstrife
You do the Dwalk... A you do the walk of Glife
AYeah you do the walk of Dlife

Instrumental DGAGA

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 D7

Walking After Midnight [C]Patsy Cline


Verse 1
I go out C walking after C7 midnight
Out in the F moonlight just like we used to do
I'm always C walking after F midnight G7 Searching for C you G7

Verse 2
I walk for C miles, along the C7 highway
Well that's just F my way of saying I love you
I'm always C walking after F midnight G7 searching for C you C7

I stop to F see a weeping willow
Crying on his pillow C maybe he's crying for C me C7
And F as the skies turn gloomy
Night winds whisper to me I'm C lonesome as I can G7 be

Verse 3
C I go out walking, after C7 midnight
Out in the F starlight just hoping you may be
Somewhere a C walking after F midnight G7 searching for C me C7

I stop to F see a weeping willow
Crying on his pillow C maybe he's crying for C me C7
And F as the skies turn gloomy
Night winds whisper to me I'm C lonesome as I can G7 be

Verse 4
C I go out walking, after C7 midnight
Out in the F starlight just hoping you may be
Somewhere a C walking after F midnight G7 searching for C me

F C* G* C*

3 C 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 G

Walking on Sunshine [G]Katrina & The Waves

G C D C x2

Verse 1
I Gused to think maCybe you lovDed me nowC  baby I'm surGeCDC
AndG I just can't waCit  till the Dday when you knCock  on myG doorCDC
Now Gevery time CI  go for the maDilbox, gCotta hold myself GdownCDC
'CausGe I just can't wCait  'til you wDrite me you'rCe coming aGroundCDC

I'm  walking oDn sunshineC Wow!
I'm  walking onD sunshine CWow!
I'm  walking onD sunshine CWow!
And don't it feel goodG  HeyC,  alrighDt now AnCd don't it feel GgoodC,DC

Verse 2
IG used to think mCaybe you loDved me, noCw I  know that it's GtrueCDC
And GI don't want to Cspend  my whole Dlife, justC waiting for GyouCDC
NowG I don't want you Cback for the Dweekend NotC back for a Gday,C  D  C no no no
I said Gbaby I Cjust  want youD back And IC want you to GstayCDC

I'm  walking oDn sunshineC Wow!
I'm  walking onD sunshine CWow!
I'm  walking onD sunshine CWow!
And don't it feel goodG  HeyC,  alrighDt now AnCd don't it feel GgoodC,DC

I feelG alive,  I feel the Clove, I feel the Dlove that's reallyC real
I Gfeel alive,  I feel Cthe love, I feel Dthe love that's reCally real

I'm on Gsunshine Cbaby D Ow!C
I'm on Gsunshine Cbaby DOw!C

I'm  walking oDn sunshineC Wow!
I'm  walking onD sunshine CWow!
I'm  walking onD sunshine CWow!
And don't it feel goodG  HeyC,  alrighDt now AnCd don't it feel GgoodC,DC


end on 1 strum of G

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D

Waterloo [D]ABBA

Intro D x2

Verse 1
D My, my, at E7 Waterloo NaApoleon G did suArrender
Oh D yeah, and E7 I have met my A destiGny in
D quite a A similar Bm way
The Bm history book on the shelf
Is E7 always repeating it A-self  G D      A7

D Waterloo - I was defeated, you G won the war
A Waterloo - Promise to love you for D ever more A
D Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I G wanted to
A Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to D be with you,
D wo, wo, wo, wo
A Waterloo - Finally facing my D Waterloo

Verse 2
D My, my, I E7 tried to hold you A back but
G you were A stronger
Oh D yeah, and E7 now it seems my A only G chance is
D giving A up the Bm fight
And Bm how could I ever refuse
I E7 feel like I win when I A lose  G D    A7


So Bm how could I ever refuse
I E7 feel like I win when I A lose  G D    A7

D Waterloo - I was defeated, you G won the war
A Waterloo - Promise to love you for D ever more A
D Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I G wanted to
A Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to D be with you,
D wo, wo, wo, wo
A Waterloo - Finally facing my D Waterloo

A Waterloo - Finally facing my D Waterloo

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 1 A7

We Are The Champions [Am]Queen

Verse 1
I've paid my Dm dues Am7
Time after Dm time Am7
I've done my Dm sentence Am7
But committed no Dm crime Am7
And bad misFtakes, Bb
I've made a F few Bb
I've had my F share of sand C kicked in my Dm face
But G I've come C through D

G We are the Bm champions, my Em friends C  D
And G we'll keep on Bm fighting 'till the C end E7
Am We are the champions
Cm We are the champions
G No time for F losers
'Cause Bb we are the C champions C
Of the G world

Verse 2
I've taken my Dm bows Am7
And my curtain Dm calls Am7
You brought me Dm fame and fortune and everything that goes Am7 with it
I thank you Dm all Am7
But it's been no bed of F roses Bb
No pleasure F cruise Bb
I consider it a F challenge before the C whole human Dm race
That G I never C lose D

G We are the Bm champions, my Em friends C D
And G we'll keep on Bm fighting C 'till the end E7
Am We are the champions
Cm We are the champions
G No time for F losers
'Cause Bb we are the C champions........
Of.... the.... G woooooorld

Am7 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 1 1 Cm

We Can't Stop / Price Tag [C]

C Em Am F

Price Tag Chorus
It's not about the C money, money, money
We don't need your Em money, money, money
We just wanna make the Am world dance,
Forget about the F Price Tag
Ain't about the hCa Ka-Ching Ka-Ching.
Ain't about the yEmeah Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the Am world dance,
Forget about the F Price Tag.

Verse 1
C Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere.
Em Hands in the air like we don’t care.
Am Cause we came to have so much fun now.
F Got somebody here. Might get some now.
C If you’re not ready to go home
Em Can I get a hell no.
Am Cause we gonna go all night
F Till we see the sunlight, alright.

Second Chorus
So C la da da di we like to party
Em Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we Am want.
This is our F house. This is our rules.
And we can’Ct stop
And we won’Emt stop
Can’t you see it’s Am we who own the night?
Can’t you see it F we who bout’ that life?

And we can’Ct stop
And we won’Emt stop
We run Am things. Things don’t run we.
Don’t take F nothing from nobody.

Price tag chorus

Verse 2
C To my homegirls here with the big butts
Em Shaking it like we at a strip club
Am Remember only God can judge us.
  ForFget the haters cause somebody loves ya.
C And everyone in line in the bathroom
Em Trying to get a line in the bathroom.
Am We all so turnt up here.
F Getting turnt up, yeah. yeah-yeah-yeah

Second Chorus

3 C 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 F

We Will Rock YouQueen

No Chords - just do the Thump Thump Clap!

Verse 1
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place, singin'

We will, we will rock you!
We will, we will rock you!

Verse 2
Buddy, you're a young man, hard man
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place

We will, we will rock you, sing it!
We will, we will rock you, yeah

Verse 3
Buddy, you're an old man, poor man
Pleading with your eyes, gonna get you some peace someday
You got mud on your face, big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place

We will, we will rock you, sing it
We will, we will rock you, everybody
We will, we will rock you,
We will, we will rock you

Kazoo solo to end - keep the Thump Thump Clap! going

Weather With You [Em]Crowded House

Em7 A7 x4

Verse 1
Walking 'round the Em7 room singing Stormy A7 Weather
At 5Em77 Mount Pleasant A7 Street
Now it's the Em7 same room but everything's A7 different
You can fight the Em7 sleep but not the A7 dream

Verse 2
Dm Things ain't C cookin'... Dm in my C kitchen
Dm Strange affCliction wash F o-o-over me
Dm Julius C Caesar... Dm and the Roman C Empire
Dm Couldn't C conquer the F blue-ue-ue sky-Gy

Em7 A7 x2

Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the D weather with you
Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the D weather
Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the G weather with you
Everywhere you D go... you always take the G weather
The A7sus4 weather with you

Em7 A7 x2

Verse 3
There's a Em7 small boat made of A7 china
Going Em7 nowhere on the mantle A7 piece
Do I Em7 lie like a lounge room A7 lizard
Or do I Em7 sing like a bird reA7leased

Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the D weather with you
Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the D weather
Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the G weather with you
Everywhere you D go... you always take the G weather
The A7sus4 weather with you

Em7 A7 x2

Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the D weather with you
Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the D weather
Everywhere you A7sus4 go... you always take the G weather with you
Everywhere you D go... you always take the G weather
Take the A7sus4 weather, the weather with you D

D D D D//

2 3 Em7 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 A7sus4 1 1 1 D

Wellerman (Sea Shanty) [Am]Nathan Evans

There Am once was a ship that put to sea, and the Dm name of the ship was the Am Billy of Tea
The Am winds blew up, her bow dipped down, Oh E7 blow, me bully boys, Am blow huh

F Soon may the C Wellerman come, to Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin’ is done, we'll E7 take our leave and Am go

Am ... two, three, four

Am She'd not been two weeks from shore, when Dm down on her a Am right whale bore
The Am captain called all hands and swore, he'd E7 take that whale in Am tow huh

F Soon may the C Wellerman come, to Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin’ is done, we'll E7 take our leave and Am go

Refrain - same melody as chorus
F Da-da da C da da-da, Dm Da-da da-da-da Am da da-da
F Da-da da C da da-da, E7 Da da da da Am da-da

Am Before the boat had hit the water, the Dm whaaale's tail came Am up and caught her
Am All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her E7 when she dived down Am low huh

F Soon may the C Wellerman come, to Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin’ is done, we'll E7 take our leave and Am go

Am ... two, three, four

Am No line was cut, no whale was freed, the Dm captain's mind was Am not of greed
And Am he belonged to the Whaleman's creed, she E7 took that ship in Am tow huh

F Soon may the C Wellerman come, to Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin’ is done, we'll E7 take our leave and Am go

Refrain - same melody as chorus
F Da-da da C da da-da, Dm Da-da da-da-da Am da da-da
F Da-da da C da da-da, E7 Da da da da Am da-da

For Am forty days or even more, the Dm line went slack then Am tight once more
All Am boats were lost, there were only four, but E7 still that whale did Am go huh

F Soon may the C Wellerman come, to Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin’ is done, we'll E7 take our leave and Am go

Am ... two, three, four

As Am far as I've heard, the fight's still on, the Dm line's not cut, and the Am whale's not gone
The Am Wellerman makes his regular call, to en-Dmcourage the captain, Am crew and all

Chorus repeat and get faster each time

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 3 C

What Makes You Beautiful [D]One Direction


A You're inseDcure,
G Don't know what A for,
You're turning D heads when you G walk through the A door,
Don't need makeDup, to G cover D up,
Being the way that you D are is A enough

D Everyone Bm else in the room can A see it,
D Everyone G else but Em you

Baby you D light up my G world like noAbody else,
The way that D you flip your G hair gets me A overwhelmed,
But when you D smile at the ground it ain't Bm hard to A tell,
You don't D know, oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only G you saw what A I can see,
You'll underDstand why I G want you so A desperately,
Right now I'm D looking at G you and I A can't believe,
You don't D know, oh, oh G oh,
Bm You don't know you're A beautiDful, oh oh,
A That's what makes you beautiDful

G Bm

D So come on, G you got it A wrong,
D To prove I'm right, I put G it in a A song,
I don't know D why, you're G being A shy,
And D turn away when I G look into your A eye eye eyes

D Everyone Bm else in the room can A see it,
D Everyone G else but E you


A Na na G na na na Bm na na A na

Baby you D light up my G world like noAbody else,
The way that D you flip your G hair gets me A overwhelmed,
But when you G smile at the ground it ain't A hard to tell,
You don't Bm know, oh oh,
Em You don't know you're beautiDful,


1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 Em 1 2 E

What a Wonderful World [A]Sam Cooke

Verse 1
A Don’t know much about F#mhistory
D Don’t know much E7biology
A Don’t know much about a F#mscience book
D Don’t know much about the E7French I took
A But I do know that DI love you
A And I know that if you Dlove me too
What a E7wonderful world this could Abe

Verse 2
A Don’t know much about F#mgeography
D Don’t know much trigo-E7nometry
A Don’t know much about F#malgebra
D Don’t know what a slideE7rule is for
A But I do know one and Done is two
A And if this one could Dbe with you
What a E7wonderful world this could Abe

Now E7I don’t claim... to Abe an ‘A’ student
E7But I’m tryin’ to Abe
For B7maybe by being an ‘A’ student baby
I could win your E7love for me-e-e

Verse 3
A Don’t know much about the F#mmiddle ages
D Looked at the pictures and I E7turned the pages
A Don’t know nothin’ ‘bout noF#mrise and fall
D Don’t know nothin’ ‘bout E7 nothin’ at all
A But I do know that DI love you
A And I know that if you Dloved me too
What a E7 wonderful world this could Abe

Verse 4
A Don’t know much about F#mhistory
D Don’t know much E7biology
A Don’t know much about a F#mscience book
D Don’t know much about the E7French I took
A But I do know that DI love you
A And I know that if you Dlove me too
What a E7wonderful world this could A be A* A*

1 2 A 1 2 3 F#m 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 B7

What about us [Em]Pink



  La daEm da da da      La da dCa da da      Mm da dGa da

Verse 1
We are EmsearchClights, we can see in the daGrk
We are EmrocCkets, pointed up at the stGars
We are EmbillCions, of beautiful heaGrts
And you Emsold Cus down the river too Gfar

What about Emus?
What about Call the times you said you had the Ganswers?
What about Emus?
What about Call the broken happy ever Gafters?
What about Emus?
What about Call the plans that ended in Gdisaster?
What about Emlove? What about Ctrust?
What about Gus?

Verse 2
We are EmproCblems, that want to be Gsolved
We are EmchilCdren, that need to be Gloved
We were EmwillCing, we came when you Gcalled
But man, you Emfooled Cus, enough is eGnough

What about Emus?
What about Call the times you said you had the Ganswers?
What about Emus?
What about Call the broken happy ever Gafters?
Oh, what about Emus?
What about Call the plans that ended in Gdisaster?
Oh, what about Emlove? What about Ctrust?
What about Gus?


Em C G G x2

What about Emus?
What about Call the plans that ended in Gdisaster?
What about Emlove? What about Ctrust?
What about Gus?

EmSticks and stones, they may Cbreak these bones
But thenG I'll be ready,G are you ready?
EmIt's the start of Emus, Cwaking up, come Con
G Are you ready?G I'll be ready
EmI don't want control, CI want to let go
G Are you ready?G I'll be ready
Em'Cause now it's time to Clet them know
Gm7What about Emus?

What about Call the times you said you had the Ganswers?
So what about Emus?
What about Call the broken happy ever Gafters?
Oh, what about Emus?
What about Call the plans that ended in Gdisaster?
Oh, what about Emlove? What about Ctrust?
What Gabout us?

*1 down strum with chord*
EmWhat about us?
CWhat about us?
What aboGut us?
EmWhat about us? *Light strumming*
CWhat about us?
What about us? *Vocals only*

1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 2 Gm7

What's Up [G]4 Non Blondes

G Am C G

Verse 1
G 25 years of my life and still
Am Trying to get up that great big hill of C hope
For a desti-Gnation
I G realized quickly when I knew I should
That the Am world was made for this brotherhood
Of C man
For whatever that G means

And so I G cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to Am get it all out, what's in my head
And I, C I'm feeling
A little peGculiar
And so I G wake in the morning and I step outside
And I Am take deep breath and I get real high
And I C scream to the top of my lungs
What's goin' G on?
And I say G hey-yeah-yeah-yeah,
Am Hey yea yea
I say C hey
What's goin' G on?
And I say G hey-yeah-yea-eah,
Am Hey yea yea
I say C hey
What's goin' G on?

G Oooh, oo!.. oo oo-Am Oo-hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
C Oooh! ...ooo-hoo-hoo-ah-Gha

Verse 2
And I G try
Oh my God do I Am try
I try all the C time
In this instiGtution
And I G pray,
Oh my God do I Am pray
I pray every single C day
For a revoGlution


Outro - single strums
G 25 years of my life and still
Am Trying to get up that great big hill of C hope.... for a destiGnation

1 2 3 G 2 Am 3 C

When I’m Gone (The Cups Song) [C]

Verse 1
C I got my ticket for the long way round
F Two bottles of whiskey for the C way
And I F sure would G like some Am sweet company
And I'm Dm leaving to- G morrow, what do you C say

Chorus 1
When I'm Am gone
When I'm F gone
Am You're gonna miss me when I'm G gone
You're gonna Am miss me by my G hair
You're gonna F miss me everywhere, oh
Dm You're gonna G miss me when I'm C gone

Verse 2
C I got my ticket for the long way round
F The one with the prettiest of C views
It's got F mountains, it’s got G rivers, it's got Am sights to give you shivers
But it Dm sure would be G prettier with C you

Chorus 2
When I'm Am gone
When I'm F gone
Am You're gonna miss me when I'm G gone
You're gonna Am miss me by my walk
You're gonna F miss me by my talk, oh
Dm You're gonna G miss me when I'm C gone

Chorus 1
When I'm Am gone
When I'm F gone
Am You're gonna miss me when I'm G gone
You're gonna Am miss me by my G hair
You're gonna F miss me everywhere, oh
Dm You're gonna G miss me when I'm C gone

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm

Where do you go to my Lovely? [C]Peter Sarstedt

Verse 1
You C talk like Marlene Em Dietrich And you F dance like Zizi Jean G Maire
Your C clothes are all made by Em Balmain
And there’s F diamonds and pearls in your G hair G7-Em7-G
You C live in a fancy Em apartment On the F boulevard St MiGchel
Where you C keep your Rolling Stones Em records
And a F friend of Sacha DiGstel G7-Em7-G

But C where do you go to my Em lovely F When you’re alone in your G bed?
C Tell me the thoughts that surEmround you I F want to look inside your G head G7-Em7-G

Verse 2
When you C go on your summer vacEmation You F go to Juan-les-GPins
With your C carefully designed topless Em swimsuit
You F get an even sunGtan, on your G7 back, and on your Em7 legs G
When C the snow falls you’re found in StEmMoritz With the F others of the jetGset
And you C sip your Napoleon Em brandy But you F never get your lips G wet G7-Em7-G

But C where do you go to my Em lovely F When you’re alone in your G bed?
C Tell me the thoughts that surEmround you I F want to look inside yourGhead G7-Em7-G

Verse 3
Your C name it is heard in high Em places You F know the Aga G Khan
He C sent you a racehorse for Em Christmas
And you F keep it just for G fun, for a G7 laugh, a-ha-ha Em7 ha G

I remCember the back Em streets of Naples Two F children begging in G rags
Both C touched with a burning amEmbition
To F shake off off their lowly born G tags, yes they G7 try Em7-G

Verse 4
You're C in between twenty and Em thirty, A F very desirable G age,
Your C body is firm and inEmviting,
But you F live on a glittering G stage, yes you G7 do, yes you Em7 do G

So C look into my face Marie Em Claire
And Fremember just who you G are
Then C go and forget me forEmever, but
I F know you still bear the G scar, deep G7 inside, yes you Em7 do G

I C know where you go to my Em lovely F When you’re alone in your G bed
C I know the thoughts that surEmround you
*slow single strums Cos Dm I can look G inside your C head

Outro - Instrumental same as verse
C Em F G
C Em F G G7 Em7 G
C - single strum

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 2 3 Em7 1 2 3 Dm

Where the streets have no name [G]U2

Verse 1
G I want to run, I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls that hold me inCside
I want to reach Em out, and touch the D flame
Where the F streets have no name

Verse 2
G I want to feel sunlight on my face
I see the dust cloud disappear without a C trace
I want to take Em shelter from the poison D rain
Where the F streets have no name

Where the streets have no G name
Where the streets have no name
We're still building then C burning down love
Burning down love
And when I Em go there
I go there with D you
It's all G I can do

Verse 3
The city's G aflood and our love turns to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind trampled in C dust
I'll show you a Em place high on a D desert plain
Where the F streets have no name

Where the streets have no G name
Where the streets have no name
We're still building then C burning down love
Burning down love
And when I Em go there
I go there with D you
It's all G I can do

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 F

Whiskey In The Jar [C]Thin Lizzy

Verse 1
C As I was a goin' over the Am far famed Kerry mountains
I F met with Captain Farrell and his C money he was counting
I C first produced my pistol and I Am then produced my rapier
Said F "Stand and deliver" for you C are my bold deceiver

With me G ring dum-a doo dum-a da
C Whack for the daddy-o F whack for the daddy-o
There's C whiskey G7 in the C jar.

Verse 2
I C counted out his money and it Am made a pretty penny
I F put it in me pocket and I C brought it home to Jenny
She C said and she swore that she Am never would deceive me
But the F devil take the women for they C never can be easy


Verse 3
I C went into my chamber, all Am for to take a slumber
I F dreamt of gold and jewels and for C sure it was no wonder
But C Jenny drew me charges and she Am filled them up with water
Then F sent for captain Farrell to be C ready for the slaughter.


Verse 4
It was C early in the morning, just beAmfore I rose to travel
The F guards were all around me and C likewise Captain Farrell
I C first produced me pistol for she Am stole away me rapier
But I F couldn't shoot the water, so a C prisoner I was taken.


Verse 5
If C anyone can aid me, it's my Am brother in the army,
If F I can find his station in C Cork or in Killarney.
And C if he'll come and save me, we'll go Am roving near Kilkenny,
and I F swear he'll treat me better than me C darling sportling Jenny.


Verse 6
Now C some men take delight in the Am drinking and the roving,
But F others take delight in the C gambling and the smoking.
But C I take delight in the Am juice of the barley,
and F courting pretty Jenny in the C morning bright and early.

With me G ring dum-a doo dum-a da
C Whack for the daddy-o F whack for the daddy-o
There's C whiskey G7 in the C jar.

REPEAT CHORUS Slow up On The Last Line

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

Wide Open Spaces [D]Dixie Chicks

Verse 1
D Who doesn't G know what I'm D talking about
Who's never left G home, who's never D struck out
To find a G dream and a life of their D own
A G place in the clouds, a foundation A of stone

Verse 2
D Many pre-G cede and many will D follow
A young girl's G dream no longer D hollow
It takes the G shape of a place out D west
But what it G holds for her, she hasn't A yet guessed

She needs D wide Em open G spaces A
D Room to Em make her big G mistakes A
She needs D Em new G faces
She A knows the high D stakes Em G A

Verse 3
D She traveled this G road as a D child
Wide eyed and G grinning, she never D tired
But now she G won't be coming back with the D rest
If these are G life's lessons, she'll take A this test


D As her folks drive G away, her dad yells, D "Check the oil!"
Mom stares out the G window and says, "I'm D leaving my girl"
She said, "It G didn't seem like that long a-D go"
When she G stood there and let her own A folks know

She needed D wide Em open G spaces A
D Room to Em make her big G mistakes A
She needs D Em new G faces
She A knows the high D stakes

She Em knows the highest G stakes
She knows the A highest D stakes Em G
She A knows the highest D stakes Em G
She A knows the highest D stakes

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em

Wild Rover [C]The Dubliners

C G7 C C

Verse 1
I've C been a wild rover for many a F year
And I C spent all me G7 money on whiskey and C beer
But C now I'm returning with gold in great F store,
And I C promise to G7 play the wild rover no C more

And it's G7 no, nay, never
C No, nay, never, no F more,
Will I C play the wild F rover,
No G7 never, no C more C

Verse 2
I C went to an ale house I used to fre-Fquent,
And I C told the landG7lady me money’s all C spent,
I C asked her for credit, she answered me F "Nay...
Sure a C custom like G7 yours I could get any C day."


Verse 3
I C took from my pocket 10 sovereigns F bright,
And the C landlady's G7 eyes opened up with de-Clight,
She C said, "I have whiskeys and wines of the F best,
And the C words that I G7 told you were only in C jest.


Verse 4
I'll go C home to my parents, confess what I've F done,
And I'll C ask them to G7 pardon their prodigal C son,
And C if they forgive me as oft times be-Ffore,
Then I C never will G7 play the wild rover no C more!

And it's G7 no, nay, never
C No, nay, never, no F more,
Will I C play the wild F rover,
No G7 never, no C more C

And it's G7 no, nay, never
C No, nay, never, no F more,
Will I C/// plaaaay the wild F/// rover,
No G7/// never, no C////// more.

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F

Will You Still Love me Tomorrow? [C]The Shirelles


Verse 1
C Tonight you’re Am mine comFpletely G
C You give your Am love so sweetGly
ToEmnight the light of Am love is in your eyes
F But will you G love me toCmorrow?

Verse 2
C Is this a Am lasting F treasure G?
C Or just a Am moment’s pleaGsure?
Can Em I believe the Am magic of your sighs?
F Will you still G love me toCmorrow?

F Tonight with words unEmspoken
F You said that I’m the only C one
F But will my heart be Em broken
When the F night meets the D7 morning F sun? G

Verse 3
C I’d like to Am know that F your love G
C Is a love I Am can be G sure of
So Em tell me now and Am I won’t ask again
F Will you still G love me toCmorrow?
F Will you still G love me toCmorrow? C7
F Will you still G love me toCmorrow?

3 C 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7 1 C7

Will You? [Dm]Hazel O’Connor

Intro Dm

Dm You drink your F coffee,
While Bb I sip my C tea,
And we're Dm sitting here, F playing so cool,
Thinking, Bb 'What will be, will A be.'

F And it's getting kind of C late now,
Dm Oh, I wonder if you'll A stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now,
Or Dm will you F just po-Glitely say Dm 'Goodnight'? A

Dm I move a little F closer to you,
Bb Not knowing C quite what to do and I'm
Dm Feeling all F fingers and thumbs,
I spill my Bb tea, oh silly A me,

F But it's getting kind of C late now,
Dm Oh, I wonder if you'll A stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now,
Or Dm will you F just po-Glitely say Dm 'Goodnight'? A

And then we F touch, much too C much,
This Dm moment has been waiting for a A long, long time,
It makes me F shiver, Makes me C quiver,
Dm This moment I am so unsure,
This C moment I have waited for,
Well is it Bb something you've been waiting for,
Waiting for A too?

Dm Take off your eyes, F Bare your soul,
Bb Gather me to you and C make me whole,
Dm Tell me your secrets, F Sing me the song,
Bb Sing it to me in the A silent dawn.

F But it's getting kind of C late now,
Dm Oh, I wonder if you'll A stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now,
Or Dm will you F just po-Glitely say Dm 'Goodnight'? A

Outro Dm A Dm F G Dm A Dm

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 G

Will ye go lassie go? [C]Francis McPeake

Verse 1
C Oh the summer F time is C come
And the F trees are sweetly C blooming
And the F wild Gmountain Am thyme
Grows a Dm round the blooming F heather

Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go toCgether
To pluck F wild G mountain Am thyme
All aDmround the blooming F heather
Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?

Verse 2
I will C build my F love a C tower
By yon F clear crystal C fountain
And F round it G I will Am pile
All the Dm flowers of the F mountain

Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go toCgether
To pluck F wild G mountain Am thyme
All aDmround the blooming F heather
Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?

Verse 3
If my C true love F she were C gone
I would F surely find aCnother
To pluck F wild G mountain Am thyme
All a Dm round the blooming F heather

Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go toCgether
To pluck F wild G mountain Am thyme
All aDmround the blooming F heather
Will ye C gooooooo,
F lassieeeeee,
C will ye gooooo?

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm

With a Little Help from My Friends [G]The Beatles

Verse 1
G What would you D think if I Am sang out of tune
Would you stand up and D walk out on G me
Lend me your D ears and I'll Am sing you a song
And I'll try not to D sing out of G key

Oh I get F by with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm I get F high with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm gonna F try with a little C help from my G friends D7

Verse 2
G What do I D do when my Am love is away
Does it worry you to D be aGlone
How do I D feel by the Am end of the day
Are you sad because you're D on your G own

Oh I get F by with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm I get F high with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm gonna F try with a little C help from my G friends

Do you Em neeeeed anyAbody... I G need someFbody to C love
Could it Em beeeeee anyAbody... I G want someFbody to C love

Verse 3
G Would you belDieve in Am love at first sight
Yes I'm certain that it D happens all the G time
What do you D see when you Am turn out the light
I can't tell you but I D know it’s G mine

Oh I get F by with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm I get F high with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm gonna F try with a little C help from my G friends

Do you Em neeeeed anyAbody... I G need someFbody to C love
Could it Em beeeeee anyAbody... I G want someFbody to C love

Oh I get F by with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm I get F high with a little C help from my G friends
Mmm gonna F try with a little C help from my G friends

With a little help from my Bb friiiieeeCeennnnnds G

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 D7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 A 1 2 3 Bb

With or Without You [D]U2

D A Bm G
D A Bm G

Verse 1
D See the A stone set in your Bm eyes
See the G thorn twist in your D side
And I'll A wait for Bm you G
D Sleight of A hand and twist of Bm fate
On a bed of G nails, she makes me D wait
And I'll A wait, withBmout you G
With or withDout you A, with or withBmout you G

Verse 2
D Through the A storm we reach the Bm shore
You give it G all but I want D more
And I'm A waiting for Bm you G

With or withDout you, A with or withBmout you I G
I can't D live A with or withBmout you G

D A Bm G

And you D give yourself aAway, and you Bm give yourself aGway
And you D give, And you A give, And you Bm give yourself aGway

D My hands are A tied, Bm my body G bruised, she's got me D with
nothing to A win, and Bm nothing left to G lose

And you D give yourself aAway, and you Bm give yourself aGway
And you D give, And you A give,
And you Bm give yourself aGway

With or withDout you, A with or withBmout you I G
I can't D live A with or withBmout youG

D Oh oh oh A oh Bm Oh oh oh G oh
D Oh oh oh A oh Bm Oh G

With or withDout you, A with or withBmout you G
I can't D live A with or withBmout you G

with or withDout you

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G

Wonder Of You [G]Elvis Presley

G Em Am D

Verse 1
G When no one else can underEmstand me,
Am When everything I do is D wrong,
G You give me hope and consoEmlation
Am You give me strength to carry D on.

You’re G always there,
To G7 lend a hand in C everyDthing I Em do,
That’s the Am wonder, D the wonder of G you. Em Am D

Verse 2
G And when you smile the world is Em brighter, Oh oh oh oh
Am You touch my hand and I’m a D king, Oh oh oh oh
G Your kiss to me is worth a Em fortune Oh oh oh oh
Am Your love for me is everyDthing.

I guess I’ll G never know
The G7 reason why you C love me D like you Em do,
That’s the Am wonder, D the wonder of G you. Em Am D

Instrumental Verse with Oh-Ohs
G Em Oh oh oh oh
Am D Oh oh oh oh
GEm Oh oh oh oh
Am D

I guess I’ll G never know
The G7 reason why you C love me D like you Em do,
That’s the Am wonder, D
The wonder of G yoo-C-oo-Eb oou!G

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7 3 C 1 1 1 Eb

Wonderwall [Am]Oasis

Am C G D x4

Verse 1
Am Today is C gonna be the day
That they're G gonna throw it back to D you
Am By now you C should've somehow ReaGlized what you gotta D do
Am I don't believe that C anybody
G Feels the way I D do about you F now G D D

Am Backbeat the C word is on the street That the G fire in your heart is D out
Am I'm sure you've C heard it all before But you G never really had a D doubt
Am I don't believe that C anybody
G Feels the way I D do about you Am now C G D

And F all the roads we G have to walk along are Am winding
And F all the lights that G lead us there are Am blinding
F There are many G things that I... would
C Like to G say to Am you
I don't know D how D

Because F maybe Am C
You're Am gonna be the one who F saves me Am C
And Am after F all Am C
You're my Am wonderFwall Am C Am* pause

Verse 2
Am Today was C gonna be the day
That they're G gonna throw it back to D you
Am By now you C should've somehow ReaGlized what you gotta D do
Am I don't believe that C anybody
G Feels the way I D do about you Am now C G D

And F all the roads we G have to walk along are Am winding
And F all the lights that G lead us there are Am blinding
F There are many G things that I... would
C Like to G say to Am you
I don't know D how D

Because F maybe Am C
You're Am gonna be the one who F saves me Am C
And Am after F all Am C
You're my Am wonderFwall Am C Am – single strum

2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 F

Wooden Heart [C]Elvis Presley

Can't you C see I love G7 you, please don't C break my heart in two,
that's not hard to do, 'cause I Dm don't have a G7 wooden C heart.

And if you say goodG7bye, then I C know that I would cry,
Maybe I would die, 'cause I Dm don't have a G7 wooden C heart.

There's no G7 strings upon this C love of mine,
it was F always you from the C start.

G7 Treat me C nice, treat me G7 good,
treat me C like you really should,
'cause I'm not made of wood,
and I Dm don't have a G7 wooden C heart.

Muss i C denn, muss i G7 denn
Zum C Staedtele hinaus
Staedtele hinaus
Und Dm du, mein G7 Schatz, bleibst C hier?

Muss i C denn, muss i G7 denn
Zum C Staedtele hinaus
Staedtele hinaus
Und Dm du, mein G7 Schatz, bleibst C hier?

There's no G7 strings upon this C love of mine,
it was F always you from the C start.
G7 Sei mir C gut
Sei mir G7 gut
Sei mir C wie du wirklich sollst
Wie du wirklich sollst
‘cause I Dm don't have a G7 wooden C heart.

G7 C

3 C 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F

World of our Own [C]Westlife

Intro 2 x  C  G F

You make me feel CfunnyG
When Fyou come around
Yeah that's what I found out ChoneyG
What am I Fdoing without you
You make me feel ChappyG
When I Fleave you behind
It plays on my mind now ChoneyG
What am I Fdoing without you
CTook for granted everyFthing we had
As if I'd Cfind someone
Who's just like Fyou

CWe got a little world of our Gown FI'll tell you things that no-one else knows
CI'll let you in where no-one else Ggoes
FWhat am I doing without you
CAnd all of the things I've been looking Gfor Have Falways been here outside of my door
And Call of the time I'm looking for Gsomething Fnew
What am I doing without CyouGF
What am I doing without CyouGF

Well I guess I'm CreadyG
For Fsettling down
And fooling around is CoverG
And I Fswear that it's true
No but's or Cmaybe'sG
When I'm Ffalling down
There's always someone who Csaves meG
And Fgirl it's you
CFunny how life can be Fso surprising
I'm just Crealising what you Fdo

CWe got a little world of our Gown FI'll tell you things that no-one else knows
CI'll let you in where no-one else Ggoes
FWhat am I doing without you
CAnd all of the things I've been looking Gfor Have Falways been here outside of my door
And Call of the time I'm looking for Gsomething Fnew
What am I doing without Emyou
Well it's feeling right Fnow
So let's do it right Emnow

Praying that some how
FYou will understand the Emway
It's feeling right nowF It's feeling right now  baby some how
EmI won't let this slip Gaway

Chorus x 2
CWe got a little world of our Gown FI'll tell you things that no-one else knows
CI'll let you in where no-one else Ggoes
FWhat am I doing without you

Key change

DWe got a little world of our Aown
GI'll tell you things that no-one else knows
DI'll let you in where no-one else Agoes
GWhat am I doing without you
DAnd all of the things I've been looking Afor
Have Galways been here outside of my door
And Dall of the time I'm looking for Asomething Gnew
What am I doing without Dyou

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 1 2 A

YMCA [C]The Village People

Verse 1
C Young man... there’s no need to feel down, I said
Am Young man... pick yourself off the ground, I said
Dm Young man... cos you’re in a new town
There’s no G need... F to... G be... F unChapGpy
C Young man... there’s a place you can go, I said
Am Young man... when you’re short on your dough, you can
Dm Stay there... and I’m sure you will find
Many G ways... F to... G have... F a... C good... G time

G* G* G* G* G*

It’s fun to stay at the C YMCA It’s fun to stay at the Am YMCA
They have Dm everything for you men to enjoy
You can G hang out with all the boys
It’s fun to stay at the C YMCA It’s fun to stay at the Am YMCA
You can Dm get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal
You can G do whatever you feel

Verse 2
C Young man... are you listening to me, I said
Am Young man... what do you want to be, I said
Dm Young man... you can make real your dreams
But you’ve G got... F to... G know... F this... C one... G thing
C No man... does it all by himself, I said
Am Young man... put your pride on the shelf and just
Dm Go there... to the YMCA
I’m sure G they... F can... G help... F you... C toGday

G* G* G* G* G*


Verse 3
C Young man... I was once in your shoes, I said
Am I was... down and out with the blues, I felt
Dm No man... cared if I were alive
I felt G the... F whole... G world... F was... C so... G tight
C That’s when... someone came up to me and said,
Am Young man... take a walk up the street, there’s a
Dm Place there... called the YMCA
They can G start... F you... G back... F on... C your... G way

G* G* G* G* G*

It’s fun to stay at the C YMCA It’s fun to stay at the Am YMCA
They have Dm everything for you men to enjoy
You can G hang out with all the boys
It’s fun to stay at the C YMCA It’s fun to stay at the Am YMCA
You can Dm get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal
You can G do whatever you feel


3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 F

Yes Sir I Can Boogie [C]Baccara

C E7 Am D7 C G


Verse 1
C Mister
E7 Your eyes are full of hesAmitation D7
Sure makes me wonCder
G If you know what you're looking Am for. E7
C Baby
E7 I wanna keep my repuAmtation D7
I'm a senCsation
G You try me once, you'll beg for Am more.

Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
But I F need a certain song.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A looooooong.
Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
If you F stay, you can't go wrong.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A long.

Verse 2
C No Sir
E7 I don't feel very much like Am talking D7
No, neither C walking
G You wanna know if I can Am dance. E7
C Yes Sir
E7 Already told you in the first Am verse D7
And in the C chorus
G But I will give you one more Am chance.

Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
But I F need a certain song.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A looooooong.
Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
If you F stay, you can't go wrong.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A long.

Cha Cha Cha!

3 C 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 A

Yes Sir I Can Boogie (SS) [C]Baccara

C* E7* Am* D7* C* G

C down up strumming here

Verse 1 quiet DuDu strumming
C Mister
E7 Your eyes are full of hesAmitation D7
Sure makes me wonCder
G If you know what you're looking Am for. E7
C Baby
E7 I wanna keep my repuAmtation D7
I'm a senCsation
G You try me once, you'll beg for Am more.

Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
But I F need a certain song.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A looooooong. Dudud, Dudud, Dudud, Down TAP
Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
If you F stay, you can't go wrong.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A long.

Verse 2
C No Sir
E7 I don't feel very much like Am talking D7
No, neither C walking
G You wanna know if I can Am dance. E7
C Yes Sir
E7 Already told you in the first Am verse D7
And in the C chorus
G But I will give you one more Am chance.

Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
But I F need a certain song.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A looooooong.
Oh, C Yes Sir, I can E7 boogie
If you F stay, you can't go wrong.
I can C boogie,
Boogie E7 woogie
All night A long.

ACha Cha Cha!

3 C 1 2 3 E7 2 Am 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 A

Yesterday [G]The Beatles

Chorus 1
G Yesterday
B7 All my troubles seemed so Em far away
D C Now it D looks as though they're G here to stay
Oh Em I beAlieve in C yesterGday

G Suddenly
B7 I'm not half the man I Em used to be
D C There's a D shadow hanging G over me
Oh Em yesterAday came C suddenGly

B7 Why she Em had D to C go
I don't D know she wouldn't G say
B7 I said Em someDthing C wrong
Now I D long for yesterGday

Chorus 2
G Yesterday
B7 Love was such an easy Em game to play
C Now I D need a place to G hide away
Oh Em I beAlieve in C yesterGday

B7 Why she Em had D to C go
I don't D know she wouldn't G say
B7 I said Em someDthing C wrong
Now I D long for yesterGday

Chorus 2
G Yesterday
B7 Love was such an easy Em game to play
C Now I D need a place to G hide away
Oh Em I beAlieve in C yesterGday

Em Mm mm A mm mm C mm mm G mm

1 2 3 G 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 A

You Are My Sunshine [G]

Verse 1
The other G night dear... as I lay dreaming
I dreamt that C you were by my G side
Came disiCllusion... when I aGwoke, dear
You were gone, and D7 then I G cried pause

You are my G sunshine... my only sunshine
You make me C happy... when skies are G grey
You’ll never C know dear... how much I G love you
Please don’t take... my D7 sunshine aGway

Verse 2
You told me G once dear... there’d be no other
And no-one C else could come beGtween
But now you’ve C left me... to love anGother
You have broken D7 all my G dreams

You are my G sunshine... my only sunshine
You make me C happy... when skies are G grey
You’ll never C know dear... how much I G love you
Please don’t take... my D7 sunshine aGway

Verse 3
I’ll always G love you... and make you happy
If you will C only do the G same
But if you C leave me... how it will G grieve me
Never more I’ll D7 breathe your G name

You are my G sunshine... my only sunshine
You make me C happy... when skies are G grey
You’ll never C know dear... how much I G love you
Please don’t take... my D7 sunshine aGway

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 D7

You Can’t Do That [G]The Beatles

G7 I got something to say that might cause you pain
If I catch you talking to that boy again
I'm gonna C7 let you down
And leave you G7 flat
Because I D7 told you before, C7 oh you can't do G7 that D7

Well, it's the G7 second time I've caught you talking to him
Do I have to tell you one more time, I think it's a sin
I think I'll C7 let you down Let you down
And leave you G7 flat Gonna let you down and leave you flat
Because I've D7 told you before, C7 oh You can't do G7 that

Everybody's B greeeEmeen
Cos Am I'm the one who B won your G love
But if they BseeeeEmee you Am talking that way
they Bm laugh in my Dface

So G7 please listen to me, if you wanna stay mine
I can't help my feelings, I'll go out of my mind
I'm gonna C7 let you down Let you down
And leave you G7 flat Gonna let you down and leave you flat
Because I've D7 told you before, C7 oh You can't do G7 that, D7

Instrumental last 2 lines of first verse
G7 C7 G7 D7 C7 G7

Everybody's B greeeEmeen
Cos Am I'm the one who B won your G love
But if they B seeeeEmee you Am talking that way
they Bm laugh in my D face

So G7please listen to me, if you wanna stay mine
I can't help my feelings, I'll go out of my mind
I'm gonna C7 let you down Let you down
And leave you G7 flat Gonna let you down and leave you flat
Because I've D7 told you before, C7 oh You can't do G7 that

1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 Bm 1 1 1 D

You Give Love A Bad Name [Dm]Bon Jovi

Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, darlin' you give love a bad name!

1st Kazoo riff
Dm | Bb | C | Dm    -    Bb | C | Dm
Dm | Bb | C | Dm    -    Bb | C

2nd Kazoo Riff Dm x2

Verse 1
An Dm angel's smile is what you sell, you Dm promise me heaven, then put me through hell
Dm Chains of love got a hold on me, when Dm passion's a prison, you can't break free

Pre Chorus
G Oh you're a loaded gun      Dm yeah,    C oh there's nowhere to run
G No one can save me, the A damage is done

Dm Shot through the Bb heart, and C you're to Dm blame,
Bb you give C love Dm a bad name
I Dm play my Bb part and you C play your Dm game
Bb You give C love a bad Dm name bad name
Bb you give C love..... a bad name Dm

2nd Kazoo Riff Dm x2

Verse 2
Dm Paint your smile on your lips, Dm blood red nails on your fingertips
a Dm school boy's dream, you act so shy, your Dm very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye

Pre Chorus
G Oh you're a loaded gun      Dm yeah,    C oh there's nowhere to run
G No one can save me, the A damage is done


1st Kazoo riff
Dm | Bb | C | Dm    -    Bb | C | Dm
Dm | Bb | C | Dm    -    Bb | C | Dm

Acapella Chorus
Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, you give love a bad name bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name bad name

Dm Shot through the Bb heart, and C you're to Dm blame,
Bb you give C love Dm a bad name
I Dm play my Bb part and you C play your Dm game
Bb You give C love a bad Dm name bad name
Bb you give C love..... a bad name Dm

Outro - 1st Kazoo riff
Dm | Bb | C | Dm    -    Bb | C | Dm
Dm | Bb | C | Dm    -    Bb | C


1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 A

You Left Me Just When I needed you most [C]

Intro C Cmaj7 C7 C

You C packed in the morning, I Cmaj7 stared out the window
And I C7 struggled for something to F say
You left in the rain without C closing the door
Dm I didn't stand in your G7 way

Now C I miss you more than I Cmaj7 missed you before
And now C7 where I'll find comfort, F God knows!
Cause F you C left me, G7 just when I needed you C most
Yes, F you C left me, G7 just when I needed you C most
Now C most every morning I Cmaj7 stare out the window
And I C7 think about where you might F be
I’ve written you letters that C I'd like to send
Dm If you would just send one to G7 me

Now C I need you more than I Cmaj7 needed before
And now C7 where I'll find comfort, F God knows!
‘Cause F you C left me, G7 just when I needed you C most
Yes, F you C left me, G7 just when I needed you C most

Instrumental verse

You C packed in the morning, I Cmaj7 stared out the window
And I C7 struggled for something to F say
You left in the rain without C closing the door
Dm I didn't stand in your G7 way

Now C I love you more than I Cmaj7 loved you before
And now C7 where I'll find comfort, F God knows!
Cause F you C left me G7 Just when I needed you C most
F You C left me, G7 just when I needed you C most
Oh, F you C left me, G7 just when I needed you C most

3 C 2 Cmaj7 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7

You Really Got Me [G]Kinks

INTRO G and Kazoo riff x 4

Girl, you really got me goin'
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin', now
Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night

Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin', now

Oh, yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night

You Really Got Me/ You Really Got Me/ You Really Got Me  C..........

See, don't ever set me free
I always wanna be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night

Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin', now

Oh, yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night

You Really Got Me / You Really Got Me / You Really Got Me / Oh no... C.....

G and Kazoo riff x4

See, don't ever set me free
I always wanna be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night

Yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I don't know what I'm doin', now

Oh, yeah, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night

You Really Got Me / You Really Got Me / You Really Got Me

D*D*D*D* !!!

1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 3 C

You Sexy Thing [F]Hot Chocolate

Intro + Kazoo
F  Bb  F  Bb

F I believe in miracles Bb
Bb Where you F from, you sexy Bb thing, you sexy thing you
F I believe in miracles Bb
Since you came F along, you sexy Bb thing

F Bb F Bb

Verse 1
F Where did you come from Bb baby?
F How did you know, I Bb needed you?
Bb How did you know I C needed you so badly?
Bb How did you know I’d C give my heart gladly?
Yester-Am-day I was Gm one of the lonely people
Am Now you’re lying close to me, making love to C me


Verse 2
F Where did you come from, Bb angel?
F How did you know I’d Bb be the one?
Bb Did you know you’re C everything I prayed for?
Bb Did you know C every night and day for
Every Am day, givin’ Gm love and satisfaction
Am Now you’re lying next to me, giving it to C me

F I believe in miracles Bb
Bb Where you F from, you sexy Bb thing, you sexy thing you
F I believe in miracles Bb
Since you came F along, you sexy Bb thing

F Kiss me!, you sexy Bb thing
F Touch me baby!  you sexy Bb thing
I love the way you F touch me darling, you sexy Bb thing
Oh, it's F ecstasy, you sexy thing Bb
Yester-Am-day I was Gm one of the lonely people
Am Now your lying close to me , giving it to C me


F Kiss me!, you sexy Bb thing
F Touch me!  you sexy Bb thing
F Squeeze me! you sexy Bb thing
F Cuff me!  you sexy Bb thing

add infinite lewd suggestions to fade

Bb You sexy F thiiiiiiiiing

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Gm

You Spin Me Right Round [Dm]Dead Or Alive

Dm G Dm G

Dm If I .... I get to know your G name
Well Dm  I....  could trace your private G number baby-y

Dm All I know is that to me F You look like you're lots of fun
G Open up your lovin' arms A I want some, want Dm some

I set my sights on G you and no one else will do
And Dm I.... I've got to have my G way now baby-y

Dm All I know is that to me F You look like you're havin' fun
G Open up your lovin' arms A* Watch out, here I Dm come

Dm You spin me F right round, C baby Right Dm round, like a record, baby
G Right round A round round
Dm You spin me F right round C baby Right Dm round, like a record, baby
G Right round A round round

Dm Dm

Dm I, I, I, I, I got be your G friend now, baby-y
And Dm I, I, I, I, would like to move in just a G little bit closer little bit closer

Dm All I know is that to me F You look like you're lots of fun
G Open up your lovin' arms A* I want some, want Dm some

Dm You spin me F right round, C baby Right Dm round, like a record, baby
G Right round A round round
Dm You spin me F right round C baby Right Dm round, like a record, baby
G Right round A round round

I want your Dm loooo-o-o-oo-o-o G-oooove
I want your Dm loooo-o-o-oo-o-o-G oooove

Dm All I know is that to me F You look like you're havin' fun
G Open up your lovin' arms A* Watch out, here I Dm come

Chorus x2
Dm You spin me F right round, C baby Right Dm round, like a record, baby
G Right round A round round
Dm You spin me F right round C baby Right Dm round, like a record, baby
G Right round A round round

Dm - single strum

1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 A 3 C

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [G]The Beatles

Verse 1
G Here I D stand F head in G hand
C Turn my face to the F wall C
G If she's D gone I F can't go G on
C Feelin' two foot F smaaCaaaDaall

G EveryDwhere F people G stare
C Each and every F day C
G I can D see them F laugh at G me
C And I hear them F saaCayDsus4ay D Asus4 D

G Hey you've got to C hide your love aDsus4way D Asus4 D
G Hey you've got to C hide your love aDsus4way D Asus4 D

Verse 2
G How could D I F even G try
C I can never F win C
G Hearing D them F seeing G them
C In the state I'm F iiiiiCiiiiDiiin

G How could D she F say to G me
C Love will find a F way C
G Gather D round F all youG clowns
C Let me hear you F saaCayDsus4ay D Asus4 D

G Hey you've got to C hide your love aDsus4way D Asus4 D
G Hey you've got to C hide your love aDsus4way D Asus4 D

G - single strum

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 Dsus4 2 3 Asus4

Young Hearts Run Free [F]Candi Statton

Intro w/ Riff
Bb  Bb

Verse 1
F What's the sense in sharing this one and only life
F Ending up, just another lost and lonely wife
Bb You count up the years, and Bb they will be filled with F tears, oooh

F Love only breaks up, to start over again
F You'll get the babies, but you won't have your man
Bb While he is busy loving Bb every woman that he F can, uh huh

C Say I gonna leave a hundred times a day
C It's easier said than done, when I just can't break away
C Just can't break away

Bb Young hearts, run free
Bbmaj7 Never be hung up, hung up like my man and F me
F My man and me........Woahhhhhhh
Bb Young hearts, to yourself be true
Bbmaj7 Don't be no fool when, love really don't love F you
F It don't love you

Verse 2
F It's high time, just one crack at life
F Who wants to live it, in trouble and strife
Bb My mind must be free, to Bb learn all I can about F me.....mmm hmmm

F I'm gonna love me for the rest of my days
F Encourage the babies every time they say
Bb Self presevation is what's Bb really going on toFday

C Say I'm gonna turn loose a thousand times a day
C But how can I turn loose
C When I just can't break away when I just can't break away Ohhhhh

Chorus x2
Bb Young hearts, run free
Bbmaj7 Never be hung up, hung up like my man and F me
F My man and me........Woahhhhhhh
Bb Young hearts, to yourself be true
Bbmaj7 Don't be no fool when love really don't love F you
F It don't love you


1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 Bbmaj7

You’re Gonna Lose That Girl [C]The Beatles

NC You're gonna C lose that girl Am
You're gonna Dm lose that G7 girl

Verse 1
C If you don't take her E7 out tonight
She's gonna Dm change her mind G7
C And I will take her E7 out tonight
And I will Dm treat her kind G7

You're gonna C lose that girl Am
You're gonna Dm lose that G7 girl

Verse 2
C If you don't treat her E7 right my friend
You're gonna Dm find her gone G7
C Cause I will treat her E7 right and then
You'll be the Dm lonely one G7

You're gonna C lose that girl Am
You're gonna Dm lose that G7 girl you're gonna Dm lose Bb
Eb I'll make a point of Ab takin' her away from Eb you
Eb The way you treat her Ab what else can I C# do

C E7 Dm G7 C E7 Dm G7

You're gonna C lose that girl Am
You're gonna Dm lose that G7 girl you're gonna Dm lose Bb
Eb I'll make a point of Ab takin' her away from Eb you
Eb The way you treat her Ab what else can I C# do

Verse 3
C If you don't take her E7 out tonight
She's gonna Dm change her mind G7
C And I will take her E7 out tonight
And I will Dm treat her kind G7

You're gonna C lose that girl Am
You're gonna Dm lose that G7 girl
You're gonna Dm lose Bb F that C girl

× × × × NC 3 C 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 Bb 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 3 Ab 1 1 1 C# 1 2 F

You’re So Vain [Am]Carly Simon

Intro Am

Verse 1
You Am walked into a party... like you were F walking onto a Am yacht
Your hat stratAmegically dipped below one eye... your F scarf it was apriAmcot
You had F one eye G in the Em mirror Am as
you F watched yourself gaCvote pause
And all the G girls dreamed that F they’d be your partner, they’d be your partner and

C You’re so vain... you F prob’ly think this song is aCbout you
You’re so Am vain
I F bet you think this song is aGbout you, don’t you, don’t you?

Verse 2
You Am had me several years ago... when F I was still quite naAmive
Well you Am said that we make such a pretty pair... and F that you would never Am leave
But you F gave aGway the Em things you Am loved and F one of them was C me pause
I had some G dreams there were F clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee and

C You’re so vain... you F prob’ly think this song is aCbout you
You’re so Am vain
I F bet you think this song is aGbout you, don’t you, don’t you?

Verse 3
Well I Am hear you went up to Saratoga... and F your horse naturally Am won
Then you Am flew your Lear Jet up to Nova Scotia... to see the F total eclipse of the Am sun
Well you’re F where you G should be Em all the Am time... and
F when you’re not you’re C with pause
Some underworld G spy, or the F wife of a close friend, wife of a close friend and

C You’re so vain... you F prob’ly think this song is aCbout you
You’re so Am vain
I F bet you think this song is aGbout you, don’t you, don’t you?

Am – single strum

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 3 C

You’re the One that I Want [Am]Grease

Intro Am

Verse 1
I got Am chills... they’re multiplying
And I’m F losing C control
Cos the E7 power... you’re suppAmlying
It’s electrifying ... ...

You better shape C up... cos I G need a man
Am And my heart is set on F you
You better shape C up... you better G understand
Am To my heart I must be F true
Nothing left, nothing left for me to do

You’re the C one that I want you are the one I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The C one that I want you are the one that I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The C one that I want you are the one that I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The one I G need... oh yes G7 indeed


Verse 2
Am If you’re Am filled... with affection
You’re too F shy to C convey
Meditate E7 in my Am direction
Feel your way ... ...

I better shape C up... cos you G need a man
Am Who can keep you F satisfied
I better shape C up... if I’m G gonna prove
Am That my faith is F justified
Are you sure? Yes I’m sure down deep inside

You’re the C one that I want you are the one I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The C one that I want you are the one that I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The C one that I want you are the one that I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The one I G need... oh yes G7 indeed

You’re the C one that I want you are the one I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The C one that I want you are the one that I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The C one that I want you are the one that I want Oo-oo-Foo honey
The one I G need... oh yes G7 indeed

You’re the C one that I want!

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7

You’ve Got A Friend [G]Carole King / James Taylor

Intro G C / G G A / B7

When you're Em down and B7 troubled
And you Em need a B7 helping Em hand Em7
And Am nothin’ Cmaj7 nothin’ is going G right G7
B7 Close your eyes and B7 think of me
And Em soon I B7 will be Em there Em7
To Am brighten up Bm even your darkest Am7 night D7

You just G call out my Gmaj7 name and you Cmaj7 know wherever I C am
I'll come G running Gmaj7 to see you a Cmaj7 gain
Am /Am7 D7
G Winter spring summer or Gmaj7 fall Cmaj7 all you have to do is call
Am And I'll G be there
Bm / Am Am7 you've got a G friend G

G C / G G A / B7

If the Em sky aB7bove you
Should turn Em dark and B7 full of Em clouds Em7
And that Am old north Cmaj7 wind begins to G blow G7
B7 Keep your head to B7 gether
And Em call my B7 name out Em loud
Am Soon you'll hear me Bm knocking at your Am7 D7 door

You just G call out my Gmaj7 name and you C know wherever
I Cmaj7 am I'll come Gmaj7 running
Gmaj7 to see you a Cmaj7 gain Am Am7 / D7
G Winter spring summer or Gmaj7 fall
Cmaj7 all you have to do is Am7 call And I'll Bm be there yes I Am will .

Now F ain't it good to know that C you've got a friend
When G people can be so Gmaj7 cold
They'll C hurt you yes and de F7sert you
And Em7 take your soul if you A let them
Oh but Cmaj7 don't you let them GM7 / D7

You just G call out my Gmaj7 name and you C know wherever I am
Cmaj7 I'll come G running running yeah yeah G to see you a Cmaj7 gain D7
G Winter spring summer or Gmaj7 fall C all you have to do is call
Am7 And I'll Bm be there Am yes I Am will you've got a G friend C
You've got a G friend
ain’t it C good to know you got a G friend C G

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 B7 1 2 3 Em 2 3 Em7 2 Am 2 Cmaj7 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Bm Am7 1 2 D7 1 1 1 Gmaj7 1 2 F 1 2 3 4 F7

Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile [Dm]

DmÓró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
CÓró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
DmÓró, sé do bheatha C'bhaile
AmAnois ar Ctheacht an Dmtsamhraidh.

Dm'Sé do bheatha, a bhean ba léanmhar,
CDo b' é ár gcreach thú bheith i ngéibheann,
DmDo dhúiche bhreá i seilbh Cméirleach,
Is tú Amdíolta Cleis na DmGallaibh.


DmTá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile,
CÓglaigh armtha léi mar gharda,
DmGaeil iad féin is ní Frainc ná CSpáinnigh,
Is Amcuirfidh siad Cruaig ar DmGhallaibh.


DmA bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeiceam,
CMura mbeam beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtain,
DmGráinne Mhaol agus míle Cgaiscíoch,
Ag Amfógairt Cfáin ar DmGhallaibh.


1 2 3 Dm 3 C 2 Am